FACULTY STAFFwebserv.cc.ysu.edu/facultystaff/FacultyAndStaff.pdf · 1 FACULTY AND STAFF A Abell, Ms...

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Transcript of FACULTY STAFFwebserv.cc.ysu.edu/facultystaff/FacultyAndStaff.pdf · 1 FACULTY AND STAFF A Abell, Ms...



AAdair, Ms Danielle 1577

daadair@ysu.eduOperations ManagerKilcawley CenterKilcawley Center 2206

Adair, Mr Ira 7200ivadair@ysu.eduGroundskeeper 3Grounds DeptSalata Complex

Adams, Mr Cameron 3369caadams02@ysu.eduAsst Dir Ops Guest SvcsCampus RecreationAndrews Student Rec Center

Adams, Ms Christine 3681cmadams02@ysu.eduCo-Director LibraryMaag LibraryMaag Library 226

Adams, Mrs Maureen 3045mdadams05@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 2Mathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 537

Adams, Ms Raelene 2756rmadams@ysu.eduTechnology Support EngineerIT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall

Adams, Ms Stephanie 1535sadams04@ysu.eduInstr Design Educ TechnologistDistance Education, Office ofLincoln Building 308

Adger, Ms Stacey 3527sladger@ysu.eduUniversity DispatcherPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Adovasio, Ms Linda 3027

ljadovasio@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Rayen School of EngineeringMoser Hall 2460

Adovasio, Mr Mark mdadovasio@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Adu-Poku, Dr Samuel 1866sadupoku@ysu.eduProfessorArt, Dept ofBliss Hall 4089

Ahmadi, Dr Farzad 3013fahmadi@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engineering,Dept ofMoser Hall 2042

Akers, Ms Wendy 3359wmakers@ysu.eduCostume Shop SpecialistTheatre and Dance, Department ofBliss Hall 1012

Akpom, Dr Kathleen kakpom@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusHealth Professions Dept

Alam, Dr Javed jalam@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineering

Albani, Ms Meagan 3318mkalbani@ysu.eduUpward Bound InstructorUpward BoundFedor Hall

Alberti, Mr Joe 1535jmalberti@ysu.eduTech Support Instruct DesignDistance Education, Office ofLincoln Building 306

Alexander, Mrs Diana 3612

dmalexander01@ysu.eduGIS Course Content SpecialistGeology & Environmental Science(See Physics Astronomy)Moser Hall 2120

Aliberti, Mrs Darlene 2387dmaliberti@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Bitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 2104

Allen, Jeff jballen03@ysu.eduDeanBitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 2104

Allshouse, Mr Robert 3777rsallshouse@ysu.eduTech Support Technician 1IT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall

Alschuler, Dr Mari 3297mlalschuler@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSocial Work DeptCushwa Hall 3373

Altier, Mr Robert rjaltier@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Amin, Dr Isam 2293ieamin@ysu.eduProfessorGeology & Environmental Science(See Physics Astronomy)Moser Hall 2075

Amolsch, Ms Dawn 1955dkamolsch@ysu.eduLaboratory Animal Technician 1Biological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 3035A

Anderson, Ms Carrie 4702clanderson@ysu.edu


Associate DirectorStudent ActivitiesKilcawley Center 2234

Anderson, Mr Garett granderson@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Andrews, Dr Corey 3642ceandrews@ysu.eduProfessor

DeBartolo Hall 235Andrews, Dr Jim

jandrews@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, Dept

Angelo, Mr Scott sdangelo@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Annico, Mrs Alyssa 2511ajannico@ysu.eduCurriculum Resource LibrarianMaag LibraryBeeghly Hall 1206

Armstrong, Mr Alvy 3725adarmstrong@ysu.eduEquipment ManagerAthletic Equipment RoomStambaugh Stadium 1058

Armstrong, Dr Felicia 1385fparmstrong@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorGeology & Environmental Science(See Physics Astronomy)Moser Hall 2080

Arntsen, Dr Christopher 2763carntsen@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5034

Arslanyilmaz, Dr Abdu 1787aarslanyilmaz@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorComputer Science & InformationSystemsMeshel Hall 310

Asch, Dr Dave 1350dkasch@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 3003

Audia, Mr Joe 1992jbaudia@ysu.eduTechnology Support Tech 1IT Customer ServicesBliss Hall 3073

Ault, Mr Robert 1719rdault@ysu.eduLibrarian Serials MicroformsMaag LibraryMaag Library 217

Aurilio, Dr Louise laaurilio@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusNursing Dept

Avery, Ms Kimberlee 1662kaavery@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorUndergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2009

Awad Scrocco, Dr Diana 1640dlawadscrocco@ysu.eduAssociate Professor

DeBartolo Hall 238Ayana, Dr Daniel 1609

dayana@ysu.eduProfessorHistory DeptDeBartolo Hall 541

BBagley, Dr Morgan 3650

mcbagley@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMaster of Athletic TrainingBeeghly Center 307K

Bailey, Ms Margarita"Margo" 2272

mbailey@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2General Counsel, Office of theTod Hall 314

Bailey, Shaun rrbailey@ysu.eduAsst Athletic TrainerAthletic Training Room

Baker, Ms Stephanie 7445shbaker@ysu.eduHousing CoordinatorUniversity Housing, Office ofKilcawley House

Balaz, Dr Snjezana 7467

sbalaz@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 1001

Baldwin-Casey, MrsDelphine

dbaldwincasey@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Balendiran, DrGanesaratnam K 7103

gkbalendiran@ysu.eduProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 6017

Ball, Dr Kevin 1560keball@ysu.eduAssoc Provost Acad Prgms PlngAcademic Affairs, Office ofTod Hall 219

Ballone, Dr Kim 1799kaserroka@ysu.eduProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 3108

Banas, Mrs Kristin kmdelmonaco@ysu.eduInstruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism

Bandy, Mrs Holly hnbandy@ysu.eduResearch Evaluation AssociateCenter for Human ServicesDevelopment

Banks, Mrs Ellen 3684ewbanks@ysu.eduLibrary Media Technical Asst 2Maag LibraryMaag Library 231

Bannon, Ms Crystal 1557clbannon@ysu.eduSenior Career Acad Advisor 1Career and Academic AdvisingJones Hall 2006

Bansky, Mr Albert aabansky@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Barker, Ms Summer 1946snbarker@ysu.eduUniversity ArchitectFacilities Office


Salata Complex 1008Barna, Mr William

wjbarna@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Barnes, Mr John 5293jmbarnes@ysu.eduHead Women's Basketball CoachWomen's BasketballBeeghly Hall

Barnhouse, Dr Rebecca 1951rbarnhouse@ysu.eduProfessor

DeBartolo Hall 215Barwick, Ms Madonna

mjbarwick@ysu.eduScience InstructorUpward Bound

Barzak, Mr Christopher 2327cmbarzak@ysu.eduProfessor

DeBartolo Hall 245Basile, Mr Jeffrey

jabasile@ysu.eduCPT Reader

Bateman, Dr Patrick 3524pjbateman@ysu.eduProfessorManagement, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3354

Beadling, Dr Laura llbeadling@ysu.eduAssociate Professor

Beatrice, Ms Jonelle jabeatrice@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusStudent Success, Office of

Bednar, Mr George gtbednar@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Beese, Dr Jane 2236jbeese@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCounseling, School Psychology,Educational LeadershipBeeghly Hall 4105

Begeot, Mr Donald

dmbegeot@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Behney, Dr Jennifer 3462jbehney@ysu.eduAssociate Professor

DeBartolo Hall 508Belgin, Mrs Heather 1591

habelgin@ysu.eduAssoc Director Alumni EventsAlumni & Events, Office ofTod Hall 119

Bell, Ms Cindy 3102cmbell02@ysu.eduExec Asst to PresidentPresident, Office of theTod Hall 216

Bella, Ms Cindy 1482crbella@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 3WYSU FM 88.5Melnick Hall 2031

Bellas, Dr Christopher cmbellas@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCriminal Justice

Benedict, Dr Jim 3227jbenedict@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorPhysical Therapy DepartmentCushwa Hall B333

Benko, Mr David 3527djbenko@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Bennett, Ms Carol clbennett04@ysu.eduAssistant Provost Dvrsty InclDiversity, Equity and Inclusion, OfficeofJones Hall

Benson, Mr Jim 1478jcbenson@ysu.eduTemp Systems Librarian PTMaag LibraryMaag Library 229

Benton, Dr Terry 1639tdbenton@ysu.eduAssistant Professor

DeBartolo Hall 221

Berardini, Dr Claire 1467cberardini@ysu.eduAssoc Provost Student SuccessStudent Success, Office ofJones Hall 3015

Berger, Ms Jean 3251jhberger@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Teacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 1108

Berger, Dr Martin meberger@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusHistory Dept

Berlinski, Ms Claudia 1371caberlinski@ysu.eduDirectorMcDonough Museum of ArtMcDonough Museum 3006

Bero, Mr Robert 3231rbbero@ysu.eduGroundskeeper 3Grounds DeptSalata Complex

Bertolini, Mr Dan dabertolini@ysu.eduHead Coach BaseballBaseball

Bettura, Mr Justin 2713jlbettura@ysu.eduAssoc Dir IT InfrastructureIT Infrastructure ServicesMeshel Hall 410

Beverly, Mr Michael 1441mabeverly@ysu.eduProgram Advisor-Academic CoachCenter for Student Progress, MarionG. ReschKilcawley Center 1105

Bidwell, Mr Carter 7200clbidwell01@ysu.eduAutomotive Mechanic 2Grounds DeptSalata Complex

Bielecki, Mr Joseph 1537jdbielecki@ysu.eduEnvironmental Scientist 1Environmental & OccupationalHealth & Safety, Office ofCushwa Hall 2202

Bileci, Mrs Meghan mabileci@ysu.edu


LecturerSocial Work Dept

Binning, Dr William wcbinning@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPolitics and International Relations

Binning, Dr William wcbinning@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusSociology Anthropology Dept

Blank, Dr. Sheila 2174smblank@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 2481

Blazak, Ms Tammy 3136tmblazak@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 4University Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 223

Blazek, Mr Mark 3231mjblazek@ysu.eduGroundskeeper SupervisorGrounds DeptSalata Complex

Blevins, Ms Cynthia 2106cmblevins@ysu.eduHuman Capital Mgmt AnalystHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 350

Blinn, Mrs Shanna 3623slblinn@ysu.eduAcademic Advisor 2Cliffe College of Creative ArtsBliss Hall

Blundell, Dr Shelley 1839sblundell@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorCommunication, Department ofBliss Hall 2029

Blystone, Mr David dablystone01@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Boardman, Mr Kenneth 3231keboardman@ysu.eduGroundskeeper 2Grounds DeptSalata Complex

Bobbie, Dr Afrifah abobbie@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMechanical, Industrial &

Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 3281

Bock, Ms Jodie jbock@ysu.eduInstruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism

Boczkowska, Dr Ewelina 1833eboczkowska@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3025

Bodnark, Ms Mary Ann 3291mabodnark@ysu.eduLayout Design ArtistMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall 141

Bodnovich, Mr Thomas tabodnovich@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusComputer Science & InformationSystems

Boerio, Mr Gregory 4668gvboerio@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall 2008A

Bonacci, Mr Ryan rmbonacci@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Bondi, Mr Daniel 1927dhbondi@ysu.eduLead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Bonhomme, Dr Brian 3453bbonhomme@ysu.eduProfessorHistory DeptDeBartolo Hall 528

Border, Mr William 3198wlborder@ysu.eduProgram CoordinatorAcademic AchieversJones Hall 3005

Bordonaro, MrChristopher

cjbordonaro@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Borowicz, Mr Kenneth 3548kmborowicz@ysu.eduLayout Design Artist

Kilcawley CenterKilcawley Center

Bosela, Dr Theodore 3286trbosela@ysu.eduProfessorSchool of TechnologyMoser Hall 4104

Bosso, Dr Frank 1906fjbosso@ysu.eduProfessorKinesiology and Sport ScienceBeeghly Center 235

Bowman, Mr Michael 3737mbbowman@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 2Student Counseling CenterKilcawley Center 2110

Bowyer, Mrs Brittany 1331bnsodomora@ysu.eduExec Assistant to VPVice President - Finance & BusinessOps, Office of theTod Hall 223

Bradford, Ms MoniqueRenee 3069

mrbradford@ysu.eduCoordinator MBA ProgramsWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson College of Business 1120

Brady, Dr Philip 1952psbrady@ysu.eduProfessor

DeBartolo HallBralich, Mr John 2302

jdbralich@ysu.eduSenior Manager of GIS ServicesGeography and Urban and RegionalStudies, Dept ofPhelps Building 016

Brandenstein, Mr Jerry 3214gjbrandenstein@ysu.eduTech Support Technician 1IT Customer ServicesMaag Library 180

Brickey, Dr Russell 3414rwbrickey@ysu.eduLecturer

DeBartolo Hall 233Bridge, Mr Tom 3178



Network ArchitectIT Infrastructure ServicesMeshel Hall

Briley, Dr Margaret 3256mlbriley@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 3301

Britt, Ms Marylynn 3506mbritt@ysu.eduCustomer Service Assistant 2Financial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 204

Brooks, Mrs Genine 7274gmbrooks01@ysu.eduClerk 2Parking ServicesSmith Hall

Brown, Ms Emilie 2884egbrown02@ysu.eduCoordinator STEM OutreachCollege of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall 2290

Brown, Dr Steven srbrown02@ysu.eduFaculty Emeritus

Brozina, Dr Cory 3028scbrozina@ysu.eduAssistant Professor and DirMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2305

Bruns, Kristin 3306kbruns@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorCounseling, School Psychology,Educational LeadershipBeeghly Hall 4108

Bryant, Ms Deana 3527dabryant@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Buchanan, Dr Jeff 3414jmbuchanan@ysu.eduProfessor

DeBartolo Hall 206Buck, Ms Tiffany 7291

tmbuck@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 2Campus RecreationAndrews Student Rec Center

Buckler, Dr Bill 1801wrbuckler@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorGeography and Urban and RegionalStudies, Dept ofPhelps Building 128

Budde, Mr Edward 1954jebudde@ysu.eduMolecular Biology SpecialistBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 4049

Bujnoch, Mr Austen abujnoch@ysu.eduAssistant Coach FootballFootball

Burden, Dr Annette M. amburden@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusMathematics & Statistics Dept

Burden, Mr Edward 3005erburden@ysu.eduLecturerElectrical & Computer Engineering,Dept ofMoser Hall 3001

Burden, Dr Richard rlburden@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusMathematics & Statistics Dept

Burdette, Ms Molly 2082mmburdette@ysu.eduSenior Academic Advisor 1Beeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducDeBartolo Hall 106

Burdette, Mrs Nicole 1508naburdette@ysu.eduHuman Resources Analyst 1Human Resources, Office ofTod Hall 359

Burzynski, Mrs Ghia 3122eaburzynski@ysu.eduHuman Capital Mgmt AnalystHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 354

Buser, Ms Kathy 3631krbuser@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Communication, Department of

Bliss Hall 2000Butcher, Dr Michael 2195

mtbutcher@ysu.eduProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 4013

Butcher, Mr Robert 2356rlbutcher@ysu.eduTech Support Technician 1IT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall

Byers, Dr Alexis 1379abyers@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 643

Byers, Ms Joy 2242jlbyers@ysu.eduExecutive DirectorCampus RecreationAndrews Student Rec Center 2034

CCaguiat, Dr Jonathan 2063

jjcaguiat@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 3111

Cahn-Lipman, Dr Kivie kcahnlipman@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorDana School of Music

Calcagni, Mrs Laura 3294lrcalcagni@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 2234

Calhoun, Mr Jerrod jfcalhoun@ysu.eduHead Coach Mens BasketballMen's BasketballBeeghly Center

Cambouris, Ms Jennifer 7250jacambouris@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Graduate Studies, College ofCoffelt Hall 112

Cameron, Mrs Angie 3469amcameron@ysu.eduDirectorCenter for Human ServicesDevelopmentBeeghly Hall 4407


