FAQ U 25 College Quiz Prelims with Answers

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of FAQ U 25 College Quiz Prelims with Answers


24 questions.

1.Who owns this record label?..Named so because he was inspired by Rockefeller’s entrepreneurial pursuits.

Jay Z

2.This is the mausoleum of which person in Tehran?

Ayatollah Khomeni

3.• This tree is of paramount

importance in a country. Depicted on something that is intimately linked with it’s national identity.

Lebanon flag

4.• X was a long-time baseball fan

and often attended Sugar Kings games at Gran Stadium. In fact, he had been a pitcher during his days at the University. This is him on July 24th, 1959, he staged an exhibition game between Los Barbudos and the Cuban National Police prior to a game between the Sugar Kings and the Rochester Red Wings.


• Faulkner: “________ has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary."• X: "Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big

words?“• Id X.


6.The dance?

• vlc-record-2015-05-30-02h09m42s-dance.mp4-.mp4

The Twist or Chubby Checker

7.• The noun, X means a

group or an alliance united by a common interest. The members of a X are willing participants. It most commonly refers to a group of nations, but it can be a group of anything that has decided to form a team.

Y• As a noun, Y has many

meanings,• A large solid piece of material

A frame with footrests used by sprinters to improve their start

• The main part of an internal combustion engine which houses the pistons.

• A group of buildings bounded by four streets.

• A large quantity of things regarded as a unit

• An act of Y-ing someone or something.

Bloc and block


• These people were very helpful in the planning and execution of the invasion of Sicily. They were involved in assisting the U.S. war efforts. X’s associates found numerous Sicilians to help the Naval Intelligence draw maps of the harbors of Sicily and dig up old snapshots of the coastline. Y offered it’s services to the U.S. Army and became an interpreter and advisor to the U.S. Army military government in Naples.• Who exactly were these helpful people?

CIA and the Italian Mafia


• In 1956, X left his post at University College London, and moved to Calcutta, where he joined the . X's move to India was influenced by a number of factors. Officially he stated that his chief political reason was in response to the Suez Crisis.

JBS Haldane

10.What Film?

• The arena was modeled on a circus in Jerusalem. Covering 18 acres (7.3 ha), it was the largest film set ever built at that time. Constructed at a cost of $1 million, it took a thousand workmen more than a year to carve the oval out of a rock quarry. The racetrack featured 1,500-foot (460 m) long straightaways and five-story-high grandstands.Over 250 miles (400 km) of metal tubing were used to erect the grandstands. Matte paintings created the illusion of upper stories of the grandstands and the background mountains.More than 40,000 short tons (36,000 t) of sand were brought in from beaches on the Mediterranean to cover the track. Other elements of the circus were also historically accurate. racecourses featured a raised 10-foot (3.0 m) high spina, metae, lap counters, and carceres . The four statues atop the spina were 30 feet (9.1 m) high.

Ben Hur

11.Id Both.

Nancy Reagan; Mr. T

12.Connect this show to Hollywood during the 60’s

• Blacklist

13.Put Funda

Truman won The Chicago Tribune was wrong


• X had a half-dozen red roses delivered three times a week to her crypt for 20 years. He refused to talk about her publicly or otherwise exploit their relationship. He never married again. When he died in 1999, his last words were "I'll finally get to see Y.“• Name the sportsperson and his wife.

Joe Di Maggio and Marilyn Monroe

15.Choco pies(Yes you read that right) are being sent over. ‘Who’ is sending them to ‘whom’?

North to South Korea.

16.Give me the exact term.

17.Margaret Sanger was persecuted under the Comstock law for distributing the following magazine. What exactly was in the magazine?

• 18.

First women from respective countries in Space

19.Which brand?

• Originally formulated by General Foods Corporation food scientist William A. Mitchell in 1957, it was first marketed in powdered form in 1959.

• Sales were poor until NASA used it on John Glenn's Mercury flight, and subsequent Gemini missions. Since then, it was closely associated with the U.S. manned spaceflight program, leading to the misconception that it was invented for the space program.


• An important reason that the it was not closed earlier was that doing so would cut off much of the railway traffic. Construction of a new railway bypassing it commenced in 1951. Following the completion of the railway in 1961, closing the barrier became a more practical position.• The people leaving tended to be young and well-educated, leading to

the "brain drain".

The Berlin Wall

21.• A considerable number of people

believe that X did not die in 1977, but went into hiding for various reasons and is still alive. This notion was popularized by the books of Gail Brewer-Giorgio and other authors. Several people even claim to have seen X after he was supposed to have died. One rash of alleged sightings took place in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in the late 1980s. Such reports encountered much public ridicule and became fodder for humorous publications like the Weekly World News.

• What urban legend?

22.Conference Marking the 40th year of which incident?

• The conference was co-sponsored by University of Havana and the US-based National Security Archive among others. It commenced on Thursday 22 March 2001, at the Hotel Palco. • On 24 March, following the formal conference, many of the delegates

and observers travelled by road to Australia sugar mill and the two Playas, the site of the initial incident. A documentary film was made of that trip, released on DVD in 2002.

Bay of pigs invasion


• During World War II, _____________, which was also rich in uranium deposits, supplied the uranium that was used by the United States to build the atomic weapons that were used in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.• Which former colony of a European power in question?

Belgian Congo

24.Id movie and who is he going to try and shoot with the gun?• vlc-record-2015-05-30-02h16m55s-CLASSIC 1973 MOVIE.mp4-.mp4

Day Of the JackalCharles De Gaulle