February 5, 2015 Courier Sentinel

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February 5, 2015 Courier Sentinel

Transcript of February 5, 2015 Courier Sentinel

Thursday, February 5, 2015 $1.00Volume 3 No. 6

Courier SentinelCadott, Cornell & Lake Holcombe - Wisconsin

In This Issue: Briggs Recognition, Page 5 • Cadott Village Board, Page 10 • Sledding at Brunet, Page 20

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(See “Spring Election” Page 3)

Left to right, Don Langteau, Jan Langteau and Jim

Beede act as judges for the Taste of the Tundra

Chili Contest Jan. 24, at Holcombe United

Methodist Church. Out of the 10 varieties of chili en-

tered, Liz Dempsey walked away with her prize of

the “Chili Bucket.” The bucket lists past winners

and will be on display in her kitchen until next

year’s cookoff. More photos on Page 10.

(Photo by Ginna Young)

33rd alumni weekend

set for Feb. 14 & 15

The 33rd annual Lake Holcombe men’s basketball and

women’s volleyball tournaments, sponsored by the Lake Hol-

combe Alumni Tournament Committee, will be held Satur-

day, Feb. 14, and Sunday, Feb. 15, at Lake Holcombe School.

Men’s basketball games are set to start at 8:30 a.m., Satur-

day, with 10 games scheduled.

Women participating in the volleyball tournament should

meet in the small gym Saturday, 9 a.m., to determine teams.

A group photo will also be taken at that time, and a round-

robin tournament will follow.

Four men’s basketball games are scheduled for Sunday,

starting at 11 a.m. A championship game, starting at 2:15

p.m., will conclude the weekend’s activities. Graduates from

2008-2009 are the returning champions.

One Lake Holcombe school supporter will receive the

“Honorary Sports Fan” award during halftime of the cham-

pionship game.

The Lake Holcombe PRIDE committee will also hold their

“Super Raffle” drawing Sunday, following the completion of

games. Tickets, if any are left, will be available throughout

the weekend and support Lake Holcombe Schools. For more

information about the raffle, contact Bruce Anderson at 715-


By Ginna Young

Voters will have the opportunity to cast their ballots for of-

ficials in the coming weeks, but some may not know of vot-

ing changes for 2015. Those who intend to run as a write-in

candidate, now need to file registration papers with the clerk

in order to be counted.

The act went into effect April 2, 2014, for Wisconsin as

part of the 2013 Assembly Bill 419.

“It helps that you don’t have to count and record Mickey

Mouse and Donald Duck, and everybody else who wants to

fill a write-in,” said Judy Talbot, Cornell mayor. “It also

means if you want to be a serious write-in candidate and you

put flyers up, but don’t come to the city office, your votes

don’t count.”

If a write-in candidate has not registered, the vote will only

be eligible if there is an open position where no certified can-

didates appear on the ballot.

Residents may vote for officials at the following dates and


In Cadott: The Cadott School Board will hold a primary

election Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the Cadott Fire Hall, Town of

Arthur and Town of Sigel. In the running are incumbents P.

Scot Kelly and Christine Rowe; opposing are Greg Maziarka,

Charlotte Seibel and Terri Goettl.

State law to affect spring election write-in votes

Cornell School BoardFull-sports co-op something Cornell ‘wants to look at’

By Monique Westaby

“Right now, the basketball numbers are down for both

school districts,” said Dave Elliott, Cornell principal, of Cor-

nell and Lake Holcombe. “Both boys and girls. Volleyball

has been high in both districts.”

Elliott gave that information in response to a question from

board member Paul Wallerius, at a regular Cornell School

Board meeting Jan. 26. Wallerius had asked Elliott if he had

talked to Lake Holcombe about co-oping the sports, follow-

ing an administrative report that had been sent to board mem-

bers before the meeting.

“Mr. (Greg) Sonnentag (Cornell’s AD) was supposed to

talk to Cindy Miller (Lake Holcombe’s AD) on Friday,” said

Elliott. “I didn’t get a chance to talk to him about that so I

didn’t bring it up in my report here (at the meeting), other

than in there (emailed report).”

Elliott says while numbers for volleyball have been high,

they may be lower in the future, judging by predicted upcom-

ing numbers.

“It’s getting kind of foolish to have just a couple not (co-

oped),” Elliott said. “We should really buy in and get that

taken care of.”

With a basketball and volleyball co-op between the two

schools, all sports from Cornell and Lake Holcombe would

then be combined. Elliott says with the higher numbers, it

could mean two JV teams, where freshmen would play their

own games, and games could be scheduled for them.

“The problem with having even JV sometimes in the Lake-

land Conference is some of them don’t even have JV teams,”

says Elliott. “We’re getting to the point now where our in-

juries, with the boys and with the girls, that we have to drop

a couple JV games ourselves.

“It’s something I want to look at.”

Paul Schley, Cornell superintendent, said for a basketball

and volleyball co-op, student and community support would

be crucial.

“I wish it would happen,” said Schley. “Then, if we’re in

the conference that has no JV teams a lot of times, maybe it

makes sense to look at the Cloverbelt Conference together.

“I’ve mentioned that to Greg and Cindy as well. I’d love it

if we were co-oped in everything. Let’s get in the Cloverbelt,

have some good competition. And you’ve got teams for JV,

C-squad and the whole gamut.”

“I haven’t heard of any of our co-op groups being an

issue,” said Elliott. “We just want more kids coming from

New Cadott postmaster lands ideal location

By Heather Dekan

Donna Woodcock is the new postmaster at the Cadott Post

Office. Although on paper she has officially been the new

postmaster since April 2014, because of a

shortage of employees across the area, Donna

was still needed in the Bloomer Post Office

until June 2014.

“When Joanne Crapisi, postmaster of

Cadott, retired in January 2014,” said Donna,

“I jumped at the chance to be closer to home

and applied for the Cadott postmaster posi-


Donna graduated from Cornell High School

in 1981, and married Jim Woodcock in 1982.

Together, they have three daughters and three

grandsons. Jim’s family has roots in Cadott,

and Donna also has a sister there, so she says it’s “like com-

ing home.”

Donna started her postal career in 1986 in Eau Claire as a

city carrier, then transferred to the Chippewa Falls office in

1993. She traveled to other offices on what she calls “detail

assignments,” and worked as a supervisor in River Falls,

Hudson and Eau Claire. She also worked as an account rep-

resentative and customer service representative in St. Paul

and Minneapolis.

Donna has spent some time working as offi-

cer in charge of several offices, which she says

gave her the experience needed to be promoted

to postmaster.

Her first postmaster position was awarded in

1998 at the Conrath Post Office, after holding

down that office for eight years. She was then

promoted to the Thorp Post Office postmaster

until 2011, when she transferred to Bloomer

for almost two years.

“It has been my goal since I started in the post

office to be the postmaster of the Cadott Post

Office,” said Woodcock. “It is close to home and the com-

munity is so friendly.

“I look forward to serving the Cadott community as post-

master, and I don’t have any plans on leaving here until I re-

tire, and that will be a few years yet.”

Donna Woodcock

(See “Cornell School Board” Page 10)

OPINIONThursday, February 5, 2015


By Monique Westaby

Managing Editor

Since learning I have a

tiny human growing in-

side me, I’ve spent a lot

of time thinking about

motherhood. Many of my

friends have been more

than willing to offer their advice on the

topic, and my mother has been no exception.

Although I say this with appreciation at

all the words of direction I’ve received, I’ve

always been a little, let’s say, uncomfortable,

with guidance, especially from my parents.

To explain, let’s go back a few years. OK,

maybe a few decades.

As a small child, mom would warn me to

scream if anyone talked to me or even

looked at me. I’d giggle and say, “I know

Mom.” She’d told me before I shouldn’t talk

to strangers, but I always questioned if I’d

actually scream if the situation happened. It

never did, so I guess I’ll never know.

During my driving age, kind words of di-

rection bounced off my eye rolls as I walked

out the door while my mom said, “Drive

safe, watch out for deer.”

“Mom,” I’d respond. “I know.”

She’d smile and I’d close the door behind

me, with teenage annoyance oozing from

my veins.

The years went on, and Mom and I grew

closer as I finally realized her suggestions

were there to help, not nag. The stubborn in

my blood would still come out in sarcasm

now and again, but I tried to keep it under


I knew the “be safe” was just another way

of her saying “I love you,” and the “don’t hit

any deer” was merely a reminder to watch

the ditches. Although I’m sure she still does-

n’t appreciate the sarcastic “I was planning

on it, but now that you told me not to I won’t

and nutrition, and I cut the first few potatoes

with ease and dropped them into the bowl.

And then, on the third potato, as if God was

saying, “I’m sick of you acting like you

know everything when it comes to your

mother,” the knife slid through the potato

and into my finger.

“Owww,” I moaned and walked to the


“Are you OK?” Mom asked.

Even with my back turned and finger

throbbing, I could almost feel the “I told you

so” smile on her face. While she denies it,

I’m about positive she whispered those four

words under her breath as she got me a


The next several minutes were a blur as I

tried to numb my finger and stop the bleed-

ing, but one thing came through clear as

day – never cut potatoes while distracted…

…I’m kidding. In reality, after 26 years,

maybe I should finally admit I don’t know

everything, but apparently, mothers do. If

only I’d realized that 10 minutes sooner.

By Kayla Peche

No matter who you are

or what your situation is,

your life is going to be a

struggle. Some struggle

more than others and in

different ways, but in the

end, we all struggle to


It’s the reason humans need each other.

Without one another to rely on, most of us

wouldn’t make it. People need other people

in their lives, and good people are always

willing to help friends in need.

The problem is understanding what willhelp, and what won’t help. More often than

hit any deer,” response I give now and then.

Now, while I sit “with child,” I often rem-

inisce about the advice my parents gave me.

I remember those moments where I’d be

told something I didn’t want to hear, and

think, When I have kids, I’m never going todo that.

I chuckle at the thought, and my husband

laughs when I tell him what rules this little

kid will have once its born. He reminds me

every time what I said just a few years ago,

before parenthood was actually a reality.

And then this weekend happened.

My mom had just returned from vacation

and was getting over not feeling well, so I

offered to make her and my dad dinner for

the big game. They gladly accepted and I

brought all the supplies needed for a deli-

cious, health conscious meal.

We talked about the baby, and how sick

I’ve been, while I prepared the seasoning for

a perfect pork tenderloin. Mom offered her

advice on eating correctly, so her grandchild

would be healthy.

“I know Mom,” I said, using my response

for nearly everything.

In fact, I didn’t, and don’t know. I’ve

never been pregnant before and she’s a

three-time expert. But, since a child, I’ve

“known” everything, so it’s become a reflex.

The pork was ready for the oven, and it

was time to cut up the baby red potatoes. I

washed and scrubbed each one, then asked

for a knife to quarter them. Mom dug

through the drawer and pulled out what

looked like a serrated samurai sword.

“Whoa,” I said. “I just need a little knife.”

She grabbed a smaller one and I reached

past her and picked up the littlest one still in

the drawer. I pulled it out of the sheath and

determined this would be the perfect size.

“Be careful honey,” she told me as I

turned back toward the cutting board with

my weapon. “That knife is sharp. I’ve only

used it once or twice.”

“Mom,” I said, “I know. I’m 26 years old.

I know how to operate a knife.”

We continued our conversation on babies

On the third potato, I realized I don’t always know, but moms do

Don’t be a crutch, be a supportive friend

Courier Sentinel (ISSN O885-078X) is a

periodical newspaper published every Thurs-

day by Central Wisconsin Publications, Inc.,

121 Main St., Box 546, Cornell, WI. 54732

and entered as periodical matter in the Cornell,

WI, post office.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:

Courier Sentinel, PO Box 546, Cornell, WI


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ties ...................................................$32.00

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121 Main St., Cornell, WI


Cadott Office

327 N. Main St., Cadott, WI


Business Manager .........Rebecca Lindquist

Cadott Manager...................Heather Dekan

Ad Production/Web Design ..........Joy Cote

Typesetter/Reporter ................Ginna Young

Sports/Reporter .......................Kayla Peche

Ad Sales...................................Todd Lundy

Managing Editor ............Monique Westaby



COURIER SENTINEL • Cadott, Cornell & Lake HolcombeISSN 0885-078X

All submitted articles and letters are subject to editing for space and content. ~ Courier Sentinel

All paid subscription papers are mailed on Wednesday. If you did not receive your paper, please allow three mailing dates

to pass to account for Post Office backup before contacting us.

not, a helping hand turns into a crutch. Just

like not using your legs for so long will

make it much harder when you have to, so

will relying on others to keep you up.

While crutches are sometimes necessary,

relying on them for too long weakens you.

When we find ourselves in tough situa-

tions, we take whatever help we can get. The

problem is we often take more than we ought

to. If you’re the one helping your friend get

back on their feet, make sure to help them in

a way that actually helps.

Being supportive is helping someone help

themselves – being someone’s crutch is

helping them as if they couldn’t help them-


Do your best to rely on other people as lit-

tle as possible. If you can avoid relying on

someone, you’re better off doing so.

This doesn’t stem from the thought people

shouldn’t be trusted, or we should do our

best to live our lives in solitude, instead, at

any moment in your life, you may find you

relied on the wrong people. When it does,

you’re the one who ends up paying for it.

Sometimes, however, we have no choice

but to ask for a helping hand. Sometimes

we’re hanging off the side of a cliff and find

our arms are too weak to hold on. It’s mo-

ments like this you’ll be glad you have

someone in your life you can rely on.

It also may be times like this when you’re

glad you hadn’t been asking for help the en-

tire time. People aren’t so willing to help

those always looking, and sometimes get

tired of hearing the same old story.

Toxic Charity, by Robert D. Lupton, is

about an author who does charity work for

decades and compiles his findings and ob-


After years of charity work, he realizes

how useless, and even counterproductive,

traditional charity actually is. Instead of

helping people, traditional charity ends up

leaving them worse off.

Lupton found giving people handouts only

led to them wanting more. And over time,

people learn to expect these handouts as if

they were entitled to them, fully relying on

them for their livelihood, with no plans for

making life changes.

If people can avoid doing work to get

what they need in life; they will. If you de-

cide to become someone’s crutch, you may

very well find that person sucking you dry.

People will never change the way they’re

living unless they have to.

What Lupton found is allowing and teach-

ing people to help themselves made it pos-

sible for a lasting, positive change to take


So, when your friends or family members

come to you for help, don’t help them by try-

ing to fix their lives or their situations. All

this will do is put a band-aid on a wound.

Help someone by showing them how to

help themselves, by teaching them to under-

stand how they can best get out, and stay out,

of their situation.

Show the people you love how strong and

intelligent they are, and how much potential

they possess.

People don’t fail because they don’t have

it in them to succeed. Most people fail be-

cause they believe they aren’t capable of


Let a friend know the life they wish for is

possible if they hope to have it. More than

that, they have to believe their ideal life is


It isn’t always easy to have such strong be-

lief in yourself. How can someone believe

they’ll succeed if life has proven them

wrong time and time again?

As a friend, it’s your job to remind and

convince your friends the lives they’ve al-

ways dreamed of are lives they can one day

live. This is really all the support anyone

needs. Nearly all people can take care of

themselves – what most people really need

is a reminder they can be great if they choose


“ ”Attitude is a little thing

that makes a big difference.- Winston Churchill

AREA NEWS - OP-ED Thursday, February 5, 2015


There’s a new face on Main Street at the Cornell Po-

lice Station, as Cleoan Wright officially began her

secretarial duties Jan. 27. Wright was hired by the

city after former police secretary Kathy Goulet re-

tired. Wright grew up in Cornell, moved away and

returned to the area in 2008. She says she looks for-

ward to doing her job the best she can, and that Po-

lice Chief Brian Hurt has been wonderful in

showing her the ropes and very patient while she

learns. (Photo by Ginna Young)

Spring Election - Continued from Front

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From the WisDOT

Vehicles in a ditch along a highway or stuck in a snow

bank on the side of a street are a familiar part of Wiscon-

sin’s winter landscape. Although drivers try to blame slip-

pery roads for losing control of their vehicles, frequently

the truth is they are driving too fast for conditions.

“Driving at the posted speed limit often will be too fast

for conditions when there’s ice, snow and slick spots on

roadways or when visibility is reduced by snow, sleet and

fog,” says Wisconsin State Patrol Captain Jeffrey J.

Frenette. “The speed limit is set for safe driving on dry

pavement with good visibility. You might not be able to

stop or control your vehicle at the posted speed limit on a

slippery road or during hazardous weather.”

It is illegal to drive at speeds that exceed what is reason-

able and prudent under existing road conditions. Drivers

are required to adjust their speeds to take into account the

actual, and potential, hazards because of weather, highway

conditions or other traffic.

A violation of the state law is $213.10, with four demerit

points added to the driver’s record. A second offense within

a 12-month period is $263.50, with four additional points.

“The slogan ‘Snow Means Slow’ also applies to four-

wheel drive and other heavy-duty vehicles, which can still

slide, skid and fish tail while trying to slow down or stop

on slippery roads,” says Frenette. “If you drive too fast for

conditions and slide off the road or crash, you likely will

have to pay for an expensive traffic ticket, plus towing and

vehicle repair bills. It’s much cheaper, safer and certainly

less frightening to maintain control of your vehicle by

slowing down.”

