fciemlti 21 townee. - Chronicling America

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Transcript of fciemlti 21 townee. - Chronicling America

fciemlti 21 townee. ,8iLP VOL. XV. NO 17.

||V5NCK VOL. XII. NO 18 MILBANK, S. D., FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1893. Consolidated April 11.1S90

i \'o'i'K —AH p< rsotiB are cautioned I -in«t i.unliomnL'a fi'rtmn note given by rt Th..n>pw>i i K " « » M,:v,'r f , ,r « 1 H'.OO, f ffilW10.1894 due Oct 15. 1SU8, aa the


busi l El?

f°-F IhomeIhappknings.

-rtRSE FOR HALE—Good work mure for »ale cheap for cash or will tr«de for live 9al F. R. VVKHWTKK,

Milbttuk, 8. D.

et suii !ali-





en mi



I Wheat-No. 1 Northern (new) 48c; No.

|46ei IMerebaats Bank wants your court

|Rev. father Browne haa just recov-,1 from an acute attack ot lagrippe.

G^wrge Merry started for Sioux City ? tirst of the week with a shipment of

.til*. Henry Glasser, the cigar man made s regular visit here the first ot the r»f k. Charles Botcher, of Red Wing, has ,cn in town during the week, attending his suit agains* the county.

Mrs. R.J. Hicks starts for Northern innesota this weak, on a visit to friends -hat locality.

Thaladies of the Iff. E. sonlety will flw* New Year's dinner at the Arm-pn? building on Mam street January 1

ftf. Mrs. P. B. Roberts of Alhan left

a ml ay night tor Mapleton, Minn., hither she was summoned by the ser-u* illness ot her mother.

Andrew Grandqutst. the wagon-maker as cone out to his old home at Strand-

*er«r to spend abnut two weeks during p liolidavs.

F. E. Barke* and family I«*ave tonight br an extended visit with friends at 3tvatonna. Mr. Barker will receive iwliral treatment while away.

Th* Ladies Benevolent Society will >ld their semi annual meetinc with

Sirs Bartey on Thursday, I>ec. 28. at ;10p. m.

Wm. Roebel, of the Corona neighor-.nod. IMB been visiting with his frieno

Cleveland while attending court as rynian.

E V . Bradley, the operator baa been >wn to Montevideo during the week,

taking the place of Agent Paine, who had been called away trom his post by the serious illness ot a brother.

Mrs. J. A. Durham, who is now con* ducting a hotel in Montevideo, was visi-ing her old home and friends at Milbank last Saturday. Mrs. Durham is well pleased with her business tn Montevideo.

The heavv wind from the southwest ^ednesdny morning wrecked the awn-fiig from the front ot W . M. Thomas Mre and throwing it against G. M. Clark's building, broke one of the upper windows.

The tather and mother ot Mr. Ed. Broekman, from Tower City, N. D., spent » few days the first of the week with their son in this city. Mr. Brock-man sen., is an old soldier, and served in the same regiment with our townsman, H. J. Benedict

Presiding Elder Dresser WW &®re Monday and Tuesday. While here he succeeded in effecting an M. E. church organization and preached a most Im­pressive sermon on Tuesday evening, and took his leave on Wednesday's train.—Sisseton Inter Empire.

M. C. Redman wishes to announce that he is prepared to repair fur over­coats, robes, etc., at reasonable charges. He is an old furier and tailor and will guarantee satisfaction. Work may be left at Wasem & Habein's store, or Mr. Redman's home near Kevillo.

The Masonic fraternity are preparing for a very enjoyable reunion next Wed-•wsday evening, when the ceremony of of installing officers for the ensuing year •ill take place in the lodge, Eastern Star aad R. A. M. chapter*. The cereniouies •ill b» public to the families of Masons,

supper will be served in the banquet J>*11 at the conclusion of the work.

A. grand masquerade ball is advertised •otake place at Iiickert's hall in Corona, °& January 1st, with music by Smith & Marvin's orchestra, and with Chas. Hart

Wm. Weber as floor managers, and A.. Rickert, manager. The Corona

d&nctB are always of «n enjoyable char *cter, being largely attended by people from all around, and tUis new year's Party will not likely prove aa exception

the ru'.e.