Cameron, Ms Christy 3581cjcameron@ysu.eduBudget Mgr Student ExperienceKilcawley CenterKilcawley Center 2076

Campana, Ms Candace 4712cmcampana02@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1International Programs OfficeJones Hall 1027A

Campana, Mrs Deborah 7194dmcampana@ysu.eduRecords Technician 2Registrar, Office of theJones Hall 1013

Campbell, Mr Brian 1910bcampbell@ysu.eduHead Coach SoftballSoftballStambaugh Stadium 1053

Campbell, Dr Craig 3316cscampbell@ysu.eduProfessorGeography and Urban and RegionalStudies, Dept ofPhelps Building 125

Campbell, Mr Patrick pdcampbell@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Campolito, Ms Erika 2437emcampolito@ysu.eduClassroom SupervisorThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall 1024

Candel, Mr Anthony 1927amcandel@ysu.eduLead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall 1054

Cann, Ms Mari Ann 3629mcann@ysu.eduExecutive Secretary 1Cliffe College of Creative ArtsBliss Hall 2310

Cannon, Ms Renee 3298racannon01@ysu.eduSenior Layout Design ArtistMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall 142

Capaldi, Ms Stacey 3475slcapaldi@ysu.eduPayroll Specialist 1

Payroll, Office ofJones Hall 2032

Caputo, Ms Jayne 3708jecaputo@ysu.eduData Admin Specialist 2Registrar, Office of theTod Hall 203

Cardwell, Mr Michael 3565mdcardwell@ysu.eduAssistant Director Retail OpsKilcawley CenterKilcawley Center 2080

Carfolo, Ms Susan 3067secarfolo@ysu.eduSenior Academic Advisor 1Williamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson College of Business 1117

Carlini, Ms Jayne 3533jmcarlini@ysu.eduExecutive Assistant to VPStudent ExperienceKilcawley House

Carlson, Mrs Lori 2258lacarlson@ysu.eduSenior LecturerMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 528

Carna, Ms Mariah 3177macarna@ysu.eduBusiness AdvisorWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson Hall 1148

Carramusa, Dr. Cara 1963cacarramusa@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorPhysical Therapy DepartmentCushwa Hall B313

Carsone, Mr Louis lpcarsone@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Carter, Mrs Yvette yacarter@ysu.eduEnglish InstructorUpward Bound

Cascarelli, Ms Linda 3660lmcascarelli@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1Williamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson College of Business 1115

Casciano, Ms Dina 2256dmcasciano@ysu.eduSenior Financial AnalystController's OfficeJones Hall 2020

Case, Dr Wendy wscase@ysu.eduLecturerDana School of Music

Castner, Ms Mary Lou 1716mlcastner@ysu.eduCoordinator Financial SystemsController's OfficeJones Hall 2011

Castronovo, Dr Frank facastronovo@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusTheatre and Dance, Department of

Catalano, Mr Anthony 1994aecatalano@ysu.eduCounselor Financial AidFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 217

Cavaiani, Ms Jessica jlcavaiani@ysu.eduAssistant Coach SwimSwimming & Diving

Caven, Mr Robert 1750rwcaven@ysu.eduLecturerElectrical & Computer Engineering,Dept ofMoser Hall 2025

Cenname, Mr Louie 3239lacenname@ysu.eduMover 2Facilities OfficeSalata Complex

Centofanti, Ms Allison arcentofanti@ysu.eduSuccess CoordinatorFirst Year Student ServicesJones Hall 3032

Cerimele, Mr Richard rwcerimele@ysu.eduGroundskeeper 2Grounds Dept

Cerney, Dr Dawna 2301dlcerney@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorGeography and Urban and RegionalStudies, Dept of


Phelps Building 131Cetina, Mr Ethan

ejcetina@ysu.eduGroundskeeper 2Grounds Dept

Chance, Mr Robert rtchance@ysu.eduAir Quality TechnicianFacilities Office

Chang, Dr Andy 1818gchang@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 623

Chapel, Mr Kevin 2566krchapel@ysu.eduUniversity Police SergeantPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Chen, Ms Fengting fchen02@ysu.eduAssistant Coach, DivingSwimming & Diving

Chen, Dr Huaiyu Peter 1883hchen01@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson College of Business 3370

Chill, Ms Jessica 1526jrchill@ysu.eduDirector CyberlearningDistance Education, Office ofLincoln Building 207

Chizmar, Ms Melissa mjchizmar01@ysu.eduSite CoordinatorCenter for Human ServicesDevelopment

Choo, Dr Kyosung 3030kchoo@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2525

Chordas, Dr Ronald 3113rkchordas@ysu.eduLecturerMaster of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 1358

Christiansen Erb, Ms Joy 3627jchristiansenerb@ysu.edu

Associate Dean CCACCliffe College of Creative ArtsBliss Hall 4001A

Cianciola, Mrs Elizabeth 2227eacianciola@ysu.eduResearch Evaluation AssociateCenter for Human ServicesDevelopmentBeeghly Hall 4401

Cionni, Mr Brian bacionni@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Cirjak, Mr Dave dlcirjak@ysu.eduGroundskeeper 2Grounds Dept

Clark, Ms Destiny declark02@ysu.eduAssistant Volleyball CoachVolleyball

Clark, Mr Gary 2228gaclark@ysu.eduCoordinatorResearch Services, Office ofMelnick Hall 2110

Clarkson, Ms Kendyl kaclarkson@ysu.eduAssist Coach Womens Lacrosse

Class, Mrs Danielle dkclass01@ysu.eduLecturerNursing Dept

Clements, Mr Daniel 4715dfclements@ysu.eduService Desk TechnicianIT Customer ServicesMaag Library 406C

Clowes, Ms Jodi 3103jaclowes@ysu.eduExecutive Assistant - ProvostAcademic Affairs, Office ofTod Hall 222

Clutter, Ms Susan 2273swclutter@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorForensic ScienceCushwa Hall 2163

Clyde, Mrs Carrie 3360crclyde@ysu.eduWellness CoordinatorHuman Resources, Office of

Tod Hall 312DCobbin, Mr Derrick 3051

dbcobbin@ysu.eduParking Facility SupervisorParking Services275 Fifth Avenue 4

Cody, Ms Kathy 4709kjcody@ysu.eduCoordinatorGraduate Studies, College ofCoffelt Hall

Cohol, Ms Marianne 3050mcohol@ysu.eduDirector IT App PMO ServicesChief Information OfficerMeshel Hall 434

Coira, Mr Omar ocoira@ysu.eduBoiler Tech and PlumberFacilities Office

Coldren, Dr Jeffrey 1617jtcoldren@ysu.eduProfessorPsychology DeptDeBartolo Hall 321

Cole, Mr Jeffrey jlcole01@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Cole, Ms Niki 3401necole@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 1Psychological Sciences andCounselingDeBartolo Hall 319

Cole, Mr Ron 3285racole01@ysu.eduPublic Information OfficerMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall 137

Coleman, Ms Susan 3700smcoleman@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 2Environmental & OccupationalHealth & Safety, Office ofCushwa Hall 2303

Coller, Ms Mary 2019mtcoller@ysu.eduDirector Student ServicesWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson College of Business 1115

Colwell, Dr Kelly L. 2631


klcolwell@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1126

Congdon, Dr Eleanor 3454eacongdon@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorHistory DeptDeBartolo Hall 545

Conrad, Ms Abby 1405aeconrad@ysu.eduCoordinator, Ctr Career MgtWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson Hall 1115

Conrad, Mr James jjconrad@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Conroy, Mr Joe 3731jcconroy@ysu.eduCoord Facilities and ProgramsCampus RecreationAndrews Student Rec Center

Conser, Dr James 3279jaconser@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training AcademyCushwa Hall

Considine, Mr Brendan 2108brconsidine@ysu.eduClass Sprvsr Tech CoordinatorThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall 1062

Conway, Mr Rich 7200erconway@ysu.eduGroundskeeper 3Grounds DeptWestinghouse Building 2000

Cooper, Dr Chet 1361crcooper01@ysu.eduProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 3016A

Cordts, Mr Taiowa tcordts@ysu.eduAudio Visual Production SpecMarketing Communications, Office of

Corey, Ms Taylar 1927tncorey@ysu.eduInstruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Corley, Ms Dionne 2000dacorley@ysu.eduCustomer Service Assistant 1Undergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2022

Cornell, Ms Amy 1927apcornell@ysu.eduLead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Corpa, Mr Joseph jecorpa@ysu.eduBd Certified Behavior AnalystThe Rich Center for Autism

Cortes, Dr Pedro 7455pcortes@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineeringMoser Hall 2064

Cossentino, Dr Amy alcossentino@ysu.eduDeanHonors CollegeFok Hall 202

Costarell, Mr Mike 3741mdcostarell@ysu.eduProfessorSchool of TechnologyMoser Hall 4138

Cox, Mr Donald 3527dlcox@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Coy, Ms Cheryl 2377ckcoy@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1Research Services, Office ofMelnick Hall

Coyne, Mr Daniel 1743dpcoyne@ysu.eduSenior LecturerSchool of TechnologyMoser Hall 4120

Crane, Mr Andy 0260acrane@ysu.eduAsst Coach Women's BasketballWomen's BasketballBeeghly Center 302

Crawford, Dr Amy 2342agcrawford@ysu.eduProfessor

Communication, Department ofBliss Hall 2013

Crescimanno, Dr Michael 7109mjcrescimanno@ysu.eduProfessorPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 2031

Cripe, Dr M Kathleen 3517mlcripe@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 2323

Crnjak, Ms Dragana 1860dcrnjak@ysu.eduProfessorArt, Dept ofBliss Hall 0016

Crowll, Ms Elizabeth 3414emcrowllrodriguez@ysu.eduCPT Reader

DeBartolo HallCruz, Mrs Courtney

clcruz@ysu.eduLecturerTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Center

Cucchiara, Ms Cheryl 1700clcucchiara@ysu.eduCustomer Service Assistant 1Undergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2022

Cummings Morrow, MrJustin

jrcummingsmorrow@ysu.eduAsst Ftball Coach Dir of OperFootball

Cummins, Dr Lauren 7237lcummins@ysu.eduProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 2309

Cupp, Mrs Olivia 1354orcupp@ysu.eduAssociate Director HousingUniversity Housing, Office ofKilcawley House 107

Curnalia, Dr Rebecca 9295rmcurnalia@ysu.edu


ProfessorCommunication, Department ofBliss Hall 2017

Curtin, Dr Larry S 7101lscurtin@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5014

Cutter, Mrs Lisa 7167ljcutter@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2Parking Services275 Fifth Avenue 2

DD'Amato, Mr Joseph 4711

jrdamato@ysu.eduAssistant DirectorEnglish Language InstituteMaag Library 139

D'Amico, Mr Bill 1880wsdamico@ysu.eduAssoc Dir Undergrad AdmissUndergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2013

D'Uva, Mr Joseph 2540jduva@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorArt, Dept ofBliss Hall 4071

Dalbec, Dr John 3761jpdalbec@ysu.eduSystems Technician 2IT Infrastructure ServicesMeshel Hall 419

Dalbec, Dr Paul pedalbec@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, Dept

Dangol, Dr Ramesh 1868rdangol@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorManagement, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3312

Daniels, Ms Sybil sdaniels01@ysu.eduClerk 1Center for Human ServicesDevelopment

Daugherty, Mr Tim tjdaugherty@ysu.eduLecturer

Mechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2520

Davidson, Mrs Katrena 1712ksdavidson@ysu.eduControllerController's OfficeJones Hall 2010A

Davies, Ms Kit Na kdavies01@ysu.eduResearch AnalystInstitutional Research & PolicyAnalysis, Office ofTod Hall

Davis, Dr Dana 3774ddavis05@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSocial Work DeptCushwa Hall 3379

Davis, Mr Lucas lcdavis01@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

DeBernardo, Ms Erin 2068ebdebernardo@ysu.eduMkting Creative Srv SpecialistMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall 144

Defibaugh, Ms Brittany 7170bldefibaugh@ysu.eduCoordinator Alumni EngagementAlumni & Events, Office ofTod Hall 120

DeFino, Mrs Mary Pat 1927mpdefino@ysu.eduCenter Ops CoordinatorThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

DeFrances, Mr Robert 3141rjdefrances@ysu.eduMgr Customer Serv and OpsUniversity Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 201

Delbene, Dr Janet jedelbene@ysu.eduFaculty Emeritus

DelGenio, Mr Christopher cdelgenio@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

DeLucia, Ms Angela 2954adelucia@ysu.edu

Assistant to DirectorMcDonough Museum of ArtMcDonough Museum 3005

DeLucia, Mr Nicholas 2747njdelucia@ysu.eduTechnology Support Tech 1IT Customer ServicesCushwa Hall B222

Denison, Dr Maria 3633mfdenison@ysu.eduLecturerTheatre and Dance, Department ofBliss Hall 1244

Deschenes, Dr Rick 3029radeschenes@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineeringMoser Hall 2425

Devenburgh, Ms Carly 1751csdevenburgh@ysu.eduAsst Dir Intnl Student SrvcsInternational Programs OfficeJones Hall 1034

Devore, Ms Lisa 3664lldevore@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 1Chemical and Biological SciencesWard Beecher Hall 5053

Dewberry, Ms Laura 1870ljdewberry@ysu.eduSenior LecturerMarketing, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3307

Diamond, Dr Suzanne 1642sdiamond@ysu.eduProfessor

DeBartolo Hall 212Dick, Dr Jeffrey 1756

jcdick@ysu.eduProfessorGeology & Environmental Science(See Physics Astronomy)Moser Hall 2119

Dicken, Mr Todd 1857twdicken@ysu.eduLecturerTheatre and Dance, Department ofBliss Hall 1026

Diggins, Dr Thomas 3605tpdiggins@ysu.eduProfessor


Biological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 4042

DiIanni, Mrs Chris 2267cdiianni@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 2Registrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 242

Dillon, Mr Frank fjdillon@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Dilworth, Mrs Bettina babeight@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

DiRienzo, Mr Daniel dcdirienzo@ysu.eduGroundskeeper 2Grounds DeptSalata Complex

Disotell, Dr Kevin 3114kjdisotell@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2460

Dispenza, Mr Frank 3327fddispenza@ysu.eduEMT InstructorBitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall

Ditchey, Mr Paul prditchey@ysu.eduLecturerCommunication, Department of

Dittrich, Mr James 1328jwdittrich@ysu.eduWeb ProgrammerMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall B140

Dobran, Mr James jmdobran@ysu.eduInstructorWilliamson College of BusinessAdministration

Dobson, Mrs Rachael 1927rndobson@ysu.eduAssoc Director Behavrl ProgThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Dolsak, Ms Emily 1382edolsak@ysu.edu

LecturerMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 525

Domonkos, Dr Leslie lsdomonkos@ysu.eduFaculty Emeritus

Donaldson, Mrs Rosalyn 3041rsdonaldson@ysu.eduManagerIT Customer ServicesMaag Library 406C

Donchess, Mr Ryan 7475rjdonchess@ysu.eduCoord Media Engnr TechCliffe College of Creative ArtsBliss Hall

Donofrio, Hon Gene 3279gdonofrio@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training AcademyCushwa Hall

Dove, Dr Marianne mdove@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusCounseling, School Psychology,Educational Leadership

Drabison, Ms Maureen 2010mrdrabison@ysu.eduSoftware Integration Analyst 2IT Application ServicesMeshel Hall 452

Drennen, Ms Jenn 3148jldrennen@ysu.eduDirector Org DevelopmentHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 309

Driscoll, Ms Erin 3580eedriscoll@ysu.eduExecutive DirectorStudent ActivitiesKilcawley Center 2222

Driscoll, Dr Wade wcdriscoll@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering Dept

Duchon, Mr Brian 3503bduchon@ysu.eduCounselor Financial AidFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 202

Duchon, Ms Colleen 2382ccduchon@ysu.eduReference Librarian HHSMaag LibraryMaag Library 217

Duckworth, Mr Chris 3111cwduckworth@ysu.eduPrinting AssistantPrinting Services

Duffy, Ms Laura 3546lbduffy@ysu.eduParking Facility Attendant PTParking Services275 Fifth Avenue 4

