Fairmont Focus 16: 21 May 2015

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Fairmont Focus 16: 21 May 2015


21 May 2015

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s)



Woody Allen

Meet Max

He came to witness the crane carrying the large, heavy steel poles being placed in position for the Aquatic Centre and the Multi-Purpose Venue.

He will be joining Fairmont High School in 2025.


Next week is the final week before commencement of the senior school exams. Please be aware of the information that follows with respect to closing times and other important procedures. I wish all our pupils all the best with their examination preparation next week.


A concerned member of the public informed the school of the attempted mugging of 2 of our pupils in the Kenridge area. These 2 pupils were walking to school when they were approached by 3 men.

Please remember to try and walk in groups, and be vigilant of what is happening around you. If you sense danger, try and find an adult you can turn to for help.



This examination has to start at 07:45 and therefore all CAT learners HAVE to be seated by 07h25 at the latest.

Please check the boards outside ITA, ITB and ITD to see which venue you have been allocated for your examination.

You MUST have a pen with you when you enter the examination venue.


All Grade 8’s and Grade 9’s will finish school at 13h00 from 29 May 2015 until the end of the exam period and not as previously stated.

Thursday, 25 June 2015, is a compulsory school day and all learners will finish at the normal time: 14h35, and the Grades 8, 9 and 12 will be doing the following:

Grade 8’s Lifeskills Workshop presented by our Counselling Department

Grade 9’s Aptitude Testing

Grade 12’s Checking Exam papers

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 021 976 1147.


Double fleece knee blankets

Those pupils who opt to bring a knee blanket to school during the cold winter periods will need to use the double fleece knee blanket obtainable from the School Shop. This item is part of the official school uniform and as such no other blankets are acceptable. We kindly ask parents to assist with this request.

Exam Information

1. Exams are starting on Friday, 29 May for Gr.’s 10 - 12, and Grs 8 & 9 on Monday, 9 June 2015.

2. Gr.8’s and 9’s will be busy with lessons during the first week of the exams.

3. School closes at 13h00 from the Friday (29 May) when the exams start.

4. Pupils are to be punctual for the exams.

5. All uniform rules are applicable during the exams.

6. If a pupil is absent for an exam, then a medical certificate must either be handed in on the same day by the parents at Reception, or faxed to the school. No late certificates will be accepted. Should a certificate not be handed in within 3 days, then a zero will be entered into the computer.

7. Should a pupil be ill and can’t stay for the whole day, then a certificate must be handed in. No pupil may simply come in to write the exams and then go home.

8. It is a WCED requirement that all pupils attend school during the exams.

9. Pupils are to come well prepared for the exams:

They must have the necessary stationery in a see-through plastic bag/pencil bag:

- extra pens

- pencils

- eraser

- ruler

- stapler or paper clips

- calculators

NO tippex is allowed

10. No cellphones or other electronic devices will be allowed into the exam room, unless they are switched off and left in the school bag. For Grade 12’s, all cellphones must be switched off and handed in upon entry to the venue.

11. Should a cellphone ring or vibrate then this is seen as a form of dishonesty and noted as an irregularity.

12. Pupils must prepare well for the exams:

Must have a study timetable.

Study hard and put your social life on hold until after the exams.

Have breakfast in the morning. Pupils can’t write exams on an empty stomach.

Don’t go to bed too late the night before you write.




1. Preamble

Fairmont High School realizes that part of the 21st century is adapting to the changing methods of

communication. The proliferation of the ownership and usage of the cellphones and other electronic

devices, and the increasing sophistication of its derivatives in its various guises, makes it necessary for

the usage of these devices to be ordered, controlled and monitored by, in and through school. The

purpose of this policy is to help preserve and foster a safe, non-disruptive educational environment for

effective teaching and learning, to maintain and foster order and discipline, to deter learners from

actions detrimental to themselves, their peers or the general value systems embraced by the school,

and to achieve these objectives consistent with the law.

2. Legal Basis

The school has built its policy on the following premises:

2.1 Given the need for school safety and the protection and well-being of individual learners, the

authority of the school to conduct searches is held to pre-empt an individual learner’s right to

privacy. Consequently, school officials are empowered to conduct searches of a pupil’s property

when there is reasonable suspicion that s/he may be in violation of a school rule, a policy or the


2.2 All school-related property is subject to search at any time. School-related property includes,

but is not limited to, computers, cellphones and related or similar devices and items used during

or in the support of education-related programmes or activities, and in respect of this policy is

deemed to include also privately owned devices brought onto the school property or to any

school, school sponsored or school related activity or function.

2.3 Before undertaking a search of any privately owned device however, the school official

performing such search must have a reasonable suspicion that the learner has indulged in an

action which violates the law, a school rule or policy.

2.4 ‘Reasonable suspicion’ may be created by firsthand eyewitness observations or reports,

information from a normally reliable informant, and suspicious behaviour.

3. Acceptable Usage

The following list, which is neither exhaustive nor exclusive, provides examples of practices which

are deemed acceptable in terms of this policy:

3.1 The authorised and monitored use of handheld devices like cellphones, iPhones, BlackBerrys,

iTouch and other electronic devices in order to enhance classroom learning with instructions

from the teacher in the classroom.

3.2 Parental contact with children before and after school hours and during breaks.

3.3 Tracing of the whereabouts of family members and friends, lift-givers and the like during the

allowed time slots when these handheld devices can be on.

3.4 The rescheduling of lifts or extracurricular activities – for example, in the light of changed weather conditions, unforeseen delays or earlier than expected ending of activities during the allowed time slots when these handheld devices can be on.

3.5 The enhancement of classroom notes, e.g. by means of recording a teacher’s lessons and snapping a picture of the board PROVIDED THIS IS AUTHORIZED IN ADVANCE BY THE TEACHER.

