fectJJ, ,P:'w.. LJi~ tfrv..~~~

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Transcript of fectJJ, ,P:'w.. LJi~ tfrv..~~~

/fectJJ,..._,P:'w.. 11/ LJi~ tfrv..~~~<t..., ~sotFch-t/.r,.., ~ /: I - rJic/"'-.r 'I

--- ·~ --' -~......:____--~~-

i ,--

.0/t'T.'E: Ootobnr J.B, 1944

\944 OCT 22 ~ II 17 11no 1 -:i: oct.ober 21, 6p.~.

CONTROL COP~ A- ~6 • Ootobf:J.• l7 - l.O: 30 A ,Jr..

K -ncrct•f!llCf'. is r.t'\dc t;o t.hn 1)r.partr.lcll'!; 's scornt ,

uit'~)t;.<u:t, '3optnobc.~ 19 1 9:15 11.:1. ''i$,t!l l~r.{';Ul'<\ to tlo1dcrs of lAtin AJ!ll:',~•1oun dOOWJt".ll'~U in CI.Qr.my tct':r.ito.ry.

Tho 1\otinc M!niutnt• for Fo1•n!en llf1'1l1t:'s .·hau itifol;mr.:d the l!lmbaosy that no uuoh documcntu havn bnnnissu11d by the Dom1nicun Gov0rnmcnt anci consequently .tlo lists arc !Wnilable. He stntr.d that the DominioRn Oovc;:•nmr.nt has not been tlot11'1..,d thnt action Rlo.o.r; thnsn l1n11a !EI boitlg takon by othnr AI.IJWio!ill Rcpublion nor th~lt' the :Pol1t1ofl1.

1------~~-1-----'---------!"tnf'n itrtnrh!l a bonn notified. In this .1mupcot (llr.nun_ ana the .8mbnsoy 1 a anol•nt nh·~rnns "-397 ot Aup,ust 19, lO::so H.;l. ~1n·i A-11m, Aup,uut 26, 10: 30 n.n.

DECLASSIFIED state Dept. r.ct_tcr, l·st~ 2 0 1972 ny R. H. Pnrko Do(c __ _



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'><,No. 2;16




Q.uito, Ecuador, February lJ, 1945

" ;,:roto:.ction of Persons· Interne~ at Cmup !3elsen burg en, Gun.nny, I:J,o :lour "'ttsr.;ports Isliuud in 1;J.e J:Ull.e cl' Lcuu.ci.ur

A. ' I';··'·

The l!cnorable CONTROL COPY

~!i.e Secretary of ~Late,


··;1 til reference tv tile iJep&rtment' s tel e;:;ra£< l~c. 97 of~ 5, .i. p.~;.., <•llu to ti:t; ~:mbussy's rerly in telc.::::re;:. :;o. llO,, __ .l,ebruary 7, 5 p.1a., I havq t],(;) JlUilCJl' to truns.a.i t n·erel\'l tll a copy und trunslu tl t>n or ''"o~u.orundum No. L,5-;JuP-l) of r~ebruary 8, 1945, from tlle J,,inistry for Foreign Affairs stating that it ims issued instruo-

;tions requestine t!1e :>wiss Government to desicnate a S'liiss oonsulur official to extend for one. ye!tr ·the pe1·iod ul' vuli6.i ty or :.i.e •:cuudorun passports neld by lh 7 persons interned '" c Cw~p uelsen Bergen, Germany.

!tespeotfully yours,



l. Cop:;• of i .. emorandur. ". Translu tion of t<.emorundum

\ ,. '.'~'



I \\ \

enclosure J:o. l to d.espatcn ;;", ';.7)li of lei.Jruary 1), 1945, fl'liri :·..:wrican :;Jr.bassy, =~ui to, i:cul~dor .

. ·;n relnciOn c~..,n ul l'tH~crUJtG.UU du :'8C!i!: 7 do los corrientes, de lu ~r.l.J:.:judt: c!•• los F.stndos Unidos de . or;;e .Jnerica, el i.:inistorio de :·wlncicne:; .,,xt·3l'iores se ccL;lace en informur <[UC, una vez <JUC .:,1 GclJicrno de :_:st~:dos Uni:.lo;.> se he cOB)l'omotido u entl'C!;l.r, nl rw.cionario diplom&tico o consular del ~cuador que c ;crtur!ar,ente ruere dosi 1:nado, lus pu~n·pcrtes de los 11.7 ii!J.ividuos internndos en el cw•:l'O de coLce.:tracion de ;;els<JJ< Bcrccn, t;ue die en sel< ecuatorianu;, hun sido i~~urLidas l&s insLrucciones del case para soliciLur al Gvbi0rnL suizc, l.!L-LU reyll;:;untunte <.i.e J..c:.; i11tereses :-.~eionale~~ eL. .. lt.:!l:..OL.Ilih, r:u.~~ dt!sic,nu (1 un l'uncional.·io con:3Ul!...r sui~o }Klr: .. -.l_L:.t.; u;-..tiendc.. 1--c.r un u1~e r .. &s el t8rn~inc Ue d.ur:...ciL:i ..:.c e:~v...J ro~upc.1·~cs.

;;1 : .. iaiste!'io Jn :.t..lucior.:.c,s :~xtericrus, tar. pronto cc .. u r<:cilJ!, el !..,tr.lle ·.lu la~; uct.lt.ciuws del runcionurio suizo, lv llevara " c<.nvcin~ientc co la .'~J;;bujnl!a de Estudos Unidos de Herta .~Aricu, paru los ofectos del cuc~plir;,ien to de lu ;rarant!a,


\ I

• :::~Cll:Slll'~~ .. 0. ~· tC (l\.J:J!1LtC~I. !lU. 27Jb Uf' r'C'bl'UHl'.,V l), 1945, rr<:.-.. ..::~_:ric~.!l --~;:b<..s:Jy, ·.~uito, t·:ctu.llur.

:i c-:l -·. · , •.l u: t.c t!>c r ..• cr .. on.r:dlll!. d<.: t.e<l l~e bruury 7 :·:·l~I. :..te ·-: .. ~JhS:Jj' ct' t.:e rni ted ltnte~l cf .J:turi\Ju, the ; in.:.st~r:· :·c;: :·'< i't.Jit·::l .J'f;_:.irs te.J·:c~ ~lle~~~;ure in ntnti;Jg t1,:._1• .. , inu:;!.l!C:< -~-=~ t;1.c Governra~ra"'V Gi' tne l!nitcd ;·ltates :a::~s r::>t:lru:.tt~!..:d tc ilelivur tL tJ,c =~cu.aC.oren Ji1_1lomv.tic or ccn:>Ult,r <.,fJ'iccr \lii0 r.hy to rlesit;:.uted in clue cuurse t ..... ~ :.:3G .. l;;c:·t..~; cf t.:~n 11~7 per:.<dt:_; int:;rned in the cuncen­~r:1 ti<...h cc:.1; t:t ~~elsc11 Btrcezl ' .. -hL ere s3ia to be ::ct.:.B(~u:.'o.ns, ~:...1-Ji'l'l..lpricte in.st!·uct.iuns huve been itisue<i tc l·er.;._~-~~.;::.:.t t:it~ ·.i!J!..~ !~cvc.:.·lu.Jt;nt, r,s re-.PI't'!Sdt.ttd .. ive vf its ( .. t.:i...t{.!U~..r':..:::, ;: .. :..iv;:1'-:.1.. ii.i.,·_:~:_e~;i.,.j in :j~l'I .• · .. ny, >t..u ~e..;~c~.:.tu t: -. i:;_; c;..u~;ult.l' c;·:·ic·:l' t<.: eJ..te!:d. fer one yCt!l' fli(Jl'e t.~ll: ~l:iuu l11' Vuli .ity of tnose ras.spol'tS.

':'he 1 inictr~' fur ?c...reir.~Il Jl.llfuil';J, CIS s0vn an it recei Vto!-' t.w dct•Jils u!' t.l:e ~:ction Ud:on O/ trw ·).liss t'ffic,~r, v·ill i:~l'Ol'tG tt1e -~r;1bas~~t of t!le United Stutes of _roc ric;,_ for t:le ·pur:>use uf trw ful!'illi.wnt of tne

.-,~.:n·u.r.tec. \>l·.


i Americs:>Jl Embassy, Qui to

Secreta17 of State, Waohindton

Jemwry 30, 1945 * x


todtW . ll'oreign Office hao sent EmbP.ssy a communiol'tiort/ O~>Yir~g that

1t will agree to instruct ito representative in Genova by wire to ./·

advise protective power of »auador_ that valtdi~ of pasaporte

referre6. to in cable No. 65 from the Dopartment, ·dated Januery"24,

has been extended. It further states thP..t bePrera. should b!'l grented

protection provided that the U. a. Oovcrn~ent gunrontoee that the 147

pasaporte 11111 be tRken up lV American milit11ry authorities r.nd turned

over toe designated Boundoren consulnr or d1plomatto_off1ciol, im­

mediately upon liberptlon of their bearero~ . .

So. thet auitalJ1.<! ans'!ler to the Eoundoran Gonrnment msy bn mnde,

the Bmbaoi!I.Y would be grateful for inatrnctione lV c'able. Following this

bJ courier ;vou wl.ll receive text' of J'ore1gn Office coiiJIIIUll1Cl\t1on.


l>O/Lt~ J./'Sl./45. -- ·-----------------------

DECJ.ASSTFI!ID Stoll<> Uopt. L~!tcr, 1·11·7ll

By ll. II. I'.1rl:s Duto..ill..2 0 1972

' '" .. ' ·~· ' ' .... ,,•. ·. : . ..

Ho. 2677 f..


<uito 1 Ecu&dor, January JO, 1945

Proteoti on or Persons Interned in ofrmany Who· iJear Passports Issued in Name of Ecuador

3 .u !2 ;.3 (J~-::~<· . 1 f'l . {114,;J~.

. 1 J ·1 <'l 1 :-; J;J..-..t .¥Ja. ;Jer~ ~._.wl-<1,~ · .. ,

The Honorable 9tu-zu · ·,

CONTROLCOPr The lecretary of State,



•,;ith reference to tno Jepartmont'.s telegram, No. 65 of January 24, and to the &nbsssy' s reply in telegram Jlo. tl8 of today, rpgarding the proteotion of 147 persons interned in Cump !Je.Lsen bergen near Hunover, Germany, who ore in possessivri of passports issued in the name or i'cuodur, I hove tao honor to transmit horewi til a copy and translation of tne memorandum from the !.-;inistry for l<'oreign Affairs, cited in the '&abassy' s telegram under reference, which sets forth the uttitude of tho :O:cuo.doran Government.

Respectfully yours 1

Enclosure«: ~ '¥ \~ J~. Copy of memorandum. i2. Translation of memorandum.

Copy to Consulate General, Guayaquil

840.1 CGR:hbj:mt

•.1· ••• •. · ..... ----

]• .' i·> '··~=-.'\ I I ;< .......... .

} --··, ................ . ... . - ··:················::::·~.:~.:..--:.. _· ... --...

: ~,

' ·' -.,

; I ,--,

' ('1

f. '-... 1•1



. DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1·11·72

~y R. H. l'nrko Dui<>..!E£...2 0 1972 '· ·--'


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....,_ ,,

·:::closure :Jc. l to de spa tc:t J:o. ;_077 ol' January )0, 1945, rron 1·J~1erican Smbe.ssy, -..:.ui to, ~~cuudor •

. ~1 Liuisterio de heleciones i:xturiores se ha int'ormado, r·or la lecturb del l-.emorundwn de le F.rr,baJada de los Estados lniclos de ~·crte:uaericti, fecnado ol :-!9 de onere del ai1o en curse, de quo 11,7 individuos ihtcrw.dcs ~ctualruente en el C<u~po Bel sen Bergen, cercu •ie :l<J.nover, ,'.lemt.nia, en posesion de pasar~rtes que dicen ser ecuotorianos, se enouentran en ~·elL:ro in.1ti:wnte, pc.:,rque el termino de validez de dichos dvcu.:nentos IJ<t expiret•Jo o sp er,cuentra prGximo a expirar.

2. ,·.un'lue el ::obieriiO del ..::cuador desconooe en nD­;;c.:,luto l·, v·~lidez de pt.sapor·tcs c-tc.;r.,o.dos sin sujeoion u las disrosiciones de la ley nnciona~, en su af~n de vro­tejer la vi'da de personas que se encuentran en o~w:ros do concentraci6n alemunes, est~ dispuesto a solicitor del 'iobierrto r'uderal :;uizo 'lUB desi~lle a un rep1·esentante ccnsular ~ara que l0[elice esus pupelos dAndoles validAz y ~ura ~uo nutit'ique lo hecho ul ~obierno alom4n, siempre que el de Zstados Unidos caruntioe el que los 147 pusaportes que con oste procedimiento adquiririan valid6z, ser4n entragados, tan pronto como sus poseedores,recobren lu libertud, por uno autoridad Qilitur norteamericana, ul fu:1Cicnttrio diplom4tico o consular que el '·;ouudor desienara.

3, :cl :. i ni steriu de tlelaci ones ;,;xteriores espera oonooer ln opini6n de la E:mba.irtda de Estados Unidos de J:orteamerica sobre la propuesta garantia, pora die tar las 6rdenes rospectivas,

• • :.~l<•Slll'e . .<_,, 2. tu <.es,:...tct; No. 267? of January 30, 1945,

i~rum n.I:.ler ican .l:lbassy I -~Ui to' ~cundor.

\.: ~.:OIUJl!JUii

':'he : inistry l'u;· t"ureir,:n ,.rrairs !las learned from reading tr:e n:emor::11::w:1 c:· t:1e .~::.br,ssy of the United Stutes c;· ,.merioe :\i,te•l <c._.nw.,r;t 2'}, 1945, tnut 147 persons now int~...:rned. in l;&il..~· ~elscl, i._)urben llt .. H:ir ~{enover, Gdrr:,(:ny, in iJL;.3SCSSi<:n c~· r:l.:J~rc~·ts \',"itiCC Ul'l.:! said LO ue ~CUttJOl't-.U are in it:.11.inent d:_.nr::;er Uect1use tile )erioa of validity ul' said uocwncnts .Ls ex;;irej10 or is ubouL to eXJ>ire •

.• lt:.uu,;:. tile -:;cverruaent of :;cuador positively does ao't recc~n..:.:.e :.:~8 ~::-tl.:.iit.: c:f pnssport~ r:-·ranted ·.ti l_icut. c:oH~iJliencu •:Jit:~ t.dl:! ~r...:-vi:>ions c.t' national l...:l..W, in its eu;;eraess 'tu ,_rot•;c t t:te lives ut' persons who are in German cc·ncerttra'tior; c,;r:.;->'' ~: is willinc to reque,;t tne i•'eder11l ~overnr.u!1t of ·.1i t.zeri.u.nd tc desit£lH.tVe u consular repre­sente ;;i ve to l•Jc.;'-'lize tnose papers gi vin~ them v11lidi t.y Oinct Lu :tvtif; tae ·:u:;:•t;,ut t:overm.:ent of tliut 1'uct, provided t.Iliit t:~e :cvern::tent o:' tne t'nited itntes sutu:·~ntees that tne l47 ;.oassports \'llJicn would require validity by this ;-:·octldU:-8 ·.;ill be .l d i vered by t:te nJUericun mili tan• o.cttho:-i ties to ta.~ ilplc.;:.:1tic o:- -consular office!' W'1C!r:

~cuador muy oe3l:abte us soon bS tneir bearers re~uin tneir liberty.

) • ~:t•o , ~nistrJ· for ::·orei~:n ,'J'fairo3 is vmi tiHt\ to leurn t:.e c·;.iniu1 cr the o~nbassy of' the UnitB<l. Stutoa concerni:w tne l rc;:"se·1 c~uarautee in order to issue the pertinent instructions.

Tfl:CGH:llbj :rut





TO a

The Secretary of state, Vlaah:lngton

A"'ler:loa.n Embassy, Quito

D!I.Tr.:D: January 24, 1945 )(

NID.ffiER: 65' CONTROL 'COPY·· Reference Dep(trtment's 988 of December 18, 1944.

Information received by this Governr:tent emphasizes

imminent danger to 147 individuals interned in Camp Bels~n­

bergen, near ffil.nover, Germany, and holding passports issued

in the name of Ecuador, since the term or validity of such

passports has expired or is near expiration. To avoid tragic

loss of life, please transMit to Ecuadoran officials tl-is

Goverrunent 1s urgent request that the protective power of

Ecuador be notified thnt the validity of the passports o1'

the above-mentioned group at Belsenbergen has been extended

and that these individuals are to be accorded protection.

Please advise .telegrar,h1oally of. the success of

your efforts • .\


DECT,ASSIFIED Stnlc Dept. Letter, 1·11·72

By R. H. Parks Dnto $ [p 2 O 1972.

\ \' '

'L.·· .... ·~ .

~ '·t

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I J'


CAllLE 'li.~ A!lltlo~BA;JSY, QUlTO, ECUADOR

lnforma~ion r<>oOived U, tiUs Govurnnent. e111pbau1111 1Dnt1nunt danger tQ 147 indiviC>'ualo :l.nt()rned in l1um&J Dulaenb.or•gen, nenr. Hnnovor, ()ema'l\7', urui holding pasepor"t~ iiJsued in ·~he ll!UIIe ot' E<111&doi·, oinoe th~> tert1 of vdidl ty of suoh ;JI\Htp..,r(,v lu.~ oxpirll1i Ol' lll utu>l' uxpi:rat1.on, 'l'o avoid trnuic lo;;e of life, plr.ase t1•v.nsm!t tv Louaaoran officia.Ls tiUa Govern­tr.ent1 a urgent re.lueot thai. the p>·otllotive pol'ier of LOUildor l•e notified that ·• .. e v"lidity of the ~u.Bflpol-ts of tho nbove-mentioned ll.l'9Up at Belsun­bergeu be been axtended ttr:d that th•·~e .Lndiuuut • .Ls nro to he acoorded ,•roteotlon.

Please advhe t.tilegrapbict<lly <•f thli' aucceso .;~f your ef.forta,

January 22, 1945

...,-:----;----- -~----....._ ... __ -W.ss Chauncey (for-the Sec•y) A'ckermann, Akzin, Cohn;'Drury, DtiBoisi ·aa.·a,toh,­Hodel, Marks, l!CCormack, Pahle,- Files·-

BAkzin:nr 1/22/45 /i4 .. J¥-

"-'· rt

't;o, 2524 ')(


_.' _. :·; ; - ·. >l (. ',!~' \•_ . ..) .':".

Qui to, Deccr:!hor 23, 1944

1\ssistKtlCe to !lefur;ees frof'l C.net!ly Persecution .{ j ,·-: ~ • " i ...

l')f: -~·~v- ·!. -' ...... /~4-;_J.~ ',o( •• ;q,. H.~ ., • ::,.~ t_J ........ -;

! ·"·. i' j;.,, . ·k •• :~·,.···>'~.l


.- I ~ l.. ' '.;.. ••. ~;·.-

The decretory uf ~tote,

Sir: ~$11/ ·-.

itoferrin6 to tr.e Dc:part!"!lent 1 s air;;rrur, N<?y ~~of !>ovember S last reGarding the special immir;rution pro­cedure that had been adopte~ by the Unitud.States C'overn-.Hmt in favor of persons in eno:ny-controlle<l. torr··~ tory, 1 have the honor to enclose a translntion of n note fror.t tho ::inister for Foreicn Affairs, dated !.lecer.tber 20, 1944, replyinf to a note which the "mbassy had addressed to the ?orcisn Of!'ico on November 22, lf:\44 in 'pursuance to the lJepartmont 1 s aire;rnm under reference,

It will be not.;·J that the Foreign Office c6nmunica­tion states tlwt existing legislation does not po1•mit the grnntine or special assistance to holders of ex-pi red ; :cundorP..n vi sa s and tho t it in necessary under ;:.cuadornn law thu t such i c1di vi duals npply for mm v.i sns in the same manner as ori!;innlly.

nespectfull:r yours,

E.nc]psure: ~!\ \,·.·· { TranslatiJn as stat~.

Copy to Consulate Gonoral, Guayaquil

Pile No, 840.1


)!· DEOLASSIFrnD Stt1to Dt·pt. Lcttcl', 1·11·7!3

.. · •·


By ll. lL Ptliks DoM Sfp Z 0 1972

( TRA.NSLA 'l'IOll)

:' .. PUBL:C 0? !"CUA::JOR ·::r~istt•y of o·ord.·-n Affa~rs


::r. Ambassador:

"'-uito, December 20, 1944

\!;_ ha·:e the cwn or to acknowled[F. the r-eceipt of your Lsteemed note No. 4fC, of the 22nd of last month, in which, ·••i th peforence to th!)t cvnversRtion whic:t Your Excellency a!Hl , .. r. Jucob Lundau of the ,,xocutive Go.;utittoe of the ,',~t~;ricnn Jewis!< Cor.:aittee of tiow York hatl with !!is ::.xcel­loncy, the l'rtlsidont vi' Ll:o 1\epublic, the ;;:inlster of v•)vern:1<mt one: Llw t.:Hiorsipted, on the <.!'/tb and 28th of Se;>!f<mber co!lcernln1~ che LIJl!ltin8 by tho Government of :..cuador uf ir.unii':ra~'.oll visas to a number of wuropean refugees, yuu were ,:ood enou;:;c. to i!1forrn me that you had received informat<.on f1·om tlw CJe:)nrt!•tent of -:>tate that referred to the measures taken bi the Lnited States Govern­Mtlnt for the benefit o<' certain persons in enemy-controlled terri tory.

2. Your ,xcellenc·· ad.is that tho Jovortll':en t of the United ,.;tutes of A:·1erico :1~s adJptcd a s1)cciol procedure with relo tion to 1-hc said persoTJs aDd t:<!i t this sys ter.1 has been r:ade known to ~he Swiss Go·:or1u-:cnt b;r means of' instructions sent to the P.nel'ican Leroat~on i!t -·.orne,

;s, I have ro::r.d v;i til interest tho lJrococlt:!'e whicl1 the i·r:.i t.ed ::.tn.tos Lns rulo~terl rot_:urding thin sub~ect, ns woll t:s the su:t::.nr~r of the instructions sent. b;r :rour Government to the l'n<. te--l ''t~ tes di ;>lo:.1e tic nission in ~iwi t 7.erland.

''· Yo1:r . xcellencv tool" occas!.on to infol'm me of t!''e ::ios.ire of th,_; :Jov~rn:~ent of ti.c Unttcd States thr1.t .~cnndor nduot sim' la::- n:oast:res whic:t r:~cht be extenclou to ot:wr <:at~r!c,rlcs of pnrsu•1s or to a definite number of victims of' the enmr.~·, tr.kin.; into account the fact that in orous doul :1ntt>J by th•• .,,,o.•.y \.here is a possibility that tllore r.re a s:nall number of i nc!i vi duals vii th expired ~.cuadornn v~ sq,.s ... nd ti1n t these persons are subject to the persecu­ti..m of tho au;r"ssor nations.

"• In reply, I bee; t;o inform Yiour Excellency'. that the position maintained by this r'oreign Office in:the matter is that the persons who ;JOssess visas which havo expired are in a situation similnr to that whicn governs the ohtnininG of these docuiacnts for ttto first time.

6. Consequently, bearers of holders of authentic ~cuadoran visas which have expired, desiring to enter F.cuador, must comply with the legal re~Sulations which govern the issuance of visas and which the Foreign Office is not able to fail t.) observe strictly. ·

7. By virtue of the nbove, the Government of Ecuador regrets that it is not able to talco measul'OS similar to those adopted by t!1e United States of America, for any other position woul'l be absolutely contrary to the clear and precise rules of the existing legislation.

I avail

• - 2 -

I avail n.ysulf of the opportunl ty to renew to Your .:excellency the assurances o;' my hlchest and most Uls­tin~uished considoratlon.

F'ls i·."<cellency :.:r. :tobert !·~CCIP.ogol' Scct"ton,

Ambassador ~xtraordlnary and Plenipotcnt!ory of th~ tni ted" States of Ac:erica.


a 7 No. 988


The Honorable


Robert McGregor Scotten, American Ambaaeador,


December 18, 1944 •

Reference ie made to the Embaesy 1 s despatch no. 2323 of November 7, 1944 transmitting the text of a communica­tion addressed to you by the Ecuadoran Ministry for Foreign Affairs regarding certain difficulties encountered by the Ecuadoran Government in its efforts to extend protection to certain persons in German-held territory who are in poe­session of documentation reflecting a right of protection by the Ecuadoran Government.

The Department and the War Refugee Board have noted with some concern that the Ecuadoran and Swiss Governments have eo far been unable to find a satisfactory formula whereby to extend adequate protection to the persons referred to. It il hoped that efforts to this end will continue until a eucoese­ful outcome is assured. For your confidential information there ie attached a copy of a secret telegram to the American Legation at Bern in which the War Refugee Board requested its representative at that poet to discuss the problem with the appropriate Swiss offioiale,

It appears that the Ecuadoran Governmen~·hae not taken into account the dan~er to which undoubted Ecuadoran nationals are exposed if the German authorities are given any grounds for believing that the Ecuadoran Government will not resist German &fforte to determine tor German purposes which pass­ports issued in the name of the Ecuadoran and other foreign governments are to be accorded recognition. Of interest in this connection, there is attached for the information of the Embassy a copy of instruction no. 3606 August 30, 1944 to the Embassy at Lima,, the eubstap.ce of which may be conveyed to the Ecuadoran authoritiee. Since the date of this instruction the Department has learned or additional oases· .in which the German Government in its mietaken effort to distinguish between bearers of United States passports has apparently done away with undoubted United States nationals. ·

It is the reeling of the Department and of the War Refugee Board that at a time when the lives ot undoubted Ecuadoran nationals and ot other human beings who may happen to be in possession of Ecuadoran passports are greatly in danger, an unyielding interpretation of the strictest meaning Of legal terms may not be what the Ecuadoran Government after due con­sideration will wish to establish as its policy. In these ·

i oiroumetancee

DECLASSfFIP.D Stnte DcpL Letter, !t 1·72

By R. H. Parka Daoo E p 2 0 1972

1 -2-

circumstances and in this light the Ecuadoran authorities should be urged to consider the possibility of instructing the Protecting Power to renew the validity of all passports issued in the name of Ecuador which are· held in enemy terri­tory by prospective victims of enemy persecution and to accord all such individuale_protection.

Furthermore, when bearers of Ecuadoran passports are released by the Allied forces, 1t is the War Refugee Board's opinion which the Department shares that the individuals concerned should.be carefully examined by an appropriate delegate of the Ecuadoran Government and that the act of invalidation of passports found to be illegally held should be accomplished with the least possible publicity and at the latest date possible in order 'that no such action may Jeopardize the safety of holders of similar documeptation who remain under enemy control. In this connection there is attached for the Embassy's information and for communication of the substance thereof to the appropriate Ecuadoran authori­ties a copy of telegram no. 10936 from the American Embassy at London of December 9, 1944.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State&





To American Legation, Bern December 9, 1944. To American Embassy, Lima, August 30, 1944 From American Embassy, London,_ December 9, 1944.

' '

Ex£<:.imv~ OffiCE, Of THE ~,:_m . WAIIIIfVOII ~ ~-'·

~~;'t .. % .. ; .. ~, ... , .... ~.~~ .. · ..... ;.;~. . ';· . . . <¥•••> .. (Bid•·r

L~)····--·-··~·--···P·.-·~>··~t, .. ' '~(~;~;;~-· ~·~(~-i~;::;,·

>. c2fkt 'j~' ~6. 2_. ~ .L~~"k(~~ ... -1.6..it'~' ->ho·4~

Fr~m: .... J:::.4J£.P. ....... ; ... , ... .,; .. , /i.:7g:; (Dat_•)

• !" <R~o;.; · · ·: · i~i~i~r-:


TO: Sccretr-ry of State, \·la!lh_ln{.'ton



N0ve~bar 16, 1914


Reference la rrs ce herc•··ltl; to Department' e alrgram A-500

of ~!<wr~1bcr li!n<'l ~:·;,bn•sy 1 s A~li~:X of Cc'.ob~!-~0.

/ The Smba~~y ha!l been.1nforma<'l by the EcuadorAn Forole-n

Office thr>t lt coblcc rec;uer.t to S,..lt?et•lnnd on October :31

' but that the O:cunclornn repreeentr.tlvc there renol'ted by telegran

" dated Novcmbc:- 10 that S~·•lss autaorltlcB hed re~rretted that

they "'!luld not be llble to IH'~U®I'eprlltlentatlon 1n UungRry ot ./

E:cuvciorn loteroPtl'.

DCR:'TAG 11(18/44


. DECLASSJFreD State Dopt. Letter, 1·11·72

By R. lL Pnrka Dn!<J..sL.P...J 0 .1972


.. \ . •.; \




~uito, Ecuador, November 7, 1944 I )'!iOl,(f /} . I I '~ ' IJf{Jf~Rk,+r~ Subject: SUSFEl:SIO}! CF ECUJillCR.'U'T EFFORTS TO S!.Jo'EGU,t.RD ~~


The llonoruble


The ,Secretary of St'ate \o'ashington

CONT.ROt, COPY \'.ith reference to the Depart,il~t 's telegram l1o, 81J\

and the '*'1bassy's telegrar~ No. 1015.\of October lJ and October 20, 1944, respectively, and ·under previous correspondence on the same subject, I hu.ve the honor to transmit llorowi th a copy and free trunslat;,on of a .note which the :.;;n,bussy has ,received frorn the Ecuuc'loran Ministry for Foreign Affairs l'egardine the protection of r_efugees in German-held terri tory who bear Ecuadoran pusspo1·ts or otl1er documents irreculfll'lY issued.

It will b-e seen that the Ecuadoran Charge d'Affaires in Switzerland has reported to his Government the request of the Swiss authorities that, as a prerequisite to their undertakinc; to represent Ecuadoran interests in connec­tion with the protection Of the aforer::entioned l'efugees, tho Eoue~doran Govornmon t recognize us Ecuadoran na ticiUtls the bearers of ...:ctludoran documents irroculs.rly issued and that the Bouadoran Government, in .view of its inability to meet this request,, has db aided to suspend negotiations in tho mutter,

Respectfully ~ours,


~lo1osuros: (t l, Copy of ~bte #67-D-21, dated

October JO, 1944, from~he l.iinistry fOl' Foreign Affairs

2. Translation of Note

840.1 CGR:mrg

Ozalid to the lJepartraent Copy to Consulate Ge~~ral, Guuyaquil

DECLASSIFIED · State Dept. Lcltcr, 1-11·72

By R. !1. I'~LTk9 ~nwBtf .. i0"-1972




/!\~~~·"'·· .,,

' '

I '\OJ I '•

Enclosure No, 1 to Despatch No, 2323, dated I;ovanber 7, 1944, from the American Embassy. Quito, Ecuador, on the subject: ,·suspension of Ecuadoran Efforts to Safeguard Refugees in German-Held Terri tory Bearill8 ·Ecuadoran Passports Irregularly Issued,


Republica del Ecuador

~inisterio de Rolaciones Exteriores

Depnrtanento DiplonQtico /167-D-21

Quito, o. JO de octubre de 1.944 1

Seiler Zmbajador:

Oportumm.ente traslade a conociruiento de Vuestra Excelenciu que el Gobierno del Ecuador, no obstante huber negado la validez de los pasaportes obtonidos 1legalmente por israelitas que se hallan. viviendo en territories ocupados per las fuerzo.s de'l Eje y! considerand~ las dificultades por las que atruvesar o.n esos individuos ad. ae las privara de diohos documentos, hsbia resuelto no insistir en la nulidad de esos papeles, mientras ellos sirvieran para proteger la vida y los bienes de sus portadores.,

De acuerdo con un principia de humanidad, mi Gobierno se dirigi6 a au representante diplomatico en Suiza, a fin de que obtenga que el Gobiorno Federal, como Encargado de los intereses del Ecuador en las Naoiones del Eje,

" gestione ante las autoridndes ale~aunas para que respeten la oalidad de extranjeros a individuos que estuvieren aroparados. por papeles eouatorianoa, · ·

El sefl.or Encargndo de ·Hegocios del hlouudor en Suiza me ha ~omunicado que el'Departwuento :Federal. ha manifestado la neoesidad de que, a fin de llevar a cabo lu gesti6n· enoomendada, el Gobierno ecuatoriano debe, previamente, reconooer la nacionalidad eouatoriuna a los portadorea de eso~ documentos.

