Fall 2013 - acfe.com · acfe chapter, volunteering on acfe ... Seminars (pgs. 11-18) Basic courses...

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Transcript of Fall 2013 - acfe.com · acfe chapter, volunteering on acfe ... Seminars (pgs. 11-18) Basic courses...

What’s Inside: � 2014 ACFE European Fraud Conference, pg. 9

� 25th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference, pg. 10

� CFE Exam Prep Course™, pg. 20

Hone your skIlls InsIde and outsIde of tHe offIce by participating in your local acfe chapter, volunteering on acfe committees or serving as an advisory council member 4

Beyond the CuBiCle

anti-fraud resource GuideFall 2013GLOBAL EDITION

2 | LEARN MORE Visit ACFE.com CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

table of ContentsMembership and Certification (pgs. 3-6, 11, 20)

Beyond the Cubicle ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Membership Benefits and Membership Application ..............................................................6 and Insert

CFE Exam Review Course .........................................................................................................................11

CFE Exam Prep Course™ ..........................................................................................................................20

ACFE Learning Events (pgs. 7-17)

Calendar of Events ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Conferences (pgs. 8-10)

2013 ACFE Asia-Pacific Fraud Conference in Singapore ............................................................................ 8

2014 ACFE European Fraud Conference in Amsterdam ............................................................................ 9

25th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference in San Antonio, Texas ..........................................................10

Seminars (pgs. 11-18)

Basic courses

Principles of Fraud Examination ................................................................................................................12

Conducting Internal Investigations ...........................................................................................................13

Professional Interviewing Skills ................................................................................................................14

Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud ......................................................................................................15

Intermediate courses

Fraud Risk Management ...........................................................................................................................16

overview courses

new! Bribery and Corruption .......................................................................................................................17


ACFE Webinars .........................................................................................................................................18

ACFE Bookstore (pgs. 20-31)

CFE Exam Prep Course .............................................................................................................................20

Self-Study CPE ..........................................................................................................................................22

Books and Manuals...................................................................................................................................30

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners is registered with the Na-tional Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individ-ual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org.


*Reservations subject to availability. I understand if I reserve a room at the course hotel, the hotel may disclose to ACFE non-financial reservation infor-mation, (name, dates of stay), for the purpose of updating and confirming the event room block. By registering for this event, I grant the ACFE or anyone au-thorised by the ACFE, the right to use or publish in print or electronic format, any photographs or video containing my image or likeness for any promotional purpose, without compensation.

†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

ACFE self-study courses do not require advanced preparation. For more infor-mation on ACFE self-study courses, in-cluding fields of study and learning ob-jectives, please visit ACFE.com/Shop.

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, ACFE, the ACFE Seal, ACFE Logo, Cer-tified Fraud Examiner (CFE), CFE Exam Prep Course™ and Fraud Magazine™ are trademarks owned by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc.

©2013 by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc.

LEARN MORE Visit ACFE.com CALL +1 (512) 478-9000 | 3

his was Ng Siew Kwan’s response to the question,

“What is your personal motto?” Kwan, CFE, CIA, Senior

Manager of Corporate Investigations Group for Dow

Chemical in Singapore, was recently interviewed for an ACFE

member profile (see pg. 5 to read the full interview).

What do we do when nobody’s looking? Are we the same

person outside of our 9-5 role? It is apparent that most ACFE

members are like Kwan, striving to remain ethical inside and

outside of the office, with no attention paid to who is looking.

Kwan’s response is a perfect example of the character

anti-fraud professionals exhibit even when there are no specific

rules in place to address an ambiguous and fading line in the

sand, or as he puts it, “when nobody’s looking.” This is shown

in the lives many of our members lead outside of the office in

their “spare” time. They serve on the boards of local chapters;

they volunteer for committees and the ACFE Advisory Council;

and they go the extra mile to ensure the fight against fraud isn’t

restricted to normal business hours.

The opportunities for you to become more involved as

an anti-fraud professional, network with people from all over

the world, build your résumé, give a little back or just step

outside of your comfort zone by speaking at a local event are

out there and waiting for you. Here are a few ways you can

take your unique skill set beyond the cubicle:

Become active in your local acfe chapterInvolvement in an ACFE chapter can be much more than just

an inexpensive lunch. Not only does participation in a chapter

offer you the chance to earn CPE credits, network and devel-

op leadership skills, it also opens the door to opportunities for

members to have a positive effect in their communities.

One of our most inspiring stories highlighting the power of

an ACFE chapter is from a couple of years ago. The leader-

ship of the Spokane Chapter asked its members to participate

in the Justice for Fraud Victims Project. They worked with

graduate students from Gonzaga University, investigators

and prosecutors to review and submit cases the Assistant

U.S. Attorney’s Office did not have the manpower to inves-

tigate. Chapter members helped the students test theories

and prepare reports on their findings. They spent time with

Beyond the CuBiCle

“Ethics is how you practise it when there is no specific policy

or when nobody’s looking.”


4 | LEARN MORE Visit ACFE.com CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

the students reviewing books and records, and

ultimately, proving a white-collar crime to a jury.

After months of combing through state-

ments and bills, the students found that the

treasurer of a local Knights of Columbus

Chapter was writing checks to himself. Thanks

to the members of the Justice for Fraud Victims

Project, the people who may not have other-

wise had any prospect of recovering ill-gotten

gains received justice.

Jeff Kubiszyn, ACFE Chapter Program Manag-

er, summed this kind of achievement up nicely.

“It’s a rewarding experience when you see the

positive outcome of a local project, and it is one

of the reasons chapter involvement is a tremen-

dous benefit to ACFE membership.” Visit ACFE.

com/chapters to find a chapter near you.

Volunteer on an acfe committeeWithout committee volunteers many of the goals of

the ACFE would not be attainable. Through the Chapter

Awards, Higher Education, Membership Awards and

Scholarship Committees, the ACFE is able to acknowl-

edge the achievements, challenges and priorities of a

prospering and growing association.

Martha McVeigh, CFE, former ACFE Regent, served

on the Membership Awards Committee from 2005-

2009. Working with other CFEs, she reviewed nomina-

tions and selected winners for the annual awards that

are announced at the ACFE Global Fraud Conference.

“Reading these nominations was an eye-opening expe-

rience and showed me the remarkable achievements

and selfless acts of my fellow CFEs,” McVeigh said.

“My most memorable experiences were making the

professional contacts and friendships with other com-

mittee members. Serving on one of these committees

will bring you in contact with exceptional individuals

and introduce you to other CFEs. You have an opportu-

nity to honour your colleagues or chapter.”

Learn more about volunteering on an ACFE com-

mittee at ACFE.com/volunteer.

Join the acfe advisory councilWe wanted to create an easy and valuable way for

members, the true experts in fraud prevention and de-

tection, to provide us with their unique perspectives,

thoughts and ideas on ways we can better serve them

and the fraud-fighting community. So, in 2012, thanks

to the vision of James D. Ratley, CFE, ACFE President

and CEO, and John Gill, J.D., CFE, ACFE VP-Education,

the ACFE Advisory Council was created. Since then it

has grown to more than 650 members worldwide and

assisted the ACFE on important decisions regarding

the style and usability of ACFE.com; assisted in the

improvement of course materials like Auditing for In-

ternal Fraud and Health Care Fraud; and provided ideas

on how we can make our conferences and seminars

more beneficial for attendees.

Not only is this a way to provide candid feedback

regarding what you need as a member, but it is a prime

opportunity to build your résumé while helping to

shape future course materials, seminars and products

of the ACFE. Find more information and apply to join

the Advisory Council at ACFE.com/advisory.

Serving on one of these committees will bring

you in contact with ex-ceptional individuals and introduce you to other CFEs. You have an op-

portunity to honour your colleagues or chapter.

LEARN MORE Visit ACFE.com CALL +1 (512) 478-9000 | 5

cfe’s advice: find a Mentor, stay educated Born and raised in singapore, ng siew kwan, cfe, cIa, moved to the U.S. for an education in finance, beginning a path that would lead him to a career in fraud examination. He currently serves as Senior Manager, Corporate Investigations Group for Dow Chemical in Singa-pore, where he investigates frauds in the Asia- Pacific region and India including asset misappro-priation, corruption schemes, theft of intellectual property and other issues.

did you always plan to pursue a career in fraud examination? No, in fact my interest in fraud examination took flight when I was an internal auditor. I was always cu-rious to follow up on some of the audit findings that were passed on to the Corporate Investigation Group for further investigations. I was fortunate that after six years with internal audit there was an opportunity for me to join the Corporate Investigations Group.

How did you become passionate about fighting fraud? I realised the importance of proper corporate gov-ernance and fighting fraud after seeing the effects and consequences of the collapses of Enron and WorldCom.

What has been most memorable about your career thus far? What has truly been indelible in following this career track has been working in remote locations in some

of the most developmentally challenged countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Gathering and coaxing information from strangers, investigating timelines, potential fraudulent events and piecing together a fraud jigsaw puzzle have often been highlights of my experiences thus far.

What career advice do you have for those just starting out in the fraud-fighting field? Identify a good mentor. Most fraud-fighting skills are honed and culled from broad exposure and ex-periences. It is important that young fraud-fighting professionals attach themselves to an experienced investigator. Keeping abreast of the technology available is imperative. One also needs to keep being educated in the “what,” “how” and “why” in which fraud is being committed. Being one or many steps ahead is always a powerful tool to arm oneself with to fight the ever-growing sophistication of fraudsters everywhere.

What activities or hobbies do you like to do outside of work? Online gaming and skiing. n

Beyond the cubicleWhether by speaking at local chapter lunches,

reviewing award nominations or ACFE materi-

als in the wee hours of the night or mentoring

an eager, entry-level new hire in your office,

ACFE members are going beyond the cubicle

to grow professionally, give back to an ev-

er-evolving industry and stay one step ahead

in a field that requires constant learning. We

know Kwan isn’t an anomaly in this industry.