Ctiarley Perkins returned Tuesday *rom Oxtord. Wis., where he has been four or five weeks, visiting friends and relatives.

At the regular meeting of Harmony Rebekah degree lodge last Thursday evening the following officers for the ensuing term were elected:

N. G.—Miss Ede Port. V. G.— Miss Lizzie Port. Sec.—Miss Mina Fanset. Treas.—Mrs. S. M. Pasco. Trus — Mrs. J. D. Burkkart, W. F.

Rust, S. M. Pasco.

B. Jorgenson, of Osceola, who has been serving on the petit jury this week re pjrts everything quiet in his neighbor­hood excepting that there has been an alarming increase in population among his neighbors, Tom Johnson, A. E. Jor-genson, S. Magler, Ole Halter and Ed Anderson having recently reported boys and John Helg^rson and Andrew Matt-son girls; all of which goe» to prove that Osceola and Blooming Valley is not the most unproductive part of the coun­ty.

At the regular meeting ot Gen. A. A. Humphrey Relief Corps, Dec. 9th, the following officers were elected:

Fres.—Mrs. Milly West bury. Sen-Vice.—Mrs. Eliza Mount. Jun-Vice. —Mrs. McPherson. Treas.—Mary Antleman. Chap.—Mrs. Sarah Fitch. Sec.—Mrs. Lydia P. Abbott. Con.--Mrs. Mary Rodgers. Guard- Mrs. Hattie Stearns. Assist-Con.—Mrs. Emma Hocuin. Ass'st-Guard.—Mrs. Heed. Delegates to the llth convention—

Mrs. Lydia P. Abbott, Mrs. Sarah Fitch; alternates, Mrs. Mary Antel man, MCB. H.J. Benedict.

Advertised l.etter Letters remaining uncalled for in the

Milbank Post Office,Dec. 21,1893: Bueskti Jacob Barnes W. George McKadden P. Ernest. Odbertf Hcrta Petersen A. tt. Peterson Olef Rodger^ Addle Sco:t Walter Thomas V. Willimnson M. H.

In calling for any of the above please say "advertised" and give dale of adver­tisement. II not called for in fifteen days will be sent to dead letter office.


Goat Kobcs.

I have a number of very floe Goat Robes which will be sold at cost.


For farm loans call at Farmers Bank and get rates and plan.

The Minneapolis Bargain store pays 5 cents a bushel more for wheat than any elevator in Milbank. See ad.

Very desirable rooms to rent over hardware store.


n>u«r To Lean, G. M. Clark has money to loan

farm land for 1, 2, 3 or 5 years. on

. Sc D Ilolliday excursion

Fo? the Christmas and New Year Hollidays excursion tickets will be sold Dec. 23rd, 24th, 25th, 30th, and 3lst, 1893, and Jan. 1st, 1894, limited for con­tinuous passage in each direction with final return limit up to and including Jan. 3rd, 1894, at fare and one fifth for round trip.

Mar*ai its. *

The New York one price clothing house, will almost give away clothing and gents furnishing goods, the next thirtv days, in order to close them out before January 1st 1894. Call and get bargains.


We pay 20 cents for eggs and 20 cents for butter in goods at the lowest price.


Money to loan on real estate ou the installment plan.


Two Papers for »S.OO.

The HERALD-ADVANCE and the Chi­cago Inter Ocean tor one year for $2.00 to all new subscribers.

To all old subscribers who are delin-quent and who pay up for one year in advance the eame terms will be given.

This dabbing otter will hold good for but u short time and subscribers wish­ing to take advantage ot it should do s« at once.

Christmas Services at St. IAW< rcitc«;'s.

Christmas day will be ushered in by the grand ceremonial of a midnight mass, which will be celebrated by Rev. Fr. Brown and a special musical service rendered on the occasion. All will be welcome to see the solemn festivities at midnight, as well as to the solemn high mass on Chrisinias day at 10 o'clock sharp. Mass Christmas day in Big Stone at 12 o'clock—noon. The sermon at the midnight mass will be on 'The Midnight Case." On next Sunday, December 24th, mass will be celebrated at 10:30 at Big Stone.