Durrell, Dr Patrick 7107prdurrell@ysu.eduProfessorPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 2027

Durse, Mr Nicholas 3033npdurse@ysu.eduMaintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities OfficeWard Beecher Hall 1029

EEarnheardt, Dr Adam 3631

acearnheardt@ysu.eduProfessorCommunication, Department ofBliss Hall 2000

Earnheardt, Dr Mary Beth 3638mearnheardt@ysu.eduProfessorCommunication, Department ofBliss Hall 2005

Eddy, Ms Connie 3718ceddy@ysu.eduCoordinatorAthletic Ticket OfficeStambaugh Stadium 2006

Edwards, Mr David 1713dwedwards@ysu.eduAssociate Director of BudgetBudget & Treasurer's OfficeTod Hall 226

Edwards, Dr Justin 3569jjedwards@ysu.eduDirectorCareer and Academic AdvisingJones Hall 2005

Eggleston, Mr Steven 3334


sdeggleston@ysu.eduMaintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities OfficeBeeghly Center 231

Egleton, Ms Tysa 2264tmegleton@ysu.eduDirector and Assoc RegistrarRegistrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 249

Ehsani, Dr Sahar sehsani@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineering

Eisenbraun, Mr Mark 3209meeisenbraun@ysu.eduBoiler Tech and Bldg Maint SupFacilities OfficeCentral Utility Plant 1001

Eisnaugle, Ms. Sarah 2466sleisnaugle@ysu.eduProgram Coordinator OCATCollege Access and Transition, OfficeofLincoln Building 212

Ekoniak, Dr Mike 3754mrekoniak@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engineering,Dept ofMoser Hall 2307

Elberty, Mr John jlelberty@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Ellis, Ms Cherryl 3411csellis@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Beeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducDeBartolo Hall 115

Elliss, Major Jared jselliss@ysu.eduChairperson Military ScienceMilitary Science/Army ROTC

Engelhardt, Dr Kent 1543kjengelhardt@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 2212

Ensley, Ms Katie 1344ksensley@ysu.eduCoordinator

Comprehensive Testing CenterMaag Library 154

Epler, Dr Pam 7230pleplerbrooks@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 2211

Esposito, Ms Eileen 4746ejesposito01@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Honors CollegeFok Hall 104

Eunni, Dr Rangamohan 7180rveunni@ysu.eduProfessorManagement, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3379

Evans, Mrs Nicole 1959nmevans03@ysu.eduCoordinator Grant FundsController's OfficeJones Hall 2026B

Evans, Mr Troy 1670ttevans@ysu.eduSystems ArchitectIT Infrastructure ServicesMeshel Hall 439

Evick, Ms Janice 3373jlevick@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2Procurement ServicesJones Hall 2038

Ewing, Mr David 3240dkewing@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorGrounds DeptWestinghouse Building 2004

Ewing, Mrs Susan 3142seewing01@ysu.eduBursarUniversity Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 227

FFactor, Ms Lori 2307

lafactor@ysu.eduDirector Comm Engagemnt EvntsPerforming Arts SeriesBliss Hall 1206

Fagan, Dr Diana 1554dlfagan@ysu.eduProfessor

Biological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 4015

Falcone, Dr Alyssa 1632amfalcone@ysu.eduIves Visiting ProfessorWorld Languages and Cultures,Department ofDeBartolo Hall 513

Fantauzzi, Mr David dafantauzzi@ysu.eduInstructorWilliamson College of BusinessAdministration

Farris, Dr Jaelyn 3406jrfarris@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorPsychology DeptDeBartolo Hall 328

Farris, Dr Johnathan jfarris01@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorArt, Dept of

Faulkner, Mr Ethan 3004egfaulkner@ysu.eduAsst Coach Men's BasketballMen's BasketballBeeghly Hall

Fehlbaum, Dr Amanda 2716afehlbaum@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSociology Anthropology DeptDeBartolo Hall 436

Feinberg, Mr Adam 1984afeinberg@ysu.eduAssistant Athletic TrainerAthletic Training Room

Feld, Ms Kathylynn klfeld@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusHealth Professions Dept

Feldmeier, Dr John 1381jjfeldmeier@ysu.eduProfessorPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 2021

Feldmiller, Mr Richard 3242refeldmiller@ysu.eduSenior Project ManagerFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1009

Felix, Ms Julie 3173jifelix@ysu.edu


Associate Director RecordsRegistrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 233

Fellows, Mr Rendin rlfellows@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police Dept

Ferguson, Mr Robert 2095rdferguson@ysu.eduData Security Analyst 1IT Security ServicesMeshel Hall 442

Ferradino, Mrs Darla 2942dmferradino@ysu.eduRecords Technician 1Registrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 233

Fetty, Ms Katie 3544kbfetty@ysu.eduSuccess CoordinatorFirst Year Student ServicesJones Hall 3032

Fields, Mr Ron 3419rlfields@ysu.eduLecturer

DeBartolo Hall 239Fink, Ms Rebecca 2283

rjfink01@ysu.eduAssistant Director AthleticsAthleticsStambaugh Stadium 1003

Fiorini, Ms Catherine 3001cfiorini@ysu.eduCustomer Service Assistant 2Undergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 1016

Fitzpatrick, Mr Ryan 1854rjfitzpatrick01@ysu.eduCoordinator Theater ProductionTheatre and Dance, Department ofBliss Hall 1028

Flinn, Ms Barbara bzflinn@ysu.eduLecturer

DeBartolo Hall 237Flora, Dr Stephen 1619

srflora@ysu.eduProfessorPsychology DeptDeBartolo Hall 341

Flowers, Mr Neil 3308

nflowers@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 616

Fluker, Dr Amy 1602alfluker@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorHistory DeptDeBartolo Hall 537

Forchione, Mr Robert 1691rfforchione@ysu.eduSoftware Integration EngineerIT Application ServicesMeshel Hall 455

Forney, Mr. Ryan rmforney@ysu.eduMath InstructorUpward Bound

Foulkes, Dr Robert rhfoulkes@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusElectrical & Computer Engineering,Dept of

Fowler, Dr Francois 3636fpfowler@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3051

Fowler, Dr Kendra 2013kfowler01@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMarketing, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3351

Francisco, Dr Timothy 3425tfrancisco@ysu.eduProfessor

DeBartolo Hall 216Franks, Mr Aaron

amfranks@student.ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Freeman, Mr Terry trfreeman02@ysu.eduFitness InstructorUpward Bound

Frisby, Ms Connie 2452clfrisby@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 2Computer Science, Information andEngineering TechnologyMeshel Hall 339C

Frissora, Dr Gordon 3281

ggfrissora@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCriminal JusticeCushwa Hall 2145

Froehlich, Ms Rachel 3610rafroehlich@ysu.eduProgram ManagerAthleticsStambaugh Stadium

Fuhrman, Ms. Hillary 2453hlfuhrman@ysu.eduInterim Director Inst Tch LrnInstitute for Teaching and LearningJones Hall 3048A

Fuller, Mr Adam 3436afuller@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorPolitics and International RelationsDeBartolo Hall 444

Funk, Dr Darla djfunk@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusDana School of Music

Fusco, Ms Lori 1355lafusco01@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 3106

Fusillo, Mrs Ida 1760irsorriento@ysu.eduSenior LecturerHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1108

Fynes, Mr James jgfynes@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

GGaffney, Mr David 2478

drgaffney@ysu.eduFacilities EngineerFacilities OfficeWestinghouse Building 2005

Gage, Dr Stephen L. 1832slgage@ysu.eduProfessor and Director of BandDana School of MusicBliss Hall 2210

Gaier, Dr Robyn 1627rgaier@ysu.eduLecturerPhilosophy & Religious Studies Dept


DeBartolo Hall 401Gajdos, Mr Dennis 1362

djgajdos@ysu.eduAssoc Dir IT Customer SvcsIT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 427

Gallo, Mr Timothy 3725tjgallo@ysu.eduAssistant Equipment ManagerAthletic Equipment RoomStambaugh Stadium 1058

Gardner, Ms Ann 2336amgardner01@ysu.eduAssistant DirectorGeneral Counsel, Office of theJones Hall 1042

Garlick, Ms Katherine kngarlick@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTheatre and Dance, Department of

Garofali, Ms Lisa 3487lmgarofali@ysu.eduLibrarian 2 (non-degreed)Maag LibraryMaag Library 507

Garr, Dr Jeanette 1737jmgarr@ysu.eduProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineeringMoser Hall 2067

Gartland, Ms Beverly blgartland@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusSociology Anthropology Dept

Gaskell, Ms Jessica 2131jrgaskell@ysu.eduAssistant DirectorFirst Year Student ServicesJones Hall 3032

Ge, Dr Weiqing 2702wge@ysu.eduProfessorPhysical Therapy DepartmentCushwa Hall B311

Geilhard, Mr Ryan 2105rbgeilhard@ysu.eduDirector Infrastructure SvcsIT Infrastructure ServicesMeshel Hall 414

Gelfand, Mr Michael mdgelfand@ysu.eduFaculty Emeritus

Dana School of MusicGeltz, Ms Becky 3053

rlgeltz@ysu.eduDirector Institutional RsrchInstitutional Research & PolicyAnalysis, Office ofTod Hall 210

Genc, Dr Omer ofgenc@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMarketing, Department of

Genna, Dr Doug 2261dtgenna@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5009

Gentile, Ms Julie 3700jagentile@ysu.eduDirectorEnvironmental & OccupationalHealth & Safety, Office ofCushwa Hall 2303

Gentry, Mr Lonnie 1925lpgentry@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 2Health Professions DeptBeeghly Center

Gereb, Mr Scott segereb@ysu.eduInstruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism

Gerson, Atty Rebecca rmgerson@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Gervelis, Ms Alyssa adgervelis@ysu.eduAssistant Coach SoccerWomen's SoccerStambaugh Stadium

Gessler, Ms Elyse ecgessler@ysu.eduLecturerCommunication, Department of

Gibson, Mr Charles cgibson01@ysu.eduInstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Gifford, Dr Jill 1387jmtall@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 4026

Gillette, Mr Marc mlgillette@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Gilliland, Mr Robert 2808ragilliland@ysu.eduLecturerComputer Science & InformationSystemsMeshel Hall 318

Giorgetti, Dr Karen 3401kgiorgetti@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorPsychology DeptDeBartolo Hall

Gitimu, Dr Priscilla 1822pngitimu@ysu.eduProfessorHospitality Management andMerchandisingCushwa Hall 3524

Glover, Malika meglover@ysu.eduAssistant Coach Wmns BsktblWomen's Basketball

Godoy, Lt Dennis 7222dbgodoy@ysu.eduUniv Law Enforc Officer SupvPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall 1105

Goist, Mr Ed 1777emgoist@ysu.eduCoordinatorWYSU FM 88.5Melnick Hall 2026

Goldberg, Dr Randall 1439regoldberg@ysu.eduAssoc ProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3008

Goldthwait, Dr Richard 1813rggoldthwait@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 532

Gonzalez, Mrs Millie 3527mgonzalez06@ysu.eduUniversity DispatcherPolice DeptSalata Complex

Gorby, Mr Brian 1910bdgorby@ysu.eduHead Coach Track and CC


Cross Country, Track & FieldBeeghly Center 102

Gordiejew, Dr Paul 1685pbgordiejew@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSociology Anthropology DeptDeBartolo Hall 441

Gordon, Ms Amy 1343ajgordon@ysu.eduManager Comprehensive TestingComprehensive Testing CenterMaag Library 154

Gordon, Dr Jay 1643jlgordon@ysu.eduAssociate Professor

DeBartolo Hall 243Gordon, Mr John 7205

jpgordon@ysu.eduTech Support Technician 1IT Customer ServicesCushwa Hall B323

Grabaskas, Ms Jean 4728jpgrabaskas@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 3Beeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducBeeghly Hall 2101

Graber, Dr Stacy 3417sgraber@ysu.eduAssociate Professor

DeBartolo Hall 218Gran, Mr Zackary 1660

zwgran@ysu.eduAccountant 2Financial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 203

Graneto, Ms Lora 3575ljgraneto@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1Student ActivitiesKilcawley Center 2218

Gray, Dr Dr. Beverly A. bagray@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPsychology Dept

Greco, Mr Michael 2956magreco01@ysu.eduAssistant Director STSCenter for Student Progress, MarionG. Resch

Kilcawley Center 1121Greco-Yanniello, MrsAlisha 2363

aayanniello@ysu.eduManager, HRISHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 312

Green, Mr Josh jagreen07@ysu.eduAssistant Coach SoccerWomen's SoccerStambaugh Stadium

Greenawalt, Mrs Lori 2308lagreenawalt@ysu.eduProgram Advisor-Academic CoachCenter for Student Progress, MarionG. ReschKilcawley Center

Greene, Mrs Barb 1995bgreene@ysu.eduManager AP and Travel ServProcurement ServicesJones Hall 2036

Griswold, Dr David 2419dwgriswold@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorPhysical Therapy DepartmentCushwa Hall B309

Grossetti, Mr Terry tmgrossetti@ysu.eduAssistant Coach FootballAthletic Training Room

Grubb, Dr Max mvgrubb@ysu.eduSenior LecturerCommunication, Department ofBliss Hall 2014

Gucwa, Mr Paul 3042ptgucwa@ysu.eduMaintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities OfficeTod Hall B122

Guerrieri, Mr Adam 3527ajguerrieri@ysu.eduUniversity DispatcherPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Guerrieri, Mr Thomas 1722tjguerrieri@ysu.eduBuilding Construction SuptFacilities OfficeWestinghouse Building 2002

Gygi, Cameron 2172

csgygi@ysu.eduSenior Research ScientistMahoning Valley Innovation &Commercialization CenterTod Hall 312A

HHaas, Mr Bill 3218

wdhaas@ysu.eduDirector EngineeringFacilities OfficeWestinghouse Building 2003

Hackstedde, Mr Michael 1732mehackstedde@ysu.eduCoord Financial ReconcilController's OfficeJones Hall 2019

Hale, Ms Taryn 3181tmhale01@ysu.eduCounselor Penguin Service CtrRegistrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 232

Hall, Mr James 1581jehall@ysu.eduAsst Dir Athletic CommsSports InformationStambaugh Stadium 1003

Hamilton, Mr Joseph jhamilton@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Hammond-Baldwin, MsKathy

khammondbaldwin@ysu.eduInstructorUpward Bound

Han-Haas, Dr Helen 1893ghan@ysu.eduProfessorManagement, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3357

Hancharenko, Mr Mickey 3805mmhancharenko@ysu.eduInformation Security ArchitectIT Security ServicesMeshel Hall 441

Handel, Ms Marilyn 3627mkhandel@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Art, Dept ofBliss Hall 4001B

Hanek, Mr Jim 1423jrhanek@ysu.edu


Data Reporting AnalystIT Application ServicesMeshel Hall 456

Hankey, Mr Alan 4716achankey@ysu.eduTech Support Technician 1IT Customer ServicesDeBartolo Hall 113

Hanni, Mr Michael 7285mshanni@ysu.eduCoordinator Stud Cond Res LifeUniversity Housing, Office ofKilcawley House 106

Hans, Ms Tiffany 3112tmhans@ysu.eduMail Clerk MessengerDelivery Services(Postal/Receiving/Mail Room)Salata Complex

Harden, Mr Rodney 2094rharden@ysu.eduNetwork EngineerIT Infrastructure ServicesMeshel Hall 407

Hardy, Dr Lucas 3420lhardy01@ysu.eduAssociate Professor

DeBartolo Hall 240Harris, Ms Ann

agharris@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusGeology & Environmental Science(See Physics Astronomy)

Harris, Mrs Gloria gcounihan@ysu.eduLead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism

Harrison, Ms Cynthia clharrison@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusMaag Library

Hartman, Mr Chris 1797clhartman@ysu.eduBroadcast EngineerWYSU FM 88.5Melnick Hall 2046

Hartup, Ms Mollie 8932mahartup@ysu.eduCoordinatorHonors CollegeFok Hall

Hartwig, Ms Kati 2251

khartwig@ysu.eduCoord Soc Med Dig MktgMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall 149