WisDOT cautions drivers

on winter driving speeds

From the Chippewa County Department

of Public Health

The Wisconsin Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nu-

trition Program encourages all pregnant mothers to take ad-

vantage of services during the first trimester of pregnancy

to improve birth outcomes and the overall health of mom

and baby.

Serving over 100,000 participants monthly throughout

Wisconsin’s 72 counties, WIC’s goal is to provide nutrition

education, breastfeeding support, nutritious supplemental

foods, and health care referrals to low and moderate-in-

come mothers.

Mothers who seek prenatal care earlier in pregnancy con-

sume more key nutrients such as iron, folic acid, protein,

calcium, and other vitamins and minerals. WIC also im-

proves the dietary intake of pregnant and postpartum

women. Studies have shown that WIC mothers have a re-

duced rate of premature birth and low birth-weight babies.

“Pregnant mothers should schedule an appointment im-

mediately with a family doctor to receive medical advice

and childbirth education,” said Judy Fedie, registered die-

titian and Chippewa County WIC program director. “We

advise that prenatal nutrition is implemented as soon as

possible to prevent nutrition deficiencies and ensure

healthy development of the baby. WIC is designed so

mothers do not have to wait until after pregnancy to receive

WIC food benefits.”

Even if a mother has already delivered a baby, it’s not

too late to enroll in WIC. Income eligible families with

children from birth to five years can benefit from the

healthy outcomes of WIC throughout the early develop-

ment of their children’s lives, which include improved

readiness for school, healthy growth and development, and

up-to-date immunizations.

In addition to nutrition services, WIC mothers receive

referrals to other programs such as Prenatal Care Coordi-

nation (PNCC), smoking cessation, drug and alcohol abuse

counseling, BadgerCare Plus, Head Start and FoodShare.

Expectant mothers urged to enroll in WIC program

Tax scam avoidance starts with awareness

From The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture,

Trade and Consumer Protection

Imagine going to your tax office with all of your paper-

work and finding out that a return had already been sub-

mitted and paid out in your name. Or receiving a letter in

the mail that a tax return using your information was filed

in multiple states without your knowledge.

These are only a couple of examples of tax identity theft

that have been reported to the Wisconsin Department of

Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). Tax

ID theft causes delays in victims tax returns and costs vic-

tims significant time and money in repairing the damage to

their identities.

The DATCP asks consumers to review the security

around their personal information, but also to be on the

lookout for tax-related scams throughout the tax season.

“Criminals love tax season because it presents so many

opportunities for theft and fraud,” said Sandy Chalmers, di-

vision administrator for the DATCP. “Tax ID theft is the

most commonly reported form of ID theft nationally.”

Tax identity theft usually involves a criminal using your

stolen Social Security number (SSN) to file fraudulent tax

returns to obtain a refund. It can also happen when some-

one uses your SSN to get a job or claims your child as a

dependent on a tax return.

Tax identity thieves get your personal information in a

number of ways, including going through your trash or

stealing mail from your home or car; sending phony emails

that look like they’re from the IRS asking for personal in-

formation; employees at hospitals, nursing homes, banks

and other businesses stealing your information; and phony

or dishonest tax preparers misusing their clients informa-

tion or passing it along to identity thieves.

To reduce your risk of identity theft, the DATCP suggests

filing your tax return early in the tax season before identity

thieves do, and using a secure internet connection if you

file electronically. Don’t use unsecure, publicly available

Wi-Fi hot spots at places like coffee shops or hotel lobbies.

The DATCP also says you should mail your tax return

directly from the post office; shred copies of tax returns,

drafts or calculation sheets you no longer need; respond to

all mail from the IRS as soon as possible; and know that

the IRS won’t contact you by email, text or social media.

If the IRS needs information, it will first contact you by


Don’t give out your SSN or Medicare number unless nec-

essary. Ask why it’s needed, how it’s going to be used and

how it will be stored.

Get recommendations and research a tax preparer thor-

oughly before you hand over personal information. And, if

your SSN has been compromised, contact the IRS ID Theft

Protection Specialized Unit at 1-800-908-4490.

Be sure to check your credit report at least once a year

for free at annualcreditreport.com to make sure no other

accounts have been opened in your name.

If a consumer is a victim of tax identity theft, they should

contact the FTC to file a complaint immediately (either

online at ftccomplaintassistant.gov or by phone at 1-877-

FTC-HELP). They should also contact the IRS at 1-800-


The Cadott Village Board will hold their elections Tues-

day, April 7, at the Cadott Fire Hall. Up for re-election are

Anson Albarado, president; Randy Kuehni, Terry Licht and

Gerald Rykal, trustees.

In Cornell: The City of Cornell will hold its annual elec-

tions Tuesday, April 7, at the Cornell City Council Cham-

bers. On the council ballot are incumbents Mark Nodolf,

Floyd Hickethier and Glenford Logan; opposing are Bon-

nie Selmer and Jim Hodowanic; running un-opposed for

judge is Mindy Carothers-Harycki.

The Cornell School Board will hold elections Tuesday,

April 7, at the Cornell City Council Chambers. Incumbents

Paul Wallerius and Lyle Briggs will seek re-election.

In Holcombe: The Lake Holcombe Town Board will hold

a primary election Thursday, Feb. 19, at the Lake Hol-

combe Town Hall. Newcomers running are Beau Bowlin,

for the open chairman spot; Brian Guthman and David

Staudacher, for the two open supervisor seats. Anneleise

Willmarth, clerk; Tracey Geist, treasurer; and Keith Swan-

son, constable, will run as incumbents.

The Lake Holcombe School Board will hold an election

to fill the vacant board seat Tuesday, April 7, at the Lake

Holcombe Town Hall. No one has declared candidacy, and

the position will be filled by write-in vote.

The deadline for news articles and display ad copy is 12 p.m.on Monday. Classified ads must be in no later than 12 p.m. onMonday. All copy must be placed in the Cornell/Lake Holcombe of-fice or Cadott office by deadline to ensure placement in the CourierSentinel paper the same week.

Advertising / News Deadline

10 Years Ago


Cornell Head Start fin-

ishes their learning unit on

quilts with a visit from “quilt

lady” Virginia Hakes, who

brings samples of quilt pat-

terns and answers sewing


Lake Holcombe faculty

members Eileen Waeltz,

Becky Omtvedt, Julie Kor-

ish and Dana Mengel organ-

ize a “bring your favorite

bottle” blind auction for the

staff Christmas party.

Through the auction of

maple syrup and glue bot-

tles, among others, $194 is

raised for the Lake Hol-

combe Food Pantry.

20 Years Ago


Larry Sime, fertilizer de-

partment manager at Cornell

Farmers Union Co-op, is

recognized as one of the elite

members of the Eagle

Squadron by the Seed Divi-

sion of Cenex Land O’Lakes

Ag Services.

The second annual Hard

Water Golf Classic is held at

Perch Lake. The frozen

course, which consists of

nine holes cut in the ice, sees

30 competitors battle for the

Driftwood Trophy and other

accolades. This year’s win-

ners are Paul Dumholt, Bud

Sherry, Elmer Dumholt and

Ken Hartzell.

30 Years Ago


Cornell High School grad-

uate Kristin Arneson makes

history as the first female pa-

trol officer for the Savage

Police Department in Min-


According to The Cornelland Lake HolcombeCourier, and Cadott Sen-tinel, employees say they

suffer from cabin fever for

the third year in a row. Be-

cause of the “sickness” the

newspaper offers half off

camera ready ads.

40 Years Ago


Under the senior leader-

ship of Deb Beighley, Nan

Hendrickson, Sally Hurlburt,

Peggy Prentice and Sandy

Schwab, the Cornell Ar-

rowettes cheerleaders con-

clude their season at a game

against Owen-Withee.

The Holcombe Lions Club

plays a “celebrity” basket-

ball game against the Super

Stars of WAXX Radio and

WEAU-TV to benefit the

Jerry Hayes family. After

many shenanigans, the Lions

take the game in overtime,


50 Years Ago


The Cornell Business As-

sociation requests that Cor-

nell businesses close for a

two-hour period Friday af-

ternoon in respect of the pas-

sing of fellow businessman

William Prentice. Prentice

was the owner of Our Hard-

ware Store, and was active

in city politics and civic or-


M.G. Farrington, formerly

of Worthington, Minn., pur-

chases Lubach’s Super Fair.

Farrington says he plans to

remodel the store somewhat,

and convert to the Super

Valu chain of grocery stores.

60 Years Ago


Cornell 4-H member Ju-

dith Blank wins an essay

contest on fire safety, earn-

ing a free trip to 4-H Camp.

Sixty Cornell Lions Club

members and their wives at-

tend a Ladies Night Dinner,

with Pres. Sherwood Nelson

overseeing the night’s


100 Years Ago

Magnus Swenson, of the

Food Administration, re-

minds Wisconsin businesses

they must have a license to

sell food/groceries. Failure

to apply for and receive a li-

cense will result in a $5,000

fine, two year imprisonment,

or both.

– Sentinel Look Back –– Couriers of the Past –

– Neighboring News –

10 Years Ago


Cadott Elementary stu-

dents raise over $1,400 for

tsunami victims and present

the money to the American

Red Cross.

The Cadott Snoball court

includes Jaimie Chapek, Al-

lison McGinnis, Stephanie

Boos, Brianna Cornell,

Tiffanie Stasczuk, Samantha

Bluemel, Danielle Paff,

Melissa Muska, Cole Olyn-

ick, Shane Geissler, Rory

Zempel, Greg Sonnentag,

Peter Goettl, Patrick Nolan,

Don Nelson and Eric


20 Years Ago


River Country Plaza is

drawing customers from the

highway with a new sign, re-

placing the one that blew

down last year in a strong

wind storm.

Laraine Post is welcomed

as a new member to the

Cadott Woman’s Club.

The Cadott High School

auditorium will come alive

with music, fun and laughter

as the 10th Annual Gospel

Music Winterfest takes to the


The Cadott boys basketball

team posts a 76-59 win over

the Cornell Chiefs.

30 Years Ago


The Cadott-Goetz-Sigel

Fire Department is called to a

chimney fire at the Dave

Hanke residence. About 15

men battle the blaze for an

hour and a half, and there is

no damage to the house.

Cadott students Kyle Balts,

Lisa Matott, Travis Sikora

and Lona Buttke will have

their art work on display at

the State Capitol in Madison.

In an announcement from

the Cadott Post Office, the

rates for mailing first class

letters will increase to 22


40 Years Ago


Ted Arneson is elected

president and John Stanek is

elected vice president of the

Cadott Chamber of Com-

merce by the board of direc-


Barbara LeCleir is named

Cadott High School’s 1975

Better Crocker Family

Leader of Tomorrow.

Jody Lorenz and Randy

LaRose win championships

in their weight classes at the

Cloverbelt Junior Varsity

Wrestling Tournament.

50 Years Ago


Cadott volunteer firefight-

ers are called to Stephen’s

Motor Shop on County High-

way X to extinguish a fire,

presumed to have started

from an overheated heater.

Five Cadott women are in-

volved in a two-car accident

in Eau Claire when a car slid

out of control and swerved in

the opposite lane. All occu-

pants were transported, with

minor injuries.

Ruff’s Super Market has

ground beef, 87 cents for 2


60 Years Ago


Phillip Brown and his wife

open a variety store in


T.J. McGlynn, a veteran

school administrator and for-

mer principal of Cadott Pub-

lic Schools, announces his

plan for retirement.

Cadott residents donate

over $400 in the March of

Dimes drive.

Dale Baldwin is among the

500 music teachers from

schools throughout Wiscon-

sin to attend the Mid-Winter

Music Clinic.

PAST & PRESENTThursday, February 5, 2015



Area Times

The Augusta boys basket-

ball team claims their third

win in a row when senior

Noah Plewa leads the

Beavers to a 74-48 victory

with 23 total points over Cor-


Two more wins are racked

up by the Augusta girls bas-

ketball team with a 60-32 win

over Eleva-Strum, followed

by a 61-48 defeat of the Ea-

gles of Alma-Pepin.

Darlene Prickett writes a

children’s story, Joey Roo’sOutback Adventure, aimed

for readers from 6-12 years

old. The book can be pur-

chased online at BAM! and




A term of three years and

six months in state prison is

handed down to 20-year-old

Jesse Sweeter, who was in-

volved in several armed rob-

beries, including one at a

Rice Lake bank in July 2014.

Hannah Schimmel and

Riley Scheidecker are this

week’s Bloomer High School

students of the week.

Bloomer freshman Payton

Dachel leads the boys basket-

ball team to a 51-35 win over

Chetek-Weyerhaeuser with

19 points.

The Bloomer School Dis-

trict four-year-old kinder-

garten registration days will

be held with a supper Thurs-

day, Feb. 12, from 4-6 p.m.



The Colfax Village Board,

with the approval of the Col-

fax Public Library Board, se-

lects Ayres Associates as the

architects for building a new

library or a new multi-pur-

pose building.

A 36-year-old Colfax

woman, whose house was the

target of an arsonist, is now

charged with 10 additional

felonies related to drugs and

bail jumping, bringing the

total felony charges against

her in three counties to 43.

Four candidates will be on

the ballot for two open posi-

tions on the Colfax Town

Board for the April 7 election.



The Ladysmith Common

Council votes 7-0 to approve

an investment not to exceed

$12,500 from the city’s min-

ing fund to purchase manu-

facturing equipment for use

by the local school district.

Ladysmith Police respond

to an accident involving a

Canadian National train and a

vehicle at the State Highway

27 crossing on the city’s north

side. No injuries were re-


The Ladysmith Common

Council votes 5-1 to hire a

new assistant public works




A ceremony is held prior to

the Orioles girls basketball

game honoring Jamie Reit for

scoring her 1,000th point,

which she reached at a game

in Altoona.

Five volunteer members of

the Stanley Lions Club

arrange guarantee pledges

from residents to reach dona-

tions of more than $1,600 for

the yearly UCP telethon


Stanley-Boyd senior Clint

Warminski is honored in a

ceremony at Lambeau Field

for making the Wisconsin

Football Coaches Association

All-State Team as a defensive


Baker School

Cadott • Cornell • Lake Holcombe areasTales of our Beginnings

The Baker School was built in 1887 for a total of $25 by Carl Spaeth. It was located

at the southeast corner of County Highway XX and County Highway O. In 1892, it was

ordered that school was to begin the first Monday of October for a six month term. The

teacher was paid $25/month.

In 1961, the school was vacated as consolidation moved students to the Cadott Com-

munity School system. In May 1962, the building was moved to the upper Riverview

Park. In August 2010, the school building found its current resting place, when it was

moved across State Highway 27 to the Cadott Area Historical Society Grounds.

Tours can be arranged at the Historical Society, which is open Mondays, 9 a.m. to 4

p.m., except holidays.

(Courtesy of the Cadott Area Historical Society)

LIFESTYLE Thursday, February 5, 2015


15332 State Hwy. 27

Cadott, WI 54727


Wayne & Stacey Lautsbaugh


Award winning hams and bacon.


by hanging weight

Prices are good through the month of February 2015.

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or Half Hog - $2.09 per lb.


Youth Ballet and DanceBeginner Ballet 3 & 4 year olds

Basic Ballet 5 & 6 year oldsThe World of Dance 7 - 12 year olds

(ballet, jazz, hip hop and modern dance)

Contact Stephanie Seidlitz for registration information 715-456-1067.

Practice begins Monday, Feb. 9, at Cornell Elementary School. Participants will showcase what

they have learned during a spring dance recital.

Cornell School District School Board member Lyle Briggs

was recognized Jan. 22, by the Wisconsin Association of

School Boards (WASB) for serving 20 years on the Cornell

School Board. Briggs was honored onstage at the general ses-

sion of the 94th State Education Convention in Milwaukee,

in front of hundreds of school board members and school dis-

trict administrators from around the state.

Briggs was notified that he was to be recognized for his

school board service prior to the convention and made the

trip to Milwaukee to participate in the ceremony.

“I was brought up with a couple of other school board

members who have served 30 years, so that was nice,” said

Briggs. “It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long – 20 years. I

just want to thank the community for their support.”

WASB Executive Director John Ashley congratulated

Briggs on his outstanding commitment to public education,

and presented him with a certificate of appreciation.

“I commend Lyle Briggs for his efforts to improve educa-

tional opportunities for the young people in the Cornell com-

munity, and to diligently work at ensuring an effective

governing body,” said Ashley. “I thank Lyle for his work on

behalf of public education in Wisconsin.”

Briggs says he hopes to extend his years on the board and

is running as an incumbent at this year’s Cornell School

Board spring election Tuesday, April 7.

Briggs receives recognition

of 20 years on school board

Cornell School Board member Lyle Briggs (right) is

presented with a certificate of appreciation for serv-

ing 20 years on the school board from Wisconsin

Association of School Boards Executive Director

John Ashley. Briggs was recognized at the 94th

State Education Convention in Milwaukee, Jan. 22.

Briggs, who is up for re-election in the spring, says

he’ll continue to serve on the school board as long

it’s interesting to him and people vote him in.

