files. Web viewI’m not looking for word count; I’m looking for succinct action...

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Transcript of files. Web viewI’m not looking for word count; I’m looking for succinct action...

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 1

Content Points Possible75

Points Earned60

Comments: Team, while there are some very strong sections and some useful research in this plan, there is also a great deal of inconsistency in the quality and depth of the content and writing. I’m concerned that this is phase three and the team does not yet seem to have reached a cohesive strategy, level of research, and writing. Perhaps you might create more opportunities to communicate together, discuss my feedback, application of theory questions, etc. Focus only on your green phone, not on Motorola’s other products or claims to fame. A new product introduction means you have to launch that product successfully based on the value it provides for consumers. It has the added challenge of having to get noticed by the target market among all the dozens of other competitive phones out there. You have to be more targeted, focused and creative. Research your topic BEFORE writing so you know what it is and how it needs to be applied. (E.g. What are marketing pricing strategies? There are many but only one or two will work together with your product vision. Be clear about what that is and why it will work and make sure it segues with your other MM elements, budget, etc.). Oliver has already called me about plan elements, writing the plan, etc., but I would also love to hear from Colette or Keyshon if there are any questions about approaches for success. My top suggestions would be to work more closely together on your product vision so you can synergistically create strategies that work, rather than unilaterally pasting sections together. I have confidence that you can do it! Some of my top plans have had very poor initial phases and teams have delivered straight-forward, targeted plans that really could prove successful for the

product. Work hard on the next few phases and review and revise the weak sections in the previous phases. You can do it! Wendi

All required elements for this week’s deliverable are present, fully developed and persuasive.

Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Week Three

Section 4. Fundamental Marketing Strategies

a. Clarify your primary and secondary (if applicable) target markets (using your week 2 research as the foundation Describe the target market(s) in specific terms using Section 3a above.

a. Choose a marketing strategy (research Ansoff Matrix) from either option 3 or 4 (see Syllabus instructions, pgs 5 and 6):1) Market Penetration2) Market Development3) Product

Development4) Diversification

b. Describe the differentiation and positioning strategy

c. Write the Position Statement

d. Describe the Competition strategy

e. Describe the Branding strategy

f. Product life cycle description and predictionReally good section on the LCA. See my suggestions on how to integrate it. Some with the PLC and use the rest for your product discussion.

Organization 30 28Elements are logically organized.

Plan is getting very long, team. Suggestion: When you write, use a one sentence introduction for each section, saying what you are going to do and then how/why, etc., you will do it. Wrap

with a one sentence summary stating success or risk factors. Go back and review some marketing plans online to see formatting/length, etc. I’m not looking for word count; I’m looking for succinct action planning (MM) that can be measured or information that supports those plans (like our R+STP sections).

Mechanics 20 15Followed APA formatting guidelines for references and credits.

Marketing plan is formatted to appear as a genuine business document.

Spelling, punctuation, grammar, word choice, sentence structure are all correct.

Still need to review APA formatting. Avoid point loss by checking APA.

Yes – but see note above. Getting too long. Should be shorter and simpler. Edit, edit, edit and don’t repeat.

Continue to team-edit to correct errors

TOTAL 125 103 83%

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

D. Colette Armour, Keyshon Bachus, & David Wray


Marylhurst University

Wendi Butler

March 10, 2013

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 2

Target Markets

In assessing potential markets for the Moto Green2, MUCH better!!! Now you OWN it!

Motorola further recognizes the definition of children to include the ages of 8 to 17 years of

age. As the target of tweeners (8-12 years of age) breaks further into the market, we are

presented with a unique opportunity to capitalize on properly educating the youth towards a more

sustainable future. Also included in our target market will be the parents of the stated

childrentargeted demographic (marketing language). The primary reason is placed on the fact

because many parents look to bundle packages with their children to ensure the best plans and

prices are available. [recommend streamlining and editing long sentences for clarity and brevity]

The specific breakdown for Motorola’s primary target market is 8 to 12 years of age, male

and female. The next addition to the primary target market is 13 to 17 years of age, both male

and female. Our secondary target market is the adults of the stated age group of children, these

individuals are male or female and their income has been shown to affect the probability if they

will purchase a cellular device for their child.

41% of households with $50,000 or less bought their child/children a cell phone compared to

62% of those who incomes were $100,000 or more (ORC International, 2012).

Motorola has selected the city of Denver as a launch or test-market city? [the implication

being that if successful, your will take it to the broader market, very common approach with

large companies] to target the selected market due to the ease of transportation, location in

relation to the surround cities and states, and the large amount of familial statistics that cater to

our target demographics. Much clearer section this time! I know exactly what the goal and aim

is now. The product is identified as unique, the target market is clarified, and we know where

we are going to launch! Continue on like this, ensuring that you use your learned marketing

terminology and professional tone.