El Gobierno del Ecuador no jmede acoeder por ningUn motive a la exigencia planteada por ol Departamento Federal, puea, a mas de que la declare.toria solioitada signii'ioar1a la valiY,aci6n de papelea obtenidos mediante prooediJnientos fraudulentos, las disposiciones constitucionales ~ue regulan la declaratoria,de naoionalide.d, eatableoen un trrunite del' que no se puede preaoindir sin incur~ir en grave fnlta , que darie. origen a un juicio legislativo.y a la censura de quien autorizare el quebrantamiento de las leyes rund~entales de la naoi6n.

En oonseouencia,

· Al Excelentiail!l'o Senor . ·. Don ROBERT McGREGOR SCOTTEll 1 , . . .

Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenoiario de loa ~sta<los Un1dos de America •:• PRESENTE .·:





·"'· !~


2 -

' /:•·.

&n oonsecuencia, mi Gobierno al reiterar al de Vuestra Exoeler.cia su prop6sito de no 1ns1stir, por el momento, en la nulidad de esos dootUnentos, le participa

-- que, en vista de lo que anteoede, ha resuelto suspender la gesti6n en referenoiu ante el Gobierno suizo. '<· ' Val5ome de la oportunidad para reiterar a Vuestra

Exoelencia las Stlf{Uridades de mi· mas alta y distinguida considoraoi6n, '

/f/ c. Fonco Enriquez


• • Enclosure No. 2 to Despatch No. 2323, <;lated November 7, 1944, from the /unerioan Embassy, Q.uito, ::;cuudor, on the subject: Suspension ·of Ecuudoran Efforts to .:1afeb1.Hird llefugees in German-iield 'rerritory Beari~ 1ouadoran Passports Irregularly Is:med.

Republic of Ecuador

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Diplonu tic Departl;,ent i/67-D-21

1,ui\o, October JO, 1944

ll.r. AmbuSStidOr:

In due course I ini'orr.wd Your 3xcellcnc~· th&t the Govorn:1ent of ..:cuudor, in spite of havin,: denied the validity of passports obtained illogully by Jews living in territories occupied by A."<is forces, and considering tne difficulties through which these persons would puss if they 11ere depri vod of suid docur.1onts, hud decided not to insist or. the inv<.1lidity of these papers while I; hey ruight serve to J.rotect t~10 life and property of their bearers.

In u.ocor.l~:nce with. hur~ani tar ian principles, my Govern;:,ont ud:!resscd its dirlo!Jatic representative in 3witzorlur.d in ord<:r to Ll'r.:~r.ge for the Federal Government us protector of ~·;cu..,dorun interests in :.xis !iations, to necotiuto rl1 t:1 t::o Ger:. an uuthorities so thht they would r<>spect t:.c furei~n status of parsons who might be yrotectod b:· :::cundoran pupers.

·~'he Cl!ur{;e d •,.r:::uiros of Ecuador in Switzerland has informed mo thut tho l!'cdero.l Government has indicated that it iS 1\000SS!ll'Y 1 in order to OLU'l'Y OUt the negotia­tions entrusted to it, that the ~o}l~:.dorllil Government previously recoc;nize tho Eouttdorail. nationality of ,the bearers of these docwnents.

'l'ho Govorr.mont of C:cuodor cannot accede on any · account to tne ruquirer.:ent stipulated by the Federal Government since, in addition to the fact that the

declare. ti on .

!lis Excellency Robert !.:cGregor Scotten, ,\mbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ot the United States ot America


1~ ... " J

• t ~ 2 -

declaration requested woulcl r::eu.r. the validuting of pa.pers obtained throuGh fraudulent ... eans, tho constitu~ tional provisions that regulate the declaration of na tionuli ty est"blish a procedure which cannot be set aside without CO!lU!litting grave error that would give rise to a legislative investigation and to censure of whoever might authorize the violation of the fundamental lay1s of the !\atiou, '

Consequently, my Government in roitereting to Your Excellency's Government its intention of not insisting for the monent on the invalidity of those documents, inforl!ls it tho t in view of the foregoing, it has decided to suspend the nerotidtions und~r reference with the Swiss Government, -

I a vail myself of ihe opportunity to renew to Your Sxcellency the assurunc re of my hL£hest al)d rnost distin::;uished conside'rution,

/s/ c. Ponce Snriquez


' ~·

~ /><-'-],{~-·'J ,,

~~ '.

J.l:05 f.'olllo Uov.



f944 NOV 2 .. _-


PM 2 54

. .fllo)1,!;.~tl.on ,:u)'l'l ru:>o:~r·t~:: ti;·;t :\ ~ou~~>1UJi<::.tion ::;.~ta•.l .

. •ll(,.1~r!t ;:;Q <;{.I~V.:y1n_; -.~l•:;:tDl"•.•.ll i?U\'UOCt th«li lie~,l'Ol'S 01' y .t:\t-.dnl' :11 y:-..r;Ol'r! in I lui\ .:,ry ua •·t ol;t:<;t:~ll- i.ly- •i<·it:tln•l-~.n:J. n·>r.

Luun rcoaivtle ,;y .·~rlr P '•ov;:~:rm:.ent i'1•o~<. ·.ou·!'~or·.,n oo~··ul·:\te.

tittt Lh .• t : •.. ;it•t· J'~:;.ly ntcttw.:. tll;,t :·1nce :.ou· .. ct·~·v 1ntul'o~tr­

u.l'\J not r~ rurm:&.:..:. in I!Ut"J;" .• l'Y liy .·• ·itl'f;j_)·l~··~ .fttluy ooul.

UOL \:rJIW1·.'C.:l' tllil' lil< lto.l•1;,

tt) • en •. :•.; t1.., _ J·\•;;l"J.">::I't".t1·.'n nf: .ct~·.·•~<•J•· 11 1n~o:r:'t:(•ti·, 1n

:111:,; ·;T':/, '1:. ·.·.1;~ -,CI;tillV .:· C:t.i.>ll .;~ 1'1.11 j·, ,l"H.Il:l!'t '1:.: h :WI IIJUtl . ~

o ,l.l.t.ll • l'l•uu u11lo' to •'·!1t~tn·-!-:·.J:l:l •

~ ·\-L-... V:h\• .t.G/:"1/•J.'O.

.• mt

I I . :,,,. ......

. CO~IROL. ·copy m:cr.ASSIFIED

B!atoDopl. J.cttcr,'l·11;79

Tiy R. H. f',.rl:o Dnlo.§.E..e..2 0 1972

. '

\ \


Secretary of State,


I~AR Pl!:Fl'-'E BOARD (lo!r. Pehle)

Mrs. Dean's reouest


- J American Embassy

Quito, Eouador

Dated: Oct. 30, 4 p.m., 1944

ryespatohed: Oct. 30, 6 p.m.

Rec'cl: November 6,6 p.m.

A-493, OctobPr 30, ~ p.m., ~944 .. ,( .

Reference is made to .the Embassy's despatch No. (2045 'and to the Devartment 1 s airgram No. A-485 of August 26 and October 25, 1944, respectively.

I . The Ecuadoran Ministry for Foreign Affairs

states that 1t will today cable instructions to its 'Jons•1l Ge"neral in Geneva to request fgrmally of the SwtssjGovernment that it represent Ecuadoran intere~ts in Hungary. f

?11/840.1 CGR:mt


llECf.ASSIFlliD ~Wtc !Jcpl. T.<:tf~r, 1~11•73

B}· H. 11. i'."'"' Dnto..s£U 0 1972


A-485 )f October 25, 1944

4.:20 P.M.


QUITO, CONTROL COPY Department 1 s 813, October 13,

Information reoelv~d from Bern lnd!oates that while the

F.cuadorRn GovernmP.nt has requ~>st~?.d Swltz.erland to give pro­

teo tion to bearers of Ecuadoran doourmmts in Hungary 1 t hP.e _,

not formally requested Switzerland to represent Fousdoran !'

interestP in H•~ngary. Consequently S1~iss Government 1s UMble

to extend protection to bP.arerA of !':oual.'!.oran documents 1n Hungary,

Embassy 1a requested to urge upon EouRdoran Government

des1rab111ty of tak1n~ prompt P.Otlon envisaged by Department 1 s

secret circular alrgram or August 3, 1944 with reference to '

Eouad">rsn interests in Hu,ngary~





'l'O; ~eoretnry of .ste.te, ·.nshinc,ton



October 20, 1944

1015 -r CONTROl ~OPY

The ForeiGn Office of :::ouadol' ste.teo that it has

received no S;Jeo1f1o rcc·uest for the olarifiontion of :telegram

under reference in 813 f1•om the Department of the thirteenth of ·

October Pnd is at a loss to under~tand the cause of difficulty

in interpretin6 the ~uadoran Cons.ulate 1s note of the twelfth

of l·:ny RS its. C!•ble instruction seems perfectly clear or the

eighth of I•:Uj•. Fror~ the Ccn8'llate at Geneva thl!l only._ communicnt ion

received by the ~ore1cn Office concerning the yroteotion of ,..

individuals in Germllny olniminc, Eoundornn ~at1onal1ty ~ms a ~otter

of the t1··enty fifth of l':lly !lSitlne 11 aor.~e opinions and advice". · On

the seventh of Septcnber' the Foreign Off1ce replied by -n~rma1l

letter l·lhioh presumably bee not reached Geneva as yet.

Yeatercl~y the Fcro1c;n Office t'ransmitted a ldre, to

£cuadoran Consulate at Gnhevu in substnntlr.~ly the terms belot~l

(in paraphrase) "Hepee.tinc inotl•uctiona issued to you previously

to nrran~;o for the Govcrnr.tent of SI·J1tzerlund to eek that German

cff1o1als ~epect rie;hts or persons :Protected bypa:oers anddooumen"

of !::cuag.or. Talte action to aoc.uiro action by the S~1lss Government:

at onc·e. In udd1t1on, in this oonnect,.on, you are asked to contact

the American diplor.tatio representative.


m:OLASSI'FIED Stale Dept. Letter, 1·11·72

Dy ll.ll.!'o;ka DaloSEP 2U lS?2

·~.·· .... ,,,_...,.


t -:.~


, . . ,



1lllllllllllruito, october 19, 1944

No •• 2r6Q

SUbject: .".

Assistance to Refugees from Axis Persecutlon

Honorable '.l'he Secretary of State 1

\laehington. •·

"i . i . ~~~ ~,~r: 1 l1 (.: ·., .. I • { •• ! J .... "'. /Cf.,.,i,l ,,.!j

. Referring to the Department's secret circular llir­gr~ of September 19, 1944, 19:15 a,m, 1 in regard to the

'· ·-·- · -····· Bafeguarding of 11 ves or· holders of documents of tho h~erice.n republics, I have the honor to enclose a copy, with translation, of a note from tho Foreign Pffice .


dated October 17, 1944, received in reply to a communi­cation which I sent to the Minister for Foreign Affairs in pursuance to the Departme~t's aireram under reference,

It will Be noted that the Foreign Office. communica­tion states that the Ecuadoran representative in Switzer­land has beeri instructed to take tho action desired; i.e., to confirm or suggest changes in tho list being compiled by the United States Legation at ~ern of holders of do­cuments purporting to indicate Ecuadoran nationality.

Respectfu_nr yours,_, . ..--

/ . · .. .., ';)

/ :t:nflosures: · , 1 l. Copy of n,ote as ste.t~.d.

(t; ·, · 2. Tre.nsla tion of above note . . •1


Copy to the Consulate General, Guayaquil Flle No, 840.1 JWG:rbm




CONTROL COP( -;~ . . \" .... ~:--

DECT..ASSIVmD . · Btntc Dept. L<llcr, 1·11·72 ~:- }~·

· · By a :U.v.;tks Date ~EP 20 197~ -~.. ~~-

J·S·~ \t-·, >··-


l '


\ 1


Enclosure No, 1 of Despatch No. 22t30 dated October 19, 1944

Amerlilan Embassy, Quito, Ecuador •

·y., GOPIA


Mlnlsterlo de. Relsciones E..'\:teriores No, 54-D-16


Qui to, a 17 de octubre de 1944

Senor Embajado1•:

Tonga a hon1•a avisa1• recibo a Vuest1•a Excelencia de la atenta nota numero 390, fechada el 5 do los corrientea, con traida_ a informanae que, par 1nalnua­c16n de las autoridadea auizas, y a fin de proteger a los tenedores de documentos omitidos en nombre de las Republi cas amoricanas en te1•r! to1•lo control ado por Ale­rnMia, ol Gobiorno do los Estados Unldos de Amlu•ioa··~esM. trat!Uldo de compllar llstas. de tales t,enedores, para trasmi tlrlas al Gobierno alem€m pol' lntel'lnedio del suizo,

Aiiade Vuestra Exoolencia que, no obstante las actualea circwlstanc!as, la Legaci6n do los Estados Unidos do Am6rica· en ilorna, eat6. proour!mdo compilar listus t].Ul cor.1plotas como le soa posible, con el objeto refer! do,

Aprovecha Vuostra Excolencla para manlf!!s­tarme que, con respooto a la lista de lndlvlduoa optantoa a ln nacionnlidad acuato1•lann, el Goblerno n'o1•teamor!cano apreclud.a, que el de ml pais inst1•uya a au Represontante en Sulza, a fin de que confl1•me o ,auglora cambios en la llsta que ~eta olab~rando la Legacl6n de los Estados Uni-dos do Amllrica en Berna., .•. ·

En resl>Uesta,- me es grato lnformar a Vueotra.Excelencia que,'deflriondo gustoso al pedido, he lnst1•u!do al Hepl'esontMte ecuatoriano an to el Goblerno suizo, .en el sentldo aollcltado.

Valgome de :';a oportunidad para. rei tera1• a Vuestrn Excelencla las segurldades de ml mas alta y distingufda conslderaci6n, -

Por el W.nis tro, el Subsecretarlo (flrmado) Tobar

Al Excelont!slmo Seii•r Don HOOEHT Mc,GREGOR SCOTTEN, -_ Embajador Extraordlnar!o y Plenipotenolarlo do los Eatadoa Unldos de Norteam6r!oa Pree.onte


. I

., ~· No, 2 of' despatch No·, 2260 dated October 19, 1944 ·.

f':rom American .Qnbnssy, Quito, Ecuador


·'MINISTRY ,01<' FOREIGN AI!'FAIRS No, 54-D-16 '

'!_, Diplomatic Department

Quito, October 17 1 1944

Mr. Ambassador:

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Ex, oellenoy 1 s esteemed note No, 390 of' the 5th of' this month in­f'ormlng me that at the suggestion of' the authorities of Swit~ zerland and f'or the purpose pf' protecting the holders of docu­ments issued in the name of the "merio.an Republics in Gorman­controlled territory, the Government of the United States of America is taking steps to compile lists of' such holders for tho purpose of' transmitting them to the Get'lllan Govel'nment through the Swiss Government.

Your Excellency adds that, notwithstanding the present circumstances, the Legation of the United States of America in Bern is undertaking to compile lists as complotoas possible f'or the purpose aforementioned,

Your ~xcelloncy tal{es occasion to inform-me that, with respect to the list of' individuals claiming Ecuadoran nation­ality, tho Govo~unent of' the United States would be grateful if' my.country would instruct its representative in Switzerland to co!1f'irm or 11uggest changes in the list which is being coni­piled by the Legation of' the United States of America in Born,

In reply I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that, com­plying with pleasure to your r~queat, I have instructed· the Ecuadoran representative vis-a-vis the Swiss Government i'n the

~ sense requested. , · \

I avail myself of the-opportunity to reiterate to Your Excellency the assurances 6f my highest and moat distinguished consideration, · -~

For the Minister, . ___ _ 'The Under-Sec:retaryt

/a/ TOBAR · His Excellency

Mr. Robert McGregor Scotten, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of Ame:rica,

City •.


-. ~




ORIGINAL TEXT OF TELEGRAM SENT ----~-- ---------------------- ------

Secretary of State, Washington I .

American Embassy, Quito

't'mn.mER: October 13, 1944

813 ';<

The following cable has been received from Amembassy Bern:

QUOTE A note with regard to protection of. individuals in Germany claiming Ecuadoran Nationality of Federal r Poll tical Department was forwardoo on May 12 by the Ecuadoran Consulate, we are told by Swiss, Contradictions of such a nature were contained ~herein·that.its meaning was difficult for the Swiss to interpret. It is.said the Consulate was not able ·to supply explanatory interpretation of the note and the Consulate concurred with Swiss that in order to avert misconstruction, they should ignore note of May 12, In the meantime, contents of the note were--sent by FedeJ;'al Political Department to Swiss Legation Berlin for informational purposes while waiting for clarification. Ecuadoran Consulate decided to ask Government of Ecuador for such clarification, UNQUOTE

Please endeavor to ensure that clarifying'message is sent

to Eouadorean consulate in Bern consis.tent with the humanitarian

ends sought to be achieved, and advise Department and Board of

date and contents of such message,


CONTROL COPY ~ OCl 11 i'. 11 S:t

Tne i'oll~wint cable n .. a boen rvoeived .from Alllolllbaaay Berna

~;UO'l'E A note with ret;ru•d to proteotl.on of individuala in Ut~rn:an,y clll!lli1nu lcuador .. n Na tiona).i ty of i'&del'B.l Poll tical Department was forwarded on Yay 12 qy the Ecuadoran Consulate, we are told by Swiss. Contr .. dictiona o.f such a nature ware contained therein that ita moaning was 'difficult for the Swiss to interpret. It iu said thp Consulate was not able to aupply explanc.tory interp~t .. tion o1" the note bnd the consulate con­curred with Swiss ~llt!t in orller to •wert ·miscon&truction, they should ignor" note of ~ 12, In tho m~antime, contents of the note were sent by )'edenl Polit.ioal Depart:nent to Swills Legation B~rlln for inforuational purpose~ while waiting for clarification, Ecuadoran Consulate cieoided to ask Uov~rnment of Ecw,dor .for such ole.rlfic!itlon. IJN(,.UO'n

Pii:LIBEJ enJeavor to <•usun t.hut o.lbrifying mesllat;e ill sent to Ecuadorun cor.11ule.te in ll~rn consistent with the humanitarian ends sought to b~ aohiaveu, and advise Dupa.rtmunt and lloard o.f date and contents of such message,

3:50 P•lll• October 12, 1944

Hise Chauncey (for the Sec 1y) Abrahamson; Akzin, ~Cohn, Dullois, Pried!nan, Hodel, Lesser, Hnnnon, McCormack,_- Files

'L. _,~._, .•.

. f'

.• - ·"~(,;·

raoMa TOt




c;-. ·~~~

~ I PAIW'HRA5E_ .~r;~~~~ llEOF.IVED

Alller1oan Eobae.srw Q\tlt!)l ,

Rete~noe 1e aadt hereNltb to »epartaent!e.aec~' olroular

alrgrem ot AugUst 3.

A oo$1un1oaUon has Juat been reoel't'ed br the Embaeor from / y

the •·orelgn Oi't1oe dated AUeuat 24 stating that the Government . ( ' ·.

or_ Ecuador baa 1netruoted the S1~1oa Govermoent along the lines

indicated in the ante p&nult1me.te .parasraph ot tlte reference

a1rgvam. By n1r pouob we are forwarding tho teat ot the Forolgn

Office communication.

m:ci . .-Ii'SlFIF.D Stnto .Ucpt. Lcttor, 1·11·72

By Ii. IL Parks Dakl SEP 2 Q 1972

~ Ho. 2~5


sBCRE~ r.-~~iu,\~ .. ~~\·


-1uli}.o 1 :::cuador 1 August 26, 1944 /

:~!'torts to &tt'oguard ttw Lives of Persons in !!uneury Holulng PassporLs' Issued in the NW!le ol' l'cuador

'!'he llonornblo

'l'he Secretary cf ':tn te 1

CONTRUL COPY · 'usllingtcn.


:,;i th reference to this 1-"Jr.bnssy 's to10Gl'll~l No. !!41 cf .. usust :Cc, 1 11 a.rr.. 1 I nave tne honor to transmit hurowitl! !J.. co;.·y t.nd trnnclc.tion Cl' nn r.drl.e mui:;oil•e from tho i.'inistr)' fol/ :•'oreir:r: \l't't;lr.s rc;eordinc its ins true tion!l to tile :-~•i ss Gcverlll.lent ... in c0nnoction l'ii tn effo:·ts tc !.ml'eg~.;urd t.;c li von 01' JlerGec,utud ))Ol·sona in ilungol'Y who hol:.i pass~oi·ts or othor doownents issued in tne llWo\0 Of Ji:OUUdOr,

ltospoou'ully you1•s,

Enol~sureo: "· ../ ~· ..

1. Copy of ••hie /,:omoire.•·_,. 2. Translation of above.

711/840.1 COR:mt

..... .


._.~ .........

Stnto J)cpt. t.ottor, 1SEP2 2 O 1972

By· n. IL l'orks Dow...::.:;;....;


Enclosure t:o, l to despatch No, 2045 of August 26, 1944, 'from .i\fueri can &u\mssy, '~ui to, Ecuador.

REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR ~inisterio de Relucione~ Exteriores DepurtD.!IIento IJiploruatioo



Inforroudo el Linisterio de Relaciones Exteriores de las perseousiones que uot,uulmente se realizan en llune;ria contra individuos de determinuda.raza y entro las que se cuenten muches que ;:>oseen pasnportes otorgados a noltlbre de Hepublioas ruuoricunus, se llu dirigido u su re­presentunte diplomtitico en Suizu puru quo obt;engu del Go­bierno :~ederal, como oncurgod<.l de los intoroses del Ecua­dor en las neoionetJ dol Ejo o satelites de <~lle.s, que lla­ga saber ul (;obierno de ilungr!a que ol Gobierno del .,oua­dor reconoce la validez do los docw~ntos o pusuportes concedidon en su nomb1·e y qu,, por lo mismo espero qtte se otorf;ura u los portadoron de diohos pupole3, los derechos, privilegios e inmunidude:J do o_ue gozan,los naoion&los eoua­toriuno:J. ,\siH.ismc. :Ju lc hu pedido illl'orr:.o que lou :~stados llnidos !Jston uutol~izados para necooiar ol oanje de diqlms peruonas, · ~ ·'

i.a c:ancillerfu del :Louuuor, al re::J}londer al Aide l .. e1uoire do lu ::inbaJu<la do :~~tudos Uuido,;, de fooiw 19 de los oorriont.fH;, rei tel' a su prop6si to de no insistir en la nulidud do los pnsupol•t.us oonuedidou ilegalmontu mientras ellos sirvan pure ~rctouer lu-~idu y los bienes do sus por­tudores, pero que estoa, no por ello estun fooultndos para ingresar ul ~buador, '

:i _ .....



'·\.!· \'

• t gnclosure No. ·2 to despatch No. 2045 of August 26, 1944, from American Embassy 1 .~uito 1 Ecuador.

\t~ Republic of Ecuador Ministry for !''oreign Affairs Diplomatic Department


A "' The l.iinistry for Foreign Affairs 1 having been in­

forme<! of the persecution which a1;_ present is taking place in Hungary against persons of a certain ruce 1 among whom are many who possess passpo1·ts issued in the names of American Hepublics 1 has ad<il'essed its diploma1;ic .. representative in Switzerland to arrange for the :h'ederal ' Government us representative of the interests of Ecuador in Axis nations or eatelli tes thereof to notify the Govern­Juent of Hungary that the Government of r~cuador recognizes tlle validity of docwilents or passports issued in its name and that accordingly it is expected that the bearers of such papers will be a.ocorde<l the riBllts 1 pri vilt:Jge"s and immunities which Ecuadoran nationuls enjoy. Likewise it has been requested to state thut tho Unitt:Jd Jtu'tt:Js ia autuorlzed tu neeotiate the exciumge or such persoi1s.

!'lie C:cuadoran J.:lnistry for 1•'oreign Afi'uil•s, in reply­ing to the aide memoire of the l~nbassy of the United States d&ted "UBust 19 1 reiterates its intention oi' not declaring invalid passports granted illegully while tney 1uuy serve to protect tho life und property of' tht:Jir holdEll'B but (reiterates) that these persons are not thereby authorized to outer Ecuudor. A

!' / '

Q.uito I i.ugust 241 1944'




' ,_

.... .-

\. s \,

~ I I


[ 51 t

No. Q029 l(

'l,uito, bcuador, 1 P.uguRt

SubJ•ct: ..-

Dot•o:ltl.on by Gorrnan lmthor:t ties of l'cl•sonn Claim-inc~ .. GUUd9l'll!1 i'i!ttiOil£1.11. ty, '

The Honorable


T!w St;crotnry of iltuto, Washinc;ton.

~·t; (J(av~!J~(~I '31YR~. J .

rr·(JI.N ~~~w a:~~ .J ' ./1''/

Rofurrins to the Dopartwont's instruction No, 961 of July 24 lnst onclouinc a li3t of claimants to t:.cuadorun natlonnlity w::o were ror.tovod from the intcrnr~ont camp nt '/ittcl, l•'runcc, un v10ll ns a copy of nn instruction beinc sent to tho ~.nhassy nt Ammclon ·on tho same su'o,)oct., I hav,o the honor t,) onclose a copy, w:t th tl'mHlln tion, of a mcrto­rn!tdum fret~ the ~:inistpy of i"oroign Affairs d£ttcd All(;U:Jt 10 and received yeatordny. It will be noted that the Fo1•eien Office stotos that it has "instr~ctod its diplornntic l'epre­sont.u ti vo in Switzerland to obtain th1•ou;r.h the Fodo1•al Govomr.umt all dntn z'.clntini,: to tho :mh,iect an:l o. complete list of pursonll who, clnilninG i:.mmdot•on nutio:~nlity, are bein~- do tnined in Ool'tnan concontrotton cm~ps, wl th a vi eVI, on tho !:losis of tht:t infonnP!;ion, of iriltihting 11 .pe1•tincmt uomnnd or ndootinf' such l!Hlfl31ll'ou no tho ci1•cuns tnnccn ml rr)lt ronctor ndvi~ai:lo, ii "

'rho li !:l f of clnlt:wntr. to .. cunnornn nni;ionnl! ty roferrcd to hnd been cotot:ltll1i<wtod. by the J.nbaou:r to tho :·.lnlntl';\' of Porcie.;n Aff'~irs ;l.n iltl aido mm;10il•o dntod ;\ucu.'Jt 2 nncl in a supplomtJntm•y r~qm'o1•andttm <:a"Cod Au 1:unt 1•1,


, .. , .. /

Enclo,suros :\/ . . 1. 9opy of l.!omornndum f~om the 2 •. TI'anslation of Memorandum

Original to tho Department of State

....... /lf

floroi Gil Office

Copy to tho Consulnto Goneral, Guayaquil

· !<ile No, 'Ill JWG:rnb

DECT..ASSIFIF.D stnto Dept. Letter, 1-Stlf 2 0 1972

By ll. H. P";'ks Dnoo.,._



I .,.-.._. .. ......

~nclosuro No, 1 to despatch Uo~_202D of AULUSt frm:J t)1e Al:torlcan L:.lcl!:ssy, ...:uttp, ;.,cuodor.

\; HE!'t:SL:!:CA del LC\ !',)OR ' i.iinisterio de Helacioncs ,.;xturi.or•os

DLPi l:TN<.]Ji'rJ Dd ::'I 0' .!'.TICO

:-·' 1 :o;u, i·:JUI.\ ------


24, 1944,

ln i~:br.Jac:u de 1( .s ; . .~:;c~Lo:: L:t: .. ~03 de 1~.·./.n·lca, c1o 14-:·~c los

corricntcs, l.t:: si io .inf..Jr~:,n(io tl l.~i,l!nr;<:r<.o de H~lu.dionea

r.ten.~o o!i nl camp·.> do conccntracion frances de ViL.t.ol, ;:>or

las r.utoridlldos .nle,.l:·nas, quo nlc;_;an lo nacipru,J-l<lad ecuato­

rlann y qi.~c en la a(:tunl:i dn;.i !1un si·lo t'e::l;)V'rdn.s de ccn l'JCnP

r;lOn tc no lll zo conocor do lu ~, .::<bnjudn Hor•tero:Jaricuna 1 instr•uy6

11 au ro;>rosontnnte di?lonut!co nn ~;uiza, !>~ra quo obtuvioJ;n,

por medio dol G~hi.tH'no F'od,~l'al, ~odos los datos l'oforontos.

alasunto :r lu n6:·.\inn completn do' lns p~rt~onns que, elecundo I . .

-nncio~wlidridocuotorinnu, so·~n~uontr~n recluidon on cm~poa

de co:\contrucion:'alcr.lanos, ;)trb, en, vista de osn inforrnn! _

__ ciOn, inici-c.l' in r(;Clnr.tHci9tf -por-t.tnente o ndo~ltal' lns :nod:i.dns

que las cireunsr.nncius uconsejaren,-

,,,.! r:o, n 1'! do nt;os to de 1. D•14.

Ala bMl3AJADA D:W LO~> t,•;'i'AlXJ~; UIIIIJOS

- de _llorta J\n16ri co., PREBLHT1~.

'"k \

• • r .• ~ .. r:elosure l:o. ~ t0 dn:>;lt,t..c}J -;N_s1. :~O~.:D of' J~u._:unt fllo:r. ·~~~u Auiuric~ut :.:~tl:tt:Jn;r, u;1 t..o, ,,eunciur.

