FAMILY LEARNING DAY Keynote Speaker · Chocolate: From Cocoa Bean to Chocolate Bar (Session 3)...

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Transcript of FAMILY LEARNING DAY Keynote Speaker · Chocolate: From Cocoa Bean to Chocolate Bar (Session 3)...

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April 7, 2018

Moraine Park Technical College

700 Gould Street

Beaver Dam, WI



9:00 – 9:30am Keynote: Mary Crave, Dodge County

4-H Alumnus, USDA International Programs

9:40 – 10:40am Session 1

10:50 – 11:50am Session 2

11:50am—12:35pm Lunch hosted by TBD

12:35 – 1:35pm Session 3

1:45 – 2:45pm Session 4


Registrations received after March 21 will have a $5 per

person late fee, providing there is room in the sessions.

Mail Registrations to:

Dodge County UW-Extension Attn: 4-H Program

127 E. Oak Street, Juneau, WI 53039

Questions? Call 920-386-3790

Pre-registration REQUIRED… NO WALK-INS!

EACH person fills out s SEPARATE form!

EACH person selects a choice for each session.

ALL pay $3.00 registration fee (including adults)

plus 1st Choice session fees (if applicable).

2nd & 3rd Choice MUST be indicated.

(If course has a limit or is cancelled, you automati-

cally receive your #2/#3 choice. If NO 2nd choice

is indicated, you WILL receive ANY course open!

If you sign up for a session that requires a fee or

supplies you will be notified if you do not receive

your first choice.)

Registrations sent in without payment will not be


Keynote Speaker Mary Crave, Dodge County 4-H Alumnus

USDA 4-H International Programs

If 4-H Looked like the World Are you a typical kid? Have fun seeing how the US

and you compare to other countries in language, food,

religion, school, energy use, and other daily activities.

What can we learn from people in other countries?

Mary Crave has been involved with 4-H international pro-

grams for almost 40 years starting as a 4-H exchange par-

ticipant to Sri Lanka, as a group leader to several countries

with both 4-H members and volunteers, as a volunteer lead-

er, and now working with 4-H in Africa. Since her first ex-

change, she's been to more than 40 countries on several

continents and has traveled to

Africa almost 50 times!

Mary was an Extension agent

and specialist in Wisconsin for

40 years, has worked with

USDA programs in Africa, and

now works for extension inter-

national programs in other

states. She lives in Madison

when she's not running around

the world.

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Family Learning Day Session Offerings

April 7, 2018

Moraine Park Technical College (MPTC), Beaver Dam

9:40-10:40am 10:50-11:50am 12:35-1:35pm 1:45-2:45pm

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

Swine Project for Beginners YQCA

Shoulder Bag Composition/Intro to Photo Trick Photography

Go International with 4-H Tack It Up Cake Decorating Basics Advanced Cake Decorating

Rabbits Doves and Pigeons Machine Embroidery Plant Slant Cooking

Bovine Genetics Dog Safety Safe Bicycling Skills Smartphone Movie Making

Meal Prepping Snacks Mystery of Meat Fun with Dairy Promotion Identifying WI Trees

Attracting Hummingbirds Careers in Agriculture RoboSumo RoboSumo

Intro to Martial Arts Intro to Martial Arts Trapping Burlap Wreath

Cloverbud/Exploring Craft PVC Fun Craft Stenciled Sign Recycled Crafts

Crime, Cops, & Clues Crime, Cops, & Clues Chocolate: From Cocoa Bean to

Chocolate Bar Native American Artifacts

Country Sign Sheep Play Ball! Play Ball!

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Advanced Cake Decorating (Session 4) Fee $6. Limit 15. Khandra Henderson and Noel Weber-Eedy. Participants will

learn how to make flowers and some advanced decorating techniques. Each participant will receive 3 tips and a flower

nail to take home. Children under 8 years old need an adult to accompany them.

Attracting Hummingbirds (Session 1) Fee $2. Limit 15. Chris Jacobs and Carol Shirk. Hummingbirds are a treat to

have in the garden. They play an important role as pollinators and are entertaining to watch. They can be quite feisty

when protecting their territory, are very acrobatic as they hover and dart up and down and even backwards, and can be

very vocal with their squeaky chirps and twitters. Hummingbirds are creatures of habit, they return about the same time

each year and will return to the same spot. Give them a reason to return to your garden year after year. Participants will

be able to make a hummingbird feeder to take home.

Bovine Genetics (Session 1) Dennis Gunst. What are the best bulls to use on your cows? Learn to interpret available

data from the sire summaries and bull stud catalogs. Dennis will cover dairy genetics and beef genetics. Counts for 1

point on Dairy Project or Livestock Project Member Activity Card.

Burlap Wreath (Session 4) Fee $4. Limit 10. Kris Rennhack. Learn how to make a Christmas or spring burlap wreath.

Kris will show you how to put the wreath together and how to add decorations using your choice of ribbon.