A countless number of fraud fighters all over

the world are going the extra mile, especially

when no one is looking. n

“Ethics is how you practise it when there is no specific policy

or when nobody’s looking.”

6 | LEARN MORE Visit ACFE.com/Membership CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

exclusive Member Resources:• Publications — Stay on top of the latest trends and new

developments, gain access to exclusive articles and videos, and find news, analysis and commentary on the global fight against fraud in a variety of formats including magazines, blogs and e-newsletters.

• Savings on Anti-Fraud Training — Last year ACFE members saved nearly $3 million on the best anti-fraud training available.

• Articles and Reports — Dig into a wealth of relevant anti-fraud articles and reports on a variety of topics that reveal deeper insights into the various aspects of fraud.

• Tools — Risk assessments, sample documents and a database of CFEs to assist you with your most confound-ing fraud issues are just a few of the many tools available to ACFE members.

• Videos — Topics ranging from former Olympus CEO and whistleblower Michael Woodford telling his story to career videos targeted to anti-fraud professionals are available in our extensive and diverse video library.

• Podcasts — The ACFE’s monthly podcast, Fraud Talk, breaks down case studies, interviews the industry’s leading experts and provides the tools you need to spot, fight and prevent fraud.

• Online Career Center — Features a targeted job board; free monthly career webinars from top authors and career experts; career path information; advice from experts in the areas of career development, human resources, self-employment and career transitions; and résumé evaluations by an award-winning author and former hiring manager.

• Free Webinars — Earn free CPE while staying abreast of new topics with free, members-only webinars.

the CFe Credential:• Obtain the Certified Fraud Examiner

(CFE) credential and position yourself as an anti-fraud expert, helping to further your professional growth and advance your career. Only ACFE members may become CFEs.

• Increase your earning potential — According to the 2013/2014 Compensation Guide for Anti-Fraud Professionals, CFEs earn 25 percent more than their non-certified colleagues.

• Improve your marketability and job security — Robert Half International identifies the CFE as “in-demand…one of the most marketable credentials today,” and A.E. Feld-man, a leading executive search firm, states, “…the CFE has emerged as the gold standard in the area of fraud.”

Membership and CertificationToday, more than 65,000 ACFE members are protecting our

global economy and ensuring integrity in the marketplace by

leading the fight against fraud. Position yourself as a leader

in your profession by joining the ACFE. Gain access to com-

prehensive anti-fraud resources, expert training opportuni-

ties and valuable member benefits that will help you reach

your professional goals.

The ACFE gives our firm continuous connection to a higher caliber of investigative professionals. We have observed that executives who are ACFE members have more advanced skills in the field. Regular exchange of information with other members helps our firm maintain the highest level of excellence.

David Pelligrinelli President, AFX Title, LLC

REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/training CALL +1 (512) 478-9000 | 7

Calendar of events

2014 ACFE European Fraud Conference 23-25 MarchAmsterdam, The Netherlands

4-20 EUR 1,325 EUR 1,475

Fraud Prevention 10 FebruaryAtlanta, GA

8 $295 $395

new! Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud 11-12 February 16 $695 $845

Conducting International Investigations 13-14 FebruaryAuckland, New Zealand

16 $795 $945

Principles of Fraud Examination 14-17 April Austin, TX 28 $1,195 $1,395

Legal Elements of Fraud Examination 23 April Chicago, IL

8 $295 $395

new! Tracing and Recovering Fraud Losses 24-25 April 16 $695 $845

Mortgage Fraud 7-8 April Columbus, OH 16 $695 $845

Fraud Risk Management 23-24 January Dallas, TX 16 $795 $945

Bribery and Corruption 20-21 January Hong Kong 16 $795 $945

Bribery and Corruption August 2014 Jakarta, Indonesia 16 $795 $945

Auditing for Internal Fraud 6-7 March Kansas City, MO 16 $695 $845

Fraud Risk Management August 2014 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16 $795 $945

CFE Exam Review Course 24-27 February Las Vegas, NV 28 $1,895* $1,895*

Financial Statement Fraud August 2014 London, UK 16 $795 $945

new! Bribery and Corruption 3-4 March Los Angeles, CA 16 $695 $845

CFE Exam Review Course 27-30 January Miami, FL 28 $1,895* $1,895*

Fraud Risk Management 16-17 January Mumbai, India 16 $795 $945

Conducting Internal Investigations 3-4 February New Orleans, LA 16 $695 $845

new! Detecting Fraud Through Vendor Audits 19 May new York, nY

8 $295 $395

Professional Interviewing Skills 20-21 May 16 $695 $845

Fraud Risk Management 3-4 April Ottawa, ON 16 $795 $945

CFE Exam Review Course 28 April-1 May Phoenix, AZ 28 $1,895* $1,895*

new! Effective Report Writing for Fraud Examiners

29 JanuaryPhoenix, AZ

8 $295 $395

new! Uncovering Fraud with Financial and Ratio Analysis

30-31 January 16 $695 $845

25th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference 15-20 June San Antonio, TX 4-40 $1,550 $1,750

Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud 24-25 April Singapore 16 $875 $1,040

Professional Interviewing Skills 17-18 February Sydney, Australia 16 $795 $945

2014 ACFE Canadian Fraud Conference September 2014 Toronto, Canada TBD TBD TBD

Auditing for Internal Fraud July 2014 Vancouver, BC 16 $795 $945

CFE Exam Review Course 17-20 March Washington, D.C. 28 $1,895* $1,895*

Event Title Dates Location CPEACFE Members


CFE Exam Review Course 4-7 November Austin, TX 28 $1,895* $1,895*

Principles of Fraud Examination 9-12 December Austin, TX 28 $1,195 $1,395

new! Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud 6 NovemberHouston, TX

8 $295 $395

new! Money Laundering Schemes 7-8 November 16 $695 $845

Building Your Fraud Examination Practice 11 December

Las Vegas, nV

8 $295 $395

new! Controlling the Risk of Asset Misappropriation

12-13 December 16 $695 $845

UPdATed! Contract and Procurement Fraud 16-17 December San Diego, CA 16 $695 $845

2013 ACFE Asia-Pacific Fraud Conference 20-22 November Singapore 4-20 $1,250 $1,375

Legal Elements of Fraud Examination 4 November Tampa, FL

8 $295 $395

Financial Institution Fraud 5-6 November 16 $695 $845

2013 events (sorted by location)

2014 events (sorted by location)

3 wAys TO sAvE!

early registration savingsFind the events that you want to attend. Register and pay before the Early Registration Deadline listed for the event (generally one month before event start date) and saVe $95 or more off of the regular price for the event.

combo event savingsRegister to attend two events being held con-secutively in select cities and receive $100 in savings! Combo events are designated with this icon:

Group savingsSelect the event that best suits the learning needs of your group. Gather a team of at least three or more individuals to register together. Call the ACFE at +1 (512) 478-9000 to determine your savings.

*Event price includes the cost of the 2013 CFE Exam Prep Course software. Participants who own an older version of the Prep Course may register for a discounted fee. Visit ACFE.com for rates.

Schedule subject to change. Visit ACFE.com/Training for the most up-to-date Calendar of Events.

8 | REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/AsiaPac CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

Register today! Visit acfe.com/asiaPac

hotel informationMarina Bay Sands10 Bayfront AvenueSingapore, 018956Room Rate**: SGD 340 single/doubleTo reserve your room, call +(65) 6688 8889 or email groups@marinabaysands.com with group code SCACFEA.

CPe Credit4-20

Course levelBasic-Advanced

Advanced PreparationNone


**Reservations subject to availability.

†Accessible from landline phones only.

• Learn the latest trends in fraud prevention, detec-

tion and deterrence during interactive sessions,

educational workshops and an informative panel


• Meet with high-level and distinguished speakers

from leading companies in the Asia-Pacific region.

• Gain insights to best practises from experienced

practitioners and learn about cutting-edge fraud

detection tools and techniques.

• Network and forge strong alliances with new and

existing contacts who share similar challenges

and goals.

2013 ACFe Asia-Pacific Fraud Conference

What challenges do companies in the Asia-Pacific re-

gion face in the fight against fraud? How is fraud detected

and prevented by key executives from these companies?

What are some of the tried and tested strategies used by

leading practitioners?

Join fellow anti-fraud professionals from the Asia-Pacific region in Singapore, 20-22 November 2013 and:

D. Bruce Dorris, J.D., CFE, CPA, CVAVice President and Program Director, Association of Certified Fraud ExaminersUnited States

Keynote SpeakersJohn GeurtsExecutive General Manager, Group Security & Group Property, Commonwealth BankAustralia

Jeffrey RobinsonAuthor, Lecturer and JournalistUnited Kingdom

Nagesh PingeChief Internal Auditor, Tata MotorsIndia

Conference Fees

Registration Packages* standard Registration(after 21 October 2013)

Full Conference (includes Main Conference and Pre-Conference)

ACFE Members ........................ $1,250Non-Members ......................... $1,375

Main Conference Only ACFE Members ........................ $1,075Non-Members .......................... $1,200

Pre-Conference Only ACFE Members ........................... $295 Non-Members ............................. $395

*Registration fees listed in USD.

Group RegistrationFor details or to register, contact an ACFE Member Services Representative at AsiaPacific@ACFE.com or call:

Australia 1800269819

Hong Kong 800903626

Beijing, China +861084054248

India 0008001004023

Indonesia 0018030152027891†

Malaysia 1800816715

Philippines 180011160789

Singapore 8001301773

SinGAPoRe20-22 november 2013

CPE CrEdit:4-20

REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/European CALL +1 (512) 478-9000 | 9

hotel informationHilton AmsterdamApollolaan 138, 1077 BG Amsterdam, The NetherlandsRoom Rate**: EUR 235 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off Date: 21 Feb. 2014Reservations: +31 (0) 20 710 6005 or reservations.amsterdam@hilton.comEarly Registration Deadline†: 24 Feb. 2014

CPe Credit4-20

Course levelBasic-Advanced

Advanced PreparationNone


**Reservations subject to availability. †Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Register early and save!† Visit acfe.com/european

Benefits:• Learn from prominent global presenters in a variety of

information-packed sessions that provide insight into the challenges that affect professionals today throughout Europe and around the world.