Harvey, Mr Evan ebharvey@ysu.eduAssistant Coach, Football QCFootball

Haskins, Mr Jacob 2555jehaskins@ysu.eduHousing CoordinatorUniversity Housing, Office ofLyden House 1060

Hassell, Ms Jean jhassell@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusHuman Ecology Dept

Hawthorne, Ms Crystal 3270cmhawthorne@ysu.eduCoordinator Teacher LicensureBeeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducBeeghly Hall 2107

Hazy, Dr John 1789jmhazy@ysu.eduProfessorCriminal JusticeCushwa Hall 2167

Heasley, Ms Randi rlheasley@ysu.eduLecturerNursing Dept

Helfrich, Mr Richard 3775rmhelfrich@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorArt, Dept ofBliss Hall 4075

Heller, Mr George gfheller@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusMaag Library

Helscel, Ms Kay 2953mkhelscel@ysu.eduRecords Management OfficerFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1014

Henderson, Ms Kerri kahenderson@ysu.eduLecturerLariccia School of Accounting andFinance

Henneman, Dr Dennis drhenneman@ysu.edu

Faculty EmeritusTheatre and Dance, Department of

Henning, Ms Karen 3602klhenning@ysu.eduSenior Academic Advisor 1Beeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducBeeghly Hall 2102

Herman, Mrs Jeanne 2349jmherman@ysu.eduUniversity RegistrarRegistrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 242

Hernandez, Mr Ulises uhernandez@ysu.eduHead Coach Men's TennisMen's Tennis

Hillman, Mr Charles cfhillman@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Hinebaugh, Ms Lori 1694lghinebaugh@ysu.eduSoftware Integration EngineerIT Application ServicesMeshel Hall 445

Hinkle, Mr David S 3801dshinkle@ysu.eduAssistant DirectorAthleticsStambaugh Stadium 1003

Hixenbaugh, Mrs Cindy cehixenbaugh@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusMarketing Communications, Office of

Hodge, Ms Shirley 1967smhodge@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 1Procurement ServicesJones Hall 2013

Hoff, Mr Ray 4672rehoff@ysu.eduSr Instrumentation SpecialistChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5063

Hoffman, Mr Patrick 2031prhoffman@ysu.eduDirectorFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 210

Hoffmaster, Mr Steve 7159sphoffmaster@ysu.edu


Manager General AccountingController's OfficeJones Hall 2021

Hogate, Mr Greg glhogate@ysu.eduInstruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism

Hogue, Mr Robert rahogue@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusComputer Science & InformationSystems

Holcomb-Hathy, Ms Tami twholcomb@ysu.eduSenior LecturerSocial Work Dept

Holdridge, Ms Shannon 3728smholdridge@ysu.eduAcademic Advisor 2Cliffe College of Creative ArtsBliss Hall 2319

Hood, Mr Kevin 5022kshood@ysu.eduAutomotive Mechanic 3Motor PoolSalata Complex

Howard, Mr Eddie 2018ejhoward01@ysu.eduVice President Student AffairsStudent ExperienceKilcawley House 106

Howell, Dr Charles 3409clhowell01@ysu.eduDean and Professor BCOEBeeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducDeBartolo Hall 118

Hoyson, Dr Patty 1448plhoyson@ysu.eduProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 3112

Hrishenko, Mr Michael 3794mshrishenko@ysu.eduDirectorIT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 408

Hritz, Ms Diane 3570ddhritz@ysu.eduCoordinator Career ManagementBitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 2244

Hrusovski, Ms Sherri 2912slhrusovski@ysu.eduDirector STEM Profess SvcsCollege of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall 2055

Hu, Dr Ou 2061ohu@ysu.eduProfessorEconomics DeptDeBartolo Hall 313

Huber, Dr Marsha 3749mmhuber@ysu.eduProfessorLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson Hall 3376

Hubert, Ms Christine 7473cmhubert@ysu.eduDirectorUndergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2010

Hudzik, Mrs Stefanie 7454sahudzik01@ysu.eduMuseum SpecialistClarence Smith Mineral MuseumMoser Hall

Hughes, Dr Tiffany 3445tfhughes@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorGerontology and Longterm CareDeBartolo Hall 437

Huising, Dr Cynthia cahuising@ysu.eduLecturerPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 2012

Hulburt-Blosser, MrsLinda 3093

lahulburtblosser@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 2Graduate Studies, College ofCoffelt Hall 204

Hungerman, Ms Erin 4704elhungerman@ysu.eduDirectorStudent ExperienceKilcawley Center 2071

Hunter, Dr Allen 7176adhunter@ysu.eduProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5015

Hunter, Mrs Kimberly kshunter@ysu.eduComprehensive SciencesAcademic Achievers

Husain, Dr Shakir 1742shusain@ysu.eduProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineeringMoser Hall 2415

Huston, Ms Michele 2197mehuston@ysu.eduAccountant 3Controller's OfficeJones Hall 2018

Hyden, Mr John 3235jphyden@ysu.eduAVP Facilities MaintenanceFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1007

Hyden, Ms Marty 3766mlhyden@ysu.eduAthletic Academic AdvisorAthletic Academic CounselingStambaugh Stadium 1097B

IIckert, Dr Ed 1326

ecickert@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorPhysical Therapy DepartmentCushwa Hall B333

Imler, Dr Sylvia J. sjimler@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusDiversity, Equity and Inclusion, Officeof

Innocent, Ms Tracey tlinnocent@ysu.eduTravel SpecialistAthletic Facilities & Programs

Islam, Dr AKM 2421aaislam@ysu.eduProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineeringMoser Hall 2413

Italiano, Ms Kristen 3472klitaliano01@ysu.eduProject Coordinator PASSTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 2207


Iyer, Dr Deepa 3079dgiyer@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorManagement, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3305

JJackson, Dr Carrie

crjackson01@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorCounseling, School Psychology,Educational Leadership

Jackson, Ms Jaietta 2052jjackson@ysu.eduSenior LecturerCommunication, Department ofMeshel Hall 107

Jackson, Dr John 1551jajackson@ysu.eduProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5022

Jackson Leftwich, DrCryshanna 2114

cajackson@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorPolitics and International RelationsDeBartolo Hall 426

Jacobs, Dr Alan 2933amjacobs@ysu.eduProfessorGeology & Environmental Science(See Physics Astronomy)Moser Hall 2105

Jacobs, Atty Holly 2340hajacobs@ysu.eduVP Legal Affairs HRGeneral Counsel, Office of theTod Hall 314

Jacobson, Mr James 3239jajacobson@ysu.eduBoiler Tech and Bldg Maint SupFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1002

Jadun, Dr Mohammad 2775msjadun@ysu.eduEIT Cont Comp Training SpeclstIT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 413

Jalics, Dr Jozsi 3311jalics@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics Dept

Lincoln Building 607Janek, Ms Mary 3616

mljanek@ysu.eduMentor 2020-21; 13Chemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 2023

Jaronski, Dr Ann 3737atjaronski@ysu.eduDirector Student CounselingStudent Counseling CenterKilcawley Center 2110

Jasinski, Ms Becky 3704bljasinski@ysu.eduManager CollectionsUniversity Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 227

Jeffords, Dr Charles 1933cwjeffords@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 4107

Jenkins, Mr Barry 3546bljenkins@ysu.eduParking Facility AttendantParking Services275 Fifth Avenue 4

Jenkins, Ms Kim 3675kajenkins@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1Maag LibraryMaag Library 226

Jenkins, Dr William wdjenkins@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusHistory Dept

Jennings, Ms Myisha mdjennings@ysu.eduAsst Director of AthleticsAthletics

Jenyk, Ms Sarah 1674sejenyk@ysu.eduSenior LecturerEconomics DeptDeBartolo Hall 309

Jerryson, Dr Michael 3275mkjerryson@ysu.eduProfessorPhilosophy & Religious Studies DeptDeBartolo Hall 411

Jesko, Ms Carolyn 3556cljesko@ysu.eduAssistant Director Programming

Student ActivitiesKilcawley Center 2230

Jiang, Dr Qi 3441qjjiang@ysu.eduProfessorSociology Anthropology DeptDeBartolo Hall 444A

Jiang, Ms Shuiping 1772sjiang@ysu.eduAsst Dir Int Admis RecruitInternational Programs OfficeJones Hall 1027B

Johnson, Ms Phyllis 1843pjjohnson@ysu.eduUniv Partnership Program CoordSocial Work DeptCushwa Hall 2348

Johnson, Mr Tim tmjohnson@ysu.eduAssistant Coach - Football QCAthletic Training Room

Johnston, Dr Carl 7151cgjohnston@ysu.eduProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 4004

Jones, Mr Christopher cdjones01@ysu.eduInstructorBitonte College of Health and HumanServices

Jones, Mrs Jaime jsjones01@ysu.eduContinuing Education FacultyBitonte College of Health and HumanServices

Jones, Miss Kelsey ktjones02@ysu.eduCoordinator Intl Stud ServInternational Programs OfficeJones Hall 1034B

Jones, Mr Larry lpjones03@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Jones, Mr Todd 1341tajones01@ysu.eduLecturerComputer Science & InformationSystems

Jones-Canter, Ms Jessie 1479jscanter@ysu.eduCoordinator MAC


Mathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 431

Jordan, Ms Deanna dljordan@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police Dept

Jordan, Dr Tom 0348tejordan@ysu.eduGIS Map Tech Sup SpecialistGeology & Environmental Science(See Physics Astronomy)

Joseph, Ms Jana 1927jmjoseph@ysu.eduLead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Joy, Mr Tony 1910tjoy@ysu.eduHead Coach Mens GolfMen's GolfBeeghly Center 102

Joy-Tupaj, Ms Rachell 3521rjoy@ysu.eduLayout Design ArtistMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall 141

Juergensen, Dr James jejuergensen@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorPsychology Dept

Juruaz, Dr Debbie 1765djuruaz@ysu.eduProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1142

Jusino, Ms Mari 2353mjusino@ysu.eduLegal SecretaryGeneral Counsel, Office of theTod Hall 314

KKandray, Dr Diane 1763

dpkandray@ysu.eduProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1102

Karpak, Dr Birsen 1892bkarpak@ysu.eduProfessorManagement, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3303

Kassawat, Dr M. Paulina mpkassawat@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson Hall

Kassis, Mr Mousa 2145mhkassis@ysu.eduNetwork Dir SBDC Export AssistWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson Hall 1155

Kassos, Mrs Pamela 1927pkassos@ysu.eduLead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Katros, Mr Steve 2139sfkatros@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 3Bitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 2110

Kaufman, Dr Alison 4679atkaufman@ysu.eduCoordinatorInstitute for Teaching and LearningJones Hall 3048

Kearns, Ms Susan 1426sekearns@ysu.eduSenior LecturerHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1114

Keillor, Dr Bruce 1894bdkeillor@ysu.eduProfessorMarketing, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3380

Kellar, Dr Garrett ggkellar@ysu.eduLecturerKinesiology and Sport Science

Keller, Dr Shirley smkeller@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusSocial Work Dept

Kelty, Mr John jjkelty@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Kengor, Mrs Brett 1531bakengor@ysu.eduAcademic Advisor 2

College of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall 2300

Kennedy, Mr Michael mvkennedy@ysu.eduBoiler Tech and Bldg Maint SupFacilities Office

Kent, Mrs Rosemary rekent01@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusFinancial Aid & Scholarships, Officeof

Kent-Strollo, Dr Nicole 4721nkentstrollo@ysu.eduDir Stud Outreach SupportStudent ExperienceKilcawley Center 2101

Keown, Dr Daniel dkeown@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorDana School of Music

Kerns, Dr G. Jay 3310gkerns@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 620

Kerns, Dr Lucy 1412xlu@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 641

Khavari, Ms Sepideh 1810skhavari@ysu.eduLecturerMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 606

Kightlinger, Ms Therese 3735takightlinger@ysu.eduAdministrator Studnt Field ExpBeeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducBeeghly Hall 3310

Kimosop, Dr Peter 3052pkimosop@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorGeography and Urban and RegionalStudies, Dept ofPhelps Building 129

King, Ms Becca 3154rjking03@ysu.eduSenior Athletic AdvisorAthletic Academic CounselingStambaugh Stadium


King, Dr Tammy A. 2185taking@ysu.eduAssociate Dean BCHHSBitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 2112

Kinsey, Mr Eric 3239eekinsey@ysu.eduBoiler Tech and Bldg Maint SupFacilities OfficeSalata Complex

Kirkpatrick, Ms Jennifer 1840jbkirkpatrick@ysu.eduStudio Art Support SpecialistArt, Dept ofBliss Hall

Kirova, Dr Alena akirova@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorWorld Languages and Cultures,Department of

Knight, Ms Kristin 1927kaknight01@ysu.eduClass Ment Lead Instr SpeclstThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Knudson, Mr Scott 2235smknudson@ysu.eduAcademic Info Systems SpecGraduate Studies, College ofCoffelt Hall 201

Kolar, Ms Margaret 3185mmkolar@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2Registrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 248

Kolarik, Ms Connie clkolarik@ysu.eduElectrician 1Facilities OfficeSalata Complex

Konik, Mr Dennis 3203dmkonik@ysu.eduSoftware Integration Analyst 2IT Application ServicesMeshel Hall 457

Korenic, Mr Robert 3288rjkorenic@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSchool of TechnologyMoser Hall 4106

Kosec, Ms Dawn 7269dckosec@ysu.edu

Accountant Examiner 3University Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 227

Kostantas, Ms Amalia 1981akostantas@ysu.eduResidence Hall MonitorUniversity Housing, Office ofLyden House

Kralj, Mr Kevin 2160kmkralj01@ysu.eduDir Labor Employee RelationsHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 312

Kramer, Dr Robert 1495rwkramer@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorComputer Science & InformationSystemsMeshel Hall 326

Kraner, Ms Jody 7135jakraner@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorUndergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2001

Krauss, Mr Ronald 2296rfkrauss@ysu.eduBroadcast EngineerWYSU FM 88.5Melnick Hall 2046

Kravitz, Ms Cynthia 1529cakravitz@ysu.eduAVP and CHROHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 359

Kress, Dr Victoria 3259vewhite@ysu.eduProfessorCounseling, School Psychology,Educational LeadershipBeeghly Hall 3105

Kroynovich, Mr Kyle 2385kmkroynovich@ysu.eduCoordinatorAthletic Facilities & ProgramsStambaugh Stadium 2006

Krummel, Mr Christopher 1439clkrummel@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 1248

Krygowski, Mr Francis frkrygowski@ysu.eduFaculty Emeritus

School of TechnologyKuberski, Mr Douglas

dwkuberski@ysu.eduHead Coach BowlingWomen's Bowling

Kucharski, Ms Debora 2254dlkucharski@ysu.eduAcademic Advisor 2College of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall 2310

Kulchytsky, Mr George gpkulchytsky@ysu.eduFaculty Emeritus

Kurcon, Ms Jennifer 7132jjkurcon@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1Financial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 205

Kuzma, Mr Daniel 2294djkuzma@ysu.eduManagerJanitorial ServicesCushwa Hall B262

Kyte, Ms Amy 7209ajkyte@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 1Nursing DeptCushwa Hall 2332

LLabendz, Dr Jacob 1603

jlabendz@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorHistory DeptDeBartolo Hall 532

Lally, Ms Anne alally@ysu.eduAssistant DirectorStudent Counseling CenterKilcawley Center 2110

Lamb, Dr Carol 4625cmlamb@ysu.eduProfessorSchool of TechnologyMoser Hall 4130

Lampley-Laster, Ms LeAnn3491ldlampleylaster@ysu.eduCapital Funds AnalystFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1012


Landgraff, Dr Nancy 2703nlandgraff@ysu.eduProfessorPhysical Therapy DepartmentCushwa Hall B321

Lapso, Mr Steve 3190sglapso@ysu.eduAssistant Athletic TrainerAthletic Training RoomStambaugh Stadium

Lard, Mr Edwin 0398ewlard@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Larwin, Dr Karen 2231khlarwin@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 3401

