Faith Bible Spiritual Growth Guide April 2013

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Spiritual Growth Guide For Faith Bible Church

Transcript of Faith Bible Spiritual Growth Guide April 2013

Faith Bible Church 1148 N. Columbia St

Covington, LA 70433

(985) 893-5880

This month’s guide will cover the following books and chapters:

Zechariah, 14 chapters April 1—14

Malachi, 4 chapters April 15—18

Matthew, 12 chapters April 19—30

During the month, as you read and answer the guide questions, if you have further questions, or would like to speak with someone about the con-tent, feel free to contact Larry Groeger.

Cell: 225-803-2781

Home: 985-892-2785

Note from Pastor:

It is very fulfilling to shepherd a spiritual family that is hungry for God and His Word.

You hold in your hand a guide that will help you obey God, understand His Word and enrich your life.

Enjoy and be sustained.



This month’s guide will cover the following books and chapters:

Zechariah, 14 chapters April 1—14

Malachi, 4 chapters April 15—18

Matthew, 12 chapters April 19—30

April 1

Reading: Zechariah chapter 1


1. During the reign of what king did Zechariah prophesy? (verse:1)


2. What did the former prophets cry out? (4) __________________________________________________________________________

3. How long did the LORD have indignation against Judah? (verse: 12) __________________________________________________________________________

4. What did the LORD say would be built in Jerusalem? (verse: 6)


April 30

Reading: Matthew Chapter 12

Questions: 1. How does the value of a man compare to a

sheep? (12) __________________________________________________________________________

2. How did Jesus answer those who said he cast out devils by the prince of devils? (25) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What kind of sin did Jesus say should not be forgiven? (31-32) __________________________________________________________________________ 4. What sign would be given to that generation? (39-40) __________________________________________________________________________

April 29

Reading: Matthew Chapter 11


1. What cities did Jesus reprimand for not repenting? (21,23)


2. What did Jesus say about rest? (28)


April 2

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 2


1. What was the man in the vision holding in his hand? (1)


2. Who would be a wall about Jerusalem? (4-5) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What do those who touch Zion touch also? (7-8) __________________________________________________________________________

April 3

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 3

Questions: 1. Who stood before the angel of the LORD?

(1) __________________________________________________________________________

2. What did the LORD say to Satan? (2) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What was done for Joshua with regard to clothing? (3-5) __________________________________________________________________________

4. What would be brought forth? (8) __________________________________________________________________________

April 28

Reading: Matthew Chapter 10


1. Describe the mission of the twelve when he sent them out? (1)


2. What did Jesus say regarding whom to fear? (28)


3. Where would a man's foes often come from? (35-36)


4. What little act did Jesus say would be rewarded? (42)


April 27

Reading: Matthew Chapter 9


1. What did the woman with the issue of blood say to herself? (21)


2. What question did Jesus ask the blind men to strengthen their faith? (28)


3. Why was Jesus moved with compassion on the multitude? (36) __________________________________________________________________________

4. What was the Lord's prayer request? (38)


April 4

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 4


1. What did Zechariah see after being wakened out of his sleep? (1-3)


2. What did the word of the Lord say to Zechariah? (6) __________________________________________________________________________

3. Who would lay the foundation of the house of the LORD and finish it? (9) __________________________________________________________________________

4. What is not to be despised? (10)


April 5

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 5


1. What did Zechariah see in the first of this chapter? (1-4)


2. What else did Zechariah see? (5-8) __________________________________________________________________________

3. Who had wings like the wing of a stork? (9)



April 26

Reading: Matthew Chapter 8

Questions: 1. What was the prayer request of the leper? (2) __________________________________________________________________________

2. What was the reply of Jesus? (3) __________________________________________________________________________

3. After he was healed of leprosy who was the man to show himself to? (4) __________________________________________________________________________

4. What was it about the centurion that caused Jesus to marvel? (8-10) __________________________________________________________________________

April 25

Reading: Matthew Chapter 7

Questions: 1. Why not judge others? (1-2) __________________________________________________________________________

2. What are three aspects of prayer? (7-8) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What are Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31 called? __________________________________________________________________________

4. What are the two gates, two ways, two trees, two men, and two houses? (13-14, 17,24-27) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

April 6

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 6


1. What were the horses that came from between the mountains? (1-5)


2. Upon whom were the crowns set? (11) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What was the name of the man who would

build the temple? (12-13)



April 7

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 7


1. What did the LORD of hosts say? (9-10) __________________________________________________________________________________

2. How did the people react to these words?




April 24

Reading: Matthew Chapter 6

Questions: 1. Why should giving, praying and fasting be

done in secret? (4,6,18) __________________________________________________________________________

2. What is required of you in order to obtain forgiveness? (14-15)


3. Why should one lay up treasures in heaven rather than on earth? (19-20) __________________________________________________________________________

4. According to "The Sermon on the Mount" what are three things that Jesus considered to be of top priority? ("First”) ( 6:33; also chapter 5:24 and chapter 7:5) __________________________________________________________________________

