Famous People Exciting Events 20 10 Shots Are Fired 20 10 20 10 Who Said That? Helpful Folks 20 10...

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Famous People Exciting Events 20 10 Shots Are Fired 20 10 20 10 Who Said That? Helpful Folks 20 10...

Famous People










Who Said





AfterAll That

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We rode from Boston to Lexington shouting, “The British are coming!”

Who are Paul Revere and William Dawes?

I was an important writer of the Enlightenment who influenced Jefferson with my theory on ‘natural rights.’

Who was John Locke?

Without my Sons of Liberty, there would have been no ‘tea party,’ Boston style.

Who was Sam Adams?

I wish I could have been General, but at least my signature on the Declaration is at the top!

Who was John Hancock?

Passed in 1765, this ‘Act’ of Parliament required a tax on any item made with paper.

What is the Stamp Act?

Every time Parliament passed a new tax law or act, colonists objected for this reason.

What is, ‘No taxation without representation’?

Parliament passed these ‘Acts’ following the Boston Tea Party.

What were the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts?

Maybe the first time some people started thinking about revolution was when King George III gave this order forbidding settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What was the Proclamation of 1763?

According to John Locke, government must have the _____ of the people in order to rule.

What is ‘consent’ (permission)?

“Give me liberty, or give me death!” roared this speaker. The British did their best to

give him the latter.

Who was

Patrick Henry?

While these people didn’t necessarily agree with every action taken by the British,

they opposed revolution and assisted the British.

Who were the loyalists (Tories)?

This Englishman felt so strongly about freedom that he wrote ‘Common Sense’ to encourage support for revolution and ‘American Crisis’ to urge Patriots not to give up.

Who was

Thomas Paine?

On March 5, 1770, the mixture of British soldiers and taunting colonists resulted in this tragedy which took the lives of several colonists.

What was the

Boston ‘Massacre’?

Crispus Attucks was an African-American dockworker whose

main claim to fame in the Massacre was that he ___

What is -- became the first African-American casualty of

the Revolution?

The First Continental Congress met shortly after the Boston Tea Party and the Intolerable Acts. They recommended that colonists in each town do this.

What is stockpile arms and drill their militia?

Although a lack of ammunition caused their retreat, colonists earned a ‘moral’ victory at this battle by proving their courage against the British army.

What was Bunker Hill and

Breeds Hill?

The Americans had some advantages over the British, but because the Continental Congress couldn’t spend much money, this was NOT one of them.

What is a well-equipped military?

The ‘Shot heard round the world,’ as it was later described, was fired at the outset of this battle.

What is Lexington (and Concord, too)?

Many hands make light work. This battle is often referred to as the ‘turning point’ in the war, because after the Americans won, both France and Spain committed their help as allies.

What was Saratoga?

This unfortunate British general claimed he had the ‘sniffles’ and didn’t show up to officially surrender the troops he lost at Yorktown.

Who was Lord Charles Cornwallis?

“My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country,” said this American spy shortly before the British hanged that life out of him.

Who was

Nathan Hale?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” begins this document

What is the Declaration of


Before attacking the Hessians at Trenton, George Washington’s men heard, “These are the times that try men’s souls…” read to them from this document.

What was ‘American Crisis’ by Thomas Paine?

“Join, or die,” said this elder statesmen in a political cartoon first printed in 1756 and then reprinted in 1776.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?

This young Frenchman joined Washington in Valley Forge and followed him to ultimate victory at Yorktown.

Who was

Marquis de Lafayette?

He was referred to in the Declaration of Independence as a ‘royal brute’ and vowed to crush the rebels with his army.

Who was

King George III?

This African-American woman wrote eloquent poems in support of liberty even though as a slave she had no promise of freedom for herself.

Who was Phillis Wheatley?

Although the Hessians fought as mercenaries for the British, this German made a lasting contribution during the cold winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge by training the Continental soldiers

Who was Baron von Steuben?

These were the three most important reasons that America ‘won’ the Revolutionary War by convincing a superior British force to go home.

What are:• Inspirational leadership, mainly from George Washington

• Fighting for and ideal such as freedom• Assistance from France

Under terms of this document, Britain recognized America’s independence and the United States received lands from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from the Great Lakes to Spanish Florida.

What was the Treaty of Paris of 1783?

Instead of looking for new lands to conquer, at the end of the American Revolution General George Washington decided to ____ .

What is retire to his home in Mount Vernon?

Overthrow ignorance


Pursue happiness…