.. ~cJpt; :,L'rc of ~·.t:ut .. ,J:·:

l !1. !1 t ~ :.l',l of Fo:~ut n A _.. f~n ~ ~,-~

iru'orned of tho li:;t of p<::r<wns ori;;inull:r inter110d in tho

i"1•cnch concontrn tion cum,l of Vlt tel b:: ti:o ,(lol.'t:Ian uuthori ties

who clnlrn ::.cuntbren· nr.tionnll. ty rmd who huve nor1 boen ruuoved

fro1:1 ti:nt plncc to 011 ynkno1m dostlnut~on. ;,

'.i'ilc ;,;irr~stl·J· of ;.·oru:i.LJ1 ·/,ffuil's, us it hns opp:JJ·tunoly

mnclo l{::t>wn to the .;;~1hnssy ?f tho United :>tuteu, hns

1nnl;l'11Ctt:d its <llplo::,nt~c repl'<'Hlontntivo in Switzerloncl to

> obtn tr• tl~r~u;;!t 'the Fodc:•r.'i "Jovet:nmont all dritn Poln tin;; to

' tl;u :;u1;j oct nnd, 0,. C0!.1ple f.; a 11 st of !Nl'sons 1>/ho, c lnird n;_; \

.~cu_ncl\>rnn nh t:l'lr.n ll t~,, ot,o l)~! ~-t~ (\e t,~inp{l 1 n 0c r'}'MHl co~·fcon tl'n-

tion cs.: ~p•s, v:i t.lA t: _vi ow, _on-~:__t;be ·hn .. sis 'p_r tf~n:t lntor-r.1e:._tion, I

of ini tint in:: n :wJ•tlnont ·Jonnnd or r.do~l.tlnr; sue'• ·tnnncut'Os

'•'Cl tho u.ibnssy of ti.<: lf!!l. toe\ ~thtus of f,i;H;rica, City,


'l'il: JWG; rnb

" .. \






American r..mbassy, Qui to /

Secretary of State, Washington

July 26, 1944

?70 l(

Reference is mud .... herein to- the Department's nirgrum _

A-339, July 14 1 which arrived yesterday,

In order to afford them saf.ty frolll Nazi persecution, I•

some timo ago the Foreign Office sent ins'tructions to. Lisbon

requesting that protection be afforded holders o1.' irregular].y_

issued l~cuadoran/pas·sports 1 but f~S thu ins·truction ruuy hove

been mhcnrriod 1 the Poroign Office is today sondine a cable­

gram to Lisbon,

A reply .to the air~il inquiry -sent to the F.cuadornn

Consul nt Gene~n (see my tole~;t'tUll 70~1 July 13) regarding the ...... ·-_-. r·

status of cable' instructio!l 9r J.lay, 6 hus not us yet- been f'·

received by tho Foreign Office, but a telegram is being sent \ . .·

to G~;~neva by i;'ho lt'orefgn Office today,


0011~ ?/31/44

DF.Cf.ASS!YffiD State IJt!pt. l.<'U~r, 1-11·72

Dy .R. H.l'arks Dnw.J..£1.. Z O 1972



i1.-SZfl J(

_4:0QP, .. July 14, 1~4,;



Heterenoe 1a made to Dep~tment•o 570 of JUly 1. A

private rO)loJ>t from Lisbon atatei: ~UO'l'E 1!1ouador Leg~t1on -,

deolnrea 1mpoao1blo 1ntevvent1on to prevent deportation these

people notually interned a1noe l:!o\lli'.dor"'Government 1eQued ln-./ ', ;'

atruot1one oe.noelllng all pnBBJlOI'tB delivered b~ atookholrll

ConsUlate. UH~UO'l!E

Olmul tnneouely l-11 th notl~ upon Uepnrtmont 1 e 6'10, ploaee

endeavor to obtn1n lnotruotlon froln l::out\uoran autho~1t1ee-to

tllolr leBv.tlona ln Fortli{Sal l'lltl eletndtere .oountol11mndiUU emy

l>l'flV10l\D 1notruct1one OUCh C\0 the one repartecl aboVe, Hhloh

htwa hnd tho o#eot of plno1ng tho pereono oonocrned in persecution aongor of enetlly J.IIWUweau:~n.

lllWIMl•IV:OUH 7/8/44


DECI..ASSIFIED Stilt<> Doj>t. Letter, 1·11·711

ByR.lLParksDaM SEP 20 1912 - ... _,


\"'. \. -.. · ' ~ l ' - ~ '


Refe1·once is !'lade to Department• a 570 ot Julf 1, A private report from Lisbon stateaa QUOTE Ecuador Legation declares iapoasible intervention to prevent deportation theae people actual!¥ interned oince Ecuador Government isaued instructions c~noelling all paaaports

_ d!liy.,red by stookho~ consulate. UIIQUOTE

Si111Ultaneou1:cy llith acting upon Departlll~ntt a 570, pleaaa endeavor to obtuin inutruotion froa !auadorian authoritiea to their legations in Portugal and elsewhere countermanding a~ previoua instructions such es the one reported above, which have hlld the erfect of .placing the persons concerned in danger of-eniiiiY pnaeoution.- -- -

10130 B.olllo July?, 1944

Miaa Chauncey (for the Sec';r) Abrahamaon, Cohn~' DuBoia, Friedllllln, Hodel, Laughl.lg9 .~s.-, Yann, S-tewart, Central Files,' Gable Control FileiJ

tf2./l. ' Jr.. .., • ,.._ • llAkzin:nr '1/5/44



.. J~~·~·~ PA\tAPURASIS OF' T;:;r,_r;;Onl\H RECEliV~ :hvt/~

FRm!i: A't\l'-"RIC.UJ S!IDM~SY, Quito ,--

TO' ' Secretary of State, Washington

DATiiD: July 13, 1944

ln11JBER; '10':; -· CONTROl "COPY Acain the Bnbassy, has been shorm. a copy·

of tho cablo of the eighth' of. i&ly uh1oh uas dispatched ,~_ . . . -- . . -. -- - - - -

to the Ectmdoran Consul in Geneva.~ This copy uas

shO\m to the Embassy by the Foreign Oi'i'ioe and it

c'ontains instl"Uotions exactly as Embasoy-~s Airgram

A~2,2, dated May 10, 19441 reported.· This is with

rorerenoo to Department's callle $?0, dated July 1,


The roportod non-~otion vis-a~v:ls the

Govornraont of Su!tzerlan'd has been undor investigation

by the Forei~n Office ••. ::;: \'1111 catlo the Dapartment

SUOh O.pl'O!JOS. data as m..'ly bo OOCuredo I i


SCarTEN ,/ ·


St•to Dcp~ Lo!t<•r, 1-SEP .-ZO 1972 lly R. lL Pnrko Dnto....;..=- - ---~-

... ·


ORIGINAL TEXT ~F TELEqJW!I~ ~~WIT SECRETARY OF STATE,· . WASifiJ'l;ti.ilo1i':·;~.J' ~: .:;':tfJn,! :· ~


DATEDt July l, 1944.


Reference is made to your A-245.. of Jlay 6. By communica­

tion dated June 13, Swiss g'lvernment has informed,Mlnister

Harrison that it has received no request from Ecuador to

safeguard persons holding passports issued in the name of

Ecuador from enemy persecution~ -

Please urgently ascertain ac~ual situation and-endeavor

to cable us date and text of Ecuadorean telegram referred to

in section 2 of your A-245.


0 ,. § "' .,.-; ~

~-' ~' d

_, <; ~ {_;_")

o· ,.,.

::l 0 ,... <> ·u

0 f, : --J ....... n!

, Retennoe is JM.do to yom' 1-245 of ~ 6. By oo.unioe.tion dated .r,.me l;, Sl'liBII govarllJlont hall infon~ed ll1nbhl' He.rriaon thut it .hill r8oeived no request from Ecuador to safeguard persona holding paesporte issued in the name of Ecuador from e~ persecution,

Pl<iase urg~ut~ uooertdn aotua.l J'ituation and elldee.vor to cable us date 1~00 text or Eo\Wiorcan ,~el.etlralll rel~rrod to in section 2 of your A-245• . . ·• .

3:00 p .... June .30, 1944

Mise Chauncey (for the Sec 1y) Abrahamson, Cobn, DuBois, Friedman, Hodel, Laughlin, Le11aer, lole.nn, Stewart, Oentral.:Filea, Cable Control Files ,


BA::!:~r 6/V./1':(. ~- f.

A- :aaa \


COPY 'l'he Har Hotut~ee Board h1f.Shl7 grut1t1ed over raAulte

reported in your nos. 447 (\)tel .11.-245 of H,,y 6. 'J!hia . .

Government 1 a doO!) npproo1l\t1on of the 'e.ttituo.e or the

l.!:cuadorean a.uthor1 t1ea ahould_ bo convoyed to _them.

'f!IDUJIHV:KU 6/27/44.

DECLASSIFIED . State Dopt. Letter, 1·11·7ll

By n. lL Parko D~tc.8f.U.O 197? ' --....:.

i·~·-.· .. ··. I -, .

,I , .

. . ·. '·


.("' "" ~r~ 31? .r· CJ\BLE TO AliERIOAN EllBASSY, QUITO, ECUADOR

'lhe Department. and the War Refugee Board are high~ sratitie4 over tho reuults reported in your Hoe. 447 and A.-245 ot Ka¥ 6.

Pleaee convey t~ the Eoua(orean aut.horitiee this Qonmment'e cleep appreciation or their attitucte.

•••••••••••••••• MaT 'i!l, 1944 10155 A.M.

/tA. ¥-s /'. BAksinajp 5/24/44


''\<. \





//~~. ~4~~

P.\lq>HR',SS 011' T.F:~l':GR M RECEIVED . ;:;>t!c .. ; . --AmeriC£ln flllbnssy, '~u1to / ;~P'J ,..,, (;

. v Seoret>:~ry of St11te, Washington

J,!ay 6 1 1944


a a Proposals oontnfned in .pril -11 secret oiroul!lr

a1rgrum from ~apartment ore agreed to by Foreign

Minister·. Gouriel' is delivering airgrllm report.


1.\VC:tlliillJ.ow o· o· 1/.VU ~jEI:.OCEE BOVUO


l"'' I .

t': ... · ..• ·. -,

,. '


·~ \

. '

Al•lcr'ican ;-.mhnssy'/ .. .r-·-_; i '"ui to, .~·.ctuulor.· _ Date:- ;.;ay G, 11;00-n.u., 1044 Dospntchod: ii&y q, 6:<;lQ p.m.

1 .1944

:.cr:S.:.-.nY or· ~"W!'l!;'··c·oNfHoc'd. :·_-_·Pol~op'"J~---· .... -... ·.: ..•• ::A:;;!!II(}'l'~l~ ROL u I - ,,

l!o, A-245, i:ay 6, 11:00 a.m., 1944 . -'

Dopnrtr;ont 1 s circular airo·~<m, April ·11/11 :OO a.m. After s tuclyinc tho nr. t tors ro.i Rfld in tho uil·~rrun, the !iini stor for 1-'orei•c:n A.?i'alrs has orally :l.nfoi•J:Ied :no thnt:

1. His Government lw.o received ~o inquiry throuc;h the Spanish 'Govornr.um:t.

2, l!is Uove1·nnont io hinodiutely aondinc a tolect•nr.t to 1;hc Gorr.1an aovot•m:~ont throuzh tho nwiss Gov&rmaent roquoutinG safoLuardinc of poPnoris clnhtinp, .:..cuo.dornn nationality,

3, !lis Government appl'ovos the propoaed net;otiations for a :l.'urthor ·oxcilun~;;e •o!' nutioualo of· tho Jll~•or:l.can liepuhl:t"cs ll(';a:.nst Gor .• ,an.nationall! in l'th.i.ch holders of irre:..:;ular 1iass-. ports in J>x:l.s-controllod tol'l'l_tory 1'/0uld be eli,~ible. He inqt.il'ed l'ti~nt country would;ooGl' tho exponso of tho exchanGe and I otutod that it wao :.•'J unuorstnndint; thut the United ~tutaa would btf~r all tho oxj)__enso innofa.r lin_ tha ll:.t<n>icim hepublios wore ooncol'nod.


J::G:rab l•'ile llo. 711

DECT,ASSIFffiD Stain -Dept. I.cltcr, 1·11·72

Ry R. H. Pork• Dnto S E p 2 0 1972 -"-.

'\' No, 1388

'"'' Subject; \


(By COUl'i er) --1 . _L!i ~~"j"'"""lpl'il 18, 1944

\ Unuuthorizo'd Passports Isauud to Pursons Persecuted by J::nemy Authoritil,lll•

'l'he Eonornble ~le Secretary of Stuto,

:'IR,shint: ton.

'. jJ!(f ~~ v "<1 !J tvt~(Mf!Fh.l

L...~ .f }tl-1- ():h.·IJi~

. . J Sir:

:<:;, ~ th Peforcnce to tho Depnrtncnt '·s secret cil•culilr -1t, O:~l't_;r~, of r.:nrch 31, 1:05 p.m., l"ognt'dln.~ passports·~issuOd . )

o::f.!Jl th~'nnrr.cs of' variou<J I.nl;in Americnn countries to pex•sons ~g;~!\ enc1'1y-occupicd Suropo, ! lwvc the honol' .to report that !!!~l:.hc •:iibstnnco of the Dc,:wrtn:ont 1 s nlr•[_N<l1i W!lil convoy.ed ~ni~u11~5 to the l!inistcr for J·'oreicn A~i'nii•s,tynstoJ'dRy, The 0~~nl S'!:il!' the:1 road to r:w 11 cop:r of a note · m!l1t to tho . <~·i tiS.."'J. l~ini ntor hul'C on t.tnroh 30 which tnt:; ,in r-oply to IJ.

~nolo !.t•om t!10 B1•i ti sh i.\ini ntor concernins .th'o uhnu thori zed issunkbc of' .t.:cuadol•nn passports in Stockholm, nnd which he said e:r.plainod the uttl t>ule of' tho :·.cundoran Gov<n•mnent in the ms.t.tor. I enclo11o n cop:r of this note,· which wnB lo.t<n• f'urnl!;bod t1c by the Bri·ti:Jh l·iinistcr, at; well' us a trunsln­ti on of' the <!oi:ununl cu cl on,

It will be noted· thut the l<orolGn Office communicntion lndic£ttos th!tt while tho ~CU!\dornn Govorm·wnt is not -diR­poood to conf'irm t.he vuli<li ty of unauthorized passports in tlw possession of' lndi vi duals ptn•socu ted by tho enemy, it

.,, will, nevol'theloss, not cancel tho pnr.spot•ts Pl'ior to Sl~ch timo as tho holclot•s l'(:v.ch a place of' unfoty, nnd thnt both tho Intor-Govornrnontnl Cor~mi ttoo in London nnd Ecuadoran consular officors 'abroad hnvo boon inf'ormod in t!Jis sense,

Hollpoctfully yours-,

. !• ...... -· l,..t ... ·

. James w. Gantenbein . Amari co.ri CharflO d 1 Affni rca, o.. i·.

/Enclosure: .11. Copy of note

i 2. Tt•!tnslo tion ~f' no ttl

Ori~;inal to the !)oportrnont of' 3tn te Copy 'to t!Jo Consulute Gencl•al, Guayaquil

JWG:rab - F'ile No, 811.11 DECT..ASSI'FiliD

Btato Dept. f.,tt.r, t-!t-72

II¥ R. lL l'urk~ DntoSEP 2 0 .1972

,, '

' . l

\"'· \ - . ' ,l_. __ -.· .•


• • M,\11.

' ~.~:1clo~uru No •. l. i,o dl:f;:>atch :Io.., 1~-:t.!n of ApPil lU, \:-t;or::. t-h~ A:-:l.Jt'i cnn .·, ~·1n~sy, "t.Ui to, -.:..euo.ti.tJP.


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~~~!Ji'~blica del ... ~ct:~.-.:ol'. t'Y:t;l iS tcPiO: d:;; •\l~ l:i c: ll,;C ~l ;~ i, ·-· !'~. OPO n,

r~ .. :l .. ·.rtr11 1~:· ~:r~.U .~:!' .. -- 1 !:~~-,

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:..nelos_Ul'O i.~u. t~ to dcupatch .frO, 13~in of .Apl 1ll 18, 19 .. ~ .. 41 ft•o:,t t.h0 J\n~..e.t.cnn L..:n.: n.~s:r, ~t.U:ito, !:.cun::.lor.


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!'f.!\~.{)!!!; w~·o ;~.o::sn~s :'1~:;;-~~Dl'C~ w!. til l"C--:3•)oet. t.o '~r.t.r~;. i :1to "*c<t~~.-10t' ·::.' t:lv.>ut :::--e f\~1~---~.lJ.!''Cnt of t.~:n f<>l'~:~l\li t,~(-;:; • .-~~LPl)l.~ :Jl·:t';d

~1:r ti·.,~ A lion Ln\: (n.J\1) i~:·· ~OP( .. O :-.i.:l ~Od~ :1{)1. (·;)··u-;.t:! tnt;··: .;rt:­C\~d·,;:lt~ ft)t'_ cll'rit:::.~'- · n {·!-·>:Hni.:icd .:~c:q·.~i!;i t.Joq of tn ~,.!.·"·, ,·~~.~ t:r.

. . i .. c :._,, .

11'.''····· • 11 '1 1' • t .• . \".'! <!0~1~' ,.~t-.... vn ".dJ ·-y. (~·'L:[:f!Pn:.:·: .. : ::·.c.J~-~

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~o His ~xcolluncy ;,:r. L,)-,LJ j;. CIU1oh:T.~t~'J Hlf ~~Ei.:.~,-!!A;rr. ;~/;,.,, . Btl'[t;~; .. t.t..l~uoPdintit,? nn·l Linlnt.-.. d-. Plcni!Jotrnltitn,~' of ~r0at Ur1tuin, ~-





To the . /

Officer in Charge of the American-Mission,

Ban Salvador.

The Secretary-of State refers-tothe-Department'e airgram no. A-204 of June 29, 1944.regarding the validity of d6cumente held by persons ln enemy and enemy-occupied territory and transmit~ herewitn a copy or a despatch from the Legation at Bern together with its enclosures, six certificates or_ nationality issued by the Salvadoran Consulate General at Geneva on behalf ot certain civilians interned at Draney near Paris, France.

The Officer in Charge is r·equested to transmit to the Foreign Office the enclosures to the despatch,

Enclosure: \ -

From Legation Bern, no.8.07. June ·3, 1944, with enclosur_ee.


AIR MAIL ,. ).


To the

\Officer in Charge of, the American Miee1on,

Ban Salvador,

The Secretary of State refers to the Depart­ment 'a airgram no. A-204 of June 29, l944 .. and to 1 ts instructions or this date enclosing copies or despatches no. 8407 or June 3, 1914, 84?8 .or· June 13, 8470 or June 12 and 8559 or June 23 and their enclosures regarding the validity or · documents.held by persons in enemy and enemy­occupied territory,


The Otficer.in Charge in transmitting to the Foreign Orrice the enclosures to the aforementioned despatches is requested to make appropriate reference to the airgram or June 29 and to state that in connection with the notification mentioned therein to the effect that El Salvador recognizee · Salvadoran passports held.by persons in enmy , and enemy-occupied territories it is hoped that the Salvadoran Government will not take any steps that might have the effect or questioning the validity ' or the documents .under reference, .The Foreign Office may wish to point out to the Bwfss Government that its records in enemy territory are not available for consultation and that until such time as they may be available or tho individuals concerned may be able to apply in person at a Salvadoran diplomatic or consular office the, Salvadoran Government will not~be in a position to pass definitively upon the validity or the document.s, f· '

In the circumstances it is,aas'lmed 'that 'the Salvadoran Government ,will wish to ,request the Swiss GoYernment to extend its protection to the holders or all such doolUients, '

\ \'-

\~ .~ .·~~_, ..




~­,.. AIR MAIL

No~ To the

Otticer in Charge ot the American Mission,

San Salvador.


The Secretary or State refers to his airgram no. A~204 or June 29 and transmits herewith a copy ot a despatch trom the Legation at Bern together . with its enclosures, doCUJIIents pertaining to the nationality ot Pinkas Lipschuetz and·his-ramily residents or Brussels, Belgium.

The Otticer in Charge is requested to t ransm1 t to the Foreign Ottice the enclosures. to the despatch,


From Legation Bern, no. 8470, ~une 12, 1944, with enclosures.



\ ~o.

To the


Otticer in Charge or the American Mission,

San Salvador • ...

The Secretary of State reters to his airgram no. A-204 or June 29, 1944 and transmits herewith a copy of a despatch from the Legation a_LB_ern together with its enclosure, a translation or· a · note date(\ June 12 from the Swiss Foreign· Otrice and copi~s or certificates or nationality issued by the Salvadoran Consulate General at Geneya· on behalf or certain civilians interned at Draney, .near Paris, France . ·

The Otticel' in Charge -is requested to transmit to the Foreign Ottice the enc],osures to the despatch.


From Legation Bern, no. 9479, June 13, 1944~ with enclosure. ; .:

d .... ·


. (

'"'' ) . - --_.

- .


'-', AIR Mii.IL

\ No.

To the

Officer in Charge of _the American Mission, o----

Ban Salvador.

The Secretary '"or State refers to his airgram no. A-204 of June 29, 1944 and transmits herewith a copy ot a despatch.trom the Legation at Bern together with its enclosure a translation or a note dated June 22 from the_ Swiss Foreign_ Ottlce ·regard­ing the validity or tne documents- issued by the Salvadoran Consul~e General at GeneYa on behalf ot Mr. Fe~nand Salomon and his wife and daughter Yvonne vhO·are interned at Draney, France.

The Otticer in Charge is requested to transmit to the toreign Office the enclosure to the deapa~ch.


From Legation Bern, no. 8669, June 23, 1944,

w1 th enol oaure.

i"'.'. ) .... ·' . ,.

c:f··~7'~ ~~~

FRO?.:: ~ a\onric~n i·!r··~-~:~~f!Y:• _S~n Sel.y~C!_~r

: .. '0: ~OCl'"Otf'l.l'Y of Strto, ~·/pshin~ton-,

UA~l:IJ: OctolJOr 23, 1%4

,/In e noto bl'okdnted to Octobor 17 but rocc!vc!l only todry, . I

fol"lJ:tr f·oroie:;n :.'bister Dre.vila doclvrca thrt his Govern111ont . I .

E\Uthorhos the United Stc.tos Govern'llont to com~Uo l~sts 'ot . / ' '

~Ell'SO!IB clnl.ninG Sal vndo~cn cit!.zenahi:p rood r.lthout ··irtor roforonce

to tho Sclvmlorl'n Gov<'>l'n."lent to 'oend thom th tho S11las, Govarnmont

in t-ccol'tknco l7ith the De<Jortr•ont 1n Oirq\UN' Ah·r;:r£'m of So,tcr.~lJar l(l,



\ \.1

L'' . lJOR::tAS;;;:JlR lO/P-5/44 DECLASSIFIED

Stntc Dept.-Letter, 1-11-72 1972 By R. ILParks Date SEP 20

\". \ ~

,1 : -' ·' . ,

--I '·

.:)UBJKCT: Citizens ot' tne .A.Il!Brioo.n Rcpublloo Held 1n German Oonoontra ti on Cumpa. 1

Tho Hoi\ornblo


The Sooretory of \'lushineton

With roreronoa to t11o ~ Depnrt!llGII t 1 s sooret oiroulur a!l.'gram o1' JUl!u 26 0 l. :00 )ltu. • rl;)gordlnn oitizana or the i'llllerionn ftopubl1oa lloltl in aarl1l£ln oouoootrution oamps. · I buvo the honor to enclooe a t1'8.n~lut!on or a. uo~e J}.ated Ootober ll (hut rooeive<i only :fllsteruay) from the !.llnlstur for For~l~,n Ai'toJ.rs, in whlull he expresses tllunll:a i'.or · uo11Unlnt1n~ lu.ro with tha DeJiartl:!.ent • s uessu,;;e- to -the- Le-, gution ut Bo.rrl nntl tho hope t;hut. his Govartuuent will be ln1'0l'IOO<i of the rosult ot tlli;J repraaonwt1on, <JO ftU' au....­it miellt oonuox•n snlvuctornn;; or 1.tlillv1<i.uala who ole.lm ::ml­vmloran natl•ma lity,

It wlH bo oosel'vod that .1\Q tuontion. i!! !lluda or tal<ing pal'allol uo·;ion.

i' oer lmru· ou :i.fi

Ohtll·iJ.e d'Ai'ft:l.l'13~l a,i.

i~nolOS\U'O Tl•on~.l.~tlon or' not~

dut-/.l 10/l~/41t

711. 00/tt.:l.ro


To ths Department in original und hi)Otos;rttPha . CONTROl~ COPY

I 1~.

« , DECT.ASS!Fn:n ~~to Dept. l.olter, 1·11·72

B;·~ lL l'o.rks Da~cSEP ? 0".1~72 o-t:~~" ,. Jo 1


\ \

. " . ' '

JJ:tl,o~o:.~~J.'<l to lte~lJltlt<'h .no. ·20<)/1- (.SJ:;cm•:'ln ltu te(l 'Ootohl-ll'l9 9 19!•1~• :t:l'O~l ttw JlilllJ:r,l,onJl lktbQ.SS;<(. u~; 8:;1u OulVHd04', lU Jal• vadol' 1 on tho ·uub,1'c.-tt: GH!.zali:l or t.11.Q Aro.c_;doHJl Uepub­llos tlald J.n. U~rlllt:n. Oqnom'l.tl'l\tlnn OUiit[,!>3.. . · . · -----~ ... ~----:-~....,~---•a_..., .. ,,..~- ..... -----------..-----~ .. oft-.. ----~- ... --:.-::---~-

U1nist;~,iy o~· ltoreJ.gu A1'1'e:lrs Hupnblio or· El onlw.tfor, O. t. l>.tplor~nt1 o !3tJot.1.cm Ao.l!OO-!H-!222


_ Nat.t.ontil !i'alaoe • L'lutl Sulvado1··· Ootobal' 11, l.94t~

By Your. ~xool1•moy 1 u ~ .. t.een.':!<l not"' no. )4/.:, ol' July· 1 l~'st r :t rove ht\<1. tha hortol' t,o uur~ualnt llJ.Y:.'Iol£ v.ttb. the torrns o£ tho r.te-oau~e \'!hiatt Wa:i uont- by·t-!v~-DeJiiil'tment.- ot' State to tha iuauri•J·'lll Lanntlon iu Bnrn, l~ogu.J'tllng na·· tlonalo tt.n<l utn·~on:3 WhO ola.tn< tho smt.t\ma.lit.,y of tha' UnitetJ. :>tute.; und o!' oth<>r .'\l'lfll'iot<ll Ho;i,?Ubl.iotl, detuined ln OtUli.IJS looutod lu Uerm,ny wul·Go.cmun--col\trolled terr.J." tol'Y' to whl..:~h tho protooUng Poweru lUl•i t.he ~nternat.l'onal Hod Cross ht.Wtl be on f!l'!tlrtfl<l ·no ftllOCl.m •)l'. ••l..;e :lllOh str.J.ot.,. ly 1.1ml1;od 1'o.z·~ts ot' ·~c<.~eo.u thl•t tlll~Y h<:\V\3 l·O<lll unutl.e ef­t'ootivoly to a~oist t,ne <iotoJ.ntJd 1ntl1v;hiue.La.

In thanld.ng Your E!,ot)llflucy fOl.' ymir ki•ial1tl.'3u in i>.l'lnglr~& th;to lr·tl)ol'tant. .ro.<'~;!l.t.JUge t p f.l\Y ltt\l.lW.lecli~'-1, pel'nll. t mo to adv lue ~'l1U thttt n~ GOV-3l'tllllent would ba llil'Jtly gru te­ful .t.r yotu: GoV•>rnrut~ut wo~tl.d lnf.ox-m. H, lf t.hol''' lu nu objaot..lon:, o:r· the l.'osnlt . .:>i' 'l;he ~·ci;>.&.'OSU~1tEtt.lon OHtxouutau t.o t.hll Ututo•l Stuto~ L"~&tion . .\:1 Bernp so tar o.:> 1t JUi.t~llt oonoern !:».\lVatlOl'un w..tional!.l Ol.' !uctt v .t•lUrils wl~') olu.\JU i:la.l~

" VI.HlOI'M llntiOIJL\J.ity • clota!.i10ct in l•.h<• >~1, .lcl J?ltwes.

l bBe; \"olU' Bx('oll.onol'f, t.O eooopt tl:v> l.'~:t,tJWt:~o. aas1u•nnoes 01' my hlgh.out am\ zno:>t rUst.tll~,U_\;liLOd COJltd.dert\i;i Oll.o

Ills Exoallency Wnl.t<Jl' 'l'lluruton. Ambaseador Extn\Ol'dintu•y and l'loulpotontlnry 01' the tJni tod ota tea ul' Amarioa o

·'" ' . ·'.· .. ,,'-.. .

~ . . . Dttpart .. nt and War Retugee llo~ blsblJ _4S()II!Mn4

rour aotlon reported 1n JOUl' A-327 ot Aucu•t 10. ,.,.....-·

~lea•• coa••J to Dal•adoran roretsn Mlnleter tbla

Qo .. rnmen, 1s deep appreciation ot ble attitude.



Departme~~ an~ War Refugee »oard hi~ly eo~end your ao\1on . . ~ .

rel>Orhd in your A-3?.7 of' A\18UIIt 10. l'leaee,. conv•¥ to Snlvndoreo.n :FIIt'elP,

!i1n1shr thh Government 1 s deep 11ppreolnt1on of hits attitude,

9:00 e.,m, All8Uet 22, 1944

KieoObauncey (tor the Seo 1y), A~rah~lion, Cohn, DuBoie, Friedman, Hodel, Laugllin, Lessor, Mann, Mannon, McCormack, Cable Control Files


\ \j_

·~·._. ~-.-.,~'hi'

t .

With reterenoe to my secret airgrwn ~o· A-J27 o1' Aqgust 10, 1944, regarding the safeguarding or lives ot' ttd1ders or Salvadoran passports or otho_r Jooumonts,-I hav_e ~he honor to transmit herewith a translation of a self-

\ explanatory note dated August 15, 1944 from tho .3ulvadoran ' Minister tor Foreign Affairs to tho Chief of the Swiss

., · Federal Po1itioal Department, Division of Foreign Affairs, \ oonoorning the holders or suoh dooumonts in Hungary.

Rospeotfully your",

Enolosure Translation of note

dated 8/15/44 '

711 GG/mdm (

. ' I

\ . '.·'-' ,,._ . _-· ·.,.

,'U< :'1'·'LJ!:nclosure to desputch no. 1914 1 <l!itad 8/17/44 from the Ame~can Embassy at San Salva<lor, El'Sulvudor: on the SUbject: Safeguarding of Lives of ~alders of Salvadoran Pa,ssports OJ,." oth<Jr Do~ r-ents~ · :., :·· .

--~----~~------------- ------------~-------~--------~---' TlWldLA'l'IOll .

