Ferreras 2011 - The Plants of El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

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Presentation on the plants of El Nido, Palawan, Philippines by experienced field botanist Ulysses Ferreras last December 3, 2011 in Miniloc Island Resort, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines.The presentation features the common, interesting, and/or endemic plants of El Nido.

Transcript of Ferreras 2011 - The Plants of El Nido, Palawan, Philippines


Ulysses F. FerrerasField Botanist

Some important terms to remember:

• ENDEMIC - plants confined to the Philippines or with a restricted local distribution.

- INDIGENOUS - plants native to the Philippines but could also be found naturally in neighboring countries.

- NATURALIZED - exotic plants introduced but escaped cultivation.

Plant Diversity in the Philippines

There are 8,000 flowering plants in the Philippines.

40% are considered ENDEMIC and can only be found in the country.

There are only only 2-3% “virgin forest”Left in the country.

Philippines is considered to be the hottest Biodiversity Hotspot in the world.


Most plants found in Palawan are similar to plants of Borneo.

This is because Palawan and Borneo were once connected by land bridges.

There are many endemic plants in Palawan.


El Nido is home to many plants and animals that are endemic to the area.

There are three types of forests found in the area: >Forest over limestone >Ultramafic forest >Mangrove Forest

Unique Plants of El Nido

Hoya el-nidicus

Plant collected in El Nido by the late Prof. Juan Pancho and described as a new species in 1991.

So far known only from theIslands of Palawan, including El Nido and Coron

Unique Plants of El Nido

Epithema madulidii


El Nido and Coron, Palawan


Unique Plants of El Nido

Ixora palawanensis

A santan species endemic to Palawan

Unique Plants of El Nido

Tarenna palawanensis

Endemic to Palawan

With attractive flowers

Unique Plants of El Nido

Garcinia busuangensis

Known Distribution:Busuanga

Endemic to Palawan

This tree can be found only inPalawan and nowhere elsein the planet!

Common Plants of El Nido

Pongamia pinnata

This tree can usually be seen growing in the beach

The oil from the fruit can be used to cure various skin diseases.

Common Plants of El Nido

Hernandia nymphaefolia

This tree can be found growing exclusivelyin beach sand bars.

Common Plants of El Nido

Scaevola taccada

This shrub is usually found growingexclusively on sand bars.

Common Plants of El Nido

Wedelia biflora

This plant can be found growing on sand bars going inland.

Common Plants of El Nido

Tacca leontopetaloides

This plant can usually be found growing in the beach and in limestonecrevices.

The tubers of this plant can be eaten in case you are stranded on an Island.

Common Plants of El Nido

Leea guineensis

Fruits of this plant are eaten bywild pigeons.

This plant can be found growing in and outside the forest of Lagen.

Interesting Plants of El Nido

Deehasia incrassata

The wood from this tree is resistant to fire.

This tree can be found inside the forests of Lagen.

Interesting Plants of El Nido

Nepenthes philippinensis

This pitcher plant can be found in Snake Island.

Pitcher plants have enzymes that break down animal protein suchas those found in insects.

Interesting Plants of El Nido

Xanthostemon speciosus

This tree is locally known as “mangkono”.

It yields hard, heavy wood but it grows very slowly.

It is usually found in areaswhere the soil is rich in nickel and other heavy metals that are harmful to other plants.

Interesting Plants of El Nido

Hoya golamcoiana

This shrubby vine has very fragrant flowers common in rock crevices in Big and Small Lagoon, Miniloc Island.

Interesting Plants of El Nido

Dioscorea hispida

Popular among natives as a delicious type of yam but has to be processed by slicing finely and placed in running water for 3-4 days and boiled carefully to remove the toxic principle which is a form of cyanide.

Interesting Plants of El Nido

Mucuna sp.

This clambering vine can be found In Big and Small Lagoon in Miniloc Island. The fruits possess stinging,irritating hairs that when it comes into skin contact, produce an itch similarto that of being stung by the hairs of a caterpillar.

Interesting Plants of El Nido

Pholidota imbricata

This orchid can be found attached to limestone rock crevices in Big andSmall Lagoon in Miniloc Island.

Common Plants of El Nido

Rhizophora stylosa

This mangrove is common in Snake Island and Lagen.

Common Plants of El Nido

Ipomoea pes-caprae

Popularly known as “beach morning glory”

The sap from the crushed leaves can be used as a first aid treatment for jellyfish stings.

Common Plants of El Nido

Bruguiera gymnorrhiza

This Bruguiera is different from others by possesing the largest leaves amongBruguieras. The powdered bark is used in the processing of a popularlocal alcoholic drink called “tuba”.

Common Plants of El Nido

Orania palindan

This plant is abundant inside the forests of Lagen.

Fruits of this palm are extremely poisonous

Common Plants of El Nido

Calotropis gigantea

This plant is not a native of the Philippines but has escaped cultivation and is now found throughout the Philippines.

Common Plants in El Nido

Morinda citrifolia

A plant made famous bythe popular medicinaldrink “Noni Juice”

Common Plants of El Nido

Capparis sp.

The leaves of this plant are favorite food of caterpillar.

The stem has thorns.

Common Plants of El Nido

Hibiscus campylosiphon var. glabrescens

Native gumamela of the Philippines.

Vidal’s lanutan

Common Plants of El Nido

Shrub with edible fruits

Lepisanthes fruticosa


Common Plants of El Nido

Gnetum gnemon

Plant with edible young leaves and fruits.

Locally known as Bago.


Everyone should be proud of El Nido’sbeautiful native plants.

Thank You!Let us all help to conserve and protect them.