3.6 The taking of pictures of own projects to show to parent(s)/guardian(s), thus allowing them to be involved in group class activities.

3.7 Communication during an emergency situation, e.g. in order to reach the authorities or a medical provider.

4. Unacceptable Practices

The following list, which is neither exhaustive nor exclusive, provides examples of practices which

are deemed unacceptable in terms of this policy:

4.1 Disrupting academic time: e.g. by allowing the ringing of cell phones or the sending or

receiving of text messages during class or updating or checking your status on various social

media platforms during class time. Learners may use their cell phones/electronic devices before

school until the first bell at 07.55. Thereafter cell phones/electronic devices must be switched off

until first break where calls/messages may be received outside the school building and

corridors. In the remaining sessions on either side of the second break the same rule applies.

Learners are free to use their cell phones after 14.35 Monday to Fridays.

4.2 The theft, borrowing, using, breaking, damaging, defacing, hiding, removing or going into the

memory or storage capacity of a cell phone or electronic device belonging to someone else.

4.3 Sending hoax bomb or other threats so as to avoid or condense class time, or disrupt tests or


4.4 The use of cell phones to gain an advantage or break or circumvent exam rules or procedures.

4.5 Alerting miscreants to the presence/approach of the principal, a teacher or other disciplinary


4.6 The use of a cell phone in the selling or distribution or procurement of drugs or other banned or

illegal substances, the dissemination of threats, cyber-bullying or harassment, unwanted text

messaging, or the arrangement or co-ordination of anti-social activities.

4.7 The taking, viewing or distribution of inappropriate photos, making video clips of fighting,

capturing inappropriate sexual behaviour of learners or downloading inappropriate images from

the internet.

4.8 The provoking of a teacher and then capture and circulate the resultant response.

4.9 The playing of music through sound amplification equipment. Music can only be listened to

through earphones and for the individual learners’ pleasure.

4.10 Publishing, posting, distributing or disseminating material or information that Fairmont High

School determines is threatening, harassing, illegal, obscene, defamatory, slanderous, unlawful

or hostile towards any individual or entity. This includes the spreading of rumours and


4.11 Publishing, posting, distributing or disseminating material or comments that infringes on the

rights and privacy of Fairmont High School or any individual or entity. This includes personal

attacks or comments disparaging an individual or group.

4.12 Learners who chose to submit content onto websites or other forms of online media must ensure

that their submission does not reflect poorly upon the school and bring the name of the school

into disrepute.

5. Bringing Cellphones and Electronic Devices to School

Within these parameters, pupils are allowed to bring cellphones to school on the understanding that:

5.1 The use of cell phones and electronic devices at school is a privilege which may be forfeited by

any pupil not abiding by the school’s Code of Conduct or the stipulations of this policy.

5.2 Learners are personally and solely responsible for the security of their cell phones and

electronic devices. Not the school, the staff nor the education department will assume any

responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of a cell phone or electronic device, or any unauthorised

use thereof.

5.3 There will be no use of a cell phone or electronic device in any manner whatsoever during

class time or in classrooms, except where such usage is specifically authorized by teachers for

legitimate educational purposes, as part of lesson plans and/or academic programmes. Such

usage is at the sole discretion of the supervising teacher, who is responsible for monitoring,

controlling and overseeing such usage.

5.4 The use of a cell phone or electronic device to capture, store or transmit unauthorized

pictures, or undesirable, illegal or pornographic material is strictly prohibited on the school

premises, during school sponsored or educational activities or outings, or while travelling to and

from school or school sponsored outing or activities, again except where such usage is

specifically authorized by teachers.

Such authorization will normally only be granted for legitimate, broad educational purposes, as

part of lesson plans and/ or academic, sporting, cultural or service programmes. Such usage

will be permitted at the sole discretion of the supervising teacher, who will be responsible for

monitoring, controlling and overseeing such usage.

5.5 Use for purposes other than those listed above (e.g. to contact the home, to reschedule lifts,

etc.) may be granted by a teacher or the responsible duty teacher in the discipline control room.

5.6 Use of cell phones or electronic devices before the beginning of the school day, or after its

conclusion, will not be controlled by the school, with the proviso that no provisions of the

school’s Codes of Conduct are broken, and no actions referred to in point 4 (sub-points 4.1 to

4.12 inclusive), nor 5.3, nor any other inappropriate actions, are undertaken consequent on the

use or possession of a cell phone or similar device.

6. Ownership and Privacy

6.1 In order to manage the wellbeing and safety of all who are part of the school, and to maintain the

integrity of school systems, the school reserves the right to check on usage and content

(including by random monitoring) of any files, messages, pictures, images or similar which are

created, received, stored, transferred to, viewed, read, sent from or received using a cell phone

or other device present on school property, at a school or school sponsored function or activity,

or on the way to school or school sponsored activity, regardless of whether the device was

actually used on school property, at a school function or not.

6.2 Access to the worldwide web, e-mail services, the internet and school servers at this school are

filtered and managed in-house. Communication via e-mail on the school system cannot

therefore be regarded as private, and the same conditions apply to messages, data or images

on any cell phone or similar device brought to, found at or used on or in close proximity to the

school premises, at school, or during school or at a school or school sponsored function or


6.3 It is a condition of the use of the permission granted in terms of this policy that the school has the

right to investigate the e-mail or account and equipment, including cell phones and similar

devices, and also social networking domains such as Facebook and Twitter, of any user who,

in the opinion of the principal or his/ her delegate, which opinion shall be based on reasonable

suspicion and/or first-hand eye-witness reports, might be transgressing the rules or the spirit of

this policy.