Purchase Behaviors

The purchasing behaviors of parents/professionals in the target market follow the following

aspects (ORC International, 2012):

- The price of the phone

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 3

- The amount of minutes/texting offered with plans (contract vs. pre-paid)

- Ease of adding children to existing plans

- Quality of network

- Cost of texting and voice service

- Availability of mobile data with the handset

We have provided information to provide further insight to purchasing behaviors amongst our

target market (ORC International, 2012): Very nice data and graphs! Use this info when

devising your pricing strategy…

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 4

Other notable purchasing behaviors to reference and take into accounts are (Zameer et. Al,


- Brand name of phone Here it gets interesting. Kids don’t really care or know what green

is, but if you can be creative, you can not only create a cult following for the phone, but teach

them all about green at the same time. You’ll need something that kids like, but you have to

reach a bunch of different ages (and we know that kids tastes/preferences change constantly).

When you get to Product and Promotion planning, think about using the magic of the web,

cooperative marketing (movies/cartoon characters, etc.) to allow some sort of product

customization OR collaboration with another entity(es) that kid like, so that you add some value

that will attract the kids to ask their parents for the phone…(they are the purchase drivers).

- Source of information (newspaper, TV, internet, mobile phone retailer, other)

- Help in making the decision (family, friends, media, other)

- Specifications of the phone (weight, functionality, promotions, styles, quality, brand

image) Strong section here!

By carefully monitoring additional purchasing behaviors, we align our target market with those

of the general population. If the market trends are beginning to gravitate towards certain aspects,

Motorola is well equipped and prepared to adjust our positioning to effectively appeal to our

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 5

target. The most important aspect of the purchasing behavior and buying decision is the

competency and drive of the salesperson distributing the Moto Green2. Motorola needs to attract

and retain customers by providing consistent, reliable, and easy-to-use services. Monitoring

consumer purchase behaviors is the most efficient way to grow with our customers as their

expectations change throughout or relationship. Yes – M is expert in its sales model, however,

remember you are now targeting kids – different ball game and you’ll need to reach them

somehow. I look forward to how creative you can be with your MM tactics!

Marketing Strategy

Motorola will utilize a product development strategy, as the Moto Green2 will be

introduced as the new green phone that will be distributed with our existing customers, with the

addition of the 8 – 12 year old age group. Embracing new product development, we are able to

remain ahead of the competition while addressing the changing needs of our customers. More

importantly we are able to explore new marketing channels, (watch punctuation throughout

remainder of document) ultimately increasing market share. Given the variety of product

development strategies, Motorola will approach two specific aspects with full force: customer

need and technology (Richards, n.d.).

As a basic strategy, customer needs will be the primary focus, as our consumers will set the

tone for all changes and modifications with the Moto Green2. Building upon the ideals of the

Moto W233 Renew, our first “Green” phone, the Moto Green2 will cohesively work to expand

the capabilities of its predeceasing predecessor? phone and provide customers with the most up-

to-date technological aspectsfeatures? that combat any close competitors. Being able to follow

Disagree; must lead/innovate in this industry (see iPhone/Android/BB) technology is critical to

our success. As most demands will adhere to the rise and fall of technology, so must our

dedication and commitment to addressing all advantages and disadvantages presented with such

changes. As a collective overview, our product development recognizes we are selling additional

products to the same target, but incorporating different tools marketing mix strategies to

maximize acceptance,

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning


increase educational aspects, and ensure new customer clientele while retaining present

customers by (Mind Tools, n.d.): Check – did you mean to put this here? If so, clarify as this

section is confusing… I was confused over why this was here but now I see it is your running

head! Please use Headers and Footers for these so they don’t float all over the page. Go to

Word / Insert / Header and put it in there. That way the reader doesn’t have to stumble over a

title in the text. When you put together your final document, you’ll put in your company name

and Marketing Plan 2013 (or something similar). Don’t forget page numbers.

- Offering new variant of an existing product and continuing to improve upon current

packaging methods

- Shortening time of the product to reach the market+ always a smart move for a tech

company! and improving customer service and quality when we look at positioning variables for

phones – would features or quality matter most?.