(Submitted Photo)

Deb Zais, left, and Sandy Schara, right, present a

check to Jean Carlson, center, for the Cadott Food

Pantry. The Marcellis family held their fifth annual

food pantry fundraiser Jan. 24, and raised over

$900 and over 400 pounds of food. Bona Fide pro-

vided music and about 150 people attended.

(Photo by Heather Dekan)

Borderline Rebels 4-H club

meeting, workshop, pizzas

Submitted By Quinn Sikora, club reporter

The Borderline Rebels 4-H Club met Saturday, Jan. 10, to

hold their first meeting of 2015. This meeting of the Rebels

was a little different than most as it also included an arts and

crafts workshop, and pizza-making.

Before the meeting began, club members and advisers

fashioned themselves the crust of their own personal pizzas.

After tossing the crusts in the oven, Matt Irwin, Rebels Club

president, called the meeting to order.

Quentin Muska and Quinn Sikora led the Pledge of Alle-

giance and the 4-H Pledge.

Saige Sikora, secretary, gave a re-cap of the December

Christmas caroling. She made a thank-you card for all mem-

bers to sign for Bill Olson, of Huffcutt Concrete, who do-

nated FFA fruit for the cheer baskets.

Quinn Sikora reported on the 4-H On-The-Air program

with Bob Bosold. Quinn also explained the start of the 4-H

Archery Program with 4-H Bow check day, which took place

in December. The first shoot at the Stanley Rod & Gun Club

was held Jan. 4.

Zach Irwin was officially installed as club treasurer by

Mary Muska.

As the group moved on to new business, members were

reminded to sign up for the Arts & Crafts Festival, to be held

March 7 at the Augusta Community Center.

A Box Lunch Auction will be held during the next meeting,

and the club also agreed to send care packages to military

persons stationed overseas on the motion of Quentin Muska.

After the conclusion of the meeting, everyone finished

preparing their pizzas and began to bake them. While they

were baking, members began their arts and crafts projects.

Several members made fleece blankets.

The next meeting is set for 6 p.m., Feb. 15, at the Delmar

Town Hall.

By Ginna Young

The Cornell Food Pantry is looking for seniors 60 and

older who meet income requirements to sign up for a monthly

food supplemental program. The pantry started the program

in the fall of last year, and quickly filled the quota.

“Since that time, their have been some openings,” said Ann

Sonderegger, with the Cornell Food Pantry. “We just want to

get the word out to the elderly that there is help available.”

The senior program, as part of the Commodity Supplemen-

tal Food Program, is designed to help seniors on a fixed in-

come in Chippewa County.

Those who qualify receive a monthly supplemental pack-

age of foods such as canned fruits, vegetables and meat,

peanut butter, dried beans, cheese, juice, grains, rice and


Household Size: Monthly Income:

1 $1,265

2 $1,705

3 $2,144

4 $2,584

(Add an additional $440 for each household member.)

Income requirements are before tax deductions of lesser or

equal guidelines.

Sonderegger says the pantry delivers the packages of food

to those who otherwise would not be able to visit the pantry.

“Often, I take them some supplies from the food pantry, in

addition to the commodity boxes,” Sonderegger said. “It’s a

good way to get help to those who need it, and I think it’s re-

ally opened some doors.”

To register for the program, contact Ann Sonderegger at


Commodity program has

openings for senior citizens

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HOEL LAW OFFICE, LLCAttorney Kari Hoel

220 Main St • P.O. Box 742 • Cornell

(715) 202-0505


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These weekly church messages are contributed by the following businesses:

Big T’s NorthBar & Grill

Stop for breakfast after church.116 Main St., Cornell

(715) 239-6677

… by the Creek Boutique339 N Main St., Cadott • (715) 289-4600


Cadott Tax & Financial ServicesAaron Seeman, Financial Adviser

345 N. Main Street, Box 303Cadott, WI • (715) 289-4948


(715) 382-4656off County Hwy Y, South of Jim Falls

– Church Listings –

Cadott Office(715) 289-4978Cornell Office

(715) 239-6688

Courier SentinelYour Hometown Newspaper

29097 State Hwy. 27Holcombe, WI

(715) 595-4300

Wisconsin’s newest full line dealership.


Sweeney’s Bar & Grill

Chippewa Falls, Wis. (715) 723-9905

Y Go ByCornell, Wis.

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RELIGIONThursday, February 5, 2015



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ANSON UNITED METHODISTCHURCH 1/2 mile east of Lake Wissota State Park on County O,Anson Township. Pastor Jason Kim715-382-4191 Sunday: 11:15 a.m. Worship Service.

BETHLEHEM LUTHERANCHURCHFall Creek (L.C.M.S.) Ludington, WI10 Mi. N. of Augusta, 10 Mi. S. of Cadott on State Hwy. 27 (at Ludington Bend) Pastor Cal Siegel • 715-877-3249Sunday: 10:30 a.m. worship serviceSunday School 9 a.m. (Sept. - May)

BIG DRYWOOD LUTHERANCHURCHPastor Lucy Schottelkorb27095 120th Ave. Cadott Sunday service 10 a.m. Holy Com-munion 1st & 3rd Sundays of month.

CADOTT UNITED METHODISTMaple & Ginty StreetsPastor George Olinske715-289-4845Sunday: Worship Service 10:45 a.m.Holy Communion first Sunday of eachmonth; Potluck fourth Sunday eachmonth following Worship Service.

ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH OF BATEMAN20588 Cty. Hwy. X, Chippewa Falls, WIPastor Deborah Nissen www.elcbateman.org715-723-4231Sunday: 9 a.m. worship; Wednesday: 4 p.m. live homeworkhelp; 5:30 p.m. light supper; 6 - 6:45p.m. study time all ages.

FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH724 Main Street, CornellPastor Mark Williams715-239-6902Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School forthe entire family; 10:30 a.m. MorningWorship Service. Other ministries varywith age groups. Call the church fordetails.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH4th & Ripley, Cornell, WI 715-239-6263Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School;9:30 Adult Education Class; 8:45a.m. Worship Service at HannibalNew Hope; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service at Cornell; Holy Communion1st Sunday each month.


Holcombe, WisconsinPastor Jason KimChurch Phone: 715-382-4191Food Pantry: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. 715-595-4884 or 715-595-4967Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Worship Service

HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH107 S. 8th St., Cornell, WisconsinFather Peter ManickamDeacon Dennis RiversMasses: Sunday at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday at 5 p.m., Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., Thursday at 8:30 a.m., First Friday at 8:30 a.m, Saturday at 4 p.m. Confessions 3 to 3:45 p.m. on Saturdays.

JIM FALLS UNITED METHODISTCHURCHCounty S South at 139th Ave.,Jim Falls, WisconsinPastor Jason Kim715-382-4191Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship Service

MARTIN MISSION CHURCHPastor William TurnerCo. Hwy. W, Cornell, WISunday: 10 a.m. Morning Worship.

NEW HOPE ASSEMBLY OF GOD318 S. 7th St., Cornell, WI715-239-6954

Pastor Dan Gilboy920-251-3922

Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship; Nursery andchildren’s church Sunday mornings;Youth group Wednesday nights 6 p.m.

NEW LIFE ALLIANCE CHURCH1 Mi. W of CC on Z, Cornell, WIPastor Jim Brandli715-239-6490Sunday: Sunday School for all ages 9 a.m.; Worship Service 10 a.m.;Sunday evening prayer meeting 7 p.m.; Mid-week Bible studies at various times and locations.

NORTHWOODS CHURCH4th & Thomas, Cornell Pastor Greg Sima • 715-289-3780Non-denominational Services: SundayMorning 10 a.m. Wednesday: BibleStudy for adults & kids 6:30 - 7:30p.m., nursery provided

OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERANCHURCH 6th & Ripley, Cornell, WIPastor Andy Schottelkorb715-239-6891Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Worship, Com-munion 1st and 3rd Sundays of eachmonth. Visitors are always welcome!

SACRED HEART CATHOLICCHURCH • Jim FallsFather Peter ManickamPhone: 715-382-4422Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Mass; Friday: 6p.m. Mass w/confessions before.

SACRED HEART OF JESUS - ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH719 E. Patten St., Boyd, WI Father William FelixSunday: 9:30 a.m. mass; Thursday: 8:30 a.m. mass.

ST. ANTHONY’S CATHOLICCHURCH OF DRYWOODJct. County Hwy. S and 250th St.Father Peter Manickam715-289-4422Saturday: 7 p.m. Mass.

ST. FRANCIS CATHOLIC CHURCHOn The Flambeau, Holcombe, WIFather David Oberts • 715-532-3051 Father Christopher KempSaturday Mass 4 p.m.; Friday Mass 8 a.m.


Rt. 1, Sheldon, WI • 715-452-5374Father Madanu Sleeva RajuSunday: Mass 10:30 a.m.

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH(Missouri Synod) - Cadott, Wis.Pastor Raymond J. Bell, Jr.715-289-4521Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship Service Sunday School 10 a.m.

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH(Wisconsin Synod)700 Thomas St., Cornell, WIPastor: Patrick FeldhusSunday: 9 a.m. Worship; 10:15 a.m. Sunday School.

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCARural Gilman, WI on Hwy. “H” at “S” Sunday: 10:45 a.m. Worship ServiceSunday School 9:45 a.m. Commun-ion every 1st and 3rd Sunday.

ALL SAINTS PARISH - ST. ROSE OF LIMA CHURCHCadott, Wisconsin415 N. Maple St., Cadott, WICorner of McRae & Maple Sts.Father William Felix715-644-5435Saturday: 4 p.m. Mass; Sunday: 8 a.m. Mass; Tuesday: 8:30 a.m.Communion Service; Thursday: 8:30 a.m. Mass.

THE ROCK CHURCH (Non-denominational Church)Pastor Larry Etten230 W. Main St., Gilman (Old Gilman Theatre)Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship;Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. Bible Study;Saturday: 7 p.m. Free admissionmovies.

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH(Missouri Synod)Main St., Sheldon, WI Pastor Aric FenskeSunday: Worship service 10:15 a.m.Sunday School: Sunday 11:30 a.m.

ZION LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod)5th Ave. & Crumb St., Gilman, WIPastor Aric FenskeSunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School;8:30 a.m. Worship Service.

Anson United Methodist Church • Cadott, WI

The deadline for news articles and displayad copy is 12 p.m. on Monday. Classifiedads must be in no later than 12 p.m. on Mon-day. All copy must be placed in the Cornell/Lake Holcombe office or Cadott office by dead-line to ensure placement in the Courier Sentinelpaper the same week.


& News Deadline

COMMUNITY Thursday, February 5, 2015


100 Anniversary Cele-

bration of Boys Basketball

in Wisconsin – Thursday,

Feb. 5, 5:45 p.m., Girls Var-

sity/Boys JV Basketball

Game; 7:15 p.m., Boys Var-

sity/Girls JV Basketball

Game, Lake Holcombe

School. Free admission,

cake and rootbeer floats after


Community Candlelight

Ski and Sledding Event –

Saturday, Feb. 7, 3 - 5 p.m.,

sledding; 5 - 7 p.m., ski,

snowshoe, Brunet Island

State Park in Cornell. For

trail conditions, contact park

office at 715-239-6888.

Medicare 101 Informa-

tional Session – Wednesday,

Feb. 11, 3 p.m., Chippewa

County Courthouse, Room

302. To register, contact

Mary Rudd at 715-726-


– Coming Events – Pastor’s CornerWords of inspiration for these modern times from

members of our Religious communities

By Dr. Jim Brandli

New Life Alliance Church • Cornell, Wis.

“Our citizenship is in heaven.” Philippians 3:20

Where are you from?

Not long ago, I went to my city hall to vote. When

I walked in, there were some friendly ladies sitting at

tables. They had lists in front of them with names on

them. If my name was on the list, I could vote. The lists

were names of registered voters. And my name was on

the list so I got to vote. I am a citizen of the town so

I am eligible to vote.

Across the street from city hall is the post office.

I walked over there to check the mail. I have a little post

office box and that’s where they put my mail. I am a

citizen of the town so this is where my mail gets sent.

Where are you from? Where are you going?

Sometimes our lives are very short-sighted. Our lives

revolve around our families, our homes, our jobs and

our possessions. Now those things are important. But

this life is not all there is. Where you are from now is

not where you will be in the end. Even the gravesite

with your name on it will not be your final resting place.

Not long ago, a good friend of mine died. He was

from my town. Everyone in town knew him. He had a

big funeral. But he’s not from this town anymore. Sure,

he’s buried in the city cemetery. But he’s not really

there. He’s living in another city now.

You know the more I think about it, this friend of

mine was not really from here. Yes, he lived here. But

this world was not his home. He was “just a pass’n


Now he’s a citizen of heaven.

But he knew that for a long time. He could say as the

Apostle Paul did, “Our citizenship is in heaven.” So

who does “OUR” refer to? Everyone? No. The only

ones who can say, “OUR citizenship is in heaven,” are

the children of God. Those who have repented of their

sins and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

My friend knew he was a citizen of heaven even be-

fore he was there. And he lived his life on this earth as

though he was a citizen of heaven already.

That’s how I want to live my life. Yes, I’m from here.

But not really. I’ve got a home somewhere else…and

that’s really where I’m from!

By Shirley Vlach • 715-289-3846

To the couples and the single ones that have special days

the month of January, hope you were well-remembered from

family, relatives and friends.

There was a nice crowd that attended the meat BINGO at

J&J’s Sports Bar and Grill Friday evening.

People are enjoying meals at Crescent Tavern.

There is a little piece of paradise enjoyed at Jim and Patty’s

Shady Nook.

There was a group of people who enjoyed the music of

High Card at Duke’s Drywood Tavern.

The Cadott OK Home and Community Education mem-

bers have had their first few meetings of 2015 at Dorothy

Kaiser’s home.

The Cadott Lions Club members enjoyed their meeting last


People attended the Come Now and Eat meal at St. John’s

Lutheran Church.

Deepest sympathy to the Sherry Lee Ann Metzdorf,

Dorothy R. Borowske, Robert Yeager and Merle “Bud” Nor-

mand families.

A group of people were at the potluck supper meeting at

the Cadott Historical Museum Thursday.

February is heart month.

Coming up is the Cadott Lions Club ice fishing contest at

Pike Lake Resort Feb. 8. There are two resorts with Pike

Lake on the left and Jim and Patty’s Shady Nook across the


Chandra Munroe made the dean’s list for fall 2014 at UW-

La Crosse, with a 3.5 gpa.

– Cadott/Crescent News –

Cadott Elderly Program

Feb. 9 - 13

Mon. Barbecue on a bun,

soup, cookie.

Tues. Lasagna, garlic

bread, vegetable, cake.

Wed. Chicken Alfredo with

noodles, peas, bar.

Thurs. Roast beef,

mashed potatoes, vegeta-

bles, brownie.

Fri. Fish, hash browns,

cottage cheese, ice cream.

All meals are served with

bread and milk. For reserva-

tions or cancellations call

715-579-2893 by noon the

previous day. Senior dining

will be served at Kathy’s

Diner, 304 East Mills St.,

Hwy. 27, Cadott, from 11:30

a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To register

for Meals on Wheels, call

715-726-2590. If schools are

cancelled because of

weather, meals will not be


Cornell Elderly Program

Feb. 9 - 13

Mon. Crispy chicken,

mashed sweet potatoes,

mixed vegetables, chocolate


Tues. Turkey ala king,

home style biscuit, buttered

green beans, frosted yellow


Wed. Pork pot roast, red

bliss potatoes, scalloped

corn, fruit.

Thurs. Ring bologna,

macaroni and cheese,

stewed tomatoes, pineapple.

Fri. Salisbury steak,

steamed rice, peas and car-

rots, sherbet.

For reservations or cancel-

lations, call 715-579-2910 by

noon the previous day. Sen-

ior dining will be served at

noon, at Our Savior’s

Lutheran Church, 201 South

6th St., Cornell. To register

for Meals on Wheels, call

715-726-2590. If schools are

cancelled because of

weather, meals will not be


Cadott School Menus

Feb. 9 - 13 – Breakfast

Mon. Mini cinnis, cottage

cheese, pears.

Tues. Combo bar, fresh

baked muffin, sliced melon.

Wed. Pancakes, blueber-


Thurs. Bacon scramble

breakfast pizza, goldfish

crackers, fruit.

Fri. Donut, string cheese,



Mon. Hamburger on a bun

with sliced tomato and let-

tuce, French fries, peaches.

HS: Tropical fruit.

Tues. Popcorn chicken,

baked potato, baked beans,

pineapple, banana, bread

with peanut butter.

Wed. Corn dog, coleslaw,

sweet corn, sliced oranges.

HS: Fresh pears, bread with

butter blend (bread if no corn


Thurs. Chicken alfredo

with whole grain pasta,

steamed broccoli, steamed

carrots, applesauce,

peach/blueberry cobbler


Fri. Personal pizza, lettuce

with cucumbers, croutons

and dressing, Mandarin or-

anges, cranberries.

Cornell School Menus

Feb. 9 - 13 – Breakfast

Mon. Pancake and

sausage breakfast bites,


Tues. Blueberry bagel with

cream cheese, hot ham.

Wed. Warm soft pretzel

with cheese sauce, fruit.

