FIA Organisation John Domingue Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK Internet of...

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FIA Organisation

John DomingueKnowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK

Internet of Services Collaboration meeting for FP6 & FP7 projectsBrussels, 23rd September, 2008

FIA Prague

• 11th-13th May 2009, Hotel Clarion in Prague

• First day political (Bled)• 2 days of technical workshops (Madrid)

• Associated high value scientific publication (for Europe)– Deadline 13th October

FIA Madrid Cross-domain WGs


• Finalising list of participating projects

• Input discussion papers• Preparing for FIRE experimental facilities use case – 15 minutes in madrid session– 21st November deadline for initial proposal

Current Support and Timeline

• Wiki at• “Events in Preparation” -> “FIA Madrid”• Email list• Monthly telecon• Email to join• Events

– Future Internet Symposium, Vienna, 28-30 September

– Networking session at ICT Event in Lyon 25-27 November “585 Towards a Future Internet of Services”

– FIA Madrid 9-10 December (and ServiceWave)

Pre Madrid Discussion Paper

• 2-3 pages• Title• Project Name and contact details• Statement (viewpoint) on Sessions• Post madrid Contribution to Session Topic Area

– What– Who with (projects)– Collaboration Process– Deadlines– Success measures

• Email to or place on Wiki at

PlanetLab Overlay Network850 nodes at

420 sites 30+ countries

Same base code

Fortnightly telcons

FIRE Use Case Template (1/3)

• [Available on Wiki]

• Executive summary

• Targeted users– A list of primary actors – A list of supporting actors– Stakeholders and their interests

FIRE Use Case Template (2/3)

• Description– Interfacing with the user– Platform set up

• Pre-conditions or assumptions • Trigger • Steps • Non-functional requirements

– Results acquisition• Post-conditions • Success and failure end condition • Minimal Guarantee

– Charging

FIRE Use Case Template (3/3)

• Expected impact– Research on the Future Internet– The market– Evolution of an independent entity

Summary Action Plan

• ICT Event in Lyon 25-27 November• Project Input for FIA Madrid Session by 17th November– Email or place on

• Proposal for FIRE Experimental Facilities Use Case– Template and examples up at

Service Related Sessions

• Future Internet Service Offer– Stefano de Panfilis and John Domingue

• Identity and Trust in the Future Internet– Zeta Dooly, Nick Wainwright

• Management and Governance– Alex Galis

• SocioEconomics – Mike Boniface

• All Email Addresses–