Minis.try of l''oreign At'i'airs Republic of El Stilvador Diplomatic Section A-800-D-


Sun S!ilvador, August 15, 1944,

I have the honor to propose tho following bases to govern t;he representation of .:>ulvud'oru.n interests in Hungu.ry, which Your i!:xoolloncy's Government kindly uc­copted:

(l) 3alvudorun passports or othtlr documents held by pal'sons who ore in Hungary subjoct to persec-utlori; Will~bi;­recot';nized and confirllied;

(2) The llungarlun Government will undel'dttlnd thllt persons who possess those passports or other documont s will be accorded tho treatment, privlleges un<l illlllluulti'as to which Jalvudo1·an nutlontlls huve a l'ight 1 und

(3) Tho United. JttJ.tes of <l!llt:ricu will lltlbOtiuto the exchange o1' those persons,

I request Your ~xoollenoy to infol'Di me wllethllr your Government iu in ugroomont with such buses I Ulld to uccept in advunc e m,v thnnk.tJ i'or your kindJtesll.

I l'~:mew to Your l!.xcellenoy tho _us:.~u1•ancos oi' my higl)est and most disti!lguished consiaerntion,

(Julio ];. Avilu.)

His Excellency the Chief of tho .:>wiss Fedoral Political Department, Division of Foreign Afftiirs, Bern, ~witzerlund.

.. ·-' '\.! ·-'.·. ' . ,-

'· _a


flccrotary of State ~:nshington

( / i )

I :FROir: Jlr.lOl'iOflll Erlbassy San Salvador, El Salvador i)A'!'"J.m: i\ucust 10, 1944-P~W '!5' Aur,ust · 15, S a.m.

A-327. JiUGUSt 10, 194!,. i v

no curding the onfoguard:tnG of li vos of ,iffiel'icsn Hepablics doounont holders:


. / . 1. Tho Salvadoran Govorn.r.1ent sometir:e nr,o requested the

Srriss Govornment to aomuao .reprosontntion or salvadoran interests in Hun3nry. Tho <ial vadoran l.:inister fol' Foro!r,n i•ffnirs in.l.'ol'I:!Od mo this n:ornina that this ar_I'!meonent is novr definitely in oi'foct.

2. The Snlvcdoron r.:inister for Fo1•~iro1 Affairs further informed nio as follmm: · ·





Tho Salvadoran .Govornr~ont 11ill notify the Svtiss Governnent that pnosports aml other doouv:ento issued in ito nnr.lo to porsono in nuncary sub,Joot to pursooution 11111 bo l'Ooor;n:lzc:d und oon!'irnod;

The IIunBarfan Govermnont ia,,~p be so adviaed, and t.lso that it' is expected :·that persons hold­ina ouch passpol'to nnd: otl1er doournonto II ill be accorded the trontr:ent, richto, priviloeos; and illlr!lunitios or nntionnls of the Governr·.ent of El 3nlvador; and ·

1 ... Tho llni tacl Gtatos-io nuthori3ed .toj',hecotiato for the exohnngo or ouch pot•sonD. c·"'ln this latter connection I ossut•ocl n:r. Avila thnt

in the

DECLASSIFIIID Stato Dopt, Letter, 1·11·72

·. Dy R. H. Pnrks Dn~ 1972






• Jn t.bo event, oi' ~y.c._~J __ !!_~G?Jif_<'t_lo.r;,:; ~yn!:t i .. _.l .. ~~-l~ti.r·~n .. ~{·

-~ill uo ,;iven o:t. th~ Unitoii.-·sf,;·t;-:;:; t:o ·u.n~J,Uciai;::i.Or.c:,, nt-\tionc .. ls or ~J ~3ulvuclf)r ur~·..i tht:.~. tho Govt)l'.t~~~::t ol' ;;;1 ~;,:1 vu(,Ol' 11ilJ. not bo .J.·.,:.•ctau ,;hy;;ict.ll:i t·.> r.ac\Li.Vl~ other .:J8.Cdl.lli..J" Hh0~ ii' -~··:chLttt~):ui~ \/ll.l -.:.•_l sen-~ to ctl~rc;:r de.Jt.!.IH.tti.on .. -;,. J_/.-

At t!ll.:; .tntervit:.!·: J. iJr·JtL~ht ·t: ... :.~ t!'le -;tt.)Jt.5.~;Jl ~)1' :~~·~C~ :~ -;:, ti t::.-~0 UJ' ~l 3: .... lV!~\~O~. tO\'IriJ'i.l ttl('; ~~0Hl;)l'L l ~3 Lt.;,_! :.:~Ot Ul. -HQoc t_t .... :~.H~~.; ~ i.:J:~Lt':!(t lfi t~1U !lt!'.t!.U--Di~ -E.l .j~.lVtHtOl!H_ -~ll~.!;j--,;y--)01'0TICiJ:Le-l­~;;.lro~Jb: .• ll ~~!·o:.t.~>.-;,. • .• it.h 1:..!l·ti.JL~lur rai•u;.'J.iiO·.;; V0 til-l r~•ri,:)e•.: Ci)~·l~l'lcio'.tt..ion u~" l.l~-~r ;.~J ;-... '-'.tCt:.J~JJ Ll.::- tne .j:....lv;,;.~o~·--n .1>\)l"oi.rt 0f.i~it~\~ i.,.) ~;t-~.J .~JL:i:ll~-J~!. ..• l::iJt:,eJ~ in ~;li .; ell.;.-: tl\.L ... '-!.!:1 :;o·~ i1\ t.:to ~~!f.~LlG:_r 1 :; ::;ec.~.'.1L- ... iL\-).',~1~~ ·no ... 237 ol' \iUJ!·J 'l.-. I j!.:.>l:-.. ~Ut! \Ltt the :.:l~~:v.: t..tt~ngt:f!\~"!·. 7.Hclal• tJt~~ \ohul.:LI~d .. U :~.~2~l~~c.re¥ tv ·,,,:'lic!t th~~St-! __ ;t~~:.l.Jd e.~., a ~-"~JD$\:::d ~:.n~ lr: ~uirdtJ. ,\.hc;;:t!H~i~ it ~:.._~· t:~e ·L~liue..:·:~te ;;vllcy :~~·- Lh~ ,3!:o.lVt:t. •. Ol'.~i1 G,)•/:...'.i.-L·.:Ji•.t t..:' r.: ... :lri­:.!,ln t~.1ticul):j:; vbt.-=.e.~."",/:Hlt}:~ ,_;.L n::lJ. .. ,.H.:.l ':J:.-.S~:.o~.Ji'L .:.•o.·ul . .:.:..i:J.';S Dl' \l!H:!thc~r t!.._.:; ..:.'rJVi.JtHl CoJ;.:•:'.di.iO;d.,iun \;,:.-~ h .. .:::~ :)~1 -t.. !.{;1iur'--: t;:; H.l.l:';.•c;c.~~:t..: t..!lo 'ilW:".s~ni~~'.l'il.!l UOJh-;.tj-ert: t.i.:-1·n~ .~J.Volvu~o :.).r, ;,·~·il!~ ~t-·tct~ t..h:.~t .tn 'i.'G,ot _the.~ ~;~'HV!t.:(. !.-_nd .")CJ)d ~Ji'. t:::.& ~J.:•o blt:! ~ ovr~e 'Jl'fttld. !'tt;.~.i !t~'t -IJOt;a i.:.i:.~Jl•uCi~ t.u·.l l-lh~ h~.~ i n.:.lo , -;,e.:

~:1}~~~'.'1i tl J~~: ;~:.· ~;~,:: i ~:~~~!'.t~ t[~~Hl,i~b~:t:.~~Jll~~:,<~ t.~~: J±~~~:,. ;·1~1~:; J.J 1.:._~~}:;o~:t :tnw ol t!:-~en:Jhl~J J/.'O~;:.Jul'J.:i'" I thuH t .. tJ.V :.~~H~J h t;u tht·~ '-· t'/0 ht;U ~-'•.10\Ji't-:oJ~nOti -~h,.t.· t,!lO .;J~)-~;,;~J..sh !.iilli.:Jt<Ell• h~;d. ll.Ot, ;'Ol'\~U!'ll.t;!~ .. tv h.tu G:-Jvel·.t1!.~.J!tt .1.'op .. tul ivdr;/ ":.~ ~ho Go.t'J:i~-..n uut!lorit.le.; tha l'<)vh;eJ. r.otu .n· :.;t<y · 20 !Ht;i th~.t uon.io:ruetlti.y inu,>.i'ur 1,.::1 th0 GO.('l:~UH uuthor.i.\.1~~; '..i.l"'~ COrlOttl·:J.C:..i. t.i1t~ o'OL'J.~JJ U-~1 llOt..u 0 t.1 .tl.J!ll 1'/ i'J.'Oi>l hi.:l JL'•1d.oor.::u3o\• (~auasu:r' :J uirc;l'l•rtl 16"-, .• pri.l. lil) d:L&;ni1'ylurs .]:!lVutior<s l';;Jo,;nitlon: not only Oi' .Jdl'dOllil hO.lcd.l,,

0 .J::lVt;\lDl'l.Il JlU:J:>pOi.'t:, but :::..l:.lO ti\OS~ .dtO ;,;oruly -:lol;.wU ,;t..l ~ vnlioJ.'r-ltt oi tizew.;hi ~ .b1 still e:l'foct.l Vt3., .• n· ""'·w.lm<tiun ol' ti: e l•'oro;it;n Ol'r'ice fil~s ~ee.JeJ.{. to colifil'w· _thi.,; -· ui

1hion,llj' !,;

ooL-.:.lunioh tion l'ror;l thu 3p:Hl .sh i.llni:Jter st,d,ln.; Lhut ha- ho:<t l'orflhnleci to 1.\udrid l'CJr tho J.nfol'lll<: tlvn C>l' the Gul'..t.:n Gove~·n-· r:Jent tho or-i,;;lnnl 11Dl'tlit;;•1 Office not,o oi' .. pt•.:.J. 1'/ un:~ tho "oonl'h·n:.:tl"n thuruof" of ;:,y ~0,.

I belL)V'::l> tlloroi'ore, th~t 11ith respect to tJoth the Ourl.lur. <.md. Gt:lv~.:Jor,rn hUthorlt!eu .no <ilfl'ioult:r rl_~.EiU be unticiptltod ln o'tirryin~ out tile huw,nithl'i.m p•u-pbdu;; tho uO:J'.:L'tncnt ht:.; in I~ir•ci.,

'111 :i'~'/ndm


:Joorotorr of State ·::nshin;"tOr,

il~'~Wj, July 7. X

cnNTRntl·copv 1''HVi.-.: Ar,isri~nn l:il!l{?C!~sy v Sm~ 8nlvado1·, J..!!lv:Jr..l;r:.:<lor i).S.;;;): JuJ.y 7, Hl44 l':..!,C 'D: '"..-,_._:~:1 1~., 2 r,n

De·pcrt;.;en·t 1 s secl'Ot r::irE:rc:;:, no • .il-;~04, June· !~I'J ·, 3;0() ~ol!\o

Tho follo\',lnt: is for the inforr.:ntion oi' tho :·;al' ,~oruroe lloo.l"'d: ~

rij' The not.c of .~pr11 1'7, 1944 rx•oJr, Dr • .i,rturo :tru .• on -.Avilr.•; "t thut tit;e Fol'oicm ?:inlstor, to tho Spanish

;·.inisto1· (in oiH•l'f"O of Gel'l•i~·ll interentn) roads in trnnol!' \.ion !iS follo\':o:

"'l'ho :.'inisto;.• for b'Ol'eir;:n ;,rfail•s of Nl tlol­v:"oor ber.s His ;;);.;oollonoy tho i!:nvoy Bxtl'P,ordinnry . cmd ;:inistor Plenipotantlfl'Y of Spain nn<l ~o.~>rosen-· tutivo of tile Ititdrosts ot Garmany in.thio :~epubllo, if he !'erooives no objections·~ tjwt ho interest hiu·· so1f, v:ith a vio1: to st::foc.:uurdinv;ctlle lives_ of nll tho so l;el•sons whq boar Sal vudo.rr::n. yo sapol'to or who ~ nrotondun) ._to holll Sclvndo1·an citizenohi!>, · ir~ ot•der l;hr.t tlie · Cer~>,nr, t!ovorm10nt, for,hunoni tcrinn x·e~:oons, extend to the said persons nll the privilop;ca, rir;hto :md immunitlao {'l'tllltoci to lnto111ed clvilit·no in confol'Lli t~ \'•i th the Convention oroenov~> on PrisOIIOl'lJ oi' ~·;ai• o z.:Cturo !1otrtOl> Avil~ thr.lL!ts in advnuco His .C:xoellencj' the Duke of Bailon fox· his courtesy in tukinc: this notion, which, if it .SJ>t>OOl·s oppox·tune to hir.:, he would appreciate dm~e by cable, €'.nc1 x·or.ev:s to hiJ,l the assurances of his. <Uotin~ishod conoidcrotion. Son Salvador, ::..pril 1 '7, -19'4'l. ·•

Tho note~of ~.:oy 20 1944, fl'Olil·Dr. Julio Enrique - · .-.vilo, the present .Forolgn ~.;Inioter, to tho Spnnish :'.:in is tor,

roads DEC!.ASSII'llm

SUllo Dept. Lcttor, 1·11·711. . ..

By R.lLParks Dolo SEP 20';;19_72

roods in trunnlotion r>s foll01;s:

11 Thn ;.~inistel' foroJ:t'orei[)• .. ff':;il"s of 1!:1 Gnl•rndin· ·been His ;;xoellonoy tho Jt;nvoy .C:xtroordi.rwr:y. nnd I.:inister I'loni:potentim•y or· Spf:-11: und Tlepren~ntnti ve oi' the In1;oror.t.~' of Gern;tmy in this riepublio 1 , to consider es J;,odified thG request.' referred to in tho note verJl!l1-..!a addressed to hin, by (tho l~oreirn i:inis·­terts)pl'Odeoesl'forl Dr~ ;,rturo Hiln10ll.-Aviln~-thP.t he·­interest hill.seli' r there are no ob.1eotions 1 with o vie;-; to snfec:uordin(" the lives of oll those persons v:ho boar nclvadol'Hn pasoportn or l':ho prove ( ;histifiguen) tlwt they :possess Salv'udoron oitizonshiu; in order · thot the Gerr.Hlll GOVOl'IU.iOnt 1 fOl./,: hUL\Oni.tnl~iVll 1'0~ SOilS 1 extend to the oaid persons nll tho. J>rivileees, rir.hts ontl il.uaunitios Gl'anted to interned ciiriliuns in conformity \':ith the Convention of Genevu on P1•ioonors of ·;;al'• Julio h:IIl'iq,ue Aviln than\Cs in,,adv1moo lila. Sxoellenoy the Dulro of Bnilen for his. OOUL't<>sy in tnkinr:·this aot.ion 1 \'lhioh, ,if it appeurs on!>ortune to h;U.,, he \':ould ar!>rooiate done by cobls, en<1 retiO\'ts to hil:t the ossul•unoos of his tUotlnruiohod considero" tion. finn :Jnlvudm.', t·r.y 20 1 l!l41.1. ··

The Jo.Odifl,cc tion consists in the cllotli.'O or the v:ords ••poroons who boor ::lnlvodOJ.'!ill pa~llJ>OI'tn or \'iho . .21!!.!ili, (m:Q.­~) to hold Bnlvador!ln · oith:enshi:p~' :to "Per nons who beo.t· :>alvv.dornn :P,(Iss;,>orts Ol' •::ho ~ ( 1ustifiguon) tllot they posse on Sulve.dOl'Ull oit.i.ZOD,:'hip. a

Tho Embassy unsuooesn1'1lll.Y 'triod to hnve tho nreoont l!'oreic;n ~finiste1' sand o note.''vorbale idontioul \':itii thut of his predecessor. but i5r'7'Avila insisted on r.mkinr t.ho iilodifioa tiono He-~lnrorun·me that lio is •. oontemplatin1~ no now stops. ·

0>iJl\~t~~4.,~~t~;_ The Spanish lf.inister confidential'lY~:iJi1'6rmed ne that

he had not lJOthered to transmit the second request e.s he considered it so similar to the i'irsto The Sv:iss Govern~ ment is therefore undoubtedly stHl•v/pr}tinn undor the more liberal terns of tl!.e first request. Ait;> is consequently stroiJgly sw:eestod 'thot no rurthel' notion be token unless the situot.lon ohanr,esYlN'-c.., _

711 OADE 00/mdm

/ : / \ !~



3:001.-'l.\ Ju~e 29, lEI44 - JUIENIJAO:JY: 1

:Ji~U ili\.LVADOR {I::L ~ALV,\DOR) •

.... . ·~ll> ....... l!'OH 'J.'iih:. Ii;l•'ORUf~'l'ION 0"' '!'llli! ;ltlli\lJSJWOR,

ttle follo-:·1ng 111 trom the ~:nr Rstuaee-Hoaru.

lleterenoo is maCle ~o your A00:237 ot June 7. It 1o

not clear thorofl'<lm ~n ~Jik"lt respect the !.l~v~(tornn note

ot' !1 .. '\Y 20 to ::Jpain I30d1f1os the provious l'cqtioot to G!Jnin

ret'crreO:t to in cmob note and app:~ntly reporteO. 1n your

!I.-1El6 of lioy :7. l'lec{eo nooexotn1n c.nd tranilclit reoultll ot

your 1nvef!t1t~ut1on.

'l'~!e Let':<\t1on at B.orn' ro!)orto .. tll:;\t tl:)e 0..·1ss Govern~

mont, .. b1cll.noto no proteotiti{S po..er o1' !::1 :lnlvl:\aor, vis-'.

n-vis ne~f,J..'\tlY 1 ~tM x•eoe~ vo<1 n for~;\Ql ~ool~l\t161\;;~~~ .. ,. ,. . 1 ./ "':)

i:::l i){\l.VU~lOX' li:'UOOctni:-.11"~•; _:k\J.~:l?]Ol';tn }lMBJ10I'tD llall't lly'{JB-•B

in Oormany t'.fltl.,ftermcn-oocti)Jlod texori~or1oo, 'J.'h.to (teohrt\-\' ,, -·-> -

tion iA n mont er.oent1tW. otei) 1n protootip{$fthe ;;orf:ona -- , ..._ ·-- --

conoernerl fro:n \l~r·ncou~·1on. l'leaoe' nppJoOil<lh :too no·•

f.ln.lvodoro.n Government ··1tb the X'eqtlest thnt 1t tt~lte no

eto1) ···hie., m1().lt .:-en!ten this c1.oclQrut1on ~~~contuae-tba ' - - ·-·-4~"'-';=-i'- --

l:l·.•iso tmtho1•11;1on aa to 1 ta oont1mt1nt~ val_i~l1tJ. • . -.,;-,--)';!c.'~


Stnto Dept; Z..,tWl', 1·11•78

ay R. 11 Par,.;~~"' S£P f 0 19n ·


Reference is Jlade io yolll' A-237 ~r Juno 7. It ia Dot clear thererroa in what reepect the SalTndoran note of Kay_20 to Spain ~difiea the preTiouf! request to Spain, referred to in ·eueh note an4 a9puentl7 reported in )'OUT A-1S6 or !.IIJ' 3. Pleaee ascertain an4 adYin Departatent. .. .. _ _ . __________ ' -. -· _ . _

Legation Bern reports that Swiu gonrnaent, 'llhich net. u SalYador'e protecting power Yi~vis c.~, baa· receiTtd·a formal d.eoluation froa SalT!ldor reoognhbg Salyadoran pa11ports held 'b7 Jen in C.rza11,1 and Oe1'1U.D occupied ttrritol'iee. ,'fhill deoluation, tho'llgh UJ!l'tported lv you, is aoat ouential eteJI in the 1ohe:ae of prot.ectillg the per&OnB conctrned fraa s>•r•eo~lon. Pleue see to it that no ste;> ill ta:cen by new SalYadoran govern.'!lent which m1sht •e&ken tbla declaration or confUJe the Swiss authorities ae to its conUnu.lng Tllliditr.·

6/JS/44 10t05 a.m.

BAb.'t{. ~. f. L8Le11eruala 6/27/44

J . .

Jwcr,\sh<'um Hlvlo llcpl. Ltt.tor, 1·11·72

By R. IL Parka Dnf.<l S EP ,j 0 1972




A-liJli )(

a: 50P;lt


:lJ\.i'J ilAJ.V,~OR, (~L 3\LV.;~l)OR),

;{G!OJ'fi!IIOO ie 1:\.~dEI tO l)opal'1Jment 1 G h-167 of of\tlll't 1, Speeily

r·oply tc· ·-h1cll •>Oul(l be !lppreoiateo .•

l t 1r. 11n~.eretoot1 that l>rotcct1~ po• . .e:r for 6:Uvt,d.or•(\ll

It ia 1ntoreota ln Gem'!ln bel~ n.rEll.\0 1o il••1,~zerlnnd; not :.lpt~in.

urgently d.enired to !~no•.,, tberetore, • . .Jle'tlho:r tho n.pprOt\Ch

roqueotcd by tbo .)a:a:rthl!Jnt in llirouJ.nr A1r1Jl'M19 of !l;WCh a,

.l:oo n.rr.,, '~l>rll 10, 11100 no~;!!•• nncl /\.~1:r11 n~. 7:;·:o ,.-.m., has

been r.1nfi.e by o:.l :lnlvwlor to .0"1 t?.erlnna. . \ ~·or• youx• 1n.fo%•r.lat1on, :le-partment in ,in('o:r.mo(l thl\t

\ ' . nome

lloJ.Cors oi.' uooum':)ritn 1!!!1Ued in tho ll'll;le ·or f.!;:l ·Jt,l'yo.uor nro nt

vr~nnnt in llul'lBnJ•y, nn<! ttl~:t th~ u~rnono concernet1 n:rn f~oetl \ .

···11;h'no:rr:ecati(ll1 ntk '·e:>.th unlo!lc t:t·J :•!'l'l·O'lCll l'>l"ov1onr:,l1{

:rccmont!!t1 1u ,,,.l,:e ··1 th 1;Lo \ltmont s;:>oo<l an,?.. in o:~ten·J.o•.l to

ln~lu;'1a )'le:rronl' in )!tl!lf:'l\l'Y. :.J1r.ce :::i . ;J,._,l vn.dor l•afl nn .. '>I'Otcctlnf~

pn-.oeJ> 11'1 lfllllf"'U'Y, 11 opoo1rll tcquo£-'li .. &lllt'!t bo r.1o.iJe t() 1.1:··1 t~oi•b.ml

to c.ol; l.n lillr,t c.".'mo1 ty. 'i.'ho follo•.•lng 1r• \.'\11 o.xoer;··t 1':ro1~ :1

ooruuo.m1c:t\t1on £x·on, M1n1~:to:r• ll.:>.l'.riC1oll nt tlern: :.-.~f:.~-

the :·lalvador..m Coneul Ucnerul e.t Uene\1'(1 h!Ht maf'Je


DEOLABBll'I.RU Slate Dept. Letter, 1•11•'111

1972 ll1 B. H. PQrka ;;,;.. SEP 2 0




L\ttompta t.o :lnduoe the ti. .• 1oo o-oveMJmeMt to L'.OC~;;·Ii. th!R roa­

•Jono1b1U ty but I have 'been udvioe!l that the o..,ie<l Gove:rlllllent ·~· . .

h\le infoprued 11 ~~~ th::>.t 1 t l.a not ·ln n :QOl11 tlon to cono1t1ex- tlle ·

;:.ropoa::\1 unl•3os h!o novernwmt prooant.s .. it oftioio.lly. ,~ny

Ot('mO in thi1~ t\1X'eCtion OOUld-helff-;)IJ-IJ,.,itzerll\nd ~~ role all

~'rotact1ng p•Juer f'o1• 'Jnlvn\J.or 1n l!urJgru•y- it 1ndeod the

Hungarie~no ... :JUlO. t~Mx>ee to it, rn1{';ht oonoe1vably torontal.l o~· . I

1i:>pecJe tho <10\)0X't~·.t.\on or E'OVeral huntirc<t 1)ernons holc11ng auoh

<tocumentutlono UN.i,lJu1'i.!:. ..

l'leaoo do .Y~tir utmoot to '"'Cl%'1"U!l!'IO Galvac1orl'.tl oi'l'ioial£> to

act nooo!"(I1J.'\•~ly ••ithout Cloluy,

URn: WIV :J<U 6/24/44


1m:d,· (;!!".'

\ \'

\ ....... ' .. ~·t~.,

I l'!i


Reieronco is nnda lO D~p~entle l-167 ot June 1, speed1 reply · to which would be appraoia'Gid. · ·

It is underetood that protecting power 1'01' Salvadorean intarllpta in Qenan held aroaa is SwitiDrland; oot spain. It; is urcen~ desired to know, therefore, lfhethor thll appi'taoh requa~ed ~ t.he ))ep!ll'tt~ent in Circ-.U.ar Airl{l"Mn of l!erob .311 ltO' P•lll•, A.pdl 10, llaOO ti.a., llJ1d April 22, 7t:30 Jl·i~., h!-.u been 11111do bf Ill Blil.v~cio1• to SWit~erlAuld.

'i!'or your i:lfort;,•.tion, Depanaent 1.11 intor.r.t<! thtJ.t ~llle. holders of d.:>C\IIlente beued il\ tho naiile oi ltl {;alV•ldor ar·B- nCpi·er;ent· iU-l!Ungary, and tMt tho per~ono COUObl'hfld are faoed '!lith peraeoution IUld death unleeu the A\lproaoh previous:i;y requeetC\1\ ill lllllde wltb the ut110at 11peed nnd ill extended til include l'"raona in fiUninry. siuoe p,l ae.lvador lmB. M protuuting power ~n HUr.gB11'1 a speoiol re~u~at =ust be made to awltaerland to ao~ in that ~~paoity. The followin& ia an ~xc~rpt fro~ u comaunication frog Nini11ter !!&Trl ~en :~.t Dtrn'

QUO!B the Salvadorean con6Ul Qe~~eral at GflneVll. h.\11 WI. de n ttD!Ilpto to induoe the Swille r.o'fOl'lll"mt .to accept thi:s roiJ.wna1bUit;r but I MV6 been adviled T.hl\t tho S"illll GovnlW)nt he.a infor~aed h1lll tbct it ill n:>t in &

po1ition to connllior tho Pl'opoaal unlus hlll Gover1111ent pr<eaenh it offioiallf. Aqr steps in tnie direction oould help aa Sw1taerland'e role •• protaoting po\for for salvador ~n J!U~IU')', ii' indMCl the l!U!ljjarians ~ agree to it, llight oonoeiv11b}¥ for1111tall or i.Jipecle tho depox·tation of ln.r&l hundred poraone holding suoh doCU11entt.tio1111. U}iWOTi;

Please do y.Jur\u~llt to penuade Galvadol'UI.Il oi't'ioit\J.o to 110t aooordingly without d11lay •

.. -....... . June ?.2, 1944 3130 p.m.


\ ... \~· '': --_ :, '

Sflcrot.'l1•y oi' St'lte Washing ton

A-2:37 1 Juua '7 )<


FRQ\1 Amerioan J.o'J.,baeay 8nn Salvador, Ill Stllvador DATED .J~u1a 7, 1944 RBC•D Juno ?1, Sam

E::~b~say 1 o secret. airgram A-186. of-Uay-.3 and -ne-;;­parblant.'s l:oo:rat ci:roulnr o.il•grnm of May 11, 7•30 p,n.

Prot-ection of refugee a with J.atin Al'lerio~n clocmoonto nne ngnin tokon up with the Foreign Office (wWch no .tha Department realizes has undergone a complete reo:rganiza­t.ion), which advises that tho t!iniater for Foreign Af.fairp has aent the .following nots on !lay :10 totha Spairleh Minis­tara


"The !Unieter for Foreign At'f'nira ot El Salvador bl!gs His Excellency tho Envoy Extrao~inery and tl:l.nliltor. Pleni­potentiary of S)lain and Repre~entntive of the Intoreats ot ·aeX'II!lny in this Republic, to consider aa modified the requent referred to in the l!.2!t ~addressed to him by (the Foreign !Ainiotel'la) predecessor, Dr. Arturo lla1110n Avila, that he interest ,himselt, if there are no opJectiona, with a view to safe gu~rding th' lives or all tllolle pernons llho bear Salvadoran paeeports or who Wl! (J)latJ.fiqu&ll) that they poseeps Salvadoran c1 tJ.uz(ahip1 ¥! order that_ the Gerlll!ln Government, !or humanitarian_ reasons, extend to tjie liaid persona all\ the pr:l.vil.eges,, :dghts end ilmlnitJ.ea granted to interned civilians in confoi1nity with tho Convent.ion or Geneva on Prisoners o! War •. Julio Enrique Avila thanks in advance His ~cellenc;; _the Duke or Bailen tor· his courteq in taking this action, whi®, if it appaara opportune to hi•, he would Sfpreciate done by cable, and reDells to him the IIIISUr~noes of hie diati-~ehed oonBidoratJ.on. Sen Salvador Mq :20, 1944."

7ll GG/~~p


m:CI.ASSIFWU Sfll!o Dept. L!ltt,,r,HI•?II- · •· .,

By B. lL Parka De~ 0 1972

Miss Chauncey (tor th4 S.oey) .lbraha!Uion,. Alisin, Bernetein, ·Cohn,· DuBois, Jried~ Gaston, Hodel, Laughlin, L!aeer,, Lwttord, Kaml, llannon, JluJce, JloCormaok, Pehle, Sargoy, Baith, Standish, s. ewart, Weinetein, H. D. White, Piles.



"'· \


-~ ' . ·--~--------, ..

51$0 J>lll


. - . . .. :.

. .· . .

. ~ . ' It lme b~Jen detel'll1il£td ~t the l!p~ft'ic (lerman natloriais

referred to ill )?anartm!nt'!~M!:!f. 21 .. ri8:f peso ill. ~ans:i:t . throll8h Ulli ted States ill pure\Uince of an oxoha!lgo llf!TIIoll!~n'l; proVidftdt · · · · · ·

.. _-.-,_ ' . 1 ; l'he ogreer-lGnt assures a B\ibstantial- .9Pti! ·12l2 !ll!2 . ·

f'rom the Ge:ra"~an Govel'll~~nt either of Unlted Sto.tee . citizens Ol' Mtior~tuil' &ui &Ll'\'lldor;·

2;. The Gerllltl.n lltltionaltl are' interned auril1g ~.tch .time _ aa they !Mf. reiaain in United S~tee tel'r.l.torr

fhe ~pnrtaen{ha'P noted ~t, aside frolll Jj~" FUnes ~ho is. ill Switl!erlimd, the,.-e appear t-o M lip P..atJonnl.ll of El_ . Salvador ill F.urope in whose ropatrilliion tfte SalvitdoriUl Gcivern~ 111ent ill_llbtiV~Jly iilteresW. . ;' . _ __ .

· · ·:·~. · 'rbe llUIIber .of repa~J.a\Ae O&rJIIll.ns 'ill tlje #nited Eltntee · - 8pJ:~Ill'O to be :lllS\lf'tioient: 'to OOVOr the .CXOhiUl~G Of a}.l ~pa•>

tri11blo. United statoa. ci~1~s lltld to provide exolutngo Mt{ll'W .