Lateef, Dr A. Bari alateef01@ysu.eduFaculty Emeritus

Latessa, Mr Michael mjlatessa@ysu.eduAssoc Director of DevelopmentThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Latimer, Mr Chris cjlatimer@ysu.eduMaintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities OfficeKilcawley Center

Latronica, Mr Brandon 2092bjlatronica@ysu.eduSystems Technician 1IT Infrastructure ServicesMeshel Hall 421

Lavender, Mr Thomas 3239telavender@ysu.eduBldg Maintenance SupervisorFacilities OfficeSalata Complex

LaVine, Dr Mary 1907mlavine@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 2321

Law, Mr Dave 1881dblaw@ysu.eduProfessor

Lariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson College of Business 3359

Lazar, Dr Alina 3468alazar@ysu.eduProfessorComputer Science & InformationSystemsMeshel Hall 307C

Learman, Dr Ken 7125klearman@ysu.eduProfessorPhysical Therapy DepartmentCushwa Hall B324

Leary, Dr Thomas 1611teleary@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorHistory DeptDeBartolo Hall 530

Lease, Dr Loren 1686lrlease@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSociology Anthropology DeptDeBartolo Hall 438

Lee, Dr Hae-Jong 3799hlee01@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3144

Lee, Dr Jay (Ju Yup) 2565jylee@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorHospitality Management andMerchandisingCushwa Hall 3414

Leeper, Ms Kathy 3560klleeper@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorKilcawley CenterKilcawley Center 1064B

Leko, Ms Anna 2221ajleko@ysu.eduService Desk TechnicianIT Customer ServicesMaag Library 406C

Leonard, Mrs Melanie 2979mlleonard@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1Student Success, Office ofJones Hall 3015

Leone, Mrs Alayne 1383amleone@ysu.eduLecturer

Mathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 526

Leonelli, Miss Ashley 2515afleonelli@ysu.eduCoordinator Graduate AdmissionGraduate Studies, College ofCoffelt Hall 110

Lepak, Dr Keith kjlepak@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPolitics and International Relations

Leskiw, Dr Brian 1562bdleskiw@ysu.eduProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5023

Lesko, Mrs Jennifer 3726jmlesko@ysu.eduAssistant Athletic TrainerAthletic Training RoomBeeghly Center

Leskovec, Mrs Ali amlessick@ysu.eduClass Mentor Lead Instr SpecThe Rich Center for Autism

Lettera, Mr Christopher 3414calettera@ysu.eduCPT Reader

DeBartolo HallLeViseur, Ms Jackie 2136

jmleviseur@ysu.eduDirectorAlumni & Events, Office ofTod Hall 124

Lewis, Mr Jeffrey jjlewis@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Lewis, Dr Lillian 1320lllewis02@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 2404

Lewis, Dr Sally salewis01@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusTeacher Education and LeadershipStudies

Lewis-Aey, Ms Jennifer 3759jjlewis02@ysu.eduDirector Talent Acq Emp Rec


Human Resources, Office ofTod Hall 324

Li, Dr Frank 2253xli@ysu.eduProfessorElectrical & Computer Engineering,Dept ofMoser Hall 2050

Liadis, Kimberley 1709kmliadis01@ysu.eduTravel ClerkProcurement ServicesJones Hall 2013

Licata, Dr Betty Jo 2737bjlicata@ysu.eduDean Professor WCBAWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson College of Business 3410

Liguori, Mr Joe 2549jdliguori@ysu.eduTechnology Support Tech 1IT Customer ServicesTod Hall 125

Lim, Mr Soon-Sik slim@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineering

Limperos, Ms Alena aklimperos@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Lindberg, Dr Matthew 1615mjlindberg@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorPsychology DeptDeBartolo Hall 331

Linkous, Dr Clovis 1958calinkous@ysu.eduProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5001/6001

Lipscomb, Ms Nora 2393nlipscomb@ysu.eduLecturerNursing DeptCushwa Hall

Lisi, Mr Michael 3684mflisi@ysu.eduLibrary Media Technical Asst 2Maag LibraryMaag Library 231

Lisko, Dr Susan 2175salisko@ysu.eduProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 3136

Loew, Ms Melanie 1646mjloew@ysu.eduCoordinator English Festival

DeBartolo Hall 222Lorenzi, Ms Danielle 2346

djlorenzi@ysu.eduCoordinator Admissions RecruitCliffe College of Creative ArtsBliss Hall 2318

Lorimer, Dr Heather 7179helorimer@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 3052

Louth, Dr Paul 3636jplouth@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall

Love, Mr Richard 7227rwlove@ysu.eduAssoc Dir Athl Tkt OffAthletic Ticket OfficeStambaugh Stadium 2039

Lovelace-Cameron, DrSherri 1997

srlovelacecameron@ysu.eduProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5046

Lucas-Palm, Ms Kim 3793kalucaspalm@ysu.eduRecords Technician 2Registrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 233

Luce, Ms Stacey 1322seluce@ysu.eduManager Employee BenefitsHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 359

Lucivjansky, Mr Steve 4621slucivjansky@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 4University Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 201

Luscher, Mr David 3368dcluscher@ysu.edu

Assoc Dir WYSUWYSU FM 88.5Melnick Hall 2035

Lyda, Ms Kelsey 1705krlyda@ysu.eduLecturerMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2420

Lyons, Dr Joseph 3658jplyons@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMaster of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 1122

Lyras, Ms Barbara 3414bjlyras@ysu.eduCPT Reader

DeBartolo HallLyubuska, Mr Bohdan 3239

blyubuska@ysu.eduMaintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities OfficeSalata Complex

MMach, Mr Gene 4666

edmach@ysu.eduACT Prep InstructorAcademic AchieversJones Hall 2056

Madsen, Mr Thomas 4398tlmadsen@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 635

Maldonado, Ms Sheila 3414samaldonado@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1English and World Languages,Department ofDeBartolo Hall 202

Mancini, Mr Anthony ajmancini01@ysu.eduInstruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism

Manning, Mr Thomas 7188temanning@ysu.eduParking Facility SupervisorParking Services275 Fifth Avenue 15

Marchionda, Mr Dominic 2498


dcmarchionda@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorWilliamson College of BusinessAdministration

Marie, Dr Hazel 3015hmarie@ysu.eduProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2515

Marinkovich, Mr Marko 1909mmmarinkovich@ysu.eduRecreation Facilities Mgr 1Campus RecreationAndrews Student Rec Center

Markota, Ms Michelle 7227mlmarkota@ysu.eduCoHead Coach CheerleadingCheerleadersStambaugh Stadium 2036

Markowitz, Mr R.J. 1964ramarkowitz@ysu.eduCoordinator Adv RecCampus RecreationAndrews Student Rec Center 2030

Marshall, Mr John jrmarshall@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Marsico, Mr Richard rjmarsico@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusIT Application Services

Martin, Dr Don 7461dmartin@ysu.eduProfessorCounseling, School Psychology,Educational LeadershipBeeghly Hall 3404

Martin, Dr Holly 3022hjmartin02@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineeringMoser Hall 2068

Martin, Mr John 3745jdmartin01@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSchool of TechnologyMoser Hall 4126

Maruca, Atty Susan 4627srmaruca@ysu.eduCPT Reader

DeBartolo Hall 202Masagara, Dr NdinziMasagara 3464

nmasagara@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorWorld Languages and Cultures,Department ofDeBartolo Hall 510

Masaki, Dr Mark mamasaki@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPsychology Dept

Mason, Mr Daniel djmason@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Massaro, Ms Megan 2107mlmassaro@ysu.eduOrg Development OfficerHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 309

Massaro, Ms Sherry 3426camassaro@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2Undergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2004

Mastorides, Mr Nickiforos 3239nemastorides@ysu.eduMaint Rep Worker 2 Facil MaintFacilities OfficeSalata Complex

Matanin, Dr Marcia 3255mjmatanin@ysu.eduProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 2405

Matasy, Mr Michael msmatasy@ysu.eduMaintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities Office

Mathews, Dr Walter 1847wmathews@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCommunication, Department ofBliss Hall 2025

Mattiussi, Ms Carla 3514cmmattiussi@ysu.eduCoordinator Career DevelopmentCareer and Academic AdvisingJones Hall 2003

May, Mrs Tia 1927tsjohnson@ysu.edu

Classroom SupervisorThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Mays, Mr William 3526wamays@ysu.eduUniversity Police SergeantPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall 1105

Mazuroski, Mr Matthew 3632mmazuroski@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTheatre and Dance, Department ofBliss Hall 1250

Mazzocca, Ms Jackie 3233jlmazzocca@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 4Facilities OfficeSalata Complex 1005

Mazzocco, Ms Linda 3748lkmazzocco@ysu.eduBenefits Management AnalystHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 359

Mc Cartney, Ms Rachel 4700rlmccartney@ysu.eduResearch Associate IIIWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationMelnick Hall 2104

Mc Cormick, Mr Dan 1757djmccormick@ysu.eduTech Support Technician 1IT Customer ServicesBeeghly Center 102

McClendon, Mr Kenny kmcclendon@ysu.eduAssistant Football CoachFootballStambaugh Stadium

McClendon, Mrs Maggie 3243mmcclendon@ysu.eduAssistant DirectorUndergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2021

McClusky, Ms Paula pjmcclusky@ysu.eduLecturerNursing Dept

McCormick, Mrs Gemini 3109grmccormick@ysu.eduPayroll Specialist 1Payroll, Office ofJones Hall 2032


McCormick, Ms Missy 3701mmccormick@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorArt, Dept ofBliss Hall 0006

McCoy, Dr Robert ramccoy@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering Dept

McCracken, Mr David 3117ddmccracken@ysu.eduDirector Procurement ServicesProcurement ServicesJones Hall 2042

McCullough, Ms Chris 1862cmccullough@ysu.eduProfessorArt, Dept ofBliss Hall 4077

McDade, Mr Travis 3527twmcdade@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

McDavid, Mr Todd tmmcdavid@ysu.eduRegional Admissions OfficerEnrollment Management, Office of

McEwing, Dr Richard ramcewing@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusEducational Foundations, Research,Tech & Ldrshp

McGarry, Mr Chad crmcgarry@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

McGiffin, Mrs Maura 3174mkmcgiffin@ysu.eduAssociate Director PSCRegistrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 232

McGranahan, Ms Gina 2090glmcgranahan@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorCSP - Disability Services, Office ofKilcawley Center

McHenry, Mrs Gina 1594gcmchenry@ysu.eduAssoc Dir Cust Serv Spec PrgrmFinancial Aid & Scholarships, Officeof

Meshel Hall 213McKenney, Mrs Melissa 3508

msmckenney@ysu.eduAssoc Dir Fin Aid PrgrmsFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 215

McKinney, Ms Caitlin 0494cmckinney@ysu.eduClass Mentor Ld Instr SpecThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

McKinney, Ms Shari 2336slmckinney@ysu.eduAdministrative Ops SpecialistInternational Programs OfficeJones Hall 1042

McLaughlin, Ms Lisa 3137lkmclaughlin@ysu.eduAccountant Examiner 3University Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 201

McLean, Dr Colleen 1752cemclean@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorGeology & Environmental Science(See Physics Astronomy)Moser Hall 2120

McNally, Mr Neal 2719npmcnally@ysu.eduVP Finance Business OpsVice President - Finance & BusinessOps, Office of theTod Hall 224

McNicholas, Mr Ryan 2207ramcnicholas@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorCampus RecreationAndrews Student Rec Center 2044

McNickle, Mrs Sarah 3398srmcnickle@ysu.eduFinancial Aid Loan SpecialistFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 203

Mehle, Ms Vicki 4742vlmehle@ysu.eduResidence Hall MonitorUniversity Housing, Office ofCafaro House

Mehley, Mr Mark 3527mhmehley@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2

Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Mehri, Dr Hojjat 3023hmehri@ysu.eduProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2500

Mercer, Ms Jackie 3421jmercer01@ysu.eduLecturer

DeBartolo Hall 226Mercer, Captain Kevin

kjmercer01@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Mermer, Ms Dorian 2255dlmermer@ysu.eduSenior LecturerCommunication, Department ofBliss Hall 2008

Merrill, Dr Monica 7223mmmerrill@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorCriminal JusticeCushwa Hall 2430

Messenger, Mrs Angela 1781ajbarwick@ysu.eduCoordinatorWriting CenterMaag Library 173

Messuri, Dr Anthony apmessuri@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusSchool of Technology

Mettee, Dr Howard hdmettee@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusChemistry Dept

Mettille, Mr Tyler tsmettille@ysu.eduAsst Coach Track FieldCross Country, Track & Field

Meyerl, Mr Aaron 1939ajmeyerl@ysu.eduResearch AnalystInstitutional Research & PolicyAnalysis, Office ofTod Hall 212

Michaliszyn, Dr Sara 3326sbmichaliszyn@ysu.eduAssociate Professor


Kinesiology and Sport ScienceCushwa Hall 1222

Miklos, Mr Nate 1192nmiklos@ysu.eduHead Women's Golf CoachWomen's GolfBeeghly Center 102

Miller, Mr Alan 3193almiller15@ysu.eduManager ProcurementProcurement ServicesJones Hall 2042

Miller, Ms Amanda anmiller@ysu.eduROAD Reader

Miller, Ms Carrie 4664camiller03@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 1Upward BoundJones Hall 3002

Miller, Ms Kelli 2015klmiller08@ysu.eduDirector Internal AuditInternal AuditJones Hall 1006

Miller, Dr Kenneth 3325klmiller@ysu.eduProfessorCounseling, School Psychology,Educational LeadershipBeeghly Hall 3209

Miller, Ms Megan memiller08@ysu.eduCounselor Penguin Serv CtrRegistrar, Office of the

Miller, Mr Murphy mrmiller08@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Miller, Mr Murphy 3987rmmiller03@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Miller, Ms Susanne 1768smmiller04@ysu.eduSenior Academic Advisor 2Bitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 2126

Min, Dr Jack 1945xmin@ysu.eduProfessor

Biological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 3014

Mincher, Dr Jeanine 3346jlmincher@ysu.eduProfessorHuman Ecology DeptCushwa Hall 3329

Mir, Dr Mustansir 1625mmir@ysu.eduProfessorPhilosophy & Religious Studies DeptDeBartolo Hall 460

Mistovich, Mr Joseph jjmistovich@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusHealth Professions Dept

Mitchell, Dr Andrew amitchell02@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorDana School of Music

Mithy, Sharmin snmithy@ysu.eduLecturerMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering Dept

Modarelli, Ms Jan 3792jfmodarelli@ysu.eduRecords Technician 3Registrar, Office of theMeshel Hall 233

Moffitt, Mr Christopher clmoffitt@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Mogg, Ms Jill 3616jmmogg@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Physics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 2023

Mohler, Mr Daniel dfmohler@ysu.eduMaintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities Office

Moldovan, Dr Stefan 1733simoldovan@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2535

Molinari, Mr Paul 2491jpmolinari@ysu.eduAsst Coach Men's Bsktbl QC

Men's BasketballBeeghly Center

Monroe, Mrs Anne 7173almonroe@ysu.eduCustomer Service Assistant 2Undergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 1007

Monseau, Dr Virginia vmonseau@ysu.eduFaculty Emeritus

Mook, Ms Lennie 3139ldmook@ysu.eduAccountant/Examiner 3University Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 201

Moore, Ms Becky 1720rkmoore@ysu.eduManager Information LiteracyMaag LibraryMaag Library 217

Moore, Ms Kimberly 0380kmoore06@ysu.eduInstruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Moore, Ms Linda 2137lmoore@ysu.eduHuman Capital Mgmt AnalystHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 359

Moore, Mrs Tiffany L. 3065tlmoore09@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2Williamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson Hall 3409

Moorer, Ms Susan 4036smmoorer@ysu.eduAsst Director, Stu OutreachStudent ExperienceKilcawley Center 1055K

Morella, Mr Thomas 2351tmorella@ysu.eduAsst Dir Athl Auxillary SvcsAthletic Ticket OfficeStambaugh Stadium 1003

Morgan, Dr Dave 1830dsmorgan@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3041