• Gain insight from experts in the field into the way fraud is evolving and hear about the latest developments in anti-fraud efforts to keep pace.

• Learn about cutting-edge fraud detection tools and techniques.

• Explore best practises from Europe’s top companies.

• Enjoy extended networking with colleagues who share your challenges and goals.

2014 ACFe european Fraud Conference

Join anti-fraud professionals in amsterdam

for the 2014 ACFE European Fraud Conference to exchange

insights and develop cutting-edge skills in the global fight

against fraud. In addition to attending informative sessions

offering practical techniques and tips, network with leaders of

Europe’s anti-fraud community and earn up to 20 CPE credits.

Conference Fees

Registration Packages* Early Registration (by 24 February 2014)†

standard Registration(after 24 February 2014)

Full Conference (includes Main Conference

and Pre-Conference)

ACFE Members .....EUR 1200 Non-Members .......EUR 1350

ACFE Members .....EUR 1325Non-Members ...... EUR 1475

Main Conference Only ACFE Members .....EUR 1150Non-Members .......EUR 1275

ACFE Members .....EUR 1275Non-Members .......EUR 1400

Pre-Conference Only N/AACFE Members .......EUR 275 Non-Members .........EUR 365

*Registration fees include 21% VAT. Credit cards will be charged the U.S. dollar equivalent of total fees. Differences may occur due to bank currency translations.

Group RegistrationBring a team of three or more from your organi-sation and save an additional EUR 25 on Full and Main Conference packages.

For details or to register, email a Member Services Representative atMemberServices@ACFE.com or call +1 (512) 478-9000.

AMSteRdAM, the netheRlAndS23-25 March 2014

CPE CrEdit:4-20

10 | REgistER NOw Visit FraudConference.com CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

Register today! Visit fraudconference.com

hotel informationGrand Hyatt san antonio600 E Market St.San Antonio, TX, USA, 78205Hotel Phone: +1 (210) 224-1234Room Rate**: $169 single/double (limited gov’t rate rooms available)

Hyatt regency san antonio123 LosoyaSan Antonio, TX 78205Hotel Phone: +1 (210) 222-1234Room Rate**: $169 single/double (limited gov’t rate rooms available)

Hilton Palacio del rio200 Alamo Street San Antonio, TX 78205Reservation Phone: +1 (210) 222-1400Room Rate**: $169 single/double

Book your accommodation by 21 May 2014 at one of these hotels to receive the acfe group rate.**

Venue informationHenry B. Gonzalez Convention Center200 E. Market St.San Antonio, TX 78205 USA

CPe Credit4-40

Course levelBasic-Advanced


**Reservations subject to availability.

†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

• choose from more than 70 sessions on the latest anti-fraud issues, featuring international speakers addressing global concerns.

• connect with anti-fraud professionals from more than 60 countries.

• take the next step in your career with professional development opportunities.

• discover the latest anti-fraud products and services from leading vendors.

25th Annual ACFe Global Fraud Conference

Join almost 3,000 anti-fraud professionals as the

ACFE Global Fraud Conference heads to Texas for its 25th

anniversary. As the world’s largest anti-fraud event, the

2014 conference will be a can’t-miss opportunity to gain the

knowledge, resources and connections you need for the

global fight against fraud.

Special Rates for international AttendeesAttendees traveling from outside of North America are eligible

to receive a special rate. To register with this rate, please

contact a Member Services Representative at

+1 (512) 478-9000 or download the International Attendee

Registration Form at fraudconference.com/International.

Conference Fees

Registration Packages* International Pricing

Full Conference (Includes Pre-, Main

and Post-Conference)

ACFE Members ..........$1,100 Non-Members ............$1,300

Main Conference Only ACFE Members .............$800Non-Members ............$1,000

*Registration fees listed in USD.

explore San AntonioSan Antonio’s River Walk, Spanish colonial architecture, and

fountain-laden parks and plazas make it one of America’s

most picturesque cities. Today, this 17th-century metropolis

is the seventh-largest city in the nation with contemporary

venues and lavish accommodations, all while maintaining

an old world heritage exuded through diverse artistry, ethnic

cuisine and an intimate and exquisite culture.

THe 2013 ConFeRenCe soLd oUT. don’t miss out — register today!

CPE CrEdit:4-40

SAn Antonio, tx15-20 June 2014

REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/ExamReview CALL +1 (512) 478-9000 | 11

Register early to save $100†! Visit acfe.com/examreview


CPe Credit28

Course levelBasic

Benefits of Attending:• structured learning environment — Learn how to

prepare for the CFE Exam

• fast track — Participate in an intense, 3½-day preparation period

• Instructor-led — Guidance from experienced instructors

• Interactive sessions — Participate in open discussions on a variety of topics in fraud prevention

• team environment — Meet others preparing for the CFE Exam and CFE instructors who will help you organise study sessions to review materials, and provide you with tips and processes designed for the working professional’s busy schedule

Who Should Attend:• Anyone who prefers learning in an instructor-led,

classroom setting

• Individuals who favor table discussions with peers and experienced instructors

• Those who need extra encouragement to take the CFE Exam

CFe exam Review CourseIf you are pursuing the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential, the CFE Exam Review Course will help you master the concepts tested on the CFE Exam: financial transactions and fraud schemes; law; investigation; and fraud prevention and deterrence. The 3½-day, instructor-led course provides the essentials needed to prepare for the CFE Exam and be-come a Certified Fraud Examiner. This course, in conjunction with the CFE Exam Prep Course software (pg. 20), will provide you with an unbeatable combination for passing the Exam.

Heightened fraud awareness combined with new laws and regulations have increased the already growing demand in the workforce for professionals who are highly skilled at fighting fraud. The CFE credential is the premier certifica-tion for anti-fraud professionals around the world. CFEs are specialists in the deterrence, detection and investigation of fraud, and possess a broad range of skills that uniquely qual-ifies them to effectively combat fraud.

What’s included:• The CFE Exam Prep Course — a $945 value!

• Course materials that outline the Exam and aid in preparation

• Essential knowledge from experienced instructors

PrerequisitesThis course is designed to review material required to pass the CFE Exam and assumes a basic knowledge of fraud examination princi-ples. If you are unfamiliar with the basic tenets of fraud examination, we recommend taking the Principles of Fraud Examination (pg.12) course in advance.

*Event price includes 2013 CFE Exam Prep Course. Participants who currently own an older version of the CFE Exam Prep Course can register for a discounted rate and get an upgrade to the 2013 CFE Exam Prep Course. Extra fee applies for taking the Exam off-site.

take the exam at the eventTake the Exam on-site while the material is still fresh in your mind. Go home knowing you’ve passed your CFE Exam and earn your CFE credential within days.

CPE CrEdit:28

Upcoming 2014 Courses

MiAMi, Fl 27-30 January lAS VeGAS, nV 24-27 February WAShinGton, d.C. 17-20 March Phoenix, AZ 28 April-1 May neW yoRK, ny 14-17 July

ChiCAGo, il 18-21 August WAShinGton, d.C. September 2014 nAShVille, tn 27-30 october AuStin, tx3-6 november

learn more by visiting acfe.com/examreview


12 | REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/POFE CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

Register early to save $95†! Visit acfe.com/Pofe

ScheduleAustin, TX 9-12 December 2013Omni Austin Hotel DowntownHotel Phone: +1 (512) 476-3700Room Rate*: $189 single/double(limited gov’t rate rooms available)Hotel Cut-Off Date: 8 Nov. 2013Early Registration Deadline†: 8 Nov. 2013

Austin, TX 14-17 April 2014Omni Austin Hotel DowntownHotel Phone: +1 (512) 476-3700Room Rate*: $199 single/double(limited gov’t rate rooms available)Hotel Cut-Off Date: 14 March 2014Early Registration Deadline†: 14 March 2014

Austin, TX15-18 December 2014AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center1900 University AvenueAustin, TX 78705Hotel Phone: +1 (512) 404-3600Room Rate*: $159 single/double(limited gov’t rate rooms available)Hotel Cut-Off Date: 14 Nov. 2014Early Registration Deadline†: 14 Nov. 2014

FeesACFE Members: $1,195Non-Members: $1,395

CPe Credit28

Course levelBasic


*Reservations subject to availability. †Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

you Will learn how to:• Interpret the causes of fraud, and how to prevent and

deter future frauds by detecting red flags

• Conduct all steps of a fraud investigation, from planning the investigation and interviewing prospective witnesses to report writing

• Detect fraudulent financial transactions and conduct fraud risk assessments

• Identify occupational fraud schemes and external threats of fraud

• Analyse and manage financial information and recognise financial statement fraud

• Examine the legal issues that affect fraud examinations including rules of evidence, key legal rights and privacy issues, and testifying

Who Should Attend:• Business professionals, educators and students interest-

ed in the anti-fraud field

• Experienced fraud examiners seeking to complement their practical experience with the knowledge of leading anti-fraud experts

• Individuals who are considering starting a practise focused on fraud deterrence and detection

• Anti-fraud professionals interested in becoming Certified Fraud Examiners

Principles of Fraud examination

Build a solid foundation in fraud prevention, detection

and deterrence with Principles of Fraud Examination, the most

comprehensive course on the subject. Explore the four basic

areas of fraud examination: fraud prevention and deterrence,

law, financial transactions and fraud schemes, and investiga-

tion. This course is taught by leading practitioners who will pro-

vide best-practises guidance and expert insight on dealing with

the professional challenges you encounter daily.

For 3½ days, immerse yourself in anti-fraud training while in-

teracting with colleagues and peers. The course includes lec-

tures, group discussions and video presentations.

While in austin, attend the Open House reception at ACFE Global Headquarters. This will provide you the unique opportunity to experience the Fraud Museum exhibit, tour the building and meet ACFE staff members as you visit the home of the world’s premier anti-fraud association.