6.4 In the event of any part of this policy being transgressed by a pupil or other person using the

equipment brought to school or a school or school sponsored activity or belonging to or in the

possession of a pupil at school or a school or school sponsored or school-approved activity, the

following sanctions may be applied:

• Any staff member who sees a learner using a cell phone in contradiction of the specifications of this code shall confiscate the device and hand it in reception for safekeeping. Date, time, name of learner, name of teacher who confiscated the device, name of the owner of the cell phone and reason for the confiscation must be handed to the front office for recording. Details of evidence of inappropriate content must be reported to the Deputy Principal.

• If it is suspected, based on reasonable grounds, first-hand, eyewitness reports or clear evidence that anyone is using a cell phone in contradiction of any of sections 4.3 to 4.12 and 5.3 of this code, those authorised to do so by the principal will be expected to intervene and inspect the contents of the device to determine whether it has been or is being used for a purpose which is contrary to school policy.

6.5 Should such evidence be found, it must be reported to the deputy principal, who may take the matter further, either through an internal disciplinary process, or by reporting it to other authorities, including the School Governing Body, the school counsellor, a social worker, the education department or the police.

6.6 When handheld devices like cell phones, iPhones, BlackBerrys, iTouch or other electronic devices are confiscated from a learner, the following sanctions will apply:

• 1st offence the device will be confiscated, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted and will be required to retrieve the device from the school.

• 2nd offence the device will be confiscated, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted and will be required to retrieve the device from the school. A final warning letter will be issued and three Friday detentions must be made up by the learner.

• 3rd offence the device will be confiscated, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted and will be required to retrieve the device from the school. The learner accompanied by his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) will be required to attend a disciplinary hearing.

Failure to abide by this Policy, as with other policies at Fairmont High School, may result in disciplinary action as described in the school’s Code of Conduct and School Rules.

Signed: Dated: 22 May 2015

Prepared by: S Gallie

Previous Version: Replaces the Fairmont High School Cellphone Policy, dated 2 December 2010.



School Holidays

Public Holidays

Matrics writing exams


May (5 Days)

June (2 Days)

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

1 2 3 4

1 2

1 2 3 4 5 6

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 30

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

28 29 30

July (10 Days)

August (19 Days)

September (3 Days)

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

1 2 3 4


1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

26 27 28 29 30 31

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

27 28 29 30

30 31

October (7 Days)



Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

1 2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17

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18 19 20 21 22 23 24

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

29 30

27 28 29 30 31


MAY 2015 TESTS Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

10 - Vis. Art


24 25 NO TEST 26 27 28 PRE-EXAM 29 30

9 - Banango 9 - Banango 8 - 12 Life Orient. 10 - 12 Exams start

12 – Life Sci Prac Workshop Workshop



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5


7 8 9 10 11 12 13

8 – 9 Exams start

14 15 School Holiday 16 Youth Day 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 SCHOOLS CLOSE


EXAMS END 9 - Aptitude tests 10 - Community Serv.

10 - Community Serv. 11 - Job Shadow

11 - Job Shadow

28 29 30


NO pupils will be allowed to go home early on any day or after a test without a written letter from the parent requesting this. No emails!

Permission for going home early will only be allowed for emergencies.

If a pupil is too sick to stay for the full day after a test, then they must not come to school to write, but must provide the school with a medical certificate.


All pupils are required to be at school at the regular time - 07h55 - even if they are not writing a test. This time will be used for consolidation or tasks organized by various subject departments.

All parents are asked to please be aware that when your child misses a Monday or a Thursday test, a letter from the parent and the relevant chemist slip (the date on the slip must pertain to the pupil’s absenteeism and medication bought), a certificate from the clinic or a doctor’s certificate is required. A medical certificate from either the clinic or the doctor is applicable for missing any exam. A note from you excusing your child from school for the days missed (not test days) is also required.

Grade 9 and Matric pupils must produce a doctor’s certificate for tests and exams missed as these are the two exit phases and their marks are externally moderated by the Education Department.

Learners are not allowed to go home immediately after a test if they are ill. They have to stay until first break. If they are ill, then they should not come to school. A doctor’s certificate will be required.



The Government Notice No 1040, South African Schools Act (84/1996), declares all schools

drug free zones. This means no substance abuse, possession of illegal drugs on school premises

or being at school under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, is allowed.

Substance abuse/ illegal drugs means any unlawful, intoxicating or stupefying substances, these

include tobacco, substances generated from electronic cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs,

dagga and other hard drugs.

Substance abuse is prohibited and severe action will be taken against perpetrators. However,

those who admit to having problems with substance abuse will be helped and counselling will be

made available.

If a learner has in his /her possession any of the abovementioned at school, on a school outing or is

identified as a Fairmont High School learner, that learner will be punished, even more so if he/ she

is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

15.1 Purpose and Scope

The aim of this policy is to encourage all learners to abstain from using any drugs (other than

those which are medically prescribed), including alcohol and tobacco. This document should be

given to each learner and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to sign it as acknowledgement

that they have read and understood it, and that they have agreed to abide by its policy.

15.2 Position

The school does not tolerate:

• the use or possession of any illegal or prohibited substances

• the possession of drug-related equipment such as cigarette papers, pipes, matches, lighters, bottle ends, foils, electronic cigarettes or other

• performance enhancing drugs

• the inappropriate use of solvents, inhalants, aerosols and similar agents

• the consumption of alcohol and the smoking of tobacco

If any learner is involved in dealing or selling any of the abovementioned substances, action will

be taken either through the police or a disciplinary hearing.

The school will respond to substance abuse with serious punishments, but also with a

humanitarian view. Our approach will be one of prevention education. The school undertakes to

educate (through guidance lessons, life skills) to inform (using outside speakers, exhibitions) and

to guide and support (counselling, peer-counselling).