Thurs. Build your own yo-

gurt parfait with fruit and ce-


Fri. Strawberry cream

cheese strudel stick, string

cheese, fruit.


Mon. Chicken nuggets,

parsley potatoes, carrots,


Tues. Build your own na-

chos with all the fixings, re-

fried beans.

Wed. Garlic chicken over

rice, mixed vegetables, for-

tune cookie.

Thurs. Breakfast for


Fri. Tomato soup, grilled

cheese sandwich, peas, fruit.

Lake Holcombe

School Menus

Feb. 9 - 13 – Breakfast

Mon. Oatmeal, bagel,

hard boiled egg, pineapple.

Tues. Waffle, cheese

sticks, juice, fruit.

Wed. Cinnamon roll, yo-

gurt cup.

Thurs. Breakfast pizza,


Fri. Omelet, bagel, fruit



Mon. Scalloped potatoes

with ham, corn, pineapple.

Tues. Chicken on a bun,

fries, glazed carrots, rosy ap-


Wed. Ham or turkey sand-

wich, chips, baked beans,


Thurs. Pepperoni pizza,

green beans, Mandarin or-


Fri. Spaghetti, bread-

sticks, tossed salad, chilled


By Janice Craig • 715-595-4380

Lacking a ground hog in Holcombe, we see more winter


We have been fortunate to miss the bigger storms this year.

The dreary days hopefully are behind us. One might even say

hump days are behind and we are on the way down to spring.

Oakley and Janice Craig enjoyed lunch with Grace Schulz

at Conrath, Thursday. Afterward, they enjoyed a couple

games of Skip-bo.

The Holcombe Seniors Club will meet for a potluck lunch

at the Holcombe United Methodist Church Feb. 11. They will

have special speaker, Angela Kjellberg, from St. Croix Hos-

pice, who will share about hospice care. Anyone interested

in learning about hospice, medicare rules and regulations is

invited to attend.

– Holcombe Happenings –

– Lunch Menus –

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SCHOOL NEWSThursday, February 5, 2015


Caroline Schultz (left) and Robert White (right), Cor-

nell Area Care Center residents, sit with fifth grade

students who helped knit a blanket as part of an Af-

terschool class. Shown, are, Alexis Sternweis

(kneeling), Jayda Turchen, Hailey Hudson and Vio-

let Fasbender (left to right in the middle); and teach-

ers, Nancy Schlageter and Bill Bocian (left to right

in back). Other students who helped knit the blan-

ket and present to the residents, are, fifth graders,

Karl Garrett, Brendan Mercer and Aleah Hughes;

sixth graders, Michya Flo-od, Devan Hamman and

Brandon Mark-ham; seventh grad-ers, Jimmy

LeRoy and Kayde Markham; and eighth grader,

Madasyn Flood. (Photo by Kayla Peche)

By Ginna Young

Move over Emily Dickinson, there are two newcomers on

the scene!

Cornell High School junior Crystal Smith and eighth

grader McKenna Marek have joined the ranks of published

poets, after they entered a Creative Communications contest

and were chosen to have their works published in an anthol-

ogy of poems. They learned about the opportunity through

their English teacher, Caroline Hickethier, who received in-

formation on the contest and forwarded it to her students.

“This is really new for me; I usually don’t get to write po-

etry,” said Marek.

Marek, who chose to write about the Dr. Who television

science fiction series, says the hardest thing was to stay

within the 21 line limit.

“I really wanted to write so much more,” said Marek. “I’m

fascinated by the concept of the show, the history and drama

of it.”

Marek might not spend a lot of time composing poetry, but

Smith says she is just the opposite and even has her own blog

where she posts original works.

“I wrote mine to be really dark,” said Smith. “It’s about

depression, how it stays inside and you continue to go

through it every day. You think you’re out, and then some-

thing pulls you back in to go through it all over again.”

The girls were invited to have their poems published with

students from all over the country, with less than 50 percent

of entries accepted.

“I think it’s a terrific honor for the students to be selected

from a nationwide contest and published,” Hickethier said.

“It helps to build confidence and demonstrates the impor-

tance of communication.”

The anthology, available for pre-order at poeticpower.com,

will be printed in April, and shipped in September.

Smith, who plans to double major in English and journal-

ism, says it will boost her application to have a published

work listed and help further her education. “It’s been an ab-

solutely amazing experience to show people what I write,”

she said.

Marek agrees, and encourages people to be confident and

not let others hold you back.

“It just proves that I have the power to do something great

and creative, and that people actually like it,” said Marek.

“Honestly, if you enjoy writing poetry, go for it. Get rid of

negativity and reach for the stars; you never know what you

can do and you just might make it.”

Two Cornell students join

ranks with published poets

Cornell junior Crystal Smith (left) works on her as-

signment, while English teacher and adviser, Caro-

line Hickethier explains to eighth grader McKenna

Marek (right) where an adverb should go. Marek

and Smith were recently chosen among students

from around the country to have their original

poems published in an anthology. Cornell High

School Principal Dave Elliott says he is very proud

of the kids, and the teachers who get them to write.

(Photo by Ginna Young)

Visit us at couriersentinelnews.com

Local News • Sports • Classifieds • Events

The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire has named 2,234

undergraduate students to its dean’s lists for the 2014 fall se-


Included on the lists from Cadott are: Alissa Hladilek, nurs-

ing and health sciences; Jenna Jandrt, arts and sciences;

Kendal Krouse, education and human sciences; Anne

Kuipers, arts and sciences; Sarah Kuipers, education and

human sciences; Elizabeth Miniatt, arts and sciences; Dylan

Rothbauer, arts and sciences; Jordan Spindler, business;

and Kristen Walters, nursing and health sciences.

From Cornell: Kiley Haller, education and human sciences;

Vanessa Kane, business; and Kelsey White, education and

human sciences.

From Holcombe: Chloe Gulich, education and human sci-


From Jim Falls: Sheila Dunlap, business.

From Sheldon: Leahanna Krizan, nursing and health sci-


From Gilman: Wade Hendricks, arts and sciences; Logan

Rosemeyer, education and human sciences; and Anna Sedivy,


From Ladysmith: Christian Borman, education and human

sciences; Samantha Burch, education and human sciences;

Jacob Espeseth, business; Elijah Freeman, arts and sci-

ences; Melissa Gorsegner, education and human

sciences; Kayla Lobermeier, arts and sciences; Jessica Sisko,

education and human sciences; and Breanna Zuck, education

and human sciences.

Local students make dean’s lists at UWEC

Marilyn Murphy, knitting instructor, and the Cornell

Middle School Afterschool class present their blan-

ket Jan. 29, to residents at the Cornell Area Care

Center. The students worked for about five weeks

creating the knitted rectangles to put on a blanket.

Murphy says she plans to hold a class again in the

fall, but will focus on sewing.

(Photo by Kayla Peche)

Nancy Weiss’ Cadott second grade shows some school support with their

school spirit t-shirts they received from PACE at Christmas. Weiss says the

class has spent time silent reading at the school forest to build excitement

of reading for enjoyment. They have also been working toward monthly pop-

corn parties for reading 70 minutes each week. Grandparents visited their

grandchild’s classroom, and the students held interviews to see how things

were different from when their grandparents were in grade school, and

learned there were no technology toys like there are today. The second graders worked on data collecting,

and graphed how many teeth students have lost and compared it to other grades. In this class, most stu-

dents have lost six teeth so far. The children also work with Nick Kotek on their community inquiry proj-

ects, seeing how certain jobs are needed in the community. The students say they look forward to putting

the information in an iPad presentation, and that they have enjoyed second grade.


Classof theWeek:

Nancy Weiss’Second Grade

See us for your Business Cards! Cornell Office • 715-239-6688121 Main St., Cornell, Wis.

SCHOOL NEWS Thursday, February 5, 2015


Name: Samantha Sippy

School/grade: Cornell senior

Parents: Marshall Sippy and

Roberta Schley

Activities: Active in commu-

nity service, National Honor

Society, volleyball, basketball,

softball, hunting, outdoor ac-

tivities, four-wheeling, baking

and art

Teacher: Ryan Helke, mar-

keting and business

Future plans: Attend UW-

Oshkosh College of Business to study entrepreneurial man-

agement. “After those four years, I intend to open my own

small business; a bakery would be my first choice, but I could

use my degree in many ways.”

– Student Spotlight –

Tiffany Hines-Michaud (back turned) represents Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) to 77 students

at Cadott High School. The students attended a meeting Jan. 29, to sign up for transcripted credit courses

at CVTC so they can earn dual credit at both schools. Courses eligible at Cadott this year are animal sci-

ence, CADD I, advanced biology, technical math, advanced algebra, Microsoft Office Suite, financial se-

curity and accounting C. Shari Gunderson, business & information technology teacher at Cadott, said

she is thrilled to bring these opportunities to the students. “Our teachers have worked very hard with

CVTC to update our curriculum and make sure our students get an advantage in their post-secondary

career,” Gunderson said. (Submitted Photo)

Andrea Roth, Cadott, was among 399 students to receive

degrees during fall commencement at the University of Wis-

consin-River Falls in December. Roth graduated with a bach-

elor of science degree.

Founded in 1874, the UW-River Falls is located just 30

miles from downtown St. Paul.

Roth receives bachelor’s

degree at UW-River Falls

Cadott High School

choir students partici-

pated in the 32nd An-

nual Cloverbelt All-

Conference Music Festi-

val at Colby High School

Saturday, Jan. 17. Fif-

teen schools partici-

pated with over 300

students. Left to right, in

front, are, sopranos Vik-

torya Luebstorf and

Kaylee Rudnick. In the

middle, are, Delanie

Stangl, soprano, and

altos Brianna Welch and

Devin Kulow. In back,

are, Alex Walthers,

tenor; Gilbert Walthers,

bass; Joe Carrell, tenor;

and Jace Bale, bass.

(Submitted Photo)

Cadott High School

band students joined

with 15 other schools to

participate in the 32nd

Annual Cloverbelt All-

Conference Music Festi-

val at Colby High School

Saturday, Jan. 17. Stu-

dents spent the day re-

hearsing their selected

pieces with the top mu-

sicians in the confer-

ence. Left to right, in

front, are, Savannah

Gruber, clarinet; Court-

ney Pederson, clarinet;

Leah Pilgrim, flute; and

Stacy Pogodzinski,

flute. In the middle, are,

Riley Rudnick, baritone

saxophone; Matt Klahr,

trombone; Caitlin Hol-

comb, trombone; and

Henry Wojtczak, french

horn. In back, are, Maia

Schroeder, percussion;

and Joey Hinzmann,


(Submitted Photo)

James Drew and Leona Sonnentag dance at the

Cadott High School annual Snoball dance Saturday,

Jan. 31. The theme this year was masquerade, with

Spindrift Entertainment providing the music. The

commons were decorated with blue and white dec-

orations and a backdrop with stars. Alesha Nein-

feldt, student council adviser, said because of a

lack of interest, there was no Snoball court this

year. (Photo by Heather Dekan)

All-Conference Music Festival

AREA NEWSThursday, February 5, 2015


the JV boys basketball coach, in light of the resignation of

current coach Lee Swanson, who stepped down from his po-

sition because of his job.

Carol Hakes was also approved for the archery coach po-

sition after Ryan Weed resigned because he “didn’t have time

to designate toward the position.”

Teacher/support staff compensation was also unanimously

approved (with Eileen Sikora abstaining because a relative

works for the district). The increase for full-time teachers and

support staff was discussed at the December meeting to keep

the district “competing” with other schools in the area.

Cornell School Board - Continued from Front

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Ken Flouro waltzes Helen Wager around the Taste

of the Tundra Cake Walk to a slow song control-

led by Joni Weinert (far right). When the music

stopped, numbers were drawn, and those on the

correctly numbered spots got their choice of cake

or pie to take home. (Photo by Ginna Young)

Cadott Village BoardATV Mud Bog event scheduled for approval

By Kayla Peche

Cadott holds their annual Nabor Days celebration in

Riverview Park this July 30 through Aug. 2, and an ATV or-

ganization would like to have an ATV mud bog event, preced-

ing the annual Firemen’s Mud Bog.

Prior to the Feb. 2 regular Cadott Village Board meeting,

John Bourget, Cadott resident, asked approval from the village

board to use the mud bog area for an ATV event during Fri-

day’s festivities (July 31).

Anson Albarado, village president, spoke with Bourget and

said he should get permission from the Cadott Fire Department

because they are in charge of the regular mud bog.

As far as insurance on the event goes, Bart Chapek, board

member, says Bourget should talk to the Cadott Chamber of

Commerce as well since they will cover the event.

“I think it’s probably covered, but it’s another thing they

would have to ask,” Chapek said at the Feb. 2 meeting.

“The fire department makes that mud pit the way it is,” said

Randy Kuehni, board member. “So, I would say the fire de-

partment has control over the pit itself.”

The board approved allowing the ATV group to use the vil-

lage’s property, pending disscusion with and permission from

the fire department and chamber of commerce.

“Those two entities have to make the final call,” Kuehni said.

During committee reports, a few of the board members at-

tending the Fire and Ambulance meeting said concerns about

a water meter charge had been brought up.

The Cadott Fire Department is charged monthly from the

village for the water meter, but the department says they only

use the meter after a fire to fill up the tanks. Chapek says the

department requests not using the meter at that large capacity

because of its incompetency.

“If it’s just sitting there and they aren’t really using it,”

Chapek said, “either we put a smaller meter on it and charge

them less or we figure something else out.”

Sandy Buetow, village clerk, said the village charges the de-

partment $126 per month for the meter.

Charles Sedivy, board member, said he suggests they take

the meter out and put in a piece of straight pipe.

“What’s going to happen is you’re going to have a 40 below

zero night and they are going to want to fill the truck fast,” he

said. “Then, when you have to run it through a two inch meter,

they are going to be there for longer.”

Albarado said they would have Rolly Tichy, public works

director, talk to the fire department and “have a look at it” to

figure out what needs to be done.

“Rolly should have some insight on it,” Kuehni said. “He

was the fire chief.”

Alice Troupe (left) and Terry Harper (right) assemble

what they call a “mutant mosquito guy” (inset) with

extra large pipe cleaners to help with Imagine No

Malaria at Taste of the Tundra. Those who donate

to the project receive the mosquito craft as a thank

you and reminder to give toward that ministry.

(Photo by Ginna Young)

different areas.”

No further discussion on co-oping basketball and volley-

ball with Lake Holcombe happened, and the board moved on

to Schley’s administrative report.

“The big thing, (Erica) Dietelhoff got another $10,000 for

SMART tables,” said Schley. “They’re going to be in for the

younger grades.”

Dietelhoff says the grants are through the Wisconsin Tech-

nology Initiative for schools, and funding goes toward

SMART technology for the classrooms.

“(The technology) allows for differentiated instruction for

all students from advanced to struggling learners, and short-

ens lesson preparation,” says Dietelhoff.

The tables are interactive with muti-touch screens for stu-

dent learning activities and reading books. Two tables will

be on each floor of the elementary school for teachers and

students PreK-5.

For funding, Dietelhoff says she and the students made

videos. “They are not professional, but the students did a

great job,” she said.

Prior to this grant, the school also received enough funding

for 12 SMART boards, and SMART document cameras for

all of the classrooms. These have already been in play with

the district, and how they are used can be viewed at:



“The technology is not needed to have a successful class-

room,” said Dietelhoff. “But it definitely increases student


On other agenda, the board approved hiring Jon Hetke as

By Kayla Peche

As they prepare for tournament time, the Cadott Hornets

Boys Basketball team played two fast-paced conference

games, finishing up with a non-conference game against

Bloomer. Brandon Mittermeyer, Cadott head coach, says

each game had its exciting moments.

Jan. 27 vs. Osseo-Fairchild (76-66 W, conference)

The Hornets started the week tied with Osseo-Fairchild (3-

5) in the West Cloverbelt Conference, but after Jan. 27, the

Thunder were knocked down and the Hornets moved up.

“The Osseo game was very fun to watch for us as a coach-

ing staff,” Mittermeyer said. “I think the pace of the game re-

ally stood out as it was very fast.”

The two teams went back and forth, scoring baskets with

each possession. After the first quarter, the score was tied,

25-25. Going into the second half, Cadott was up by only five

points, and the Thunder brought the game to two points for

the final frame.

“Our entire team ran the floor very well, and our shooting

was good,” Mittermeyer said. “I think the best thing was our

management of time and shot selection in the last few min-


Cadott used their time wisely in the fourth quarter, gaining

the lead and winning the game, 76-66.

“Our players really pulled through in the end,” Mitter-

meyer said.

Senior Ben Kyes hit a career-high score with 33 points for

the night. Kyes says his shots just fell. “Sometimes it goes,

sometimes it doesn’t,” he said. “On Tuesday, it went.”

Brett McChesney, senior, scored 16 for the team while sen-

ior Ezra Michael and junior Shawn Sedlacek each chipped in

nine points for the Hornets.

Jan. 29 vs. Regis (53-78 L, conference)

Cadott is known for their three-pointers, but against the

Eau Claire Ramblers Jan. 29, they truly outdid themselves, drilling 13 three-pointers.

