Feb. 24, 2019 God Is with Us - northsidechristianchurch.net · 1 Feb. 24, 2019 God Is with Us This...

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Transcript of Feb. 24, 2019 God Is with Us - northsidechristianchurch.net · 1 Feb. 24, 2019 God Is with Us This...


Feb. 24, 2019 God Is with Us This is what the Lord says—your

Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I

am the Lord your God, who teaches

you what is best for you, who directs

you in the way you should go.”

Isaiah 48:17




Welcome & Rules (4 minutes): Begins class creating an inviting atmosphere for kids to feel welcome and to worship in song.

Worship & Connect (12 minutes): Establishes community and engages kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word.

The Big God Story Pt 1 (6 minutes): Creates space for children to hear God’s word.

Mail Time & Worship (7 minutes): Breaks up the Big God Story to keep kids engaged and teaches the importance of memorizing scripture.

The Big God Story Pt 2 (6 minutes): Children continue to hear God’s word.

Small Groups (20 minutes): Kids respond in small groups to what they heard in the Big God Story.

Remember Verse & Bless (3 minutes): Allows children to practice their memory verse and be sent out with a sense of peace so they can be a blessing to others.

(See page 8 for 10:15 schedule and rotations.)

Matthew 3:13–17; 4:1–17; Mark 1:9–15; Luke 3:21–23; 4:1–14; John 1:29–36 Baptism and Wilderness Temptation


GOAL: Worship & welcome is all about engaging kids and helping them enter into worship, letting

them know that class has begun preparing their minds for what they are going to hear. Establishes

community and engages kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word.

WELCOME & RULES - 4 minutes (Host) IMAGE: Welcome

We are so glad you are here at Critter Land today. Personalize your welcome. Relate to what’s happening such as holidays, school year, church camp, etc. Pique the curiosity about today’s

Ponder Point/Story, tell a joke, do something to draw in the attending of the kids and mention any announcements!

RULES VIDEO: Sheriff Hawk

WORSHIP - 3 minutes (Worship Leader/Host) If you brought offering, go put it in the squirrel feeder while we worship!


(Direct kids to get with their groups and circle up with their small group leader before sitting down)

SMALL GROUP CONNECT QUESTIONS - 4 minutes (Host) VIDEO: 4 minute countdown

• Have you ever been really hungry and had to wait for food.

• Have you ever wanted to be the leader in a line, but had to wait to get picked?

• What is your favorite season? Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall

WARDROBE OF WONDER - 5 minutes (Host) What’sIt: 9:00 - Bucket of Water

VIDEO: Wardrobe of Wonder Intro

Choose 1 volunteer. Volunteer picks two hats from wardrobe one for himself, one for host. Tell

other kids to put on their “imaginary thinking caps”. Volunteer peeks in the What’s It box. Host gives 3 clues, kids get to vote on what they think it is.

Let the child volunteer tell which answer is correct!

ASK: 9:00

What do you think is in this bucket? Look in. Oh! I know what it is. Fill your hand with water and then let the water drip back into the bucket, creating a small splash. Encourage your volunteer to do the same. It’s water! Hmmm … I wonder why there’s water in the wardrobe. Should I drink it? Encourage responses. No, I don’t think so. This isn’t drinking water. Should I dump this on my head? Pause for answers. No, no, no! Everything would get wet. I think it’s time we find out why we have water in the wardrobe. Do you know what time it is? It’s time for …

Video: The Big Story Intro


Point out that what kids are about to hear is true and is recorded in the Bible. Open your Bible to

the passage and leave it open and visible throughout The Big God Story. Invite kids to open their

Bibles and follow along as you storytell. Children respond to what the Holy Spirit is teaching them

as they reflect on the day’s portion of The Big God Story.

STORYTELLING - PART 1 - 6 minutes (Storyteller)

There was a man named John who lived in the desert.. He told people what they should do to obey God. Many, may people came to hear John’s words.

John told everyone to get ready because God would soon send His Son. “Get ready for the One God promised to send, “ John said. God’s Son would show everyone how God wanted them to live. The crowds of people who came to hear John got Bigger and BIGGER!!