15.3 Procedure

Anybody found in possession of, or using any of these substances either on school property, or

when in school uniform or when under the supervision of the school, or attending school-related

functions, including sport outings, tours and social events will be subject to the following procedure:

• The learner will be required to have a drug test administered.

• If a learner tests positive for a substance use, the learner will first be interviewed by senior school management or the school counsellor to determine the nature and extent of the learner’s involvement with drugs (casual experimentation, habitual use, dependence, dealing, etc.) and determine the appropriate response.

• The learner’s parent(s)/guardian(s) will be informed of the alleged involvement and will be required to attend a meeting at the school with the principal/senior staff management/ Governing Body representative.

On the basis of the meeting the school will take the necessary action:

• Inform the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a pending disciplinary hearing.

• Disciplinary action against the learner may follow if in the opinion of the hearing this is warranted by the nature of the learner’s involvement with drugs. The results of such disciplinary action may include the provision of support, including counselling to a range of punishments which may include recommendation for expulsion.


• Drug testing and searches will be done when substance abuse or the possession of illegal substances is suspected.

• In the case of illegal substances, the matter will be reported to the South African Police Service.

• Dealing in drugs or involving others in their use will normally result in a recommendation that the pupil be expelled from the school.

15.4 Prescription Drugs

The school needs to be informed if any leaner needs to bring prescription drugs to school. Learners

are not allowed to bring more than one day’s dose to school.

15.5 Addiction, Treatment and Help

The school understands that addiction is a medical problem. Any learner who asks for, or is

identified as needing assistance in coping with drug use will be expected to attend appropriate


This will be done in consultation with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and any cost incurred shall be paid

by the learner’s parent(s)/guardian(s).

Learners who experience problems with substance abuse or related matters, learners who need

help and ask for it, will be treated in confidence and will not be discriminated against in any way.

Learners, who have voluntarily gone to rehabilitation or attended drug education programmes, will

be allowed to return to school, on certain conditions. Part of being helped/counselled will include

signing an agreement/contract and agreeing to random testing.

The drug policy is for the benefit of all parties concerned. The aim of the policy is to assist,

educate and guide learners, to help those who want to be helped or who need help.

The school will assist in the rehabilitation efforts of learners.


Thu, 21 May Matric Dance Expo (21 – 24 May) at Tygervalley Shopping Centre

Fri, 22 May Matric Theme Day

Sat, 23 May Drummie 2nd Large Drill Competition

Tue, 26 May Gr. 9 Banango Workshop (26 – 27 May)

Thu, 28 May Gr. 8 – 12 Life Orientation Exam

Friday, 29 May Gr 10 – 12 Exams start

Sat, 30 May Drummie Breakfast

SGB 3-Year Strategic Plan

Mon, 8 June Gr. 8 – 10 Exams start

Mon, 15 June School holiday

Tue, 16 June Youth Day

Sat, 20 June WP Drill Championships

Wed, 24 June Exams End

Thu, 25 June Gr. 9 Aptitude Assessment

Gr. 10 Community Service

Gr. 11 Job Shadow

Fri, 26 June Schools Close

Gr. 10 Community Service

Gr. 11 Job Shadow

Westering Sport Tour leaves

Sat, 27 June U19 Boys’ Soccer Team depart for East London


We are very proud to announce the following past pupils who have completed their studies at

Stellenbosch University.

Congratulations to all and we wish you much success in your careers.


