Fast and Easy Ways to Fall Asleep Today

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Transcript of Fast and Easy Ways to Fall Asleep Today

  • 8/2/2019 Fast and Easy Ways to Fall Asleep Today


    Who move my insomnia?

    Learn the secrets How to treat insomnia


    The reader should not regard the recommendations, ideas and techniques expressed and

    described in this book as substitutes for the advice of a qualified medical practitioner or other

    qualified professional. Any use to which the recommendations, ideas and techniques are put is at

    the readers sole discretion and risk.

    All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

    transmitted in any way or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording.

    Book Description


    It's really very wearing - I know that I won't be asleep for at least another 3 hours now, and willwake up tired in the morning. I don't even have lie ins on the weekend, as there's no way I can


    Doctors can't really do anything, their basic diagnosis is normally: 'well, you'll sleep when you

    can'. Can't take sleeping pills as the problem is too chronic for that (I'd have to take them every

    night, and that would risk clinical addiction to them).

    Alas, i don't even have arbitrary on here to have bizarre late night chats with.



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    I know what you want to know:

    1. Do I have insomnia?

    2. What caused my insomnia?

    3. Why are the common ways for insomnia treatment not effective?

    4. What changed in my brain when you have sleep problems?

    5. How to treat my insomnia fast

    (1) How to cleverly take sleeping pills as not to get addicted?

    (2) Non-pharmacological way of treating insomnia

    a. Food to help you fall into sleep fast- Top 6 home remedied for insomnia

    b. Six steps to Induce Self-Hypnosis

    c. How to change your brainwave to the sleepy state?

    These are the exact topics this e-book would cover.

    Now one of the nation's leading insomnia experts would give you a step-by-step method to move

    your insomnia and related problems like snoring, apnea, depression etc.

    Do I have insomnia?



    Im starting to think I have insomnia, for most of my life I have had anxiety and up until last year I

    have been very lucky to at least get 2 hours of sleep. I constantly wake up during the hour of so I

    do get sleep. Im not tired or fatigued after 2 days with no sleep. I have a lower back injury and I

    do not have any disks between my l5 and l4 and I take sleeping drugs as well. This normally

    would knock a person out but after taking the meds I barley feel tired. Im not sure what to do


    What is insomnia?

  • 8/2/2019 Fast and Easy Ways to Fall Asleep Today


    The American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

    defines insomnia as a complaint regarding the quantity, quality, or sleep timing at least 3 times

    a week for at least 1 month.

    It is characterized by one or more of the following problems:

    Difficulty falling asleep

    Difficulty maintaining sleep

    Early morning wakening

    Unrefreshing sleep

    Although insomnia is common, it is certainly not a minor issue. Ongoing sleep problems can

    impact on your functioning during the daytime as well as night. People who do not sleep well may

    also experience:

    Waking not rested

    Feeling extremely tired during the day

    Waking too early

    Fatigue (77%) or depression

    Negative impact on daytime performance

    Their patients' sex lives

    Low mood or easily irritable

    Poor memory & concentration

    Trouble staying alert

    Worry about not sleeping

    Poor work performance

    Conflict in relationships

    Low quality of life

    Approximately 35 percent of the adult population have insomnia during the course of a year. Up to

    seven percent indicate the insomnia is chronic, severe, or both. In contrast to the occasional

    sleepless night experienced by most people, insomnia may be a persistent or recurrent problem

    with serious complications such as anxiety and depression.


    Sleep deprivation has been associated with an increased risk of these medical conditions:

    High blood pressure

    Heart attack





    Treat your insomnia as early as possible to prevent further problems because insomnia

    would easily fall into vicious cycle which I would talk later, and leads to high risk of the

    other diseases.


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    What caused my insomnia?

    Chronic insomnia is often caused by one or more of the following:

    1. Another disease or mood disorder. The most common causes of insomnia are depression and/or

    anxiety disorders. Neurological disorders such as Alzheimers or Parkinsons disease can also

    have insomnia as a symptom. Chronic insomnia can result from arthritis, asthma, or other medical

    conditions in which symptoms become more troublesome at night, making it difficult to fall asleep

    or stay asleep.

    2. Various prescribed and over-the-counter medications that can disrupt sleep, such as

    decongestants, certain pain relievers, and steroids.

    3. Sleep-disrupting behavior such as drinking alcohol, exercising shortly before bedtime, ingesting

    caffeine late in the day, watching TV or reading while in bed, or irregular sleep schedules due to

    shift work or other causes.

    4. Another sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome.

    Are those ways effective?

  • 8/2/2019 Fast and Easy Ways to Fall Asleep Today


    When you try to find insomnia treatment, many people would suggest as follows:

    Having hot bath

    Make Your Bedroom A Sacred Sleeping Space

    Get Some Plants In Your Bedroom

    Try to sleep on your side

    Do certain exercises

    Counting sheep

    Relaxation therapy to reduce anxiety and body tension

    Practice Controlled Breathing

    Practice Whole Body Breathing

    But if you are tied all the time, would you like to do such things? According to the research of 562

    people who suffered primary insomnia in Canada, over 65% people were reluctant to try out such

    suggestions, 30% tried those methods out, only 4% found those methods effective or partially


    Why these methods can not cure your insomnia forever? Because it hardly change what have

    changed in your brain.

