Famous bamboo forest of sagano japan

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Famous bamboo forest of sagano japan

Famous Bamboo Forest of Sagano - Japan

Famous Bamboo Forest of Sagano - Japan

In the western outskirts of Kyoto, Japan there is a popular tourist district called Arashiyama. The area has been a

frequent destination since the Heian Period (794-1185), when nobles would enjoy its natural setting. Arashiyama is

particularly popular during the cherry blossom and fall color seasons. Within this area lies the famous bamboo forest of


There is a walking path that cuts through the bamboo grove making for a pleasant and popular trek. When the sun is shining and there’s a gentle breeze to cause the trees to

sway, the setting becomes quite picturesque. The bamboo in this grove is still used to manufacture various products such

as cups, boxes, baskets and mats in the area.