CPE CrEdit:28

Upcoming CoursesAuStin, tx9-12 december 201314-17 April 201415-18 december 2014

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

Register early to save $95†! Visit acfe.com/cII

REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/Cii CALL +1 (512) 478-9000 | 13

ScheduleAuckland, New Zealand13-14 February 2014Hilton Auckland New ZealandHotel Phone: +64 (0)9 978 2000Room Rate*: NZD 305Hotel Cut-Off Date: 28 January 2014Early Registration Deadline†: 13 January 2014

FeesACFE Members: $795Non-Members: $945

CPe Credit16

Field of StudySpecialised Knowledge and Applications

Course levelBasic


*Reservations subject to availability.

†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Fees vary by location.

you Will learn how to:• Implement the steps involved in conducting an internal


• Pinpoint legal issues that might arise during an internal investigation

• Use computer and Internet technology to make your internal investigations more effective

• Execute methods of collection and analysis of internal and external documents

• Conduct admission-seeking interview techniques

• Confidently testify as a witness

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement


• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• IT professionals

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

Conducting internal investigations

conducting an internal investigation can be a

difficult task. An investigation into employee wrongdoing can

be costly, disruptive and time-consuming, and can also lead to

a variety of legal problems and other unexpected complications

if it is not conducted with the utmost care and confidentiality.

Conducting Internal Investigations will prepare you for every

step of an internal investigation into potential fraud, from re-

ceiving the initial allegation to testifying as a witness. In this

course, you will learn how to lead an internal investigation

with accuracy and confidence by gaining knowledge about various topics, such as relevant legal aspects of inter-

nal investigations, using computers in an investigation, collecting and analysing internal and external information,

interviewing witnesses and writing reports.

CPE CrEdit:16

Upcoming CoursesAuCKlAnd, neW ZeAlAnd13-14 February 2014

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

14 | REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/Pis CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

Register early to save $95†! Visit acfe.com/PIs

ScheduleSydney, Australia17-18 FebruaryThe Langham Sydney89 – 113 Kent StreetSydney, New South Wales, 2000 AustraliaHotel Phone: +61 (2) 9256 2222Room Rate*: AUD 305 singleHotel Cut-Off Date: 15 January 2014Early Registration Deadline: 17 Jan. 2014

Fees**ACFE Members: $875Non-Members: $1,040

CPe Credit16

Field of StudyCommunications

Course levelBasic


†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

*Reservations subject to availability.

**Registration fees include 13% GST.

Fees vary by location.

you Will learn how to:• Plan and schedule interviews

• Comply with legal issues that affect interviews

• Identify different types of interview questions for individual personality styles

• Detect deception and create strategies to gain quality information

• Obtain confessions and signed statements

Who Should Attend:• Business professionals who conduct interviews

• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement personnel

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs, CAs and forensic accountants

• Loss prevention and security professionals

• Business professionals, educators and students interested in the anti-fraud field

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

Professional interviewing Skills

are people lying to you? Do you know for sure?

When do actions speak louder than words? Fraudsters, cli-

ents, customers, colleagues and even your own employees

may each be hiding something from you. This two-day, in-

teractive course will teach you how to be more effective in

asking direct and follow-up questions, while evaluating both

verbal and non-verbal responses, so you can detect lies and

uncover the truth during interviews.

Auditors, law enforcement officers, human resources professionals and many others have benefited from this

course. By learning the fundamental interviewing techniques presented by our expert instructors, you will learn how

to get more information from subjects, detect deception and read body language during interviews.

CPE CrEdit:16

Upcoming Courses:Sydney, AuStRAliA17-18 February 2014

REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/DA CALL +1 (512) 478-9000 | 15

ScheduleSingapore24-25 April 2014Marina Bay SandsHotel Phone: +65 6688 8889Room Rate*: SGD 310 single/doubleHotel Cut-Off Date: 24 March 2014Email for Reservations: groups@marinabaysands.comEarly Registration Deadline†: 24 March 2014

FeesACFE Members: $795Non-Members: $945

CPe Credit16

Field of StudyAuditing

Course levelBasic


†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

*Reservations subject to availability.

Fees vary by location.

you Will learn how to:• Use data analytics to detect fraud

• Implement the full data analytics process, from determining which data to acquire to spotting the warning signs of fraud

• Use different tools available to perform data analytics

• Recognise common red flags of fraud that appear in the data

• Implement data analytics tests that can be used to detect numerous fraud schemes

• Analyse non-numeric data, such as text and timelines, for signs of fraud

Who Should Attend:• Controllers and corporate managers

• Forensic and management accountants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• IT professionals

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

using data Analytics to detect Fraud

Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud will intro-

duce you to the basic techniques of uncovering fraud through

data analysis. Taking a software-independent approach, this

two-day course provides numerous data analytics tests that can be used to detect various fraud schemes. You will

also discover how to examine and interpret the results of those tests to identify the red flags of fraud.

new CoURse!

Register early to save $95†! Visit acfe.com/da

The course was so good and highly recommended for auditors, ac-countants, investigators, criminal investigators and many more fields. The course was practical and very relevant to my field of work.

Loise Appollo Deputy Commissioner Operations

Tanzania Revenue Authority

CPE CrEdit:16

Upcoming Courses:SinGAPoRe24-25 April 2014

16 | REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/FRM CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

Register early to save $95†! Visit acfe.com/frM

ScheduleMumbai, India16-17 January 2014The Westin Mumbai Garden CityInternational Business Park, Oberoi Garden City**Goregaon East, Mumbai 400063 IndiaHotel Phone: +91-22-6147-0000Early Registration Deadline†: 16 Dec. 2013

Ottawa, ON • 3-4 April 2014Sheraton OttawaHotel Phone: +1 (613) 238-1500Room Rate: CAD 169Email for Reservations: reservations@sheratonottawa.comHotel Cut-Off Date: 3 March 2014Early Registration Deadline†: 3 March 2014

Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaAugust 2014

Visit ACFE.com/FRM for updated seminar dates and information.

FeesACFE Members: $795Non-Members: $945

CPe Credit16

Field of StudyManagement Advisory Services

Course levelIntermediate

PrerequisitesFamiliarity with common fraud schemes and risks

*Reservations subject to availability.

**No group rate established. Contact the hotel directly for the best available rate.

†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Fees vary by location.

you Will learn how to:• Identify fraud risks and the factors that influence them

• Analyse existing risk management frameworks and how they pertain to managing fraud risk

• Develop and implement the necessary components of a successful fraud risk management program

• Identify the elements of a strong ethical corporate culture

• Promote fraud awareness to employees at all levels of the organisation

Who Should Attend:• Bank and financial institution auditors

• Controllers and corporate managers

• Forensic and management accountants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

Fraud Risk Management

The field of risk management has attracted in-

creased mainstream attention in the wake of the economic

meltdown as the public has begun to comprehend the neg-

ative effects of uncontained risk. Unfortunately, many risk

management professionals tend to underestimate the role

of fraud in the scope of their professional duties.

With organisations losing an estimated 5 percent of their

annual revenues to fraud, the need for a strong anti-fraud

stance and proactive, comprehensive approach to combat-

ing fraud is clear. As organisations increase their focus on

risk, they should take the opportunity to consider, enact and improve measures to detect, deter and prevent fraud.

This course will explain how organisations can integrate anti-fraud initiatives into their risk management programs to:

• Identify, assess and manage fraud risks from all sources

• Support fraud risk management initiatives by establishing an anti-fraud culture and promoting fraud awareness throughout the organisation

• Develop a system of internal controls to address the entity’s fraud risks

• Address and respond to any identified instances of fraud

CPE CrEdit:16

Upcoming Courses:MuMBAi, indiA16-17 January 2014

ottAWA, on3-4 April 2014

KuAlA luMPuR, MAlAySiAAugust 2014

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

“The ACFE rocks!”Delena D. Spann, MSc,

CFE, CCA “The ACFE’s ever-growing global network of anti-fraud experts has helped improve my technique and skills.”

Melissa Aw Yong, CFE, CIA,


“As part of the ACFE, I have access to first-class anti-fraud train-ing, reading material and statistical resourc-es that enable me to better perform my job.”

Craig M. Workman, CFE

Complete the application on the reverse side and fax or mail to:

716 West Ave • Austin, TX 78701-2727 • USAFax: +1 (512) 478-9297

Become a member online by visitingACFE.com/Join

Or call us Monday through Friday, 07:30-18:00 Central Time+1 (512) 478-9000

Join Delena, Craig, Melissa and more than 65,000 other ACFE mem-bers and experience firsthand the advantages of member-ship. ACFE members receive special rates on all ACFE events and products, stay poised on the cutting edge of the latest industry devel-opments with exclusive resources and have the opportunity to advance their careers by earning the CFE credential.

Join Today! ACFE.com +1 (512) 478-9000 +1 (512) 478-9297 Updated 10/13 • RGINT

AssoCiATE mEmbEr AppliCATion

I. QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIPThere are two categories of membership: Associate (non-certified) and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). This application is for Associate Membership only. After being approved as an Associate, you may complete a separate application to become a CFE if desired. The application fee is non-transferable and is non-refundable once approved. Annual membership dues include $20 for a one-year subscription to FRAUD MAGAZINE®.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP FEES (incomplete applications will not be processed) q Associate ................................................................................................................................$150*

*Application fee and membership dues rate as of 10/2010. All fees and dues are non-refundable. Rates subject to change.


q Dr. q Mr. q Mrs. q Ms.


Other Designations

Home Address

City State/Province

Zip/Postal Code Country

Home Telephone Home Fax

Home Email Address





City State/Province

Zip/Postal/Routing Code Country

Business Telephone Business Fax

Years Employed

Business Email Address

Website Address

Preferred Mailing Address: q Home q Business Preferred E-Mail Address: q Home q Business

IV. CHARACTERHave you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude (“moral turpitude” means an offense that calls into question the integrity or judgment of the offender, such as fraud, bribery, corruption, theft, embezzlement, solicitation, etc.)?

q Yes q No If yes, please describe (attach written statement if necessary).