·also for those_ pereono &lll!ooiated with pareficU~d "Jl.'Or!tiell •'.u Europe wbo have. J)«esports.of .tatiZJ",Uier!cail rlir,ubl:to:~ or other dooUlllel}ta refl'l_oting the ~8ht or rroteotio(l ey or rdniiesiori . to non•European -states •. It b thuo~ deoJDed neaeBB&r)" for our . E-.ih.'lllllies iri coun~riea 'lik~ ~ &J.v&~Ol'l Whlo!l'h!lvo no I!Ol'iou$ problem of_ tho repatriation ot ~ei)' qwn ~tlO.naltl, to oo~~~pile lilts of Gercsaius desirinfl r~tf!a~ori i)'olli whc)li lu;y be· ' .. : .. ~· ~elected illd1vid\lalll ~ bt Uat\tLln e*oh!i.bgel.f ot 'the ol)ilraoter c

illc!ioatodn Tha· ~~~~~r iii th'erjj,f~ra::reque!lt-1!<\; .\i8in8, auoh lliNmli &Ut:it may .dG&IIll't!Jiljt_liiiU'1; to ~e all pollo11ibl" sf.epa_tQ OOftlpUe · ilo~le'f;e lieu, ot: the Oe.ni9.11· ti&tioM.b ill ~ Dlilvado:r ·•hct Wish , to b&,l'epatr~aw., -~tr ~l!i-!#~t~~o~·cm\ be collpi}M witbQut

::~Ji£~~T;f~J~l~~;:~~· ..

t , I


I B. Ullllcoo;3pnnl.ed women end ohildr\ln

o, lien of lllllit:ny aga (16 to~) posaaesillg no ~no11n technical s~ll and bnlisv&d not to possess knowledge of great val•1e to 'the r.nea.y1a 1181' effort.

D Men of JdHta:ry ega po~eeas:l.ng technical skill (seamen, engilleo-ra, w£ttcili rr.a.ltera, meohanioa, oto.) or knowledge Ukel7 to bo of greet value to tb~ en~JD,.v'a war effol't

F-al!lily 110111bore of !JI)l'IIOnll in Cat~gor.iel! A .• C 8..Ud D ahon.ld be aroup~:l vd th the head of !llJIIil1. Dopanaents of man in c t>.n.d D who would hn willing to travel alano abo\ll.d bo referred ,to but not 11 s t<ld uud81' JL

~/J0/44 lfiUi tOA

- . - - . : '_:_<-_. ,·· .- -,-•_•- :~·-~ :_ .. . _: . .<· •. ~-::-.i~.-~ · U:hs Cb$.unca)' (tor·~e seo 1y) Abr~son, .Akzln, Bernetein, Cohn, .iluli0111l;) .~'l'ied!IIM, (¥et<lnl. Hodel, L!iugblbi; Leeiier; .Imd'ord,· Mann, Mannon:. ~b;1 !!I)Ool'lll!lok1 Pohle; &lrgey, Smith, S:tapdillht Stewlll't, Wein11tein, H. D.,~tl!i

.~~;~~:·.·~tC!~ ·.: o~·"·V .j' ~: ·} .·l·~~i;kj;;;;t:j.~~i,/;: ·, ~~~ ~\ ;.,-~.;;,_,;.:;; '''L~":J:t;{• ;(~fiJJl~~~~



x' 11:35 am Sun 1. 1944

Jt.l,;'l' ;,~ - J~lliGR,~N


~'OR 'l'H£ :PlillOON.I\L iiliD SM.! &L S:L INb'OIUIA'l'ION (.)~' 'fllh: ruru:~.Sll!wOR.

Sal!adc?J:an Reference 1a made to your A-166 of l~y 3. ~~

notion in appt•onch1no the 3pan1sh tllnlAter in ;.\Pi,'l'Elc1ated. _9alY!idOl'llD I·J.oc.ce a.dvlse ••hothor you hnvo yot received ~

approvul of our exohall(!;o negot1at1ono .,1 th Germ.-my 1n

rrhlcll be:lrera of documents 1eouec1 ln tllo name of 3::\l.Vaddr

•-•oul'1 ba elJ.eiblo. The aesurnnoeo contained 1n prov1ouo

coJUDnmiont1ono 1n connection •·r1 tll euoh exch.'l!lCe ntl()Ot1a­

t1ons are llo~cby ut;;n1n op~J.od to your uttentlon.

t·!IUJ: l·IUV: KU 6/31/44


IIULL G!ii'f

DEOLASSIFIED Slate Dcpl Letter, 1·11·7IJ

By B. .H. Parks Dale.§SU 0 t972

' .. -···

I •


Heference to your A-106 of l(q ). ·Salvaclorean action in approaching Spanish Kinieter ie appreciated. Please actviee whether you hava yet received Salvadorean approval of our exchange negotiatiOIUI witb ~l'lllatzy in which bearers of documents issued in the ruune of Salvador would be eligible. The assurances contained 1n our previoue communications in connection •ith such exoh&n&e negotiation• are hereby recalled to your attention •

. lay JC , : 74• • .:._(. :;5 B •- •


0.JCrJtury of J~~tJ <~J shi :1.-,ton

VI •• t;t.hJ;\Lh .LiG.t.~.

l!'Ro .. , .J.lurican v' l!Juusuy ..Jan .3al v ~li or, ~1 J .Jul v !J.UO r D.-.T..;L> J,.ay ), 1:;1,.4 H ~ 1 J , u.- :L'-' 1~.·!:,

The Jolvudoran ~lnlst.Jr for FDrlli~n nff~irs uJvisJ~ J19 this mornin.:; liith rJSjlllCt to your S.JCl'.Jt alrl.\ruc or :_:,.., .Uril 22, 7:)0 _J.:~. (rllCJiV<Jcl 1.\ay 2) thut LwauJiut.Jly -·:· follo;;in,_; our· inttJrviv·:l on "">ril 15 (!til':sru;,~ no .. "-164, : ;,:Jr 1l 1 'l), h.J hu..i fl<h.lr.Jus.:.H( a no tll t0 til a Jj_)hni:;h iulni st er :.fi this city Hlon s til" lin<>s of my su~ellstions u~sdu on th.J J.J)urt::!dllt' s s.Jor._,t nir,,;ra.:l oi u fo\1 uuys bJi'oru~ li.J usuur.Ja ,n.J the t the .-Jp1mioh l .. inll:lt<~r htlu uo<tn01. l.Jd~.;,oi tho rdcel;t o.' this notd un:.l lt is tQ be :Jl'oSWll·Jcl thut ho:{ duly lnformad ~uJriJ •

.... , 17-'

DECLASSIFIED Btnto Dept. Letter, l-11·7lt

By R. lL l'arks DntoM£...2 0 1972



A-143 >(

10!45 A.! ..•


J~lliASSX; L .. ~Jlroilli!\%.y 1, '1: 114

::ii~ol'l ~U.V;UJOR (EL J1U..VADOR),

l•'OR '.l.'lrt: l'l!:RSONJU. AND diil ELL }L IlWORMJ~'l'ION OF THJ!: ;~lllii~S:li~DOR. Hi th reference to Department 1 s circular al!'grQillo ot ~larch 31,

1:os p.m., ot April 11, n:oo a.m. and of Ap1•1l 22, 7:30p.m. the

Dctpartmont had bean apprized that rapal Nuncio et lJorn informed I·U.n1oter

Harrison that Vatican had attempted to ~oJOrk out rol1et meaoureo tor

Je, . .a holding Sal vaclorenn dooumente o.nd interned bf Germany. Apparently,

tho question of eventual 111\C11srat1on as .resul·t of po!lo1blo exohurlgo t.~Qil

rnioed in addition to tlw queot1on or reooan1t1on of documents. OnJ.vador

1o reported to have given a nouat1vo reply, prar.umably beoauoB 1t ~·7aB

not (ropoat not) prepared to permit persona 1n aueot1on actually to enter


At the time thia reply io reported to have boon ~ivan to Vatican,

the aoeuranoe oont.:\1nao. in our oi1•culo.r oi:rgre,m ot April 11 had evi­

dently not (repeat not) yet ~eached. Oal~adorean government.

l'leaee vel'if;y 1ntormnt1on recoivecJ from Darn una roiterBte th1e

Government's a.osuranoe thnt, in the event ot t~xchanso, Se.lva.aor ..,ill

not (repeat not) be oxpeotea to grant phyn1ou1 ndm1eo1on to any ot the

persons oonoorned oven on a tempornrr or ~entat1ve basis. 1! \, In the light or these asouranoao, plenoe impress upon the


DECLASSIFIED State Dcpt.J"ltt~r. 1,q,70

By B. H. Parka Date~ 0. 1972

' ~\

~~v A -lo./.3 -2-

:.l:llvadorean Government the oxti:.erne tll"[Senq;y •·•1th ..,Jlioh th1o Government

v1al<'f! the neooos1ty of aot1ne :l'avort,bly ~or1tliout dela.y on propooaJ.e

previously submitted and uetailod in the n1rgramo under ratorGnoo.

"lou ehould impress upon acl,v~?.doreon off1o1nl.o that since fa11Ul"fl

to act ~rOuld al.Jmst certainly epell deatll for tho persons involved.

and that e1noe no (repeat no) renpona1b1l1t1ea or obl1gat1ons t·!OUld

reGUlt tor Oalvador froru acqu1eecenoe in our roCtueeta, ~rs •.rOuld be

sorely d1Mppo1nted 1f ::lalvadoroeJl a.uthor1t1ao ahould not (repent not)

~rllole-heartedl;y cooperate !'1'1 th our ef:t'orts to. save . these people.

~1Rll:GL\f:KG 4/27/44




With reference to Depart.mentta oiro~ airgrwns ot liarch .31, lt05 p.m. 1 ot April 101 UtOO a .a. and ot ...,...,......,..

the Depart.ment baa now been appriaed that Pa)*l Nuncio at Bern inlormed Kiniater Harriaon·that Vatican had attu,pt.ecl to work out relief mi>Miiwas tor Jon holdin& Baln.d.orean doouaent.e and intem'ed by Oerman,y. Ap;parently, the qyeation ot eTantual ~ation aa result of poaaible exohanga waa raieed 1n addition to the queation of recog­nition of d001111e11te. Saln.d.or b reported to have given a naptive reply, presumably beoauae it waa not (repeat not) prepared to pel"llit peraona 1n queation actually to enter Sal\'ador,

At the tille thil r-aply 1e reported to have been given to Vatioan, the aaauranoe contained in our oiroular airgram ot AprU lO heel evidently not (repeat not) yet reached Salvadorean government,

Plene verit,y intormatJ.on reaeivecl tl'an Bcm and reiterate this Govei'IIIUllt 1a aaauranqe that, in the event of exchange, Sal\'ador will not (repeat not) be expected to grant phyaioal adlliaeion to &1\Y' ot the pereona oonoerned even on a tempor&J7 or tentative baeil,

In the light or the18 allurano .. , pleaee impress upon the Balnclorean gonrnment the extreme uraenoy of aoquieaoing in our requeats and of acting upon th• without delay. You lhould illpreaa up~ Salndorean ottioiale that aince failure to aot would alaoat certainly epeU death £or,the pereona invol\'ed1 and that einoe no (:repeat no) r11ponaibU1t1ea or obliaat.iona would reault. tor Salndor tro111 aoqu181oanoe in our requeete, 1111 would be aorely cl1aappo1nted it Salvadorean authoritiee would not (repeat. not) 11hole-heartedly cooperate with our ettort.a t~ .an thea• ptioplt, ·

•••••••••••••••••• April 24, 1944



Subject: j(equcst of Guatemalan Government 'for Protection of Interests in · liunsa~r by St•,iss Government, J.,} ()



41tonore.ble The Secrotnry of


-' --- 3 ·i7. 'l;,<r s t a t o

1 - , / ? -Jilt., lt;/«-:!f,(

D.c. I ·"·1-'J<~~ • , i ./Afl,.:l~l{~

I have the honor to refer to tho .Depart:nent 1 s Jocrot if/·­Circular Airgram of Aucust 3, .11 am,,l344, concerning tho f desired ass=ption of tho protection of Latin Alcerican interests in hungary by a neutral Govorrunont,

In a ccnvarsetlon with the Foreign ~inister on Au[uat 11, .I placed before him tho suost11nce of tho Department's idr-gram in reference, ani as a result I have now received tho enclose.! !late from tho l'·or3i<:;n Office (l!o,l03t!O, of August 14

1 hi4•l), from which tho Department will o bs or 'I e that tho,... swiss Goverru:wnt is requ.,steJ to asswno tho protection of Guatemalan· lnteros rs in riun<;ni'Y under tl'.e condi tiona outlined in the cl ted Airgrom,ulbeit th& GoTernmont ot Guatemala is not currently in a technical state of war with HungofY• This may present an obstacle to the accomplislunent of tho desired ends, but, aa the Guatemalan Govorn:umt,...itself points out, it withdrew its only roprosentlltion, a Consul in Budapest, bocauso of Eungary's position as a sutollito of Garmany, It will be ob'oorved that in tl;o enclose I hate tho Guatemalan Government reserves tho rlbht to lnvostigeto casos of persona bearing Guatemalan documents and, in opprc.printc cases, to rofuoe odmis3ion to Guatemala,

Respectfully yours,

,V' Bo!!z Long

{nclosure: icl/ Translation of Note ~o.l03UO,

from Gua terr:olun Foreign Of fico., V 2/ Copy of Note Mo.l03~0.

b48 VICA:hss

To Department in original only.

nECLASSTFIE~ll-72 Stato Dopt. Letter,

1S£P 2 0 1972 By R. H. Parks Dote~




:..:: 2I.CSc':\S c:O,l to DSSI'A~C~! EO.l430,dated A•1:01st l[·,lJ44, Fro::~ Ar.:erlcan ,;mbassy, }.:ate:.mla:

.) ,~r~t!.tr vf for'Ji ·:-. A..: ... fb.lr·s, hety .... :._~it.' o:' ~:.tn:ennlu

~l;J~c~.s tlc Se.::t!_o:;.

\o,l0330 'ue.te,~e.le., A:.J.r:~t 14, Hl44. 032 (7.':-c)

• -_ .. ~lD Sc -~·etnr: ot" ::t:_;.~e "'ii1 the ;l!!jl~tp:· of Pcrel ·n ,\fl'nirs or ·uo ·e,c,nlrc :· s;JCctfc,Ly .:;reets :rour :·:xcellency the A::.brlssrt;.lor :~ ·.trr1. ~"'-ii:-Inr · an.d Plr;·_f;~c·c:.tln.rv o; tho ··:--.i ~ed Stat.es 8:-1i ha ~.::.._ ::.,:.;oJ· tc !"'·:-{._;. ~ your' c":Jlla-or'~ tion an: t-.~.t o1 ::-·.~ ·c\' _:r-.:~.er.t ' t.::e J:-:~ tF: i .Stn te3

lr: rf~ouesti!'. ~he .J ... ·v~:r·::~:-_r;;~·.t o!' 21.-l.tzerlan~i :.o &SB'..tm~ the :-·~·y:'·:'~tJ:-:t! tlor~ c.~· _:;,_t~: t·.--::tala~1 l!1t:_ rests ir: Il..1:1::_;r~rJ·.

AlthoJ ;-. t:;o Jo'.'crnmc:1t ol' ;uu ~.e.::l.ln 1~ ~~ot i:l a ci·:-,•l&rej ,qtntc o:· wur with H.:n.-or:,·, in Vi£H. of ~'·,e Cvn­'!.rol w'1ic1: t!':n •; cc .. n ·_ry wn~ s.1bject to t y _·,,r::.on:,-, ond l-.er coclac·o:" tio:'. e .·&:nrt the cause or the C: .. it·?d ::otions, t'.ls ';ovcr .. ::IOnt closed its Co·::nlate 1,~ r.udo;le~t end conse1·~ently nntlc:.al intereet~ do ::-~ot hnve _?l'Cte·;tion l:-i till-- :. Y !.:L~do:r..

Al tho·~:r: 'Jur. te:::nlon lntePests in Hun:r.ry are merely no:·•l::-~nl, t~e .:;o·:·:r::-~"lent o:: Jua te~nle would appr~ciote ,h•: p:·c teet lor. 01 tl.c ;ov.crnmont of Switzerland espe.cially

ll$ re._~a:'dn the follcwlnf;:

1) The Jovcr~ment tl:ose passports and in ruvor of. pcrrons :Juncery.

I o 1' ~uo tema la re co-'ni zo s and co nf.i rms o tJ:"r dooun.ont;.; issued in hor name who ore s·~bject to, porsec,1tion in

2) The :;o\·•;rr,:·.ent o:' E·msar~(must be notificrl that il is expected thot it will r;nnt pePsons who possess such passports end documcc.ts .·the some ·treatment, the same rl ;}1t s, pri vile ;:o s and irnmuni ties as those corpe s­pondin:· to nntionals of t!·,e Republic of .H mgory.

3) The C1overnment of t':o United States is ouhhorized to ne,:otiate the excha.-.,,e of those persons,

The Gov·rnmeo.t of Guor:cmola retains its rir;ht to object add submit to a c&reful inv .. sticntion the locali­ty of the documents in possession of the persons ur.der reference; ond, in no cose shall authorize their entry ir.to Guatemalan territory before the results of the investleatlon have proven satisfactory. However, this Gov rnemnt shall exercise that riuht •mtil the interested parties hove been taken to a safe place,

Carlos Salazar appreciates your Ex~elenc:.- l.lr', Bouz Lone the courtesy in transmi_tting this request to the Department of State so that it ma~; be nw.do known to the Government of Switzerland, and ovoila :-·imself of the . . opportu:1lty to reneVI to him the testimony of his highest and most distineuished consideration,

\ v

\ '·

/ • /'-'


ENCLOSURi N0,2 to D~~PArCH NO,l4301dated AU6USt 15


from American l:;mbassy,~atemala:



L.Ll """' 0 -rt)· .._.:'


J ~- )

IJ,. z: ::t

c 0 p y

SECR"'TARH );; RcL,\CION .;s EX'fr.:RIOR~;s Rt.r Ui:LIC,; i.lc Ol'A::>l.:ALA SECCION DifLOMATICA, No,l0380

&0 i:.l :,ecretario de "-S tado en el Despacho de Relaciones

"'Xteriores de Guat,Jt;.aL, saludamuy atentamente a Su Excelencia el hmbajador hxtraordinal'io y Flenlpotenciario de los i:.stados l'nidos, y tien<J el honor de roga1•le, de manora muy atenta, su valiosa colaboracl6n y la del Gobierno de los -"stados Unidos a fin de que se pida al Gobierno do Suiza que se sirva aaumir la ropr9sentnci6n de los intoresos guatemeltecos en Hungrla,

No obstante quo el Gobierno de Guetomolo no se oncuentra en estado de ~uerra decleredo con Hungrla, con motivo del con· trol de que rua objeto eso p&{s porparto de Alemania

1 y au

colaboraci6n en contra de la cause de las Naclonos Dnidas,oste Gob~vrno clausur6 su Connulado on Budapest, :f• en consecuoncio, los intcroses naclonalus carucon de proteccion en aquel lloino,

Aun cunndo los interesos guatemaltecos en Hungrla son meramente nominolos, ol llobierno de Guatemala ~gradecora al Gobiorno sulzo au protecci6n, os;;ocialmente on cuanto a lo sisuiento:

1) El Gobierno do Guatemala t•oconoce y confirma los pasn­portos y otros docwnontos oxpodidos on su nombro, a favor de personas que on liunsria aston sujotos a persocuclonos.

2) ~1 Gobierno hungaro debe sor notificado de que so espe1•a que ha do otorgar a las personas quo poseon tales pasa­portes y documentos, el'mlsmo t~atamionto y los mismos derechos, priviloc;los e 1runun1dades quo"correspondon a los nncionales de la Rep6bllca de Guatemala.· ~

3) bl Gobiorno de los '·hstndos unidos osta autorlzndo para negociar el canjo do osas personas,

El Gobierno de Guatemal,, so reservn el dorecho do objetar y someter a minucioea inveetigac16n la legalidad de los documentoa que posean las personas de reterenciaJ y, en ning6n caso, auto­rizara au ingreso a territorio guntemalteco

1antos de quo el

resultado de esa investigac16n sea satisfactorio, Sin embargo, este Gobierno ejercera ese derecho hBBta que los interesados h~yan sido t~aaladados a lugares de soguridad~ ,

.;- \

Cerlos Salazar ngradece al hxcelentisimo Sefior Boaz Long la cortesia de trasmitir oste ruego al Departamento de Estado para que se pongn en conoc1m1ento dol Gobiorno do Suiza, y a; provocha la oportunidad pera r9novarlo el testimonio de au tnas alta y distinguida considoracion.

Guatemala 1 14 do ngosto de 1944.


i.Jt \./ . . •• ,., 'IJ r:r:

}.;cy C.?. 1944

'J.'he lle.r Hofugee Hoard highly gratified over rorrults

reportod 1n your A-229 of ~b.y n1nth. Uuatema.J,an autilor1-

t1ee slloultl bo lUnl~ relll1nd!3d of axt:rooa urseno;v of

oommun1oaUon referred to 1n final paragrl\ph tbereot.

Uuboequent to for•,'al'dil16 of thio commtm1oat1on, o1thor

through you or otllel't·~Oe • thia GoveX'lllilont 1 e deep uppx>eoia­

t1on of the e.ttitudo ot: tbe Uuate~an authoA"1ties r.1ay be

conveyed to them.

\TiW:l.U.fV:KG 6/27/44 •



DECLASSIFIED State Dopt. Letter, 1·11·72

. By R. lJ. Parks Dat~O, 1972 -...:.


The Department and the \far lW!Ugee Board are highl,y gratified over the reoultu reportecl in youl' A-229 ot Way 9.

Pleaee remind Guatemalan authoritiee or ~reae ureenoy or aommunloation referred to in laet paragraph ot yOUI' A-229. Arter this oammunioatlon ie eent, eithel' throu&h you or otherwise, you may oonvey to Guatemalan authorities thie Government's deep appreciation or theil' attit.uie •

•••••••••• ~ '1!1', 1944 10&55 A.M.




· ,,shin(,ton

A-250, ~ay 191 6 p.m.,lG44.

Hoforonce Deportment 1 a ::>ocr(•t C1-c·cu1nr nirt;rarn

of •.. ay 11 9 7:30 Porn. and my r·eply,,A~229 0 :.;ny bl9

5 p.m.

points rnisod in the above Piontlonod Airgrnm and have

today rocoived a ~ecret ond Confidential ksmr·o~c•'l

from u,o 1 oreicn Office rocuos tin[; tho as sis tor;( 1. of

this i:.mballsy in transm!ttinu a roquost to tho Govorrunent

of .:;,71tzorlnnd thot thoro bo granted tQ ell persona in

enemy-occupio<t territory l'lho possess Guatemalan documents

or clairr, tho r!t.,ht to GuotcJJolan nationality tho fulls st

pl'otoct!on and ric;hts, Pl'ivlleges and inununJ.tios which

are onjoyod by Guaterr.alnns•whose not1onul1ty has been

duly proved.

l'hu <;overrunent of Gua te1•:aJ r.. prompted by lofty

human! ta l'inn sentiments, requests this protection .tn

favoJ• of claimed Ouatoz:,alons nut rol'lorvos tho right to

• invost1e:ate

DI':CtASSll'U:D Slolo Dept. l..ottor, 1·11·72

D1 n. H. Parks Daw~ O 1972


,. J

investigate each spe:::ific c<J.se ancl tp rejsc.t at a later date

persons whos~J nati-:mHlity capnot be conclusively proved0

1'he protection 'II!".J.ch ia now solicited in favor of

such persons does not. involve economic assistance of any

kind nor the right of the lnterestJd persons to bo admitted

co the national territor~· of Guotomnla until such time as

their nationality shall be duly established.

Tho text and translation vf the oonuaunication cited

above will be forwarded promptly by ·courioro






REc'd 3 p.m., 13th,

SEcrEtary of St~tE,


, .\-229, ;;ay 9, 5 p,m,

REfErEncE DE~artnEnt's SECrEt nir::;ram :.-300,

i:~ y 1, 12 :45 and circul~.r nir~ ram of l.iny 1, 7 :35 p .·~,.

rE::;arclinG rEliEf mEasurEs for cErtain ~Ersons holdinG

GuatEmnlan documEnts now intErnEd by GEI'lnnny.

This mattEr was takEn up in strict confidEncE

yEstErday l'li th thE 1:1nistEr, for ForEign /1ffairs who,

~.ftEr consultrtion with PrEsidEnt·pbico, hns furnishEd

thE Emoc.ssy with a ,confidEntiu;L ,)r.Emornndum rEad in::; in

translntion as follows:

uThE Ministry for ForEi::;n bffnirs of GuntEmnla in

EntirE u~rEEmEnt 1'/ltil ti1E convErsation hEld toclny nith

His ExcEllEncy, tllE ilr.!bassador of thE UnitEd StntEs, tnkEs

plEasurE in indicatinG. that thE points dis~uoriEd urE ac­

cEptEd in thE follol'lin,s tn'r.IS:


:DECLASSIFIED ~ltlt D.pt.,' Letter, 1·11·?a

\'Jy\l".f<Mb~o .19n

·"'· •

t /' -2- l~;·~-229, ::c.y 9, 5 p.r.:., from Gu~tEmaln.

ThE GovErnmEnt of Gu~tEmnla authorizEs thE C·ovErn-

DEnt of thE UnitEd StntEs to undErtckE nEgotiations for

thE Exch~n:::E of PErsons prESEnt inc Gun tEmalnn p::1ssports,

n::;ctiilst GErman nntionctls in this HnlisphErE •

It is undErstood thnt thE bEarErs of such ~nssports

v1ho ~rE not c!Esir~blE ns inunigrants to GuctEmaln nill not

bE admittEd into thE country,

ThE GovErn!.1Ent of SwitzErlnnd, as thE protEctint;

powEr of GuatEmalan citizEns, will bE rEqUEstEd to assErt

thE ri::;hts ::;rantEd to intErnEd civilian\! in confor;:1ity

rli th thE GEnE vc ConvEntion.

If it should bE suspEctEd thct any of thE passpol'ts

nErE incorrEct, thE GovErnmEnt of GuatEmala nill maintain

its ri~ht to cancEl or invalidatE t~Em; but it ~ill do

that YlhEn thE bEnl'Er' h::lVE bEEn pl~CEd in safEty,

It is undErstooC: t:1nt GuntEmnlu will not nssunE any

additional oblicction as a rEsult of its ucquiEscEncE in

thE prEsEnt pEtition of thE GovErnmEnt of thE Unj.t<.d

StntEs to which it c:ccEEds, inspirEd by lnununitarinn

SEntimEnts and ns a courtEsy to thE GovErnmEnt of thE

UnitEd StatEs,"

ThE MinistE-r for ForEign Affairs informEd lilE in thE

coursE of our convErsation thnt hE had not bEEn npproachEd

by thE Spcmish !UnistEr in thE mattEr, ThE Papal Nuncio


I _F'


h::tcl t::~!-:En up ilith h'_;J t:1E :::clmission of JE\'Iish l'E""u::;EES

to Gu:::tEn:::l:::, to rlhich hE ~-.::~d rEpli~cl--Gh:::t thE Gu~tEl'!:::l:::n

GoVErru::Ent l'Elt th:::t it h:::d :::lrE:::dy :cc1:::ittEc1 :::s ::;c.ny such

!)Ersons :::s thE country could rE:::dily :c!:Jsorb :::t thE lH'ES£nt


It is .::nticip::~tEC: th:::t thE conrr.unic~.ticn of thE

Gu.:-, tEm:::l:::n GovE rmnEn t to thE GovErmr.E nt of Slli tzE rl:::nd

will bE m:::clE throur,:h this Emb:.ssy, If no such conununicntion

is forthcoming in thE coursE of thE nExt fEw days, I

shall rE~incl thE W~nistEr for ForEign Aff::\irs of thE

urgEncy thErE of,


Gl.D ,rd


-/ "··


!f.i:,· 1 ;) w· , lillNS

. ,,. K~CO'lr.S



GuntEmnln J

DntEd hny 9, 194!

REc 1G 3 p.m., 13th,

SEcrEtary of St~tE,


/\-229, ::.:1.y 9, 5 p.m.

REfErEncE DE)nrtoEnt 1s sEcrEt nir~rnm ~-300,

i.:~y 1, 12:-15 nnd circul.-:r nir~rnm of l.:ny 1, 7:35 p,·:~.

rE:~rdinc r£1i£f ~EnsurEs for cErtain ~Ersons holdinG

Gu::~tEmnlnn documEnts now intE rn£d by GErmany.

This ~nttEr wns t::~kEn up in strict confidEncE

yEstErdny with thE i:lnistEr for ForEign flf,fnirs who,

' nftE r co!lsul tr-. tion with Pn sid Ent Ub,ico, has furnishEd

thE Emb('.ssy with n cc.mfidEntiol l)l~mornndum .l'Enciin,:.: in

trnnslntion as follows:

"ThE Uinistry for Forricn Affnirs of GuntEmnln in

EntirE n.:;rEEmEnt v1it:1 t11E convErsntion hEld toclny uith

His ExcEllEncy, thE iu;Jbnssndor of t11E UnitEd StutEs, tnkEs

plEnsurE in indic::1tir~.:; t.~1nt thE points discudsEd nr£ uc­

cEptEd in thE followinc to'r.Js:


DECLASSIFIW Bblte Dept. Letter, 1-11·72

By R. H. Parks Dsto SEP 2 0 1972

·~'; . '''ltl(

,/ -2- i;-tA-229, ::.~y 9, 5 p,r.., fr'om Gu~tcmn.ln.

ThE GovErnmEnt or 3u~tEmnl~ authorizEs thE GovErn-

~Ent of thE UnitEd st~tEs to undErtakE nEgotiations for

thE Exchcn:E of p£rso~s prEsEntinc GuatEmalan passports,

~:;~inst GErn!~n netione1ls in this l!EnisphErE,

It is undErstood that thE bEClrErs of such nnssports

·;;ho al'E not c1Esir~blE as immigrants to GuatEmala riill not

bE admittEd into thE country,

ThE GovE rnuE nt of Sr1 i tz£ rlnnd, us th~; protEcting

oowEr of GuntEmnlnn citizEns, will bE rEqu~:stEd to assErt

thE rights ~rantEd to intErnEd civilians in conformity

•tlth thE GEn~:va Conv~:ntion,

rr it should bE suspEctEd that any of thE passports

'lf.rE incorrEct, thE .JovErnmEnt of GuatEmala rJlll mni!~t'lin

its ri.:;ht to C:ll1CE1 or invalidntE t:1E1:J; ~mt it Hill do

that rihEn thE OEt\rErs hnvr bEEn pl~cEcl in snfEt~·· ~

It is und£t•stoo( t:1.::t GuatEmala Will not t\ssumE any

ndclitionnl oblicction as a rEsult of its acquiEscEncE in

thE prEsEnt pEtition of thE GovErnmEnt of thE Unitr.d

StntEs to which it -::ccEEds, inspirEd by hUJilanitcriun

sEntimEnts and as c courtEsy to thE Gov~rnmEnt of thE

UnitEd StatEs."

