FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - Investigative Project · .php A very good, article highlighting...

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Transcript of FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - Investigative Project · .php A very good, article highlighting...

FD-S42 (Rev. 04·29·2008)


Precedence: ROUTINE

To: New Haven

From: New Haven Squad 5 Contact:

Approved' By:

Drafted By: ......... __ ............. kro Case ID #: 800H-NH-A46209-HQC (Pending)

806H-NH-46385 (Pending)

Date I 02/24/2010

Title: Intelligence Program Mana~ement - Domain

Synopsis I Liaison contact with LI ______ ... I and.LI _____ ..... 1 of the Muslim Coal;ition of CT.

Details: On Monday, February 22, 2010, SAl Imet with 1.;1_ ........ I I and I I to discuss a.Muslim Culture/Diversity training session for agents and staff of the New Haven FBI office. lis ,c4 - -.!Jf' -, 1 I and I lis an I· . 1 in' West Hartfordi CT. We met at the Islamic Association of Greater Hartford, aka the Berlin mosque, 1781 Wilbur Cross Highway (Route 15) at approximately 5pm and concluded the meeting at approximately 645pm.

The current plan is to select a day in May 2010 to have the training at the New Haven FBI office. Speakers .will include I land other qualified members of the Muslim Coalition of CT speaking engagement team.


The. topics to be covered will include Shia v Sunni,. 1b6 interrelating the laws and teachings of the Hadi.th,. Koran, . and Shari a Law, proper etiquette when addressing a Muslim, proper pronunciation of basic Muslim terminology, diversity in Islam, and other topics yet to be finalized. 1 .. ·1 and I I are developing a detailed syllabus to follow and are planning a

. 9.0-minute training session. .

Finally, we expect to have them back in six to twelve month intervals for continuing education opportunities.

056rwo01'C=====J' St2.wpd

Accomplishment Information I

Number: 1 Type: . DI-LIAISON~CONTACT lTU: INTEL PROGRAM Claimed By:0r-_____ ""'I

. SSN: I I Name: ~~~ ___ ~

. Squad: 5





FD-S42 (Rev. 04-29·2008)


Precedence: ROUTINE

To: New Haven

From: New .Haven Squad 5 Contact:

Approved By:

Drafted By: ~ __ ~ ______ ~Iro

Case ID #: BOOH-NH-A46209~HQC (Pending) 806H7'NH-4b.3.BS (Pending)

Date: '04/01/2010

Title: Intelligence Program Management - Domain

Synopsis: Liaison contact~W:i~t:h~I~ __ ~ ____ ~~r __________ -'

Details: On this date, SAil spokE! with! land discussed pending plans for having an Islamic Training course in

Othfi .:~ew .. :.aye~.at 0 fice on Ma 14th. isa ProfeSSOr

. _ ~ ~ ,and is a member of the usI m:Coal~t10no connecrt~~~cu~t~an~~~t~e~ .......... __ ...... ~

I I aka the Highway, I CT.

Session. I: Islam - Belief and Practices This session will. include .a general understanding of Islam and its practice; what it. means to be Mus:j.im in America; and the challenges that face Muslims in America tOday.

Session II: Demographics of Muslims Who are the Muslims in America; protocol to follow when visiting a mosque; and how to approach Muslims.

Session III: The Meaning if Jihad in Islam Does Jihad mean Holy War?

Sneakers scheduled include:


unfortunatel(, I landl are thel . and a I I r~e=sp=e~c~t~i~v~e~i~y"",--O""f"""CA=I"'R""'---"" Connect cut and terefor~e~m""a""y~n=o~t~p~art~ icipate.



This fact was connnunicated to I Ion this date and she advised that she 'would relay the message to the group and they would discuss whether ,or not to gothrough.with the training. When sA! ' I first met withthe Muslim Coalition of Connecticut in Fe]:)ri1ary, they concluded that this training would benefit FBI agents and staff wo:rking in the Muslim community. They saw the bG training as an opportunity to share their beliefs and offer guidance that would help bridge the gap between the Muslim connnunity and law, enforcement. They voiced their opinion that such training would be a step in the right direction for the FBI because it shows their willingness to be more open and learn about the cultureflIld faith of Islam. .

The vast majority of SAl, 's Muslim leadership liais(Jns are personally offended by, and strongly disagree 'with, the FBI's ,position<lJ.0t to have formal relations ,with state c:qapters of CAIR.They point out that this policy continues to significantly diminish the FBI's ability to liaison with the Muslim communi ty. Muslims ,look to CAIR to provide basic, civil rights support'and education to their,connnunity, and therefore see them in much the same way the African American community views the ,NAACP.


Accomplishment Information:


~=:~:~I~~ ___ ~~ Squad: 5




FD-542 (Rev. 04-29-2008)


Precedence: ROUTINE

,To: New Haven

From: New Haven Squad 5 Contact:

Approved By: ' .. 1 __ ..,... __ ...;.....;.. ... 1

Draf,ted By: ",I~' ...;.. ..... ...;.....;.....;.....;.. ... Iro '

Case ID #: 800H-NH-A46209-NLRA (Pending) 806I-NH-46385 (Pending)

Date: 05/12/2010

Title: Intelligence Program Management - Domain

Synopsis: Discussion regarding the FBI' s relationship with the council on American Islamic Relations.