Mittermeyer says the Hornets may have lost by 25, but it was a 10 point game most of the

way, and Regis has yet to be defeated in the West Cloverbelt Conference.

“We played very well

again,” said Mittermeyer. “I

think Regis is a very good

team. They really tightened

up defensively and put the

pressure on us.”

The Hornets used junior

player Jake Holum to cover

Rambler Billy Wampler, a

D1 recruit to Drake Univer-


“Jake Holum did a fantas-

tic job covering,” Mitter-

meyer said. “Shawn

Sedlacek also did well defen-

sively helping Jake in the


Because of the defense,

Wampler was held to 19

points, 10 of which were free

throws, when he scores an

average of 26 points per


By Kayla Peche

Offensive trouble led to losses for the Cor-

nell Chiefs Boys Basketball team this week

and Shawn Schoelzel, Cornell head coach,

says the Chiefs are going to continue to work

on their offensive game to be ready for tour-

nament time.

“I think that if we get a little bit more effi-

cient on offense, we will be OK,” he said.

Jan. 27 vs. Birchwood (52-62 L, confer-


Without two starters, Cortland Spletter and

Mitch Thompson (who was out with an ankle

injury) Cornell played a close game against

Birchwood Jan. 27.

“We missed some easy shots at the end,”

Schoelzel said. “And they made their free

throws to pull away.”

The Chiefs scored 38 points in the second

half, but the Bobcats secured the lead, 62-52,

for the win.

“I was happy with our effort,” Schoelzel

said. “We just made too many mistakes in the

second half of the game to win it.”

Noah Nohr, Cornell sophomore, led the

team with 23 points and 19 rebounds. Colton

Hetke, also a sophomore, was right behind

with 20 points, four of which were three-

pointers. Finishing up scoring for the Chiefs

was Trenton Glaus, a sophomore, with nine.

Jan. 29 vs. Boyceville (30-63 L, non-con-


In a Jan. 29 game against Boyceville,

Schoelzel says he was “very disappointed”

in Cornell’s showing.

“We were flat from start to finish,” he said.

During the first half, the Chiefs suffered

from 17 turnovers, which allowed Boyceville

some easy baskets. This continued into the

last two quarters of the game with five con-

secutive turnovers.

Cornell was defeated in the non-confer-

ence match up, 30-63.

Spletter, junior, was back in the game with

eight points, along with Nohr scoring the

same. Glaus and sophomore Mitchell Swan-

son each added four to Cornell’s total score.

Jan. 30 vs. New Auburn (41-56 L, con-


The second half of the game is when Cor-

nell started to fall behind against undefeated

New Auburn in a Jan. 30 conference


“We were right there until the end of the

third quarter when they (New Auburn) began

to pull away,” said Schoelzel. “We missed a

few shots and they made them.”

After the third quarter, the Chiefs were

down, 26-35. Cornell was then outscored in

the final quarter, putting them down by 15,

losing to the Trojans, 41-56.

Nohr had another high-scoring game with

20 points.

“He had a real nice second quarter with

three three-pointers,” Schoelzel said.

Cornell traveled to play their rivals, Lake

Holcombe, Feb. 5, and bring it home to play

Winter, Feb. 10.

Courier Sentinel Page 11 Thursday, February 5, 2015


2014-15 West Cloverbelt Conference Boys Basketball

Team W LRegis 16 0Fall Creek 10 3Altoona 10 7McDonell Central 9 6Osseo-Fairchild 8 9Cadott 7 8Stanley-Boyd 7 9Thorp 3 11

2014-15 West Cloverbelt Conference Girls Basketball

Team W LFall Creek 16 0Regis 12 4Stanley-Boyd 12 4Thorp 9 7Osseo-Fairchild 7 9Altoona 6 11McDonell Central 5 11Cadott 3 13

2014-15 East LakelandConference Boys Basketball

Team W LNew Auburn 12 2Bruce 10 5Lake Holcombe 8 6Birchwood 4 9Cornell 3 13Winter 2 13Flambeau 1 11

2014-15 East LakelandConference Girls Basketball

Team W LFlambeau 15 1Winter 12 3Bruce 10 7Cornell 5 10Birchwood 1 12Lake Holcombe 0 13

– Area Basketball Standings –

LH in the running for top spotBy Kayla Peche

Still in the competition for the East Lake-

land Conference top spot, the Lake Hol-

combe Chieftains Boys team defeated Bruce

to be tied, 5-2, for second place this week.

The Chieftains trail New Auburn by three

games for first, and only five more confer-

ence games are scheduled in the regular sea-


Jan. 27 vs. Bruce (55-48 W, conference)

Beginning the game with a little foul trou-

ble, Lake Holcombe came back to defeat

Bruce, 55-48, in a Jan. 27 conference game.

Juniors Nick Seng and William Hattamer

came close to fouling out with four fouls,

but stayed clean to keep playing for the


“We got into early foul trouble,” said

Engel. “But we were good from the line.”

In the first quarter, Lake Holcombe had a

big lead, 18-6, and kept it up to halftime, 32-


It was in the third quarter when the Red

Raiders closed the gap to a two point game.

Lake Holcombe outscored them, 12-7, in

the final frame to grab the East Lakeland

Conference victory.

Seng led the charge with 18 points, while

senior Jay Kent had 13 and sophomore Jer-

emiah Reedy had 11.

Jan. 30 vs. Lincoln (42-56 L, non-con-


It was a close game for the Chieftains Jan.

30, against the Alma Center-Lincoln Hor-


Going into the second half of the game,

Lake Holcombe was only down by five

points. A slow third quarter, scoring only

eight points, was where the Chieftains fell

behind and couldn’t catch up.

In the final quarter, Lake Holcombe

scored 10 to Lincoln’s 16, falling 42-56, in

non-conference play.

Reedy led for the Chieftains with 18

points, while Seng added 10.

Feb. 2 vs. Gilman (45-46 L, non-confer-


The Feb. 2 game came down to the final

minutes, but the Chieftains fell just shy of a

victory over the Gilman Pirates.

During the non-conference matchup,

Lake Holcombe kept the game close then,

in the final quarter, the Pirates took the win,


Bruce’s Conner Kopias

tries to stop Nick Seng,

junior, from adding

more points to Lake Hol-

combe’s score board,

but Seng out jumps him

and puts the ball in the

basket. Seng led the

Chieftains in points,

earning 18 of the 55 total

for the Jan. 27 game.

(Photo by Monique


Chiefs continue work on offense

Competition fierce for Cadott Hornets

To begin the game Jan. 27, Senior Ben Kyes tips the

ball to his team’s possession against Osseo-

Fairchild. Kyes hit a career high 33 points for

Cadott. The Hornets played a back-and-forth match

against the Orioles, winning, 76-66, for a West

Cloverbelt Conference victory.

(Photo by Kayla Peche)

(See “Cadott” Page 14)

By Kayla Peche

The Cornell Chiefs Girls Basketball team only has four

more conference games before the regular season is over, and

sitting in the number two spot puts a huge target on their


Jan. 27 vs. Birchwood (47-28 W, conference)

Defensive pressure was the key element to the win, 47-28,

against Birchwood for the Chiefs, said Marcus Leland, Cor-

nell head coach.

“The girls played well,” he said. “We need to continue to

work on our defensive positioning.”

The positioning cost them 23 fouls that Leland says could

have been avoided during the Jan. 27 game. “We did not have

the right positioning and didn’t move our feet.”

This victory moved the girls to second place in the East

Lakeland Conference, only a few games away from the de-

fending first place spot, Flambeau.

Senior Makenzie Ewings led for the Chiefs with 16 points.

Alexis Short, a sophomore, scored nine, while senior Kaitlin

Peterson had seven and Kammey Kendall, also a senior, had


Jan. 30 vs. Eau Claire Immanuel (39-57 L, non-confer-


Cornell put up a fight against the Eau Claire Immanuel

Lutheran Lancers Jan. 30, but nine three-pointers from them

slowed the Chiefs from catching up.

“We executed our offense fairly well, which forced Im-

mauel to switch their defense three different times,” Leland

said. “But in the end, we just did not make enough shots in

the fourth quarter.”

The Chiefs were defeated by the Lancers, 39-57, in the

non-conference play.

Ewings scored 14 points for Cornell while freshman

Danielle Fasbender added nine.

Even though this adds a loss for the Chiefs, they are still

second for the East Lakeland Conference, with Winter and

Bruce following close behind.

With only four more conference games to go, the Chiefs

will have to keep up the winning momentum to end toward

the top.

Feb. 2 vs. Siren (37-42 L, non-conference)

The Cornell girls basketball team had Siren on the ropes,

but the Dragons responded with an intense fourth quarter

rally to come from behind in the Feb. 2 game.

Siren has only lost one game this season, so Leland said

he was proud of how the girls played.

“We did an excellent job breaking the press and handling

their pressure,” he said.

The Chiefs led for most of the second half, including en-

tering the fourth quarter, 30-26. In the final frame, Cornell

was outscored by Siren, 16-7, leading to the five point loss,


Senior Jane Hickethier and Kendall each had 13 points for


Cornell played Lake

Holcombe Feb. 5, in a

nearby town rivalry

game. Afterward, the

girls face Winter for an-

other East Lakeland con-

ference match.

SPORTSThursday, February 5, 2015


WIAA and the Lake Holcombe School will celebrate these 100 years by hosting

Alumni Night • Thursday, Feb. 5at Lake Holcombe School ~ Holcombe, WI

Boys/Girls basketball games against Cornell5:45 p.m. girls varsity/boys JV7:15 p.m. boys varsity/girls JV

Free Admission

100 Years of Boys Basketball in Wisconsin

Cake and rootbeer floats will be provided after the game.

Please make plans to join us for this celebration.

There will be a sign-up sheet for anyonewho has played boys basketball at Lake Holcombe, and these names

will be announced between games.

The High School Student Council will also serve soup from 4:30 - 6 p.m. for the “Our School is ‘Soup-er’” Fundraiser. Donations are accepted.


Improvement key

to Cadott success

By Kayla Peche

Dave Hazuga, Cadott girls basketball head coach, says he

is proud of his team’s success this season – not in wins, but

in how far they have come.

“Some of the girls are starting to do things they weren’t

doing earlier in the year,” Hazuga said. “That improvement

is the key to us having success.”

Jan. 27 vs. Osseo-Fairchild (37-52 L, conference)

To start out the West Cloverbelt conference games this

week, the Cadott girls basketball team took on Osseo-

Fairchild Jan. 27.

The Thunder took charge of the game quickly and didn’t

give in. The Hornets fell behind early, 10-23, after the first

quarter, leading to the loss, 37-52, against Osseo-Fairchild.

Junior Elizabeth Kyes and senior Leah Pilgrim each scored

11 points for Cadott. Charlene Holte, a junior, contributed

seven points to the Hornets final score.

Jan. 30 vs. Altoona

(29-43 L, conference)

Cadott had a strong con-

ference challenger Jan. 30,

in a game against the Al-

toona Railroaders.

“Altoona’s game was

very competitive,” Hazuga

said. “There was good de-

fense by both teams.”

The Hornets were

outscored in the first quar-

ter, 4-12, but followed

with a powerful second

quarter to be within four


“They had to work hard

the whole game,” Hazuga

says of his team’s ambi-

tion. “And they did.”

Despite Cadott’s effort,

in the second half of the

game Altoona took the

lead and held on, defeating

the Hornets, 43-29.

Following this game,

Regis came to Cadott

Feb. 3, for a conference

game. The Hornet girls

will also host Owen-

Withee Feb. 6, for some

non-conference play and

Stanley-Boyd Feb. 10.

Snatching the defensive

rebound, senior Kyla

Nichols puts the ball in

Hornet possession during

a Jan. 30 game against Al-


(Photo by Kayla Peche)

Frustrating losses

for the Chieftains

By Kayla Peche

The Lake Holcombe Chieftains Girls Basketball team

keeps playing hard, says Jay Geist, Lake Holcombe head

coach, but it’s beginning to get frustrating with scoring per-


“Not to sound bad, but it’s getting bad, it’s getting old,”

Geist said. “But what are you going to do? You just keep

shooting and keep going.”

Jan. 27 vs. Bruce (27-46 L, conference)

Lake Holcombe couldn’t hit any baskets in the first quar-

ter of the Jan. 27 game against Bruce, and finally gained

six points before halftime, but the Red Raiders were al-

ready up by 20 points.

Starting the second half of the game, Lake Holcombe

kicked up their aggressive defense and held Bruce to only

four points.

In the final quarter, the baskets started to fall for the

Chieftains, keeping up with Bruce, 14-16, but it was too

little, too late, for Lake Holcombe, who fell, 27-46.

Sophomore Hannah Lee and junior Bailey Viegut took

charge for Lake Holcombe, scoring eight points each. Jun-

ior Jordan Geist followed with six points during the game.

Jan. 30 vs. Lincoln (37-48 L, non-conference)

The Chieftains traveled to Lincoln High School Jan. 30,

to play the Hornets in a non-conference matchup.

Falling behind in the first half of the game, 14-21, the

Chieftains used a 15 point third quarter to bring the game


Lake Holcombe brought the game to a three point differ-

ence going in the final frame of the game, but lost momen-

tum in the final minutes when the Hornets took charge,

outscoring the Chieftains and securing the win, 48-37.

Lee was the high scorer with nine points for Lake Hol-

combe, followed by Geist with seven. Senior Haylee Hen-

nekens and junior Sara Stender each added six for the


Feb. 2 vs. Gilman (28-46 L, non-conference)

Because of the Gilman Pirates man-to-man defense Feb.

2, Geist says the Chieftains struggled again to have their

shots go in.

“We got into a little bit of foul trouble,” Geist said.

“Then, they (Gilman) hit quite a few of their free throws.”

Geist says Lake Holcombe had a difficult time on sec-

ond-hand shots because of Gilman’s rebounds, but overall

it was a good game to watch.

“The girls played well and they played hard,” he said.

“It’s just those little diffferences.”

After getting down by the double-digits, the Chieftains

couldn’t close the gap, losing 28-46.

Lake Holcombe plays rival Cornell Feb. 5, at home,

while also celebrating 100 years of boys basketball. The

girls then take on Flambeau for another conference game

Feb. 10.

Senior Haylee Hennekens attempts a free throw

after getting fouled in a game against Bruce Jan.

27. The Chieftains fell to the Red Raiders, 27-46.

(Photo by Monique Westaby)

Junior Lexi Mous-

sette lays one up for

Cornell Feb. 2,

against non-confer-

ence opponent Siren.

The Chiefs stayed

with the Dragons on

the scoreboard in a

back-and-forth match

during the first half,

but logged a loss at

the end of the night,


(Photo by

Ginna Young)

Working on the basics to move up

SPORTS Thursday, February 5, 2015


– Cadott –Boys Varsity Basketball

Friday, Feb. 6 at Altoona 7:30 p.m.Thursday, Feb. 12 McDonell C.C. 7:30 p.m.

Boys JV BasketballFriday, Feb. 6 at Altoona 5:45 p.m.Thursday, Feb. 12 McDonell C.C. 5:45 p.m.

Girls Varsity BasketballThursday, Feb. 5 at Thorp 7:30 p.m.Friday, Feb. 6 Owen-Withee 7:30 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Stanley-Boyd 7:30 p.m.

Girls JV BasketballThursday, Feb. 5 at Thorp 5:45 p.m.Friday, Feb. 6 Owen-Withee 5:45 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Stanley-Boyd 5:45 p.m.

Varsity WrestlingSaturday, Feb. 7 at Abbotsford 10 a.m.

– Cornell –Boys Varsity Basketball

Thursday, Feb. 5 at Lake Holcombe 7:15 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Winter 7:30 p.m.

Boys JV BasketballThursday, Feb. 5 at Lake Holcombe 5:45 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Winter 5:45 p.m.

Girls Varsity BasketballThursday, Feb. 5 at Lake Holcombe 5:45 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Winter 5:45 p.m.

Girls JV BasketballThursday, Feb. 5 at Lake Holcombe 7:30 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Winter 7:15 p.m.

– Lake Holcombe –Boys Varsity Basketball

Thursday, Feb. 5 Cornell 7:15 p.m.Monday, Feb. 9 at Rib Lake 7:30 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Flambeau 7:15 p.m.

Boys JV BasketballThursday, Feb. 5 Cornell 5:45 p.m.Monday, Feb. 9 at Rib Lake 5:45 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Flambeau 5:45 p.m.

Girls Varsity BasketballThursday, Feb. 5 Cornell 5:45 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Flambeau 5:45 p.m.

Girls JV BasketballThursday, Feb. 5 Cornell 7:15 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 10 Flambeau 7:15 p.m.

Varsity WrestlingSaturday, Feb. 7 at Cameron 9 a.m.

Feb. 5 - 12• SPORTSWEEK •

Conference match results in win for Wolfpack

By Kayla Peche

The end of the regular season is fast approaching for the

Cornell-Lake Holcombe-Gilman Wolfpack Wrestling team.

They played their final home meet against Flambeau Jan. 29,

then fought some tough competition during a quad tourna-

ment in Black River Falls.

Jan. 29 vs. Flambeau (33-24 W, conference)

In a Jan. 29 Lakeland Conference battle, the Wolfpack

wrestling team brought down the Flambeau Falcons.

