Filik the cat.

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Filik the cat.

Help yourself

a story about a friendly cat

Actors-students from primary School nr 13, Olsztyn 

class 3a

Cute audience- children from the group Pszczółki-Bees

Filik the cat is very friendly, he likes milk very much.

First he wants to give milk to the hen. But she doesn't like milk.

Then Filik the cat want to give milk to the horse.

But he likes only the oat.

Filik meets the rabbit. But the rabbit prefers carrots!

The pigeon also doesn't like milk. He likes pea seeds.

The cow says that she likes green grass .

The sheep also doesn't like milk. She likes leaves.

Filik meets the butterfly. But he likes nectar of flowers.

What about the squirrel? She prefers nuts...

And finally Filik the cat meets the hedgehog. And he likes milk!

Filik the cat is very happy now !

We aslo like milk. We want to be healthy and strong!