Venter JL BScAgric(Aquacult and Con Ec) 2004

Ekermans SL BSc (Sport Science) 2005

Beecroft BJ MEng (Research)(Full time) 2006

Du Plooy J MEng (Research)(Full time) 2006

Oosthuizen R PD in Financial Planning 2006

Beukes DC MSc (AH) 2007

Giesler R BEng (Electr & Electron) (4Yr) 2007

Kotze JJR MEng (Structured) (P) 2007

Lombard C BScHons in Biokinetics 2007

Poovan K MSc in Medical Sciences (AH) 2007

Rom JN BEng (Civil)(4Yr) 2007

Van Rensburg N LLB (PG) 2007

Beets LM MB,ChB 2008

Cornish G BEng (Civil)(4Yr) 2008

Dai J Article writing workshop 2008

Du Toit MA BCom (Hons) 2008

Fannin NF MSc in Sport Science 2008

Heunis AE MEng (Research) (Full time) 2008

Hougaard AG PgCE 2008

Ramnarayan C MB,ChB 2008

Tessendorf LA BCom (Hons) 2008


Bonorchis MC BCom (Management Sciences} 2009

Conradie SV BA (Language and Culture) 2009

Da Luz LC BCom (Law) 2009

Da Silva BBF BAccounting (Hons) 2009

Dolpire TK BCom 2009

Duarte CA BCom (Hons) 2009

Ettisch B BCom (Management Sciences) 2009

Fortuin JR BEng (Chem Eng) (4Yr) 2009

Hawkes DG BCom (Management Sciences } 2009

Oosthuizen LA B in Social Work 2009

Paterson TB BEng (Mechatronics) 2'009

Pouwels G BCom (Management Account} 2009

Van Der Walt TA BSc (Earth Science) 2009

Van Der Walt PA BCom (Hons) 2009

Webb MAL BCom (EDP - 2007 Intake) 2009

Willemse T BEdHons 2009

Windell C BCom 2009

Bosch A PgCE 2010

Bunning CT BA in VA {Visual Comm-design) 2010

Cook CJ BScHons in Sport Science 2010

Cowley J BAHons 2010

Earley B BAccounting 2010

Eichstadt SA BSc Cons Ecol 2010

Glover AA BAHons 2010

Kempton-Jones E Bed (General Education) 2010

Kotze LA BSc (Hons) 2010

Kotze C BAccounting (Hons) 2010

Le Roux JJR PgCE 2010

Lester M BScHons 2010

Mannix K Bcom (Industrial Psychology) 2010

Michel GJ BAHons 2010

Muller CP Bcom (Mathematical Science) 2010

Rubow J BSc (Hons) 2010

Splinter KC BAccounting (Hons) 2010

Swanepoel B PgCE 2010

Vorster RA BAccounting (Hons) 2010

Wallace J BSc (Hons) 2010

Williams SC BA (Socio Informatics) 2010

Yeh MM BA (International Studies) 2010

April I Baccounting 2011

Bonorchis SM BSc (Human Life) (Bio with Psy) 2011

De la Chaumette C Baccounting 2011

De Waldon-Holmes

KS BA (Humanities) 2011

Kemp JC Bcom (Management Sciences) 2011

Marchand K Baccounting 2011

Ormerod JC BCom (Management Account} 2011

Roux MF BSc (Moledul Biol and Biotech) 2011

Stewart T Bcom (Management Sciences) 2011





CHESS Open Library 09h00 A Behrendt



XI FA Astro 10h15 A Chemaly


XI FBC Astro 10h00 J Hancock

U16A FA Astro 12h20 C Weerts

U16B FBC Astro 11h00 K Jones

U16C FA Oval 1 09h00 K Mealor

U14A FA Astro 08h20 M Vermeulen

U14B FA Oval 1 08h00 J Dempers


1st XI FA Astro 09h10 E van Zyl


XI FBC Astro 09h00 B Nel

U16A FA Astro 11h20 A du Toit

U16B FBC Astro 08h00 M Taylor

U16C FA Oval 2 09h00 A Matthee

U14A FA Astro 07h30 A Eley

U14B FA Oval 2 08h00 S Meyer


1st Team Students’ Centre 11h00 J Phillips


Team Students’ Centre 10h15 J Phillips

U16A Students’ Centre 09h30 S April

U16B Students’ Centre 08h45 S April

U16C Court 1 08h00 B Soga

U14A Students’ Centre 08h00 A v Bouillon

U14B Court 1 09h00 A v Bouillon

U14C Court 1 10h00 A v Bouillon


1st XV Fairview Field 11h30 P Cronje


Team Fairview Field 10h15 A Louw

U16 Fairview Field 09h00 R Weber

U15 Hillcrest Field 10h15 W Dowd

U14 Hillcrest Field 09h00 S Swanepoel

TABLE TENNIS Open School Hall 09h00 A de Ridder



Everything you need to make matric awesome will be featured at ME-X from today until Sunday!

Don’t miss out! Get to Tygervalley to gain information about dress designers and hairstylists, limos and

luxury vehicles, make-up and suit hire, to experience the options available to you for the future, and to

gain insight into Life beyond Fairmont High School’s Walls!

Stand a chance to win amazing prizes including driving lessons, perfume, vouchers for vehicle hire, spa

vouchers, dance lessons and more.

Remember to bring along those unwanted dresses, shoes and jewellery for the Princess Project, and

don’t forget your all important smiles and pouts for the photo booth.


We would like to thank Stella Scents, Ruslamere Hotel, Pure Day Spa and the Rusty Oaks Bistro for their

wonderful donations of perfume and vouchers as prizes for our event!


Stella Scents has over 114 oil based fragrances for ladies and

gents, our fragrance oils are imported from Switzerland and of

exceptional quality. We promote our fragrances via Agents and

Distributors rather than the retail stores to ensure excellent

customer service, personal interaction as well as job creation.

the Pure Day Spa and Wellness Centre, Indoor and Outdoor Swimming Pools and a Gym. We also offer Ruslamere

Speelgoed Land to keep the kids occupied and entertained.

Owners Russell and Gisela Rathbone, who established the Guest House in 2005, are actively involved in the day-

to-day running of the business. Assisted by a staff compliment of thirty, their hands-on approach and attention to

detail ensure that high levels of service are always met.

We currently seat over 200 guests in the Rusty Oak Bistro, and have the perfect deck outside where you can enjoy

any sport you desire while indulging in our huge burgers, or catch of the day.

The Rusty Oak Bistro is available for functions & events like birthdays, wedding or year-end functions.

While this is a new restaurant that is part of Ruslamere Hotel Spa & Conference Centre, we are already planning

our expansion with plans for a deli on the adjoining property next to the Rusty Oak Bistro.


Celebrated for its facilities, atmosphere and

service, Ruslamere offers luxury Hotel

accommodation in the heart of Durbanville

and a tranquil environment for both

business conference and leisure guests.

Ideally situated mid-way between the Winelands

and the Waterfront, Ruslamere Hotel is the

perfect stay for both the leisure and business

traveler. The hotel comprises 50 luxury

bedrooms, 9 upmarket Conference Venues

Last week we thanked Keep Left Driving School for the

sponsorship of a prize for ME-X. The company has

since had a name change. Thank you to Keep Alert

Driving School for the fabulous donation of driving

lessons to the value of R1 600 for one lucky learner!



The Fairmont Community Festival will once again be gracing our school fields this year on Saturday, 31st October 2015!

Fun Fair Rides

Food Vendors

Craft Market

Tea Garden

Scout Display

Bungee Star Jumps

Foam Party

New Concept

Battle of the School


Look out for more

information every

week in the

Fairmont Focus!

How to enter,

Where to enter,

When to enter!

Get there!

Be there or



Our hard working and dedicated Drummies will be participating in their second Large Drill competition on Saturday 23 May 2015 at JG Meiring High School in Goodwood. The competition starts at 14h00 and our drummies will be perform at approximately 14h45. Please make an effort to come and support your fellow sportswoman!