Deta.ils: The following are e-mail excerpts regarding SA I I's recent, discussions on the relationship between the FBI and the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The Muslim Coalition of Co=ecticut and the Muslim Leadership CounciloI Co=ecticut have been discussing with SAl, , 'I the opportunity to provide training for staff and agents of the FBI. They will be di,SCU, ssing tiS t;Pir at, their next m,onthl, y mee, ting" ' Saturday, May-15th. SA, has reminded them of the current FBI

'directiye not to ave formal relations with members ofCAIR, which iIlcludes not having CAIRmembers on ,FBI property providing training. This has raised some concern bya few Muslim leaders who sit ,on one or both of the above referenced Councils.

Following the attempted bombing in' Times Square, SAl forwarded a liaison e-mail toafewMuslimleadersrefere-l::n~c~e~d:.."".!i~n a Connecticut Post article on Thursday, May 6th. The following is what transpired.

From: I Subjec~t~:~c~o~nn~'~p-o-Bt~-----~---"';"-~ To: 11'_,,-., _.'

Date: Thursday, May 6, 2'r0:l.:O:, j8:24 AM Hello I I and"


http://www.ctpost.com/default/ ..... .ticle/Muslims-decry-bomb-plot-urge-calm-47S066 .php

A very good, article highlighting tbat Muslims do not support or otherwise condone I Is actions. It is critical for non-Muslim citizens to See and hear this after such incidents.



Hello I ,. And thank you for your letter below, I haveno.easy answer. . I can only share our. mutual disappointment in the ongoing stalemate between CAIR-National and our FBI office in Washington, DC. It is. >apPar"nt that until the stalellIate ends I FBI Headquarters .will continue to instruct allFB{ field offices across the country not to have formai relations with their local CAIRChapters. It is not a decision each field office makes on th.dr own .. This mandate/order is given to us by FBI Headquarters. . I certainly do understand, and applaud, that CAIRcCT has played a positive role in addressing the community in Bridgeport following the recent Times Square attempted bombing.


Accomplishment Information:

Number: 1 Type: DI-LIAISON-CONTACT ITU: INTEL PROGRAM Claimed By:,,., ______ -.

. SSN: ·1 I Name: .. ~,...... ____ ...... Squad: 5





~33rwoD~.CArR emai1s.wpd I'm looking forward to meeting with you all again next Saturday to discuss a number of issues, chief among them the training for .our staff.

Best to each of you, Peace,


·From:r'~------~----'I[mailto~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::J' sent: Thursday, May 06, 20.10 12:36 PM To:;,'_ 11_

C;C!: I . Subj'''e-c~t-:~'~R~e'':~c~o''nn-~p~o-s~t-'-an~d~FB=I~'-m-e-e~t':'in-g_ .....



Thanks for the kind words, " did a great job coordinating the leadership to get .these.statements .out, .many thanks to CAm for.his help. We have .been blessed .here in CT that there has been no backlash against Musli1lls after any such events -- its a testament to the citizens of CT. .

There still seems to be some concern that Kim.Mertzcannot make the May 15th meeting and some of the leadership have expressed that they would rather po~tpo~e the meeting until ,she is available. I,,,, - I and ,- --' ,- , L. can you please contact the entire leadership via email to see if. they would like to proceed or not without Kim? .

Th..:ru.:s again CJ we will be in touch as soon we figure out if the leadership wants to meet or not without Kim.

Bloomfield, CT 06002

. ~~ 1L.,..-~_ ........... 1

-----Original Message- C---

~F~r~o~m~:~!~~~~~~~i:::::::::::::::::::::::::l:::::::::::::::::::;::l To:' I Icc:! ..• .! I ~ sent: Thu, May 6, 2010 1:33 'pm Subject: RE: Conn Post and F~I ~eeting Thank you,,' I

We've conducted some research in our office to determine the training we've offered e1l\Ployees since 2007, here's the breakdown:




May' 07 Nov' 08 Apr' 0.9 Nov '0.9

CUlture Diversity training - The Muslim faith

Growing up in ~akistan - Islam Culture

I also have information to share regarding our Multi-CUltural Advisory Co~ci1 which serves to clue us (the FlU) in to community cultural concerns. The thought is to have a Leadership Council member sit on this Advisory council fOr us.

Also,I am not aware of any topics or·information Kim has to share personally beyond what she and I've discussed to prepare me for your meeting next Saturday.

I look forWard. to answering more of your questions·at that t:l.me~

Respectfully, I I

Thu 5/.5/2010.2: OS PM

Thank youDfo~ your supporting words,

I don't mean to start a discussion via email but what if our leadership nO,!,inates a CAIR-CT person to sit on the Mu1.ti-Cultural Council?

L-~~ __ ~l You and the rest of our leaders were fantastic at the press b6 conference. We have a lot of follow up work to do with not only our Muslim community but with a large network of interfaith leaders in the city of Bridgeport that Mayor Finch introduce me to yesterday afternoon. I would like to invite some of them to the ICNA/MCCT interfaith dinner.

will talk soon. Best regards


Thu 5/6/2010 S:16 PM

I I Hello, I ,

. The CAIR issue is always a fair discussion topic to me in -any forum. I know that oUr Special Agent in Charge, Ki.m f.'Iertz, is firm. on followi"g the FBI Headqtiartersdirective not·· to have "formal"· relations with CAIR due to CAIR-Natio.nal's desig;,ation as an unhldicted co-conspirator in the. Dallas case involving The Hope Lalld Foundation. We bave asked FBI headquarters to clarify "formal"and their instruction includes not having CAIR personnel on FBI property. That's the directive Ms. Mertz and our office has to live with and al:!ideby.