April 23

Reading: Matthew Chapter 5


1. How did Jesus present what we call the

"Sermon on the Mount"? (1-2) __________________________________________________________________________ 2. What attitudes does the Lord promise to bless? (3-12) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What is the purpose of salt? (13) __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where, how and why should our light shine? (14-16) __________________________________________________________________________

April 8

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 8


1. For whom was the LORD jealous? (2) __________________________________________________________________________

2. What will the LORD do for his people? (7) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What will the remnant of God’s people possess? (12) __________________________________________________________________________

4. What does the LORD hate? (17) __________________________________________________________________________

5. What will many people and strong nations

do? (22)



April 9

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 9


1. Against what nations is judgment pronounced in this chapter? (1-4) __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why should Jerusalem rejoice greatly and shout? (9) __________________________________________________________________________________

3. What kind of prisoners should turn to the stronghold? (12) __________________________________________________________________________

April 22

Reading: Matthew Chapter 4


1. What chief weapon did Jesus use to resist temptation? (7,10)

__________________________________________________________________________ 2. How many of the twelve were fishermen? (18,21 & John. 21:2-3) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What did Jesus say He would make them to be if they followed Him? (19) __________________________________________________________________________

4. What did Peter, Andrew, James and John leave to follow Jesus? (20,22) __________________________________________________________________________

5. What kinds if diseases and sicknesses did Jesus heal? (24) __________________________________________________________________________

April 21

Reading: Matthew Chapter 3


1. Who prophesied in the Old Testament of the ministry of John the Baptist? (3)

__________________________________________________________________________ 2. What did John call the Pharisees and Sadducees? (7) __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What illustration shows the necessity of fruit bearing? (10) __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why was Jesus baptized? (15) __________________________________________________________________________

April 10

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 10


1. For what should you ask in the time of the latter rain? (1) __________________________________________________________________________

2. What will the LORD do for the house of

Judah and the house of Joseph? (6)



April 11

Reading: Zechariah chapter 11


1. . For what should you ask in the time of the latter rain? (1)


2. What will the LORD do for the house of

Judah and the house of Joseph? (6)



April 20

Reading: Matthew Chapter 2


1. Who knew where Christ should be born but did nothing about it? (4-5)


2. How old was Jesus when the wise men found him? (11,13)


3. What gifts did they give to Jesus? (11)


4. Why did Joseph and Mary take Jesus to Egypt? (13)


5. How did Joseph know to return to Israel? (19)_______________________________________________________________________

April 19

*********** New Testament ***************

Reading: Matthew Chapter 1


1. Matthew’s genealogy begins with whom and ends with whom? (verses 2,16)


2. What five women are mentioned in Matthew's list? (3,5,5,6,16) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What phrases show the virgin birth? (16,18,20,23,25) __________________________________________________________________________

4. What is the difference between "save from sins" and "save in sins"? (21) __________________________________________________________________________

5. What is the meaning of Emmanuel? (23) _____________________________________

April 12

Reading: Zechariah chapter 12


1. What will the LORD make Jerusalem for all people? (3)


2. Like whom will the feeble among Jerusalem be? (8) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What will the LORD do to the nations that come against Jerusalem? (9) __________________________________________________________________________

4. On whom will the inhabitants of Jerusalem look? (10) __________________________________________________________________________

April 13

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 13


1. What will be opened to the house of David? (1)


2. What phrase in Zechariah did Jesus quote referring to himself? (verse 7 & Matthew 26:31)


April 18

Reading: Malachi chapter 4


1. What will happen to the proud and wicked? (1)


2. Who will arise for those that fear the name of the LORD? (2) __________________________________________________________________________

3. Who will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children? (5-6, Luke 1:17) __________________________________________________________________________

April 17

Reading: Malachi Chapter 3


1. Of what messenger was Malachi prophesying? (verse 1 & Matthew 11:10)


2. How had they robbed God? (8) __________________________________________________________________________

3. What blessings would those who brought their tithes receive? (10-12) __________________________________________________________________________

4. For whom would a book of remembrance be written? (16)


April 14

Reading: Zechariah Chapter 14


1. Who will battle against Jerusalem? (2) __________________________________________________________________________________

2. What will happen to the mount of Olives? (4) __________________________________________________________________________

7. With what plague will the LORD smite those who fight against Jerusalem? (12) __________________________________________________________________________

8. What will those who are left of the nations do each year? (16) __________________________________________________________________________

9. What will happen to those who do not worship? (17-19) _______________________ _____________________________________

10. What will be on the bells of the horses? (20)_________________________________

April 15

Reading: Malachi chapter 1


1. Who did the LORD love and who did he

hate? (2-3) __________________________________________________________________________

2. Where will the name of the LORD be great? (11)


April 16

Reading: Malachi chapter 2


1. What should the lips of priests do? (7) __________________________________________________________________________________

2. What questions did Malachi ask? (10) __________________________________________________________________________

3. How did someone deal with the wife of his youth? (14) __________________________________________________________________________

4. How did they weary the LORD with their words? (17)