V. CERTIFICATIONI certify that the above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Falsification of any information on this application is grounds for denial or revocation of membership. If this application is accepted, I agree to abide by the Bylaws and Code of Professional Ethics of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Membership is a privilege and not a right. Qualifications are established by the Board of Regents, whose decisions are final. I consent to the storage of my personal data in the ACFE’s offices in the United States, in its regional offices and by its local chapters.

Signature Date

VI. SERVICES q Subscribe me to the free FraudInfo e-newsletter filled with fraud news, tips and resources. q Subscribe me to the CFE Exam Coach e-newsletter. q I am interested in becoming a CFE. Please send me information.

q I was referred by:q ACFE Member: or Local Chapter:q Other (please specify):

VII. PAYMENT (Payment must accompany application.)

Automatic Dues Renewal (selection required): q Option 1: Enroll in Automatic Dues and save 10% on your annual dues (card billed

automatically each year) q Option 2: Do not enroll in Automatic Dues (charge my card for this charge only)

q Charge my (Check one. Card charged in U.S. $):

Card Number

Card Expires (month/year)

Cardholder Name (as shown on card, please print)

Billing Address

City State

Zip/Postal/Routing Code Country


q Check or Money Order enclosed. Make checks payable to: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Check or Money Order number: _______________________________________________

VIII. JOB AND INDUSTRY (please select one)

IX. MAIL OR FAX COMPLETED FORM TOATTN: Membership Admissions • ACFE • Global Headquarters • The Gregor Building716 West Ave • Austin, TX 78701-2727 USA • Fax: +1 (512) 478-9297

X. LOCAL CHAPTERSMembers of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the many networking and training opportunities available to them by participating in their local ACFE chapters (currently there are more than 140 worldwide). Local chapter membership is not a require-ment for ACFE members; however, members of local chapters are required to be members of the ACFE. To find your local chapter, visit ACFE.com/Chapters.

Job Function q Fraud Examiner q Fraud Investigator q Private Investigator q Special Agent q Internal Auditor q External Auditor q Forensic Accountant q CPA, CA or equivalent q Management Accountant q Controller q Other Accounting/Finance q Governance, Risk and Compliance q Corporate Management q Loss Prevention q IT Professional q Security Professional q Attorney/Legal Professional q Educator q Retired q Other:

Industry q Education q Financial Institutions q Government q Healthcare q Insurance q Law Enforcement q Law/Legal Services q Management Consultants q Manufacturing q Public/Chartered Accounting q Real Estate q Services q Non-Profit q Other:

Interests (select all that apply) q Money Laundering (or AML) q Fraud Examination / Investigation q Loss Prevention q Legal Elements of Fraud q Insurance Fraud q Computer or Technology-based Crime q Issues Related to Sarbanes-Oxley q Risk Management q Healthcare Fraud q Ethics q Mortgage Fraud q Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting q Non-Profit Fraud q Corporate Security q Practice Management/Building your Fraud

Examination Practice q International Investigations and Global

Issues q Identity Theft q Financial Institution Fraud q Interview Skills/Techniques q Tax Fraud q Fraud Prevention q Digital Forensics/Electronic Evidence q Internal Controls q Construction Fraud q Governance, Risk and Compliance q Contract and Procurement Fraud q Government/Law Enforcement q Fraud Hotlines q Other:


4 easy ways to order!

1 Visit the ACFE Bookstore online at ACFE.com/ShopOrder your world-class resources and new merchandise online with our secure server by visiting the Events, Training and Products section of the website.

Call us at +1 (512) 478-9000A Member Services Representative is standing by, ready to take your order from 07:30 to 18:00 Central Time, Monday through Friday.

Fax a completed order form to us at +1 (512) 478-9297

Fill out the order form and mail it to:Association of Certified Fraud ExaminersGlobal HeadquartersThe Gregor Building716 West AveAustin, TX 78701-2727USA



Satisfaction Guarantee on all ACFE products!If you are not 100% satisfied with any ACFE product, you may return it to us within 60 days, provided it is in excellent condition, for a full refund of the item minus the cost of shipping.* ACFE training events are unmatched in scope and effectiveness and are backed by our unconditional satisfaction guarantee. If you attended an event and are not completely satisfied, please contact an ACFE Member Services Representative at +1 (512) 478-9000.


Pricing, dates and terms of offers may change without notice and are not transferable. Taxes, shipping and handling charges are extra, vary and are not subject to discount.

*Toolkits and bundles may only be returned as a complete set. College and university bookstores have an extended return policy of six months for college-curriculum-use textbooks.

BaCkorders some products may be temporarily out of stock when we receive your order. Unless requested otherwise, aCFe will ship all available products and backorder the balance if we cannot ship your complete order. You will be notified of your backorder either on your invoice, by email, phone or mail within three business days of receipt of your order. Shipments will be made as soon as backordered products are available and in stock. You may cancel a backordered product at any time prior to shipment. all international shipments on backorder will be held until all products are in stock to ship.

For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact the aCFe at +1 (512) 478-9000.

Become an ACFE Member and SAVE! See the Membership Application to take advantage of member prices on all ACFE products

and events!


q Dr. q Mr. q Mrs. q Ms. Name Name on badge (if seminar registrant)

ACFE Member q Yes q No If Yes, Member #: Other Designations (CPA, CA, CIA etc.)

Company Title

Business Address

City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Work Email

Home Address

City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country

Business Phone Business Fax Home Phone Home Email

q Send me your Free FraudInfo e-newsletter Send correspondence to: q Home q Business Do you require special assistance or accommodations from the ACFE?: q Yes q No




Fee Subtotal

Less Early Registration Savings*

Less Multi-Event or Group Savings

Life Member Discount**

ToTal Fees

CANCEllATION POlICY — Our cancellation policy is intended to keep costs low for attendees. Due to financial obligations incurred by ACFE, Inc. you must cancel your registration prior to the start of the event. Cancellations received less than 14 calendar days prior to an event start date are subject to a $100 ad-ministrative fee. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations received on or after the start date of the event. Those who do not cancel and do not attend are responsible for the full registration fee. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Visit ACFE.com for the latest updates.

NOTE — I understand if I reserve a room at the course hotel, the hotel may disclose to ACFE non-financial reservation information, (name, dates of stay), for the purpose of updating and confirming the event room block.

By registering for this event, I grant the ACFE or anyone authorised by the ACFE, the right to use or publish in print or electronic format, any photographs or video containing my image or likeness for any promotional purpose, without compensation.


Shipping and Handling (taxable)

Less 10% Life Member Savings**

Sales Tax (in TX only, 8.25%)

ToTal Fees

Ship to: q Home q Business

UPS will not ship to P.O. boxes. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. Customer is responsible for all customs duties and taxes charged on imports, payable on delivery.

These shipping methods apply for U.S. only. Shipping rates may vary from ACFE.com.


q Charge my (Check one. Cards charged in U.S. dollars.):

Cardholder Name (as shown on card, please print) Card Number Card Expires (month/year)

Billing Address

City/State Country Zip/Postal/Routing Code


Please return this completed form by mail or fax to:ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED FRAUD EXAMINERS716 WEST AVE • AUSTIN, TX 78701-2727 • USATEL: +1 (512) 478-9000 • FAX: +1 (512) 478-9297WEB: ACFE.com • EMAIL: MemberServices@ACFE.com

All ACFE products are 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Updated 10/13 • RGINT

*Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

**Must be a life member of the ACFE to receive discount.

q Check or money order enclosed (payable to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners).

q Please bill me (events only).

q Bank transfer: Call +1 (512) 478-9000 or email Accounting@ACFE.com for instructions.

q Purchase order #: _____________________ (Government or educational institutions only, include copy with order).

For international shipping and handling rates, please visit ACFE.com or contact an ACFE Member Services Representative at MemberServices@ACFE.com.

new CoURse!

REgistER NOw Visit ACFE.com/BC CALL +1 (512) 478-9000 | 17

Register early to save $95†! Visit acfe.com/Bc

ScheduleHong Kong20-21 January 2014The Langham Hotel Hong KongHotel Phone: +1 (852) 2375-1133Room Rate*: HKD 1,750Hotel Cut-Off Date: 20 Dec. 2013Early Registration Deadline†: 20 Dec. 2013

Jakarta, IndonesiaAugust 2014Visit ACFE.com/BC for updated seminar dates and information.

FeesACFE Members: $795Non-Members: $945

CPe Credit16

Field of StudySpecialised Knowledgeand Applications

Course levelOverview


*Reservations subject to availability.

†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

Fees vary by location.

you Will learn how to:• Navigate the legal elements of bribery and corruption

• Implement policies and procedures to comply with major anti-corruption legislation and initiatives

• Identify common corruption schemes

• Evaluate the effectiveness of your anti-corruption compliance program

• Conduct third-party due diligence

• Respond to red flags of corruption

• Manage investigations across international borders

Who Should Attend:• Attorneys, legal professionals and law enforcement


• Controllers and corporate managers

• Detectives and private investigators

• Forensic and management accountants, accounts payable and financial analysts

• Governance, risk management and compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs

• Business professionals, educators and students interested in the anti-fraud field

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud professionals

Bribery and Corruption

a dramatic increase in the number of enforcements

and in the penalties paid during settlements have made brib-

ery and corruption key issues for many global organisations.

The extension of anti-corruption laws to vendors presents an

added vulnerability. How do you ensure that both your em-

ployees and the third parties that play a critical role for your

organisation are following the rules?

Learn how to effectively incorporate anti-bribery and corrup-

tion compliance policies into your anti-fraud strategy at this

two-day ACFE seminar. You will gain an understanding of how

to comply with anti-corruption legislation, guidance and best practises, as well as how to protect against the twin

threats of bribery and corruption, from identifying possible violations to managing a global investigation.