Morgione, Atty Greg 2354


ggmorgione@ysu.eduAssoc Gnl Cnsl LiaisonGeneral Counsel, Office of theTod Hall 314B

Moring, Mr Greg 3625gkmoring@ysu.eduAssociate Dean CCACCliffe College of Creative ArtsBliss Hall 2310

Morrison, Dr James jcmorrison@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPsychology Dept

Morrone, Mr Ross 1424rlmorrone@ysu.eduDirector of MarketingMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall 133

Mosher, Dr Allan 3639armosher@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3035

Moss, Mr Martyn 3237mpmoss@ysu.eduManager Building ServicesJanitorial ServicesCushwa Hall B250

Mossayebi, Dr FaramarzD. 3014

fmossayebi@ysu.eduProfessorElectrical & Computer Engineering,Dept ofMoser Hall 2044

Mouse, Mr David 3767djmouse@ysu.eduSoftware Integration Analyst 1IT Application ServicesMeshel Hall 444

Moy, Ms Debbie 2155dlmoy@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1CSP - Disability Services, Office ofKilcawley Center 2082

Mucci, Ms Rose 3789rmmucci@ysu.eduLecturerNursing DeptCushwa Hall 2250

Mudryk, Mrs Lisa 3166ljmudryk@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 2

Procurement ServicesJones Hall 2034A

Mueez, Ms Dr. Farhana 4681fmueez@ysu.eduLecturerHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1153

Mullins, Dr Nicole 1905nmullins@ysu.eduProfessorKinesiology and Sport ScienceBeeghly Center 307F

Mumaw, Ms Kathleen kemumaw@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusLariccia School of Accounting andFinance

Myers, Ms Jennifer 2131jlmyers09@ysu.eduSuccess CoordinatorFirst Year Student ServicesJones Hall 3032

Myers, Dr Nathan 2336nrmyers@ysu.eduAssociate ProvostInternational Programs OfficeJones Hall 1042

Myers, Mr Vaughn 1404vlmyers@ysu.eduAssoc Dir Kilcawley CenterKilcawley CenterKilcawley Center 2080

NNaderi, Dr Nazanin

nnaderi@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering Dept

Narcisse, Dr Denise 2732danarcisse@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSociology Anthropology DeptDeBartolo Hall 434

Nardo, Mr Bryan bpnardo@ysu.eduAssistant Football CoachFootballStambaugh Stadium

Nelson, Mr Brian 3061bhnelson@ysu.eduSystems Technician 2IT Infrastructure Services

Meshel Hall 417Nelson, Ms Michelle 1858

mnelson@ysu.eduProfessorArt, Dept ofBliss Hall 4085

Nespor, Ms Cassie 3788clnespor@ysu.eduLibrarian 2 Technical ServicesMaag LibraryMaag Library 509

Newman, Mrs Kelly 3296klnewman@ysu.eduCoordinator Learning ResourcesNursing DeptCushwa Hall

Nguyen, Ms Nguyet(Moon) 1805

ntnguyen01@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 643

Nickells, Mr Adam 2708aknickells@ysu.eduWeb DeveloperMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall B141

Nicolais, Mr John 2514jnicolais@ysu.eduAsst Coach Women's BasketballWomen's BasketballBeeghly Center 302

Noble, Ms Mary 1422manoble@ysu.eduSoftware Integration Analyst 2IT Application ServicesMeshel Hall 417

Noday, Mrs Linda lccrosby@ysu.eduCoordinatorCSP - Disability Services, Office of

Norris, Dr Peter 1553pnorris@ysu.eduProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 6014

Nwachukwu, Mr Chinedu cmnwachukwu@ysu.eduAsst Coach Men's BasketballMen's BasketballBeeghly Center 302


OO'Connell, Mrs Christina 1884

cloconnell@ysu.eduDirector Center Career MgmtWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson Hall 1122

O'Connell, Mr Danny 3378djoconnell@ysu.eduDirector of Support ServicesParking Services275 Fifth Avenue 14

O'Connell-Spalla, Ms Joan 1761joconnellspalla@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 2450

O'Dell, Dr Valerie 2177vmodell@ysu.eduProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 3132

O'Hara, Ms Nancy 3084neohara@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Lariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson Hall 3384

O'Leary, Mr Patrick 3343pmoleary@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesCushwa Hall 3416

O'Malley, Ms Molly 4629maomalley@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 301

O'Mansky, Dr Matt 1688meomansky@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSociology Anthropology DeptDeBartolo Hall 444B

O'Mellan, Dr Anita 1809acomellan@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 529

O'Neill, Ms Sue 2083smoneill@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1

Beeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducDeBartolo Hall 121

Oddo, Jennifer 1825joddo01@ysu.eduExecutive Director SWEIMahoning Valley Innovation &Commercialization Center

Oder, Dr Tom 7111tnoder@ysu.eduProfessorPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptMoser Hall 3284

Olekshuk, Mr David 3529daolekshuk@ysu.eduTech Support Engineer 1IT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 423

Olive, Mr James jgolive@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusStudent Experience

Olmi, Ms Sandy 3135slolmi@ysu.eduAccountant Examiner 3University Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 201

Olshanski, Dr Nicole nolshanski@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorNursing Dept

Oltmanns, Dr Caroline 3636cmoltmanns@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall

Onitsuka, Mr Yukitada yonitsuka@ysu.eduPTF DanaDana School of Music

Onwudiwe, Dr Christian 1788cconwudiwe@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorCriminal JusticeCushwa Hall 2147

Opsitnik, Mr William wcopsitnik@ysu.eduInstructorSocial Work Dept

Orlando, Ms Terri 1714tlorlando@ysu.eduAcademic Budget Officer

Academic Affairs, Office ofTod Hall 223

Orto, Mr Michael 3576morto@ysu.eduManagerFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1015

Orwell, Ms Patrice 1710porwell@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2Procurement ServicesJones Hall 2037

Orwell, Ms Theresa 1707tlorwell@ysu.eduAssoc Controller and DirectorController's OfficeJones Hall 2026D

Osborn, Mrs Brandi 7133bosborn@ysu.eduHuman Capital Mgmt AnalystHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall

Ovaska, Dr Tomi 3434tpovaska@ysu.eduProfessorEconomics DeptDeBartolo Hall 317

Owens, Dr Fred 1855fowens@ysu.eduProfessorCommunication, Department ofBliss Hall 2010

Owens, Mr James jaowens02@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Ozanich, Mr Matthew 3327msozanich@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training AcademyCushwa Hall

PPacanowski, Mr Jason 3004

jfpacanowski@ysu.eduAsst Coach Wmns BsktballWomen's BasketballBeeghly Center 302

Page, Ms Diana 3733ddpage@ysu.eduLibrary Media Technical Asst 2Maag LibraryMaag Library 231


Page, Ms Leslie 2055lmpage@ysu.eduDirectorFirst Year Student ServicesJones Hall 3032

Palardy, Dr Diana 1631dqpalardy@ysu.eduProfessorWorld Languages and Cultures,Department ofDeBartolo Hall 507

Palardy, Dr Joseph 2983jpalardy@ysu.eduProfessor and Coord Gen EducEconomics DeptJones Hall 3028

Palich, Ms Ruth 2023rgpalich@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1128

Palladino, Mrs Kathy 2103kmpalladino@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2OrientationJones Hall 3032

Pallante, Dr Martha 3408mipallante@ysu.eduProfessorHistory DeptDeBartolo Hall 104

Palmer-Fernandez, DrGabriel 1465

gfpalmer@ysu.eduProfessor and DirectorPhilosophy & Religious Studies DeptDeBartolo Hall 405

Panaitof, Dr Carmen 2895scpanaitof@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 4020

Pappa, Ms Rachel rapappa@ysu.eduUpward Bound InstructorUpward Bound

Park, Dr Byung-Wook 3088bwpark@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineeringMoser Hall 2070

Parker, Mr Alan 2395

ajparker@ysu.eduCarpenter SupervisorFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1037

Parks, Mr Trevor 3192tparks@ysu.eduDirectorSports InformationStambaugh Stadium 1003

Parrott, Ms Cathy 2559cbieberparrott@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorPhysical Therapy DepartmentCushwa Hall B331

Parsons, Ms Amanda 1947ajparsons@ysu.eduCustomer Service Assistant 2Undergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2006

Pascarella, Ms Anna 3112apascarella@ysu.eduManager Delivery Printing SvcsDelivery Services(Postal/Receiving/Mail Room)Salata Complex 2034

Paterniti, Mr Robert rpaterniti@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Paul, Dr. Anindita 7006apaul@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engineering,Dept of

Paul, Ms Laurie 4730lapaul@ysu.eduSenior Academic Advisor 1Beeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducDeBartolo Hall 121-122

Paul, Dr Phyllis 1376pmpaul@ysu.eduDean CCACCliffe College of Creative ArtsBliss Hall 2312

Pavlichich, Ms Desa 3207dpavlichich@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 3Beeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducDeBartolo Hall 108

Paydock, Mr Joe 2103jpaydock@ysu.edu

Success CoordinatorFirst Year Student ServicesJones Hall 3032

Payne, Dr Brandt 1834bpayne@ysu.eduAssociate Professor and DirDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3147

Payton, Mrs Susan 3344sdpayton@ysu.eduPTF Human EcologyHuman Ecology DeptCushwa Hall 3203

Peck, Mrs Teresa 2637tmpeck@ysu.eduLecturerNursing DeptCushwa Hall 2483

Pedaline, Mr Cory 3352cppedaline@ysu.eduTech Support Engineer 1IT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 425

Perkins, Mr Courtenay cnperkins@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Perrine, Mr Richard 7156rbperrine@ysu.eduCustodial Technician 2Janitorial ServicesCushwa Hall B258

Perry, Mr Leonard laperry@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusHealth Professions Dept

Pesch, Dr Alexander ahpesch@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering Dept

Peterson, Mr John jhpeterson@ysu.eduAssistant Coach FootballFootball

Peterson, Mr Willie wfpeterson@ysu.eduLecturerSocial Work Dept

Petrarca, Mr Dominic dppetrarca@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy


Petruska, Dr Dennis 1679dapetruska@ysu.eduProfessorEconomics DeptDeBartolo Hall 311

Petruska, Dr Karin 1876kapetruska@ysu.eduProfessorLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson College of Business 3342

Pettitt, Dr Nicole npettitt@ysu.eduAssistant Professor

Pfingstl, Ms Rebecca 3511rcpfingstl@ysu.eduCareer & Academic Advisor 1Career and Academic AdvisingJones Hall 2002

Phillips, Mr Andrew 2395ajphillips02@ysu.eduCarpenter 2Facilities OfficeSalata Complex

Phillips, Mr Douglas dpphillips@ysu.eduHead Coach FootballFootball

Pierce, Dr C. Allen capierce@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusCriminal Justice

Pieton, Mr Mike 3527mapieton@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall 1010

Pilolli, Mrs Shannon sepilolli@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Pinciaro, Mr Steve 3717swpinciaro@ysu.eduAthletic Business ManagerAthletic Ticket OfficeStambaugh Stadium 2006

Pintar, Dr Jennifer 4628japintar@ysu.eduAssociate Provost Acad AdminAcademic Affairs, Office ofTod Hall 218

Pleva, Ms Kimberly 1891

kmpleva@ysu.eduLecturerManagement, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3309

Pohle-Krauza, Dr Rachael 3344rjpohlekrauza@ysu.eduProfessorHuman Ecology DeptCushwa Hall 3315

Pontikos, Mr Michael 1882mgpontikos@ysu.eduSenior LecturerMarketing, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3334

Popadak, Mr John 3679jepopadak@ysu.eduAcquisitions LibrarianMaag LibraryMaag Library 217

Pope, Mrs Shannon 1598skpope@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Criminal Justice and ConsumerSciencesCushwa Hall 3365

Popovich, Mr Richard 1481rjpopovich@ysu.eduAnnouncer Prod WYSUWYSU FM 88.5Melnick Hall 2020

Porch, Mrs Erica empitts@ysu.eduLead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism

Porter, Dr Tod tsporter@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusEconomics Dept

Powe, Dr Nicolette 1895nwpowe@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1104

Preto, Mr Mark 1327mapreto@ysu.eduAssistant Coach Football VideoFootballStambaugh Stadium 1002

Price, Mrs Aisha 8838anprice@ysu.eduSite CoordinatorCenter for Human ServicesDevelopment

Price, Dr Douglas 3026dmprice@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineeringMoser Hall 2460

Prieto Langarica, Dr Alicia1549aprietolangarica@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 637

Prince, Mrs Sherri sldawson@ysu.eduInstructorUpward Bound

Priour, Dr Donald 1420djpriour@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 2025

Protivnak, Dr Jake 1936jjprotivnak@ysu.eduProfessorCounseling, School Psychology,Educational LeadershipBeeghly Hall 4103

Protopapa, Ms Barbara 1927bprotopapa@ysu.eduGeneral Activities AssistantThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Provencher, Ms Melodie 4720maprovencher@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2Student Success, Office ofJones Hall 3015

Pugh, Mr Kenneth 4666kpugh@ysu.eduDirector and Grant ManagerUpward BoundJones Hall 3007

Pusateri, Mr Douglas 3527dmpusateri@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall


Raabe, Mrs Amy


asraabe@ysu.eduLecturerHuman Ecology Dept

Rach, Mrs Julia jmrach@ysu.eduBd Certified Behavior AnalystThe Rich Center for Autism

Rager, Ms Lexi 5369lerager@ysu.eduCoord Student Recruit & EngmntHonors CollegeCafaro House 1032

Ramos, Ms Marines mramos@ysu.eduInstructorUpward Bound

Ratican, Dr Crystal 3245clratican@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 2422

Raulin, Dr Michael 1616mlraulin@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorPsychology DeptDeBartolo Hall 330

Reale, Dr Steven 1844smreale@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3047

Reardon, Ms Amanda 2245akreardon@ysu.eduCoord. Membership & MarketingCampus RecreationAndrews Student Rec Center 2038

Reday, Dr Peter 3078pareday@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMarketing, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3344

Reed, Ms Beth 1996eareed@ysu.eduOperations AssistantThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Reed, Ms Stephanie 7444sjreed02@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorUniversity Housing, Office ofKilcawley House

Rees, Dr Regina

rmrees@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusTeacher Education and LeadershipStudies

Rees, Dr Regina rmrees@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusBeeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & Educ

Reese, Dr Steven 1650screese@ysu.eduProfessor

DeBartolo Hall 214Reesh, Ms Shannon 7492

snreesh@ysu.eduSuccess CoordinatorFirst Year Student ServicesJones Hall 3032

Reichert, Ms Lisa 1919lareichert02@ysu.eduAssociate ControllerController's OfficeJones Hall 2017

Remias, Lt Bryan 3527bpremias@ysu.eduUniv Law Enforcement SuperPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall 1025

Renne, Dr Ian 1943ijrenne@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 4057

Reyes, Mr Kenny 1721kreyes@ysu.eduLibrary Assistant 2Maag LibraryMaag Library 231

Richards, Mr steve 3009sprichards@ysu.eduSTEM Laboratory SpecialistCollege of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall

Riggleman, Ms Ashley 1462arriggleman@ysu.eduAsst Director Research SvcsResearch Services, Office ofMelnick Hall 2109

Ritchie, Mr Rick 3143rlritchie@ysu.eduAccountant Examiner 3

University Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 201

Robich, Ms Laura 2179lkrobich@ysu.eduCoord Clinical Student ServcsNursing DeptCushwa Hall 2326

Roby, Mrs Amanda 2630alroby@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1140

Roche, Ms Molly 7299mdroche@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 3119

Rodabaugh, Dr Stephen 3347serodabaugh@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptMoser Hall 2098

Roddy, Mr Roy rtroddy@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Rodik, Mr Craig cerodik@ysu.eduSite CoordinatorCenter for Human ServicesDevelopment

Rogers, Dr Richard 3543rlrogers02@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCriminal JusticeCushwa Hall 2175

Rogner, Mr William 7496whrogner@ysu.eduCampus Sfty Emerg Mgmt OfficerUniversity RelationsTod Hall 124