Greg Sonnentag, Wolfpack head coach, says it was a tough

match, especially with senior Eric Nedland out sick and soph-

omore Peyton Bowe out with an injury.

“Both should be wrestling next weekend,” Sonnentag said.

At 138 pounds, Spencer Gibson, a senior, won his match

by a fall over Flambeau’s Brandon Wilson to add points for

the Wolfpack. Sophomores Matt Kostka and Takoda Lee also

won by a fall over their opponents.

Micah Raatz, sophomore, defeated his opponent, Falcon

Shannon Fye, by an 8-4 decision in the 160 pound class.

Sophomore Jake Hillebrand and freshman Zach Person

each received forfeit wins in their weight classes.

Cornell-Lake Holcombe-Gilman was even with Flambeau

in forfeits, but also took some losses with senior Dusty

Boehm and freshman Paul Nedland losing their matches by


With the Wolfpack victories, the team held their lead, win-

ning, 33-24, over Flambeau.

Jan. 30 vs. Black River Falls Quad Tournament

The Wolfpack traveled to Black River Falls for a tourna-

ment, taking on Tri-County, Regis and Black River Falls.

The team came into the tournament strong with a victory

over Tri-County, 30-19.

Sonnentag says the lineups against Regis and Black River

Falls were “very close matches,” but Cornell-Lake Hol-

combe-Gilman lost to Regis, 30-33, and Black River Falls,


“There were a few swing matches that could have gone ei-

ther way,” Sonnentag said. “We were also down three

wrestlers for the dual meet, including varsity starters Peyton

Bowe and Eric Nedland.”

With new team member Manuel Granado, a sophomore,

ineligible, and Bowe and Nedland still gone, the Wolfpack

had a few more matches for wrestlers who missed out early

in the season. One of which was Kostka, whose first match

back was the Jan. 29 meet against Flambeau.

“He is 4-0 since his return,” Sonnentag said. “Those were

very valuable matches for that young man.”

With the end of the regular season, the Wolfpack travels to

Cameron Feb. 7, for a Lakeland Conference tournament. Re-

gionals are set for Feb. 14, at Ellsworth High School.

Matt Kostka, a 195 pound sophomore for the Wolf-

pack, flips to get freed from his Flambeau oppo-

nent. Kostka won his match by a fall, helping

Cornell-Lake Holcombe-Gilman defeat Flambeau,

33-24. (Photo by Ginna Young)

At Cornell, Spencer Gibson, a senior, pins Falcon

Brandon Wilson to win by a fall in the 138 pound

match. The Wolfpack defeated Flambeau, 33-24, in

a Lakeland Conference meet.

(Photo by Ginna Young)

One tournament left for Cadott Hornets after 57-16 win

By Monique Westaby

It was a short but productive week for the Cadott Hornets

Wrestling team, as they hosted Osseo-Fairchild/Altoona/Au-

gusta their only meet of the week.

Only two forfeits and one major decision gave points to

Receiving his 126th win of his high school career,

Austin Najbrt, Cadott senior, takes control of his

Osseo-Fairchild opponent, Jan. 29. Najbrt picked

up a technical fall win during the match.

(Photo by Kayla Peche)

At 170 pounds, Ethan Haider, Hornet sophomore,

quickly pins an Osseo-Fairchild opponent. Haider

scored a pinfall victory Jan. 29 for Cadott, as they

defeated the Thunder, 57-16.

(Photo by Kayla Peche)

the Thunder, and head coach Josh Spaeth says the major de-

cision loss to senior Blake Borntrager was still a good match.

“Blake moved up a weight class and wrestled a great

match,” said Spaeth. “He may have lost, but he never quit.

Borntrager earned best effort for the Jan. 29 meet, and fell

to Jeffrey Breaker by a 3-11 major decision.

While 18 of the 57 points for the Hornets came from for-

feits, the rest came from the five falls by Ethan Haider,

Mitchell Hazard, Brandon Pederson, Tyler Gillett and Wyatt

Cote; one technical fall by Austin Najbrt; and a 19-6 major

decision from Dominick Grimm.

Grimm was also given best takedown, and Pederson earned

fast pin for his 32 second fall over Andrew Fenner, gaining 6

points toward the 57-16 winning meet for the Hornets.

The Jr. high team also placed well at the home meet, earn-

ing an 87-18 win against Osseo-Fairchild/Augusta/Fall


Brady Spaeth was awarded fastest pin with 21 seconds, and

Jene Hudack earned best takedown against his Thunder op-

ponent. James Pfeiffer took the best effort award, and coach

Spaeth says Pfeiffer wrestled three great matches.

“He always worked for the pin and got three pins for the

team,” said coach Spaeth.

With only one tournament left, Saturday, Feb. 7, regional

play begins the following weekend on Valentine’s Day, Feb.

14. The Hornets are ranked fourth in the Cloverbelt Confer-


The deadline for news articles and display ad copy is 12 p.m. Monday. Classified ads must be inno later than 12 p.m. Monday. All copy must be placed in the Courier Sentinel Cadott or Cornell office bydeadline to ensure placement in the paper the same week.

REMINDER • Advertising / News Deadline

SPORTSThursday, February 5, 2015


• All fish entries will be measured by weight. In case of a tie, fish lengthwill decide the winner. Judges decision will be final. Fish entries must becaught during contest from Popple Lake.• Fishing Contest entry requires a valid fishing license and a fishing contestticket.• Need not be present to win drawing prizes. Smaller prizes to be drawnthroughout the day, larger prizes are drawn after the contest.• Tickets can be purchased from a Jim Falls Lions Club member or on theice the day of the contest. $1 donation per ticket or six tickets for $5.

Categories of:

Northern, Walleye, Bass, Crappie, Bluegill & Perch

Jim Falls Lions Clubʼs Annual

REFRESHMENTS & FOODHot Dogs, Chili, Pop, Coffee,

Hot Chocolate & More.

on Popple Lake

Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015

Noon to 3:30 p.m.





1st Marcum VX-1 Pro Flasher2nd Eskimo S33 8” Power Auger

3rd Frabil 1-2 Jacket4th Mr. Heater Big Buddy Heater

5th Gander Mountain (First Ice Combo Rod & Reel)Numerous Other Prizes • On Ice Raffle - Must be present to win

Fishing Contest Cash Prizes:

C6-2cLive bait available on ice by The Worm Bucket

Proceeds support Lions projects, including the Wisconsin Lions Camp

EVS Awards Banquet

Jerry Weigel, Eagle Val-

ley Speedway track

owner in Jim Falls,

thanked everyone for at-

tending the 2014 appre-

ciation dinner for

racers, fans and em-

ployees. Weigel says

over 200 loads of clay

have been brought in,

and corners were also

changed, creating a fast

line at the top of the

track. “This is a race-

track,” said Weigel at

the Jan. 24 dinner and

banquet. “You’re sup-

posed to go fast.” A

spring start date has not

been set for the 2015

season, as Weigel says

changes are still being

made to the schedule.

(Photo by Monique


In the Hornet class, awards were given for the top five points finishers for 2014,

at the Eagle Valley Speedway awards dinner and banquet. Jim Falls resident

Scott Westaby, far left, earned the first place title with 379 points, while

Cadott’s Jay Welk (not shown) earned second with 630 points. Chuck Wald,

second from left, earned third in his first year of racing, and was also given

the Rookie of the Year award for the Hornets. Next to Wald, Heather Rudy re-

ceived a trophy for fourth place and Augusta’s Travis Hoff, far right, earned

the fifth place title. Not pictured: Jesse Glenz, of Cadott, earned a fourth place

finish in his Modified class. (Photo by Monique Westaby)

Funds for new uniforms come from local support

Cadott - Cont. from Page 11

By Kayla Peche

Doing a little paid off a lot for the Lake Holcombe boys

basketball team as they raised enough funding to buy new

uniforms and practice jerseys.

“The outstanding support our close knit community has

shown our program makes me extremely proud to be a mem-

ber of it,” said Dave Engel, Lake Holcombe boys basketball

head coach. “I would like to express my gratitude to our play-

ers and assistant coaches for all their hard work and fundrais-

ing. Also, to our parents and most of all, our community for

their unwavering support.”

Engel says the team was in need of uniforms after having

the same ones since 2003, and they were starting to look a

bit old.

“Unlike most programs, we were not able to allocate any

of our yearly budget to uniforms,” Engel said, “leaving it

rather to fundraising and the generosity of our community.”

Carrie Ably, Holcombe resident, helped Engel find dona-

tors and organize events the boys team could contribute to-

ward to find funding.

“I couldn’t have done it without her,” Engel said.

The team helped during the summer with Swinging Fore a

Cause, put on by the Lake Holcombe Golfers committee.

Sarah Sauerwein, Lake Holcombe Golfers coordinator,

says the annual event provides scholarships, field trips, camp

opportunities, educational events, sports equipment and uni-

forms, school supplies and much more to the Lake Holcombe

students. She said it was a “no brainer” when Engel asked to

participate during the event.

“It was only fitting that, after the team showed up to help

with some physical labor, we presented our first check of the

new season to him (Engel) at the event,” Sauerwein said. “I

think he was surprised and very pleased to receive $1,000 for

help in purchasing their new uniforms.”

Along with this event, the basketball team helped the Lake

Holcombe Lions Club with their ice fishing contest by selling

tickets and moving around equipment. Also, the Holcombe

Lake Holcombe boys basketball head coach Dave

Engel shakes Lake Holcombe Lions member Ray

Guthman’s hand at the basketball game Jan. 27.

Engel thanked each of the Lions present (Jim Trot-

tier, Emma Trottier, Ray Guthman, Carrie Ably and

Charlie Ably) for the club’s $1,000 contribution to

the team for new jerseys.

(Photo by Monique Westaby)

Alumni Association holds an annual Alumni Basketball Tour-

nament, where Engel says the boys will also fundraise. The

tournament is set for Feb. 14 and 15 this year.

“It is a nice interaction with the community,” Engel said

of the different events the team participated in.

The Lake Holcombe Lions Club donated $1,000 toward

the new uniforms, while Mrs. and Dr. Tom Tozer not only

donated $300, but Engel said also donated time with medical

and basketball guidance throughout the year. Sue Sutor, who

in the memory of former American Basketball Association

players and New Jersey basketball legends George Sutor Sr.

and George Sutor Jr., donated $1,000.

With all of the donations, the team was able to purchase

the new uniforms and practice jerseys for for the 2014-15


“Thanks to all who have helped carry on this great tradition

of Holcombe basketball,” said Engel.

Pell Lake and Neillsville hold thegreatest daily total of snowfallwith 26 inches. Neillsville held therecord since Dec. 27, 1904, butPell Lake tied them Feb. 2, 2011.

Wisconsin Winter Fact

Despite high three-pointers and tight defense, the Hornets

lost to Eau Claire, 53-78.

Michael led Cadott with 15 points on five three-pointers.

McChesney scored 13 points and made four three-pointers

while Kyes added 12 points.

“I think things are coming together well right now,” said

Mittermeyer. “We hope to continue to improve to get ready

for the tournament.”

Feb. 2 vs. Bloomer (46-60 L, non-conference)

The Hornets began their Feb. 2 game in a zone defense,

but after Bloomer knocked down 21 points early in the first

quarter, the Hornets changed to a man-to-man, which led to

their seven point run. The Blackhawks quickly responded

with an 11 point run of their own, which kept them in the lead

by double digits.

“The game was a struggle,” Mittermeyer said. “Bloomer

shot the ball very well due to our lack of physicality on de-


Mittermeyer says the Hornets took a “stand and wait ap-

proach” against Bloomer, which was ineffective against pow-

erful shooting skills. Unable to get closer than seven points

the rest of the game, Cadott fell to Bloomer, 46-60, in the

non-conference match up.

“We couldn’t quite get over the hump,” Mittermeyer said.

“We just have to keep getting better.”

Michael scored 11 points for the Hornets, drilling three of

his team’s six three-pointers. Sedlacek added 10 and McCh-

esney added nine points for the game.

Cadott travels to Altoona Feb. 6, for a West Cloverbelt

Conference game, then brings it to Hornet territory Feb. 12,

against McDonell.

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Courier SentinelAnnual Subscription Rates

SPORTS Thursday, February 5, 2015


– Bowling –

– Pool –Arnoldʼs I 29 61

Cadott Wednesday

Pool League Standings

Jan. 28, 2015

Team Weekly Total

Halfway 10 119

Crescent 15 103

Randy’s Jim Town 13 119

B & S 12 120

Last Call 13 82

J & J’s Bye 86

Old Barn 10 79

DD’s 8 85

Dam Shot 7 62

Drywood 5 88

Shady Nook 7 57

Cadott-Boyd Tuesday

Pool League Standings

Jan. 27, 2014

Team Weekly Total

B & S 2

DD’s 1

Drywood I 9

Drywood II 6

Goodtimes Bye

Huron 6

J & J’s 4

Last Call I 8

Last Call II 4

Boyd LeagueSunday Mixed Couples

Jan. 18, 2015 Team Won LostGully-Seichter 11 1C.W.D.O. 7 5Bohl-Webb 7 5Geist-Dorn 6.5 7.5Oemig-Steinke 5 7Gully-Isensee 5 7McQuillan-Peterson 4 8Pincrushers 2.5 9.5 High Team Game: Oemig-Steinke, 732; C.W.D.O., 732;Gully-Seichter, 730; McQuillan-Peterson, 668 High Team Series: C.W.D.O.,2,137; Oemig-Steinke, 2,073;Gully-Seichter, 2,064 High Individual Game Men:C. Gully, 258; G. Steinke, 254; J.Jones, 246 High Individual Series Men:C. Gully, 738; G. Oemig, 632; J.Jones, 628 High Individual GameWomen: S. Cooper, 186; J. Mc-Quillan, 180; S. Wanish, 171 High Individual Series

Women: J. McQuillan, 505; S.Cooper, 490; S. Wanish, 456

Monday Ladies NationalJan. 26, 2015

Team Won LostQuality Truck & Auto 8.5 3.5Quality Towing 8.5 3.5Boyd Feed & Supply 7 9Bobʼs Riverview 4 8Village Haus 4 8 Team High Game: QualityTowing, 692; Boyd Feed & Sup-ply, 608; Quality Truck & Auto,607 Team High Series: QualityTowing, 1,914; Quality Truck &Auto, 1,810; Boyd Feed & Sup-ply, 1,704 Individual High Game: L.Mallo, 224; K. Hendzel, 204; A.Goodman, 198 Individual High Series: L.Mallo, 585; K. Hendzel, 536; A.Goodman, 517

Tuesday LadiesJan. 27, 2015

Team Won LostVillage Haus 16 4Family Hair Design 12 8

Bliss 11 9Dennyʼs Bar & Bowl 1 19 Team High Game: FamilyHair Design, 789; Bliss, 768; Vil-lage Haus, 766 Team High Series: Bliss,2,255; Family Hair Design,2,231; Dennyʼs Bar & Bowl,2,175 Individual High Game: B.Thorton, 197; K. White, 196; L.Klapperich, 194 Individual High Series: K.White, 540; B. Thorton, 540; S.Cooper, 507; V. Welke, 492

Menʼs National Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015

Team Won LostVillage Haus 9 7DD Saloon 9 7Bobʼs Riverview 7 9Ribbons & Rosebuds 7 9 Team High Game: VillageHaus, 971; DD Saloon, 943; Rib-bons & Rosebuds, 831 Team High Series: VillageHaus, 2,823; DD Saloon, 2,678;Ribbons & Rosebuds, 2,448 Individual High Game: C.Gully, 278; G. Steinke, 255; T.Oemig, 255; J. Western, 224 Individual High Series: C.Gully, 728; T. Oemig, 669; G.Steinke, 613

Thursday LadiesJan. 29, 2015

Team Won LostNelson Forestry 11 5Kutzeeʼs 9 7Burkeʼs Sugar Babes 8 8McQuillan Plumbing 4 12 High Team Game: Kutzeeʼs,600; Nelson Forestry, 576; Mc-Quillan Plumbing, 528 High Team Series: NelsonForestry, 1,663; Kutzeeʼs, 1,641;McQuillan Plumbing, 1,554 High Individual Game: J.McQuillan, 180; S. Korb, 180; L.Seichter, 173; J. Geist, 168 High Individual Series: L.Seichter, 468; J. McQuillan, 451;B. Backaus, 441

Menʼs Major Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015

Team Won LostDennyʼs Bowl 13 3Breezy Acres 12 4Bobʼs Riverview 9 7McQuillan Plumbing 8 8Red Wing Cabinets 3 13Corner Bar 3 13 Team High Game: Breezy

Acres, 1,024; Bobʼs Riverview,1,015; Red Wing Cabinets, 980 Team High Series: BobʼsRiverview, 2,892; Red WingCabinets, 2,760; Corner Bar,2,731 Individual High Game: E. Pil-grim, 278; C. Girard, 266; T.Birch, 257 Individual High Series: T.Birch, 731; J. Zastrow, 702; C.Girard, 679

Saturday Mixed CouplesJan. 31, 2015

Team Won LostSchuebel-Ketterhagen 14 2Wellner 11 5Reed-Waegli 9 7Backaus-Kenealy 7 9Osvald-Peterson 6 10 High Team Game: Schuebel-Ketterhagen, 637; Wellner, 583;Reed-Waegli, 549 High Team Series: Schuebel-Ketterhagen, 1,805; Reed-Waegli, 1,626; Wellner, 1,578 High Individual Game Men:B. Schuebel, 180; A. Osvold,173; C. Reed, 166; M. Wellner,166 High Individual Series Men:B. Schuebel, 456; K. Ketterha-gen, 452; C. Reed, 449 High Individual GameWomen: K. Ketterhagen, 204; K.Reed, 191; A. Wellner, 182 High Individual SeriesWomen: K. Ketterhagen, 573; A.Wellner, 469; K. Reed, 463

Schickʼs Bowl & BrewTuesday Night

Ladies League StandingsJan. 27, 2015

Team W LLisaʼs Beauty Salon 24 12Cliffʼs Maple Sugars 23 22Hellandʼs Hellions 22 14Heaven Help Us 18 18Schickʼs Bowl & Brew 16 20 High Team Game: LisaʼsBeauty Salon, 573; Cliffʼs MapleSugars, 506; Hellandʼs Hellions,497 High Team Series: LisaʼsBeauty Salon, 1,701; HellandʼsHellions, 1,426; Cliffʼs MapleSugars, 1,416 High Individual Game: TinaBergeron, 187; Jenna Velie, 178;Alicia Fagner, 160 High Individual Series:Jenna Velie, 450; Sarah Whit-taker, 443; Tina Bergeron, 427

Cornell American Legion Fundraiser • Post 353

9 Pin TapBowling Tournament

Give us a call at 239-3825 to sign-up or for more info!

at Schickʼs Bowl & Brew

Saturday, Feb. 21Starting at 11 a.m.Food • Raffles • Prizes • All Day


8 miles north of Cadott on Hwy. 27 to Crescent, then 3 miles east, or 7 miles south of Cornell on 27, then 3 miles east.