Cake Decorating Basics (session 3) Fee $6. Limit 15. Noel Weber-Eedy. Learn different techniques to cover cakes and

how to stabilize a layered and tiered cake. Each participant will receive their own Styrofoam mold to decorate and a dec-

orating bag with coupler, tip and icing scraper. Children under 8 years old need an adult to accompany.

Careers in Agriculture (Session 2) Char les Crave. “Let’s take a look at careers in agr iculture and how to get

there.” Counts for 1 point on Dairy Project or Livestock Project Member Activity Card.

Chocolate: From Cocoa Bean to Chocolate Bar (Session 3) Limit 25. Russell Tietz, Director of Technical Sales for

Clasen Quality Chocolate, Madison. Come and learn about the science of processing, manufacturing and application of

Chocolate. Learning and tasting are done in this session.

Cloverbud/Exploring Activity (Session 1) Jan Zander . Make a sock puppet. If you have a colorful, fun sock you

want to use bring it along or use one that will be provided.

Composition/Intro to Photography (Session 3) Anne Rosenau. Join the fun while learning some fundamental skills

that will help you become a photographer. For all ages and experience levels. Please bring your camera, even if it is your

phone or tablet! (Camera not required for attendance.)

Country Sign (Session 1) Fee $1 Limit 15. Rae Geb. Make a country sign to hang in your favorite room. Paint on a

piece of wood and spray with varnish. Younger members will need to have an adult with them.

Crime, Cops and Clues (Session 1, 2) Mike Beisbier , Detective Water town Police Dept. The Science behind police

investigations. Detective Beisbier from Watertown PD will discuss current evidence collection and processing trends,

and how investigation duties differ from uniformed officers’ duties.

Dog Safety (Session 2) Limit 25. Veronica Richards and Maria Richards. This is an interactive class. There will be a

dog safety presentation describing how to act around friendly dogs and what protective behaviors to use around strange

dogs. Participants will have the opportunity to practice with Badgerland Animal Reading and Comfort Companions

(BARCC) trained animal therapy teams. Participants younger than Cloverbuds need parent supervision.

Doves and Pigeons (Session 2) Chr is Krenke and Don Schwandt. Whether performing, showing or utility there’s a

bird for everyone. Bring your questions for answers. Counts for 1 point on your Small Animal Project cards.

Fun with Dairy Promotion (Session 3) Brenda Conley. Have you herd there is a new Dairy Ambassador for the

county? Do you promote dairy through your club or would like to know how you can do to promote dairy? Then this is

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the session for you! Meet the new ambassador and learn different ways to promote dairy within your club or communi-

ty. Any club can do it even if you don't have anyone in the dairy project. Also learn about the funding that is available

to help your club with promoting dairy. (This session is a requirement if you want to request funds). We will also be

playing a fun dairy promoting game that you can use after the session with your club. If you have a smartphone or Ipad/

tablet you are encouraged to bring it to this session.

Go International with 4-H (Session 1) Mary T. Crave. This session will give an overview of 4-H international pro-

grams in Wisconsin from activities you can do at club meetings to how you can travel to other countries or host boys

and girls in your home and 4-H club.

Identifying Wisconsin Trees (Session 4) Steve Ziobro. Steve has 35 years of exper ience as a nurseryman and will

give a Power Point presentation on "How to Identify Wisconsin Trees." He will also have samples of leaves and twigs

and seeds to pass around, as well as a handout with a dichotomous key that he made to aid in tree identification.

Introduction to Martial Arts (Session 1, 2) Scott Krenz. This class is designed to offer a fun look into the wor ld of

martial arts training. The focus will be on building confidence, focus and discipline. Students will learn age appropriate

basic kicking, blocking, striking and self-defense skills in a fun safe environment. No experience necessary. Classes will

be taught by Black Belt Instructors from Martial Arts America.

Machine Embroidery (Session 3) Instructor from Nancy’s Notions. Learn what it takes to go from sewing to em-

broidering! See how embellishing or personalizing a sewn project or a thrift store purchase will make the item come to

life with a fun embroidery design! A Nancy’s Notions instructor will explain the basics of machine embroidery.

Meal Prepping Snacks (Session 1) Fee $3. Sara Menard. Ever gotten home from school and didn’t have a snack?

Come to this class to learn healthy and fun snacks you can prep on the weekends to always have something to pack in

lunches and on the go. Snacks will be available to take home. Counts for 1 point on Dairy Project Activity Card.

Mystery of Meat, (Session 2) Amanda Young. Undress the Mystery of Meat. Learn about the types of beef, pork,

and lamb meat cuts and products. Calculate dressing percentages and see if your taste buds can tell the difference be-

tween meat types. Counts for 1 point on Livestock Activity Card.

Native American Artifacts (Session 4) Bob Krueger Rock River Archeological Society (RRAS). Native American

history will come alive when Bob shares his knowledge of Native American Indians and talk about the artifacts that he

has collected.

Plant Slant Cooking (Session 4) Fee $2. Limit 15. Janelle Wiebelhaus-Finger. Have you heard of Blue Zones Project?

This well-being initiative in Dodge County encourages you to eat more plants to help you live longer, better. Make tasty

and healthy plant-based dishes from soups to snacks and taste them too.

