FEC Annual Conference – July 23...To be reconciled is to be restored to friendship or harmony....

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Transcript of FEC Annual Conference – July 23...To be reconciled is to be restored to friendship or harmony....

March - April 2020

We have been having good numbers come out to our activities and lunches and we always have a

good time. Pastor Kevin and Joan fix the main entrée and everybody else brings something to

complete our meal. Plan to join us some Wednesday if you never have…it might just become a


March 11 Dominoes/Table Games & Chicken Pot Pie

March 25 Movie & Assorted Quiche

April 8 Dominoes/Table Games & Pulled Pork

April 22 Shut-ins & Sloppy Joes

J.O.Y. Time Activities

Mark your calendars. If you have items to do-

nate, please contact Sarah Belanger

at 826-5588.

Lydia’s Gate Auction

May 4

Each year the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches meets for encouragement and to cast greater

vision for reaching our world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In 2020 we will be meeting at Pine

Hills Church in Fort Wayne, IN. If you are interested in attending with Pastor Kevin and Joan,

please talk to them. Registration will open soon. It is exciting that the conference is planned the

weekend before Relief Sale – no calendar conflict again this year!

FEC Annual Conference – July 23-25

7:00 A.M. Sunrise Service

8:00 A.M. Carry-in Community Breakfast

9:30 A.M. Worship Service


Sunday Service

Please submit articles of interest and calendar dates to the church office by April 21 for the May/

June newsletter. Book reviews, movie reviews, recipes, poems and/or short stories, and event in-

formation add interest to “Strivings.” Thank you for your input.

We began 2020 with studies from Titus and 2 Timothy and are now devoting several months be-

ing challenged by 2 Corinthians, which is probably the fourth letter that Paul sent to this church.

Pastor Kevin will be using Ray Stedman’s series, Authentic Christianity, as a springboard for his

exposition of this worthwhile book.

With 2 Corinthians’ thirteen chapters we can expect to be in this study into the summer months.

The book can be read in less than an hour and this is usually the best way to start in a book study.

Watch for repeated words or phrases. Jot down major themes. Notice the headings if you are us-

ing your favorite study Bible. Prepare yourself well as we delve into Paul’s fourth letter to the Co-

rinthian church.

If you miss a Sunday, remember to tune into the archived sermons posted on our website:

www.cominscc.weebly.com. We even give you Pastor Kevin’s notes.

Deadline for May/June Newsletter

Sunday Morning Samplings

Moving our Bible study location to the AuSable Valley Apartments has brought many blessings to

our group. We have made new friends, we are sharing their burdens, our group size has at least

tripled, and people are reading and discussing God’s Word each week. We have also kept many of

our older people from driving so far on these cold winter evenings (thanks, Montmorency County

clan, for driving the extra 10 miles!). We begin each

Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.

We are in our last year of our three-year reading

plan. We are currently reading Proverbs but will

soon be into Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs. We are

also reading from 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, and Phile-

mon. Just around the corner are the Major Proph-

ets; our first book there will be Isaiah.

Reading plans for March are now available on the

table by the missionary reports. We also offer bind-

ers for new readers, which also provide a good place

for sermon notes and prayer sheets. You can begin

reading anytime.

Feasting on Every Word in the Bible

Set your clocks ahead

March 7th!

Save the dates and make plans to be involved in this year’s Vacation

Bible School. It will run Monday - Friday, June 22-26, from 6:00-

8:30 P.M. Grab your compass and flip-flops! On Mystery

Island, we will track down the one true God who is re-

vealed in the Bible. We’ll discover that God is great, al-

mighty, the ruler of all, Emmanuel, and worthy of our

complete trust. Put on your sunscreen and fill your beach

bag as you prepare to discover who our amazing Creator

is and the salvation He offers through Jesus! Mark your

calendars now and invite neighbors, grandchildren, and

any child you know to come. (Ages 4-6th grade in the fall.)

Let Joan Salsbury know that you would like to be a part of this very fun and rewarding week.

Vacation Bible School 2020

The following explanation of reconciliation is posted on www.gotQuestions.org:

Imagine two friends who have a fight or argument. The good relationship they once enjoyed is

strained to the point of breaking. They cease speaking to each other; communication is deemed

too awkward. The friends gradually become strangers. Such estrangement can only be reversed

by reconciliation. To be reconciled is to be restored to friendship or harmony. Second Corinthi-

ans 5:18-19 declares, “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave

us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not

counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”

The Bible says that Christ reconciled us to God. The fact that we needed reconciliation means

that our relationship with God was broken. Since God is holy, we were the ones to blame. Our sin

alienated us from Him. Romans 5:10 says that we were enemies of God: “For if, when we were

God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having

been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!”

When Christ died on the cross, He satisfied God’s judgment and made it possible for God’s ene-

mies, us, to find peace with Him. Our “reconciliation” to God, then, involves the exercise of His

grace and the forgiveness of our sin. The result of Jesus’ sacrifice is that our relationship has

changed from enmity to friendship. “I no longer call you servants … Instead, I have called you

friends” (John 15:15).

