Faith Messenger Sept 2014

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The monthly publication of Christian Triumph Company

Transcript of Faith Messenger Sept 2014

W E L C O M E B A C K!

The Lord is the everlasting God, The Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.

Isaiah 40


The Creator’s Promise

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you! Heb. 13:5

In the original Greek, the word “never” is actually a compounding of five negatives. It really should read, “I will never, no, not ever, no never leave you or forsake you!” It’s a forever never which has no exceptions. In the original Greek the word “leave” means “to leave behind, to abandon, to give up on, to send back.” So far, then this verse reads: “I will never, no not ever, no never leave you behind, abandon you, give up on you, or send you back!” “Forsake” means in the Greek, “to leave one in a helpless state, to disregard.” It also can be further expanded to include “not relaxing my watchfulness over you.” …In other words, we can relax. God will always

be there for us! (The Daily Encourager) Pg 2


I Will Never Forsake You…………1-3

Take Off the Grave Clothes……… 3-4

God’s Eagles ...………….….……. 4-7

A prayer, CT NEWS...……………….7

*Volume 78 *No. 7 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * SEPT 2014


These scriptures on Page 1 (2ND column) are from the book of Hebrews. The writer was encouraging those who were even then struggling with temptation “to turn away from their faith and give up…” as well as those “hurting believers” and those who needed encouragement, strengthened, or “relief” from burdens plus those weary who needed rest. (Comments from the Living

Insights Study Bible, Page 1330, NIV)

Hebrews 13:6: “So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid…” These words of assurance are for us today as well. Many face difficulties and need the help of God our Father. Paul’s promise in Philippians 4:19 gives hope and strength: “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Along with this, God does not give up on His wandering sheep.

“If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell

you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.” -Jesus (Matt. 18) NIV

God is not willing to “give up” or “abandon” those who have walked away. In the story of the lost son who wandered, Jesus uses these words to describe the Father’s love: “But while [the son] was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Continued - Pg 3

Faith Messenger

Permit #695

Published monthly, except July and August.


TO: Christian Triumph Company

P.O. Box 5187

Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez,

President; William Anderson, Vice-President;

Fred Pena, 2nd

Vice-President; Diana Beletic,

Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

This periodical is issued without charge in the name

of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and

maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of

God. To send donations or for your FREE

SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or

contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web



The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet….let’s have a celebration.’” Luke 15:22-23 NIV







In the Biblical account of Lazarus’ resurrection, Jesus spoke words of liberation! “Anyone who believes in me, even though he dies like anyone else, shall live again. He is given eternal life for believing in me and shall never perish.” John 11:25, 26 LB

We know that Jesus is all powerful and that He did release Lazarus with the words, “…roll the stone aside!

Lazarus, come out! Unwrap him and let him go” John 11: 39-43 LB. Yet, it is sometimes hard to believe that Jesus wants to… or… has freed us from our own “grave clothes” of past sin and mistakes. In fact, our remorseful thoughts and actions may feel very binding at times, especially when we ponder a decision to enter ministry or assist in church leadership. And, sure enough, just like a chorus of background singers, the evil forces blend in with those thoughts of self-defeat, determined on discouraging a God-anointed labor of love. Though we understand that God does forgive and forget, as found in Micah 7:19 LB, “…You will tread our sins beneath your feet; you will throw them into the depths of the ocean,” we sometimes pass by opportunities to “spread our spiritual wings” and, solely by faith, move forward. Being called into ministry of any kind is much more about God and much less about us. The Apostle Paul writes that “…we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7 NIV

In fact, our clay jars may also “show” some scars, but it is God’s Spirit who ministers through us as He “intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” Romans 8:26 NIV And, nothing, not even painful memories, can separate us from the P4


love of God. Romans 8:37-39. Entering a selfless, spiritual ministry is attainable through childlike-trusting in God’s Amazing Grace, and, oh, the freedom from bondage one experiences when completely dependent upon His measureless mercy! What inexpressible freedom and joy to hear and “feel” these words, deep within one’s spirit, while moving forward into the will of God: “TAKE OFF THE GRAVE CLOTHES AND LET MY CHILD GO!” - Jesus By Editor (In appreciation to Chaplain Ron and Jeanne) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Editor: Several months ago a person requested the tract, God’s Eagles. Unfortunately, it needed reprinting which has now been done. The next article on this page entitled God’s Eagles is that very tract. Although the author is unknown, Brother Janes (the founder) wrote a poem following the story of the mother eagle. If after reading the tract, you would like a few to share, just write to Christian Triumph PO BOX 5187, Corpus Christi, TX 78465-5187, and we will mail those – without cost. Thank you!

