Femtosecond Micromachinning Metals CeramicsDiamond Teeth High Explosives Ultrashort pulses are ideal...

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Femtosecond Micromachinning Metals CeramicsDiamond Teeth High Explosives Ultrashort pulses are ideal...

Femtosecond Micromachinning

100 m



Teeth High Explosives

Ultrashort pulses are ideal for micro-machiningUltrashort pulses are ideal for micro-machining

Ultrashort pulse lasers can precision machine many materialsUltrashort pulse lasers can precision machine many materials

M.D. Feit, A.M. Komashko, A.M. Rubenchik, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory



Threshold for cutting

Beam focused to 2

Beam profile

Size of hole

Ultrashort-pulse micro-machining can make sub-wavelength holes

Because high-order nonlinear-optical processes are responsible for cutting, there is effectively a threshold for cutting. This means

that careful control of the intensity can yield a very small hole

Long pulse Short pulse

Long- vs. short-pulse micromachining

The main advantages of femtosecond micro machining are: - No thermal damage: High machining quality, heat sensitive material machining  - Unmatched accuracy: Down to 100nm (very well defined ablation threshold) - No wavelength dependence: Any material can be machined with the same laser


540 nm

Sub-micron holes in stainless steelSub-micron holes in stainless steelFemtosecond-Pulse Drilled HoleFemtosecond-Pulse Drilled Hole