There will be a grand ball and supper on New Year's night in the opera house. Wm. Foster is getting a grand orchestra tor the occasion and everv one will be treated royally by the ladies of the con­gregation who will prepare the festive meal. The proceeds will be devoted to the church's many requirements at this season of the year.

Miss Baxter, of Mineapolis, has ot­tered her services as organist for mid­night mass al the Catholic church. She is a very cultured musician and will make the organ ring oat its sweetest uotes.

CliriMmiiN at the Sunday Schools. The Congregational people are making

arrangements for trimming the church in a beautiful manner tor the Christinas services of the Sunday school, winch will be held at the church on Monday evening,when t,he Christmas tree will be unloaded. The program will be as tollows:

Organ Voluntary. Song, Merry Christmas un'to All.—

School. Invocation.

flee., A Scene of Long Ago—Maua Barney.

Solo and Choras, The Shepherds in the Field.

Reo., Happy Christmas—Agnes Lock-hart.

Bee., Thoughts for Christmas—Mabel Lundberg.

Vocal Duet, Wonderful Star—Miss Mamie Port and Miss May Clark.

Rec., Jumble—Bruce Middlebrook. Rec., Once a Year and All the While—

Ellen Johnson. Work for All—Walter Herrick, Ada

Elliot, Mabel Mortell. Song -Daisies—Ada Elliot, Ralph Craig,

Bruce M iddlebrook, Corinne Saunders, Ruby Hocutn and Louis Saunders.

R»-c.. Dolly's Education—Beatrice Elliot. Rec., Go<.d News -Jennie Johnfeou. Ope retta,—Inez Ely, Freddie Poppe,

Helen Wood and Prank Port. Solo, A Santa Claus in Every Home. Rec., You can't oe a Boy but Once,—•

Georgie Thomas. Rec., Christmas in the Home,—Pearl

Bradford. Distribution.of Presents. Song, Chribtmas Lesson—School.


The Christmas exercises for the chil­dren of the Sunday School at the M. E. church will be held Monday evening at the church. Following is the program: Anthem. Prayer. Song By School. Scripture Lesson Mary Nazaiene Salutatory Dolly McCollum Song Infant Class Recitation "Merry Christmas To You All"

Jessie Downie Rec., What 1 Love.... .Nina Vandervort Rec., Santa Claus Marvin Hocum Instrumental Music. .Mr & Mrs 1 ruran Rec , "A Morning Grievance" Myrtle Kerr Recitation Bunny Wood Dialogue Minnie and Ida Emanuel Song~'In The Temple," Mrs. Smithers

Class Recitation I.. Mable Kerr Reo. and Chorous "Christmas Song"

VVyant and Carson Iiall Recitation • Laura Hurlburt Rec. "Christmas Night". .Alfred Schafer Recitation Carson H»ll Instrumental M <sic. .Mr. & Mrs. Truran Song .Nellie Thaver Rec. "Away In A Manger," Lottie

Williatns Solo "Calvary" Miss Hall Song by School

Distribution of presents. Benediction.



Try repeating each of the following quickly three or four times: "A grow­ing gleam giowing green." ,4lhe bleak breeze blighted the bright broom blos­soms," Susan shineth ithoes and socks, socks and shoes shine Susan. She ceaseth shining shoes and socks, lot shoes and socks shck9 Susau."

ciKcicr t'orit'r The tall term of circuit court forGrant

county was opened at the court house last Tuesday morning, with Judge J. O. Andrews presiding.

On the roll call of grand jurors the name of George Empson was substituted for that of Warren Eddy, who is out of the state, and after beicg duly charged the grand jury retired to the sheriff's room in the jail.

The afternoon was occupied in the hearing of several motions from the at­torneys, anil an evening session held for the same purpose.

The case of Botcher vs. Grant county was taken up Wednesday morning, and went to the jury yesterday.

The following disposition of cases on the calender has so far been made:

State vs W. J. Baxter and Joseph Wilson. E. M. Bennett, Bell & Rix and Frank Sears, attorneys for state; T. L. Bouck and H. II. Potter lor defendants. Set for trial.

