Fashion spread favourite 5 - trampoline

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Fashion spread favourite 5 - trampoline

Fashion spread- Lets play

Photo shoot 3, favourite 5

I’ve chosen this photo for one of my favourite five for specific reasons.

Firstly, it’s a full body shot so you can see the whole outfit of what the model is wearing but also, you can the emotion within her face.

Also, it has a broad depth of field so everything is in focus so the image is clear. Also, the pose of the model is unique and un-professional and it looks like she’s having a lot of fun joking around which matches with my theme lets play.

The sky and trampoline outline my model which allows her pose to be brought forward within the image so my photo captured becomes even more interesting and unique.

I’ve chosen this photo for one of my favourite five for specific reasons.

Firstly, it’s a full body shot so you can see the whole outfit of what the model is wearing but also, you can the emotion within her face.

Also, it has a broad depth of field so everything is in focus so the image is clear. Also, the pose of the model is unique and un-professional and it looks like she’s having a lot of fun joking around which matches with my theme, lets play. Although, hair is in her face.

The sky and trampoline outline my model which allows her pose to be brought forward within the image so my photo captured becomes even more interesting and unique.

However, I will need to crop this image if I’m to use it.

I’ve chosen this photo for one of my favourite five for specific reasons.

Firstly, it’s a full body shot so you can see the whole outfit of what the model is wearing but also, you can the emotion within her face.

Also, it has a broad depth of field so everything is in focus so the image is clear. Also, the pose of the model is unique and un-professional and it looks like she’s having a lot of fun joking around which matches with my theme lets play.

The sky and trampoline outline my model which allows her pose to be brought forward within the image so my photo captured becomes even more interesting and unique.

However if I’m to use this image I will have to crop it.

I’ve chosen this photo for one of my favourite five for specific reasons.

Firstly, it’s a full body shot so you can see the whole outfit of what the model is wearing but also, you can the emotion within her face.

Also, it has a broad depth of field so everything is in focus so the image is clear. Also, the pose of the model is unique and un-professional and it looks like she’s having a lot of fun joking around which matches with my theme, lets play. Although, hair is in her face.

The sky and trampoline outline my model which allows her pose to be brought forward within the image so my photo captured becomes even more interesting and unique.

However if I’m to use this image I will have to crop it.

I’ve chosen this photo for one of my favourite five for specific reasons.

Firstly, it’s a full body shot so you can see the whole outfit of what the model is wearing but also, you can the emotion within her face.

Also, it has a low depth of field as the outfit is in focus, however the models face isn’t. This allows the outfit to stand out more. Also, the pose of the model is unique and un-professional and it looks like she’s having a lot of fun joking around which matches with my theme, lets play. Although, hair is in her face.

The sky and trampoline outline my model which allows her pose to be brought forward within the image so my photo captured becomes even more interesting and unique.

However if I’m to use this image I will have to crop it.