1st: $50 • 2nd: $25 • 3rd: $15: Crappie, Blue Gill & Perch categoriesKids receive a candy bar for any fish caught & register for Zebco Rod & Reel.

• • Pan Fish Prizes • •

1st: $50 • 2nd: $25 • 3rd: $15: Bass & Northern categoriesBass: minimum 14” • Northern: no minimum length • Fish Must Be Legal

• Game Fish Prizes •


Cadott Lions AnnualIce Fishing Contest

Pike Lake (All of Lake Open)Sunday, Feb. 8 • 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.

— 10 CHANCES TO WIN —1st: $500 Cash • 2nd: $300 Cash

3rd: $150 cash4th: $100 gift card from Crescent Meats

5th thru 10th: $100 eachby Northwestern Bank • Kromrey Chiropractic • Greener Acres

Dahm Construction & Buildings, LLC • P&B Lumber • Crescent Landscape

Bring your own bucket - buckets will be checked. • All fish must be legal. Worms & minnows sold at contest • Hot lunches & coffee served!

No one fish can win two prizes ~ fish must be alive and on hook & line when checked.Free Drawing Throughout the Afternoon: Need Not Be Present to Win.


Mud Brook Pool League Jan. 28, 2015

Results:Cookieʼs, 9 vs. Big Minnow, 0;Arnold, 4 vs. Bogieʼs I, 5; BigSwedeʼs, 3 vs. Flaterʼs, 6;Bogieʼs II, 4 vs. Black Bear, 5Standings W LCookieʼs 18 9Bogieʼs I 15 12Flaterʼs 15 12Arnold 14 13Big Swedeʼs 14 13Bogieʼs II 13 14Black Bear 11 16Big Minnow 8 19

North Country Pool League Jan. 29, 2015

Team W LTedʼs Timberlodge 69 21Black Bear I 59 31Broken Arrow I 52 38Big Swedeʼs II 51 39Arnoldʼs II 49 41Cookieʼs 48 42Black Bear II 40 50Flaterʼs 39 51Pine Drive 39 51Big Swedeʼs I 36 54Broken Arrow II 29 61

Above, Abby Bowe (left) and Karlee Davis (right)

show their dance moves during the Cadott Youth

Spirit Squad’s halftime routine Jan. 27, of Taylor

Swifts’ Shake It Off. At the end of the performance,

a few of the girls made a small pyramid, cheering

for Hornet spirit. (Photos by Kayla Peche)

Cadott Youth Spirit Squad

Cadott wrestler Warren Bowe has his hand raised

at a Wausau Youth Wrestling Tournament Sunday,

Feb. 1. Over 300 teams and nearly 600 wrestlers

participated in the event, with 30 of those coming

from Cadott. The Hornets took second place over-

all, because of tie breaking criteria.

(Submitted Photo)

OUTDOORSThursday, February 5, 2015


It’s a bird, it’s a plane,

it’s a meerkat?

We were well into coon sea-

son and a friend of ours decided to join us for the evening. He

brought a friend, and the four of us hopped in the Chevy and

headed for a creek bottom.

It was prime coon hunting and the stars were out. We were

still looking to find the biggest coon for our “Big Coon Com-

petition” we’d entered, and the last few runs had produced

some good video, but not much for coon size.

A friend of ours was leading the state-wide contest, and al-

though we couldn’t hunt every weeknight like he could, we

knew we had to hunt on the weekends every chance we could.

The creek runs along the edge of a cornfield, and the dogs

were more than willing to follow the corn edge, down the trail

and into the water. We didn’t need the GPS to know where

their splish-splosh feet were, and in just a few minutes Blaze,

our Walker, sounded treed.

Chaos was several hundred yards away and showed little

interest in the tree Blaze had determined was “the one.” Since

Cordellia mostly goes with the flow, she put her front paws

on the bark next to Blaze and let out her own treeing howl.

The mud and water got deep quick, so I stayed on the trail-

side and let Scott, my husband, cross with his high waders.

“Blaze,” he said to the mostly white dog, “I don’t think

there’s anything up there.”

We lit up the tree tops and only stars glittered back at us.

Scott told Blaze nothing was up there, and several more min-

utes of searching still left us empty-handed.

Scott finally convinced Blaze to head out with her sister,

and Cordellia followed, ears bouncing and feet sploshing. The

three produced nothing so we caught them up and tried an-

other run – which again put nothing up a tree.

“Maybe we got all the coon last weekend,” someone joked.

“I wouldn’t doubt it,” came a response.

The dogs barked all the way to the next drop site, and we

let them out in the freshly cleared field. It took awhile, but

eventually the three showed treed.

We started walking toward them and they moved about 100

yards. We stopped, and they headed back to the tree. About

half way there, they did it again.

We knew something was up, so we followed the GPS to the

squiggles of where

they had been.

Afraid we were

going to be fooled

again, we looked at

every branch.

An old stand was

bolted at the top of

some tree spikes, so

Scott carefully made

his way up the spikes

to get a better look.

He shouted back to

us that he thought it

was a cat. I found it

with my light but

something wasn’t

quite right. The tail

wasn’t quite cat-like,

and the entire animal

looked too skinny.

“I think it’s a weasel or something,” I said.

“It’s bigger than a weasel,” said Scott from up the tree.

“Maybe it’s a fisher.”

“No, it’s too small for a fisher,” I said. “And it’s not dark

enough. I think it’s a…meerkat.”

“Meerkats don’t live in Wisconsin,” Scott said with a, don’t

be ridiculous, tone.

“Nope, definitely a meerkat,” I said, laughing. “But really,

I think it’s something with an ‘M’ name.”

We determined it definitely wasn’t a coon so we left it alone,

led up the dogs, and headed back to the truck. I googled weasel

family and a martin popped up on my screen.

“That’s what it was!” I said, showing everyone in the truck

my find. They agreed, and although it wasn’t a meerkat, I was

still right that it’s name started with an M.

It had gotten late, and we decided to call it a night. We may

have gotten skunked, or should I say, martined, but we still

had a fun story to tell. On to the next night.

It’s a Girl ’s Hunting LifeBy: Mon i qu e Wes taby

Blaze, Cordellia and Chaos tree

on the “meerkat” tree. They

weren’t quite positive a coon

was up there, and until we got

to the tree, they spent their time

looking for something that

smelled a little more “right.”

and today we were ignoring coyote and it was bobcat or

nothing. I had the only “cat/short tail” tag and running a

cat was the only goal.

Two days of frigid temps kept us from seeing a single

cat track.

Wednesday, Jan. 21 • High 34, Low 17

Today was the second day of my second trip to hunt


In the time between hunts we had to cancel twice.

Once because of frigid temps and blowing snow that cov-

ers all tracks. The other time because the only snow on

the ground was hard pack that did not make a track, and

there was not much of it.

As usual, I am riding shotgun with Tomally in his 2003

Chevy Avalanche. The Avalanche is a beast that does not

get stuck, even though all of Tomally’s buddies want him

to get stuck so they can give him a hard time.

There are five trucks on this hunt and everyone knows

I have to go home today. Both today and yesterday it

snowed after midnight, so finding cat tracks is not at all


There are hounds in the back of these trucks that go by

the names of Ellwood, a redbone; Conway, a plott; and

Sailor, a walker that I really want to see hunt.

Each dog is fitted with a GPS collar and the hunters

have hand held GPS in their trucks that they can track

the hounds once they are on the hunt. The GPS is crucial

in keeping track of the dogs, which helps to keep them

off private land, and lets hunters know if they are near a

road, helping avoid catastrophe with car/hound colli-


The bobcat season is down to 10 days.

I cannot return for five, and the clock is ticking.

The weather forecast is perfect for cat to move tonight.

After a big day of hunting I have to go home and be a

dad, a KAMO president and feed cattle. I get home at

8:30 p.m.

The game is on, to heck

with the five day wait.

I am back at Flater’s the

next morning; I have a cat

tag to fill!


An Outdoorsman’s Journal


Joe & Dawn Flater, Ownerswww.flatersresort.com

270 N. Cty. E, Holcombe, Wis.(715) 595-4771

Where the Chippewa & Flambeau Rivers Meet

Bloomer’s Northland HoundsmenHello friends,

This week and next I will write to you about the ex-

cellent experiences I had while trying to fill my bobcat

tag, under the guidance of an incredible bunch of guys

and gals who call themselves The Northland Hounds-


This group began back in the late ’50s, when there

were not many deer in the area, or coyote, or GPS. They

used to load their hounds in the trunks of their cars and

chase fox.

The unofficial leaders of this group are Don and Dale

Naset, and Robby Turner. Several of the gangs members

are Mark “Tomally” Tomasovich, Mitch Poier, Mark

Pierce, Sonny Marek, Rolly Naset and Diane Mitchell (I

am sure I have missed several.)

Tuesday, Jan. 20 • High 6, Low -25

I am basing out of Flater’s Resort, which is possibly

the coolest place on earth, and is located where the

Chippewa and Flambeau Rivers meet.

This morning, long before daylight, my connection to

this group, Tomally, picked me up and we began our job

which, like the four other trucks working the area, was

to find a fresh bobcat track.

Sounds simple. Well, it is not. We are working big

country in Rusk and Chippewa Counties, and each driver

covers about 15 to 25 miles of remote roads. Most of the

time your window is down or you are getting out of the

truck and trying to figure out if a track is made by a

fisher, coyote, fox or bobcat.

Generally you see deer tracks. Sometimes they are

wolf or coyote, but the most common thing to remember

is when a deer or coyote lifts their feet, there is a slight

drag mark between tracks. Bobcat do not drag their feet.

Usually, these guys are hunting coyote and, as each

member of the gang works their stretch of road, they talk

on marine band radios. They relay their info and a plan

is made on when to meet, and which hounds to put on

the coyote that will be


For myself, I was actu-

ally being honored by a

bunch of guys who did not

even know me. Yesterday

The Northland Houndsmen use the money from their

furs to help pay for vet bills and dog food.

Ted’s Timber Lodge & Resort

Cty. Hwy. M Holcombe, Wis.

(715) 595-4424

By Mark Walters

Snowmobile trails remain open in about a dozen northern

counties and cross-country ski trails are in very good condi-


Ice thickness on most lakes across the northwoods varies

from 12 to 16 inches. Snows have added 2 to 3 inches on top

of the 6 inches that was already on the ice, making ice travel

more difficult.

For fishing action, it seems mid-winter doldrums have set

in and success has tapered off for most species in the north.

Walleye action could be considered fair for this time and

most anglers experience just enough action to keep them in-

terested. Panfish action has been inconsistent and anglers

have moved around searching for active fish.

With warmer weather there have been wildlife sightings

of porcupines in trees, otters out and coyotes active. The ma-

jority of white-tailed bucks have lost their antlers.

Squirrel season has closed, but rabbit hunting remains open

through Feb. 28.

Statewide Birding Report

Winter bird patterns have set in, though northbound

“spring” movement of some species may only be weeks


Snowy owls remain in high numbers and short-eared owls

have also put in good showings.

Pine siskins, purple finches and common redpolls continue

to dominate the landbird scene. Tree sparrows, dark-eyed

juncos, cardinals, black-capped chickadees, woodpeckers,

horned larks, white-breasted nuthatches, blue jays, American

goldfinches and tufted titmice are also active.

Small numbers of evening and pine grosbeaks, and red

crossbills are reported in the far north, as well as more than

300 Bohemian waxwings in northern Bayfield County.

Small numbers of waterfowl can be found wherever open

water remains. Diving ducks such as common goldeneye and

common mergansers, dabblers including mallards, American

black duck and Canada goose are most numerous.

Trumpeter swans have overwintered at Hudson and tundra

swans are at McFarland.

The rarest find is no doubt the common eider seen in Su-

perior, Douglas County. The sea duck is very rarely found in

the interior United States and marks only the second known

to have frequented Wisconsin waters since 1968.

– DNR Outdoor Report –

– Area Business Directory –AUTO PARTS

Cornell Auto Parts

Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:30Sat. 8:00-12:00


Youʼll Find it at CARQUEST401 South 3rd St., Cornell

(715) 239-6093


Cornell, WILadysmith, WI

239-0450 • 532-6453




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rip rap...and ALL of your

construction needs

Call: 800-292-0748


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723-2828 or1-800-828-9395

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Heating/Air ConditioningService * Installation




• Truck and Trailer Repair Services/

Maintenance & Hydraulic Hoses

• Farm Bedding

• Colored Mulches/Bark

• Rock/Slate/Boulders

• Various Landscaping Materials

aolynick@yahoo.com(715) 289-4470


Greener AcresTransmissions(715) 289-4665

Corner of Hwys. 27 & X in Cadott

Joe Rygiel, owner

Call or stop in for FREE estimate!



Dr. Shawn M. Kromrey500 South Main Street

Cadott, Wis.

(715) 289-5000


128 W Ginty St.,Cadott, WI 54727Fax (715) 289-4099

Phone (715) 289-4050

Shane Mathison, D.C.



All Types of ExcavationFarm Work & Land Clearing

D-4-6-8 Dozers AvailableScrappers & Excavators

For all your excavating needs.

(715) 877-2705


Cadott Color Center

311 N. Main St.Cadott, WI 54727

Phone: 715-289-4292We carry name brands ofCarpet - Vinyl - Ceramic

Laminate Flooring

Professional InstallationFree Estimates


• Septic & Holding Tanks• Portable Toilet Rentals

• Drain Cleaning

(715) 313-3077715-289-5327


Falls Septic Service


Septic Tanks • Holding TanksPortable Rentals

Mark Payne15188 St. Hwy. 178 • Jim Falls, WI



“Your Vehicle…Your Choice”

(715) 720-0456Corner of Hwy. 124 & S

Serving Chippewa FallsSince 1997



Knowledge & reliability you’ve come to expect for over 32 years.

Septic Tanks & Holding TanksPower Rodding & Jetting

Holcombe, WI

Ken’sSeptic Cleaning


School of Dance

Chippewa Falls31 W. Spring Street

Email: jeanmdance@gmail.com715-723-8635


New Preschool Class 3+Tues. 5 p.m. January 2015

Dance Fitness


Romig’s, Inc.Gilman, WI

Furnace Service & Installation

Plumbing Heating



Have an Accident?It’s YOUR choice

where your vehicle is repaired not your

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guarantees the repairsNOT the

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24-Hour Towing - 715.271.0731

The Right Choice.

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This couldbe your


239-6688or 289-4978

PUBLIC NOTICES Thursday, February 5, 2015


The monthly meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 9,

2015, at the town hall (20470 St. Hwy. 64) at 7 p.m.



Financial Report

Plans for Grounds & Yard Area

4-H Project Offer

Individual Employee Review: part-time patrolman

Payment of Bills

Public Input


Town of Cleveland

Monthly Meeting

C6-1c • wnaxlp


School District of

Cornell Minutes

Dec. 22, 2014

The following are pro-

ceedings from the Cornell

School Board meeting

held Dec. 22, 2014.

Motion moved by Wal-

lerius, seconded by Sei-

dlitz to grant authority

to Eileen Sikora to vote

at the WASB Delegate

Assembly as determines

best for the district.

Roll call vote – all aye,

Sikora abstained. Motion


Motion moved by

Sikora, seconded by Wal-

lerius to adjourn to execu-

tive session pursuant to

Wis. Statutes 19.85 1(c)

personnel – personnel up-

dates. Time 7:40 p.m.