State vs. Jens Peterson. E. M. Ben­nett, states attorney; Bell & Rix tor defendants. Demurrer to indictment sustained.

State vs. Phillip Rhoder. E. M Ben­nett states attorney; T. L. Bouck lor defendant. For trial.

State vs. Albert Helm. S. F5. Lock-hart, for the state; L. H. Bontley & E. YV. Taylor lor defendant. For trial

State vs. Franklin L. Cameron, E. M. Bennett states attorney: L. H. Bently for defendant. Dismissed «>y grand jury.

State vs. John Swanson, E. M. Bennetf

states attorney; R. B. Smither tor de fendant.

CIVIL CASKS Charles Betcher vs. Grant County,

Belli Bouck for plaintifl; John H. Owen for defendent..

Helimuth Ileuer vs. Albin J. W. liell for plaintiff; II. B for defendant. Set for trial.

William Rudolph vs. Frank Spornitz. Bennett & Movius for plaintiff; John W. Bell for defendant. Dismissed at plain­tiff's costs.

Nicholas Buerger vs. William Paul. J. W Bell & S. S. Lockhart for plaintiff; R. B. Smither for defendant. Settled and stricken from calendar.

Thomas Kippen vs. H. J. Benedict. John W. Bell & S. S. Lockhart for plain­tiff; R, B. Smither for defendant. For trial.

J. W. Stymest & II. R. Cameron vs. D. W. Diggs. H. B. Smither for plaintiff; Thomas L. Bouck tor defendant. For trial.

C. S. Pulver vs. H. J. Benedict. Van Lieu & Hi.ssing, Seward & Stover tor plaintiff; Mellette, Mellette & Case tor defendant. For trial.

Foster R. Clement vs. James W. Barnes D. W. Diggs & E. D. Ely. Thomas L. Bouck & H. H. Potter for plaintiff; Bell & Rix for defendant. For trial.

Richard Tunks vs. W. F. Raymond & H. II. Green. E. M. Bennett for plaintiff; Thomas L. Bouck for defendent. For triaal.

Siberling Miller & Co. vs. H. H. Jones. E.M.Bennett tor plaintiff; John H. Owen for defendant. For trial.

Leonard Williams vs. George Cerny. K. B. Smither for plaintiff; Thomas L. Bouck for defendant. For trial.

Silas N. Hutchinson vs. C. M. & St. Paul Ry. Co. E.M.Bennett for plain­tiff ; Bell & Rix tor defendant. For trial

A. M. Knight vs. Daniel Cameron Biidgett Cameron, M.J.Gordon, R. T. Warner, B. F. Budd. Parliman & Hunt­ington for plaintiff; Gordon Skillman & Warner fo: defendant. For trial.

Frank J. Lee vs. H. J. Benedict. Thomas L. Bouck for plaintifl; John W. Bell for defendant. For trial.

A. K. Pederson vs. Henry Jones et al. S. M. Pasco tor plaintiff; Oweu & Owen for defendant. Pending demurrer.

Stella E Prior vs. Fremont Prior. E. M. Bennett for plaintiff; Bell A Rix tor defendant.

Charles Betcl.er vs. C. M. & St P. Ry. Co. E. M. Bennett tor plaintiff; Belli Rix for defendant. For trial.

Fred Monette vs. Peter Vandervoort. H. B. Smitner for plaintiff; J. H. Owen for defendant. For trial.

John E. Burke vs. John A. Williams. Thomas L. Bouck for plaintiff; Weeden & Hanton for defendant. For trial.

H. C. Dodge vs. W. W. Leavitt. L. H. Bentley for plaintiff; R. B. Smither for defendant. Settled and disna

Bank of Minnesota et al vs. George W. Hawes et al. F. L. Cliff&L. II. Bentley for plaintiffs; T. L. Bouck for Emma Hawes. Pending on motion.

Llnnie A. Williams vs. Franklin Cameron. Bell & Hix for plaintiff; L. H. Bentley for defendant. For trial.

