Fave Fives Harriet Tubman & Oskar Schindler Morgan Sentelle.

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Fave Fives Harriet Tubman & Oskar Schindler Morgan Sentelle.

Fave Fives

Harriet Tubman&

Oskar Schindler

Morgan Sentelle

Harriet Tubman’s Fave Five’s

The Sewards• William and Frances Seward would definitely be on Tubman’s fave five because they were abolitionists who helped her along her journey. They provided her with food and shelter, and kept her hidden from the people who wanted to kill her.

Frederick Douglass

• Harriet Tubman was called the “Moses” of her people. She obtained this name from Frederick Douglass another abolitionist that helped her on her journey to freedom.

• She would have him on her fave five because they developed a great relationship and would probably chat it up for hours.

Sojourner Truth• Sojourner was a woman

very similar to Harriet.

• They were both prominent leaders.

• Their difference was that Harriet took action, and Sojourner did not.

• Truth would be on her fave fives because they have a lot in common and they could discuss their feelings on slavery.

Martin Luther King• Harriet and MLK have a lot in common. Martin Luther King also stood up for slavery. Neither of them believed in using violence to free slaves.

• They probably admire each other for what each did and would love to discuss it. He would be on her fave fives!

Oskar Schindler• Schindler and Tubman were both rescuers of people who were being killed and treated badly. They have a lot of the similar heroic traits.

• I think Schindler would be on Tubman’s fave fives because they both were heroes and could discuss a lot of the ways they helped people.

Harriet Tubman’s Blocked List

Edward Brodas

• Edward was Harriet Tubman’s slave owner. I bet he would try to call her because she is so famous but he would be…BLOCKED!

• Harriet wouldn’t want to talk to him!

Malcolm X

• Malcolm X and Tubman both wanted to help free slaves, but Harriet did not believe in violence.

• She wouldn’t want to talk to such a violent man.

Adolf Hitler

• Tubman was a woman who believed in equality. Hitler wanted everyone who wasn’t like him killed.

• Harriet would definitely not want to talk to this man and would BLOCK him.

John Tubman

• Harriet’s first husband. He was a freed slave, and didn’t support Harriet escaping and helping others escape.

• When she came back he had remarried. I don’t think Harriet would want to talk to him.

Joseph Stalin

• Stalin killed a lot of people for no reason. His situation is similar to the slavery act.

• I don’t think Tubman would want to talk to him at all because she does not agree about anything with him.

Oskar Schindler’s Fave


Amon Goeth

• Goeth was not a true friend of Schindler. Schindler would always bribe Goeth to get Jews to his factory or to be able to do certain things.

• Even though he didn’t like him, he would still probably want him on his fave fives so he could call him up and bribe him if he needs something.

Harriet Tubman

• Harriet and Schindler both saved people from killing because of hatred.

• She would definitely be a favorite of his.

Itzhak Stern

• Itzhak was Schindler’s Jewish accountant. He helped Schindler with his factory, and make the list.

• They had a very close relationship, I’m sure they would still be in touch.

Emilie Schindler

• Emilie was Schindler’s wife.

• They helped each other out a lot. Even though he had a big infatuation with a lot of women, he still truly loved her. She would be in his fave fives.

Morris Dees

• In the beginning Schindler wasn’t much of a caring person, but in the end he grew to love all people.

• I think he would really admire this guy because he fights for civil rights and he would want him on his fave fives.

Oskar Schindler’s Blocked List

Adolf Hitler

• Hitler was one of Schindler’s great enemies. He was the leader of the Nazi’s and the reason Schindler even had to save the Jews.

• He would definitely never want to talk to Hitler.

Joseph Stalin

• Stalin killed a lot of people for no reason. Schindler would not like this guy.

• Stalin would be BLOCKED!


• Himler was also a Nazi leader. He wanted all Jews killed. Schindler did not.

• Schindler would not like Himler calling him. He would be BLOCKED!

Nathan Bedford Forrest• Nathan was once the leader of the KKK. The KKK is a group against blacks. KKK usually tortured and tried to kill blacks.

• Schindler would not like him at all.


• Schindler was a ladies man. Many of the women he had relations with already had husbands.

• He would probably block all of their husbands…