Drummies you have worked hard and we know that you will do yourselves and Fairmont proud. Number 1 Superstars all the way!


HIGH : 14h00 – 15h00

1. The Settlers

2. HHH

3. Brackenfell High School

4. Fairmont High School


Even loadshedding does not stop the Drummies from practicing!



Rehearsals for Fairmont’s Annual Production are underway and our actors, singers and dancers are gearing up to put on another original and entertaining musical of which we can all be proud.

Chairman: Martine Donachie Md3101@gmail.com

Chief Adjudicator: Dornehl Kitching dornehl@gmail.com

Coaches Rep: Jolanda De Necker Jolanda.dn@gmail.com


The Production will run from 12 August, ending with a glamorous Gala evening on Friday 14 August. The costs of staging a slick production are significant and we are appealing to Fairmont families for help in specific areas to enable us to make this important event on our School Cultural Calendar a great success.

We would be very grateful if anyone has contacts in the beverage industry and is in a position to offer to sponsor juice or flavoured water for the Gala evening. We expect to be catering for 100/120 people.

We are also still looking for pieces of antique furniture similar to those shown below. If any Fairmont families have any which they would be willing to sell, donate or lend to the school, we would be grateful if you would contact us. Alternatively if you have contacts in the antique furniture business, perhaps you could help us?

Tanya Burness 082 6587587 burnessb@iafrica.com



Badminton (Boys') Thurs 14-May 1st St Josephs A@ John Tyres Hall, Kenilworth Cancelled

Chess (Boys') Fri 15-May 1st Curro Durbanville(A) Lost 2.5 : 3.5

2nd Curro Durbanville(A) Lost 0 : 6

Cross Country Wed 13-May Boys' Fairmont HS Report

Girls' Fairmont HS Report

Wed 20-May Boys' Malibu HS (A) Report

Girls' Malibu HS (A) Report

Golf (Boys') Mon 11-May 1st Stellenberg(H) Won 4 : 2

Mon 18-May 1st Stellenberg HS (H) Won 3.5 : 2.5

Hockey (Boys') Fri/Sat 15/16-May U19A Somerset College(A) Lost 2 : 3

U19B Somerset College(A) Lost 0 : 1

U16A Somerset College(A) Won 5 : 0

U16B Somerset College(A) Lost 0 : 3

U16C Somerset College(A) Lost 1 : 2

U14A Somerset College(A) Won 2 : 0

U14B Somerset College(A) Won 5 : 0

Hockey (Girls') Fri/Sat 15/16-May U19A Springfield(A) / Somerset College(A) See Report

U19B Springfield(A) / Somerset College(A) See Report

U19C Springfield(A) / Somerset College(A) See Report

U16A Springfield(A) / Somerset College(A) See Report

U16B Springfield(A) / Somerset College(A) See Report

U16C Springfield(A) / Somerset College(A) See Report

U14A Springfield(A) / Somerset College(A) See Report

U14B Springfield(A) / Somerset College(A) See Report


Netball Thurs 14-May U19A Curro Durbanville(A) See Report

U19B Curro Durbanville(A) See Report

U16A Curro Durbanville(A) See Report

U16B Curro Durbanville(A) See Report

U16C Curro Durbanville(A) See Report

U16D Curro Durbanville(A) See Report

U14A Curro Durbanville(A) See Report

U14B Curro Durbanville(A) See Report

Rugby Sat 16-May U19A Somerset College(A) See Report

U19B Somerset College(A) Won 12 : 8

U16 Somerset College(A) Won 16 : 5

U15 Somerset College(A) Lost 12 : 21

U14 Somerset College(A) Lost 12 : 15

Soccer (Boys') Tues 12-May U14 Camps Bay HS (H) Lost 1 : 5

Wed 13-May U19A Oude Molen (H) Lost 0 : 2

U19B Oude Molen (H) Lost 2 : 5

Thurs 14-May U16 Tableview HS (A) Won 5 : 2

Tues 19-May U14 Elkanah House (A) Lost 1 : 5

Wed 20-May U19A Elkanah House (A) Lost 0 : 2

U19B Milnerton (H) Won 4 : 1

Soccer (Girls') Tues 12-May U19A Edgemead HS (A) Won 2 : 0

U19B Edgemead HS (A) Lost 0 : 3

Wed 13-May U15A Elkanah House"A" (H) Lost 0 : 3

U15B Buren HS (H) Lost 0 : 6

Tues 19-May U19A Parklands HS (H) Won 6 : 2

U19B JG Meiring (H) Lost 0 : 10

Wed 20-May U15A Herzlia HS (A) Lost 0 : 2

U15B Elkanah House (H) Lost 0 : 3

Squash (Boys') Fri 15-May U19A Hugenote(H) Lost 7 : 13

U19B De Kuilen(A) Lost 3 : 3

U15 Paarl Boys(H) Win by default Won 14: 0

Table Tennis (Boys') Tues 12-May U19 Brackenfell HS (H) Lost 1 : 5

U16 Brackenfell HS (H) Lost 0 : 6

Tues 19-May U19 Bellville South (A) Lost 2 : 5

U16 Bellville South (A) Cancelled


1st Team Boys’ Hockey

1st Team Girls’ Hockey

Back: Candice Earley, Brigeet Benadie, Adi Wing, Kaylin Brunsdon, Kay-Lynn McLean Middle: Gabi Demblon, Hannah-Jayne Hough, Jenna-Leigh Dolpire, Courtney Sinclair, Teagan Crament, Nicole de Abreu Aires Front: Emma Jacobs (V-C), Mrs van Zyl (Manager), Julia Masureik, Mr Clark (Coach), Cayley Jones ( C )

U14 Boys’ WP 2015 Northern Zonal Team

Congratulations to the following boys who have been selected to represent the U14 Western Province Northern Zone in the Southern Regional Inter-Provincial to be held in Bloemfontein. This tournament will be held from Wednesday, 1 July 2015 – Sunday, 5 July 2015.