CPE CrEdit:16

Upcoming Courses:honG KonG20-21 January 2014

JAKARtA, indoneSiAAugust 2014

18 | REgistER NOw Visit webinars.ACFE.com CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

Can’t be online when a webinar is scheduled? No problem — simply register for the archived version, and attend at

your own convenience. You can also select from a wide variety of past webinars, including topics such as:

upcoming webinars*:21 november: Lehman’s Collapse — Repo 105/108 Transactions: The Anatomy of Accounting Deception

30 January: Bribery & Corruption: Business as Usual?

27 March: The Subjective Nature of Ethical Decision-Making

29 May: Putting More Emphasis on Uncovering Fraud During Audits

for the most current information on upcoming webinars, plus access to the wide selection of archived webinars, please visit webinars.acfe.com.

To learn more and register, visit webinars.ACFe.com

ACFe Webinars

acfe Webinars help you stay on the leading edge of

the fight against fraud by providing training and education on

the latest developments and current hot topics. You can also

earn CPE wherever you have Internet access, without worry-

ing about travel or shipping hassles. And ACFE Webinars are

focused on providing you with actionable insights you can

begin using in your work immediately — they are not thinly

veiled vendor commercials.

International Fraud Awareness Week is 3-9 November 2013. With more than 800 supporters from all over the world, this grassroots campaign to raise fraud aware-ness provides unmatched opportunities to advance the fight against fraud.

It is free to sign up as an Official Supporter of Fraud Week, and the ACFE provides training tools and other resources to help organisations shine a spotlight on fraud. By educating employees about fraud and communicating the risk factors, red flags and other information, business owners and managers help set a “tone at the top” and send the message that fraud is a serious issue that will not be tolerated.

Each year, supporters host various activities during the week to help support the cause. Last year, for example, a two-day training conference presented by Franklin

University, National White Col-lar Crime Center, Ohio Ethics Commission, Ohio Inspector General, and Ohio Investigators Association drew more than 100 attendees and is slated to be held again this year.

Some organisations use the occasion to survey their employees to assess levels of fraud awareness within their organisation. One easy way for businesses and government agencies to spread the word is by including anti-fraud information in blogs, social media, e-newsletters and other communications.

To learn more about International Fraud Awareness Week and to add your organisation as an Official Supporter, visit FraudWeek.com. n

a Week of fraud awareness and Prevention

• Fraud-Related Interviewing

• Ethics in an Unethical World

• Business Corruption and FCPA Issues in China

• Integrating Advanced Data Analytics to Identify Rogue Employee Behaviour

*Topics and schedule subject to change.

Upcoming Courses:Visit webinars.ACFe.com for the latest courses offered, live and archived.

CPE CrEdit:2

3-9 November 2013



A New Era in Fraud Management: You Need more thaN a hotliNe

research has proven that a hotline will reduce the median lifespan of a fraud scheme by 12 months, and lower median loss by 44%.* But what if you could identify systemic weaknesses and prevent fraudulent activity from taking hold in the first place?

Building the Better mousetrap

ethicsline®, the official hotline of the aCFe, delivers state-of-the-art tip line telephony to thousands of Fraud

management teams around the world. We’re also helping to mitigate risk throughout the organisation, building a

stronger ethical culture where fraud is less likely to occur.

EthicsLine products and services include:

• Hotline: phone-based, web and mobile report intake

• Case Management: web-based investigation and case handling system

• Analytics & Benchmarking: tracking, trending, and year-over-year effectiveness metrics

• Policy Management: document management and policy attestation

• Online Training: timely, engaging and flexible training programs

• Communication Programs: customisable posters, wallet cards and email outreach reminding staff

and stakeholders about the importance of reporting misconduct

• Advisory Services: improve the effectiveness of your fraud prevention and compliance programs

For more information, visit us online at:

ethicsline.comPoWered BY NaVeX GloBal

(888) 782-4769 • info@ethicsline.com

*2012 aCFe report to the Nations.*2012 ACFE Report to the Nations.

20 | ORDER NOw Visit ACFE.com/Prep CALL +1 (512) 478-9000

Learn more by visiting ACFe.com/Prep

effective CFe exam Preparation

The 2013 CFE Exam Prep Course provides the most effective training available to prepare you for the CFE Exam, allowing you to study on your own time, at your own pace from your home or work computer.

Featuring study questions and practise exams that simulate the CFE Exam experience, the CFE Exam Prep Course has been designed to prepare you to pass the rigorous CFE Exam.

• 1,500 study questions review important concepts with an explanation of the correct answer.

• Simulate the CFE Exam environment with timed practise exams.

• Prepare for the CFE Exam with confidence knowing that the CFE Exam Prep Course is backed by our Money-Back Pass Guarantee.

user-friendly Software• This easy-to-use software puts the most relevant informa-

tion at your fingertips. Quickly review your Prep Course progress by subsection and topic, access on-screen help menus and study tips, and stay on track to meet your target certification date.

• Get answers to your questions fast with Guides to Success, on-screen FAQs and an improved help section.

• Stay on track to earn your CFE credential by measuring your progress towards your target dates for certification and using helpful checklists within the Prep Course software.

Efficient Use of Your Study Time• The CFE Exam Prep Course streamlines CFE Exam prepa-

ration. Use your time more efficiently by focusing on the areas you need to study the most.

• Create a personalised study plan tailored to your individu-al strengths and weaknesses with an optional 100- question Pre-Assessment.

• Pick the sections and topics most relevant to your exam preparation by creating custom review sessions.

• Learn more from your Practise Exam sessions by review-ing the questions you missed, analysing your results by subsection and tracking your progress over time.

• Focus on the areas where you need the most work with enhanced review of results and progress by exam sec-tion, subsection and topic.

CFe exam Prep Course™

The CFE Exam Prep Course is designed to help you prepare

for the rigorous CFE Exam at your convenience with a flexi-

ble self-study format. The software focuses on the four sec-

tions of the CFE Exam providing study questions and prac-

tise exams that cover topics that often appear on the Exam.

establish yourself as an anti-fraud expert and advance your career by obtaining the CFE credential. The CFE Exam Prep Course is the most effective tool available to prepare you to pass the rigorous CFE Exam.

Members-Only Installment Plan — ACFE members have the option to participate in the Members-Only Installment Plan with only six monthly payments of $130 each for the CFE Exam Prep Course or $150 each for the CFE Exam Prep Toolkit (Credit card only. Includes administration fee. There is an additional charge for shipping outside the U.S.). For more information, call an ACFE Member Services Representative at +1 (512) 478-9000. A member is not eligible to be certified after passing the CFE Exam until all installment plan payments have been received.

$745 Members / $945 Non-Members

Just finished the Prep Course and CFE Exam online via my iPad, it worked flawlessly… great job ACFE!

Jeffrey Kraft, CFE

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You can now stay connected to the ACFE and its

services via the new ACFE app available for iPhone®.

You can access almost anything that you’d normally

need from ACFE.com, including:

• Videos and podcasts

• The latest fraud news

• Templates and sample documents

• Anti-fraud training and other resources

• Your ACFE membership card

Go to ACFE.com/App to see screen shots and obtain the download link, or search for ACFE in the App Store.

“Our members deserve to take advantage of their ben-efits in the fastest possible ways,” says James D. Ratley, CFE, President and CEO of the ACFE. “We believe the ACFE app will make it even easier for them to find the information they need.” n

CFe exam Prep toolkit, international edition

For an additional $100, purchase the CFE Exam Prep Toolkit, including the ACFE’s most popular reference materials. A value of more than $1,200, it includes:

• 2013 CFE Exam Prep Course — The latest edition of this comprehensive tool to help you become a CFE. The updated 2013 CFE Exam Prep Course is a com-puter self-study course that prepares you for the exam while letting you study at your own pace.

• Corporate Fraud Handbook — Explore the three main categories of occupational fraud and abuse: asset misappropriation, corruption and fraud-ulent statements. The book then explains, identifies and classifies 13 common fraud schemes.

• Encyclopedia of Fraud, Third Edition (CD-ROM) — Written for practitioners, academics and anyone with an inter-est in fraud, the Encyclopedia of Fraud provides the user with easy access to the ACFE’s vast body of fraud knowledge.

• 2013 Fraud Examiners Manual (Printed) — The premier reference guide for CFEs and other anti-fraud professionals. This 1,640-page guide is divided into four sections: financial transactions and fraud schemes, investigation, law, and fraud prevention and deterrence. Eighty-five percent of the CFE Exam is based on information found in the Fraud Examiners Manual.

$845 Members / $1,298 Non-Members

international CFe exam Video Review Course

Designed as a supplement to the CFE Exam Prep Course, International Edition (page 20), the Interna-tional CFE Exam Video Review Course features video presentations from ACFE instructors exploring the topics that candidates often find the most confusing and the subjects that often appear on the Exam.

The Video Review Course reinforces topics covered in the Prep Course software and provides an additional resource for CFE Exam preparation.

The International CFE Exam Video Review Course:

• Reviews the most confusing subjects often included on the CFE Exam

• Features more than 10 hours of video commen-tary with CFE Exam Review Course instructors

• Includes a condensed edition of the Fraud Exam-iners Manual that helps you to concentrate on the most important areas of the CFE Exam

$495 Members / $795 Non-Members

ACFE now always at your fingertips

The CFE Prep software format helps you easily absorb the content and gain a true understanding of the subject matter.

Brigham Young, CFE, CIA, CCSA Southern Company Services

Download workbook CD-ROM DvD Online

The Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Ap-ple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

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CPe Credit: 8Course level: BasicPrerequisite: none

PdF workbook:$109 Members / $129 non-Members

dVd/workbook set:$129 Members / $179 non-Members

inside the Fraudster’s MindUnderstanding the thoughts and feelings of a fraudster

can provide valuable insight to enhance an organisation’s

anti-fraud efforts. Knowing why fraudsters commit their

crimes can help you learn how to prevent fraud by ad-

dressing the circumstances that lead to it. Gaining insight

into the way perpetrators rationalise their actions can also

help you deter others from forming similar rationalisations

in the future. And possessing an understanding of the hu-

man element of fraud might give you an edge in gaining

an admission during an interview.