One day, Jesus walked by the river where John was teaching. Jesus told John, “I want you to baptize Me.” (When someone is baptized, water is used to show that God washes away the wrong things they have done.)

John was surprised. “But Jesus, You don’t need to be baptized!”

Jesus said, “This is what God wants us to do. I want to obey God.”

So John and Jesus walked down to the river. As Jesus was baptized, something surprising happened! Let me see your surprise face!

God’s Spirit, looking like a dove, came down from heaven to Jesus! And then God spoke from heaven! “This is My Son, whom I love! I am pleased with Him!” God said

Wow, wouldn’t it have been so cool, to be there and hear God speak about His Son Jesus? The next day , John looked up to see Jesus walking toward him. John was excited and glad! John pointed to Jesus. “Look! There He Is!” John said to the people with him. “Here is the One I told you about! He will take away the sin of the world!

The Big God Story:

The Prayer of Release allows children and

leaders to pause, be still, and ask God to

quiet their hearts and minds. Before you

pray, you might ask the kids to hold out

their hands, palms up, in a spirit of releas-

ing their worries and distractions in order

to better receive what the Holy Spirit might

have for them today. Then encourage the

kids to quiet their voices, take a seat, and

pray with you.


John wanted everyone to know that Jesus was the Savoir God had promised to send. Jesus is God Son. Our Story isn’t finished yet, we are going to hear how the Holy Spirit is going to take Jesus out in the wilderness to prepare Him for telling the world He is God’s Son.

MAIL TIME & WORSHIP - 7 minutes (Host/Worship Leader) VIDEO: Mail Time Intro

IMAGE: Remember Verse

This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who

directs you in the way you should go.”

Isaiah 48:17

Remember Verse Definitions Redeemer: One who buys back. Jesus paid the price of our sin so we can have eternal life. Holy: Super special like nothing or no one else; perfect; only God is holy.

Remember Verse Motions This is what the Lord says: Touch hands to shoulders. Lower hands as words are

spoken. your Redeemer: Point forward with both hands and then open palms

outward. the Holy One of Israel: Bring both hands together, flat against each other, in

prayer stance, in front of chest. I am the Lord your God: Make L with right hand. Cross right hand over front of body

from left shoulder to right hip. who teaches you what is best for you: Touch forehead with both hands and move hands forward. who directs you in the way you should go: Hold palms facing each other and move them

forward in a snakelike motion.

Host: Way to say your verse! Now let’s all keep standing and sing a song!


STORYTELLING - PART 2 - 6 minutes (Storyteller)

Then the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness. What do you think is in the wilderness? Children answer. Do you think Jesus was scared? Have you ever been in a wilderness? Children respond. How did you feel? Are there wild animals in the wilderness? What kind of animals? What do those animals sound like? Encourage kids to share their best animal sounds. Imagine that you were in the wilderness without your friends or family. Imagine that it’s just you and the animals. How would you feel? Children answer. Was Jesus alone? Kids answer. No way, He was never alone. God the Father was with Him. And, God even sent angels to care for Jesus while He was in the wilderness. God the Father was with Him.

Jesus was sent by His Father into the wilderness to spend time praying and fasting. What does it mean to “fast”? Children answer. When someone fasts, they choose to go without food for a certain amount of time. When the person who is fasting feels hungry, instead of eating food, the person can remember to pray. Encourage children to rub their stomach and then


fold their hands to pray. God sent His Son, Jesus, to the wilderness to fast and pray for 40 days.

This was a special time for Jesus to get ready for all of the things He would do in the next few years. Jesus is the promised Savior. God’s people had been waiting for the promised Savior for a very long time. It was finally time for the world to meet Jesus. But first, Jesus needed to get ready for everything God had planned for Him. In this time of praying and fasting, God was preparing Jesus for His ministry! We’ll hear more about Jesus’ ministry in the next few weeks.