Rojas, Mr Rolando rrrojas@ysu.eduCoordinatorUndergraduate Admissions

Rollins, Mr Matt 3671mcrollins@ysu.eduAssistant Director AthleticsAthletic Facilities & ProgramsWatson & Tressel Training Site

Romeo, Mr Matthew 3239mfromeo@ysu.eduGroundskeeper 2


Grounds DeptSalata Complex

Roof, Mr Jarrod jbroof@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Root, Dr Jena 3371jroot@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3039

Rose, Ms Becky 2159rarose01@ysu.eduAssistant DirectorMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall 138

Ross, Dr Omar oaross@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorPhysical Therapy Department

Rossi, Mr John 3062jfrossi@ysu.eduSenior LecturerMarketing, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3335

Rossi, Ms Sherri 3635sarossi@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Dana School of MusicBliss Hall 3008

Rossi, Mr Todd 2187tdrossi@ysu.eduResidence Hall MonitorUniversity Housing, Office ofKilcawley House

Rothenbuhler, Mr Troy ttrothenbuhler01@ysu.eduAssistant Coach FootballFootball

Round, Mr Terry 3527tdround@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Rovnak, Ms Angela 2410amrovnak@ysu.eduManager IT Application SvcsIT Application ServicesMeshel Hall 432

Rowan, Mr Thomas tjrowan@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Rowlands, Dr Zara 2021zcshah@ysu.eduProfessorHuman Ecology DeptCushwa Hall 3313

Ruiz, Mr Cristobal 3279cvruiz@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training AcademyCushwa Hall

Ruller, Jackie jaruller@ysu.eduProgram DirectorMahoning Valley Innovation &Commercialization Center

Rupert, Mrs Sylvia 2512sjrupert@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1College of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall 2325

Ruscitti, Ms Anna 3299aruscitti@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1Career and Academic AdvisingJones Hall 2004

Ruse, Ms Elaine 3399eruse@ysu.eduExecutive DirectorEnrollment Management, Office ofKilcawley House 103

Rush, Ms Victoria 0004vsrush@ysu.eduEnglish InstructorUpward BoundMaag Library

Russell, Ms Janelle jprussell@ysu.eduLecturerChemistry Dept

Russo, Mr Carmen 6000cprusso01@ysu.eduSenior Counselor PSCRegistrar, Office of theMeshel Hall

Russo, Mr Robert rarusso01@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Ryu, Dr Jae Joong 2396jjryu@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMechanical, Industrial &

Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2540

SSacco, Mr Vincent 3234

vsacco@ysu.eduDirectorFacilities OfficeWestinghouse Building 2004

Saenger, Ms Christina 7256csaenger@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMarketing, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3347

Sahli, Ms Susan 2374sesahli@ysu.eduStudent Loan SupervisorFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 206

Sak, Ms. Domonique dsak@ysu.eduClub Sports Camps CoordinatorCampus Recreation

Sakonyi White, Ms Robin 3197rlsakonyi@ysu.eduAssociate Director CSPCenter for Student Progress, MarionG. ReschKilcawley Center 1103B

Sanders, Bishop 1402cbsanders@ysu.eduManager Admissions Supp ServUndergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 2008

Sanders, Dr Sal 3091sasanders@ysu.eduDean and Assistant ProvostGraduate Studies, College ofCoffelt Hall 209

Sanson, Mr Joe 1771jssanson@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSchool of TechnologyMoser Hall 4136

Sarkissian, Dr John 3460jesarkissian@ysu.eduProfessorWorld Languages and Cultures,Department ofDeBartolo Hall 502

Sarro, Dr Patricia pjsarro@ysu.edu


Faculty EmeritusArt, Dept of

Satre, Dr Lowell ljsatre@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusHistory Dept

Satterthwaite, Mr Travis tlsatterthwaite@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police Dept

Sauerwein, Mr Mitchell mjsauerwein@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Saunders-Smith, Dr Gail 1353gasaunderssmith@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 2308

Schaefer, Mr Joseph jjschaefer@ysu.eduAssistant Football CoachFootball

Schaft, Dr Glenn 4812geschaft@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 2234

Schaper, Mrs Michele 3768mlschaper@ysu.eduCoordinator Degree Audit SystRegistrar, Office of theJones Hall 3041

Schialdone, Mr Joseph 3527jpschialdone@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Schildcrout, Dr Steven smschildcrout@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusChemistry Dept

Schmidt, Mr Robert 7226rkschmidt01@ysu.eduAsst Dir Athl Mktg and PromoAthletic Ticket OfficeStambaugh Stadium 2036

Schneider, Ms Jennifer 3004jsstacy@ysu.eduCo-Head Coach CheerleadingCheerleadersBeeghly Center 302

Schneider, Mr Jeremy 2524jmschneider01@ysu.eduTechnology Support Tech 1IT Customer ServicesWilliamson Hall 2236

Schoenfeld, Ms Melissa 7134maschoenfeld@ysu.eduPrint AssistantPrinting ServicesSalata Complex

Schroeder, Ms Sharon 2445sjschroeder@ysu.eduDirectorCollege Access and Transition, OfficeofLincoln Building 212

Schueller, Dr Kriss 3379kaschueller@ysu.eduProfessorComputer Science & InformationSystemsMeshel Hall 334

Schuff, Ms Sheryl smschuff@ysu.eduManager of Athletic Ticket OpsAthletic Ticket Office

Schwartz, Dr Jeremy 3076jtschwartz@ysu.eduAssoc ProfLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson Hall 3382

Scott, Ms Aline amscott07@ysu.eduHead Coach VolleyballVolleyballBeeghly Center

Scott, Ms Brenda 2158bjscott01@ysu.eduCoord Transition Mentor PrgsDiversity, Equity and Inclusion, OfficeofJones Hall 3023

Scott, Mr Joseph 1886jmscott01@ysu.eduProgram Director PTACWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson Hall 1150

Scrocco, Mr Frank 3155fascrocco@ysu.eduAssistant Director Special PrgFinancial Aid & Scholarships, Officeof

Meshel Hall 216Sdregas, Ms Kalliope

kasdregas@ysu.eduMath InstructorUpward Bound

Seitz, Ms Julie 3046jseitz@ysu.eduDirectorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 507

Serra, Dr Mike 3667maserra@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5033

Sethi, Mrs Swati 3401snsethi@ysu.eduSenior LecturerPsychology DeptDeBartolo Hall

Sewell, Ms Elaine 3733esewell@ysu.eduLibrary Assistant 2Maag LibraryMaag Library 231

Sexton, Mr Gary 1778gasexton@ysu.eduDirectorWYSU FM 88.5Melnick Hall 2027

Sexton, Mr Troy tdsexton@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Seymour, Mrs Lynn laseymour@ysu.eduMedical Nutrition TherapistHealth Professions Dept

Shaffer, Chuck 4738csshaffer@ysu.eduBldg Maintenance SupervisorFacilities OfficeCafaro House

Shaffer, Dr Raymond 3196rjshaffer@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson College of Business 3358

Shaklee, Dr Ron 3319rshaklee@ysu.eduProfesssorGeography and Urban and Regional


Studies, Dept ofPhelps Building 130

Shargo, Ms Megan 3080meshargo@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Management and Marketing,Department ofWilliamson Hall 3363

Sharma, Dr Suresh 1741ssharma06@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCivil/Environmental & ChemicalEngineeringMoser Hall 2440

Sharp, Mr Gene 1953ersharp@ysu.eduReceiving & Distribution SuperDelivery Services(Postal/Receiving/Mail Room)Salata Complex 2021

Shellito, Dr Bradley 7190bashellito@ysu.eduProfessorGeography and Urban and RegionalStudies, Dept ofPhelps Building 126

Shelton, Ms Christine 3068cgshelton@ysu.eduCoordinatorWilliamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson College of Business 3414

Sherman, Dr Mike 7281msherman02@ysu.eduVP Instit Effect and Board ProPresident, Office of theTod Hall 217

Shields, Dr Cynthia 1345cmshields@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 2328

Shilot, Mrs Ashley 2970amshilot@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Graduate Studies in Health &Rehabilitation SciencesCushwa Hall B317

Shipka, Dr Tom tashipka@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPhilosophy & Religious Studies Dept

Shortreed, Dr Mary 2176

mshortreed@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 3110

Shrum, Mr Brian 9114bdshrum@ysu.eduHead Coach SoccerWomen's SoccerStambaugh Stadium

Simeonsson, Dr Josef 3663jbsimeonsson@ysu.eduProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5054

Simon, Ms Carol 2190cafranklin01@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 1Peace Officer Training AcademyCushwa Hall 2361

Simon, Mr Jason 3527jesimon@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training AcademyClingan-Waddell Hall

Simonelli, Dr David 1601dsimonelli@ysu.eduProfessorHistory DeptDeBartolo Hall 533

Sinagoga, Mr Josh jsinagoga@ysu.eduAssistant Coach FootballFootballStambaugh Stadium

Singler, Dr Charles crsingler@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusGeology & Environmental Science(See Physics Astronomy)

Sipusic, Atty David 2170djsipusic@ysu.eduAssoc Gnl Cnsl Rsrch Exec DirGeneral Counsel, Office of theTod Hall

Sisco, Dr Dolores 3422dvsisco@ysu.eduAssistant Professor

DeBartolo Hall 219Sklodowski, Ms Mary

mksklodowski@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Skovira, Mr Adam 3527atskovira@ysu.eduPolice SergeantPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Slanina, Mr Donald drslanina@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusSchool of Technology

Slay, Mr Jason 2191jwslay@ysu.eduAsst Coach Mens BasketballMen's BasketballBeeghly Center

Slipkovich, Mr William 3744wslipkovich@ysu.eduMinicomputer TechnicianFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1047

Slivinske, Dr Lee lrslivinske@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusSocial Work Dept

Small, Mr Jason 3071jpsmall@ysu.eduLecturerMarketing, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3337

Small, Dr Jerome jksmall@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPsychology Dept

Smith, Mrs Ashley ammilligan@ysu.eduSchool NurseThe Rich Center for Autism

Smith, Mr Brad basmith11@ysu.eduHead Coach Wom Swmg DivingSwimming & Diving

Smith, Dr Brien 3103bnsmith06@ysu.eduProvost & VP Acad. AffairsAcademic Affairs, Office ofTod Hall 220

Smith, Mr Drae 8359dmsmith06@ysu.eduAsst Dir Athlet Comm Evnt MgmtAthletic Facilities & Programs

Smith, Mr Eric emsmith08@ysu.eduAssistant Coach BaseballBaseball


Beeghly Center 101Smith, Ms Jessica 1923

jmdutko@ysu.eduManager Scholarships Spcl ProgFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 212

Smith, Dr Stephanie 3632ssmith@ysu.eduProfessorTheatre and Dance, Department ofBliss Hall 1250

Smith, Ms Suzanne 1766smsmith05@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1208

Smotzer, Dr Thomas 1970tsmotzer@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 646

Snodgrass, Mr Austin arsnodgrass@ysu.eduMgr Ath Ticket SalesAthletic Ticket Office

Snyder, Mr Gary 7198gwsnyder@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2Parking Services275 Fifth Avenue 17

Sole, Mr Frank 7257fgsole@ysu.eduSenior LecturerManagement, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3333

Soles, Ms Jennifer 2124jmsoles@ysu.eduAcademic Advisor 2Williamson College of BusinessAdministrationWilliamson Hall 1115

Solger, Mr Ethan easolger@ysu.eduAsst Athletics Dir Sports MedAthletic Training RoomStambaugh Stadium

Solomon, Dr Virgil 1730vcsolomon@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2505

Soltis, Mr Gene 1836efsoltis@ysu.eduTechnology Support Tech 1IT Customer ServicesBeeghly Hall 3316

Sommers, Mr Matthew mrsommers01@ysu.eduAssist Coach Dir Sports PerforAthletic Training Room

Song, Dr Doori 1890dsong@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMarketing, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3377

Sopel, Mr Mickael 2052msopel@ysu.eduHead Coach Women's TennisWomen's TennisBeeghly Center 102

Spalding, Mr Devon dlspalding@ysu.eduAssistant Football CoachFootballStambaugh Stadium

Spearman, Dr Patrick 1934ptspearman@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 4409

Spencer, Mr Bill 1701waspencer@ysu.eduAssoc Dir Planning ConstructFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1010

Spencer, Mr John 3527jrspencer@ysu.eduUniversity Police SergeantPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Sperry, Mr J. Dana 3627jdsperry@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorArt, Dept ofBliss Hall

Spiegel, Mr Allan aespiegel@ysu.eduSpec Asst to Exec Dir of AthAthletics

Spivey, Mr Curt 7278clspivey@ysu.eduPlanetarium Engineer/ProducerPhysics Astronomy Geology &

Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 2005/DUP

Sracic, Dr Paul 1672pasracic@ysu.eduProfessorPolitics and International RelationsDeBartolo Hall 420

Staaf, Ms Jennifer 3672jjstaaf@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 2Undergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 1005

Stanek, Dr Gary glstanek@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusMathematics & Statistics Dept

Stanger, Mr James 2319jnstanger@ysu.eduDirector Tech ServicesFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 214

Starkey, Mr Kyle ktstarkey@ysu.eduLecturerHistory DeptDeBartolo Hall 538

Steadman, Mr Zachary zhsteadman@ysu.eduBoiler & Air Quality TechFacilities Office

Steelant, Dr Wim 3009wfsteelant@ysu.eduDean of STEMCollege of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall 2200

Stefan, Dr Silvia 7157sastefan@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1132

Stewart, Ms Denise destewart01@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Stipanovich, Mrs Carrie 2125cmstipanovich@ysu.eduAcademic Advisor 1Beeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducBeeghly Hall 2106

Stipetich, Mr James 7243


jmstipetich@ysu.eduAcademic Advisor 2College of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall 2320

Stone Wolbrecht, MsTiffany 3619

trstonewolbrecht@ysu.eduPlanetarium LecturerPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 2011

Stoner, Hope hnstoner@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Stourman, Dr Nina 7112nvstourman@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 6027

Streiner, Mr Christopher 2355cjstreiner@ysu.eduPayroll CoordinatorPayroll, Office ofJones Hall 2032

Stringer, Dr Sharon 1618sastringer@ysu.eduProfessorPsychology DeptDeBartolo Hall 342

Strollo, Mr Ronald 1576rastrollo@ysu.eduExecutive DirectorAthleticsStambaugh Stadium 2006

Strom, Dr Linda 1645ljstrom@ysu.eduAssociate Professor

DeBartolo Hall 211Stuart, Mr Tim 2887

testuart@ysu.eduAssistant Director AthleticsAthletic Facilities & ProgramsWatson & Tressel Training Site 114

Sturgiss, Ms Michelle 7200msturgiss@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 1Grounds DeptSalata Complex

Sturrus, Dr Gregg 7113wgsturrus@ysu.edu

ProfessorPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, DeptWard Beecher Hall 2023

Styranec, Mr Tim 3703tmstyranec@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorEnvironmental & OccupationalHealth & Safety, Office ofCMC 202

Suchora, Dr Daniel dhsuchora@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering Dept

Sullins, Dr John 1806jrsullins@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorComputer Science & InformationSystemsMeshel Hall 307A

Sumell, Dr Albert 1678ajsumell@ysu.eduProfessorEconomics DeptDeBartolo Hall 314

Sumner, Mr Chris cmsumner@ysu.eduAssist Dir Ath Sales & EventAthletic Ticket Office

Sutherin, Ms Alycia 3397aesutherin@ysu.eduManager Grants AccountingController's OfficeJones Hall 2026C

Swindler, Mrs Theresa 3567taswindler@ysu.eduInternship CoordinatorSocial Work DeptCushwa Hall 3182

Sydney, Ms Tara 2223tdsydney@ysu.eduProgram Advisor-Academic CoachCenter for Student Progress, MarionG. ReschKilcawley Center 1103A

Szekely, Mr Stephen scszekely@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

TTang, Dr Ying 6165

yjtang@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorPsychology Dept

Tarbet, Ms Donna 3136dmtarbet@ysu.eduAccountant/Examiner 3University Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 203

Tartir, Dr Jamal 1812jktartir@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 516