    What changes occur in my brain when I have sleep problems?

  • 8/2/2019 Fast and Easy Ways to Fall Asleep Today


    According to the research: (references listed at the bottom of this e-book)

    Compared with normal sleepers, insomniacs show increases in metabolic rate,[1] body

    temperature,[2] and heart rate.[3] They also exhibit higher levels of cortical and

    catecholamines, suggesting increased activity of the stress-response system.

    Their sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) is characterized by higher levels of fast activity and

    reduced levels of slow-wave activity, which are thought to represent increased arousal during

    sleep.[4] Not surprisingly, insomniacs also tend to report themselves as being more awake at times

    when they are behaviorally and physiologically asleep.

    Background information:

    Let's take a look at the background of brainwaves.

    Your brain is a continual hive of electrical activity. The neurons communicate by electrical energy

    in pulses. These are measured in Hertz (HZ). The higher this frequency, the more active your brain

    and so the more awake you are. In your normal waking state, your brainwaves are oscillating at

    around 14-20 HZ. This frequency is known as beta. In this state, you are completely awake and


    As you get into a relaxed mood, your brain waves slow down to around 8-13 HZ. This state is

    called alpha. This is the state you're in when daydreaming or absorbed in a movie or a book. This

    is also the gateway to sleep. You experience it as you're about to drift off. Then, as you slip deeper

    into sleep, your brainwaves slow down more.

    When you get into the realm between wakefulness and sleep, your brainwaves are in theta (4-7

    HZ). This is also the frequency of deep meditation.

    And when you're sleeping, your brainwaves are in delta (0.5-3 HZ). In this state you're truly in the

    happy land of nod and oblivious to the world.

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    How to treat insomnia fast?



    Behavioral therapies and medications have been shown to be effective therapies for insomnia.

    Behavioral therapies use non-pharmacologic methods to improve sleep, and are effective and

    long-lasting. Sleep medications are effective and safe treatments for insomnia when used

    properly and judiciously by a patient who is under the supervision of a sleep medicine or

    primary care physician. A physician should always be consulted before any medications are


    1. Pharmacological Treatment

    Prescribing sleep agents should be based on the severity of daytime symptoms and the likelihood

    that the short-term insomnia, if untreated, could progress into long-term insomnia. The ideal sleep

    agent has a quick onset of action to decrease sleep latency, a duration of action that prevents early

    morning awakenings, and minimal side effects.

    Sleeping pills

    Common description and warning told by most doctors:

    These can help if you're experiencing acute stress, caused by a crisis or a bereavement. They are

    sometimes prescribed to try and break a bad sleep habit. But sleeping pills should not be

    prescribed for more than a few days, because they may be addictive. Their effectiveness decreases,

    over time, and people may experience 'rebound' insomnia when they stop taking them. Newer

    sleeping pills are said to cause less dependency, but such claims should be treated with caution.

  • 8/2/2019 Fast and Easy Ways to Fall Asleep Today


    Clever way to take sleeping pills while not getting addicted

    There is a way, you would take pills and never break the law

    1. The first day, taking half of the pill

    2. The second day, take another half

    3. The third day, take one pill

    4. The forth day, take a half pill

    5. The fifth day, take no pill

    Then you can follow the process on and on. You can add the amount to 1 to 2 pills if you suffered

    more serious insomnia.



    Although this is a way that can allow you take long-term sleeping pills, it could not truth alter

    what has changed in your brain.

    Anyway, you can have a good sleep today and never worry about getting addicted, and when you

    want to stop taking pills, just stop at the last day of the treatment cycle.


    2.Nonpharmacologic Treatment

    (1) Home remedies:

    Food to help you fall into sleep fast- Top 6 home remedied for insomnia



    I suffer from occasional insomnia. Over the years I've become good friends with my family's

    remedies: warm milk, the spoonful of honey and Benadryl. I've had varying success with them

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    1. warm milk: sometimes works

    2. spoonful of honey: sometimes works

    3. Benadryl: usually works but leaves me groggy

    Does anyone out there have other home remedies for insomnia. Do they work for you? Or are they

    just old wive's tales?


    Home remedies are very popular now in that they are natural and would never have side effects.

    And they are delicious too.

    Here are Top 6 home remedied for insomnia

    I choose these because they are effective and simple to make.

    Tip 1:

    Eat at least 3 cups of curds daily.

    Tip 2:

    Mix 2 tsp of honey to 1 glass of warm water. Drink just before sleeping. Give half the amount to

    babies it will help put them to sleep.

    Tip 3:

    Drink warm milk with honey.