God the Father was always with His Son Jesus. When Jesus was baptized, when He was in the wilderness, in His traveling and teaching, and when He died on the cross, His Father was with Him! And when Jesus came to life again, His Father was with Him. Jesus made a way for us to be with God forever. And because of Jesus, God is with us.

Friends, when is God with you? Children answer. What about when the wind is blowing really hard, lightning is flashing, and thunder is crashing? Is God with you? Kids answer. Yes. What about when you’re having a birthday party, playing games, and eating yummy cake? Is God with you? Children respond. Yes, He is with you. Is God with you when you have to be very brave? Children answer. Yes! God is always with you. He has a very special part for you to play in The Big God Story, and He’ll be with you every step of the way. He has given you His Word, the Bible, so you can learn more about Him. He has also given you His Holy Spirit to comfort and guide you. Because of this, you can trust and know that God is with you—always.



Today in The Big God Story, John baptized Jesus. God the Father told Jesus, and the people who had gathered at the river, of His great love for His Son. As soon as God finished speaking, the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness. Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days. God was with Je-sus the entire time. Because of Jesus, God is always with us too!

I wonder … What did the people think when they heard God’s voice from heaven? I wonder … How did Jesus feel when He was in the wilderness? I wonder … What was Jesus thinking about while He was in the wilderness? I wonder … Since God is always with me, why can’t I see Him? I wonder … What is my part in The Big God Story?

GOAL: Kids respond in small groups to what they heard in the Big God Story.

WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE SUPPLIES (per small group) • Index cards (Clearly print the name of an animal on the front of each index card.) • Marker • Music ENGAGE Welcome children and invite them to join you in a circle on the floor. Today in The Big God Story, Jesus was baptized and then the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness. Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days. The Bible tells us there were wild animals in the wilderness with Jesus. What kind of animals do you think were in the wilderness with Him? Children will give suggestions. Those are some great ideas! As kids mention various types of animals, hold up the cards with the names (or pictures) of the animals they mention for them to see. Create a new card for any new animals. What sound does each animal make? How does each animal move? Then mix up the cards and place them in a stack in the center of the circle.

Now we’re going to pretend to be the wild animals of the wilderness. Let’s all stand in a circle. I’ll draw a card and read the name of the animal. When the music starts, we’ll all move in a circle just like we think the animal on our card would move. Whenever the music is playing, you can move around the circle making wild animal noises, walking a wild animal walk, and dancing a wild animal dance. Let’s have some fun!

You could in between animals ask the Wonder questions to keep the kids focused on the Big God Story.


Review the Remember Verse:

This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”

Isaiah 48:17

Remember Verse Definitions Redeemer: One who buys back. Jesus paid the price of our sin so we can have eternal life. Holy: Super special like nothing or no one else; perfect; only God is holy.

Remember Verse Motions This is what the Lord says: Touch hands to shoulders. Lower hands as words are

spoken. your Redeemer: Point forward with both hands and then open palms out-

ward. the Holy One of Israel: Bring both hands together, flat against each other, in

prayer stance, in front of chest. I am the Lord your God: Make L with right hand. Cross right hand over front of

body from left shoulder to right hip. who teaches you what is best for you: Touch forehead with both hands and move

hands forward. who directs you in the way you should go: Hold palms facing each other and move them

forward in a snakelike motion.


This week before children leave, enthusiastically assure them of God’s great love and promises for them from Matthew 28:20.

Jesus tells us in the Bible that He will be with us forever and ever! That means He’s with us during times that are scary and confusing and He’s with us during times that are happy and peaceful.

As you bless each child individually, give him a heart sticker on his hand: May God go ahead of you, stay behind you, and walk beside you this week.

Song VIDEO: In This Life


Host will welcome kids to Critter Land. Worship Leader will lead kids in a time of worship and allow kids to give offering. Song1: Million Reasons Song2: Super Wonderful

Play Station (Play)—Kids

will have time to play and en-

joy each others company.

