Post on 18-Jul-2015

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• Ellis (1994) define motivation as efforts taken by language learner in learning second that comes from the necessity and desire to learn the language

• Meanwhile, Gardner (1985) counts motivation as how language learner works and his effort to learn the language, driven by his desire to learn and enjoyment in learning.

• According to Gardner and Lambert (1972), motivation can be divided into two, which are:

i) Integrative/ Universal Motivation: It comes when language learners learn second language to assimilate themselves with the society or the country itself.

ii) Instrumental Motivation: When language learners learn thesecond language to accomplish goals other than integrative motivation,for instances, academic purposes.

• Gardner and Lambert further find that learners with integrative motivation tend to be more successful in language learning compared to learners with instrumental motivation.

• Dornyei (1990), Gardner (1985) and Nunan ( 1999) all agree that motivation is the main key to be a successful language learner.

• Motivation generally boosts learners’ moral and give momentum to learn the language.

• Learners with high motivation tend to be more successful, and vice versa.

• In a research conducted by Oxford and Nyikos ( 1998), it shows that students with high level of motivation use a wide range of LLS compared to learners with low motivated students.

• Among the LLS used by the high motivation learners are words analysis, study hard, joining program to improve language skill, etc.

• Oxford and Ehrman (1995) conducted a research between the usage of LLLS and types of motivation by 520 adults in US Foreign Service Institute.

• The research shows the overall usage of LLS is significant and there is a positive correlation with motivation.


• Many researchers found that period of language study give impact to the usage of LLS.

• For instances, Ehrman (1990) found that experienced teachers and students in US Foreign Service Institute use variety of LLS compared to less-experienced students.

• Chamot and Kupper found that Spanish language students in higher level use more strategies than in lower level.

• Higher level mainly use conclusion strategy, while lower level use cognitive strategy.

• Kamarul and Embi (2010) and Chang (2003), however suggests that the period of language learning outside the class gives a bigger impact to the usage of LLS.

• Chang (2003) proved this by conducting a study to 261 English Language learners in Taiwan high school. Students who learns language outside the classroom more than 7 hours a day, use more LLS compared to their peers.

• Another study conducted by Kamarul and Amin (2010) further prove the statement.

• In the study, Kamarul and Amin (2010) reported that students Arabic language learners who learn 6-7 hours a week outside the classroom used more LLS compared to those who learn less than that.


• Proficiency level is considered as on of the integral factors affecting the LLS.

• Based on studies by Park (1997) and Rahimi et al (2008), the results reveal that students with a greater degree of proficiency tend to use different kind of LLS.

• Low proficiency students are more likely to use communication strategies or social strategies while the high proficiency use compensation strategy

• High proficiency students generally use a lot of different strategies, approximately, cognitive, metacognitive and affective strategies.


• Different learning style contribute to the type of LLS used by language learners.

• Social strategy is the main preference for extrovert learners, while introvert used metacognitive strategy (Ehrman & Oxford 1990)

• For learners who used to group study, social and interactive strategies is their main preference.

• In contrast, Rahimi et al (2008) found that there are no substantial gap between learning style and type of LLS used.


• Religion is considered as a factor assisting the language learner, in which it promotes specific thinking and behavior (Kamarul & Embi 2010)

• In Islam, Arabic language serves as the medium language for the followers.

• In Malaysia, Arabic language, which serves as the medium language for the followers, is considered as a compulsory language to master. (Kamarul & Embi)

• The statement is based on the Holy Book of Quran, in chapter Taha(20:113)

“Thus we have revealed it as a Lecture in Arabic, and have displayedtherein certain threats, that peradventure they may keep from evil or that itmay cause them to take heed.”

• Ibn Taymiyyah (1979) asserts that learning Arabic is a part of religion, while understanding the meaning of Quran is a Sunnah, therefore, it is compulsory for every Muslim to master the language.

• In Kamarul and Embi’s (2010) study, Arabic learners use religious based strategy.

• Further down, they found that successful language learners and highly motivated learners use the strategy extensively.

• Abu Talib (1998) in his case study found that successful language learners use the strategy more often compared to the weaker group.