Jordan New (Goal Keeper)

David Myburg (Goal Keeper)

Dylan Rauch (Back)

Jack Mantell (Link)

Pierre de Wit (Link)

Grant Rousseau (Striker)

Girls’ Hockey

16 May: vs Somerset College

U14A: Lost 1-0

U14B: Lost 2-1

U19A: Lost 2-1

U19B: Lost 2-0

Somerset College cancelled all U16 games.

17 May: vs Springfield

U14A: Lost 2-1

U14B: Lost 1-0

U16A: Won 1-0

U16B: Lost 3-1

U16C: Drew 0-0

U19A: Lost 1-0

U19B: Lost 1-0


vs Curro

U14A Won 15 : 2

U16A Won 21 : 10

U19B Won 12 : 6

U19A Won 26 : 25

vs Somerset College

U14A Won 14 : 7

U14B Won 6 : 2

U16A Won 14 : 13

U16B Won 6 : 5

U16C Won 6 : 3

U19A Won 34 : 30

U19B Won 14 : 8


1ST Rugby Team Report : Somerset College vs Fairmont 16th May 2015 (Away)

It was certainly a much better week in terms of preparation and one could feel and sense the hurt the boys were feeling after their disappointing 1 point loss to Bergvliet the week before.

A few late forced injury changes were made on Friday and the boys arrived in a more focused mood than before. It could be attributed to one of the most spectacular views and surrounds a school could hope for.

Fairmont were well received, thanks to our host Somerset College.

At the warm up session, the boys started to switch on and one felt there was a sense of pride and determination about the attitude. It went well and, as always, it looked pretty awesome when doing shadow moves; there were less balls going to ground; and the communication was up.

The game got underway in awesome conditions and what a spectacle. Both teams were prepared to throw the ball around.

There were many chances created by both sides and it was often scrambled defence which bailed them out and prevented tries from being scored early on.

Fairmont lost their Captain, Jonothan Nel, within the first 15 minutes to possible concussion. The late replacement prop, Jordan Pugin and Leonard, the Captain’s replacement, played really well.

There were many contributions with great lineout balls from Austin, and a superb defence effort from Ryan Hodgson who was named forward player of the game.

It was played at good pace and both teams can be commended for their efforts and spirit in which the game was played.

There was still a lot of wasted possession with balls not going to hand in a 50/50 pass situation, and little protection at the rucks.

Too many hanging around the fringes at times and then body positions in rucks and mauls is an area which needs immense improvement.

The latter part of the game it appeared Fairmont went to sleep after having a healthy lead after tries and conversions. Somerset College never stopped trying and applied pressure with some good driving mauls off set pieces.

Fairmont back line looked good and, after a few substitution’s, stepped up a gear. This can be attributed to a very organized display from Fairmont’s no 10.

Dylan van Wyk was named our Man of the Match for his confident running of the backline, and execution.

Tries Scored: Basjan Swanepoel / Dylan Van Wyk / Sibakeng Ncube

Conversions x3 : Joshua Julies

Final Score: Fairmont 21 : 20 Somerset College

The winner on the day was rugby. Both teams played with flair and structure and need to be highly commended on the sportsmanship displayed throughout the game. The referee had an awesome game with the players fully understanding his calls and judgement.

Thank you to all who made this day a truly memorable moment.


U15 Boys’ Fairmont 14 : 2 De Kuilen

U19 Boys’ (1st) Fairmont 8 : 6 Strand

U19 Boys’ (2nd) Fairmont 3 : 11 Stellenberg



By Neil Gaiman

A middle- aged man returns to his childhood home to attend a funeral. Although the house he lived in is long gone, he is drawn to the farm at the end of the road, where, when he was seven, he encountered a most remarkable girl, Lettie Hempstock, and her mother and grandmother. He hadn’t thought of Lettie in decades, and yet as he sits by the pond ( a pond that she’d claimed was an ocean) behind the ramshackle old farmhouse where she once lived, the unremembered past comes flooding back. And it is a past too strange, too frightening, too dangerous to have happened to anyone, let alone a small boy.


Action Sports are pleased to announce that Dino de Pentieiros (Fairmont High School’s Assistant Sport Co-ordinator) has been appointed to do all Action Cricket umpire training in the Western Cape area.

Please liaise with Dino on the following.

All umpires need to do the online exam and pass with a minimum of 80% before they can attend the umpires course.

Please ensure you have a group of umpires to attend

Dino will come to you guys to conduct the presentation

There is no charge for this course.

Once the course is complete, liaise with Dino to come back to do the grading.

Please contact Dino should you be interested in training as a cricket umpire 021 976 1147.



A very warm welcome is extended to all moms

wishing to join our “Mothers Who Pray” group.

We meet every Wednesday, at 07h30,

in the Boardroom of Fairmont High School.

Please come and join us, or contact Amanda (072 072 1047


The Maties and Eagles Wheelchair Rugby teams took to the Fairmont Student Centre court this

past Saturday. Most of these players have been injured during their rugby careers and now

continue their passion of playing rugby….in a wheelchair.

It is very heartwarming to watch these rugby lovers playing their new style of rugby. Make sure to

watch them the next time they play.

Eagles were the winners of the day with a score of Eagles 29 vs Maties 20.


Learners from Fairmont joined other Land Service members, from all over the Western Cape, for a camp at Mizpah in Grabouw.