Play Ball! (Session 3 or 4) Mark Case and Jeff McKean. Join Mark and Jeff as they look forward to another ex-

citing season of baseball. They will share their love of the National Pastime with stories of nostalgia, memorabilia and

trivia. Bring your own ballpark memories to share along with the group.

PVC Fun Craft (Session 2) Fee $4. Jan Zander . Build a lounge chair for an 18 inch doll or small dog or cat.

Rabbits (Session 1) Bill Meyer . Learn about anatomy, body par ts and animal care with the Rabbit project.

Counts for 1 point on Small Animal Project Card.

Recycled Crafts (Session 4) Fee $1. Limit 10. Connie Alderden. Recycling is good for the environment and if you’re a

dedicated crafter, it can also save you money. Explore some ways to recycle common items that you have at home.

There will be examples for inspiration and we’ll also do a couple of make and takes. Bring a sharp paper cutting scissors

and have an apron or paint shirt handy for this workshop.

RoboSumo (Session 3 or 4) Limit 16, 3rd grade and up. Brian Lerwick and the Beaver Dam RoboHackerz Robotics

Team. Customize a robot to compete in a battle with another robot to see which robot can push the other out of the com-

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petition ring. Participants will be introduced to the LEGO MindStorm platform and gain a basic understanding of robot

construction and programming.

Safe Bicycling Skills (Session 3) Dale Oestreich & Deb Vomhof. Dale and Deb from Water town Share the Road

will discuss Wisconsin bicycle laws, the importance of a proper bicycle ‘fit’ and bicycle safety; including proper attire,

lights and techniques. They will also discuss basic bicycle maintenance, different categories of bicycling, and infor-

mation about safe, fun trails and routes throughout Dodge County and surrounding area.

Sheep (Session 2) Jan Phillips and Josh Voigt. This is a discussion for new sheep members and will cover the

basic information needed to make this a successful year, and to be able to show at the Dodge County Fair. It is for all of

those questions the new exhibitor doesn't realize they need to ask. Counts for 1 point on Livestock Project Member Ac-

tivity Card.

Shoulder Bag (Double Session 1-2) Limit 10. Anna and Tara Schultz. We want to help you on your journey into suc-

cessful sewing! Want a quick fun bag that is safe to hold all your treasures with its zipper closure? This class is for

you. Learn basic sewing skills as you create a bag that will make you proud. Bring the following supplies: ½ yard den-

im, 1-yard cotton or nylon webbing for shoulder strap, 2- 12” zippers, thread, scissors, pins, cutting supplies, and your

sewing machine in good working order.

Smartphone Movie Making (Session 4) Karen Huismann and Jourdan Westenberg. Lights! Camera! Action! The

professional staff from Watertown TV will show you how to make a movie on your smartphone. From basic film mak-

ing techniques to special tips and shortcuts. Come to this hands-on workshop and you will walk out ready to direct your

own movie!

Stenciled Sign (Session 3) Fee $5. Limit 10. Connie Alderden. Wood signs are very popular and are a wonderful

way to add a rustic touch to your home. However, they can be expensive. In this workshop we’ll take a look at some

methods for creating your own wood signs and will stencil a project that you can use for your home. Bring an apron or

paint shirt for this workshop.

Swine Project for Beginners (Double Session 1-2) Eric Salmi. This is a beginner’s swine class. We will cover all the

required tools and material for showing. Along with the required paper work – start to finish. We will talk about pulling

DNA samples, ear tagging, taking pictures and suppling the county with the information they need. Also what to expect

at the fair – what happens play by play on each day. Counts for 1 point on Livestock Project Member Activity Card.

Tack It Up (Session 2) Bethany Cameron, Leslie Schreier and Kathryn Witzel. Cleaning, care and different kinds of

horse tack will be covered. This session counts as a meeting requirement for the Horse Project.

Trapping (Session 3) Ken Tietz. Ken will have his fur collection of all the different animals and a couple pictures

of some unique versions of a couple animals he has caught. He will also show many of different styles of traps and

what they are used for and how they are used. Also showing somewhat where and how you would place the different

traps. Ken will address any questions you have.

Trick Photography (Session 4) Minimum 8. Anne Rosenau. Have you ever wanted to bench press your buddies?

Nosh on a neighbor? Stomp on your sister? Sounds weird, right? You can learn how to make it LOOK like you’re doing

all that and more by attending Trick Photography. Use your creativity to fool the eye. So come scale a wall, be as limber

as a pretzel, and perform feats of strength you never thought possible. (Cameras recommended but not necessary.)

YQCA (Double Session 3-4) Fee $3 Amanda Young. Youth for the Quality Care of Animals replaces MAQA. For

all livestock members to learn about caring for their animal projects and insuring a quality food product. Required for

youth showing Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Rabbits or Poultry at the State Fair. Required for county fair swine

project members. Will additionally need to enroll for certification at ($3 cost for in person training paid

to YQCA upon class enrollment). Counts for 1 point on Dairy, Livestock or Small Animal Project Member Activity
