Famous “old stuff” in China Unit #2 – EAST ASIA Lesson #5.

Post on 08-Jan-2018

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The Great Wall Describe what the Great Wall looks like, as the video is playing. 2 min. – personal footage

Transcript of Famous “old stuff” in China Unit #2 – EAST ASIA Lesson #5.

Famous old stuff in China Unit #2 EAST ASIA Lesson #5 Exceptional stuff in Old China 1.The Great Wall of China 2.The Forbidden City 3.The Terra Cotta Warriors 4.Trade imbalance in 1400s-1800s (in Chinas favor) 5.Opium War (how drugs can REALLY mess things up!) 6. China fights back The Great Wall Describe what the Great Wall looks like, as the video is playing. 2 min. personal footage THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA - facts Construction started 700 BC Xi Huandi connected the pieces in 200 BC Extensions continued to make it a total of more than 13,000 miles long (more than way around the world) Avg: 20 high, 10wide Built of stone, earth and gravel. The Terra Cotta Warriors Describe what is so amazing about the Terra Cotta Warriors of Shi Huangdi, The first emperor of China. 30 sec. personal footage 3min documentary The Terra Cotta Warriors Qin Shi Huangs burial complex largest in the world Farmers stumbled upon a pit in ,000 life-size terra cotta statues 700,000 workers took 30 years to build 20-square-mile compound horses and chariots Each soldier has distinct facial features The Forbidden City Describe what the Forbidden City looks like, or the size of it. 3min documentary start at 1:30 The Forbidden City the world's biggest ancient palace almost 600 years old 9,999 rooms in 980 buildings 7,747,200 square feet / 180 acres 2x the size of the Vatican 26 ft high surrounding wall, 28 ft wide at the base 20 ft deep Moat outside the wall Hall of Supreme Harmony is Largest structure at 98 ft tall. 9,000 eunuchs lived there. ~1 million laborers built the complex 24 emperors lived there. Early Trade with Europe p. 343 (bottom right) What did the Ming emperors do that made it hard for foreigners to trade with them? Chinese sailing Compare Chinese ships and sailing to European ships and sailing in the 1400s THE OPIUM WAR (DRUGS CAN DESTROY EVEN THE GREATEST CIVILIZATION IN THE WORLD!) What was the background to the Opium War? Europeans had been pushed around by Chinese traders Example: China accepted ONLY gold for Chinese goods, like porcelain and silks The English looked for a way to change that imbalance The English grew poppies in India (one of their colonies), manufactured that into Opium, and Sold Opium to Chinese Traders The traders got addicted, and gave ANYTHING for more opium The English demanded GOLD How did the Opium War start? China demanded an end to Opium imports All Opium was destroyed, and the English traders were jailed England called this an ACT OF WAR, and attacked China China had become too arrogant and isolated for years England had become technologically advanced beyond China English won special trade rights called SPHERES OF INFLUENCE European take over China p. 344 (European Imperialism) 1.Who won the Opium War? 2.By the late 1800s, what had happened to China? (find answer in section labeled Increased foreign influence) THE ENGLISH THEY HAD FALLEN BEHIND. EUROPEANS HAD BECOME MORE ADVANCED (AND MORE STRONG THAN THE CHINESE) Chinese Revolution p What did the Chinese do to resist Europeans? (find your answer at top right of 346) 2. What was the result of such action? 3. What happened in 1911, after the collapse of the government? (and the last emperor, Puyi) THEY PULLED TOGETHER AN ARMY EUROPEANS FOUGHT BACK AND DEFEATED THE CHINESE AGAIN A CIVIL WAR BROKE OUT