The weekend was filled with fun activities, games and excitement. All returned on Sunday morning very tired, but excited for the next camp at the end of June.


League of Legends:

We are pleased to announce that the following learners have been selected to represent South Afica for League of Legends on June 6th for an Online Test match versus Austria. The match will take place at Mweb Café.

Mingu Kang (Captain)

Eric Larsen

Nicholas Morthlock

Seung Ju Lee

Seung Min Lee

New Captains:

Congratulations to the following learners who earned their captains badges last week.

Reece Crump (DOTA 2)

David Ziervogel (CS:GO)

Andrew Reeve (Fifa 15)

Results: South African Inter-Schools Online League Round 1

DOTA: 1st team won vs Oakhill High School

2nd team won vs Roedean High School

3rd team won vs Sacred Heart High School

CS:GO: 1st team lost vs St Johns College

2nd team won vs Crawford College Sandton

Fifa: 1st team lost vs HTS Witbank

2nd team lost vs HTS Witbank

3rd team lost vs HTS Witbank



Badminton (Boys') Thurs 21-May 1st Bergvliet @ John Tyres Hall, Kenilworth

Chess (Boys') Fri 22-May 1st HTS Bellville (H)

2nd HTS Bellville (H)

Fri 29-May 1st Meridian Pinehurst (A)

2nd Meridian Pinehurst (A)

Golf (Boys') Mon 25-May 1st Durbanville HS (A)

Hockey (Boys') Fri/Sat 22/23-May U19A Fairbairn College(H)

U19B Fairbairn College(H)

U16A Fairbairn College(H)

U16B Fairbairn College(H)

U16C Fairbairn College(H)

U14A Fairbairn College(H)

U14B Fairbairn College(H)

Fri/Sat 29/30 May U19A Parel Vallei (H)

U19B Parel Vallei (H)

U16A Parel Vallei (H)

U16B Parel Vallei (H)

U16C Parel Vallei (H)

U14A Parel Vallei (H)

U14B Parel Vallei (H)

Fri/Sat 5/6 June U19A Bishops (A)

U19B Bishops (A)

U16A Bishops (A)

U16B Bishops (A)

U16C Bishops (A)

U14A Bishops (A)

U14B Bishops (A)

Hockey (Girls') Fri/Sat 22/23-May U19A Bellville HS(H) / Fairbairn College(H)

U19B Bellville HS(H) / Fairbairn College(H)

U19C Bellville HS(H) / Fairbairn College(H)

U16A Bellville HS(H) / Fairbairn College(H)

U16B Bellville HS(H) / Fairbairn College(H)

U16C Bellville HS(H) / Fairbairn College(H)

U14A Bellville HS(H) / Fairbairn College(H)

U14B Bellville HS(H) / Fairbairn College(H)

Fri/Sat 29/30-May U19A Herschell (A) / Parel Vallei (H)

U19B Herschell (A) / Parel Vallei (H)

U19C Herschell (A) / Parel Vallei (H)

U16A Herschell (A) / Parel Vallei (H)

U16B Herschell (A) / Parel Vallei (H)

U16C Herschell (A) / Parel Vallei (H)

U14A Herschell (A) / Parel Vallei (H)

U14B Herschell (A) / Parel Vallei (H)


Fri/Sat 5/6 Jun U19A Pinelands (H)

U19B Pinelands (H)


U16A Pinelands (H)

U16B Pinelands (H)

U16C Pinelands (H)

U14A Pinelands (H)

U14B Pinelands (H)

Netball Thurs 21-May U19A Bellville HTS (A)

U19B Bellville HTS (A)

U16A Bellville HTS (A)

U16B Bellville HTS (A)

U16C Bellville HTS (A)

U16D Bellville HTS (A)

U14A Bellville HTS (A)

U14B Bellville HTS (A)

Sat 23-May U19A Fairbairn College (H)

U19B Fairbairn College (H)

U16A Fairbairn College (H)

U16B Fairbairn College (H)

U16C Fairbairn College (H)

U16D Fairbairn College (H)

U14A Fairbairn College (H)

U14B Fairbairn College (H)

Rugby Sat 23-May U19A Fairbairn College (H)

U19B Fairbairn College (H)

U16 Fairbairn College (H)

U15 Fairbairn College (H)

U14 Fairbairn College (H)

Sat 30-May U19A Parel Vallei (H)

U19B Parel Vallei (H)

U16 Parel Vallei (H)

U15 Parel Vallei (H)

U14 Parel Vallei (H)

Soccer (Boys') Thurs 21-May U16 Buren HS (H)

Squash (Boys') Fri 22-May U19A Stellenberg HS (A)

U19B Paarl Boys HS (H)

U15 Strand "A" (A)

Fri 29-May U19A Stellenbosch (H)

U19B Huegenote HS (A)

U15 Paul Roos HS (H)


Tristan Hamilton Gr 12

Tristan was awarded the Nedbank Trophy for the Most Promising Golfer for 2014 at a Gala Awards Evening this past weekend whilst he was away playing in a Western Province U19 Tournament.

Mr and Mrs Hamilton were asked to attend the function on Tristan's behalf, and Mr Hamilton was clearly very honoured to receive this award on behalf of Tristan.


I ask that all our sport teams be aware of their sport commitments during the exam period and that they attend their practices.

Please be informed of the final appearance check on Monday for this term, and I ask parents to please support us in our endeavors to make sure that our pupils are neat, properly groomed and well turned out in their uniforms.

I look forward to our sports day at Fairbairn College this Saturday.

Best wishes to our Fairmont families for a happy weekend.

Yours sincerely


Disclaimer: Fairmont High School does not necessarily endorse the products/services advertised in this circular.