so, in-answer to your question,' I we~ill not be allowed to have a CAaR representative on our Advisory Council. nor are we allowed to have a CAIR representative as an instructor at "the proposed Islamic culture training ee'ssic)Q·-',far -ciur employee's. ' And again. I "very much look forward to the day when we are beyond all this posturing and can .all just sit down and talk about how to make our communities a'safe, peaceful, and healthy plac~ to live"and raise our children. My Sincerest Regards to you all. e I From~LI_ .... ____ ..,..IIrIllaJ,l~O:;LI ______________ .J1 Sent: Friday, May 07. 2010 6:22 PM

~~;!-I _____ .... I Subject: A Matte"r of Concern

c:::J Dear Agent I l

AS" you may hay;e no"ticed that CAIR-CT has been at the forefront in convincing Muslim communities to cooperate with law enforcement at the local and federal level imd to come forward with any information that may be of assistance.

However. despite oUr best efforts I am deeply disappointed by the apparent regressive and' adversarial stance tbabyour office has taken in its dealing with CAIR· "and its loc.al chapters. including CAIR-CT.

This, is contrary to the spirit of our outreach to you and your office. It should not be lost upon you that it was a CAIR-CT initiative to link you with the Connecticut Muslim "Leadership. On the contrary. your office has proceeded to exclude CAIR-CTin engagement with the Muslim community.

As I have highlighted to you in all sincerity that any and ~lleffort to isolate Muslim communities from Organizations that represent them will not be successful and will not be condoned by the Muslim community at large. pursUing this path will make render all FBI outreach efforts null and void.

I hope that my assessment of the situation is in error and your office" is taking concrete to reverse its ill advised stance. I believe we have done all we can from our part. I cannot make further requests for our communities to continue on the path of engagement unless T Bee-COncrete corrective actions from your part in behalf of your office.

Kind regards. . " 1--____ ....IL

Mon 5/10/2010 5:is PM




. FJl.S42 (Rev, 04-29·2008)


Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 06/16/2010

To: New Haven

From: 'New Haven

Squad ~i-~--~--------------~ Contact: 1 Approved By: ~~====:::;----:-----....,.I Drafted By: I:ro "

Case ID #: 800H-NH-A46209-HQC (Pending) 806H-NH-46385 (Pending)

Title: Intelligence ,Program Managemellt - Domain

synopsis : Liaison contact withLI ____ ;:==:1I.

Details: ,On Tuesday. June 8,2010, SAl Imet withl :1 ari~his wife, I ", 'r to discu.ss the.pendingIslamic traJ.ru.ng seminar to be scheduled in the New Haven office and provided by members of the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut.


1 , ,',

I. Each ~a~t~s:-:emJ.=:!'~n:-:ar=s~r~e=, =g=a=r~a, 1'!:J.=n:-:g~Mu=s~U:~J.~m~c~u~11"'1t~ur="'e...l:throuah with the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut. take a osition with a

, ,

of them have taught their affiliation

is slatedl!.o,

Half of the group at the Muslim Leadership Council in Co=ecticutsupports having training for the FBI even with thei CAIR exclusion. Many MuslimS see CAIR-CT as ,a non-influential entity in Co=ecticut. They do'not·have sufficient funds to positively impact the Muslim community in meaningful ways.

They suggest focusing on Islamic scholars to conduct training at the FBI office.

I I is now the ... 1_' ________ ..... 1 of the Muslim Coalition of Co=ectJ.cut.

~1~~~~~~ __ ~~~~~lwas personally offended when told that he Could riot attend the t ainin in the FBI c due to his membe



Accomplishment Information:


. S.SN: I Name: ~.~ ____ ~ Squad: 5




.", ,",

MCCT; .. 1 ______________ ------1L Hartford I


The below list of tentative topics were also discussed and agreed to be part of the training: .

-An explanation of the controversial verses in the Quran often used . by terrorists and extremists to justify their ai::tsof violence.

- What can LEOs do to ease the anxiety many Muslims have with reporting suspected criminal activity?

.,. .Demographics of Muslims inCT and the Challenges that face Muslim Americans.

... - Demystifying the myths such as violent .Jihad and oppression of women.



Accomplishment Information:


SSN: I Name: _ SqUad": ---:5:----.-.......







Precedence: ROUTINE

To: Directer's Office Attn:

From: New Haven

Date: 10/29/2010'·

MAPA I I Offi~c~e~e~f~Pub~~l~i~c-A~ffairs, cemmunity Relatiens unit GRB-B

Squad' y.5.;....-----...... -------.;....-.;....;o, Contact: ~

AP.pr .. o. ved .. BY.: '1 . Drafted By: L... _____ ...... _ ..............

Case 10#: 188A-HQ-1638820 188A-NH-38496

Title: cemmunity outreach ,. Pregram Arab Muslim, Sikh Cemmunity

Synopsis: To. decument Jc<:BI New Haven Divisien' s attendance at the "Bridging the Gap Between Law Enfercement and the Cennecticut Muslim Cemmunity" seminar hestedby the FBI and the Muslim ' Coalitien ef Cennecticut, Meriden, CT en 10/29/2010, .

