FairPayroll – Your customized module for intelligent wage cost planning

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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As everyone knows: the costs of labour have to be optimized and well planned, while staff must be deployed as efficiently as possible. But how can it be done? The answer is the FairPayroll software module – an effective and easily manageable system for planning wage and ancillary wage costs, developed on the basis of practical experience and that can be used worldwide. A tool that can do all this: Assignment and planning of occupancy-related wage costs Detailed manning guide Breakdown by employee groups Planning vacations and sick-leave Automated and integrated planning FairPayroll is an intelligent wage planning costs module that boosts productivity, optimizes costs and reveals savings potentials.

Transcript of FairPayroll – Your customized module for intelligent wage cost planning

FairPayroll Your payroll planning solution

Fairmas GmbH, Berlin 2014 2

FairPayroll Functions Budget / Forecast process in one tool

Integrated departmental P&L planning

Planning per position and/or employee

Manning guide per main/sub department

Differentiation between permanent, casual and agency staff

Fairmas GmbH, Berlin 2014 3

FairPayroll Functions Planning with productivity benchmarks (base / variable manning)

Employee benefit calculation

Incentive and bonus calculation

Vacation and sick pay

EFTE / FTE calculation

Fairmas GmbH, Berlin 2014 4

FairPayroll – Payroll Module Payroll – Productivity Driver

Unlimited salary components

Productivity driver

Fairmas GmbH, Berlin 2014 5

FairPayroll – Payroll Module Employee Management

Fairmas GmbH, Berlin 2014 6

FairPayroll – Payroll Module Detailed Manning Guide (flexible in detail of data)

…incl. vacation planning

Fairmas GmbH, Berlin 2014 7

FairPayroll – Payroll Module Main & Sub Department Structure

Fairmas GmbH, Berlin 2014 8

FairPayroll – Payroll Module Flexible Employee Benefit Calculation

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