ThE MinistEr for ForEign Affairs informEd mE in thE

coursE of our convErsation that hE had not bEEn approachEd

by th£ Spanish llinistEr in thE mattEr, ThE Papal Nuncio


• \:bi!l


• /

GoVErru:lEnt fElt t~1c.t it hed c.lrEedy c.c.:.:ittEd as :::eny such

• ''Ersons as thE country could rEadily e0sorb Qt thE presEnt


It is anticipatEd th~t thE cor.UT.unicc.ticn of thE

Gu2.tEmc.lan GovErtmEnt to thE GovErnmEnt of SwitzErland

\'Jill bE madE throu;•.h this Embc.ssy, If no such connnunicntion

is forthcoming in th£ coursE of thE n£xt fEw days, I

s:1all rcninc; thE l.iinistEr for ForEign Aff:cirs of thE

urgEncy thErEof,




- o lri' I ~} SftlTf f)I\IISION OF'

1URGRiil! MAl 3 1944

M!Ei\!U.t\J3Jc', 1 • COMMIJNiGATIOt'IS . - .. -- flfW. W~'"'II)S

GUA'l'E:lii\Lul. Cl'l'Y (HU.~'l'.C:U.tLA) ·•

J..'OR 'l'HL: l'.li:R.80NJU, AND • i.L lNL~ORl·lll.'l'ION W 'l'~ J\MI3AU3l~UOR. llith reterenoe to Department's oircu1o.r airgrame of March 31,

1:05 p.m., of April 11, u:oo a.m. and of J\pr11 22, the Department

has not.r boon upprized that l'apal Nuncio nt Darn intor·me« ll1nistor

Ho>.rr1eon tlll\t Vat1oa.n had attempted to •·IOrk out relief meeeuros tor

Je~ra hol~.1ng Guatemalan documento and interned· by Gert!IQny. .'l.ppnrently,

the queot1on or eventual imnligration ao reoult of poeoiblo exchange t·71111

raised in addition to the quoet1on ot l"GQO{$n1tion or dowmentio.

Guatemala is reported to hnve given a negative raply, presumably because

it ~~A not (x•opeat not) l>X'Oparod to permit per~ono in queatlon aotua.ll7

to enter Guatem.qla.

' 1~t the tuw this reply is reported to hnve been given to Vatican,

the nosuranoo oonta1nod in our circular uii'(Srant ot' Aprll ll llacl uvi­

dently not (repeat not) yot roached Guaten~lan Government.

l'loa.oo verity 1nfol"!llat1on roooived frorJ Dorn and reiterate th1e

Government 1 e aesuranoe that. 1n tile event of exchange, Uuatelll4la •·1111

not (repent not) be expeot~cl to urMf physionl. a~ooion to nn:y of -tne

personB oonoerned·even on a temporary or tentative baoia.


DECLA'SSrrniD State Dcp~. I.,otl<>r, 1·11·72

By R. It Parks Date..sE£..2 0 1972


Mny 1, 1944

In the l1uht ot these nseuranoee, please 1mpreeo upon the

Guatemalan Government the extreme urgency nith wb.1oh th1e Government

v1em~ the necessity of acting favorably H1thout delay on proposals

previously submitted and detailed 1n the airg:rame under reference.

You eho1.1ld impreoa upon Guatemalan otf1o1ale that o1nce failure to \.

aot ... reuld almost certainly spell cloat~or the pe.roono involved, and

thnt since no (:repeat no) reeponn1b1l1t~ or obl1gnt1ono NOUld result

for Guatemala from acquieeoence in our ro(i\1eetr., •·7(1 NOUld be eorelJ

disappointed 1f Guatemalan authol'1t1oe ohould not (repeat not) t.lhole­

heal'tedlr ooopel"a te u1 th our- etforte · to ~ave ~he ee people •

WRB:GLW:KG 4/28/44


DECLASSIFIED Slate Dept. Letter, 1·11·72

1972 llyR. H. Parks Date SEP 2, 0


tf'' ;­






With reference to Depa.rtment'e oiroular airgrama of March Jl, lt05 pa~~., of April 10, lltOO a.a. and of ..,.....,....._,_

the Department bae now been ap~ that Papal Nuncio at Bern informed IUnieter HarJ'bon that Vatioan had attBIIlpted to work out relief JJea;mir.es tor Jen holding Qua~ docUIIlenh and interned b7 OVIIII.D,Y. Apparently, the · quMtion of nentual ~sration ae r .. ult of ponible exohanp n.e raieecl in aclcl1t1on to the (fl .. tlon of recognitioa ot dooW~ter~te. Quatemala le reported to have given a neaative reply, preBWIIIIbly because it wae not (repeat not) prepared to permit. pereone in queetion actually to enter Guatemala.

At the tiae thie reply 1s reported to have boen given to Vatioan, tha auuranoo contained in our olroular alrgraa ot April. 10 bad evidently not (repeat not) yet. reached Qua\emalan goverment. ·

Pleaee verify ihtormation received troll Bern and reiterate thie Oovenvtent 1e aeeurance that., 1n the ennt or ~henae, Quat..ala wUl not (repeat not.) lie upeoted to grant pb.yeical acbd.eeion to ai\Y of the pereone conoemed even on a temporary or tentative baeie.

In the light of thMe Ulllftoi1QI 1 pleaee imprea• upon the Oaat.eulan SOTel"'IIHHlt the ext ..... urgency or , aoquloeotng in our requ .. te and of aotin8 upon th• without dell¥. You ehould !apnea upon Ouatnalan ortloial!l that eiiiCie failure to aot would allloat oerta1n17 ep.U cleatll tol' the pereollll lnvolvecl, and that alnee no (repeat no) nepolllllb111ti .. or · obllptioM would reel\lt tor Quatta&l& fl'oll aoquleaoenoe in our nqueete, we would. be ecnl¥ clillappointecl 1t Qua~ autbor1t1et would not (repeat not) 'llhole-heart.l4l,y, cooperate wltb our ettorte to eave these people.

e••••··········· AprUlMe44 31115 P•••


l/ '4



Ccrt~;i·;uot lo, 1944,

rrammittii;_; 'l'oxt ·ol'....'{!lstr ctic..n._ ItHlUud by • ..:.i <.L.u .JoverlliUent'-t l.ui_;ution L1 ~ern in rocurd to !'orsonu I<uturuli:o:.;,d .. broud.

·;ue Hcnorc.bl"


~he ~ccret6ry.uf ~tate, .;ushin ton, ll. c •.

1 have tho honor tu iuvite the Dopartuent•s Ltt.ention to q· tele~u.;., I.o. 27J o1' .m;~w;t lo, 3:00 p.ll., sent in r<>:.;:·one:e to the Departr.ent's tele.<;rftr.l l.o. )1~ of ·•U0U&t 10, 7:00 p.J:., 1\144 1 on tho subJect of in­struction::. to be issued by the lluitlan Qovernnent to ita L~:o,;utlon in Bern, in re~~uru (l) to persons na.tu­rullzed abroucl under the lla1 tlan ·J.ali or Luy 2S 1 l9J9, 1 ht; tJeJ·& WlUblo:. to co:~ply ,. ltll thu Decrec-J..ul: of Feb­ruar~· 4, 1~4;,:, rE:w,uirin~ thu::.b I•erson:; to roturn to >:O.iti ucl'or<> J.u,:;u..,t !.>t.i, or tliut yc11r, ur.u (2) to sto. tc th~>. t the Hal tiun aovern!:lt.nt uot~a net (iUeation thu vuliuity of v.ocuue11ta i;,~;~ut~d in ita nw:..u to pur-:~on:.. <>ubjuct to ono.:.y p~>r::.t:outlon until :lUOh 1>eroons ruuoh plaoob of oul't:ty •

.. s 1 repol·tud ill !l:f C.c&putoil l;o. lJJ or JLU_:.'Ubt 2, lS.t.4, tht:. iluitiun Govermlt,nt on JUly 29th iasuud at.u'l.ec..~nt:; su.vportin_; ti1e IJt>purt; .. tollt 's requE:ut. The subatunct~ ot tl!~u~;~ atater:.enta wu:o tol'\·:arued to the llailiiun Lu.:;utioll, ut bern on Jul~ )ht '"ith a1reot1ona to in.roru the ~11.loe l!'udorul aut.lloriti<:s. The~ text ot th~ telb~rUW Bont'by,the lwltiun GOVernmunt huU buer.. .:;1ven to l·il> b.;' the llLiitlbn ll'ore1;::;n orrice. J\. copy u.nd trunalution of tllia meaoa:.;e aru ttuolos~o(l llel'61'1i th.

In 1•eeponse t~; tu.Y inc.:uiry as to \·;hether the Council or Liniet~r" hu11 upproved these t\.o atuteuents, the l:inlstur tor :torei,;;I• • ..rrt.~il•s inforut:d' ne orally tllc.t thld had oot been done, a& President Lescot lliu• self huci ,;1ven the neoessur:r uireotions, 1n<l1oatins thorolly that lliu authority tint,; su1'1'1oient. 1 have no reuaon to doubt tho aoouro.oy ot thiu intoruation



DEOLAss!Fnm SU.to Dopt.. Lr.!!f>r, 1-11·72

././:1.' ·". / • j.'

/ . '_t)'

By R. JL Parks na~O 1972 . ~ -- ~--·--·----·~ . ---c--~--------:~r ~ ~ ·-- --4- ----~·- -· ·---


~ 2 -

i.llH-> .,u,:~•.&"\, -... .. u, i;, :..e ,,.~ c.ccepteod ty tlH: !)(:fpartlu:.nt,

t\to:;p.,otfu.ll:! yuUl'tl•

!...J.-.c~lu~urt:~: 1/ Cc.1t,le:_:rtJ.t. _,·,.1!.t. ll~·

~Ji...!i....in.r..~.. ·:"'t·V~.l"1.&;~l:l,~ ;,(, ..:...E-' _:, .. ~~.. .~:.( ·!: ..._ ~~ t.:ibJ:' .-l J

~r-..' ...... "' ...... J. r ,.1.: :.: . .. .::./ •'":.''U.~~.~lt.Licl: t. c • t} ~

.::~££!~· tilt;; 7ll. c .. ;!":.d, ·:c. t11c ~!1_ LrL_ r_.u L ii: ·--d·l ·.!.aul

:..:.1;~..:. .; ... c~(...: ~~'Li,,-. •

• l.

;',-,-..,.----- '·

.... hC:Lt.•:.iU"i'\..· ~.(. • 1 t.o __ J~~l>trt.cl,. l.o. l!!t,. <.•f

... n _:u·.-:t;~ "_1~;-; ·l~.-.~~-.:\;-~fl'OD--:'-

'£'hu _J.::.O,C;.O~l~ ut, .... f;.,~.·"t-h\1-.l rincu.

H .. J.{!.

-·vcuil.l..t..t:". L.\#;, .• ~;lii.LUr i~U =.h.l..\V\.J.'JLl:.llUL. t, /;,_ ~.~l't~l :_J\lii>SO ~~ J.,.;.,;.,s.t;.,r ,u J<..uv,·.n."r,._h1• t·.Ll<'huil<• lu ,,:.cl<-l'> .• ~lon -:..,· .... iV.:.tl.L· ... \i.'-4 .::oti,l\..:t·.ut:7.J.tt:=Lt, '!.iV.:i.t 'pjll:

"0vu,,i"tr<;~oY qu 1 Ul· t:::!l't:: lr. l•'.:.:luJ:u un:... 1,-;~.I­vi.<;l•" ''" l't.Cli ,;uivo:. n:.·u·ll;c.li":,l; l_wlt.lor.s u J.-',;l.l'~>h,;Ol' ''" ·~';)rt~t ,;u .... u;·u~-.l.l·~ ..;•~ ;:~. J.,t.l 1•, .n Ul.! L l'uliVt-iCl'" .,.\il' I.,(; l.l.il'l: .l.t..:oil'uG Ollll-

~~:~l~~;.;:~:~ ;;~~~~.~~~ ~~~: .. ''~ .. ~~~;~- :lvhi~;,t~-- y ;,ou:.· u;.,UH•;i; •.·0 1'<ol'Ul: ... ·. joill'O, UllllU~;:; 'lil JJt:­

ul.·,ruuic·h d~ i ~~-..,u~ ";(.... ::uc:rl·u· tiH.J.' lu .. iU),ul.>­li .\~t.·' ""'l•'·"i·c.i,. ju~=~u•:, 'r.rt1~~ auLu lt;. ~'Jouvor­Iill!·•unl; H··~\oiLI.' u•~C).(Il'• ... quo; lu:> r·<;l'~mnws "i.(! li! e,:;, t.v ·-''-'l'l.\; ~\.lal:.t.; ! :i~O)Ih<;(\ Ctl~ t ,.t.t; J.unt; l t i• t:•\•~~·iilllit(. uO lll' tll.·lilOl'l•Eil' 1.:\l ,J,';Ol'lll,•• 1t i ~.t. ; •. l,:;Vl'ltll' :l.Sut'· ·cl,,il'i :null'-', t _:11.•iu.o ,,(. ":.cho':liUUO ••.o l\•· J,·, .i(..nf_li ~..: ll•,i t.i<mne i\ t.oUfJ C<;>l.' ... n~. UVL<l<-t • ncc;ui .. J.t: 1.:1 t.urc,J.isu.­·t;i~~h ~.t:~i1.~'-t:nno..; i; 1'!,·: I ;_•tUl":£:1', n~ t::O l'Cl~dro. l;r. i·,~;l ,.,i Dv:.nt lu ~ 1 :~nt. l',i.~;. •-n Ot·ll"e­"!U(;l.t}ci-) il 0:.},;\i .1'l•lT. ~ :~y<J1J.' 1 t:. ~ullt.":S tir,s r:UtJ "ru '~\rclt !:{H; lt;!' :J:it<.·f• f.(h'OClnn,t,;;;, rto tvnbt:;t\t ~ ut, ~~ou:, l,1.~ :.~'up l'~ .~t:cl•t..:;i,-Lo~ l\U

4 f!.VI'j\Jl~ l',;.o~;.;'''• .. :. ;·,· -t-'

·\- - ." .. ' ' .• . J<:> vt•l'- in vi'\,(; euJ• :.-,o u '•'-' J• .. !> Ol.illtt:bl.Ol' 'lu:u1u t.

;ort;p.:;ut. 1<, V.;J.h,~l..~ d.,~. , : \!UOpol't:i nuiti~n" <.tC'lot>llU:, J!Ctl' ,,._.., , . .,ruomt-.., _:.,<11-h<>l~uJ;,rH:l on-.r•aYS ,_ouu~,>~.c~ __ ;,t j_:c.>U'!'-nt ;::tl''' l 1obj.:.t t.O puravc\1\.:.::• ue lu pt)l't ut. l. tumiohll J'-'o:-·-\: 0t. lit> [,';le Cllt; pel'(;l.il;, ;1.1 .:p:tl'Vi<,I_Ill!lU(, Ull oliuU ;.~(lr ut. u lll•Ol'l'1<il' bOlH~l.'_\,t;;·,c!ll. ;'Cc >.l'<.<l l,CS J.ll:Jtl'UCI:>iOll<l l'UCUUS

por vou:; 1t- uc: suJet.

, __ _:., _ __;__ ___ -_, ~':...--·-·-~--



>,ui}J.o8.U!fo ~;o. 2 to J)U~}IHtOl\ Lo ~ 15S •.Yf, "·'l~·;m;·~ lo, 1 '-JL,l;, :rrolil. ·ri;,_,_;;,ntia:,my ___ at ___ . r·ct• t.-t.u~<·1•:tnoo. ·

I'lG~H''~ :i'3tJIIl'l•t •. ~!w ;.:-. i~;.:. ictlel;ul iJG'IIl.\'m~e~<t/to pro~cJit, t.fj ·t.he G~-J!'l ibti. GCJ'!~·;x-hfit;nt.. r,11f) i"ol.t~.H-.iuc (ie(J­J.'lf.'~ti(;J! u£ i~hG ih.~..Ji, ~r.-ll c .. ::"_~e!'\,; .~n·~ :.

·~ 0 J.lH.HH~ll'.~:_ Uo.-- :-.\ ;:.At•i:-(•.111 l.,~.t·lht.!" Ot i.tH.i l;vi­llt\iJl:J ... :· ~ili r; Jc.-:\.l;s~\ ?'t:C~I ;JL\t,\\l.'nll?.tn~ a·t> H~:.:i.t,.~_i,l\b a\}rOf•;.\ i':. !'l-..>:·-:11E\~~rl.:-• c:t' t!t(, nu~~~'~f; ..... L-~ ... \-· :}1' :. ..• !..'/ ;.· ;: , 1 ~· ;•:;, ,. r..t·~; l i.'I .tP.~ i.n tox·x-i·· tnr i-: ~:- r~~r:·~.r o l,"i ;.;"-:- \';-:: __ G•.H'{_:;.u~-~~-fttl.~l--!-tl-'.-1-y-; ~ih:! t, thn;,r n~:_ l..'r. t-·J<->JJ : .. ~; ~ .. :\iXH.sd ti!J.o\·u O'."lll--· t.:ll!,l\H•~<t~: !.':;~"' :t~~:-:~:i~J!~~:' of :fOl'CO Uuj(HH'~l 13.itt"~;; t-:F.;; .;t~tf3.n.':!:·\ •. ~Q.·~ (>~~ ~ ~ill b~' t~hn ltQ~\ib-1:\..~ <;i.' :i;.i<.i un~:-1 ti,.L d.2t<> 1 t.11f• Huitir.1n Gl~v-.:A~ru .-~a{. :.~.•Jn).~:tr~;:-~: t'ilul.t, ·J;hc pt;l':icn,~J in ti.\o_ : . .~.iJ•J·i ·;:J··::v .. ;J1~;.'.)1hHl o~.t-t~1-;vry ·1i_n'{'t;1 _f'H:!en tul­~.hlk.. \..,,. \;~:;/~!;:~ ~~· ,._~- ;Jh tla~ J)~orc<>~~li-~'·· uf .!l0l~­.rt~~~;· ii, 1•,:!~:~ .... J"Llt.J.uln.:, tuldt;~ ll6Un.lty· o:r. tht~ · _r,_. ... ~ ~;.i' Hci t~.tt~:: lH~ :,---~tG!l~lit:i,. ull t·~Ioso ':.·he· bt-.;.i). :1:.>:!U~~x·ar.! lih..t ::,iur1 tH~turt/l.izc.1;,ion t.l.b.\'C\l.ti t 1J :f..~i\iU~~·~'\ ·tO ~J.tli~i "0•1l'Ort'3 .ll\.1-.~U~t 5, ]:~-'•=~, Gr.in~·=-~uentl~", 1\; .t~--. h0r_(llly 1~1J.do };u .... o.:.J tv \.Lr.:· ... ~ -it ·i.w.y COi'•('(::J!.'lt that tile SN!r.l lJV-1' ~~.-~{,,_! :~ t·n h':..:; :!.J.'!.'t~<!tt-~)d ~~~ tn.e· J.Jecl1 bo ... LU\~ 01' 11~0:.bl"'UU\'~- 4 1 ~-~li._?.u,

. \; !'' .l h.i.:,.o '·'-'•!< yc.:•\l t.•.>T. t<.• tiU<'!ltlou Ct t .l>l•'Jsent t;Jw vn-

liltit;y c-i'-.h~~5.l.i.:.n :~<H'"'ll"l''~s lu;J.~ h~' P<•l':JOXIti Y:ilo aro !tO\ }.n vcJt.:.;:.i·A t·l~·d.torf~s wi;; 'ho ooulu '\,Jo t.iHi ol>·· Joct O:i' :•d'ibC\It.i.Oll b~" ~h·· .. o;.lllltl!f lttttil SUUh i>Ul'SOUS Ul'l'iV(, .i..ra n pluee o.(", .-;~~1'~::\.~·. uHu tv jJU'urJo tila l!'mi-· el'u). ut::.f•t.:;l"t.•.t<-1•'-X.O\' t;i;., :wst·:>:'Ucviont> l'<:lO<>iv.;.c.l by you in tb.iu d"-a~~t.oti(}.T.J. " ~ ·



:. u~~ .. : ... y-··'--1''

\ N~ol\~:Jar..mr. OF Tl~i:,gc_~nMi ,cOi!:lVED v·

/~ac;~icrn .-;1.1b ·.J··'Y, :rort au ;•rince (' ~ _. i ~--·. 1 .\"f, .

:;ccl'o:\.'r.ry. of :ll;p,te, \la.ollineton

i-ll~\\6t 16, 1944.

~ .. ?3 X

CCONTROL ~OPY . iw 1<1r.truo t1ono mcnt.i oned 1 n '1Ci'<'l·t:a~ nt_1 LoaC.le __ of. 1\Uf,U ut

10, n>. ~)10, na1•e tranemlttod by the Haitian Goverr.m. n~; on

July ~'l ;;o _,._.rn, "lc ;,r,~ l'OJ'I-'Ilru .. nt; text by nirrur.il, It is

e;,• ~. u uy ~.lio l'ol'< .i( n •>f;,iue ;;hrt thiE rctiou 'tiC£)' taken with

t.he .l'• <ldl'nt 1 r- n;· t•cynl ,.n(1 \tnci.cr hit1 :'1roct1bc, and tlw.L there-

rore, tile a•.pl\>V•-l oft: . .:, Counoll of ::lniet<;ro•voa uot a~;cul'~'d,

I tl(iVc no l'et·ce>n to ?.ouht tilP.t ~ufl'ioiont nuthO:t'ity lE' c:o.wti-

tutc<l therein,


))EGLASSU'ltm Slato Dcpl. l.<'lt<r, 1·11-72.

· . ,,_,,. SEP 20 1972 . By R. H. P.uJ... . .. .,_, __


'· . ....,.,:~ I


"<' :~ s~:in~\ ·, < TELEGRAM ~/.JE:fi~ This tele£ram·rnust bo paraphrased befol'e .belng (\~

~I~!'~~':;.;i~:~. f6.'\~~~~';· t•f ~~41 ~~\~ 2&~ ffi ~~ _,)

AlWiBA1l8X, : ~ ~ ~ ~ i\5 ~ ~ . 0 oo ;~~ J'OM-au-l'RlNOi, :~: ~_::; ),. -


._.oo ~ o-"11' 31Jl __ cni;i c--:= -- -"~-R.terence 111 made to rour A-MQ ot Jul:r 12 814 ~

I'Tl Department's Ao23? ot JulJ 22. Fleaee aeoer,a1n vhether

contemplated aotlon baa been appro,ed b:r Oounoll ot

!-11n1atera and text ot 1natmot1ona sent to Bern. ·Alao

date on wbloh 1netruot1one ~~ eent.


( r.r.\'1)



OAILt TO Al\li~!liASSf, l'ORT-.l\1-PRIWCl

letere~ce 11 made to 70ur A-369 of Julf 12 ond Departmeat1e A-~17 of Juq aa. l'l .. ee aecertab .vhe,her COAtel!plated aoUon hll• lie• approTed bJ' C01mc1l of Hlnhhre and hn of lnetruoUone ••t te Jem. Aleo date on which inetruotione were aen~.

12&l5·p.m. August .91 1944

IHaa Chauncey (For the Sec';y}, Abrahnmaon, Cohn, 'llu:SoiR: Friedman, Hodel, La9ghlin, Lenaer, Htmn, Hannon, McCOl'MACk, Cnble Control FileR



.'t<. /' \ .t .. 237

v iU.IDWAl3S'lC,


.The tollcmins 1o from ,the ~/Ell' Refugee Uo~.

Pleaoe oonvef to the H1n1eter t~r Foreign Mfn1l's the ~ ; '

deep E>.ppreo1P.tion ot this Government tor_l~1~'!1 (1.tt1tude e.nd

oontwnplo.ted notion ae indicated in rowo 1._369 ot JUl)' ·12.

It 1o aanUilled tl'lt\t lfu1t1nn authorities Ul'o nuare or the· ~eno7 ot the n1tuut1on nnd Hill ttat ns promptly no poseible. lt 1s

• ' .f

oleo neowned that the &lUiftl11ll:\tion or aooumetltn 1coued 1n

llnJ. t11 n lll'lliEI, ratenea. to in )'our J.._369, me~o 92tnln1nat1on b7 .:.<·- . • •

Hn1ti imd thnt this point \l1ll ba ronde oleE>.JO 1n tho iuatnAo"- -

ionn to the lln1t1nn Leuotiou nt Uern.

HULL glllf

DECLASSIFIED , Btato Dept. Letter, 1·11·72

By R. H. Parka Dnto~ 0 1972

'X - --·~-,,,_ ' -'; ,,

AIMW! ro mwssx POllf:nc.PltiiOI. MAtti

l'len1e eoa"' to the Hialti,e-r tol' l'onlca Alfaln tlllt a.., appreolatloa of th1a Ooyaraaeat for Bat'l'a •'tita!e aal eon,e.tlatet

neUo.n u 1n41cah4 la 70'Q1' _.k311 _of· hl7 ].3. -~ la ~~ that

BalUan eu\hol'lUu are avan oi the Ul'lft«Q' of the al\11aUoa aD4 vlU

net a1 proapt!T 1!1 po1111'1tla. 1\ Sa alao UI!UIIe4 'hat the eJ:allhaUOD

of doGUIIeah tuue4 in KalU'• II.Pe, ntenel to in rou ~89, lll&aaa

O%al!lliae.Uoa 1o' HaUl and 'bat \h1a pola\ vlll 1le made 'e1ear ln tha

inetructlone 'o the Hnltlan Le£atloa n\ Bern.

12:00 noon Julj 20; 1944

Miss Chauncey (for the Sec'y) Abrahan•son, Cohn, DuBois, Friedman, Hodel, Laughlin, Lesser, Mann, St~wart; Central Files, Cable Control Files

. '·

I ···--[.-

I··.: f .

... ~ c• . , ~ .. ~-. --

. .

a · CONTROL, COPY J:o. 157

Subjuot: rt•onsmittiru,,:l:c-te 1'1'01•: the'I!td.tti!l"l ?ol'ct'"n L·ffico in r·er~~u·d t:·o ~tctir)JJ '11ttJ.:e•t on t~~-~-h.~!\/' or l!c-Lie!'s ~·f ::aHh.n l'i!~;spoJ•ts il! :.;·cl'r•lr:l'·· . o~~!}:t~~(~)

!'1:<:> ii~~~P~~~~et.r,r;' o1' ;. ~, '" .}a.sh.i.r:.,~t~"~n, n. ··

l !i~1.\'f· Che !lnti<.:·l' t.t:l f.:..t?t-~!lO'o. i·-,1~~t;· l"O(!tl~y~~ oj· LlJt~ !.tf~(::rt .. ;(!t1L

1t} i!L·I~J'I\r~L;c...-.n L_r_., z,:;- o~· ,flJl~· ;.·., l 1 ·,;~·. ,· ~.r:.­

t~.lc!:i;J ... c ll~;C v:· cl~.li!:P ... n1~~· i,!-' ti·~.ttL~r:J Hr.}l:!t.rtt;Jcit~,: '!.t:·

:·:~.~·-r~~~~~~~~rn::;l·~~~~ ~~:" t:.!~~.:·l~;~;~;;;=·~~o~"t~:;: \•; ~~ 1 r.~~ 1.;~.::: .f·~-.~~·.! ·' · ·~;_- :;u.:,:;(-~C:stt:U b~> t;ho .;c:!·:~l'ti.~cnt ':: inHi...~·\ler ... j~_.r! !.l'· ~.!tc· ~:.!'!b!"ts.;_;y ut. l\,~l:Leir":r: I :l~~ t:;i-~}!:, ~_L·~ 1\"":._::.~i~d.·; .i:l t .•: J ~ ·:,1 to,~. ~Oljr,itlon3 j!: Eu.t:_i,

lr. \·ie·n 0!' 1#~H-~ ::co ir.jtd:, :.;tJV(o1't!!;,; .. r,t '~'i fi;i-~J!i'€;:::,;c:: •. ~ .~;~~il·t: tu C\...O.}~::·.nt:~ \· i".h l}tc· ~:(-Vt.i!'tH:: nt. oi' th~ tr~i t8cl

:.>t.r. '-· .;~-~ i p .:.:., L i.t.:.;.·· .... '·· r t ... LJ ;~ i.l1(! ;.\a~ in~'.t-~:~. i. t-~-t~::··t:~ '1.·1!,..:~.··~·11.~ dU)'i!,-• l.i:i; (;t:J·;lt~(·! (j~ t,i: .... -1'(;$1,•}.1. :-j(J:.ti.i.ltj~ ... ~ I l !ldJHhHl

~i:n i:_~.t~· . .ir~.i; : . .il::.;\._.,,~· :··~.J· /·..~ .. ··-t~.:; :·!.rrajl·~ CJ: _· ... u~_-:~ .. r .. q1~i·t 1./ ,_ :~o'-'·:, ~· Ct.."J:~!' ;,J:' ·::l:i\.';1 i~ I."·~~J..:,:: .. ":, .in t!J.: ·"'n·•·: ·~-·r.-

.. •i:' C·!'·:l t.• .. r.b"t·l•i!; ti.oo ir::•t.r'V!~.!":, r ...• t::~;.:. .~".:;:iy .,:, .. :L:.~ ,. ~ t:n .

~1!1~:: Ln'iVlnr . .-~,Jv•:r·!.!f~~.nt :~\,.J t:..~t·.!il t,~l,._: ~hi}t.·ic-,; c·~~sirt.(~ h:: t.:u:- !Jf~i·~:r(.:.-lt:·l!.t., .!::J- ._._._~J.l h~: t•t:f•r. fJ·~J!:J 1.-ho f.r;;o.;t. Of "f-l.l:o:HLL~~ ~~IJd!·~ .. \~?c.~,.l L(; ~ .. ,(j ,.,} _·,u~~\1,,~; ) :

1 ~-:t :\:,·

t!:c r:t..i(lr -·~~_Crl··t~u·_.r •Jf' O::t~.-'Lf~ .l'_C·l' ?rYCeL_:n .-.. ~''fnil'f1, .t~ ~/~~-~<:cop;: •uJ<L_t,rh:l::.ol.:.' tlf:.!i_.;:;;- __ •.chi ol'.--P.J•c: ~tl':m;:;t.1i. tt.-;rJ-·iF:-l·c,·:-1 t::,-; -

.: .~

·-.... In this conn.ecti<"Jn I h(tVf: the ;lor:o"l~ tJ..: infol'!~ ·,,tl.A Dt!r·~~l·tr:erl L t,h~ t the c!ibl OGl'U!:, cJi·.- ,T!~l:' ;' . .l :~ t, -z:l_(n;-

• -<· t'i,c·r!ou in thi;:; 110tro, h£1:,; l'cfen·cn·~e t'• :! mt;:o;LIJ,;!· sent / ' ,,<"' 9n tht't. 'i"Y by tho; ,bit ian {;OVP.l'l:P><m t t;o it;;; Lc·''l";ir,n ~. ,;. "-..""/~tt Berrtd direct.in · th:.:t LiBHiot: t!Ot. t_.(. 'U• :lt-lon i·t ~' ,t~'/ !'Nn>ont t.h,. Vf.lidit.:· ot' H"~itinn p!.G::p(·l'ts hd,J by

-'' . ., •'/ p•!rsons r,o· .. l'i' sidin.:: in C<'41i~l·h•:; c,c~ur-i.•'<l by tj'o:• . ~· ~/ C;J<<;rr,y !lllu \•:ho cf5u)<·; be th•i"oii.kct o:: c;n.ora~' ;>c.r.o:u-,u:, l011, / . ur~t.i.l t.h·~se r~.n~solls" a~·t•l\·~~ i:! ~:. pltte0 r,!' :H.tl't.~t.:;. '

" , .lli'it:lolr o·c· ... : .n:lot"~t-: 00\',Jc'

l!t:CIHiWD 'J'ha , 'l : · 'iJEcr..AssmF:D · a.w Dept. Ulttor, l•ll•U

. . ('['0 ?0 By R. ll. Parks Dnl~~

... -'•,; }l ( I j




Tiu~ COPlple,tG t\'r:~t oJ th:i 0 tt:i~e";:;:rp~rl \', .. -111 h~ ·i~ol~­~,. nrtJc~:-1 in unotlti.~!· clc!;!PltcL.