As Jesus’ friends, we are invited to worship at His table for His supper. Our next communion ser-

vice will be Sunday, April 5, during morning worship. Examine your life prior to this service and

come thanking Him for His ministry of reconciliation.

Communion ~ Because We Have Been Reconciled to Him!

All men and boys are invited to

monthly breakfasts on March 21 and

April 24 beginning at 7:30 A.M. Pas-

tor Kevin is the chief cook and dish-

washer. Come enjoy plenty of good

food and hear a testimony or be en-

couraged by a devotion from God’s


Iron Men’s


Habakkuk 2:14 reads, For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as

the waters cover the sea. With this verse as its theme verse, the National Day of Prayer has an-

nounced this year’s theme: Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth!

God made a promise to the prophet Habakkuk during some very deep and troubling times in Is-

rael’s history. It was a time marked by darkness and disobedience from the culture and God’s

people. The prophet cries out to God

for hope and help and God answers in

a most unexpected way; to use a wick-

ed, idol-worshipping nation’s army to

come and execute His judgment on

His people. Habakkuk could not be-

lieve what he was hearing as God be-

gan to detail the “woes” that would

come to pass, but in the middle of the

pronouncement of woes God pauses to

make a profound promise that would

eventually be seen in the face of Jesus

Christ and would be spread by Christ-

followers until Christ returns.

God’s promise of filling the earth with

His glory echoes into the New Testa-

ment as the apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 4:6, For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of

darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory

of God in the face of Christ. It is this knowledge, the knowledge of Jesus, the knowledge of the

gospel, that we pray will spread across the earth. It is through every follower of Jesus living a

prayer-care-share lifestyle that His glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

The National Day of Prayer 2020 will be held Thursday, May 7. We will have a corporate prayer

time at Comins Community Church at 6:30 P.M. Please plan to attend.

National Day of Prayer – May 7, 2020

Campout at the Auction is this year’s theme. Help

fund the extra items needed at Fairview Schools by

purchasing items at this benefit auction. The evening

will begin with a meal by donation and a silent auc-

tion. The live auction usually begins around 6:00

P.M. Your participation is much appreciated!

Fairview School Auction

When you have a little extra in a month you might consider giving a special gift to one of our local

ministries. Here are just a few suggestions:

His Love Family Resources – Diapers (all sizes) and baby wipes are always appreciated. They

also accept clean, gently used clothes for babies and young children. Money gifts may be used to

purchase baby beds for the expectant families.

Love INC – Besides the day to day expenses necessary to run the clearinghouse, this ministry

accepts quality used furniture for those setting up a new place.

Lydia’s Gate – God has supplied such a wonderful house for this ministry. They can always use

paper products as well as personal supplies for the women and foods for the shelves of the kitch-


St. Bart’s Food Pantry –Its biggest needs are money and volunteers on distribution days.

They purchase foods for their freezers and shelves to allow for a good variety when combined

with the donated foods from local markets.

These ministries are always looking for additional volunteer help. If you have a few hours to of-

fer, give a ministry a call and see what doors are opened to you.

Giving to Our Local Ministries

March 2020


Fellowship Meal

& Collection

For Lydia’s


2 3Brody Montague 4

Midweek Bible at

Ausable Apart-

ments 7pm


Doug & Robbie


6 7

Daylight Savings

Time - Spring

Ahead 1 Hour

8 9 Dominique



Church Board



J.O.Y. Time

10 - 1pm


Women in


9:30 - 3pm

13 14

Pudge Handrich

The Ladies’ Café


Ted & Mary


15 16

Mission Sewing

Day 9:30am

17 18 Mary Ann


Midweek Bible at

Ausable Apart-

ments 7pm

19Janette Sarkozi 20

Church Activity

Night 7pm


Iron Men’s



22 Larry Bugg 23 24 25 Laura Poellet

Garry Handrich

J.O.Y. Time

10 - 1pm

Midweek Bible at

Ausable Apart-

ments 7pm

26 27 28 Jim Montague

Dan & Judy


29 30 31


1Forrest Kamper

Midweek Bible at

Ausable Apart-

ments 7pm

2 3 4


Fellowship Meal

& Collection

For His Love

6 Lucia Kamper

Spiritual Life

Board 6:30pm

7 8

J.O.Y. Time

10 - 1pm

Midweek Bible at

Ausable Apart-

ments 7pm

9 Attila Szogedi

Women in


9:30 - 3pm

10 Bruce


Good Friday


Georgia Murray

The Ladies’ Café





Sunrise 7am

Breakfast 8am

Worship 9:30am

13 Gladys Klein

Wyatt Sposato


Church Board


15 Tylee Linsley

Midweek Bible at

Ausable Apart-

ments 7pm

16 Clarice Peters

89 Years Young!


Church Activity

Night 7pm


Baby Shower for

Chase Hoffman


19 20

Mission Sewing

Day 9:30am




22 Alexi Troyer

Isaac Kimmel

J.O.Y. Time

10 - 1pm

Midweek Bible at

Ausable Apart-

ments 7pm

23 Brenda


24 Inez Wagner

102 Years Young!

Kolby Alchin


26 27 28 29

Janet Schaschko

Midweek Bible at

Ausable Apart-

ments 7pm