Family presentation phpapp01.pptx [восстановлен] - copy.pptx [восстановлен]

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Transcript of Family presentation phpapp01.pptx [восстановлен] - copy.pptx [восстановлен]


Nelly Chechuy 27.02.2014












mother parents






grandmother grandparents

granddaughter grandchildren

great-grandmother great-grandmothergreat-grandparents

What are the advantages of living with a family?

Answer the questions

What are the disadvantages of living with a family?

Are friends more important than family? What do you think?

How important is a family to a person?


My children's mother is

My son's daughter is

My mother's son is

My cousin's sister is

My niece's brother is

My husband's father is

My sister's son is

My brother's wife is

My cousin's mother is

My mother's mother is

My father's brother is

My grandfather's wife is

My parents' daughter is

My nephew's sister is


A family is group of people that are related to each other by birth, marriage, or adoption. Some family members look alike, while others look completely different.


Nuclear Family

Consists of a mother and father and their child or children

Single Parent Family

Consists of a mother or father and their child or children

Extended FamilyAn extended family includes grandparents, parents, children, siblings, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and cousins

Blended Family

A family that includes children from a previous marriage of the wife, husband, or both parents

Foster parents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becoming the child's legal parents

Foster Family

What difficulties do you think single parents face? With a partner, draw a picture of a typical family in your country

Do you think all types of family are important? Why?

Would you prefer to live in a nuclear family or in extended family?

Family1. a family man a man who likes to

spend a lot of time with his wife and children

2. like one of the family

as if someone were a member of one's


3. run in the familyan ability or talent that is passed on through the generations

Family4. in a family way  pregnant

5. black sheep of the family

the worst member of one's family

6. mum's the wordit's a secret, don't tell anyone

Family7. a father figure someone that you

can turn to for advice and support

8. child's play / kids' stuff

an easy task that requires little effort

9. blood is thicker than water

family ties are stronger than any others, despite arguments

FamilyThe family is one of nature's

masterpieces. ~George Santayana

The Bean-Pole Family

What are disadvantages and advantages of the “bean–pole” family?


In your opinion what are the most difficult things parents have to do?

What are the worst mistakes parents can make?

When do you need your family most?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an only child?

Answer the questions

In time of test, family is best ~Burmese Proverb


It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. ~Johann Schiller

Answer the questions

When do you need your family most?

Should grown-up children be responsible for looking after their elderly parents?

How is a parent’s love different from a child’s love?


A popular newspaper “Arguments and Facts” announced a contest “Who is the best person in the world?” They received more than 2000 letters with the answers. People named John Lennon, Yuri Gagarin, Yuri Nikulin and others.

Jesus Christ took the 2nd place with 25% of votes.

And who was in the 1st place with 30% of votes?


Family Relationships
