Facts of the autumn season

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Facts of the autumn season

Facts of the Autumn Season

“Animals gather food in autumn in preparation for the coming winter, and those with fur often grow thicker coats.”


“Fifteen hundred years ago, the Anglo-Saxons marked the passage of time with just one season: winter, a concept considered equivalent to hardship or adversity that

metaphorically represented the year in its entirety.”


“’Autumn,’ a Latin word, first appears in English in the late 14th century, and gradually gained on ‘harvest.’” 


“In the 17th century, ‘fall’ came into use, almost certainly as a poetic complement to ‘spring,’ and it competed with the other terms.”


“Finally, in the 18th century, ‘harvest’ had lost its seasonal meaning altogether, and ‘fall’ and ‘autumn’ emerged as the two accepted names for the third season.”


“But by the 19th century, ‘fall’ had become an ‘Americanism’: a word primarily used in the United States and one that was frowned upon by British lexicographers.”


“The persistence of two terms for the third season in the United States, while somewhat of a mystery, may have something to do with the spread of English to the American continent at the very epoch when ‘fall’ began jockeying for position with ‘autumn’: the 17th century.”


“The continued acceptance of ‘autumn’ in the United States may reflect the influence, or at least the proximity, of English culture and literature.”
