Fertilizer Fertilizer inputs tended to be highest in the middle portions of the watershed, where...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Fertilizer Fertilizer inputs tended to be highest in the middle portions of the watershed, where...


• Fertilizer inputs tended to be highest in the middle portions of the watershed, where crop production was highest.

•Import of both N and P followed a pattern opposite that of fertilizer: sub-watersheds with the lowest imports led in crop production•Net food and feed imports were highest in all years in the upper reaches of the watershed (Upper Oconee and Upper Ocmulgee)

•The Upper Ocmulgee, site of a substantial portion of Atlanta and its suburbs, saw a dramatic increase in human consumption. •In contrast, net food and feed import in the Upper Oconee was dominated by increased animal consumption.

Food and feed import


Sylvia C. Schaefer and Merryl AlberDepartment of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

We thank Beth Boyer for advice on calculating nutrient inputs, Karen Payne for assistance with GIS, and Tim Hollibaugh for useful discussions and being completely awesome. Funding was provided by the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project (NSF Award OCE 99-82133) and the Environmental Protection Agency (STAR Grant #R830882).

• Increases in watershed nutrient loading took place in the early portion of the study period. These results are driven largely by the change in fertilizer input, which decreased by half or more between 1977 (the high point) and 2001. The overall increase in fertilizer use coincided with a decline in agricultural land—both crop and pastureland—in the watershed. It is likely that there has been an increase in the amount of fertilizer used per unit area, possibly due to changes in growing techniques.

• The relative importance of different sources of nitrogen has shifted over time. Biological N fixation by crops was the most important source of new N to the Altamaha watershed in the 1950s, but was replaced by increasing inputs of fertilizer N and then by increases in net food and feed import. There is less and less cropland producing food and feed for the growing populations of both animals and people in the Altamaha, resulting in the need to import those nutrients from outside the watershed.

• Current phosphorus inputs are not substantially above those of the 1950s, suggesting that nitrogen inputs are a more pressing concern in the watershed. To reduce nitrogen, attention should focus on fertilizer in the middle portion of the watershed, animal agriculture in the Upper Oconee, and urban and suburban sources (wastewater treatment plants and septic tanks) in the Upper Ocmulgee.

• Whether or not further increases in nutrient inputs take place in the watershed of the Altamaha River will depend on trends in agriculture and human populations. Populations of both humans and animals are likely to continue to increase, and the production of food and feed to sustain those populations may also have to intensify. Thus, further increases in nutrient inputs to the watershed can be expected.

The watershed of the Altamaha River, Georgia, is one of the largest in the southeastern U.S., draining 36,718 km2 (including parts of metro Atlanta). We calculated both nitrogen (fertilizer, net food and feed import, atmospheric deposition, and biological N fixation in agricultural and forest lands) and phosphorus (fertilizer and net food and feed import) inputs to the watershed for 6 time points between 1954 and 2002. Total N inputs rose from 1,943 kg N km-2 yr-1 in 1954 to a peak of 3,584 kg N km-2 yr-1 in 1982 and then declined again to 2,566 kg N km-2 yr-1 by 2002. Phosphorus inputs rose from 408 kg P km-2 yr-1 in 1954 to 531 kg P km-2 yr-1 in 1974 before also declining again, to 410 kg P km-2 yr-1 in 2002. These changes were primarily driven by agricultural inputs and were dominated by changes in fertilizer use. Fertilizer tended to be the most important input of both N and P to the watershed, although net food and feed import increased in importance over time and was the dominant source of N input by 2002. When considered on an individual basis, fertilizer input tended to be highest in the middle portions of the watershed (Little and Lower Ocmulgee and Lower Oconee sub-basins) whereas net food and feed imports were highest in the upper reaches (Upper Oconee and Upper Ocmulgee sub-basins). Although the overall trend in recent years has been towards decreases in both N and P inputs, these trends may be offset due to continuing increases in animal and human populations.

Altamaha River, GA• Formed by the confluence of the Oconee and Ocmulgee Rivers• One of the largest watersheds on the east coast of the United States (36,718 km2), and

includes parts of metro Atlanta

• Total nutrient inputs were fairly evenly distributed among sub-basins in 1954. Over time, differences among sub-watersheds increased, primarily due to changes in human population and agricultural practices.

• Most sub-basins followed the overall trend of a peak in N inputs in 1982 as compared to 1954 and then either held constant or declined by 2002. P inputs to most sub-basins peaked in 1974 and then decreased to levels below those of 1954.

• The atomic N:P ratio of inputs to the watershed was generally lower than the Redfield Ratio of 16:1, suggesting N limitation. However, P inputs remained relatively constant while N inputs increased. As a consequence, the N:P ratio of inputs increased from 10.5 to 13.8 (with a peak of 18.3 in 1982). The Lower Oconee and Upper Ocmulgee tended to have higher N:P ratios than other sub-basins.

• Nitrogen inputs to the Altamaha watershed showed an overall increase between 1954 and 2002. Inputs of N were actually highest in 1982 and then declined by 2002. Total phosphorus inputs showed an increase between 1954 and 1974. By 2002, however, P inputs had decreased to near-1954 levels.