GOD’S EAGLES “As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth

over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings,

taketh them, beareth them on her wings: so

the Lord alone did lead him and there was

no strange god with him.” Deuteronomy

32:11, 12

Now we are going to talk about eagles –

God eagles. In the first place, how does God

make His eagles? Moses says that God has

several stages in the process of making a

spiritual eagle. The first thing - He stirs up

the nest as an eagle stirs up her nest, so the

Lord stirs up the nest of the people of whom

He designs to make “eagles.”

The eagle builds a large nest on the

mountain crag or in the highest tree that it

can find, a great nest of sticks, that it lines

with wool or skins of animals making it soft,

and there the young eagles get fat and lazy.

When the time comes for young eagles to

fly, they are not disposed to get out of their

nest – just like people, exactly. Thus, the

mother bird, with her bill, picks out every

soft thing in the nest and throws it outside

and lets the eaglet down on the sharp briars

and sticks, and it tries to find a soft spot but

cannot. It gets on this side of the nest and

there is a stick, and on that side, but there is

another stick. It cannot sleep and becomes

so miserable and unhappy that finally, it is

willing to get out and go somewhere else.

This is also God’s method with those who

are going to be His spiritual eagles. God

stirs up the nest of every true saint. It may

be one’s home life that God stirs as He takes

away the soft lining, one’s property, or

loved ones, a father, mother, sister, brother,

husband, parent or children. As well, He

stirs the church nest, making things

unpleasant and disagreeable, so that we find

no peace or rest in the home church. He stirs

up the neighborhood, digging away the soft


things and making life miserable so that we

are perfectly willing to move out and go

anywhere or any place. God stirs up our

theology, our notions, our opinions, and our

plans, and all kinds of crucifixions come.

All the apostles had their nests stirred, all

the patriarchs, all the reformers, all the

evangelists and all the pastors, in some way

or another, have had their nests stirred –

their social nest, family nest, or the church

nest. In one way or another, God stirs the

nest, and lets us down on hard things that

draw the blood, make us ache, and make us

suffer. And so, friends, this is the way that

God works and is working. Look back

twenty-five, thirty or forty years and see

how you were fixed; look at the change in

your life from then to now. See how God

has taken all props from under you – that

church, that preacher, that Christian, that

piece of property. God took away the props

until you laid down on the hard rocks,

thorns, and briars. He tore up the soft nest.

This is God’s method.

God not only stirs the nest of the saints,

but He flutters over them. When God allows

trouble, sorrow, poverty, and desolation to

come to us, and we are sad, and weep and

cry and look down to find something to lean

upon, then God flutters over us – the sound

of wings. God does it to draw attention to

Himself, to get us to look away - to Him, to

look away from the coffin and the grave, the

old house, the deserted farm, and the

departed friend. Then when God gets our

attention, there comes a change. The mother

eagle might flutter all day long, but the

young birds would never look up while

lying on a soft sheepskin or a rabbit skin.

But when it is all thorns, briars and sticks in

the nest, they look up.

The next thing God does is “spreadeth

broad His wings.” He unfolds His

magnitude, His attributes, His majesty, His

might, His power, and His glory. I shall

never forget when we lost everything we

had, after trying to save a little for twenty

odd years, everything was swept away, and

we were two thousand dollars in debt,

without even a dollar to pay. Then God

began to reveal Himself to us, and my wife

said one day, “I believe God is a living

God!” We all say we believe that, but I

never knew what it meant until He began to

spread abroad His wings. When God shows

a person the amplitude of His providence,

the unspeakableness, the greatness, the

vastness of His resources, it is a revelation

to the soul. You have read it and believed it

all your life with the intellect but that

doesn’t count like it does when God actually

shows you the magnitude of His amazing


The eagle spreads abroad her wings, and

then the young bird sees that the mother is

larger than the nest. When God shows us the

resources that He has and that these

resources are larger than all our needs for

body, soul and spirit, for time and eternity -

when God shows us that even more than we

need is, in God, provided for us - what a

sense of assurance comes into our souls!

When I had not a dollar on earth – only

fifteen cents – and a family to support, I felt

just as safe as or even safer than I do now. I

felt that Almighty God was just as able and

willing to help me as though I had a million

dollars. The nest was gone; everything was

gone, but God showed me His long wings:

“He spreadeth abroad His wings.”

Are you an orphan? Is your wife or

husband deceased? Is your mother or father

gone? Are you poor? Are you hated? Are

you cast out? Are you ostracized and

minimized and undersized? Are you

perplexed? If you will get your eyes on God


and God alone, you will not have a care; you

will not have an anxiety. All we need is to

see God as we do the eagle: “spreadeth

abroad her wings.” When God comes to a

soul and begins to unfurl His attributes,

unfurl His inexhaustibleness and draw the

vision of the soul away from the briars,

thorns, rocks, distress, sin, and everything

on earth or in hell, and when you begin to

see God and let God unfold Himself to your

soul, oh, what a wonderful epoch that is!

