Ferdinand magellan stephanie and mike

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Ferdinand magellan stephanie and mike

Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) was a Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition that sailed around the Earth (1519-1522).


Magellan was born around 1480 at Sabrosa, near Vila Real, in the province of Trás-os-Montes, in northern Portugal.

Name in Portuguese was Fernão de Magalhães.

His parents were members of the nobility and they were wealthy and powerful.

Magellan became a page to Queen Leonor after his parents' untimely deaths in 1490.

Magellan named the Pacific Ocean (the name means that it is a calm, peaceful ocean)

Died in 1521 in the Philippine Islands

Background Information

Represented Spain in his world journey.

World Journey On September 20, 1519 sailed from Spain with crew of 240

men in 5 ships.

Four men of the original crew finally returned to Spain in 1525, 51 of them had died in war or from disease. In total, approximately 232 Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, English and German sailors died on the expedition around the world with Magellan.

Sailed across the Atlantic ocean to the coast of Brazil.

Found a passage between Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in South America on October 1520, and now it named The Strait of Magellan.

During the battle against aborigines in Philippines, Magellan was shot by a poisonous arrow and killed in his final fight.

On February, 1521 - Magellan reached equator. On 16 March Magellan reached the

Philippines, to be the first Spaniards to reach that archipelago.

The aim of Christopher Columbus 1492–1503 voyages to the West had been to reach the Indies and to establish commercial relations between Spain and the Asian kingdoms.

Purpose of Journey

The Spanish soon realized that the lands of the Americas were not a part of Asia, but a new continent.

It became urgent for Spain to find a new commercial route to Asia since it would open the “Spice Route" without damaging relations with the neighboring Portuguese.

Spanish king Charles V named Magellan captain so that he could travel in search of the spice islands.

Magellan could not do it alone and sponsored by Spain Crown.

Hardships and Challenges

Sailed for many days in open ocean without seeing any land.Their food gave out and water supply became contaminated, crew was suffering from hunger and diseases. They ate rats, leather clothing and sawdust to avoid starvations therefore became sick with scurvy.

Magellan lost ships on his way - during the winter a storm destroyed one of Magellan's ships and another ship was abandoned in battles later.Magellan’s crew had a lot of fights with aborigines and killed in battles.

Discovered passage to the Pacific Strait soon to be named the Strait of Magellan.

Historical Contributions

Proved that it was possible to reach the Spice Islands by sailing westward.

Also proved that these islands belonged to Spain not Portugal.

As a result Portugal had to pay Spain a big amount of money to keep these islands at their own possession.

QuizWhere Magellan was born?

Which country was funding his journey?

What was main goal of Magellan’s journey?

How many crewmen did return from the journey?

Where did Magellan die?


SpainOpen the “Spice Route"

Four men



Websites: www.britannica.com www.wikipedia.com


Encyclopedias: www.worldbookonline.com