DifferentiationWhat makes our Moto Green2 brand so unique from other cell phones is that we are the

only? (terms like “the most,” “The only,” “The first,” are differentiating terms. Use them here if

you can prove them. made from 100% recycled plastic water bottles. Love it! Starting with the

raw ingredients plastic bottles collected from recycling centers, our circuit boards do not contain

lead solder; ++and all of the aluminum and copper used to complete the circuits and antennae are

also collected from recycling centers. SM LCA choices? This makes the Moto Green2 have the

lowest Carbon carbon footprint of any electronic device in the world. For transparency and

metrics (sustainable principles), can you show this using the SM LCA tool? You were to create

a project, benchmark a phone and then select new materials that show a lower carbon impact.

Actually it all begins with customers like you that have incorporated recycling in your life.

Description of MotoGreen2 versus LG Straight Talk

Innovation has allowed us to manufacture a cell phone that is not expensive and is a cell phone

for school age children or adults. The Moto Green2 is made from low-impact materials- made

from recycled plastic water bottles and has pre-paid postage for recycling of old phones no

matter what brand or type. greatThe Moto Green2 is made from six components - no lead in

circuit board, copper, molding made from aluminum with an aluminum antenna that is from

recycling centers. The Moto Green2 has an effective distribution plan where we use recyclable

packaging. ++We have a low impact use by having a reduction of H2O used in processing. And

we use diesel fueled ?

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning


trucks in the transportation of raw materials and finished product to warehouses

(Sustainable Minds, 2013). Use header/footer

Position Statement First step: Research positioning statements

It is the position of the not what positioning means (see DQ)Motorola Company that in

going forward with the plans of the Moto Green2, that we appeal to the psychological needs of

the tweener, as well as the protective instinct of the parents. Since we are marketing a

segmented audience who does not have disposable income, we must also petition to those who

are purchasing. Given that we are targeting both groups, it is imperative that we entice them

with as much readily available and up-to-date information as possible. This includes stringent,

yet enlightening, advertisement and push of our 100% recyclable product; the further

information that the production process awkward wording does not (at any time) emit harmful

gases or radiations into the environment; and the “hipness” There are important parameters here:

hipness, environmental, economical (imagine the perceptual mapping of these factors). Now

how can we create a short paragraph that describes how we hope the customer(s) will think of

our product? See below for positioning statements formula – you’ll have the parents (with

different perceptual mapping values (safety, economy, env, etc.) and the kids’. of the phone’s

technology (Motorola Solutions, 2013). Although it is a terrific economical buy, neither parent

nor tweener will lose points in keeping on top of the newest technology and features offered on

any other phone, both those of our own lines and those of our major market competitors.

Not only is it imperative for the Moto Green2 to be 100% recyclable and not produce

harmful gases, but it is also a phone that is entering into the next phase of technology. It offers

all of the features that “traditional” non-recyclable phones offer, with a state-of-the-art tracking

device and blocking technology for parents’ peace of mind (Motorola Solutions, 2013). This last

paragraph is clearer. Positioning statements look a bit simpler than this. Actually, you really

have two opportunities to position: one to parents and one to kids. They usually describe the

benefit to the target market. Often, marketers use a formula like this:

For the (target customer) that (needs / or thing he/she cares about), Motorola’s Moto

Green2 is a (category or the solution) that (benefit ) in a way that (other competitors) can’t/won’t

are unable to.

So: For the woman who has everything, Gilt offers an exclusive shopping paradise with

curated luxury products from around the world unlike those found at any of the other shopping

club websites.

This positioning statement follows the form and describes what is unique. You might

have one of these for your kids and one for the adults because their needs are completely

different. This helps you position the phone for your target market and for your promotion/MM.

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 8

When the customer base thinks of our product, Motorola wants them to see a new,

innovative phone that can text, dial, and surf while assisting in our need to leave a cleaner

tomorrow at the end of its lifecycle (Motorola Solutions, 2013). By presenting the Moto Green2

as a breakthrough technology, we may also gain the techies who glean on the newest

technologies available, while not abandoning our first and most important consumer base, which

are the tweeners and the parents of this demographic.

In comparing the Moto Green2 versus the other cell phones which has an all-aluminum

phone (Mike, 2012), the Moto Green2 is the world’s only green phone. Our customers are the

people who are environmentally aware of how to be sustainable by recycling items they own and

recycling packaging those products come in. They are also those people that are concerned about

the safety of their children as they need a phone that has reliable service, and they demand a

phone that will not bust their budgets. The Moto Green2 operates on a higher frequency and can

be used anywhere in the world and operates on telecommunication technology that has made

Motorola a leader in telecommunications. And is lightweight, weighing only 2.5 ounces, which

makes it to date, the lightest cellular phone in the world. The Moto Green2 is affordable (about

$10.00 per phone), rugged, very reliable, and environmentally friendly.Good info; see if you can

condense a bit. Edit out all redundant statements.

