False choices

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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False choices. Agenda 21 and Your Property Rights. UN Agenda 21 – A Global to Local Action Plan,. …called Sustainable Development. Property Rights Matter. Without property rights there is no freedom or liberty. “unalienable” right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of False choices

Slide 11
…called Sustainable Development
In this presentation you will learn how the UN’s Agenda 21, or Sustainable Development affects property ownership. You will also find sources for additional information.
“unalienable” right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
- Declaration of Independence
Without property rights there is no freedom or liberty.
As Americans, our property rights matter. Land, buildings and material goods are the means by which we live. Without rights over our property, we have no rights over our very means of SURVIVAL; and [C1] are therefore no longer free.
Our Founding fathers knew this and declared our rights [C2]unalienable, meaning no person could ever take them away.
Property Rights Matter
“No person shall be…deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”
- U.S. Constitution, Amendment V
So critical are property rights that our Constitution protects them in the Fifth Amendment. [C1] “No person…shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; ...”
Individual rights and freedoms are two elements that make America exceptional.
Not all nations think that way.
What is “Sustainable Development?”
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
1987 Brundtland Report to UN,
Our Common Future
“Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems.”
Sustainable development was coined in a 1997 report to the UN called, “Our Common Future.” It is defined as, [C1] “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
This sounds fine, until you read the report.
It states [C2] “Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems.”
It then blames nations like the U.S. for consuming too much and having too much wealth, much of it in the form of private property.
The report concludes the only way to make the future sustainable, is to reduce America's living standards and transfer our wealth to developing nations.
18,000 people attended
The radical ideas promoted in “Our Common Future,” were codified as Agenda 21 - at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development, known as the Rio Earth Summit. [C1] 18,000 people from around the world attended.
Agenda 21, according to UN literature, is a “comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the UN system…in every area in which human beings impact the environment.”
June 1992, George H.W. Bush signs Agreement in Rio to implement Agenda 21/Sustainable Development in U.S.
June 1993, Bill Clinton signs EO creating the President’s Council on Sustainable Development to begin implementation in federal agencies.
June 2011, Barack Obama signs EO creating WH Rural Communities Act enabling implementation of Sustainable Development in 16% of U.S.
1997, The U.S. Conference of Mayors creates the Joint Center for Sustainable Communities.
2001, The National Governor’s Association endorses Smart Growth advancing statewide Sustainable Development.
More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21, including [C1] George HW Bush for the U.S.
Although congress never approved the program, Pres. Clinton established, by [C2] executive order, the President's Council on Sustainable Development ,whose stated purpose was to implement Agenda 21 in the U.S.
The PCSD operated through 1999, but its actions are now [C3] embedded in every federal agency and influence state and local communities across the U.S.
President Obama’s Executive Order 13575 created [C4] The White House Rural Council which further authorized every federal agency to oversee all “food, fiber and energy” needs for all rural sustainable communities in America.
The UN groups use the terms Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 interchangeably. Most people never heard of Agenda 21 and here’s why…
“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many…who would actively work to defeat any elected official…undertaking Local Agenda 21.
“So, we will call our process something else, such as ‘comprehensive planning’ ‘growth management,’ or ‘smart growth.’”
J. Gary Lawrence
“The Future of Agenda 21 in the New Millennium” – The Millennium Papers
J. Gary Lawrence
- Urban Strategies Leader, Arup Consulting
- U.S. Smart Growth Leadership Council
J. Gary Lawrence is a world leader in Smart Growth. He served as advisor to the President’s Council on Sustainable Development.
Writing for the Millennium Papers, a strategic planning publication for Agenda 21, Lawrence said:
[C1] “Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many…who would actively work to defeat any elected official…undertaking Local Agenda 21.
[C2] “So, we will call our process something else, such as ‘comprehensive planning’ ‘growth management,’ or ‘smart growth.’”
And they have…
Open spaces
Walkable communities
Environmental justice
Multi-use dwellings
Buffer zones
Agenda 21 uses fuzzy names that blanket it in environmental causes like: [C1]
Smart growth
Open spaces
Historic preservation
…to name a few.
Regardless of the name. The intention is to remove [C2] this… called urban sprawl,…and replace it [C3] with this.
“States shall resolve all their environmental disputes peacefully and by appropriate means in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.”
Principle 26, UN Rio Declaration, Agenda 21
Core UN Political Philosophy
Human Rights
Amendment V:
“nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”
Man’s rights are inherent to his nature as man. As such, they are unalienable.
Article 17 Sec 2:
“Property shall not be arbitrarily taken”
Man’s rights are granted by other men. As such, they can be taken away by men.
Agenda 21 mandates that all States, including the U.S. , must “resolve all environmental disputes peacefully and in accordance with Charter of the UN.”