Different play options will be


Big God Story (BGS)—The

storyteller will present the Bi-

ble lesson and point to pon-


Memory Work (MW)—

1. Practice Memory Verse

2. Use Color Activity Sheet

( In 10:15 Bin)

3. Bathroom Break

This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best

for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”

Isaiah 48:17

Remember Verse Motions This is what the Lord says: Touch hands to shoulders. Lower

hands as words are spoken.

your Redeemer: Point forward with both hands and

then open palms outward.

the Holy One of Israel: Bring both hands together, flat against

each other, in prayer stance, in front of


I am the Lord your God: Make L with right hand. Cross right

hand over front of body from left

shoulder to right hip.

who teaches you what is best for you: Touch forehead with both

hands and move hands


who directs you in the way you should go: Hold palms facing each

other and move them

forward in a snakelike


11:15 Host will pray a blessing over the kids before parents pick up. If time allows worship leader will lead the closing song. Transition DVD/Video:

10:30 - 10:43 10:45 - 10:58 11:00 - 11:15

Owls Play (113) BGS (114) MW (115)

Bunnies MW (116)

Turtles MW (115) Play (113) BGS (114)

Frogs MW (116)

Snails BGS (114) MW (115) Play (113)

Squirrels MW (117)


My parents bought tickets to the circus as a surprise for the family when I was seven years old. Music filled the parking lot with cheer and excitement. People streamed inside the colorful tent to find their seats in the bleachers. The crowd cheered and clapped as the clown car made its way around the circus ring. Kids laughed as they were hoisted onto their fathers’ shoulders to get a better view of the spectacle. Within moments, the flying trapeze artists were soaring and tumbling through the air. I was mesmerized. Their actions represented such freedom, strength, and trust.

Recently, I listened to a report on public radio about the concept of creative collaboration in art. This particular story highlighted a flying trapeze team. As I listened, I was taken back to that evening at the circus. During the interview, something the “catcher” said peaked my attention. When referring to the “flyer” he said, “My job is to save him all of the time. I’m there, always, for him.” The flyer responded, “I know he will catch me. That’s it.” They went on to refer to their time in the air as “privileged time”—no one else is there, and they don’t hear the crowd or become distracted by the rustling below. It’s just the two of them—present in the moment and the task that lies before them.

The relationship of the flying trapeze team reminds me of my relationship with God. It’s His job to save me, for He alone is Savior. Often, I feel the part I play in His story is that of the flyer. My job is to fly with the strength and freedom He has given me. I can trust in Him because He is with me—all of the time. Knowing this, I move ahead in faith doing what He has planned for me to do. This is privileged time, and God is with me.

Cristi Thomas Tru Team

God is with us and has been since the very beginning. Throughout The Big God Story, God has been preparing His people for the redemption He offers through His Son, Jesus. God has shown Himself in the intentional orchestration of numbers within and throughout Scripture. An example of this is the repeated use of the number 40. This number tended to represent trial periods that led up to a season of renewal or change.

For instance, God sent a flood lasting 40 days and nights to wash away an increasingly sinful and corrupt world, beginning life anew. Likewise, God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. They then spent 40 years wandering in the desert before they were able to enter the Promised Land. When God was preparing to reveal the Ten Commandments, Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai. He then spent an additional 40 days on the mountain after Israel sinned by worshipping a golden calf.

It comes as no surprise that this number appeared again as Jesus prepared for His ministry. After being baptized and anointed with the Holy Spirit, He was led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan for 40 days. The significance of this period would have been clear to the Israelites. They would recognize this as a defining moment leading up to a new season: a season of redemption. God is with us.

God has equipped you with everything you need to play the part He has written for you. This is privi-


leged time. The time you spend alone with Him will prepare you to do all He has planned for you. There may be moments when it will be scary, frustrating, or simply exhausting. Be of great courage. God is with you.

Take a few moments to be still before God. Read 1 John 4:16 quietly once. Stop and ask God to highlight a portion of this verse that He wants you to hear. Now, read the verse once again, out loud. What did you hear? How does this portion of Scripture speak to your heart and the part you’re to play in The Big God Story?

As you move forward, may you do so in faith knowing that He will save you, each and every time. The noise that surrounds you doesn’t matter. It’s His voice that will lead you. He has loved you forever and will love you still.