• Fertilizer tended to be the most important input of both N and P to the watershed during most years, and hence was also the primary driver of change in the overall budget. However, net food and feed import has become more important over time.











1954 1964 1974 1982 1992 2002

kg N


-2 y


Non-food crop exportNet food and feed importFertilizer inputsBiological N fixation in agricultural landsBiological N fixation in forest landsNet atmospheric N deposition









1954 1964 1974 1982 1992 2002

kg P


-2 y


Non-food crop export

Net Food and Feed Import

Fertilizer Input

Fertilizer• N and P content of fertilizer was based on county-specific sales, weighted by the proportion

of each county located within the watershed. Data source: USGS

Net Food and Feed Import• Net Food and Feed Import is the difference between total consumption (human + animal)

and total production (crop + animal).• Animal and crop data source: U.S. Census of Agriculture• Human population data source: U.S. Bureau of the Census

Atmospheric N Deposition• 1982, 1992, 2002 inorganic deposition was calculated by interpolating from National

Atmospheric Deposition Program (wet) and Clean Air Status and Trends Network (dry) stations.

• 1954, 1964, 1974 deposition was hindcast using EPA estimates of nationwide emissions.• Organic N deposition was estimated as 30% of total deposition (Neff et al. 2002); following

SCOPE, half was assumed to be new input.• 25% of N volatilization from manure (calculated from animal populations) and fertilizer

(calculated from fertilizer sales) was assumed to be exported

Biological N Fixation• Crop N fixation: U.S. Census of Agriculture county totals were weighted by proportion of

county inside watershed; estimates multiplied by published N fixation rates.• Forest N fixation: calculated from U.S. Forest Service Forest Inventory and land cover data,

multiplied by N fixation rates following SCOPE.• Biological N fixation by kudzu, an invasive leguminous vine common in the southeastern

U.S., was not included in these budgets but could potentially represent a significant additional N input.

Non-food Crop Export• N and P production in cotton and tobacco was assumed to be exported from the watershed

and subtracted from total inputs







1954 1959 1964 1969 1974 1978 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002

km2 (





Non-cropland pastureCropland used only for pastureCropland not harvested and not pasturedHarvested cropland

Fertilizer• Sales of both N and P fertilizer

increased between 1954 and 1977 and then declined again by 2001

Net food and feed import








1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000








Upper OcmulgeeUpper OconeeLower OcmulgeeLittle OcmulgeeLower OconeeOhoopeeLower Altamaha

Net atmospheric N deposition• Total atmospheric nitrogen deposition rose most dramatically between 1954 and 1974,

after which it increased only slightly. • Net atmospheric N deposition increased between 1954 and 1974, but then decreased

again by 2002 due to increases in volatilization from animal manure

Biological N fixation• Declined between 1954 and 2002, with high in 1982. • Patterns primarily driven by changes in N fixation by crops• Total N fixation in forestland decreased overall between 1974 and 2002

Non-food crop export• Generally quite small, but unusually high values in 1964 due to extremely high tobacco


• The increase in net N and P import is the result of increasing human population and a concurrent decrease in crop production due to declines in agricultural lands

• Shifts in animal population were also a factor, albeit a smaller one

Total N and P inputs to the watershed Distribution of nutrient inputs

CroplandHuman population







1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

kg k



Alexander & Smith 1990Battaglin & Goolsby 1994Ruddy et al. 2006


1954 1964 1974 1982 1992 2002

Net atmospheric N deposition 251 335 532 461 535 401

Biological N fixation 734 601 797 1007 657 496

Non-food crop export (N) (31) (382) (22) (7) (21) (41)

Non-food crop export (P) (4) (49) (1) (1) (3) (5)

Other sources

1954 1964 1974 1982 1992 2002

Upper Oconee 220 204 395 153 279 (57)

Lower Oconee 270 386 586 578 649 635

Upper Ocmulgee 257 366 587 566 601 546

Lower Ocmulgee 244 350 539 523 582 461

Little Ocmulgee 243 358 545 523 619 623

Ohoopee 263 368 560 509 579 451

Lower Altamaha 278 383 561 499 559 369

Atmospheric N deposition

1954 1964 1974 1982 1992 2002

Upper Oconee 882 768 959 879 744 713

Lower Oconee 652 504 722 995 564 396

Upper Ocmulgee 804 697 694 655 491 432

Lower Ocmulgee 826 798 1,088 1,489 867 514

Little Ocmulgee 751 426 808 1,331 605 451

Ohoopee 665 444 798 1,351 819 499

Lower Altamaha 417 266 446 745 504 349

Biological N fixation

Nitrogen Inputs Phosphorus Inputs

Fertilizer Fertilizer

Net Food and Feed Import Net Food and Feed Import

Atmospheric deposition

Biological fixation

Other sources

(Based on methodology of SCOPE Nitrogen Project, Boyer et al. 2002)

• MATLAB-based program to simplify budget calculations

• Updated 2007 budgets

• Evaluate relationships between NO3- isotope composition in riverine export and

watershed inputs for the east coast

• Use NO3- isotopes to provide insight into N sources and transformations within the

Altamaha River watershed

• Paired measurements of denitrification in the Altamaha and a comparable northeastern watershed





Abstract Results: Temporal Trends Results: Spatial Trends

Ongoing Work