De.ta.i ... l.~ ... : Fer., inftmatien efth; Breau,s:!. . ...... , H=,acilitated a serrunar .w~th .. ,. .... .' ef ~e 'M]§ i m ~oa i J tJ oD of Co . ut and . ..' ef the ...... . .' • .' . 110;;;;;~h: the Cennecticut Pelice Aca~emy, Mer! en, CTen


The missien ef the Muslim Cealitien ef Cennecticut is 106 to. bring tegether Muslims in cennecticut in erder to. previde an understanding ef . Islam and Muslims threugh educatien and eutreach. . . "

Irlvited law enfercementguests included representatives frem ICE, DHS, IRS, DOC, Cennecticut statePelice, and lecal law enfercement.· Appreximately15 'representativesfrem <FBI New Haven, including cossl . . ..... .... I attended the seminar. Tepicsand discussien included .. Islamaph~bia", Stereetypes and Miscenceptiens ef Islamic Wemen, Demcigraphicsef the Muslim



To: Director's Office From: New Haven Re: 188A-HQ-1638820, 10/29/2010

Community, ·Prislam-Cure and Healing "r Protection and Escape", and civil Rights/Civil Liberties.

The New Haven Division considers this event broad.based and strategic as this seminar was provided with the goals of strengthening relations. with the Muslim community and developing future partIlerships between the communi t:y: ·aIld .FBI.·




To: Director's Office From: New Haven Re: 188A-'HQ-163882o, 10/29/2010

LEAD(s) : \

Set Lead 1: (Action)



Read and clear .




FD-542 (RoY. 04-29-2008)


Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 11/01/2010

To.: . New Haven

From: NewHaven Squad 5 .. _____________ ....... contact:LI __ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~

Approved By: ·l~ ______ .J'0 Drafted By: . ~

Case ID #: 800H-NH-A46209-HQC (Pending) B06H..,NH..,46385 (Pending)

Title: Intelligence Program Management - Domain

Synopsis: Liaison contact with Mllslim Coalition of Connecticut andgliests at seminar on 11 Islamophobia;11

BD-cosure: Enclosed for the file is a copy of the flier created for this seminar.

Details: On 10/29/10, SAl . ·1 developed, organized, and attended a seminar on "Islamophobia.."· Members from the New Britain based Muslim Coalition of Connecticut (MCC) contacted SA

I lin the spring of 2010 to discuss training for the FBI and other. LEOs on the Muslim culture and Islam.

Ongoing discussions led to the development of a focused seminar on methods· to bridge the COmmunication gap between the Islamic and LEO communities in Connecticut.

worked with the

L.;_.;.,... __ ..;.......,,""'" ___ ~, and developed a syllabus six speakers, fJ:ve selected by MCC iIlcluding;::::=~=="';;;;====-==-",

Approximately 47 LEOs and LEO agency employees attended the seminar, including twelve from the FBI and Ridgefield Chief of police, John Roche.

30Srwo01.POST S42.wpd


The conference ran from 230pm to approximately 520pm. Chief Roche suggested that we provide a summary.of the seminar's presentations to the.Conni!cticut·Chiefs·Association to. distribute to patrolmen at "RClll Call." SAl I has discussed this with the leaders of MCC and thus far they prefer to provide the' instruction in personal settings, rather than through a presentation that they do not attend. . .

It was also suggested .that the presentations be made apart of the curriculum for new police recruits at the Police Officer and 'Standards Training Council Academy.



Accomplishment Information:

Number: ·47 Type: DI-LIAISON-CONTACT (PRIVATE/COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION) ITO: INTEL PROGRAM Clcd.med' By,..: ..... ...;... _____ ...

~:=~ : .. I ..... ~ ____ ... Squad: 5




"Bridging the Gap between .Law Enforcement and the Connecticut Muslim .Community"

MuslimCoalitiorl olContl~cut (14CCT)

Session facilitators: .

I Inuited.LEO partners include Federal,stnte, Local, and Tribal agencies. The mission of this conference is to . share and discuss current topics of concern in the Connecticut MUslim Community, to bridge the diuide between LEOs and thiscornrnr,mity, and to prouide answers to your questions regarding the faith, . culture


location: Police Officer Standards and Training Council. Main Auditorium. 285 Preston . . Avenue .. Meriden.cr.

When: Friday. October 29.2010.;Z:30pm-5:00pm


• IslC!rnoph[)bia; and Bringing Together Law Enforcement and The Muslhn Community • Scriptural.lssues and Hadith Authenticity • Immigration Issues andthe Rights of Muslims • The Experience and Struggle of African Americans • Misconceptions and Combating Stereotypes • Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Speakers (inDrderofappearaFn;.;.;c;,;;e:.;;):_~~~-------., .' .. !...... . H, ' MCCT;!

• _ -'-I lVale Unlversity;~I:::::::::::::::::::::

• MCCT; a Fellow of the Anlerlcim Muslim Civicleadershlp Institute;L-__ ----_----------~--~--..I

.. 1 1'-"1 -. ------------...... --------~--.......... ., I ...... . ~ears1 Iyears;alld ... i _____ [Iof

CAIR-CTand MCCT· .... ----------------...... • I 1- - Hartford Semina ; MA in Islamic Studies and Muslim-Christian

• ·I~relations, Hartt:. orl~d-"js;:;e.mii,; ... ;:;In;:a:.lry~; ............... r='-"'::_-':"""""":'-":_:'~~~~--~-~~ . • I..-__ ....,.--J Council on American Islamic Relations, Connecticut <:hapter, Cil.IR-CT.

Schedule: . 2:30pm" 2:45pm, arrive . 2:45pm" 3:45pm, first panel of topiCS 3:45pm" 4:00pm, break 4:00pm .. 5:00pm, second panel of topics S:OOpm - 5:30pm, meet the speakers


hNH) (FBI)

.To: MERTZ, .KIMBERL YK,(NH)(FBI) Subject: RE: LEOSemlnar,Fri 10/29, 2-430pm, POST Academy audllorium, Meriden, CT

Kim, By the way, in my recent di~cussions with them they have not brought up their previous request to meet with you. I think the planning forthis seminar has eased their concerns.


