Figaro: Why Online Retailers Need to Start Engaging

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Figaro: Why Online Retailers Need to Start Engaging


Why Online Retailers Need to Start Engaging


What is ‘engagement’?



the act of engaging or the state of being engaged.


verb (used with object), engaged, engaging. occupy the attention or efforts of (a

person or persons)



Where do we start?


“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak”




Customer data

Google Analytics


Social listening tools

Social platform analytics

Market research/

Industry data

What does your online audience look like?



News sites

Social Media


Review sites


Where do they ‘hang out’ online?


What are they already engaging with?


Build your online personasEmma, 24

Shares video content regularly, also has own

personal blog

Most likely to read sites such as Buzzfeed

Main social channels are Snapchat and


Mark, 36

Shares quizzes and picture content fairly

regularly on Facebook

Most likely to read traditional news outlets

Main social channels are Facebook and


Bob, 58

Less likely to share but spends a long time on informational content

Most likely to read broadsheets

Not a big social user


Stories not Content


Inform or Entertain



What makes something engaging? What makes me want to act or share?

Inspire me…Excite me…

Entertain me…Inform me…






A quick note on mobile…





Laura Crimmons

Head of PR & Social
