FCP Management System

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of FCP Management System

8/3/2019 FCP Management System

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Submitted By:

Sarita Meena

Computer Science Engineering-VII Semester

Roll no: 08EUDCS070

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What is FCP? 

As we know, Air India and Indian Airlines are renowned

government airlines.

FCP or Free Concessional Passage is an allowance

package provided to its employees by Air India.

The employees are allowed to enjoy free concessional

services by the airlines, i.e. they get concessions oncertain passages (tickets) availed during a certain period

of time.

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International Tickets Domestic Tickets

T.No. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5



100% 60% 10% NIL 100% 75% 85% 85% -


100% 80% 30% 10% 100% 85% 85% 85% -


100% 100% 50% 30% 100% 100% 85% 85% 85%

Year4 100% 100% 70% 50% 100% 100% 85% 85% 85%


100% 100% 90% 70% 100% 100% 95% 85% 85%


100% 100% 90% 90% 100% 100% 95% 95% 85%

The concession and the entitlement varies according to the

number of years an employee has worked with the company

as follows:

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The information of an employee's personal, family and

passage details are maintained as hard copies by the

department of information technology of Air India in a

card format.

The main objective of the project was to develop a user

friendly software in order to manage employee's

personal, family and passage details so that it becomes

easier for the user in charge to view, add and edit


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FCP management System is an online data management

system which helps in easy maintenance of the databaseof employees’ records. 

It uses PHP at the front end and MYSQL at the back end.

It provides an easy and interactive User Interface.

It has three basic modules:1) View Records

2) Add Records

3) Edit Records


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Main Menu-

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The basic function of this module is to search thedatabase and display the records as required by theuser.

It provides three separate search options:

1)  Personal Details

• displays the employee's personal information, for ex. name, dateof joining, designation, contact number, etc.

2) Family Details

• Displays the desired employee's family information. For ex.-names of the blood relatives, relationship with the employee, etc. 

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3) Ticket Details 

• Displays the passage details. It maintains a record of how 

many passages have been issued to the employee and his

 family members, to whom it has been issued, passage number,

its validity and entitlement, source and destination, etc.

With FCP management system's View record module

one can check the employee's personal, family and

passage details by simply entering the STAFF ID.

The information is displayed in a tabular form which is

easy to comprehend.

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View modulemenu

Record display table

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The basic function of this module is to create a new entry in

the database table. i.e to add a new record to the database.

It generates a form which takes the entries from the user and

then adds those entries to the respective table of the


The module is again categorised into three options depending

upon the information to be added:

1) Personal Details• Used to add a new record to the personal information table.

2) Family Details

Used to add a new record to the family information table.


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3) Ticket Details:

Used to add a new entry to the ticket information table.

o Each option generates a separate tabular form

corresponding to the structure of the table

o STAFF ID is treated as the primary key.

o Error Handling: required error messages are generated

whenever the user enters an invalid staff id or doesn’t

provide a mandatory information.

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 Add record 





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The function of this module is to enable the user to edit

and update the existing records in the database.

User can access the current information by entering the

Staff ID.

The information will be displayed in a tabular form with

another blank table beneath it in which the respective

changes can be done.

The changes made are updated in the correspondingdatabase table.

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It also provides three separate options:

1) Personal Details

•  Any desired changes in the employee's current personal 

information can be done in this module. 

2) Family Details

• Desired changes in the employee's current family information

like names of the family members, their age and relation withthe employee is done in this module and the changes made are

updated in the database. 

3) Ticket Details:

Desired changes in the passage details like of how many 

 passages have been issued to the employee and his family 

members, to whom it has been issued, passage number , its

validity and entitlement are done in this module and the

changes made are updated in the database.

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Edit Record 

Edit Record Table

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FCP management system uses MySQL for the database

connectivity at the back end.

Pre defined functions are used to link the database with

the PHP scripting language.

The database consists of three tables on the basis of the

information stored-

1) Personal 


Family 3) Ticket 

The description of each table is given ahead.

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It has six fields namely:

a) Staff ID

b) Employee Name

c) Designationd) Date of Joining

e) Date of Retirement 

 f) Contact Number 

Out of these six, first five are mandatory for every


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It has the following fields:

a) Staff No

b) Name of Spouse

c) Father's Named) Mother Name

e) Son's Name

 f) Daughter’s Name 

g) Sister's Name

h) Brother's Name

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It has following ten fields:

a) Staff No

b) Ticket number 

c) Concession

d) Issued to

e) Relation with the employee

 f) Source

g) Destination

h) Valid from

i) Valid upto

 j) Class

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Staff_No Emp_name Desig Date_join Date_ret Contact_No

Varchar(6) Varchar(20) Varchar(15) Date Date Varchar(15)


Staff_No Spouse F_name M_name Son#1-4 Dter#1-4 Bro#1-4 Sis#1-4

Varchar(6) Vchar(20) Vchar(20) Vchar(20) Vchar(20) Vchar(20) Vchar(20) Vchar(20)


Staff_No Tick_No Con Issued_to Rel_Emp Src Dest V_from V_upto Class

Varchar(6) Vchar Int Vchar Vchar Vchar Vchar Date Date Vchar 


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The Project 'Free Concessional Passage Management 

System' was successfully completed and submitted to

the Department of Information and Technology, Air India

to Mr. Harish Kumar, Asst. General Manager.

The Project was approved by Mr. Inderjeet Singh,

Manager- Personnel, and implemented by the Human

Resource Department.

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