Roll call vote – all aye.

Motion carried.

Motion moved by

Sikora, seconded by Sei-

dlitz to adjourn. Roll call

vote – all aye. Motion car-

ried. Time 8:12 p.m.

C6-1c • wnaxlp


Matching Grant

Availability Through

The Chippewa County

Stewardship Program

NOTICE is hereby

given to all towns, vil-

lages, cities and nonprofit

501c(3) conservation or-

ganizations of matching

grant funds available

through the Chippewa

County Stewardship Pro-


Matching grant funds

must be used to acquire

land or conservation

easements for the pur-

pose of farmland or natu-

ral resource protection,

public trail and park acqui-

sition, or expanded public

hunting and fishing oppor-

tunities in Chippewa

County. Public access is a

requirement of all grant


For information regard-

ing the year 2015 grant

criteria and application

process, please contact

the Chippewa County

Dept. of Land Conserva-

tion and Forest Manage-

ment at #715-726-7920.

Dated this 22nd day of

January, 2015.

Dan Masterpole

dept. director/county


Chippewa County, WI

C5-2c • wnaxlp

– Public Notices –

To subscribe

to your



Courier SentinelCall Cadott office

(715) 289-4978

or Cornell office

(715) 239-6688

Chippewa, Rusk & Eau Claire

Counties - $32

Elsewhere in Wisconsin - $35

Outside Wisconsin - $42


ClassifiedsCourier Sentinel

Cornell office • 715-239-6688Cadott office • 715-289-4978



Twin $99. Full $149. Queen


Twin $159. Full $195.

Queen $225. King $395. 28

years experience. Extra

Plush Pillow Top Mattress

Sets: Twin $195. Full $245.

Queen $275. King $445.

Call Dan 715-829-2571, or

at www.thebedbarn.com.


FOR SALE: Queen size

bedroom set and china

hutch. Call p.m. at 715-667-



(2) 28’x102” trailers with

swing doors, roadable. (1)

40’ with overhead door, con-

verter dollies, $750. 715-

229-2009 or 262-853-3853.



Filler sale: pastured organic

chickens. Delivery available

to Medford, Marshfield and

other areas. 715-257-7132 or




Wheelchair, never used.

New cost, $6,000. Asking

$1,599. 715-257-9390.



LLC.: Dish Network start-

ing at $19.99/month. Free

install, HD DVR, 3 months

HBO, Cinemax, Showtime

and Starz. Call for more

information. Also avail-

able, local network an-

tenna sales and service.

Phone 715-654-5600, cell




200 rolls music, electric

hookup, $750 OBO. Heavy

duty safe, Diebold Lock and

Safe Company, $350 OBO.



– For Sale –

PUBLIC NOTICES - CLASSIFIEDSThursday, February 5, 2015



Birch Creek will hold a regular monthly meeting

Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015, at 7 p.m., at the Birch

Creek Town Hall at 26755 240th St.


1.Call meeting to order

2.Roll Call

3.Approve Minutes

4.Treasurer’s Report

5.Public Comment

6.Discussion and Action Items:

A. Committee Reports

B. Correspondence

C. Payment of Bills

7.Set next meeting

8. Adjourn

Robin Stender, clerk


Town of Birch Creek

Monthly Meeting

C6-1c • wnaxlp

Country living at its best! - Spacious, classic 3 bed-room, 2 1/2 bath home near Lake Holcombe. Wooded,secluded setting! This is a must see, stunning home! MLS882443 .............................................................$315,900PRICE REDUCED: 15 unit motel plus living quarters onHwy. 27 north of Holcombe. MLS 882165........$124,9002 bedroom, waterfront - Lake Holcombe, view from kitchen, dining area, living room and family room. Easy access to big lake and county park. MLS877809 .............................................................$179,900Cornell - One bedroom home with 2 car attachedgarage on corner lot. MLS 876283.....................$35,750PRICE REDUCED: Cornell - 2 BR Corner Lot Homemaneuverability for wheelchairs, outside ramp, withinwalking distance to grocery store, school, main highway.Updated 2006; separate laundry room, kitchen has lower(chair height counter) dining area, living room and a walk-in shower. 2 car detached garage. MLS 881370$65,500New Auburn - Looking for a place to hang out, havefun and fish? This is it! 3 bedroom trailer, 2 car garage,3 or 4 season porch or laundry room. Big yard with 2firepits. Close to Long, Larrabee and Salisbury Lake. MLS882013 ...............................................................$39,975PRICE REDUCED: Jim Falls - Very unique octagon 2story home, Deck wrap around upper & lower level. 40 x60 garage. MLS#880489..................................$148,475PRICE REDUCED: Tony - 152 acres of prime huntingland in Tony, WI. In wet land reserve program. 2 acres ofbuildable land, not in program. MLS#880517.....$78,900PRICE REDUCED: Holcombe: 2 bedroom home onCounty Rd. M, double lot, 11 acres across road.MLS#879485 ......................................................$69,900

Kay GeistCell: 715.577.2193



“Your Cornell/Lake HolcombeArea Realtors”

Thane PageCell: 715.202.3194



Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to

appear at the polling place on election day may re-

quest to vote an absentee ballot. A qualified elector

is any U.S. citizen who will be 18 years of age or

older on election day, who has resided in the ward

or municipality where he or she wishes to vote for

at least 10 days before the election. The elector

must also be registered in order to receive an ab-

sentee ballot.



Contact your municipal clerk and request that an

application for an absentee ballot be sent to you for

the primary or election or both. You may also re-

quest an absentee ballot by letter. Your written re-

quest must list your voting address within the

municipality where you wish to vote, the address

where the absentee ballot should be sent, if differ-

ent, and your signature.

Special absentee voting application provisions

apply to electors who are indefinitely confined to

home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized,

or serving as a sequestered juror. If this applies to

you, contact the municipal clerk.

For the TOWN OF ARTHUR, you can also per-

sonally go to the clerk’s office, or other specified lo-

cation,complete a written application, and vote an

absentee ballot. I will be available from 8 a.m. to 7

p.m. Town of Arthur, Glen Sikorski, clerk, 28301

134th Ave., Cadott, WI 54727 or call for an appoint-

ment, phone 715-289-4825.

For the TOWN OF GOETZ, please contact Cara

Sikora, clerk, at 715-289-4281 to set up an appoint-

ment or to request an absentee ballot.



FEB. 13, 2015.



DAY, FEB. 16, 2015.












Town of Arthur & Town of Goetz

Voting by Absentee Ballot

Cadott School Board Election

Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015

C6-1c • wnaxlp


Goetz Board will hold its regular monthly board

meeting Monday, Feb. 9, 2015, at 7:30 p.m., at the

Goetz Town Hall.


1) Roll call

2) Minutes

3) Treasurer’s report

4) Roads

5) Payment of bills

6) Adjourn

Cara Sikora,



Town of Goetz

Regular Board Meeting

C6-1c • wnaxlp

(715) 829-4427 • (715) 838-2141suesutor@hotmail.com



Sue Sutor“Your Holcombe Area Realtor”

Coldwell Banker, Brenizer, Realtors1021 Regis Ct., Eau Claire, WI 54701

Your Piece of Heaven! Spectacular views, watch thesun rise over Lake Holcombe in the morning. 194 ft. ofwaterfront, 3 bedroom, 2+ bath, 4 car detached garageis 1/2 heated & insulated, TV room, 3 season room.Patio & deck for summer. All on 3 acres of woods andwater. 878062 .................................................$489,900Wonderful Cottage or Home on Lake Holcombe -granite counters, wood floors, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, largeliving room and deck overlooking the lake/river. 1st floorhas in-floor heat. Part of home is over 100 yrs. old. It was moved and added on to at its present location in 2006. Survey to be completed before closing. 857131............................................................$225,000Waterfront home w/garage and highway location. Somany choices for this property, nice low elevation on achannel close to main part of Lake Holcombe. Coulduse part of the 3.4 acres for a business as it is a highwaylocation. 880719 .............................................$225,000Low level wooded lot to build your dream home orcabin. Located very close to golf course. Lot is on PineLake which is part of Lake Holcombe. 839012...$82,000Affordable lots on Lake Holcombe/Chippewa River.South facing lot perfect for a walkout basement on overan acre of land. The 110 ft. of waterfront is across Hwy.D for your lake access. Each lot is $59,900. Come see.Come Buy! 868233...........................................$59,000

– Real Estate –

– Public Notices –

– Public Notices –

Cadott office

P.O. Box 70

Cadott, WI 54727


Cornell office

P.O. Box 546

Cornell, WI 54732


$32.00 Chippewa, Rusk, Eau Claire & Western Taylor Counties

$35.00 Other Areas in Wisconsin

$42.00 Out of State Signed:




THE COURIER SENTINELSubscribe to your hometown newspaper

and stay informed!Local News • Sports • Leisure • Classifieds and More


– Services –ART’S

ELECTRICIndustrial - Commercial - Residential - Farm

21692 Cty. Hwy. ECornell, WI 54732 (715) 288-6064

CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, February 5, 2015



time bartenders, waitresses

and cooks. Please apply in

person at Paradise Shores in




person needed to take care of

developmentally disabled

people in Boyd. Call Tim at




in manager. Apply at Paradise

Shores in Holcombe.


– Help Wanted –– For Rent –

WANTED: Guns, ammo

and related items, old or

new, any quantity. Private

collector. 715-229-2009,



– Wanted To Buy –


BILE Show and Ride Feb.

7, nine miles north of Med-

ford, Chelsea Conservation

Club. Contact Leon at 715-




Medford Area Quilt Show,

March 21 and 22. All quilters

and quilts welcomed. Feature

category: Optical illusion.

Contact 715-316-1318, med

fordquilts@tds.net, facebook.




– Notices –



715-568-3646. Reasonable

rates. Repair refrigerators,

freezers, walk-ins, ice mak-

ers and air conditioners.



LLC: Residential, commer-

cial, remodeling, farms,

pump installation. Rick Pet-

ska, MP143877, 16163

190th Ave., Bloomer, WI

54724. Phone 715-288-6580.


STORAGE: Highway 27

in Holcombe and Cornell.

6x10, 10x12 and 10x24. $25



WINTER HOURS • DEC. 1 THROUGH APRIL 1Monday - Friday • 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday • 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.Closed Sundays

Phone: (715) 288-6863 • Fax: (715) 288-5999www.artssnowmobileandatv.com

In house Machine Shop forcylinder & Crankshaft Repair

to $50. Call 715-595-4945 or





Stanley, Allis Chalmers,

New Holland, New Idea,

Kover, McCulloch chain

saws; Little Giant; Kelly

Ryan and Spread-Master

spreaders. Good farm equip-

ment at all times. For a better

deal, see us now. Expert re-

pair service on all makes and

models. 715-644-3347.



MAN: Specializing in pro-

fessional interior/exterior

painting. Book early for

spring projects. For house-

hold to mechanics, and all

jobs in between, call Mark

Billiard, 715-827-0509, Cor-





LLC: Your complete handy-

man service provider. We

provide interior and exterior

home repair and mainte-

nance. No job is too small.CALL NOW to schedule

your winter interior projects

and repairs. Sidewalk and

driveway snow removal

available. Call Jason @ 715-

429-0802 or Matt @ 715-




gle mix puppies for sale,

born 12/15/14, 2 males, 2 fe-

males, $20 each. 715-229-



HELP WANTEDJohn S. Olynick, Inc., is currently seeking applica-

tions for the following positions:• Excavators• Gravel Haulers• Concrete Drivers• Crusher Loader Operators• Pulp HaulersApplicants must have a CDL with a clean driving

record. If interested, please apply at:John S. Olynick, Inc.N7918 State Hwy. 73Gilman, WI 54433


FOR RENT: 2 bedroom

upper apartment at 822 North

Main St., Cadott. Rent is

$535 per month and includes

garbage and heat. No pets al-

lowed. Call 715-289-4384.


FOR RENT: 1/2 month’s

free rent on 1 and 2 bedroom

apartments available in

Cadott or Stanley. Security

deposit specials. 2 great loca-

tions. Close to school. Call



FOR RENT: 1 bedroom

apartment on Main Street in

Cornell. Within walking dis-

tance of schools, pharmacy

and post office. Call CPMC

at 715-858-3445.



ment in Greenwood, $245

month. Free daily stair

climbing workout. 715-267-



The School District of Lake Holcombe is accepting applications foran evening custodian/light maintenance position. This is a calendar yearposition scheduled for 40 hours per week. The evening shift may havesome flexibility between the hours of 3 p.m. to midnight. This positionperforms all necessary cleaning duties and light maintenance duties asassigned. Candidates will have the following desired qualifications: 1. Knowledge of cleaning methods, materials and equipment. 2. Knowledge of operation of mechanical cleaning equipment. 3. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. 4. Establish and maintain good working relations with supervisors,teachers, students, coaches and community members. 5. Demonstrated willingness and ability to give exceptional job per-formance. Interested persons should send the following information: cover letterand a completed job application to: Lisa Spletter, District Accountant,School District of Lake Holcombe, 27331 262nd Ave, Holcombe, WI54745. Job applications may be picked up at the District’s Central Office orprinted from the District’s website at www.lakeholcombe.k12.wi.us. Ap-plications are accepted until the position is filled.

The School District of Lake Holcombe is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

School District of Lake HolcombeCustodial/Maintenance Vacancy



Call Wolfe’s Sewer Service for all sewer, drainfield and septic problems.

22 Years ExperienceGuaranteed Work

Willie (715) 239-3121Cell (715) 827-0225C





– Pets –

WANTED: Holstein

herds and colored heifers.

Call 715-239-0211.


– Wanted –

To Advertise Call (715) 239-6688

AREA NEWSThursday, February 5, 2015


Zechariah Schmidt and

his mom, Rhonda, made

it down the Brunet hill,

but didn’t land so

smoothly, during a sled-

ding event Jan. 31. The

two walked back up the

hill unharmed, then

donned another sled to

try again.

(Photo by

Monique Westaby)

Above: Teaira Spaeth

gives Rhonda Schmidt,

Izabelle Schwingle and

Kendra Seidlitz a push

down the hill at Brunet

Island State Park in Cor-

nell Jan. 31. These sled-

ders, along with about a

dozen others, partici-

pated in a “free sledding

for all” event held by the

Rendezvous members.

The three girls made it

down the hill and off the

“jump” into the swim-

ming area with lots of

smiles and laughter.

(Photo by Monique


It’s not always about speed as Bryce DeJongh

demonstrated at the free sledding event in Brunet

Park. Bryce took his time sliding down the hill,

stopping before the drop-off that went into the

swimming area. (Photo by Monique Westaby)

Carson Parker and Ryan Bowe spent their Saturday

afternoon seeing how fast, and how far, they could

go on the Brunet Island State Park sledding hill.

Rendezvous members held the all age event Jan.

31, serving hot dogs, hot beef, chili and warm bev-

erages for a fundraiser for the Rendezvous.

(Photo by Monique Westaby)

Sledding at Brunet Island

State Park

Apps to keep inventories for insurance

While no one wants to dwell on the negative,

disasters such as fires, floods, tornadoes and other

severe storms do occur in Wisconsin. The best de-

fense is to be prepared, which means creating a

home inventory to help with reimbursement for

any lost possessions.

“When you don’t have a home inventory and try

to reconstruct what you owned, it can be quite a

challenge,” said Ron Von Haden, executive vice

president of the Professional Insurance Agents of

Wisconsin. “It’s very possible to over-

look or forget things, so you may get

less of a settlement than if you had an

up-to-date inventory.”

The following apps have been cre-

ated to help ease the stress of creating


• Know Your Stuff Home Inven-

tory – This app is from the Insurance

Information Institute and backs up data

to The Cloud, for ensured access if dis-

aster strikes. The program is available

for desktop, but also has an app for

iPhone and Android. Online inventory

can be modified or added, and photos

can be included directly from a phone.

The program and app are free at


• MyStuff2 Lite – Everything from

electronics and appliances to jewelry

and movie collections can be tracked

with this iPhone only app. Barcode

scanning and Amazon integration is in-

cluded, but the free version is limited to 15 items.

The Pro version, which has no limit, is available

for purchase on iTunes.

• NM Home Inventory – This software cap-

tures photos, description and receipts, and can be

used in conjunction with a desktop version. This

free app is for Android only and is available in the

app store.

• Encircle – Homeowners, landlords and prop-

erty managers can inventory all properties with

Encircle using a smartphone, tablet or the web.

This app is free and can be found online at encir-

cleapp.com, and in app stores.

“Another good tip is to check with your local,

independent, professional insurance agent before

you start your inventory.” said Von Haden. “Your

agent can tell you whether your insurance com-

pany has any specific reimbursement requirements

and whether they offer an app you can use.

“Your agent can also advise you about expen-

sive or rare items such as your grandmother’s di-

amond engagement ring, pricey electronics, a

piece of artwork or collectible that may exceed the

limits of standard homeowners or renters insur-

ance. To ensure this property is protected, you may

need extra coverage, called a rider, that covers the

true replacement value of these items.”

Visit piaw.org for more information.

Courier Sentinel

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