Not our own nation’s laws.
[C1] Our Constitution says that “Man’s rights are inherent to his nature as a man and as such, as unalienable.”
This is in direct opposition to the UN Declaration which holds [C2] that "man's rights are granted by other men and therefore they can be taken away by men.”
Community Rights UN Declaration of Human Rights
Purpose of Government
Protect the natural or unalienable rights of each individual. “That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights…”
Control the individual for the greater good of the global community. “Rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations…”
You are born with rights. Government exists to protect them. You and the product of your labor belong to you.
Government grants, restricts or withdraws your rights according to its needs. You and the product of your labor belong to the community.
Sustainable Development’s political agenda originates in the UN’s founding documents. This is not surprising since the many nations represented needed a point of agreement to rally around. The UN Charter provided that.
Whereas our Declaration of Independence [C1] protects our citizens and their labor, the UN Declaration [C2] grants government the authority to withhold your property for the good of the community.
To implement Sustainable Development in the United States, unalienable rights such as the right to property must be eroded or struck down altogether.
Social Equity
Economic Prosperity
Ecological Integrity
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
3 E’s
The authors of Agenda 21 said it will affect every area of all human life, grouped according to three objectives: [C1] Equity, Economy, and Environment.
By defining these terms vaguely, a litany of abuses in States, Counties and local communities has resulted.
rubber-stamping pre-conceived plans,
using manipulative “visioning” and “consensus” sessions to create the appearance of public buy-in,
and acquiring grants from sources with questionable motives,
…the entire process of implementing Sustainable Development policies is suspect.
Social Equity
“individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective” in the process of implementing Sustainable Development.
- Harvey Ruvin
Keynote Speaker at ICLEI 2010
Laws coerce individuals to give up personal wants for needs of the community
Social Equity means [C1] using the law to restructure American life.
The authors of Sustainable Development knew their objectives, would clash with those of the average US citizen. Therefore, to achieve their objectives, they call for a shift in attitudes.
The premise of Sustainable Development is: That individual human wants, needs, and desires must conform to the views and dictates of planners.
Harvey Ruvin, Executive member of ICLEI has said that [C2] “individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective” in the process of implementing Sustainable Development.
Secretary General UN Agenda 21 - Rio 1992
“...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”
Maurice Strong – Opening speech at Agenda 21
Redistribution of American wealth
Free market replaced by public/private partnerships
S13 Maurice Strong, at his opening speech at the Agenda 21 Earth Summit in 1992, said – [C3]
“...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”
Agenda 21 Preamble –
“The developmental and environmental objectives of agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries.”
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development , Article 8 –
“…equity will be achieved through implementation of the international economic order …and through transfers of resources to developing countries…”
Transfer of Wealth
According to Agenda 21’s preamble, [C1] “The developmental and environmental objectives of Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries.”
This declaration mandates, if the conditions of the poor are to be improved, wealth must be taken from the rich, in our case, U.S. property owners.
Sustainable Development planners use conservation easements, eminent domain, re-authoring of master community plans, enhanced regulations and millions of dollars in grant money to acquire private property as the means to redistribute wealth both in theory and practice. This is effectively lowering the US standard of living to that of the rest of the world.
Agenda 21 states that [C2] “…equity will be achieved through implementation of the international economic order ... and through transfers of resources to developing countries....”
In addition to its appeal for the international redistribution of wealth,
PPP’s provide lucrative contracts for those companies partnering with the government and non-governmental agencies, while [C2] non-partnered companies struggle to survive against their subsidies, regulations, tax-breaks, and insider privilege. With it goes the free market system.
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development –
“Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development.
They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.”
Principle 1
unsustainable patterns of production and consumption…”
- Principle 8
Sustainable development places nature over man.
According to the Rio Declaration: [C1]
“Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development.” We are only entitled to a healthy life IF it is in harmony with nature.
It continues… [C2] “To achieve sustainable development…States should reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption…”
Most people support laws to protect the environment, Sustainable Development uses the environmental movement as the means to promote a political agenda.
ICLEI is the non-governmental organization tasked with rolling out sustainable development
Once fully implemented, ordinary people will be left unprotected from de facto decrees placing nature above man, while relegating man to the status of a “biological resource.”
The method of implementing Sustainable Development in communities is alarming.
Projects are often initiated by groups such as [C1] ICLEI or the American Planning Association who create fear over problems portrayed as a crisis:. Farm land development, urban sprawl, poor water management, wildlife preservation, or too many cars on the freeway are examples.
[C2] Stakeholder council meetings are typically arranged under the auspices of soliciting input from community members. Often these are [C3] already supporters of the plan.
Surveys poll a small number of residents and include loaded questions such as:
[C4] “Which of the following areas do you think should be protected or acquired?”