Competitive Strategy I’m still not very clear what your comp strategy is? What decisions

are you going to make that will ensure your product is competitive? (maybe do some more

research on this).

Properly strategizing to have good ground against the competition is imperative for a new

product. This includes the positioning of the product in retailers; the shelf life of the product

upon entering the store; and the lifecycle of the product, from introduction to decline

(Marketing Teacher Ltd, 2012). ? Take the basic theory and apply it. You shouldn’t be citing

theory here – positioning is common knowledge unless they are quotes or paraphrases, which

you should not be using. These things are the makeup of fierce competition,? (Usually the

“makeup of fierce competition” is a lower price or higher quality product and aggressive sales!

Be careful that your word selection conveys the meaning that you intend). and overlooking any

aspects can cost the Motorola Company the edge on the Moto Green2. Not taking proper care

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 9

and introducing and promoting the product can move it from introduction to decline in its first

quarter on the market (Marketing Teacher Ltd, 2012).? See Announcement – Marketing Plan

Tips and previous comments on plan.

Branding strategy

Parents, and pre-teens, are the customers who are demanding the newest technology in

telecommunications, and Motorola is here to supply them. We are one of the oldest brands in

telecommunications and we have been supplying government, educational facilities, and

everyday customers globally for eighty years (Jain, 2011). Yes-gives you a brand advantage

(brand recognition) . We invented the first portable cell phone, headset, and the creation of many

current platforms cell phones use today. What is the strategy part? (What you are going to do to

brand your new phone?) Motorola plans on remaining a leader in telecommunication as we

satisfy our customer’s needs. Is the plan about the green phone or M in general? Focus only on

the green phone…

How will you brand the new green phone? What is the specific green phone brand

promise? See the Marcus lectures, text chapter on branding/ any other research on branding

strategies. What visual image will let kids know that your phone is different from others out

there? Is there a new brand slogan to represent a green phone targeted at kids and parents? (See

Nike swoosh and Nike “just do it.” ) Here is a good article on branding:

The LifeCycle Re-visit

As studied during week three of the Sustainable Marketing course, Please, Team!

See Page 5 of Phase Two where I commented on this. Would an executive want to read about

your marketing course? Are any of you editing and advising on each other’s sections? (See

Syllabus – Marketing Plan Project & Announcements/Marketing Plan). This project is meant to

be a REAL marketing plan simulation. If any of you don’t understand this or have difficulty

understanding how to proceed , I have encouraged you to call (503-867-2526) Send me an email

to set up a time . The marketing class is a seminal class in an MBA program. Marketing is the

engine that drives commerce for a company. A company MUST make money to survive, even a

green one. I’ll need to see that you are all taking this a little more seriously, or I’m afraid final

evaluations of your marketing plan won’t go as well as you would desire. I want to assess a

professional Team product, and that sentence above and weak applied learning shows me that

this is not shaping up as well as it ought.

the lifecycle of a product is important to both the company which markets the product

and to those vendors who may have a competitive product. The base of a product starts with the

introduction of the said product into the mainstream (Urban Environmental Management, 2013).

If two products that are similar are being introduced, one needs a competitive edge to make it the

preferred product of consumers.This is teaching, not applying. Simply say (brief description)

what you anticipate will happen (customer response, revenue, product sales) and the marketing

actions you might have to take over the life of the PLC. See our DQ last week for the learning.

Start hereWith Motorola, the Moto Green2 green features and overall appearance are

essential to the LC of the product and will give it the competitive edge to make it the preferred

product of consumers. . good Outside of the Moto Green2 offering realistic monitoring and

tracking features, it can assist the next generation of green phones, as it is recyclable upon the

end of its usable life (, 2012). With this being the only phone that is recyclable on


MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 10

market, it offers Motorola a competitive edge on the major markets like Samsung and Apple

products. Some of this is redundant and can be edited to be shorter. Did you want to talk about

the introductory stage?