What you Will learn:

• The psychology of human behaviour

• The categories of perpetrators and how they are correlated to the reasons perpetrators commit crimes

• Common motivations for committing fraud

• Ten common critical thinking errors associated with unethical behaviour

• Popular rationalisations for committing fraud

• Ways organisations can use this information as an import-ant piece of the fraud-prevention-and-detection puzzle

The course was interesting and even after over 30 years as an in-vestigator I gained some new insights.”

Nina Blemmer

Your self-study courses offer a very cost-effective way to learn new topics and expand one’s skill as a CFE. I love the flexibility to study on my own time. With kids, work, home responsibilities, etc. that option is perfect.”

Anthony R. Coghlan, CFE Director, Finance Division, Freddie Mac

Helped me keep my mind sharp about the thinking process of a fraud committer.”

Matthew Smith, CFE, CPA Manager, Barr, Anderson & Roberts, PSC

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

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CPE Credit: 4CPE Credit: 2

CPE Credit: 4


CPE Credit: 3

Corporate Governance for Fraud Prevention Course level: intermediate Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic internal controls and risk assessment

Corporate Governance for Fraud Prevention describes the principles, functions and essential components of a corporate governance system. It addresses the controversy of CEO duality, the recommended committees any organisation should have on its board of directors and how to set the appropriate tone at the top. The course also discusses corporate governance best practises that you can tailor to your organisation’s structure and needs since there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

learning objectives:

• List the reasons why effective corporate governance is necessary for a company and for the economy

• Define “CEO duality” and describe its inherent problems

• List the three board committees recommended by best practises

• Identify the necessary components of a whistleblower policy

• Differentiate between incentivising ethical behaviour and sanctioning unethical behaviour

$119 Members / $159 Non-Members

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

Fraud Risk AssessmentCourse level: intermediate Prerequisite: Familiarity with common fraud schemes and risks

Fraud Risk Assessment provides an overview of fraud risk, explores the risk assessment process and provides you with a helpful framework for conducting and reporting on your own fraud risk assessment.

$89 Members / $109 Non-Members

Fraud Prevention Course level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

Every day, companies entrust their employees with cash, checks, inventory, trade secrets and other assets. While the majority of employees are honest, under the right circumstances even the most loyal employees might steal if given the motive and oppor-tunity to do so. This course explores why employees commit fraud and provides an explanation of what can be done to reduce an organisation’s losses due to fraud.

What you Will learn:

• Why employees commit fraud

• How to write and communicate a fraud prevention policy

• Selling fraud prevention to management

• Creating a perception of detection

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

internal Controls for Fraud PreventionCourse level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

This online self-study course explores the key roles in preventive controls, essential components of internal controls, inherent limitations of internal controls and much more.

It gave a very hands-on approach on how to design your internal control system to make it more fraud resistant.”

Michael Andersson, CIA Group Finance, Audit Director

$119 Members / $159 Non-Members

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how to Build an effective ethics ProgramCourse level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

How to Build an Effective Ethics Program discusses how to assess the ethical climate of your organisation to determine what changes need to be made. The course also teaches you how to write and implement an effective ethics and whistleblower policy. Finally, it examines some challenges faced after an ethics program has been implemented and provides tips to ensure the program remains successful.

learning objectives:

• Perform an ethics risk assessment and an ethics audit

• Identify the essential components of a formal ethics policy and a whistleblower policy

• Assess the need for an executive-specific ethics policy

• Formulate an effective ethics training program

• Incorporate ethics into the culture of an organisation

$89 Members / $109 Non-Members


CPE Credit: 3

CPE Credit: 2

CPE Credit: 2

CPE Credit: 2

This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

Practical ethics for Fraud examiners Course level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

In today’s business climate, ethics is more than simply taking the moral high road — it is a matter of self-preser-vation. Fraud examiners face many situations that require ethical reflection as part of their daily lives, and often there is no obvious line between right and wrong.

Consequently, you might find yourself on a slippery slope when it comes to determining the best course of action. This course will discuss how codes of ethics, conduct and practise in general — and the CFE Code of Professional Ethics and CFE Code of Pro-fessional Standards, in specific — provide guidance when you are confronted with ethical uncertainty in professional situations.

What you Will learn:

• Professional codes of conduct, practise and ethics

• Explanation of the requirements in the CFE code of ethics

• Standards of professional conduct, examination and reporting for CFEs

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

ethical issues for Fraud examiners Course level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

Ethical Issues for Fraud Examiners will help you understand what constitutes an ethical dilemma and develop an awareness of ethical issues faced by fraud examiners. The course also presents six fictional scenarios that illustrate potential ethical situations that pertain to fraud examinations. The purpose of these scenarios is not to provide you with solutions, but rather to familiarise you with some types of ethical dilemmas that might arise in a fraud examination.

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

ethical theory for Fraud examinersCourse level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

As a fraud examiner, the decisions you make will be extremely important to your client or company as well as to the individuals you might be called upon to investigate. Therefore, Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) are held to a very high ethical standard. The material in this course is designed to aid CFEs by providing an explanation of ethics in general, as well as a discussion of several specific behavioural and ethical principles applicable to both organisations and individuals.

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

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CPE Credit: 3

CPE Credit: 6


CPE Credit: 3


CPE Credit: 4

Managing and organizing a Successful Fraud examinationCourse level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

Often, the success of a fraud examination depends on the way it is managed and organised. This course addresses the vari-ous managerial and organisational challenges and issues that you might face when conducting fraud examinations.

learning objectives:

• Organise and manage the different tasks and records needed to complete a fraud investigation.

• Examine ways to manage and motivate the members of an investigation team.

• Comprehend appropriate procedures for collecting and han-dling evidence so that it will later be accepted by a court.

• Apply appropriate processes to assess, maintain and organise information obtained in an investigation.

• Understand ways to coordinate and execute the interviewing process.

$89 Members / $109 Non-Members

uK Bribery Act: Compliance and investigationCourse level: intermediate

Prerequisite: experience with international organisations

The UK Bribery Act is a demanding statute that requires com-panies to employ due diligence in preventing violations when conducting business in foreign countries. Companies are best positioned to minimise violations by implementing anti-bribery programs into their operations.

This course provides you with relevant information on the current legal and regulatory framework of the movement to combat bribery in international trade.

$149 Members / $179 Non-Members

Planning and Preparing for a Successful Fraud examinationCourse level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

When an allegation of fraud is made, the first steps you take are critical to the investigation. Are you ready to respond?

Planning and Preparing for a Successful Fraud Examination explores the steps that you should take when an allegation is brought forward. From developing a response plan to building your fraud examination team and conducting interviews, this course will help you to respond quickly, efficiently and effectively when an allegation of fraud is received.

learning objectives:

• Know how to build a fraud examination team.

• Be able to plan and organise a fraud investigation.

• Recognise the initial steps necessary to begin a fraud examination.

• Know how to best identify potential sources of information.

• Understand the factors to consider when planning for interviews.

$89 Members / $109 Non-Members

FCPA investigations: Combating Corruption in international Business Course level: intermediate

Prerequisite: experience with international organisations and understanding of basic fraud examination techniques

FCPA Investigations: Combating Corruption in International Business provides an overview of the FCPA, discusses how you should respond to evidence of corruption, presents a roadmap that will help you conduct investigations of suspected corruption and discusses how to conclude an investigation.

$119 Members / $159 Non-Members

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CPe Credit: 16

Course level: intermediate

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of financial transactions and accounting systems

PdF or workbook self-study Course:$159 Members / $179 non-Members

Fraud-Related internal ControlsMany authorities on fraud believe that the most important

thing an organisation can do to deter most types of fraud is

to design and enforce an internal control system that makes

it difficult for fraud to be committed and remain undetected.

This course discusses how companies can develop strong

systems of internal controls and presents important fraud

prevention techniques.

What you Will learn:

• Overview of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and AU 240 — Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

• COSO Internal Control Framework

• Computer-based controls

• Asset fraud, fraudulent disbursements, check tampering and corruption schemes

• Financial statement fraud

It is very thorough. It covered many aspects of internal control from different perspectives.”

Theodore C. Cooke, CFE, CBM, CGFM Assistant General Manager,

Finance and Information Technology Central Arizona Project

I thought this was one of the very best courses I’ve ever taken; excellent information.”

Janet F. Armstrong, CFE Senior Audit Manager


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the law enforcement and Government Partnership: What Joining Means for youWhether your agency is large or small, having a direct affiliation with the world’s largest anti-fraud organisation and premier provider of anti-fraud training strengthens your agency’s image and builds name recognition within the global anti-fraud community. The Law Enforcement and Government Partnership (LEGP) helps participating staff develop skillsets of fighting white-collar crime and de-tecting and deterring fraud. According to the 2012 Report to the Nations, organisations with CFEs on staff uncover fraud up to 50 percent sooner than those without CFEs.

Joining the LEGP gives your team the opportunity to build a shared under-standing of anti-fraud measures in an efficient amount of time and maintain that knowledge from year to year. Mary Schapiro, 29th Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Com-mission (SEC), said of the program, “The CFE is a very good credential. It teaches about forensic accounting issues and fraud spotting. It’s some-thing we could do very quickly to help jump-start the skill set issue.”

New members include:

• Washington State Department of Labor and Industries

• South Carolina Office of the Inspector General

• City of Carrolton, Texas, Police Department

Participating organisations include:

• Western Australia Police

• Office of the Comptroller of Puerto Rico

• City of London Police

The members listed above are increasing the number of CFEs they have on staff and improving their fraud-fighting effectiveness. Now it’s your agency’s turn. Because there is no cost to join the LEGP, becoming a member and hav-ing a way to ensure your team is up to speed on anti-fraud fundamentals and the latest trends is a smart choice. n

For more information on how to participate, please contact Sarah Ellis, CFE, at SEllis@ACFE.com or vis-

it ACFE.com/LEGP. To receive updates on the latest agencies to enroll in the LEGP and connect with more than 500 LinkedIn members in the public sector who are dedicated to fraud prevention and

detection, join the ACFE Law Enforcement and Government Partnership group on LinkedIn.