Fnim:j'oIERlZ,KIMBERL YK; (NHl (FBI)' Sent: Thursday, Sejt. ber 09, 2010 3:07 PM Tei.· .' .. ' .. , (NH)(FBI) SU .. bject: RE: LEO. Sem.· inar, Fri 10/29, 2-430pm, PO.ST Academy. a. uditorium,. Meriden, CT , - ..

ThankDthis Isexcellentl

NH $i.!ilimil~~~~~JilifillEiDI:~;;;~=~:1(NH) (FBI) ..... _.,..... __ ....I', ,=,":==~(NH). (FBI); (NH) (FBI) Subject: LEO Seminar, Fri 10/29,2-430pm, POST Academy auditorium,Meriden, CT

Please mark this date onyourcalendars: Fri 10/29, 2430pm, POST Academy auditorium, Meriden, CT. And please do share this date and Seniinar Title with your employees. A more defalledflierand topic descr!ptionswill be forthcoming. .

Seminar Title:uBrldglng The Gap Between Law Enforcement and The CTMuslim Community" Invited. LEO partners will include ICE, DHS, IRS, CT State Police and local law enforcement agencies. Speakers will include:r-__________ .....,

.~-..... ______ --______ - ..... .;.".-..IYaleUniversity;I'--,.....----...,..--...,..--.....

Muslim Coalition of Connecticut t-.,....---.,....~IT---........ ..-r:C~o~u~n~ci;:-1 -on--=A-m--lerican Islamic Relations, Connecticut Chapter

~Imam' MusUmChaplain for . [Jvea'rs L-W~it~h~t~h .. e-:D:::"e~p ... a.;,;rt:'"'m.;,;e-n~t.;,;o"!fCorrectlons . . .

. J ..... ·.hI>. . . 'Jl;lartfordSeminary; MA HartfOrd Seminary in Islamic Stljdiesand Muslim-Christian Relations

I . . 1-r"I----.... ---------,1 Muslim Coalition of Connecticut

List oftentative topics: An explanation of the controversial verses in the Quran often used by terrorists and extremists to

justify their acts of violence. . '. What can LEOs do to ease the anxiety many Muslims have with reporting suspected criminal activity?



Demographics of Muslims in CT and the challenges that face Muslim Americans. Demystifylngthe myths- martyrs and the 72 virgins, wife beating, Jihad - HolyWar?, etc.

. (I am meeting with the co-organlzers of this event on 9/17 and wilihav,e more sUBBested topics at that time)

Tentative schedule: 2:00pm -2:15pm arrive 2:15pm - 3:15pm topic discussion. 3:15pm -' 3:30pm break 3:30pm - 4:30pin topic discussion 4:30pm - 5:00pm meet the speakers

, I


From: Sent: To: Subject:

. Atlachmenta:

. Thursday Sefmber 30, 2010 10:54 AM I . RE: 10/29 . Bridging the Gap between Law Enforcement and the,docx

This better?

Froll!: .. ~;jb:!fIjjii~:seiiSbbI, 30, 2010 10:46 AM

Thankyo14 . .. I Theorganlzers,two ladles, of the event are noted at the bottom. PoSsibly, I should pUt them at the top and that will more boldly identify the organizers of the event? Thie


Fro~1 I· Sei1t:I,;111O;::u:':':rsd=a~Se==!::IlI!=r~30 2010 10:23 AM

·To: ~......,-:i-'""":~~-----""'" . Cc:Glover, Rhonda M.; ... ·...,.. ___ ... SUbject: RE: .10/29


1 .... ·1111e HQ guidance 15. that "the FBI does not c:onsider CAIR an appropriate partner for formal lIai5(Jn activities and events." Two of the speakers have ties to CAIR,one being the I . .. I I'd like to c:onflrm that we are . neithersponsorlng.theevent nor partnerlng with CAIR for the. event Who 15 the sponsorlng!organizingentity? Maybe the filer sho1J1d Indude a mention of them.

SSiI": " '-: FBl- New Haven CI

II -lhls message may mntaln privileged atbJrney communications and should not be forwarded or reeased without permlsslon-

==~=======1------------~----------------~~~----~lb6--­From' ·1 Sent: i'hursaay,september 30, 2010 9:01 AM Tod I Subject: RE: 10/29

The latest version Pis I!,t me. know what you thinkJ L:flate your keen eye and a~tt~e-nt:':'io-n~t~o"protocDI

Fron" I Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:36 PM


Tod Sub~~~Mb~~1~O~12~9--------------~

Attached is a flier that I would like to ge~ out to the Invited LEO partners early next week. The.recipients shouldillcJude Immigration and Customs Enforcement· ICE, Dept of Homeland Security· DHS, IRS, !=onnecticut State Police, Local Police Departments, and FBI personnel. If you can think of other LEOs who should be Invited, pis clue me.!n.


Dpll!ase note the wording at the bottom of the filer. I very much appreciate blJth of yo~t~ki~Bag~od------­look at this for corrections, appropriateness, and clarity before Isend it to the front office.