[C5] A typical stakeholder council meeting is run by a trained facilitator. His job is not to enter all views into the record. But to guide the group to a predetermined “consensus.”
Tactics vary between facilitators, but consensus generally is reached by subtly marginalizing opposition, while recording the “good” ideas, and allowing criticism only for the “bad” ideas.
A treasure trove of boilerplate solutions
Once a problem has been identified, every NGO, non-profit, and local government body has a [C1] vast stock of boilerplate solutions at hand, enabling them to identify “problems” with the goal of implementing predetermined outcomes that advance Sustainable Development policies.
The same stock solutions are applied in Stockholm, Boulder, Santa Cruz or anywhere in the world.
ICLEI, whose mission is to help local governments implement Sustainable Development, has worldwide offices and operates in over 600 US communities.
Today, every county in the US has Sustainable Development directives guided by federal agencies, NGOs, and/or ICLEI.
American Museum of Natural History, NY
Center for Environmental Legal Studies
Center for International Environmental Law
Center for Plant Conservation
Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Park
George Wright Society
US Department of the Interior
NGO’s often gain local community compliance with promises of funding grants.
Their list of money sources is impressive and includes the Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club, the National Audubon Society, the American Planning Association, and the National Teachers Association.
Over two thousand NGOs are accredited by the United Nations for the purpose of implementing Sustainable Development in America. They receive massive tax advantages from the I.R.S.
This map shows the UN’s vision for our country’s land use when sustainable development is fully implemented. The black areas are where humans will be permitted to live.
Sustainable Development is a plan for global control, using land and resource restriction, social transformation through education, and other programs. The land use element of Sustainable Development calls for two action plans designed to reduce or eliminate private property: the Wildlands Project, and Smart Growth. Upon implementation, all human action is subject to control.
 Sometimes called “comprehensive planning” or “growth management,” Smart Growth is the centralized control of every aspect of urban life including: energy and water use, housing, population growth and control, public health and dietary regimens, resources and recycling, social justice and education, toxic technology and waste management, transportation and air quality, business and economic activity.
Communities are pushing back
Citizens are becoming aware.
Commissioners in Carroll County Maryland abolished the Office of Sustainability. [C1} Spartanburg, South Carolina; Las Cruces, New Mexico; New Rochelle, NY; Lodi, New Jersey; Carver, Massachusetts and dozens of other communities are either pulling out, or pushing back against ICLEI, the American Planning Association and Smart Growth.
5 Steps to Protect Your Rights
Refuse federal or state money for new Sustainable Development programs and
transition out of existing ones.
2. Avoid partnerships with the federal government, NGOs, foundations, and corporations that advance the anti-liberty Sustainable Development agenda.
3. Understand your role in the community as a public official: to administer government in a manner that protects individual liberty and ensures equal justice.
4. Know and apply the US and your state’s Constitution to which you swore an oath. Pay particular attention to Article 1, Section 8 and the 9th, 10th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution. These address the limits on federal power and on the states’ police power.
5. Hold all government employees accountable to honor their signed oath to protect our individual rights.
Here are 5 steps you can take to restore and protect liberty
1. [C1] Refuse federal or state money for new Sustainable Development or Smart Growth programs that jeopardize rights; and transition out of existing programs.
2.[C2] Avoid partnerships with the federal government, NGOs, foundations, and corporations that advance the anti-liberty Sustainable Development agenda.
3. [C3] Public officials, understand your role in the community: to administer government in a manner that protects individual liberty and ensures equal justice.
4. [C4] Know, and apply the US Constitution and your State’s constitution to which you swore an oath. Pay particular attention to Article 1, Section 8 and the 9th, 10th and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. These address the limitations on federal power and the states’ police power.
[C5] Hold all government employees accountable to honor their signed oath to protect our individual rights.
Our local communities are in peril because a small group seeks to convince us that
unless we surrender our property and freedoms; unless we subsume our individual
rights to the good of the community, the planet will not survive.
Yet, this is a false choice. For over 200 years Americans have protected our planet,
our nation and our liberties. As communities, we can pull together to create our
own plans to improve the environment without the control of international groups
and the seductive lure of easy federal grants.
Together, we can save our environment, and keep our rights and freedoms. That is the real choice.
[C1] Our local communities are in peril because a small group seeks to convince us that unless we surrender our property and freedoms; unless we subsume our individual rights to the good of the community, the planet will not survive.
[C2] Yet, this is a false choice. For over 200 years Americans have protected our planet, our nation and our liberties. As communities, we can pull together to create our own plans to improve the environment without the control of international groups and the seductive lure of easy federal grants.
[C3] Together, we can save our environment, and keep our rights and freedoms. Working together is the real choice.
Here are some resources to check for more information. Thank you.