" .. 'o t!i~ _.;o,_~re i ~:i~ L' fl'ieo, -d~it€(! .-:,.It ·q_;i,~·-·1

1 1(}•,:, .

. r,)r·i t.1:(~ -l·'n:--e5 ·:: ~:rri'>..:,· J1~~t:··~ :.1: ·u~~- .-~·-. 1·;: L,..,

__ '!·-~·.:~sl t.: t ir :: ;,.; :' c·, ~? :_:_~::_> :·'il., ~ '.''l, e;;: f."·.!]~ ·ro t.he Dept!l't.bnt: ~ L-1·1 · ~IV;J_


1-\lR MAIL !i;th1l9~Ul'e No. l tn .Jl~t'!'t1t(~iJ I:o t j,:j7 0i' :,u~ust. J.5, l9t.4, f'J,·or•; 1'1le ;:;uih>.<s:;y ut

l ,:

r·(·I'1 -en-frinc~~.

l'ort-~.<u-1rinoe, lluiti1 ?.ueust 4, 1 ':141., ·

:~ It"''''' t:;p lwnor _tv z·et'•.'r ,to Your .·.:;cel'l • ;:r·:; ':: :·.t:·:o!'.!'fl'l't:t of Jul:;· 2'Jth t:Ecl, tc ou.:~ c(.;·_v(:rS!·t~;jr:·ns

;;·;,: :'·:'i '~~~~·-~;;i ~fu~t"::t~~;t+E,~Frn";~\~~~~1 i:"~;~~\;~:\tlw ~~·,.~: .. :t~ li•.:r.t·.J.-,_,.c~~n.ri.~!·~~ tt:l·rir.:t-!·~.

; .:.:1:! l!.f.1'.' _tr, .rt;:;c,~i:-;i.; ....... :.:. C(,!.:J'l'.a:i(:~!r ... i"ott· l'rt'·!.-. "!:: :(··v~l'lttlt.-Uf·. 1~P~IH .:!':i tt,l•l · 't li.".~t :l[' ~,f·.~· fi()J'~j(;.;;~ '!H. \'lH't: l'(H!lCVP.t1 C:•n!•i tLt~ int~erlH~-.-!)t,) Gt!!~tt;- ut. ~~~ i t.Lf:~ ~-'l't..:lU!(:, t.v \'.!.:";~ l't;t'~!'f:tic£: ','.'!!~; t,!.::Je ·--tl: ,,·~.---- tat:·I:;'c·I'i':TI•n.ih r:;.f' Jttl_\. L:.th~ 'lli::i; ~i ;,. L-; ~:tt;t..:.r·ih:r} JteJ~0t-. ·~nfJ -~-~ !'t!l"!ii:;Lt·•l :...(• -:.nt; ilu.i t. i:Jn f!"r.,vc·,'i;me;~c _in it:.r~J.~.:r~, ... r. t.~!.·": ::c cf' ~!-c::..:s-1\!li(;!. :·::::lV ot LL,;: ~>--r~:&JH~ ... - ·_~:~vi .. ~'1'~ ',_;(.~:~- .. ~ t1.:t:-.::

~~~~ :::~:.l.: ,t;~ t~:i} ~:'; :'-~::;~e l'~;,_Ii.~::.i"'~;.'' ~;';ll' '' .. ~':':\ 1 :·::" ·.o:l; c !•

.... :! ·: \l~: ,. :~~:r;·;~:;:~~" ~ Lj:i~,: r.~.lv / ':.: ~ \(' ~;;: ;:' 'l ;: ': : ~ ;.'<:. tr~!!: .t';'~t.lut-;.:.1: .i.; )!:t . .,;n(a.ri t...:. ~,;, , ;::r ~;ov~rw.;~:nt 1'· :.;,>':.::~· .. ~) :.a: c.-J ;;u.~--~f.;:,;t. tn t.hl' ::·uj t.i~·r: ·hlttl~<..d'.i ~.h:s :;!,t .~._:.·r(jLc !H·\_:t:,_!,;~· ~,f llt:r~t·c,.~:ir. p~'(}tl!'t]~; i •. l.hu 'h! !')'~'!II r:~-''."((l'-'•J:.·:t. L, "L:!.J'Ot\, ~ll :.~lC ~:t~vorrur:.·Jn [. (. .!' ·.:iT, ·~:f~')'-

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- _11L~~u. __ :..._y_t;.j~!2r"1t t i.efc_fl~!~-L'hri---"--c-i v-J 1-iun - i nt.erJJ!~tna·t (~b..t·:p:--~·t-ii Vit~cl t,c '-'~l_ uur.u<;vin. de~;;t.llit;~~ot:, t~l(: \loVel'ltl:Jt·Lt ur !!~it.i ~ltrolL;l:= ~·1\6t.::'s~.:. tiii~, t.t· .... ,::tlit·:nt- ()i~- ~!;c t~Uov;;·­nt:.r:k:U -r~cr~cr'-3-, t.h!jt i l.. ul~_::entl._; .::~~'ilH:~;;.t~~ .inr\;J'.'':u.t..i-:•Jj conct::rniJ;.e:.· t.,,~ ,_! 1• . v.hl"..!l't:n boll t:; .;Jjd t.·.',:. 1 t't1l'£· ~tr.q tlt.u t it t:O ;.:nt;;c ~E "t,flt: 1!· in!·_,.;d. i~to tl·u:,~ rt.~1· _ t.c. H c i vi l.i: .. n in tc l~L­::.Aflt CSJl!i>_ '/.heft. tile:!. ;--;111 b~ ret:.id 1:.' t:V.'.li lbOle l'or t:.\~­rhltrl ,.::u !-tn~ ""t.eJ't;. -l>.eufi i_Il(~ ~"'':.c. t: -.<Ch~·n.·~f.!. t,ht~/ '"' j 11 -be un:ier the "";r.r;rvision of tho.:: l·r6t,, .. cf;.iu.· Po• t>J• Hn:J tho Intorziu t.intr' 1 !!eel c;ro::Js, /uJ•tll€:~·, i;hut the W• i­tit;n Gov'ernn•;t\"t. s0ize~.1 this opport.uni t:; to- sl-&1·-· t;',:.•:, it v:ill no~ Jll.:J•,dt. tlw volidit:• ol' (lny aoc\uner.t.:;

iii13 [c:<ocllcncy J:. :;erord 1-usc:ot,

::.ecret!!J•~· of ::>tu.to t'or l'ort-rtu-1 .. 1' ince. :'orcin> ,.fr8Jlr.X~siFIED

State Dopt. Lcttor, 1·11•7~

By R. II. Po.rks. D~to S£P 2 p ------·~~-. ~





i~ .. ~BUOti. in j t~ han:.) tP b'.j r:unst}onf-•Q b·.' ;"}(:r .. ~~ ~:: it t;}:l)(!C ts fl'Om tltu l;Grr1nzi (fo\•ernlill~!lt:. · i u·,·.·--. :·o -~ nf BU;!fl co~·fl.l!~!(.,)t.s t}~·-e S!H~:·:"._ tl'fJ:,1.!:.t.~l.t,. ~··· t~~· ;1f~vet\)caer.t ~~r)'r) 1 :S t.: r.b1 .. :d!J 1 ft.-·1' t~~~ n·· ··. ·

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of H:~i vt·; -·havo · oeon- rel,ir)vf:id-oytli __ ti_Het'ir<~tl tii.tt,hui'lt:it:s fri:JiJ t;ne ct\;ili~m intcrm.1.:lnt .:amp ,_,t ViLtel. to ul: un};novm .. ~·st.iwitiou, tho Hatt.ietli ~}t;Ve_rt:l!1C:tit. prct.(sts Ut.OJ':~Ctic­c.lly n :aln,_L Lhu t.r<~ht.:knL iti1'1i.c.tud ··upon 1.he ~l.lJove-nt·ntion·~ci l"''. rsor :-.. :-.rrcp. "Phe !iu.l L.i -..tu ~}oVf.Jl;tl: 1~w1~ u ni:~:en tl:'. !J.SK.i !'o-1· inror··

\-ti~L.icn c~~n·::.f.l'llin~; t:,~-1~· ::.H;dl,'(:::.;; ti.l'n. tat:)iy. · h~Etlt.h 1.n<.l t1;·.;H .. r.'t.~ tLLil· lt!l:n~dialc;; trunsful~ 't.u u ul \ .clim. illLCl'lWbl!L L""·iP ,,i,•:r<; 1-iie~· '''t'Ulci lv: t.~1.sil J l:. vtd.l~~) l~:; 1'5Jl' c.\•Jtlctt,et.~ f:tlhl \'tiaore, if, t.•.t.it.:t:.: tili::; e;.ei.~n.~c •. tr • .;.:r \.ur· be I~l;Jc,:u. unt~er thu s\.q'~L·rvl:JiLn ·cf" thu I··r\--~.t{!t~jn.:: :Fo\.!~J· hlH.t Lh~: lntt:l'nut.lonD.l :-~':..:·~ t!ro~-t,.. ~.<i'C}.~. i'!.e ii:1.i t i~n Gov Ol'l•l.t~nt 'il ,.,~c, · :lf·~~l ure;~ t .Hd, it \··.i 1: ;.ot J.·~l'l':11l. t.:lc~.' .;:_;t"i:,:.·n:, I.lJ.tce il1 liC·Uu __ t

. the Vt:l ~-~it:/ of !tG.J ~:ueu;·~~~~lt.s_,"':,_-ioi iVE.:rc<1 ili ;it . .-> lUJ;.tf;· hl!1..~ T,},f:.t. it ro,:..pvc:t;:. t:h_t_:tt tile .i('l1l':.1~1fl fic·vel'llr.tt:r.t. \". ~ 11 nr:(·\.. ~·u ·c:;t: lH~l,,iCl'~i 0!' t.i,r;,~se· c.H,e~.J~~:Ht..·J -: .. fie ~tt.I.it: t.l'oj··:.:3;~~t ':,:·.i~.;li tht! ·r·~~1·-:

:,·::)~ ;_~~~::·~~: 111i1;:!-~il:~ .. ;: ~ ~{t z:~'· ;. :~n ;J:i0i:~~·~i~~'fj: . ?it'"v1::, v:.!O .1~1tt.i~!i ·:vv~rnL~;,f·t r~~sc·rv·.~~~. t.~~-.: ri.:ht-. Vt. ~~~d:c ~::.ctj(;n \i.~:~:in:;t tlitY 111 t.rcut;~;(nt •-~dch r;i~-:hr. t•_u ·lr:flictb(i _l.llJ<.:~ ~-hE: uf.>(,\',_-rr1qnt.~on•:;<i !H:r:-:or~·-~ ~.:,_n:i u:·<...u ~\ll pc;-·~ ..J(,fl>' ;,Jw n••:,,. be lZI 1;:1<: ;iHI:.•,, ]Jv$.tL~un'j8

I uvnll ::1y~~1r vr 1.!d.::. occusi_c.;r; i.<. !·ent:~\ to Yotrr :·:zcel).(.;r~GY, ! .• r .. >J;lbn~.~,(~:1cr-, ..,t!P: 'l ;~·.urnHr .·~ ~~1' rn:r !ti.:~h consL:i~rnticn.


A-144 ~

10&45 A.M.

1, 1~44

li'OH 'l'fl!b l'J::R:JON:.L li.ND •••••• UIII'ORH!I.'.l'l<lU-Ol•'-'l'lllli--J\ND.t\OSADOR.

Hater to your A-205 of Apr1l 12 and to 'Oepnrtmont 1 o circular

n1rgrams ot Uaroh 51, 1:00 p.m., of April ll, 11100 n.m. t\ntl or

i>pril 22, 7:t~ p.m. 'l'he Depart1nont had pr~or to ).'OOOipt ot ~mbaoay 1 G

J\-214 i~pril 19, boon apprized that Papal tmn()io at Uot>n informed

N1n1oter Harrison that Vnt1oan had attemptud to ~~orlt out relief measu:res

tor JEws holu1fl« H.'l1t1an doouroentn und 1ntornl9<1 by Germany, :ipparently,

tlle question ot eventual imm1grut1on 'no rooult of pof!fl1blo exchange ,,tae

rG1eell,,1n addition to the, qUeat1on ot recognition ot' docu100nta, lla1t1

1a rspol'ted to have. repl1eQ. that 1 t could 'tnlte n~ (ropot'\t no) aotion, . \ i '

prem.unably bOOt\U!lG it ~>aO not (repent rot) 'pt•oparoc1 to permit· persons .

in queet1on aotuall:Y to e~tor llv.i t1. ' At tbo time. thio reply 1a repo:rte(l to li.'\VS been givon to- Vntionll,

. '

tile o.oeure.nce contained 1n our circular o.irgram of /1pr1l 11 lluiJ. c.v1-

dontly not (repent not) yet reuched H~it1nn ~ovornment.

· l'lense verity 1nror111at1on reoeivotl. from l.lern and ro1ta:rato th1e

UOVGftt&Jant 1n t\DDUX'anoe thz\t, ,,in tlta event of OX(!hangEI; l~it1 Hill not

frepeo.t not) bo oxpected to u;ra~t l)hyalcal ndln1ee1on to cti\Y or tbe

pereono concerned ev~n on n temporarv or tentative bae1e.


DECLASSIFIED State Dept, Lotter,. 1-11·79 "72 . 20 191

By R. lL Forks Date...sEl:J · ·

In the Ue;ht of thane assurano~o, pleaae 1n1'presa upon the

Hn1 t1an Government tho extreme urgency •·•1 th ~•hioh this Government

v1et-n:J the naceso1ty ot noting favorably t•:l.thout delay on proposals -- ---

preViously submitted and detailed 1n the a1rgrnme undor roferen9e.

1lli.ilo o.ppreo1at1ve of the sympathetic cono1t1ernt1on prom1cad to rou

b;y l.<,oro1an liin1oter aooordill{I to youx- .ll.~P-06 und youx- A-214, this \

' Govor.nment bel1evos that only prompt spoo1t1o e.ot1on, uloug the lines

eugt;ested in our circUlar air"rams O:.ln SLWS·· tho DtlOplG concerned.

You should thore_rore impress upon Hattian ott'1o1ale that nines 1'a1lurs

to aot '~ld almost carta1nlf spell death tor the pernona involved,

and thnt o1noe no (repeat no) reopona1bil1tieo or obl1t~ut1one NOUld

result tor lk\1t1- from ao9.u1esoenoa ·in ciur re<l\leeto, '•1'6 HOUld be sorely .. 0.1so.ppo1nteo. 1f lla1t1nn ·autllor·.ltieo should not (repeat not) ..,hole-

, ' r . hoartedly ooopara.te u1th oUr ofto'l'to. to -~ave thene 1111ople •..

HRB :GLti:I<G 4/27/44


, llULL



~~ ' '

,f ; '. '





Refer to your A-.205 of April l2 and to Department's circu.Lar airgrams of llarch 31, la0,5 p.m., or April 10, llaOO a.m, and of ,.._,....,._..,....__,,...., __ ,, !he Department hu now been· apprised that Papal Nunoio at Bem Wormed llinister Harriacn that Vatican had attempted to work out relief aeaaurea fOI' Jewa holding Haitian dooumenta and interned by Ger~. Apparently, the.quaation of eventu&l immigration as reeult of poeaible exchange was railed in addition to tha question of recognition of doauments, Haiti is reporhd to have repllllll that it could take no (repeat no) action, praljUJQably because it wa1 not (rapaat")''ot) praparedto­pel'llit persons in question ao~ to enter Hdti.

At the time tiiis reply is reportecl to haYe bftn gi'fan to Vatican, the assurance contained in our circular uirgraa of AFll 10 had evidently not (repeat not) yet reached Haitian, goyemment,

Please verify information received frocu Bnrn and reiterate this Government'e a.saurance that, in the event of e:~tohange, Haiti will not (repeat not) be expected to grant physiCal , acllldellion to any of the persona concerned even,on a temporary or tentative balie,

In tho light of these auurano .. , plea .. impress upon the Haitian govorlllltent the extreme urgency of acquiescing in our requeets and of acting upon th11111 without delay. Vlhile appNc1at1ve ot the eympathetic coneideratlon prQideed to you by Foreign lliniater according to your A-20.51 thb Qoyern­Mnt believes that only proJUpt apeoitlo action alona the llne1 tugeated in our circular ab'sraJIIB can aav_. t!te people oonoernsct, You ahould therefore lmproaa upon Huitlan.otr1e1ale that einoe failure to act would almost certainly spell death for the peraona involved, and that llinoe no (repeat no) reaponaibllitiu or obllptions woulcl reault for Haiti from aoq~ieiJoenae ln OUI' raqutata, we would .be aoral)' cliaappointe<l it Haitian -.&thol'it.loa would not (repeat not) whole-heartaclly cooperate with our offorta to ATI those people.

······~~············ April 24. 1944

hq,···~c;..·~· . BAkainall&d.th/jp 4/22/44


' ' ~

l/'· . ;-1 (''

/; /r~·\ VJ/.j,{, 7/ (;J_ l/- • __ .c. .. I~(J-_-~~ /~) J ,_i;

!!!!!!!!!(!!!! ~ a our 1 't . ·

CONTROL copy .. :c.c; L~ :From: l'ort-o.u-l'rinco' :.d ti

Jnto: i.ny 3, 11 a.n., lll44

.tee •d.

~ho Jecrot.~.ry of Jtato,


A-244, ;:ay 3, 11 :.t.n., 1944.

- :.~ :>epartraont' s circular •• pril 22,

;.inistor for ForoiJll •• rfairs now stutoo thnt his

:;ovorn.":lont has in final analysis boon roluotant -to truce

pooitive steps sug.~ootod through prot_ootin{3 po;·1or. jlo

ascribes r!!J.oon t a i:.;noranoo a !I to ·:rilot:lor any' l!ai tian

pUS!I!JOrts w.y bo produced for raco':;ni t ion of 1/'.llid.ity

by rof'u~ooa concornud. If no ouoh !l!lSR';'lort!l are -pro­

duood, ::·orci Jl1 : :1n1stor stJ.t(3s t:l•lt ;r'ltui taus bl:ml;ot ~ '

statc::oat of rcco·~nition ut this ti:.:o r.:i:~llt lrAtr~r ;·rove

"rojudioiol to ho~::.\ fido olsco. ::o has conntn.n•.;lr ' ----- I ~ .

:;aintainod nc·~ntivo !)Osition, 'lilO\'tbirer, of boin~; .;ill in.:; \ ,, -:l

to c:c::no·,/lof::;o v·1llui ty if '-uontion is r.11 sod in o;lcuifio

~.,sea • .~0 rot::IO:Jt!l of t:l is n:.turo ,, .• VO boen CUrrently

~·~~<f~J 1 ~l'Jd.

DECLASSIFIED Sw., Dept. Letter, 1·11·7a

lly R. lL Parks Daf<l.s.E,U 0 1972


:~- ~. J'"'V'



/ ·coNTROL COPY ~~ro1.1: .i:ort-o.u-. rinoo, .iaiti

.Jato: 4 poHo

·- ·, ; .... •)1\1/''·IWJ. ~;;· .

~·1;\\' !) 1(),;,,

, r;n~~l ~H1Nif!:; 1! · · · , ep-.~L't:·,cnt' s .• -l·lll·, .. u1 1 lv44,,_:).Q:•:i.lilr~a,.n •.•.

ini.>;;or f~r /orei:;n .• ff..:.irs :Jt.<tos t:1at only 'occ"'oiona

on .1•1011 lllaotlon of ultir.ato cic:;;t1n:.~t1on :;ith roGpoct to

ir:~ .1 '1'1\tion .1r.c IOC0]1l1tion .;f (htOt(:,vnts h~·fi uriaO!l ·h,lS ht:Ol'l

i.:: r :~cnt c<;nvc.rGation on tl10 :nb2oct .lith 1:.0. c S(.lid

• lt ;j con -~~~ar:;6 l:oro !•ad spolc.on to :~i:. only oJ1. ·.rcry ~enoral

1:-. l(::; or !J •• ro ·.u .t·cUnt; rof•uoos in ..Xi a ooHtrnllod oo1u;trioc

·, '>:. , .• t? =.Jti~.L;t !~ltt•·;O Ll ~'Jrn. i:tis t.n· i'or· 'o :ro !.;n .1'1'...1 ra

oc~ il' ~:.l :~fn \a.v1cratlill'l1n:; t:t:..t~ t:tora !:1£1 no ,·:·.tastion oi'

1:.y :·· ..• :;io::.l ad :1ss1o:-. '!·r 1'<-'tJt>~-::s i:·.to , 1iti 1nv::lvod. \ " .. - '

~···,;5_. ite ';"~.ru_;·oin:, ~1~_ nt.J.r,ds Oh--!Jrovious l)Ouition .1itl1

r' ~rd t~· t .. -.;<in; .any ~·oni t i ve »tops in t HI c:Jnn:Jction. .:o

c ·_j ;;r: 1;- l•J o nn t i nnin,; or.:·(,rts '.1:\ic:~-lud boon ~l..ldO throu~h

t .. r. : .. Jt::s ;ovnrit: .. ~ilt to rc•3v ur. ull ··'· iti'-Ul i'_o.su;)orto

. - . . .'\·11os ~ovorrL ·.on:~ :-,1:, l0V•~r,~;:,r;nt 5.i: not no;·; vor'{ ,;oJ.l ask -t)la . '

to do tho r!l;.rat•oo~ Ju rof.)rs to ;;(;ao:u•os tw~cn :wro to ti<in

DECLASSIFU:D Slate Dept. Lcttcr,1·11·72

By R. H. Parks Date SEP 2 0 1972



·l, 4 p.n., I

end :;an· :-~.1tlce or ouncollut ion of 'oitizonslii!) ·.1•1a :.;ivan

ilY :<loi,'OJ i•l ·il :o:.:har 1>12 (plJUSO 800 :ui>L\SIJY dOS)):Jtoh

no. 162:! :)f .:J ·m.1\Jer 1~, LH2, tlso ao. 1578 of :'ovc:.iber

13, HH2), a al~o point& to t .. l1 l~_.s:: or ·.:rlllld :-leach

(£:u .. tsey ..tt•u .. :utoh 157o ot' ovombor~l3, 1942 i.md provious)

r•·.:• ·n;: 'r.')·urod t,, lCCC)t :.w t'':>r.•:tl!l. ,,<;ic;, c.Juld tu;:;;, ll><17C

ro'lerv_, t io:ts into J:muidoration. .:,; ai·h-.· ·c·::a't. l;e ''•)Uld ·uo :~ :rc-c·f~l).J to :.l!~!r ,.l~n ,·1croill t:~o (rn1.t0d .. tatoo, nu :; .~o.ltc

T j/l C5J- -







~1·onr:CONTROL COPY l-ort"7au-h·inoe 1 !lui ti,

1-.uy 21_., 1)'44,

lwc '<i: Uu.y ;,_'' ._].~·1.4,. :~ (loti

'l'lw J\:lcretury of .... tuto,

.,t.shin,·;toll 1 lJ, C,

A-2oo, I .. uy 21~, 11:oo u.m., 1944. ~

.Jepurt: .ent 1 s st.orut circu1<-l' uirgrur'l of Luy 11,

7:30 p,L,, 1944, um~ previous oonoerpin:; refugees:

Tho ::ui t.i~.tn J .. iniutol' for ·J!'c.rcir:n J>ffuir~:: lu din-

pol.lod to usk tho iJ~orioan Govorru!lent, bein·· ohurged l':itll

tho representation or liuitic!ll intoresto in ::.pain, to

~- preseJ.t; to tlio :>punL;io Goverm:•ollt u l'6quout · thut the

r:oou offio~;;u vl\ tllut obverm .• vrit be utilh.u<.i tr, invite

tho Ge1·•.w.n lloV(ll'nmn.t to itoo!Jru to ci11 poreolls lloluiug

llai tiun r•unsp<h·ts tho stu'i..ui> of Jluid.un mtt..iona1u w1til

tho 1·ooeipt i'rvu tho- linitiun Unvel'Illilent oi' u ropOJC't on

thfj vulluhy of tiw puuspurt.u in <1ueotioii,

In suul;inr; _tlli~ req_uuut, tlie J,J.uist(ll' a~ain e:x.pres-

sod oonoern lust un:r uotion taken be 1>r.:1juuioiul to the

illt&reats Of Uli,Y

or· US~>fulno,_;u o1'

ftuthEJlltic iluitiull:.;, biHi cltHlirability

uukin;·; ::;uch u ruqut:~t of-~ln, d!>aniahY ~ . . "-

Govcl·r•Mont when the ..:>\ll:>a Govo-l'lu.wht rel>l'esonts Huitiun

intol'eats DECf.oASSIFIED

stato Dopt. Lotter, t-11-?a

By R. H. Parka Dnto SfP :E 0 1972,_ ··--~·---·---~----··~~-~-=~-~·..,-~--x:c:-_~~--~ .·~-:-··-; :::"~·

~1 I

,. 'i

- 2 -

int;<,l'OStS ill tt1l'l'i tOl'~' OCCUpiuu by the Ullol.ly •

bul'cro:. ucliVt.l'.i.l: t.II~' o1'1:iciul hOtu ill tho t;bllBO l'e-

L i.'l'i ~e .;e l.ot:.lle i'l•l' t..ti-.Unll!co tlltlt it \.ill ctu·ry out

'l'lle i .. ini::;tur l'urtlwr ubuorveu thut

no hus cu .. ~·iueuce tht<t the uuit't:d ;:.tutus aovurnut:nt

~; tu t.u., ol' 1 ... 1 1>i1111 u.; Lionuls v;hioil £il'O mtder the control

lil.\:1 !\ .7~1. v -~ : l . .nl\.


m;, ... Fn:


\ \'· \.

•·'-' ,,


lt~ t .._..) ·Hl!

SENT.£): Ill blHUliJIN

.AMi~L '";;tll{, CONTROl COPY 1!'\.lR 'l'tlt:; ..... .. IilFOIU!ATION 01r 'l'tlE OFl~ICliai IN CHiiliGb:.

:lour A...244 of ~ley 3, A,..248 ot 1·1a;y 4, and ,a...286 of Mll¥ 24

~~~ been reo01v~d. ... -~

~hie Government ic E{rat1f1ed over the rendineoe of lla1t1, re­

po~~~a in your ~2SG, to eena the roquoeted note aonoernlr~ the treat=

m~:~n·l! of' peroone holdlntj Hn1 t1nn paesporte. lCou nmy no cure the Hal tian

authol'i tioe that any nee;ot1o.t1ona wil~ be ooniluotod oo ae to eatea

f!lUI.\rd the str.tua of' unquaot1onod IU\1t1nn ~lo.tionaln undcar ~eQIM control.

Judging by your A,..296, a mlounderetvndin~ bee o.r1aen regaJ'dJ.ng

thtJ prope:r ohanncla for the formal Bl)proaoh to Ge:nnanr. suoh appl'onoll.

should be mo.de throush Sw1 tzo~lD.nd ao the powol' pl'Oteot1ng 11111 tlan ln-.

tereoto v1e~asY1s Germaey. The euppoZ.t1n« deMat'Obe to Bpn1n WOuld of

ooure~ ntrensthen our\otm r>epl'esentationo thoro but it 1e uot oon91d­

ered neoeasnry unleoe the llo.i tlnn government po.l't1oule.:rly desires u. It 1e hot)tld therefore thnt the note referred to in yoUl' A-286

wUl be speedily sent to 6~11 tzerle.nd.

In this oonneot1on. the hope 1e eJ.so exprto,os8d ~~ott Hnltl


DECJ..ASStFIE\} Stale Dopt. Letter; l·li-7~

·117 R. H. Parkt D•to~ 0 1972 ·~


' ..


(n) poDt"JlOM any o.dverRa tl.eto:rr.Jinut1on. of tho vnl1d1 ty of

p:1ooporta 101muf.\ 1u lh1 t1 1 n n::llaa until the t1mo ·.J.ton_ ruoh

··otci•n1tl:\t1ono •-•ill no longor oxpooa tho:\.r holuern to tlauth

:\~tile lmnus of tt1e enemy; ana Tb)-u;:l\)l"ovo··or oxol1~nga--------­

n~f!oot1nt1ona bet•reen tl'le ·united ntntoo nm1 uarmunv on lln1. ~1 1 o

bel'ID.lf, ror •dtioh ouch holc1ero ~~ill be el1r;1llle, it bo11'l(S not

um:.Elrotood tlu.\t Un1 t1 1-•ill/r>a u:~vooto(l to ~J.c11n1t nny ot' them

1!):111 :1-R iV: 110 6/6/44

St• tLiaiun no~o1n;,




'L ... .. ,,._,,, ' t'


Your A-244 of Mq 31 A-248 ot Yay 41 and A•286 ot Yay 24 received,

71111 govel'Jllllent gratified over readin111 of Haiti, reported in your A-286, to eend requosted note concerning treatment of pereons holding Haitian paeaportl·, You may al!lure Haitian author1tiea that llJI1 negotia­tion• will be oonducted 10 Ill to eateguard the ewtue of unqueetioned Haitilln nationals under German control.

Judging by your A-286, a lllieunderetanding hno arisen regerding the proper ohannele for the formal approach to Ger1118J11,- Such approach ehouldJ of cour1e, be made through Switsorland aa the powor protecting Haitian . intereate via-a-vie Germany. Supporting demarche to Spain merely con­eidered advieable, in view of our own repreoentetiono there,

It is hoped therefore that note referred to in your_ A-286 will be epeedlly sent to Switzerland, '

In thill connection, the hope io aleo o:xpreeoed that llaiti wlll (a) poetpone llJI1 adnree determination of the validity of paooporte 1111ued in Haiti'• IUUil6 until the time whan such dewminni1ons will no (repeat no) longer e~~•e their holders to death at the hands of the enei!IJJ and (b) apJlrove of oxclumgo nocotintions betweon United Stetll anlt GerNey on Ha1ti's behalf, tor whioh euoh holders will be eligible, it being undorotood that Haiti wlll not be expeoted to e.dlllit &.nY ot them to Haitian territo17.

' •••••••••• •une 51 1944 12&00 noon ' \

nc&Abraham.on1 Cohn, DuBoie, Jried~, Hodel, Laughlin• ~•••r• Mann, Stewart, Central Ji~-ai Cable Control Jllee.