The Moto Green2 is the only phone made from 100% plastic bottles. But Motorola did

not stop there in the production of this phone. The metals used in this phone are from

recycling centers (recycled aluminum, and copper) and by using recycled metals; we

further decreased our carbon footprint in the usage of raw materials (Sustainable Minds,

2013). The impacts per functional unit are 0.074 mPts (Multi Protocol Transport Services)

per 1 year of use. Total amount of service delivered during the lifetime of the product

29200 x 1 year of use. The average amount of time a cellular phone is used per day is 8

hours x 3650 = 29,200 hours per year. The impact of total service delivered is 2.2x103 mPts

(Sustainable Minds, 2013). The greatest impact of this device is in the category of

Ecotoxicity = 64.09%, human carcinogens and toxicity both at 17%, fossil fuel usage=

0.05%, and global warming = 0.22%.This is all good info – I’m really pleased to see that you

leveraged it from SM. A couple of considerations: Not sure this is the best place to put it. The

PLC should be recounting what general strategies you will deploy over the lifespan of the

product. It is a short assessment of what you can expect consumers and revenues to behave like

over the stages. The LCA is tied into it since you have a green R&D /introduction (which you

can mention) and a decline stage where you would want to describe disposal at end of life (or

new revenue stream if there is something you can sell/recycle). The SM LCA data can be

printed into a graphic which is nicer to look at in the plan. You can then just explain beneath

what the reader is looking at (advantages, etc.). Try not to use as much text if a graphic or

picture can suffice. The best place for this info would be to support competitive differentiation

and also as a key part of your Product / Customer Solution discussion which describes the

product, how it is made, packaging, warranty, etc.

Strategies for Success This section very strong. Work to bring plan up to this style of writing.

The success of the Motorola’s Moto Green2 will be identified as the position of a market

leader. Good; nice strong statement right out of the gate! With our leadership, we must maintain

this level of expertise in our field by working diligently to stay ahead of the competition

(Motorola Solutions, 2013). We can do so by presenting the next great piece of technology

before there is a stated need. Excellent! The plan needs this level of writing and development

throughout. Here, with the Moto Green2, we have taken the sciences of the best Android

equipment and combined them with technological this! This science has left us

ahead of our competition, therefore, giving us time to continue work on a second generation

Moto Green2. This will present more advanced

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 11

technologies, higher speeds, and a more advanced tracking device for our tween/parent

demographic (Motorola Solutions, 2013).

Besides our leadership position above other ferocious competitors, we also have the

opportunity to market flank. Someone’s been doing some research! Market flanking is simply

taking our approach and product global. Since we have already penetrated the international

mainstream market, we will hone our marketing skills to appeal to those consumers, from Europe

to China (Motorola Solutions, 2013).

Motorola Mobile has once again demonstrated innovation that is reliable and affordable

for all the masses, all without making a significant Carbon footprint. We predict to outperform

and out last our competition with the Moto Green2 as a basic cell phone. As other cellular

phone manufacture’s crank out phones that will look like boring clones of each other, Moto

Green2 design will be simple and chic in an eye appeasing green, perfect for our sustainable

image (Olson, 2013). Suggestion: consider the esteem/belonging needs of the primary target

audience. Parents might like the green, chic phone, but will kids? Take the next step and be

creative and innovative in appealing to this generation in some way…Cut through the noise of

phones and stand outside the box – this is your opportunity to be a creative marketer! And with

Google’s purchase of Motorola which occurred in 2011, other struggling phone companies will

have to follow suit and seek assistance from Microsoft and other large software companies just

to stay in the market (Olson, 2013). Google and smaller app developers are collecting nuanced

details like location data and address-book info, and across a wider breadth of people; more than

a billion in the case of Facebook (Olson, 2013).

MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 12

References Not in APA style.

ORC International. (2012, 07 10). Retrieved 03 06, 2013, from Parent, Tweeners and cell

phones: (2012). Retrieved 03 07, 2013, from Coporate Profile:

Marketing Teacher LTD. (2013). Retrieved 03 09, 2013, from The Product Life (plc):

Motorola Solutions. (2013). Retrieved 03 09, 2013, from Technology Leadership:

Sustainable (2013, 03 03). Retrieved 03 09, 2013, from

Urban Environmental Management. (2013). Retrieved 03 07, 2013, from Defining Life Cycle


APA pleaseJain, R. (2011, 04 11). Retrieved 03 08, 2013, from Android

Supercharged: Google To Aquire Motorola Mobility For $12.2 Billion:


Mike. (2012, 05 17). Retrieved 03 09, 2013, from 3 Surprisingly Rugged

Mobile Phones:


MOTOROLA MOBILITY: Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 13


Mind Tools. (n.d.). Retrieved 03 07, 2013, from The Ansoff Matrix:

Olson, P. (2013, 01 02). 10 Predictions For The Mobil Industry In 2013. Retrieved 03 09,

2013, from


Richards, L. (n.d). Examples of product developement strategy. Retrieved 06 2013, 03, from


Zameer, H. (2012, 03). Retrieved 03 09, 2013, from Mobile Phone Buying

behavior of Consumers; a comparitive study of Rural and Urban Consumers in