Froin: .,

:~ .. hU .. :~ av. r ... ~~ .' o .... b .... e. r ... 1'.4' 20 .. 1.0.1. :39. PM. r .. ...... .• .I~ G1ov?c,Bbgnda MJ Sent: To:

.Sublac:t: Attachments:

our npu pease...· ... BridginglheGapbetween~aw Enforcementand tile. pdf

Ladies and Gents, I'mtryingtogauget~e expected attendance.anhe LEO Conference onlslamopbobia, Friday, 10/29, 230-Spm atthe 1'0Sl'Acat;lemyinJ'''erit;len. .' . . . . . .... '. . . . ... ' .' .•... . Please let me know who you expect will attend from your squads or if you and your employees have no interest.


The speakers forthlsconference are ~ff1l1aled.~ithYaleLJniversity andiheMuslim CllaUtion of Connecticut, a moderate thinking group of Muslim leaders in Connectlcutwhoprovide programs designed to educate the public on the culture and practices of Islam .. The conference is designed to benefit all law enforcement in Connectl.cutand will follow a lecture/question/ansWer format .. AllfEideral, stilte,loeal, and tribal LEOs across ConnectlcUtilr~ being Invited via CTIC's' communication system. !'Ieasesee the attached flier for more.detalls.Anyquestions, please write or give me a.call.

On Frlday,October 29th/from 2:30pm to 5:00pm, Of the Main Auditoriumtlf the poiice()jficer Sto"dartlScandTrillnlng Councl/fpom, 285i'Tmon Avenue, Meriden, g. please/oln your fell~w/arll en/rm:ementofflCf!fSfrolllaaoss th~ state to share and dlscussament topics ofamcemtothe ConnediMMuslim Community ond obt'"n answers to your quest/ails regarding the/tlith, culture atldpractlces of Islam. DiscuSsion themeS include 1~/amophCibia,Nlisconceptions of the Muslim Faith, Immigration 'Issues,' an.d CMI Rights Concerns..· Speakers are prollided by the Muslim Coalition of

. Connecticut and Yale University. There will be time /or questions /tIllowing .eadJ speaker's presenttJtlon. .


I From: Sent: To: Subject:

Glover, Rhpnda M. e~:$.Q~mberfO, 2010 11:46 AM

Wearent sponsoring. Rhonda Glover

FniiD·:, TO~I,I ... · .......... - ....................... -----·-1·1 Cc::GloveriRhon~aM;;1 . Sent: Thu Sep 30 10:'<;1:44 2010 Subject! REi W/29 .

I;Jts~~~~~f:~~k~t ::~~ ~~:~~~~s~~~;:lan "pprpprLate partnri!:J:~":I!~~~~~~~ neither spohSOrrngttieevent.hor partnering with CAlR:ror thel!vent. .. .. . .. . . WhO is the sponsorlng/organlzlngentfty1 Maybe the flier should indude a.mentlon of th6ITI •

.ss4. . ..~ FBt- NeW. Haven :

FrOIlJ;!i. .. · ...... -.;._-1 se"~; J]]urs. ~aYt SeD. temper 30, 2010 9:01 AM TO:[· . .. .. J Subje,ct: RE: 10129

The latest version Pis let. me k~ow what you !hlnkD oedate your keen eye and attention to protocol

From:' .. ""'T .......... Se.nb Wednesday. September 29. 2010 1 ir PM Tod '" ' -,,, >, , "-." ' ", '

Subject:10j29 .

l Attached Is a·flier that I would like to get out to the Invited lEO partners early next week. The recipients should Includefmmigr;llion and Customs Enforcement-ICE, Dept ofHomelandSecurlty - DHS,IRS, C.onnecticut St~te Police, Local Pollee Departments, and FBI personnel. If you can think of other LE<;>s who should be Invited. pis clue me In. .

Dpleasenote the wording at the bottom of the fli!!r. I very much appreciate both of you taking a good look at this for corrections, appropriateness, and clarity before I send it to the front offlce.



I From: I -~ . I Sent: To: Co:

Mon .. c!a.y, Se. .p. tern ... ber. 20. ,201{) 1.2~17 PMi-___ ,...._ ... r'rR:-' ·Kfm~ft[!Y K (Glyert Rhonda ~,:,IL. ____ ....

SUbJect: FrldaY,,10129~nd nel<l Friday 1011. press conI·

Ladies and Gent,

Sel91V l~.wrat I Jystsentto the Mu~lim Coalltl<," of CTfolkssumm.arlzlng my meetTng with tjlem Jast F(I~v. They arelookln!! forward to sharing their Insights witt! usdllrlng this training session. . I'U b" finalizlng.the topics Iatertn.1s ..... eek .In a s.e.cond meetingw~hthem!creatlngafller (that I wiligetapprollais on from all cfyou),and pushing it out tOllkelyattendees wltli the help of I , I·· On a second note, when Iwas with them last week th~ymeilti<,"ed that they have scheduled a press. conference thar will take place atthe Hartford,Semlna,y on FrldaY,October i,3:oopm with a fcicus on "Islamaphobia." TIle CTMusI[m community is feeling the increase In this phenomenon and they are seeking to spread the true message of Islam and the Amerii;a~ Idealoflrii:lUsioilty and acceptan<!" 6f diversity and will have a broaaspectrtimOf public state arid Ipcal offiCials anddef8V froll)all major rellglonsspeaklng/atie~d1ng thlsconference- They asked If SAC Mertz wOllld arso rn~ke .abrlef statement. J spent much time with them explaining the need fO, us to appear absolutely impartial, and they understood why ther~lIv ()n the capitol steps was nota .venue cOnducive to our attendan<:e. They are respectfu!lvrequesting that . SAC MertHr her designee provide a brief statement focusing on the fact that Hate Climes!CIvIIRfghts violaticms will not be tolerafed in cTarid when such events fall ul)der the jurisdiction althe FBI that they will be vigorouslv iiw.stigated and prosecuted through the United states'Atiorney's Offlce(SOMmUNG LIKE THAT). Thev were Initially focused on Hate crimes, but I explained that federal statutes are limiting on Hate Crime violations and that we actualIy.haye much morepOwerin the Civil Rlghts'vIolatfon arena. They said they would saUt upforthe statement to be made and no questions taken.