The next step: “She taketh them and

beareth them on her wings.” The first step

was “stirs the nest, tearing it all to pieces.”

That is what God did to Christian Church in

Jerusalem. He stirred their nest, and they

went out everywhere preaching the gospel.

They never would have gone fifty miles if

God had not stirred their nest in Jerusalem.

He stirred the nests of Luther, Wesley, and

Whitefield, and my own nest. What for? To

make us go!

The mother eagle will spread out her

wings from tip to tip and lay them right flat

down and the young eagle will step from the

briars, thorns, and sharp sticks, climbing

upon the mother’s soft wings. The eaglet

puts its claws in her wings and holds on to

her feathers. When she begins to shake her

wings, the bird takes a stronger hold. The

little bird can look back then and see the tree

and the nest as round and round the mother

goes into the clear blue sky. After she has

soared one thousand, two thousand and

more feet, she will give a sudden lurch, and

off falls the little eaglet. Oh, how it tumbles

and rolls, putting out its wings and beating

the air. The mother bird watches and when

the young bird is about halfway down to the

earth, she shoots with the accuracy of a

bullet, catching the bird, then around and

around and up she goes. That process is

repeated until the little bird learns how to


So God stirs our nest; we weep, sob and

cry – money gone, friends gone, church

gone; nobody loves me. Then Jesus Christ

stretches out one great wing, and we begin

to take hold of Him as He moves out and up

and away!

“My! Oh! What shall I do? I thought I was

sanctified. I thought I was going to heaven

and now it seems to me that my religion is

gone! Down, down, down, the devil will get

me.” But God is watching from the skies,

and when we get almost down, He shoots

under us and bears us up, around and

around, higher and higher, until we get to

where we have learned the lesson. “Lord,

forgive me! I was leaning on my own

sanctification; I was leaning on what You

have done for me. Now I see, Lord, I dare

not lean on anything in this world, not on

my feelings, shouts, blessings and not on the

past. Instead, I must trust you now and live

by faith.” When we get to that place, we

learn to fly. Lean on the Lord and Him

alone. That is God’s way to make us eagles.

Then God can turn us loose in a thunder

storm or at midnight or on a cold winter day

with the wind blowing forty miles an hour,

knowing that we will turn our face right into

the face of the blinding storm and beat our

way like a sailing ship against the storm.

God teaches us how to fly, how to go

through these storms, how to keep alive

while pressing on, willing to live by faith,

trusting God for soul, body and for all

things. – Selected (minor editing)

Learning to Fly God stirs the nest and makes you fly,

Then you begin to weep and cry;

His hand has failed and down you go,

With naught in sight but rocks below.


A dreadful sight and fast the fears

Take place as all hope disappears:

Oh, how you miss the downy nest,

But God has stirred it for the best.

So from your nest He picked the down,

Left naught but thorns, and briars around;

Then gladly you stepped upon His wing,

And to this thought you’d always cling.

But still on this you could not grow

The ways of God to fully know;

‘Tis time to exercise your wings,

And get the faith that launching brings.

So quick He lurches, down you go,

And help you cannot see nor know;

Then to your wings you swiftly take,

While fears increase your heart to break.

Far down, down, down you swiftly go

Until you’re near the rocks below;

Then quick beneath your trembling frame

He darts: you’re safe from care and pain.

This lesson He repeats quite oft,

Until you learn to soar aloft

Above all troubles, trials and waves,

Until you learn Christ always saves. - L. Y. Janes



Father, forgive the cold love of the years As here in the silence we bow. Perish our cowardice, perish our fears kindle us, kindle us now. Lord, we accept; we believe; we adore Less than the least though we be;

Fire of love, burn in us, burn evermore Until we burn out for thee. Author Unknown


Christian Triumph Church

“In the works”

Christian Triumph News By Diana

The radio ministry of the Christian Triumph church, Israel Hernandez, Pastor, is on for three hours per week. The Spanish church is still growing and attendance is approximately 40 persons on Sunday morning. The local Bible (Spanish) Institute is going strong; eight new students are attending twice a week. The Spanish correspondence courses have approximately 400 Bible students. Many requests are coming from Cuba, Brazil, Peru and even Spanish requests from England and Spain, asking for tracts and Bible courses. News about Peru in Oct. Editor: MORE TO COME. Thank you!


Faith Messenger

A publication of Christian Triumph Company

PO BOX 5187

Corpus Christi, TX 78465

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Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles… Isaiah 40

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Permit # 695