Tatebe, Mr Caleb cjtatebe@ysu.eduResearch SpecialistChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5016

Taylor, Dr Padraic 2422pwtaylor@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 608

Temnick, Ms Monica 1544mltemnick@ysu.eduHuman Capital Mgmt AnalystHuman Resources, Office ofTod Hall 359

Tervo, Mrs Kellie 3324kamills@ysu.eduSenior Academic Advisor 1Bitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 2120

Texter, Ms Christina 2962cmtexter@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 1Alumni & Events, Office ofTod Hall 120

Thomas, Ms Jennifer 1593jrtomerlin@ysu.eduAssistant Director SP VerifFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 211

Thomas, Ms Michele 3501mmthomas@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 2Financial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 205

Thomas, Mrs Wendy 2638wmthomas@ysu.edu


Assistant ProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 2479

Thompson, Mr John jrthompson04@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Thompson, Ms Kim 1321kathompson06@ysu.eduCounselor Financial AidFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 201

Tindall, Ms Deborah 3414djtindall@ysu.eduCPT Reader

Tirado, Jalon jdtirado@ysu.eduCustodial Technician 3Janitorial Services

Tirone, Ms Shannon 3732stirone@ysu.eduAVP University RelationsUniversity RelationsTod Hall 128

Tokash, Ms Canice 2230catokash@ysu.eduSoftware Integration Analyst 2IT Application ServicesMeshel Hall 418

Tomei, Ms Megan 5061metomei@ysu.eduAsst Coach Track Field ThrowsCross Country, Track & FieldBeeghly Center

Tomhave, Dr Alan 3447aetomhave@ysu.eduAssoc ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious Studies DeptDeBartolo Hall 402

Torres, Ms Ana M. 1717amtorres02@ysu.eduCo-Director LibraryMaag LibraryMaag Library 226

Torres, Ms Sandy 1661satorres@ysu.eduAsst Dir Compliance ProgramsFinancial Aid & Scholarships, OfficeofMeshel Hall 205

Toth, Mr Shaun 3239

srtoth@ysu.eduElectrician 2Facilities OfficeSalata Complex

Tran, Ms Quan 2152qgtran@ysu.eduCoord STEM Professional SvcsCollege of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall 2095

Tressel, Mr James 3101president@ysu.eduPresidentPresident, Office of theTod Hall 235

Trimacco, Mr Paul 3239pjtrimacco@ysu.eduMaintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities OfficeSalata Complex

Trott, Ms Natalie 1927netrott@ysu.eduLead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Tupaj, Mr Bob 3220rtupaj@ysu.eduWebsite Mgr/Portal AdminMarketing Communications, Office ofTod Hall 145

Turel, Dr Taci 2020tturel@ysu.eduProfessorHospitality Management andMerchandisingCushwa Hall 3166

Tuura, Mr Jacob 2003jetuura@ysu.eduAsst Coach Strength ConditAthletic Training RoomStambaugh Stadium

Tyus, Dr Jeffrey 1856jltyus@ysu.eduProfessorCommunication, Department ofBliss Hall 2015

UUlusoy, Dr Emre 3149

eulusoy@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorMarketing, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3380

Umble, Dr James 1828jcumble@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3033

Umble, Dr Kathryn 1831kaumble@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3029

Uppal, Dr Yogesh 3494yuppal@ysu.eduProfessorEconomics DeptDeBartolo Hall 312

Urmson Jeffries, Ms Angie 7252ajurmsonjeffries@ysu.eduSenior CoordinatorGraduate Studies, College ofCoffelt Hall 207

Usip, Dr Ebenge 1682eeusip@ysu.eduProfessorEconomics DeptDeBartolo Hall 307

VVan Dussen, Dr Daniel 1683

djvandussen@ysu.eduProfessorGerontology and Longterm CareDeBartolo Hall 440

Van Horn, Mr Kenneth kevanhorn@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Van slambrouck, Dr Sev 2378svanslambrouck@ysu.eduDirectorResearch Services, Office ofMelnick Hall 2108

Van Valien, Ms Carolyn crbriley@ysu.eduLocal News Host and ProducerWYSU FM 88.5

Vansach, Mr Michael 3140mjvansach@ysu.eduSenior Financial AnalystUniversity Bursar, Office ofMeshel Hall 227

VanSuch, Ms Theresa 3384tdvansuch@ysu.eduCoordinator Restricted Funds


Controller's OfficeJones Hall 2026A

VanVoorhis, Dr Richard 3266rwvanvoorhis@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCounseling, School Psychology,Educational LeadershipBeeghly Hall 3202

Varian, Ms Becky 1450blvarian@ysu.eduDirectorCenter for Student Progress, MarionG. ReschKilcawley Center 1107

Varley, Ms Kim 1986kpsheward@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 3Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall 2052

Varso, Mr Shawn 3525svvarso@ysu.eduChief of PolicePolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall 2051

Varso, Mr Timothy 3527tjvarso@ysu.eduUniversity DispatcherPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Vega, Ms RosaMaria 3456rmvega@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 1Humanities and Social SciencesDeBartolo Hall 519

Veisz, Ms Patricia pkveisz@ysu.eduTemporary DirectorWilliamson College of BusinessAdministration

Vendemia, Dr William 1785wgvendemia@ysu.eduProfessorManagement, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3381

Venkataraman, DrMeenakshi 2056

mvenkataraman@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorSocial Work DeptCushwa Hall 3379

Verdone, Ms Kim 1518kjverdone@ysu.eduManager, Degree Audit

Registrar, Office of theJones Hall 3044

Vergon, Dr Charles 1574cbvergon@ysu.eduProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesBeeghly Hall 4103

Vigliotti, Ms Cynthia 1636clvigliotti@ysu.eduSenior Lecturer

DeBartolo Hall 213Villamizar, Dr Gina 1628

gvillamizar@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorWorld Languages and Cultures,Department ofDeBartolo Hall 506

Villano, Dr Michael 3199mcvillano@ysu.eduLecturerLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson Hall 3330

Villecco, Mr Jim jpvillecco@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Villone, Mr Edward 7255evillone@ysu.eduPolice Academy CommanderPeace Officer Training AcademyCushwa Hall 2363

Viviano, Mr Anthony avviviano@ysu.eduLecturerMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering Dept

Vogel, Mr John 1480javogel@ysu.eduAsst Dir Athletic CommsSports InformationStambaugh Stadium 1003

Volpini-Hann, MsStephanie 2128

svolpini@ysu.eduProgram CoordinatorCenter for Human ServicesDevelopmentBeeghly Hall 4401

Vopat, Dr Mark 3362mvopat@ysu.edu

ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious Studies DeptDeBartolo Hall 410

Vukovich, Mr Robert rjvukovich@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Vuksanovich, Mr Brian 1773bdvuksanovich@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorSchool of TechnologyMoser Hall 4102

WWadley, Christopher

crwadley@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Wadsworth, Ms Veronica vmwadsworth@ysu.eduInstructorAcademic Achievers

Wagner, Dr Nancy 1449nhwagner@ysu.eduProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 2324

Wagner, Ms Patricia 3278pbwagner@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorCriminal JusticeCushwa Hall 2169

Wagner, Dr Timothy 3662trwagner@ysu.eduProfessorChemistry DeptWard Beecher Hall 5054

Wagnon, Mr Wendell 3241wwagnon@ysu.eduLocksmithFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1014

Waithaka, Dr Abel 2635agwaithaka@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorTeacher Education and LeadershipStudiesCushwa Hall 3201

Wakefield, Dr Thomas 3302tpwakefield@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 501


Walker, Dr Gary R. 3600grwalker@ysu.eduProfessorBiological Sciences DeptWard Beecher Hall 4038

Walker, Dr Jason 1736jmwalker05@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2446

Wallace, Dr Darrell 3272drwallace01@ysu.eduProfessorMechanical, Industrial &Manufacturing Engineering DeptMoser Hall 2545

Walsh, Ms Donna 3385dmwalsh@ysu.eduSenior LecturerMarketing, Department ofWilliamson Hall 3329

Walters-Dobson, MsDenise 7272

dwdobson@ysu.eduAcademic AdministratorCollege of Science, Technology,Engineering, MathematicsMoser Hall 2315

Walton, Ms Theresa tjwalton@ysu.eduHead Coach Lacrosse

Wang, Ms Alice 3636amwang@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3041

Wang, Dr Yaqin 3433ywang@ysu.eduProfessorEconomics DeptDeBartolo Hall 310

Wang, Dr Ying 1867ywang01@ysu.eduProfessorMarketing, Department ofWilliamson College of Business 3346

Wardle, Mr Robert 2274rewardle@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorForensic ScienceCushwa Hall 2165

Wargacki, Mr Jay 2172jjwargacki@ysu.eduOperations Manager ETCMahoning Valley Innovation &Commercialization CenterTod Hall 312A

Warren, Mrs Colleen 3783cmwarren@ysu.eduCustomer Service Assistant 2Undergraduate AdmissionsSweeney Hall 1007

Watkins, Ms Taliah 1927tmwatkins@ysu.eduLead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Watson, Ms Kassey L. 2893klnall@ysu.eduSenior CoordinatorUpward BoundJones Hall 2003

Weaver, Dr Amy 2328aweaver@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorNursing DeptCushwa Hall 3114

Webber, Mr Jason 3792jpwebber@ysu.eduAthletic Facilities SpecialistAthletic Facilities & ProgramsWatson & Tressel Training Site

Wecht, Dr Cary 2337clwecht01@ysu.eduProfessor Dir of Faculty DevCommunication, Department ofJones Hall 3046

Weingart, Mrs Mary mlweingart@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusCliffe College of Creative Arts

Weintz, Ms Tina jkweintz@ysu.eduAdministrator EmeritusGraduate Studies, College of

Weir, Mr Mark 2216mweir@ysu.eduDirector Equal Opp Policy DevEqual Opportunity and PolicyDevelopmentTod Hall 301

Weldon, Mr Mark mdweldon@ysu.eduPolice Academy Instructor

Peace Officer Training AcademyWells, Mr Brian 7294

bpwells@ysu.eduAcademic Advisor 2Bitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 2104

Wells, Mrs Nicole 3280nlgettman@ysu.eduSenior Academic Advisor 1Bitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall 2104

Wells, Ms Tasha 1861tmwells@ysu.eduManager Campus Tech SupportIT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 438

Wert, Mr David dwwert@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

White, Mr Rich 3238rmwhite@ysu.eduDir of Planning and ConstrucFacilities OfficeSalata Complex 1011

Whitfield, Mr Kevin 2922kjwhitfield@ysu.eduCatalog LibrarianMaag LibraryMaag Library 217

Williams, Dr Amy 3307aewilliams02@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorCounseling, School Psychology,Educational LeadershipBeeghly Hall 4110

Williams, Ms Faun 3547fewilliams01@ysu.eduBusiness Ops Specialist 2University Housing, Office ofKilcawley House 100

Williams, Mr Randall 7221rjwilliams@ysu.eduUniv Law Enforcement SupvrPolice DeptClingan-Waddell Hall 1040

Williams, MAJ Ret Rick 2506plwilliams@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorVeterans Affairs, Office ofVeterans Resource Center 2003


Williams, Mr Rick 1646rawilliams01@ysu.eduCPT Reader

DeBartolo Hall 222Willock, Mr James 3279

jdwillock@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training AcademyCushwa Hall

Wills, Mr Jeffrey 3726jcwills01@ysu.eduAssistant Athletic TrainerAthletic Training RoomBeeghly Center 108

Wilson, Mr HaSheen 2770hawilson@ysu.eduTech Support Technician 1IT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 417

Wilson, Dr Marcelle 1330mrwilson@ysu.eduEPTACMHistory DeptYoungstown Historical Center

Winbush, Mr Thurston 3527tfwinbush@ysu.eduPolice Officer 2Police DeptClingan-Waddell Hall

Wingler, Dr Eric 1817ejwingler@ysu.eduProfessorMathematics & Statistics DeptLincoln Building 535/536

Winters, Mrs Bonnie 3327bjwinters@ysu.eduAcademic Ops Specialist 2Health Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1226

Wolfgang, Ms Susan skwolfgang@ysu.eduCoord Preclinical TESOL PlcmntBeeghly College of Liberal Arts,Social Sciences & EducBeeghly Hall

Wollet, Ms Emily 7208eewollet@ysu.eduAssociate DirectorAthleticsStambaugh Stadium 1003

Womble, Dr Mark mdwomble@ysu.edu

Faculty EmeritusBiological Sciences Dept

Woodford, Ms Debbie dewoodford@ysu.eduClerk 2Parking ServicesSmith Hall

Woodlock, Dr Peter 1873pdwoodlock@ysu.eduProfessorLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson College of Business 3374

Woods, Dr Sherri 3446sdwoods02@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorSocial Work DeptCushwa Hall 3375

Wormley, Mr Jeffrey 2205jtwormley@ysu.eduProject Manager - IT Cust SrvIT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 420

Wrask, Ms Dawn 3327dmwrask@ysu.eduInstructorBitonte College of Health and HumanServicesCushwa Hall

Wright, Ms Amy 4026awright07@ysu.eduLecturerTheatre and Dance, Department ofBeeghly Center 119A

Wright, Emma eswright01@ysu.eduInstruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for AutismFedor Hall

Wright, Ms Jessie 7259jcwright@ysu.eduLecturerLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson Hall 3304

Wyant, Ms Karla kawyant@ysu.eduSenior LecturerSocial Work DeptCushwa Hall


YYacovone, Mrs Mary 1764

mlyacovone@ysu.eduProfessorHealth Professions DeptCushwa Hall 1110

Yancer, Mr Sean sayancer@ysu.eduLecturerDana School of Music

Yanchick, Mr George 3239gayanchick@ysu.eduBldg Maint Supv 1 Facil MaintFacilities OfficeSalata Complex

Yang, Dr Xiaolou 1879xyang@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson College of Business 3310

Yankle, Ms Chris 3374cmyankle@ysu.eduExecutive SecretaryChief Information OfficerMeshel Hall 437

Youboty, Mr Ashton 3478ayouboty@ysu.eduAssistant Football CoachFootballStambaugh Stadium

Young, Ms Jennifer 2447jlyoung03@ysu.eduAdministrative Assistant 1College Access and Transition, OfficeofLincoln Building 212

Young, Mr John 7438jlyoung02@ysu.eduExecutive DirectorKilcawley CenterKilcawley Center 2075

Young, Dr Warren wyoung@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusPhysics Astronomy Geology &Environmental Science, Dept

Yu, Dr Feng 1775fyu@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorComputer Science & InformationSystems


Meshel Hall 316Yudha, Ms Cicilia 1586

cyudha@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3152

Yukech, Mr Jim 2100jayukech@ysu.eduAVP and CIOChief Information OfficerMeshel Hall 443

Yun, Dr Misook 3644myun@ysu.eduProfessorDana School of MusicBliss Hall 3159

Yurco, Mr Michael mayurco01@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

ZZapka, Mr Jason 3816

jazapka@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorSchool of TechnologyMoser Hall 4126

Zembower, Ms Sharyn 3184sszembower@ysu.eduCoordinator Tech TrainingIT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 428

Zemelka, Mr Brant bazemelka@ysu.eduPolice Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy

Zetts, Mr Mark 1784mjzetts01@ysu.eduSenior LecturerHospitality Management andMerchandisingCushwa Hall 3412

Zhang, Dr Yiyang 1783yzhang03@ysu.eduAssistant ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting andFinanceWilliamson Hall 3306

Zhang, Dr Yong 1786yzhang@ysu.eduAssociate ProfessorComputer Science & InformationSystems

Meshel Hall 333Zhu, Ms Shelly Xiaoli 1723

xzhu@ysu.eduElectronic Services LibrarianMaag LibraryMaag Library 217

Zilles, Ms Sara smzilles@ysu.eduAsst Coach SoftballSoftball

Zupanic, Mr James jczupanic@ysu.eduFaculty EmeritusSchool of Technology

Zupcsan, Mr Michael 3353mrzupcsan@ysu.eduTechnology Support EngineerIT Customer ServicesMeshel Hall 423