In short, tbey would be very happy with a sbnple and concIse comment on our Interest ahd dedication In combating Hate Crime/Clvl.1 Rights violations. .

Let me· know what you thrnk. TIlls meeting Is JUST 12 days away. D·· .

From:' I Se"t: Monday, September 20. 2019 11;55 AM

I;:~=: Frk1ay, 10/29 I .. ' Thank you all fo~your time last Friday. Here i$ a summary of our diSCUSSions,

Seminar Title: "BridglngThe Gap BetW!;!en LoW Enforcement and The Conneetlcut MuslIm Community"

TentatlveToplcs: What can LEOs do to ease the an~lety many Muslims have with reporting su.pected criminal activity? Demographies of Muslims in cr and the challenges thiltface Muslim Americans. Demysti!Vlng myths such as violent Jihad and oppression of women.



• "~"""'.'''''''' ,,_ •• tt __ ._I_t_. __ __ •• H_ .. ";_ ••••.••.••••• ~_ .. • " ••• _____ • __ • ___ •• _ .... - .... - ..... ----- ...... -. -----

PLEASE ADD YOUR THOUGrtTS HERE - I think a list of at least S1X topics, one for each speakerwould be much more appropriate

Invited LOO. partners wil11nclude Immigration and Customs Enforcement -ICE, Dept of HomelandSeturity- DHS,IRS, State Police, Local Police Dept heads, and FBI personnel. I have sent an e"mallto find out the capacity olthe auditorium a!the P05TAcademyandwili have that Info for us soon. . .

~ ___ .. ______ ..-..,.....Yale unlve~ly; ... I __________ ..... _...,..,.I

':==::========~;::;::::;::J Muslim .coalition o/..connectlcut, MeeT. .

t~~;z::::~::::::::::::f:~c:o:·u:n:c:iI~D~n~Am~efrl~ca;n~l~sl~am~lc~·R;e~la:ti:o~ns~,~c~o~nn~e~ct:l:cU:t:c:h:a:t~e:~:c:J~R~. the f CAI.R-CT; fMecr.

rElvears With

(fart!"rdS"miriil ; MAHartfordSeminar'{ In Islamic Studies and Muslim-ChriStian relations, C==::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::=::tr;MitC:C;cr;·I"'! ..... -----~.....,.~.,! Hartford Seminary.

2:15pm - 2!30pm arrlve 2:30pm-3:30pm first panel olloplcs 3:30pm ~ 3:45pm. break 3;45pm- 4:45pm second panel oftClplcs 4!45pm - 5:15pm meet the speakers

Yes, YOllesn se~ that l'mtrvfolj to give the members a little time to' get ie know you aTterthe meeting, so I've pushed the start time just 15 mins I.ter Instead of 3D aswe.~ecided. Is that realistiC, or should we stay with a 245 start time? I'm afraid that If we end al five that !nostLEOs will just leave and get In their cars and gO', bUI ••• maybe those are the peeple who would have left anyway. Let me know your thoughts, I really don't want you ali rushing overafter your prayers. I'd .rather It be an enjoyable drive in .ntlclpatioil of a good, mutually rewarding meeting.

I look forward to getting your tuplc suggestiens later this week, Best to all, Peace.




Glover, RhondaM.

!'rom: Glover, f{honda M, . .. Sent:· To: Subject:

:-;~. ~ctober 06, 20109:28 AM

C ;:;n erenc" on 1$1a.11ophobla et ai, Friday, 10/29, 230-5pm

Heii ... _..1

This Is my suggmlon based'oll discussions arid how we have to dis-assodatE! <lurselves from this.

ladles and Gents, Pfea5eforw..rd tnistcyOur~oOl)$_ All are IrWiled to attend.

Th lsprogram'was put togethe~ with the. assfstan~E!ofthe M~5fi", Coalition ofConnectitut, a moderate thin kln~ group ib 6 of Muslim leaders In Connecdtut who provide programs designed to "ducate the pubUc ontne culture and practices ~f IsI.mane! communlty,.ervlce forth.ir members •.. This tonference wu.f<lrmulaledfor the beneflt.llf a.1I J,n" enforcementln Connecticut. .The program will follow a leCI:llI1!/'luestion/~nswer format. All federal,IitateJI",~, and tribal LEas aeross Connecticut a.re belli_invited via O1C's communication sy$Iet'n. Please see thl! .ttacl>ed flier for more details .. Any questions; Jllease write or give me a~lI.

~m:l I sen~ Wedn~day, OctQber 06, 2010 9!17 AM To: Glover,Rhonda M. SUbject: LEO Conference on Islamophobia et ai, Friday, 10i29, 230-5pl'l'l

RhQl1da • . Does this look okay to send out to yoursupeMsors and the fA mgrs? [OJ "ave all. revie\ved thellier. .

ladies and Gents, Please forward this to yowrtroops. All afe Invited Ie attend .

