Fighting the Algae War with UV Clarifiers, Ionization, Water Treatments &...

Post on 26-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Fighting the Algae War with UV Clarifiers, Ionization, Water Treatments &...

Fighting the Algae War with UV Clarifiers, Ionization,

Water Treatments & Plants


The goal of today’s seminar is to help improve our understanding of currently available products in the

market and how to best use them.

Every situation has multiple possibilities and all products have a application where they can be the

best choice.


Why do we choose to use a particular product?

• Appearance

• Reliability

• Experience

• Efficiency

• Maintenance

• Cost

What is Algae?

Planktonic Algae is a free

floating single cell algae that in

large numbers create “Green


Filamentous Algae is

commonly known as string

algae or blanket weed. In most

ponds this will grow on rocks

and water falls.

How does Algae grow?


What are the options?

• Mechanical Filtration

• Biological Filtration

• Chemical Filtration

• Ultraviolet Clarifiers

• Ion Generators

• Water Treatments

• Plants

• Water Dyes

Mechanical Filtration

• Gravity Filters • Pressure Filters • Skimmer Filters • Waterfall Filters • Sand Filters

Common names for different types of Mechanical Filters

• Bead Filters • Cartridge Filters • Bog Filters • Box Filters • In-Line Filters

Biological Filtration

• Naturally occurring beneficial bacteria convert nitrites and ammonia, which are normal by-products of a pond, into less toxic nitrates. This process is known as the Nitrogen Cycle, and in order for it to occur, there must be an oxygen-rich area for these bacteria to grow.

Nitrogen Cycle

• Establishing a healthy Biological Filter can take between 4-6 weeks. During that time ammonia and nitrites levels can spike and be hazardous to fish. Water changes and aeration can be used to reduce the severity of the spikes.

Ultraviolet Clarifiers

Ultraviolet Clarifiers

• Ultraviolet Clarifiers use ultraviolet light in the UV-C wavelength to damage microorganisms at the cellular level and are very effective at controlling suspended single cell algae in a pond. Once the algae has been treated by the clarifier it will clump together with other algae (flocculate) and be captured by a filter or settle in the pond.

Ultraviolet Light

• UVA is responsible for skin tanning and aging. – Ninety-five percent of solar UV energy reaching the equator are UVA.

• UVB damages DNA and causes tissue damage and sunburn. – UVB accounts for almost 5% of solar UV energy reaching the equator.

• UVC is the most toxic waveband, but most of it is absorbed by the atmosphere.

– UVC is germicidal. 254nm is the ideal wavelength for ponds.

How Big is a Micron?

Types of UVC’s

In-Line Integrated

Ultraviolet Clarifier Installation

• Follow the manufacturer’s installation and operation guidelines.

– The UVC will not perform properly if the maximum flow rate is exceeded.

– The UVC can be damaged if the maximum operating pressure is exceeded.

UVC Maintenance

• Check the Quartz Crystal sleeve periodically and clean as necessary. Be very careful not to damage the crystal, they can be very fragile.

• Replace UVC lamps at the manufacturers recommended hour ratings. Most lamps in the water garden industry are rated at 9,000 hours (1 year = 8760 hours)

Ion Generators

Ionizer Components

Ionizer Anodes

Ionizer Controller

CLEAR-VIEW Tee Fitting

Ion Generators

• WHAT IS IONIZATION? Ionization is the process of an atom gaining or losing electrons. Ionizers generate copper (and silver) ions in minute quantities which are used to destroy algae (and bacteria)


A safe low level electric current is passed through a pair of anodes installed in the water system. As the water passes through the ionizer chamber, metallic ions are generated and pass into the water. Algae is destroyed by copper, and bacteria is destroyed by silver and zinc. The charged particles then clump together (flocculate) and are captured by a filter or settle in the pond.


Yes, copper is a part of our recommended minimum daily requirements. EPA standard for drinking water is 1.3 ppm, .3ppm is needed to keep a water feature algae free.

How Does an Ionizer Work?

Ionizer Installation

Whenever possible the Ionizer should be placed after the filter. This will help keep the anodes clean and make the ionizer as efficient as possible.

Ionizer Operation & Maintenance

• Keep Copper levels between 0.2 ppm and 0.4 ppm

• Keep Total Alkalinity between 80 ppm and 120 ppm

• Test once a week until proper levels are reached and


• Inspect anodes once a year and replace when they are

reduced to less than 20% of the original size

Ionizer Applications

• Pondless Water Features - Ionizers are a perfect application for Pondless Water Falls and Water Features. An Ionizer will eliminate string algae and reduce or eliminate the need for water treatments.

• Ponds and Water Gardens – When used along with filtration an Ionizer will dramatically reduce maintenance and the need for water treatments.

Water Treatments

Water Treatments

• Algaecides

• Beneficial Bacteria

• Enzymes

• Barley Products

• String Algae Removers

• Sludge Removers

• Dechlorinators

• pH Buffers

• pH Up / Down

• Foam Removers

• Flocculants

• Dyes



• Plants consume nutrients and block sunlight which help

reduce the growth of algae

• Find plants that are available and suited for your area

• Use a mix of marginals, floaters, bog, lilies and submerged plants

Fighting the Algae War

• Follow the water

• Match the system to the need

• Match the system to the budget

• Match the customer to system

Thank You