Fellowship Spotlight- Long Beach

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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City Spotlight: Long Beach Becki Ames, former Chief of Staff, City of Long Beach, and 2014 Code for America Fellows Dan Getelman and Rhys Fureigh highlight their work in Long Beach to create tools to enable city staff use data they already had to better understand which addresses are high utilizers of emergency room services and make more effective interventions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxifmeeFT2s&index=15&list=PL65XgbSILalWFStqV0z0N9pvftstJ8AAh

Transcript of Fellowship Spotlight- Long Beach

Long Beach Reducing 911 calls, one address at a time

Dan Getelman Fellow, Code for America

R. Fureigh Fellow, Code for America

Becki Ames Former Chief of Staff, City of Long Beach


Photo by Samuel Lippke

Photo by Samuel Lippke

Technology can help, but people drive the change.

Dan Getelman, Fellow | Code for America| @dget


Dan Getelman @dget R. Fureigh @fureigh

Becki Ames

Molly McLeod @mollyampersand

The City of Long Beach The Molina Foundation