._ ......... _ ............ , " .. _-

. 1. heve pt,rt this program {oge\h\!r with the. assistance of the Musllm Coalition of Connecticut, a mOderate thinking group of Muslim leaders In <;onnectlcut who provide programs designed to edUtilte the public on the culture and practices of Islam and <:ommunity servko. for their member.;: They •• kedme lastsprlhg to help !hem formulate a conf\!rence for the benefit of all law enfor~ement In Connealcut. the program will follow a lecture/question/answer format. All federal, state, local, and tribal LEO. across ConneGt!cut.are being invited via CTIC's communicalion system. Please $" the attached flier for rIIore detalls. Any queStions, please write or give me" wll. '

On FridlZY, Octllber29th~ 'rom 2:30pm toS;OOpm, .atlhe Mllin AudftotllJm o/tlle Pt:1/1ce Gjffcp St(lnd!,.~ .1I"d Trail"/ing coundi (POsT), iss PrtmolJ Avenue. MerIden, cr; pleasejofn Your feilQw Iilw !!nforcement officels from DQ'OSS the' sftlte to share .l1nd discuss current topics Of concern to the Connecticut Mus/fm Community ond obtain onswelS!O your questions regarding the faith, cUlture and practices of M/am, Dfs(lJSS/cm themes Include /sltnnophohla, M/$tonceptions olthe Muslim Faith, Immigration Issues, and Civil /lIghts Concerns. SpeakelS ,!!e provided by the MusUm Coa/(tfon of Connecticut ond 'Iale University. There will be time for '1uesf/uns foilowlng each spellker's pnlsentOtion.


I ., ib6


Glover, Rhonda M.

From: . Sunt; To: Subject! Attachments:

Rhonda andc::J

Thursd~y, Sl;lplem~r 30.20109:48 AM . Glover~' Rhol1,~a M.; I ' -- '- ,I. 10/29 Conference .• BridgIng the Gap belWeen Lliw Enforcen'lent anlllhe.\IOcl<

Please read over and give me your thoughts on the attached fRer. Disalso revleiWlnilt. . •. i. .• •

I wantto mail the fliers to invitees on Mondav, . tanpou,. . .



Glover, Rhol1daM.

From: . Sent; To: Subject.

. ThursdaY? September .3.0t 2010 1 1:4"B",A~~1I.1 ..... _...., 1 ... .. . .... <I Glover, Rhonda M:,..:I ____ .......... RE: 10/29 conference

Here's the latest "fterD review. sttewanled the orgartlzersofthe event mc><e prominently displayed, 'Slnc~ two 0fthe,sp~~kers are,directly co,nnected wfth C.l\lR-CT. we ne,ed losh0l'l that they !Ire not participating in an FBI sponsored Q,organized event.· .'. . .. I ne~d ~o kMwthatydu gwys are good withlhls and ask thatyau review It witn Kim as well beforeDnd I send it out an Mondav. . '. Than~ yau ~oth •. o ..

f~m:1 .. _, " . ' ••..• _... ..• "'" "'_'~ __ "'_M'_"~~_ ......... " .... ___ . ___ .. _,_'''_

~b Tl)ursday, Sep\:err!ber 30, 20109:4BAM .TotGlover, Rhonda M.;I>· .. I Subject: .10}29 conference

Rhontlaance:::::J Please read over and give me your thoughts on the attached flier.

C]salso reviewing It. I wanHo maillhe fliers to invitees on Monday. Thank you,




Glovar,Rhonda M.

. From: Sent: To:

Subject! Attachments:

I , I:-w:':. ed""':"o-esd-.. i-a~y,"':O~ctOber QS .2Q1. Q 9.'.50. A.M GIgyer"BhgndaM.;l ,

LEO Conferen!;eon Isl~ophoblaet ai, Frlday.10129i 230·5pm Bridging the Gapbet\'igen law Enforcement and the'lld! ..

Ladies and Gents, . Pleaseforw~rdthis to your troops. AU art'! invited to attend. Tile speakersfor'this .conn!ftmce are affiliated with Yale University a nd theJvll,slim .coalition of CODne(:ticut, a moderate thlllkinggroupof Muslim leaders in Connecticutwtm. provide programs Qi:$'gned to "ducate thepubHc on the- cuiMe andpractJcesoilslam. The ~onferenGe Is designed tobenefot alilawenforcement r~ Connecticut and wlJl follow" lecture/question/answer format. All federal, state, local, arKI tribal Leos moss Connecticut are being invited via CTIC'. communlCatlonsvstem. Please seethe attached flier for morederaHs. Any questlons,please write argive me acalt.

On Friday, adobe/, 29th, Jram 2:3(Jpm ta5JOOem, otth,! Mal~ Audit';'lumatthe. P~;i"" O~r Standards a~d Training COUncil (POST), 28SPreston Allellue, Meriden, CT, plea51f Jal" ¥o~rftiilDw law e"jar,emi1iJt officers, from aaoss. the stCJfe to sharea"d discuss current topics of concern to the Cannecticur Muslim Community QJld.9btlJln <Jrlswerstajour quest/ons regarding the faith, culture andpraffices oj Isla",. OlScussiOnWme5. include IslomophDblo, Mlsccnc~Pti01l$ oj the MU$11m Faith, Immigrotio" Issues, .and ~,vll RIghts Concerns. SpeaKers are prallided by ti)lfMlIsliincOCIlltio'l oj Ca""ecticut and Y"le UniverSity.' There will b.etime far questlans Jollowlng each sPfIOfalr'S presentation,

I >ocell ... I ____ ...