Making Crime Pay: how to locate hidden AssetsCourse level: overview | Prerequisite: none

Every anti-fraud professional needs the right tools to pursue an investigation that involves a search for concealed assets. This course will give you insight on how to locate hidden assets, and how to identify and trace hidden payments and sources of income.

you Will learn How to:

• Locate assets using direct and indirect methods

• Find sources of information and common hiding places

• Identify money laundering and offshore havens

• Recover ill-gotten gains and recognise types of forfeiture cases

$159 Members / $179 Non-Members


CPE Credit: 20

investigating Money laundering Course level: intermediate

Prerequisite: understanding of money laundering and basic fraud examination techniques

Money laundering operations are designed to take the proceeds of illegal activity, such as profits from fraud, and disguise the existence, source or applica-tion of those funds so the proceeds appear to come from a legitimate source. This course explores the money laundering process by reviewing the meth-ods used to launder funds, discussing the laws and the regulations used to combat money laundering and explaining techniques used to investigate it.

$119 Members / $159 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 4

Mary Schapiro 29th Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

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data Analysis techniques for Fraud examiners Course level: overview | Prerequisite: none

This course will introduce you to the basics of using data analysis to uncover fraud. You will work through several interactive examples to illustrate simple anal-ysis techniques. With these examples, you will learn how to perform a variety of tests and interpret the results to identify common red flags of fraud.

you Will learn How to:

• Describe the four phases of the data analysis process and the importance of a formal process

• Identify common red flags that appear in fraudulent data

• Select the appropriate data analysis tools for a particular investigation

• List fundamental data analysis techniques that can be applied to almost any investigation

• Determine data analysis techniques to use depending on the type of fraud scheme under investigation

• Evaluate unstructured data, such as text, for signs of fraud

$119 Members / $159 Non-Members


CPE Credit: 4


CPE Credit: 2

CPE Credit: 2


CPE Credit: 5

Follow the Money: tracing Concealed Assets Course level: overview | Prerequisite: none

This course seeks to demystify the process of finding hidden assets and provide tools for success in this complex work. The course offers common ap-proaches to locating assets domestically and across borders, and establishes best practises and specific recommendations for those charged with finding hidden assets. This course will also enhance your ef-fectiveness when working with people from different disciplines and backgrounds.

you Will learn How to:

• Recognise why people hide assets

• Identify how people hide assets

• Choose the best information source for locating people and assets

• Use the Internet and social media to locate hidden assets

• Develop an asset location engagement

$139 Members / $159 Non-Members

introduction to Fraud SchemesCourse level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

Fraud can be devastating to a business, especially in today’s turbulent economy. Even more alarming, as financial pressures bear down on individuals, their need for money and rationalisation to commit fraud grow. With this online self-study course from the ACFE, learn to recognise some of the most common and threatening internal and external fraud schemes including asset mis-appropriations schemes, fraud by vendors and corruption.

What you Will learn:

• Register disbursement schemes

• Check tampering schemes

• Billing schemes

• Non-cash schemes

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

Written Statement AnalysisCourse level: overview | Prerequisite: none

Written statement analysis is the process of detecting deception by evaluating the contents of a documented statement. This course will teach you to understand how every word plays a part in a statement and identify signs of fabrication from the written page.

you Will learn to:

• Discern deception by analysing word choice and sentence structure

• Recognise the potential implications of changes in voice and tense

• Interpret the possible motivations behind a subject’s use of semantics

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

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CPE Credit: 2

other People’s Money: the Basics of Asset Misappropriation Course level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

Other People’s Money examines common asset misappropriation schemes, informing you of the red flags of each scheme and outlining steps for preventing and detecting them. Learn how to take control and prevent employees and others from committing occupational fraud with this course. What you Will learn:

• How employees target incoming cash receipts and how to prevent and detect these schemes

• The risk of billing, payroll and expense reimbursement schemes and their red flags

• Methods used to perpetrate, prevent and detect check tampering schemes

• How to deter and uncover register disbursement schemes

• How employees misuse and misappropriate inventory, supplies and fixed assets

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

$125 Members / $139 Non-Members

$159 Members / $179 Non-Members

CPE Credit: 16 CPE Credit: 10

CPE Credit: 20

interviewing Prospective WitnessesCourse level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

An interview is a well-structured question-and-answer session designed to gather information. It differs from an ordinary con-versation in that the interview is structured, not free-form, and is designed for a purpose. Interviewing Prospective Witnesses offers an introduction to interviewing by examining the interview pro-cess, from interview preparation to the conclusion, and presenting helpful tips to make your next interview successful.

What you Will learn:

• The types of interview questions

• The mechanics of an interview

• Developing effective interview questions

• Obstacles in interviewing

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

Beyond the numbersCourse level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

Explore the psychology of the interview process and learn the right way to conduct interviews with this intriguing self-study learning tool. Scott Barefoot, CFE, conducts three interviews in the video in which he deftly handles difficult and sensitive situations. The workbook accompanying the video reinforces interview concepts and gives practical insights on how you can improve your interviewing skills.

What you Will learn:

• The psychology of the interview process

• Legal pitfalls in interviews

• Interview planning, types of interview questions and when to use them

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

$125 Members / $139 Non-Members

$159 Members / $179 Non-Members

Finding the truth: effective techniques for interview and CommunicationCourse level: Basic | Prerequisite: none

Every day, auditors, investigators, lawyers and other profession-als are required to interview and elicit information from people as part of their jobs. This video self-study course discusses the skills necessary to become a better communicator and a more effective interviewer.

What you Will learn:

• How to evaluate written and oral communications

• Non-verbal and verbal contaminants and detecting linguistic clues

• Interview preparation and legal implications of interviewing

• How to prepare a written report of the interview

$159 Members / $179 Non-Members

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insurance Fraud Casebook: Paying a Premium for Crimeedited by laura hymes, CFe, and dr. Joseph t. Wells, CFe, CPAHardcover, 288 pages

Insurance Fraud Casebook is a one-of-a-kind collection of actual cases written by fraud examiners. These cases were hand selected from hundreds of submissions and together form a comprehensive picture of the many types of insurance fraud. Each case outlines how the fraud was engineered, how it was investigated and how perpetrators were brought to justice.

$49 Members / $95 Non-Members

Frankensteins of FraudBy dr. Joseph t. Wells, CFe, CPA Hardcover, 386 pages

$22 Members / $39 Non-Members

Fraud Fighter: My Fables and FoiblesBy dr. Joseph t. Wells, CFe, CPAHardcover, 289 pages

$25 Members / $39 Non-Members

Corporate Fraud handbook: Preven-tion and detection, Fourth editionBy dr. Joseph t. Wells, CFe, CPAHardcover, 448 pages

$49 Members / $80 Non-Members

Small Business Fraud Prevention ManualBy the ACFe Research teamPaperback, 273 pages

$39 Members / $59 Non-Members

Fraud examiners Manual, international editionVarious Formats, 1,640 pagesThe Fraud Examiners Manual is the global standard for the anti-fraud profession. This 1,640-page guide examines hundreds of fraud schemes, reviews legal principles related to fraud, provides tools and techniques necessary when conducting fraud examinations, and explores why people commit fraud and how to prevent it.

Report Writing ManualBy the ACFe Research team | Paperback, 162 pagesThe Report Writing Manual provides simple, informative explanations detailing the ele-ments that a fraud examination report should include and how to express the results of your investigation in an eloquent and succinct manner.

$39 Members / $49 Non-Members

CD-RoM or download: $79 Members / $159 Non-Members

Printed: $159 members / $249 Non-Members

Printed/CD set: $179 Members / $299 Non-Members



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using Analytics to detect Possible Fraud: tools and techniquesBy Pamela S. Mantone, CFe, CPA | Hardcover, 340 pages

Using Analytics to Detect Possible Fraud: Tools and Techniques is a practical overview of the first stage of a fraud examination, providing a common source of analytical techniques used for both efficiency and effectiveness in fraud investigations. The book is written clearly so that those who do not have advanced mathematical skills will be able to understand the analytical tests and use the tests in a forensic accounting setting.

$64 Members / $95 Non-Members


Bribery and Corruption: navigating the Global RisksBy Brian P. loughman and Richard A. SiberyHardcover, 415 Pages$49 Members / $75 Non-Members

the Fraud Audit: Responding to the Risk of Fraud in Core Business SystemsBy leonard W. Vona, CFe, CPAHardcover, 379 pages$54 Members / $75 Non-Members

Computer-Aided Fraud Prevention and detection: A Step-by-Step GuideBy david CoderreHardcover, 280 pages$49 Members / $59 Non-Members

healthcare Fraud: Auditing and detection Guide, Second editionBy Rebecca S. Busch, CFeHardcover, 340 pages$49 Members / $75 Non-Members

liespotting: Proven techniques to detect deceptionBy Pamela Meyer, CFePaperback, 236 pages$11 Members / $15 Non-Members

the Wizard of lies: Bernie Madoff and the death of trustBy diana B. henriquesPaperback, 464 pages$12 Members / $16 Non-Members

Fraud 101: techniques and Strategies for understanding Fraud, third editionBy Stephen Pedneault, CFeHardcover, 234 pages$34 Members / $55 Non-Members

Confessions of a hiring Manager 2.0By donn leVie Jr.Paperback, 254 Pages$18 Members / $21 Non-Members

exposure: inside the olympus ScandalBy Michael Woodford Hardcover, 258 pages$17 Members / $28 Non-Members

Anti-Fraud Training. Anytime, Anywhere.available in a convenient online format, expand your anti-fraud knowledge with our comprehensive self-study courses. These self-paced courses give you the flexibility to study at any time, from anywhere you have Internet access. Combining informative text, video clips, unique examples and interactive review questions, ACFE On-line Self-Study Courses offer a quick and convenient way to complete your anti-fraud training. Benefits of online delivery include:

• 24/7 access to courses through your Internet browser.

• save time and quickly earn cPe credits with instant access, online grading and printable certificates.

• no additional shipping and handling fees.

Visit acfe.com/onliness to learn more.