    Tip 4:

    1 tsp juice of celery leaves with stalks and 1 tsp of honey.

  • 8/2/2019 Fast and Easy Ways to Fall Asleep Today


  • 8/2/2019 Fast and Easy Ways to Fall Asleep Today


    suggestions at all) embedded into the audio sessions safely and gently guide your brain into sleep

    and help it stay asleep.

    It's certainly better than another program I tried which used binaural beats. As this technology

    needed headphones, I'd fall happily asleep only to wake up shortly after as the phones bit into my

    ear when I turned over.



    A problem many people encountered was that the stereo didn't have a feature to switch off

    automatically. That meant that after you fell asleep, it would on all night.


    (3) Hypnosis therapy

    According to Rainville et al, contemporary scientific

    Theories of hypnosis emphasize:

    1. the changes in phenomenal experience (relaxation, sleepiness),

    2. the engagement or disengagement of specific neurocognitive processes and the effect on

    Performance and on attention and executive control

    3. the psychosocial interaction between the individual and the hypnotist, and

    4. the hypnotic susceptibility of the individual

    Used in conjunction with improvements to sleep hygiene, hypnosis is effective in improving the

    quality of sleep. Hypnosis can be used to uncover reasons for the insomnia dealing with

    subconscious fears and anxieties. Hypnotic suggestions can be used to help the insomniac to havean easy, normal sleep.

    Six steps to Induce Self-Hypnosis

    1. Lie down with your legs slightly apart and your hands not touching.

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    Take a deep breath and release it slowly.

    Be aware of any tension in your toes. Clench them tight and release them, imagining them

    lengthening and relaxing.

    Work up through the muscles of your feet, calves, and thighs, tensing and releasing them

    so that they feel soft and heavy.

    Focus on your breathing. Keep it slow and regular.

    Tell yourself that every time you breathe out, you will feel more and more relaxed.

    2. Tense and release the muscles

    in the lower back and abdomen

    in your chest

    in your shoulders

    through the upper arms

    in the forearms

    in the hands, and

    in the fingers.

    Let tension flow out through your fingertips.

    3. Tense and relax your neck muscles.

    Imagine the tension in your face being smoothed out by gentle fingertips.

    Then let the tension flow from your scalp.

    4. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply.

    As you release each breath, become aware of the drops of tension gently tickling out of

    your body.

    Tell yourself that you have nothing to do but relax.

    Think only of the breath moving in and out of your body.

    5. Without lifting your head, fix your eyes on a spot on the ceiling.

    Roll your eyes back as if you were looking for your eyebrows. Keeping your gaze fixed

    on the spot on the ceiling, take four long, deep breaths.

    Inhale and hold for a count of ten, and, as you exhale, tell yourself to 'sleep now'.

    Repeat four times, holding your breath progressively longer.

    6. Allow a floating sensation to flow through your body and picture ten steps in front of


    Look down the steps into a beautiful garden below.

    See, smell, and sense the garden. Walk down the steps counting backward from ten to one

    with each step. As you walk down each step, tell yourself that you feel more and more

    relaxed. Tell yourself that when you take the final step, you will be deeply relaxed.

    7. Find a place in your garden where you would like to fall asleep.

    Tell yourself, 'I am moving into deep and restful steep.'

    Focus on a positive image of yourself dozing peacefully.

    Lie still and relaxed and keep breathing steadily.

    8. You may fall asleep during the exercise or soon afterward. If not, let yourself,

    'On the count of one, I will return to full awareness.

    On the count of two, I will feel relaxed.

    On the count of three, I will wake feeling relaxed and ready to enjoy restorative steep.'

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    Count to three, open your eyes, stretch, take a long deep breath, and settle down to sleep.

    related resource

    hypnosis music download

    Concluding thoughts

    I hope you've as much fun reading this as I had writing it. Remember there is no set way of

    going about settling your insomnia. Each person is unique and should find his/her own way.

    People like a strong voice but it's much better being wishy washy or being neither here nor

    there. Keep taking action everyday.

    Remember, nothing happens until something moves!

    Success is yours!

    May you have a sweet dream today!

    About The Author

    Dr. Brown

    Dr. Brown was born in Atlanta, Georgia. He attended Emory University,

    where he majored in Chemistry and History. He went to The University of

    St. Andrews in Scotland on an exchange scholarship, where he did a year

    of graduate work in Biochemistry. He then went to Columbia University in

    New York where he earned both M.D. and Ph.D. degrees, with the Ph.D. being

    in molecular immunology.

    It was in New York that he met and married his wife, Tamarah. They moved

    to St. Louis, where he did his postgraduate medical training in internal

    medicine and cardiology at Barnes Hospital of Washington University in

    St. Louis. After completing his training, he moved to Midland, Texas,

    where he went into private practice in Cardiology. He holds an appointment

    as Clinical Associate Professor with Texas Tech University.

    In addition to spending time with his wife and three children, Dr. Brown

    enjoys writing, speaking, running, photography, and scuba diving.


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