/!4. f.c,:R ~IJbtlCIII 6/2/44 '


\ \' \

rl· •. •':,

h~· l;!,EJ l:iO;·~.l'L; t.:r.t, \

•• .,!...:'..r.\ . ..J

----------·-----! - ••

iF. ' I' .,_, J'J' • "'• "'J. v v---l ... . ..... ...., .... J .. LL.iv!_,

~\t;:C 'u: Juno 201


.l<>.·.t ii.u iiuitlur. ':c•VUJ'I.!.<../.·i. ; .. :i,-.. t. 1'11!·.: .:.t. VOJ:~· <·ii'l'l-' \ t·

cult '1.<: d<: tJ,l.., c .11: · t<; ;J•uvh.:i~ C~·': ... ui·.lc .. ~.l<•l ... \ .. 10~1 .. I: .... ~: Ht. VtJ

01' :·:·'-•H.oliCl·t~ l~~h .... ,_, l';."uditUl,A,til~ VX' I,H<.·.~lJ LC.ld.Cl'.~ G.!.'

,,,,1 t.i..J~·i-"""i·''l'L;. ,,;,o <W·!Uil'<..,U Ii<..i'l.iuJ• citi:..cu.;hii~

W.UUJ' tlttl l.u\.S cf i..~.,. ,..~, ~;;.:.,, i,nu_._Jul.:/ ~~,- :...';..);,, ahll

\"J,vvu ui·~i:n.;h~JJ.l_1 - \ ~l .. :JUlJ.it;,~~la,J,tl~ Ci~l.Obllta(( (Jt;UUU~o ~

<:!' t,, ... ;;..· r •. lll<l·c Lt. l'l.Lt..l'J, t1, ;u.iti,


DECLASSIFIED Stnto Dopt. Lotter, 1·11·72

fly R. II. Parka Dntc S E p 2 O 19?2

lllu: 71.1. c., :lt.t4k

- ---·-·-----~-

- /.. -

.:Ii. .... ll.

·.-··-----· ----· -·

\ \

A-216 X a:oom

!)lg!T llY: I


l'Oit'.I:~J\U~li'HI!HJE: ( ll.IU'n)

CONTROl DOPY on 'l'llli: OFFIO!:.'R IN C!L'\ll<JJ;:,- -

li'ollot~lng the proruulr;nt1on b:t llo.1 t1 of the deoree-lm7 ot HR)' 29, 1939 a nun1bor of porions in l!1urope uere naturalized ao 01 t1zena of l'n1 t1 purouant to 1 ta provio1one. '.l:heroaftol' lln1 t1 pron\ulfSntet1 the deoree-lnt., of Februru.•y 4, 1942, utlioll provided that pereone oo naturalhetl would lose their lla1t1nn o1t1zeneh1p mtle~ae they notiU\lly OEIIlle to li£Ut1 ou or before .lt.l\6USt 6, 1942. Dy ~ebroary 4, 1942, hol-Iever, the maJor portion of the world "me at war nnd pnaeell{5ol' t:z>{lnoportv.t1on tao3,11t1ua bett·Jeen ll.'uropean porte nnd Ilnit1 uere, for nll prnot1ou.l purpoaee, non-ox1etent. FurtheJI!Uore, trnne1t hacl beoome Virtlwlly 1mpoeo1ble bettreen Ge~ mnn ... oooup1oo nreo.e o.nd tho neutral porto 1'X'Om ull1ol~ pnuee1J8&1" vea .. eels ~Jere et111 plying the Atlnnt1o. ~ioreover, lln1t1 heraelt had declared tml' on Ge:rnw.ny and ltnly on December 12, 1941, and oon­sequentlf on Februarr 4, 1942, H~1t1an o1t1zen!! 1nolud1ng ~lOde naturalized purol,umt to the deoree-law of Uny ~. 1939, 1ooated

~, 1n tenUoey under the control ot Oernmny or Ite.11 worCl detlllled by auoh oountv1eo .to be enemy nnt1onnlo 'SUbJect to the trovel nnd othel' l'Oetr1ot1ons; 1no1derit to euol\ 1:1tntua. Indeed, a nwuber of flat t1an o1 ts.zeno, 1nolucU.ng persona no.turnlbed ne auoh W1Cler the deoree-ln~r of Hny 29, 1939, were 'interned b1 tbo Gemnn nutbor1-t1es ae en01q aliens. Ae u oG!~teequonoe of the abnormal travel oon­d1t1one brought ubout by the waX', antl pnrt1oulnrly by thelr statue vla-a-'919 Oellmo.ny uo enemy nut1ont>~e Iilli t1P.n o1 t1zene loon ted 1n Geman-oontrolled arer:\G inolu(l11l3 tllooe naturnl1ze0. under the de­oree•lav of !-loy 29 1939, tGutuml'l~:~~xtlm tound 1 t 1nlpono1ble to ~Mke anl1ngemEmte to CU'l'1ve 1n lla1t1 pr>1or to JI.Ul.(Uet 0, 1942. · It \<1111 be peroe1~ed, therefore, that the fa1lur& ot Un1t1nn o1t1-zensloonted 1n Gemon-oontroll()(l t~rena who ~Jere nRturlll1zed un­der the· ileoree-1£\.U ot l:!Clf 29, 1900, to oompl:f t·11th the 'Ooud1t1on to ~1e1r o1thenoh1p euboequently 1mpoae~ by the deorue.law ot Fe'bl'Utll'Y 4, 1942, un~. due to no tnult ot tho1r otm ln&t aole1J to' foroe lll£\Jeure and the 1nto7.'Yenln8 nota ot toro~n pr1noes and \ otber sovel'e1(snt1ea. Indeed, n nUIIIber of euob persons were


- DECLASSIFIED Btato Dopt. Lotter, 1·11·72

. Dy R. H. Parka Dnto~ 0 1972


~ \


/\ -~I (p

dise.bled fl'OIIl utilizing t1em1o of onot'\pe :t'rom Gormen~oontrolled Eirena heretofore nvnllnbJ.e to peT.!eona of the11• Ol'1Q'in,"\l nation~ Bl.1ty beoo.uoe nc l!n1t1nu o1t1EOI'If3 ul9cmecl to be enemy Mtionnle by the Garmon a, they liO!'o 1nte:'!:'nea FIC! euoh by tho f~el'lllnn li'.utlto:ri~ · ties, or 1f not internec1. eubjeote<! to euoh oupow1e1on ae to mPke eeo~pe, uhioh 1n tinetl pl'.ot ~·ms poasibla for othoro, 1m~ possible. Gnnoell:l.ng of ·:;ho lin.'l.ti£1.11 o1t1zonsh1p ot'-ma-nt of thaao people fol' oonduot beyond theixo control .I.e thuo not only an e.d"' dit1onol ru1efo:rtune to be llllffe:rod e>litong many others brought on by the l>i'lll', but in the onoe of peroono of Jau1oh anoeet:ry. oon~ et1tutee a oontenoa of death. ~hie 1o eo beoauac the ,Gemane bnve undortv.ken to exterminate P .. ll Jflt.Tiall oitizene ot the torr1= tor1eo undel' the~1r control. To thia end, their pro).)ort1eo ond bueineoaeo have been conf1ocntoa ~uu they hnve been herded 1n unean1tnry campo vherc they :reoc1ve 11ttlc food nncl leea oa:re, anu whenae the at\rv1vo:ra al'o tX'&.JlO!J01'tea, normp~ly, 1n cattle cora, to Polnm1 i:o be ohot, t\eplayx!.uted, or 1>ut o.t lU"duoue labo:tt ~·Jitllout food untn they clio. 'l'hooe Jmm rwoll{S tho persona 1n l;;urope .11ho ~1ex>e nnturt•lhec1 ao lle.1t1cm o1 t1Milo uncJ.or tho deoree~ law- of Hay 29, 1039 \IOl'EI opnl'ocl. th1o tnt" oa tho Gomnn deoreoo d1d not npply to o1tizono of noutr~:~l oountr>1ee or of countries not on the continent of gurope. L1lto .otll•Jl' l!pi ti£1n oi tlzene, how~ ever, they toun(\ 1 t 1ranoml1bl a to comply u1 th the oond1 t1on illl= POA!ild on tho1:r o:\theneh1p by tho doore&nlmr of Febl'UQry 4, 1942. •~s ~ conoequonoe runny or thom lli'.Ve boon removed trom tho 1ntern­lltent or.>mpo Ol' reotr1otea l1be:rt1oo 111 t·rllioh thoy \fevo hold ne en~ray nv.t1ont-J.e lJy the Gol.'mruto t•Jlu pout to oouoentrt\tioit campo ancl othe!'l·riso denl t t·r1 th no oonUuento~ non=noutrv~ Je~1e as above deeo~>ibed. ll. fe~r. hotfever, hnve ab yet eoonped th1o fate, but 1nfol'l!l~>.t1on llnn been roos1vea th!'.t tho OenuC!ns l.'.ro now in .. qli11'1ng e.bout tho1r stntuo o.c lltt.1 t1~n oi tlzeno. J~n exruaplp lo Hro. ~el!llM Solot>t1eJot~yk 0 42 yonx-e olt1, t!IIC1 hel•~de.ughtor Sephol'V., 7 yeal'o old, of J~ntv1erp, Belgium, uhoee tW.turnlizntlon ~1£10 l'&n oordad 1n "Honitou1'11 of l'ort .. nuaPr>1noe o:r Uoo~mbei' 23, 1939. Aooorcl1J18 to lv.at 1•ono:rtt1, they nre at1l1 hold :\n ~\Jlttterp pend-ing x-eoeipt of wor<1 fromHo.1t1"n autho:r1tioe. 'l'llore a:re unaoubt~ edly many othex>o 1n the 0£11lle pxoed1orunent.

ln VieW ot IIP.1 t1 v 9 hump.n1 tarittn otnnd c.s oho1:m by YOUl' A-28tl of 1-lay 24 and othexo·u1oe, t'.ncl alnue the perecma oonoomecl



{)""""-'\- -~ ..... - e'--'-:"-"'--' ~ 3-- f\ - ~, (, ..

fa!leCJ. to comply w1tU the oontl.1t1on to tllo1r Hdt1an c1tizen­oh1p Ollboequentl;y iblpoeeu through no f.o.Ul t of tlle1r O"VIIl, 1 t 1a hoped thnt thu lle1 t1tm aovel'nblemt HiU to.ll:e · such e.ot1on aa lila)' b& neoeCicax>y to Pl'eeel'Ye nud confirm the ilni t1an o1 tis:eneh1p of pol'eons 1n encrtly~oontroJ.letl 1:1rev.a nt leaot until the uo.X> ·1o over t•nd the d.a.nger pC\ot. 'l'o thio end, please e.ddl'eao yourself to e.ppropr1nte nuthori t1ee of tho Ht\:1. t1r.m govertllllent • tll1£$geot­Jl0l 1~ the ursenoy ot the mnttar ana 'lha.t v. I>r'Oiilpt tteolm.'v.t1on to Gemrucy tlU'ounh tho proteot:tng pqH<W that tho <loaree=la.w of Februar;y 4p 1942, doeo not n.pply to pa~oono 11ho continuously --. s1noe pX'1or to ihat dllte ku.we balm \·11 th1n texoX'i toi'y undoi' the ' control or Germany or It/il:f, nnc1 uho oonooquently lmve been Ul'F able to comply ther(ll/1'tb~ will eave c; number or 11mooont 11veo •


\ilW:UUVtOlut 6/9/44





't. .. .•. ..,.


Following the prollllllgation by Haiti of the decree-law of '!.ey 291 1939, a nW!bor of ~roons in Europe were naturalieed as oithens of

lhitl pureu.ant to it& ;Jroviaions, Thereafter Hlliti prollllllf!&tlld the decree-law of Febl!wlry 41 19421 which provided thnt persons 110 ·

naturaliled woUld lose their llaitian oitbenship unlesp they aotual.l.y oace to II.Ut1 on or before AUgUst 5, 1942, By February 1,, 1942, houTer, the lllajor ;Jortion of the •orld wa11 at war and paaaenger trnnaportation facilities between Europenn port& and Haiti wue, _for all prnotio!ll purposeu. non-existent. Furthermore, tranlli t- nad beco!Qe virtually impossible between German.oooupied areas and the neutral porta from which passenger vessels ware atLll plying the Atlnnt1o, Moraon~, llniti herself had declared war on Gel'lli&IV ud It~ on December 12, 1~41, and consequently on Februaxy 1,, 1942, Haitian o1t1Bens, includina those naturalbed pureuant to tho decree-law or 11.41 29, 1')39, located in territory under·tho control of Germany or Italy were dee~ by au~1 countries to be ene~ nationals subject to the travel and other reatrictions 1no14ent to ouch status, Indeed, a n~ber of Haitian oitbcna, includiJifi persons naturalized llll llUob under tho deo""e-law of ~~ 291 lJJ~, were interned by the Go~ authoritiea aa one~ nliens, As a consequence of the abno1'11al travel conditions brought about by the war, and ;')&rtioularly by their 11tntus vis-a-vb Gtl'ol<IIIY ao onerq nationals Haitian oitizana located 1n Gerean-oontrolled areae inoludina those natUralized under the deore ... l&w ot'llay 29, 1939, found U blpolsib1e to llllllce &rr8!l£111ents to arriYO in Haiti prior to AUg\IBt 5, 1942, It wU1 be peroe1Ted1 therefore, that the taUure ot Haitilll oit1•ona located in Oenan-controlled &Nal wbo were naturalbed \IDUr the doorea-law of 1.1111 2'}1 1939, to oompl,y irith the condition to their oitiaenahip subsequently iapo1ed by the,:deoree-law of Februazo)r 4

1 1942,

wae due to no faUlt of their oirn but sole~ ,to ,force 11111jeureand the intervening acta of foreign prince• and other uonreie:ntlee, IlldHd, a nllllbel' of euoh peraon. are dilabled fro11 utUbinC llllllll or eeoape fr011 Gel'Cian-oontrolled &real heretofore aftil&ble to !)N'1oae ot their original nationality beoauae ae Haitian oltilena deeaecl to be ena11,1 n:ltionalB by the Germane, they were interued all suoh by the German authorities, or if. not ·interned, aubJected to euoh supenisioll u to IUJce .uoape, which in ti1111s past was po111ible for othere, lla!'Osllihle. '.:Cnnaol:~;gl,; the Haitian oit:bonehip of lll&ey of these people for conduct beyond their control ill thus not only 11t1 additlolS&l •htortune to be BUttered &lllODi ~MDT others brought on by the war, bU\ iD the ca1e of per11ona ol' Jewieh anoeltl')', oonatitute• a eentence or death, Thle is so baoauee the Germane haTe und•rtaken to exterainate all J'edth oitlaens of the territorie:s under'thelr oon\rol, To thb end, \h•tr propertiee and buaines .. a h&YO been eontiaoated llld til.,- han bHa herded in uneanltary ouve 11bue \hey :receln little food and 11118 oare, &nd whonce ~e IIUTiYora are transported~ nol'll&l.l¥ in cattle oara, to

\l '

' .,



Poland t.o bo thot, aephy)(iated 1 or :-ut nt ar.tuouo leb;:>r without rood \mtU they dlo. Those Jowe amonil tho peraooa in lCm•opo -•ho lfere n"tural1zod aa Haitian citizens under tho ~oroe-la11 oil '-lay 291 1<139 wera a l!ll'ed this fate as the Ger;:~a,n deoreesodid not apply to citizens of Mutral countries or of countries not on the ccmtinont of !.urone, Lik'' other 'bitL·m oiti~on~•, ho·lfeVel>, ·.hey rouncl' it impo~lltb•.e. to .. c~.:~.>l,y 1it.h tho condition ill\c'Osod on thotr oiti!Jen<>hi? by the ueore ··-l",'H or Febrw!.l"y 41 1942. At; a uonnoqt.once ,nany oi' thclll have boeo1 reon;>vod !'ror.l the lnterlllllllnt camuu or reotrloted liborUo;J in •hich they were helti af. cne!JY nati.:lnnla by tho Gol'clllllfl 11nd aent 'to conotmtration C!lal•>ll anti otheniso dealt ''lth au continental­non-neutral JowD as aboVD described, A few, howovor, have an yet Cli!CO.;>ed thill fate, but inforol\3.tion bns been received that the , Get':at•na are now inquil'ill8 about their statua as Haitian citiaeno. An exa.':lple iu \Irs. ZClllil!ln Solo'dejczyk1 1.2 yenra ol<., cv1:i her dat..ghtor :Jo;;h:>ra, 7 yelll'll old, ol' Ant)Verp, l:lolgiua, ;?hose naturaliza- · tion war l'Ooord&d in •!.lonit~ux·" of Port-nu-Princ& of liecombn 23 1 1?3?. According to last ro!:orts, they artJ :;~ill hold in Antwerp pending reoei,>t of \Yord from Haitian authorities,. There are undoubte~ <:lf•l'\1 others iu tho :l!loe prodica.."!ent, ··

In vio11 ot' l!al.ti'a h\Uil'lnital'ian l!tnnd aR nhown by your A 286 of H~ 24 and othorl11so 1 and rdnoe the 9ersonu concerned fnlled to coillply ;rith tho condition to their Haitian oi-tizonohip subsequently im,1osed throue}l no fault ol' their o1m1 it iii hoped that tho Haitian eovorn:;1ont 'l.i.ll take ouch notion aa r:Jil¥ bo neceooary to preurve und

_ oont'irm the Uaiti&l oitiaenship of peraona in eneey-oootrolled are~& 1· at leallt 'lllltil tho ~tal' iu over and the danger past, To thh ond,

please addroas y.~ux·r.elf to appropriate authoriti~a of the llc.l.tian govern:!lent, BUtmenting ;tho urQericy of t.h8 matter and that a prOIIl!>t declaration to Gel'llllllV throuch the p;rot!Jotin~; power tll6t the decree-law of Fobruary '•• 1942, does not apply· to peroonp Who oontinuouPl~ einoe prior to that dat. haY~t been within.' territory under the control ot Gorllllll),y or I~, and\who conoeqv.ent~~have been· unable to oompl,y thennth, will save a ·nlllllber of innocent. Uvea.

June 9, 1944 11&45 a.m.

'/.{,.~. LSLuaer&alll 6/8/JJ.

. I


\. \


1' ~H::lON:u.. ,tJJU 1· ••••• FOR '!'Ht:: Uli~Oli.M1'ION 0~' 'l'Uc; Af·lBJ~3JJI.DOl\. ··

The corumun1ont1on below ir. from tho t·inr RI'Jfugee lloartl.

'l'he .follo~11ng 1s the aubotnnoo of a mcu1o~e from the Legation Bern: Q.UO'L'i:; Logntiori ll1nhes to be informeu tlhether or not H~iti · has llOquie"'oetl QJlU pl'ano to RdV1eo the Uwlse GOVOl'llDlSOt that Ha1t1nn passports held by Je~TEI 1n Uorm:\11 occupied. oountl'l.ee and Germ!lny ere recognized by Haiti. Recently the 11.:\itian Legation was oontactecl in Der'll by ·r.,n intoreetot'l Jet11£1h orgnn1~~at1on ln · connection u1th four perooM bold1t:~g po.ooports ot this deoc.ript1on, who are among the 162 pernone lhtod M ro01oved trom V1ttol and the 11n1 t1an L.egation 1n Oern 1ni'or!iled thie Jeu1eh c1elegat1on that euoll doour.wnto wero tr~.uclulent ,\nt1. ot no value, v.a f~.r aa they vore concerned UtiQ.UvT~. · ·

•· In view of the foregoing the urgency of prOID\)t atfirnlt.l.tive notion with ro!lpoct to the matte1• referred .to 1n your i\-321, June lB, ll ".m. 1e·· nppnl'ent. l'leaoe enil'e~vor to hwe the · i.-'oreiun Otfioe uppriao tho Hl\i tian l1ininter at llern that in view

· ot the eymp.'\thy ot the H:;~it1an Oov.ernment t-~ith tho hul\11.\nitnl"ian pl"'gram or leaving unouentloned the validity of documents ineued 1n the nr.me or ti'le\jwer1o<An Hepubl1on helrl by perr>onll eubJoot to enen1y nerr~eoution ·nt le!'\st unt1l--r.uch noroonCI re:J.ch Al\fe haveno, he nhoulrl inforr.t the a\:lpropr•iate 3t·Jir.n nutl,lor1t1oa thnt llt•.1t1 t>eoognb.en tho Valla! ty of p?.nsyorts ioaJAed in her name r>;nll held by pornono in German oontrollen arena.

WIUJ: MMV: I{U '1/_4./44_ -

!ill~ (rL

. . DECLASSIFIED .. State Dept. LOtter, 1·11,72

By R. H. Pnrks Dntc $£p 2'0 l9l2

\ \



·rhe following is the substance··of a Jltsaage fro11 the Alllegation Bern1 QUOTE Legation wbhes to be infoned •bether or not Haiti han acttulesced lind plans to advise the S.iu Gonrmqent that Haitian pasaports held b,y Jo~a in German occupied countries and Ger~a~ are recognized b,y Haiti. Recent~ the Haitian Legation was contacted in Born b,y nn interested Jewieh organisation tn conneoti~:-n liith four perncna holding paauportu or this dsscriptiotl, who are MOll& the 162 pereone lieted nE roaOTOd i'ra~ Vittel lllld the lf&1t1an Legation in Bern infol'llled thia J.owish delegation that such doOU:lenta were fraudulent and of no \'nluo, na flU' ae. they ~tore ooncerntd. UNQUOTE. ·

In view of. the foregoing the urgency of.pro~pt aff~t1~ action with reppect to the l!lll.tter referred to 1n yo\ir A-3.21, Juno l!i, 11 a.a. 1B upparent. Please endeavor to expedite such notion b,y tho Forden Office ns 'lfl)ll as the pro:npt trllllsmiBsion of an ap,;~ropriate aassage· to Haitinn Legation nt Bent a.tntinfi that the Tlll1d1ty of pas11porte b11Ued 1n llniti's n~ held by perso1111 subJect to ene~ persecution io zoecogniaecl. ·



't.s. 'if. LSLealerlalB 6/27/JJ.

, .. ,

\ \


l ·l

-\ :- '.




· .. ~_ .. !t.l-.d~cu too l'<..:i:u-·~-.tH .. nu ..... W:r ~!ol .. f: .. L. o..;ti~l·~.L lh; . .;.;t.'i:,~· .. i~tilii •. n ' '\' -_ ;··

p .. :.::J!,;)l'tu, .. nc.i i,-o C\l!u.'.i<iuhti.,l ...t ~.:-J 1 - • toh uo, ~:4J-' ol' .Tt1hU ~1,

' ti1l'~Hl 00J.u:n-~t;:j p ll,Cbl~Ccl ):;:3 ~l CoU lJt;lo.,:

/itv it.!•'-'L'OU, \;<; 111 t::,.,~!Oli -•l'u: i O, vJ

l.JJ .!'lli l)C':ItJj .dul ->•T ~·j,_ 15.356, t,,o or ,;,\ioJ; ' '

Uy \i~t~ Vlo.t J! Vf!..i~ll .iL•J. en~~ lJy· t'htJ Jlviui,JII ' ' i·

.• ol;ivity .Jorl'<JJ. .. ·~~!J"/ --./Jl; 144i!!i;

.. ·.31'<3 :fol'H,.rdod

001 t!'~Hr;i U.: tJ CJ;.O · ... ,L'IJ

\ .'t:c:unn hlJ,

(or '· , l .1: .1~::.'/) ,

._ .. .i :;i,.tJ . ..lol·t.al .-_1j . .;:, .Btltio~n.u, , .r·~.·;·~t~-.,y, , _- , . , ..;ll,:.,r.c;o;:.·,hi ( o/o ""::J].i:Jo"), )7 .tt..l

. tlnon, Gouuv ., .j;ilL:.c:J.'J. .J.•l. .i'LuX<:~ oot .. ::.ur,ic .. l.i.:l!.H \•lll'o till

o:Ju~~J•U.od, ._*.ll\4 :·.l'~::iur· ~ ~.;i:: "L!i:..; : .. :...iiJ£,Ol' t . .i ~ll.ulo ... v~ i,~:~~o·,,l \.,lt . .. , l'OVi<l\1 o;,.' oJH~Stl

DECLASSIFIED Slolc Dept. Letter, 1·11·72 ()

1973 lly R. lL Parks Date MP.R



·, .-375, ;rul~·· 15 1 l.\:0l. : .... J·!., l')t•ht ;··ort;~f.~.u-,·riJlC\;), :t~~lliio


"" fi'~tG .. li..!lclht ~~t .. :i t,l ·.ll p· .. Dnportu i~~ucU ,_.y : 1'. P::.~ .... o J~1110

covurin::· ~.:.:; ptH':JOh•.:i, ~11 c.a· \thou w.i·l>~i_::.r to Ji~,v~ Jev:ibl• n.:.r~oa

~.!.r .. ~l ~C>J!~~ to bo l"lHJj 'l-..;1;. t in ~;orri t~>l'J l.Uid0r O.dl'n . .-~li .ou11trol.

l'il(:): f(;l.~ -.cJr/db

,·,,· l{jt(• ·~·' i- (/ .. -

!he. Beo~tar.r of •••••P Yaelliapon, ll" 0,

/, ~ r

I '...

J'J\Ok, :Po~anshhl3e, fasu, D.li'JJ ·J~ 18. 11 •••• 0 1944 ho'a:tJill7 19o 8 ..

•·~ms. JlllT 111J naoo .,.," 1944

h nftreaoa \~ -r aaont alrataa lo ..... llat ot Jfll¥ 12. ll; &oa,~ 1"-' ud PHTlOilll otrnapoltdenoe oonoerab1 , 1111hta~~.oa to refu&ole• UDder tler~~an o011trol ku!Di l'aUlall. panporho aliA to o011f14enUal. dtepatoh ao. <ill of Jau' 21, 114-l ooace:ralJ1& tra~ulnt lfaitlall. panporh 1nue4 111r Jflo. ?o10 (h•o) Oano 0 the IlepariMr.t 0o aUnUon h flrtUid to thxoa oen•or.bip iutercep•• oltod \elowl

!he lateroepte b. qu .. ucm area ·Jfo. &1 m 'l44aea u ru 115098$ alll\ 11 JIJ 1fl355o ho of vhiolt vtrl torwar414 117 tlle Viaa ll1T111CA IWl one 'of the llhidon of l'oretga · AoUTlt:r OnnlaUon

!he OODIUlicaUona aro froa Dr;. Jrerslllrlo !oollaall U30 Juenu .Urea~ (or' Nalp11. <&M)o lluue ,_irelp ad alhruUnlT laul del l'a•o Oalloo. 1111Uaa 06ul&lah9 :.Uuoion• ~. all ad4reua4 -o Dr~; J.. lllbirtoht1a \C/o 1Jelloo•). 3'1' Q,nd Yilaoa,· O.aeya, lw1~••rlal14. fbeat oe .... iaatloaa wtra all coll4tMtd< u4 p:reawaa\lT tlle panpo:rh · ncloaed. tlleHYl \h .. laid. 'or tlle Otti4e of Ouaonblp. · A' rerlav ot tNII 111taNeph lhova that they rol&~· to a total ot 103 4ltfa:rent fn.ldalen' Jla1Uan J&IIIPDI'tl 1taucl lly Hr. Paso Oau canrln& au ~Olllo all of whoa lf)~lll' to han .Till! lib nueo anA Ita _, 111 n.aU..t ill terdto17 ucter hnu coa\rolr,' 'lhe 1u41f14aaltl llAIMI an all &inn ill the ia\troaPt• relet' red 'o a'to,..,

lfo aaUtll II bOiq tma oa tM NUIS' hen..

fU.s 801.1 001so/6'b


State Dcpd.cttcr, l;MA'W. G 19iJ· Dy R. lL Park• Dnto__,....,......

~ :''>[. .. __ L_ __ _

'l'llo ->8Cl'O'Lul'y of ;.,tu te 1

·ctUJhin,~ton, J. G.

·~~~~-----> ~~

CONTROL COPY .c'roi;l:h•l't-uu·+rii:wo, lluiti,

Dutoi July 12,

I{CC 10,

'--Jo9, July 12, ll:(,lj u.la •• 1,944. X

I brout:ltt to the at'.;olltiull o! tho J.:inister !'or

.i1'o' ei .:n "'i'l'hil·:... toti •• ;; the in1'or•Il~..ttioll thmsmitted

iu DopurtHfmt '" uirt-;l'~'<ltl: ·l\o:;', .n.-214 oi' July 5, 1.2:30

p,!., lillU ,.-2J.o of .Tul.::5, I!:UO ,,,,,,., 1'A4, t.ncl eli-

qui rod v·hotlu.r tho llui tinn Governucnt ·Jlud rouohed 1-. \

uny ucoi:;icm ul'tor l:l:;kin,~ the utud~: rui'or•r,;cl to in

m~· t>il•t:r•nlil 1:~'~ 321 of' Jui;.r 1~, l_l:UU J~.r·1,, 1%4.

The l in\ist,1l' rerli?;,~,, t'l:.!ffC,e. iiuitier1 Government

<'dl1 1:-;suo iu.struoticn:.o: tc·· tho;,Lo::;uL iull t:. L Bel'J, t-o

in!'or-r.. tho Gorman Govo1·r.r.u;nt throu~;h' '(;flo :.>\1Ls uutlwri.:.

tics thut liuiLi oonside) ti.u11 ot' itu p~t;:.;porLs !U;llu by

l>Ol'!.lons in tmetly or tnen.y-ocoupicu ·territory valid un-

til un oxunint<tion oi.' uttoll ott so shull iluvo been, nw.de • .. 'i'hit. appli>,O to.Lho.su pt;l'OOll.$ \'lhO \'/Ol'O WlUblu to Cvm-

ply_\''itll thtl l.Jecr~E-J-Lt.\1 ol' .l!'ebruury 4> 1';.42 0 us 11ell

u.:; to tho;.,e per!.lona holuint: twcw~fillito 111!ose vuliuity

1,; OJ> on to doubt.

DECLASSIFIED The State Dept. L<>tter, 1·11·72.

By R. H. Parka Dolo SEP 2 0 1972


- ;: -

· 'rho Liniuter st.11.o·.i tht:t ·tlli:.~ deoisio1\., v•hioh he

will oonfir11 to r•re i:l Vl7.·i·~ing,. \'.ill l;e<tuiro'~he ajlpro­

val of the Council or Llnistul·_;._, __ a.uuotin;•,~of J:hioh

will be lwlu r,c,on, but .. ·:;}l:,t !to <loes nut ·rmtioiputo any

objections from thltt lJtHiy.

He utidE.d tlv•t it. ;i.:; purely a huinun;i.teriun rrwusuru

I .:r;th6l'Ud titht, uftur" ~he conclusion

unl'uvoriJ.blu CttiCioioiiro \•:ell hu ruaoi\,;d

i ;,'ile: <!Ov .1 0./:mrk

.;lJ ..... ul,

ol' hot.tilitit•s,

in uro.ny ou~eu, /A.