fan belt alignment-recall 02V-085 - Sign ·...

Post on 01-May-2018

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Transcript of fan belt alignment-recall 02V-085 - Sign ·...


To: All Dealers

From: Ron HughesCustomer Support Division

Subject: Recall 02V-085Supplemental Information

Fan Drive (Formerly VON #49)

Date: June lo,2002

This memo is to advise you of some points that need clarification.

1. If VON #49 has been done the Recall 02V-085 DOES NOT NEED TO BE DONE.

2. We have included a new repair procedure revision 6/7/02. This revision has some verykey areas.

The brackets 62160956 and 62570529 now have the nuts welded to the back of the bracketand now the torque on the shoulder bolt for the upper idler is 104 ft/lbs from the bolt headside.

NOTE: All units already repaired should have the nut for the idler retorqued to 95 ft/lbs fromthe nut side.

Flate Rate # 90-42 - Retorque Idler nut Time: .3 hours

3. The recall notification paper header has changed.

Should there be any questions, contact your Regional Service Manager or contact the writer.

Enclosures: Dealer Notification Revised 6/7/02 Repair Procedure

PSD302BPage 1 of I

Freightliner Corporation is aDaimler Chrysler Company



To: All Dealers

From: Ron HughesCustomer Support Division

Subject: Recall 02V-085 Fan Drive (Formerly VON #49)

Date: April 19,2002

Enclosed are copies of the customer notification letter and the repair procedure forRecall 02V-085. This recall involves certain Thomas MVP-ER’s built in High Point betweenMay 13, 1995 and March 20,200l. Misalignment of the fan drive system components cancause premature belt and pulley bearing wear. Thomas has developed a procedure to correctconcerns of proper alignment of the fan drive system components on the MVP-ER, and toupdate the fan drive system.

This is a universal notification sent to all dealers. You may or may not have customers in yourarea affected by this recall campaign. If owners in your area are involved, we have enclosed alisting of those customers. If vou have a printout and any of the units on it is still in vourpossession, or if you have a unit in for service, it is your responsibilitv to ensure therepair is performed before the unit is delivered to the customer.

We wilJ be notifying your customers within the next few days and instructing them to contacttheir local dealer to advise you of their needs for service. There was a tool kit shipped toeach dealer with units involved to meet the requirements of VON #49 when the Von wasoriginally released in October 2001. We issued one kit to each distributor at no chargehowever, if you wish to purchase additional tool kits you mav do so bv ordering themfrom the PDC part #TBB 85410277. If you have customers involved in this notification,please order your necessary kit #85490018 from your servicing parts distribution center.Please note that fan belts are not part of the repair kit and should be ordered separatelybut you may file the fan belt on the same claim as the recall kit. The time allowance forthis procedure will be 3 hours and the flat rate code for this is 90-35.

If you know of any customers who own or operate a Thomas bus in this recall, whose nameand address is NOT listed or is INCORRECTLY listed on the enclosed printout, pleasepromptly notify Thomas Built Buses of that additional information in writing. Thank you foryour cooperation and assistance.Ron

Enclosures: Repair Procedure Customer Letter Printout (if applicable)

PSD302BPage 1 of 1

Freightliner Cotporatiotz is aDaittzler Chrysler Cottzpany



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