February 2016 SIMPLE successwealthgen.s3.amazonaws.com/media/WG-Newsletter-February-20173.pdfway or...

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Transcript of February 2016 SIMPLE successwealthgen.s3.amazonaws.com/media/WG-Newsletter-February-20173.pdfway or...

S I M P L Es u c c e s s

from Good to Great

message fromour executives

start great to be great

priscil la del rayo lopez

February 2016


Message from Chad Garner 3-4

Costa Rica & Event Highlights 4-5

Distributor Focus 6-7


February4th Orange County Event

7th Money Talks: Ross Jardine @ 9pm ET

14th Portfolio Builder @ 9pm ET

16th FOREX 101 @ 5pm ET (English) 6pm ET (Spanish)

21st Meet the Expert @ 9pm ET

25th Houston Event

28th Mississauga Event

London SessionWednesdays & Thursdays2:00-4:00am ET

NY SessionMondays & Wednesdays8:00-11:00am ET

LatinoTuesdays & Thursdays8:00-11:00am ET

WEEKLY EVENTSStep by Step StudyWednesdays @ 5pm ET

Week in ReviewFridays @ 4pm ET

In January of 2016, after a game of pickup basketball, Founder and CEO, Ryan Smith shared with me his vision for Wealth Gen-erators. I was immediately enamored with the business and not long after that, I was invited to join the WG Executive Team. I’m passionate about Wealth Genera-tors’ mission to help people all over the world Find, Grow, and Keep their money and create a better financial future for our customers and distributors.

For those that haven’t met me yet, my name is Chad Garner. I’m a father of two adorable and rambunctious kids, and I’m married to a beautiful girl that I met in the 3rd grade. I joined Wealth Generators in April, but my journey to this company didn’t begin there.

I’ve been in direct sales for almost 12 years. I have degrees in both Finance and Economics. My father was banker and from an early age, I’ve always had an in-terest in the financial markets and invest-ments.

I grew up in a home where money, at times, was a major cause of stress and frustration. My parents are amazing people that worked hard and set a great example for me. They lost a majority of their retirement multiple times as a result of market recessions, increased govern-ment regulation, and a bit of bad luck. I learned at an early age the importance of investing in the future, creating multiple streams of income, and the value of hard work. I began investing when I was only

15 years old. I mowed lawns, installed carpet, delivered newspapers, shoveled snow, among other things so that I could invest and grow my money.

After graduating college, my plan was to be involved in the financial world in one way or another, but my entrepreneur-ial endeavors took me down a different path. I spent the last decade success-fully building startups in the technology, healthcare, and emergency prepared-ness industries.

2016 was an exciting year at WG. Some-times we get so caught up in the grind, we fail to consider the unprecedented accomplishments that, together, we’ve achieved.

Let’s not forget that we expanded into 20 new international markets, rolled out a new mobile friendly back office and rep-licated websites, and modified our com-pensation plan to more appropriately re-ward the efforts of our distributors,

Let’s not forget that we launched a new marketing website, created and im-proved marketing materials, and opened a new call center location in Orem, Utah.

Let’s not forget that we launched new products like the FX Simplifier, and the FX Multiplier, hired new key members of our corporate and trading teams, and our products have continued to perform at a high level.

Let’s not forget that we witnessed thou-

M E S S A G Ef r o m o u r e x e c u t i v e s

chad garner

VP of sales operations

sands of team members achieve rank ad-vancements around the world, launched multiple services to improve our ordering and payment processes like WG Pay and Safety Pay, and Wealth Generators is now recognized by people throughout the world as a leader in innovation.

Most importantly, let’s not forget that peo-ple all over the world have increased their financial knowledge, decreased waste-ful spending, learned how to budget and recognized the importance of investing to create financial security.

2016 was full of incredible wins and ac-complishments, and even a few chal-lenges. There will always be bumps in the road, but on those days when appoint-ments fall through, or when a trade goes the wrong way, or when it seems like the grass could be greener on the other side, let’s not forget what we have at Wealth

are you coming with us to Costa Rica 2017?


Let’s not forget that over the past 3 years, Wealth Generators has built and refined a proven system and a team that provide the tools and support to successfully sell our products and build a profitable busi-ness.

Let’s not forget that over the past 3 years we have developed and improved pow-erful products that have the potential to make you money without ever having to recruit anyone or sell anything.

Let’s not forget that we have an opportu-nity that is unlike any other.

2017 will absolutely be a historic year for Wealth Generators. If you’re not ready... get ready because we’re just getting started... We Grind.


H I G H L I G H T Se v e n t


What an incredible event! The Germany Launch Event was packed with amaz-ing content, speakers, and guests. Attendees were in-spired and trained by top WG leaders and corpo-rate executives. We want to thank everyone that was present and are excited to see your WG businesses grow as a result!

F O C U Sd i s t r i b u t o r

priscilla del rayo lopez

Global Platinum

My story is a little different. I’m 26 years old, and my parents have been in the network marketing industry for 25 years. Growing up, I went with them on leadership recognition trips and frequently saw them on stage at events. I didn’t really pay attention to what they did or how they were so successful at it. I was more interest-ed in my friends and shopping.

I went to San Diego State and ma-jored in public relations. I really enjoyed travelling and studying. I made new friends around world and learned so much.

After graduating, I went home to Mexico and didn’t know what to do. I had my degree, but knew a regu-lar job wouldn’t give me the level of freedom my parents had attained. I wanted that same freedom! Soon after getting home, a friend ap-proached me about a new busi-ness opportunity. After researching the company and products for a few days, I joined. We went to that company’s launch event in Mexico where I met the founders and top leaders. One of these top leaders was German Castelo. We were the same age, and I was impressed by the level of success he was able to achieve.

People were expecting great things from me because of my parents’ success in the industry. My mom told me “success isn’t about age, it’s about personal development”.

So I made up my mind, worked re-ally hard, and quickly became a dia-mond in that company.

I was at that company for a couple of years. After reading books by Robert Kiyosaki and Anthony Robbins, I be-came interested in investing.

I stayed in touch with German and one day he invited me to lunch. While we were eating, he got a trade alert on his phone. I asked him about it and was immediately interested. This was so different from anything I had seen in the industry. I signed up with WG and my account grew by 15% the first month!*

I wanted to meet the founders of WG, so I flew to Salt Lake City, Utah. I met Ryan Smith, Chad Miller, and Annette Raynor. We talked about

their vision for the future, and I knew Wealth Generators was home! I be-lieve in this company, the Founders’ vision, and the impact the products can have in people’s lives.

My first WG meeting had 20 peo-ple and we only signed up 5. Some dropped off, but a few saw the WG vision and stayed. The most impor-tant part of building this business

You don’t need to be great to start but you

need to start to be great.

is choosing the right people to join your team. Qualify the people you want to build with and run! My events are packed now because I have an amazing team that chooses the right people to join.

There are 4 reasons people don’t succeed in WG:

• They don’t know how to do it

• They aren’t taught

• They try to do it their own way

• They don’t have a “Why”

Building this business is like building a fire. If you only have the flame of

a match, it is very easy to blow out. You need to constantly feed the fire and your belief in WG by staying plugged in! Plug in to events, train-ing calls, the WG system, and your upline. This business wasn’t meant to be built alone! You have a proven system and team that is willing to help you.

Big dreams are being achieved in WG. I am so excited for the future and want you to know there is a place for you here. We are just get-ting started, and I can’t wait to see all the lives we will change over the coming months and years!

*Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results