City of Big Stone City vs. L. M. Kaer-cher, Aaron B. Kaereher and B. Sanborn a corporation. T. L. Bouck&E. T Young for plaintiff*; F. L. Cliff E. M. Bennett for defandants. For trial.

William Grier vs. L. M. Kaeroher Aaron B Kaereher and Fred B. Sanborn a corporation. T. L. Bouck & E. T. Young for plaintiff; F. L. Clitl* & E* M. Bennett for defendant. For trial.

Alfred Shimpton & Son vs. S. Goldberg Thomas L. Bouck for plaintiff, S. M. Pasco & Bell & Rix for defendant. For trial.

C. D. Oehler vs. P. H. Foote. Bell & Rix for plaintiff; Elmer Morrill for defendant. For trial.

George Lucas vs. E S. lvIcCollum, Thomas L. Bouck for plaintiff; Owen & Owen for defendant. For trial.

Christian I). Oehler vs. Charles H. Prior. Thomas L. Bouck for plaintiff; Bell & Rix for defendant. For trial.

Siyniest& Camerou vs. Fred Krueger. L. H. Bentley for plaintiff; Thomas L. Bouck tor defeudant. Settled and dis­missed.

Maria Vandervoort vs. Samuel II. Bayard. Owen & Owen tor plaintiff: H. Bentley and Bell & Rix tor defendant

Albert Helm vs. Leonard Williams. L. II. Bentley for plaintiff; S. S. Lock­hart for defendant. For trial.

George Egermeyer vs William Nelson. L. H. Bentley for plaintiff; S. S. Lock­hart for defendant.

Wood Bros vs. W. .1. Currick. J. W. Bell for plaintiff; Owen & Owen for defendant. For trial.

Wood Bros. vs. D. A. & C. J. Carrick. J. W. Bell f3r plaintiff; Owen & Owen for defendant. For trial.

Carter Rittenberg & Hamlin Co vs. Mary E. Baxter et al. S. S. Lockhart tor plaintiff; S. M. Pasco and Bell & Rix for defendant. For trial.

Peter J. Kjosness vs. J. D. Skinner. Bell & Rix for plaintiff; R. B. Smither f >r defendant. Stricken from calender on motion.

Linnie Williams vs. Frunklin L. Cameron. Bell & Rix for plaintifl: L. 11. Bent,ley for defendant. For trialr

Herman Sternbery vs. S. Goldberg. Owen & Owen for plaintiff; E. M. Bennett for defendaut. Settled and dismissed.

Eugene L. Seeley vs. Kate Seeley. Bell & Rix for plaintiff; Thomas L. Bouck for defendant. Pending on mo­tion alimony.

G«orge Egermeyer vs. Christian And­erson. L. H. Bentley for plaintiff.

The Grand Jury, has returned but one indictment so tar, and that has not been made public.

John B. Hanton, Codington County's leading Democratic war-horse, while here, received a telegram announcing his appointment as receiver ot the Water-town Land Office, and the appointment of Col. Mark. W. Shea'e as register ot the same office.

Besides the members of the local bar the attorneys present from abroad are: John B. Hanten and R. T. Warner NVatertown; Elmer Morrill and F. L. Cliff, Ortonville; E. T. Young, Ap-pleton; R. W. Parliman, Webster; II. H. Potter, Aberdeen; A.R.Allen Clear Lake} Curtis Schweigle, Wahpeton N. D.

Sis8eton Inter-Empire.—The school bond blanks are now in the clerk's pos­session and will be given in charge of G. M. Clark, of Milbank, who, we under­stand, is in aposiiion toftoal the stun*. It looks now as though the school ti. uee which we voted for lust June will bloom into an actual reality in the spring. While we regret the inevitable cause which prevented the board fruact currying out the enterprise this fall as orig inally planned yet we are enonuraged by the present prosnects and feel ussureti that early next summer this se)»«tol house will become one et Sisseton's val­uable realities.

for Over Fifty ¥N||.. MRP. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STUUP HPS been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens theguma,allayH all pain, cures wind colic, and is the be*t remedy tor Diarrhoea. Twenty-five . cents a bottle. Sold by all drug£if|lj|. throughout the world. ' *