Facilitating Self-Healing; Concomitant with Medications Millennia Ruth Lytle ND, MPH, CNS aka “Dr....

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Transcript of Facilitating Self-Healing; Concomitant with Medications Millennia Ruth Lytle ND, MPH, CNS aka “Dr....

Facilitating Self-Healing;

Concomitant with Medications

Millennia Ruth Lytle ND, MPH, CNS aka “Dr. Millie”www.milliesays.ommillielytle@gmail.com


• To facilitate the body’s innate ability to heal itself is a principle of NM• 70% of Americans taking at least one prescription medication and up to 50%

taking two. 85% are taking at least one over-the-counter medications• NM includes responding to the secondary effects of iatrogenic interventions• Setting Intention for nutritional intervention• Beyond essential nutrition and orthomolecular medicine –

• What is the role of nutrigenomics as a tool for improving vital force to overcome drug-induced disease

Learning Objectives

• Consider the normal capacity of healing for the typical American patient

• Review common pharmaceutical obstacles to cure• Consider the healing deficit• Address Naturopathic treatment intention• Investigate new mechanisms


• In the United States medical error results in 44 000-98 000 unnecessary deaths each year 1 000 000 excess injuries BMJ. 2000 Mar 18; 320(7237): 774–777.

Where do nutrient depletions fit in

•Men who died of a sudden ischemic heart attack had very low levels of magnesium and potassium in the heart muscle as compared to others who had a heart attack, but who did not die death as a result of cardiac arrest could be dependent on levels of electrolytes available. Am J Clin Nutr. 1979 May;32(5):967-70

Common Prescription medications

• Common meds that cause nutrient depletions

AntibioticsStatins HRT Acid blockersAntidepressantsAnxiety MedicationsBlood Pressure MedicationsBreathing Medications

Cohen, S. Drug Muggers. 2011

Mechanisms of Drug-Nutrient depletion• Interfere with absorption

• Altered metabolism

• Increased Excretion

Common Nutrient Depletions

• Medications are not studied for their depletions• To facilitate healing we must integrate the reversal of nutrient depletions into SOAP

CoQ10 Magnesium Glutathione Fat soluble Vitamins Omega 3s Iron Vitamin C Vitamin B complex and Folic Acid Probiotics

Cohen, S. Drug Muggers. 2011

What is the healing deficit?

• Rats treated with 8 mg/kg Adriamycin intravenously 4 days prior to chamber implantation develop impaired wound healing in a wound chamber model.

How medicine is changing the picture of N• Modifying metabolic biomarkers standards• FPG rising 0.14mmol to 0.18 mmol/L per decade from1980 and 2008 Lancet. 2011 Jul 2;378(9785):31-40.• Diabetes definition <6.0 mmol/L . New standards <6.5 - <7.0 mmol/L. Int J Prev Med. 2010 Summer; 1(3): 187–194.

• Modifying measurement standards• Global mean total cholesterol was 4.6-4.7 in 2008, and was highest in North

America 5.23-5.24 mmol/L. Lancet. 2011 Feb 12;377(9765):578-86. • New Risk Algorithms for targeting risk of CVD at 5-7.5%. Indian Heart J. 2014

Jan; 66(1): 1–4.

Prioritizing Medications over Nutrition• FDA says only drugs treat, regardless of research


• Young and healthier patients on meds• New guidelines propose statins for everyone 40–79 years old, with LD >70 mg/&

estimated 10-year risk of hard CV disease is >5.0% risk Circulation. 2014 Jun 24;129(25 Suppl 2):S1-45.

• Vilifying Vitamins and Supplements• Over prescribing Coumadin; Avoidance of vitamin K, Probiotics or natural clotting

mechanisms• Warnings about antioxidants, Fish Oils– drug studies using synthetic versions or

exceedingly high levels• RDAs remain low and based on 2000 calorie diet. • Reduced availability i.e. Potassium – banned by FDA for supplementation at RDA levels

FDA’s Position

Unlike drugs, supplements are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure diseases. That means supplements should not make claims, such as “reduces arthritic pain” or “treats heart disease.” Claims like

these can only legitimately be made for drugs, not dietary supplements. – FDA-



• RDAs• Orthomolecular medicine• Antioxidants• Whole foods nutrition as nutrigenomic entities• Unclaimed antioxidants – NrF2 Nutrigenomic cascade for cell detox

and methylation• Introduce effect of pharmaceuticals on nutrigenomic capabilities of

the cell• resent research on medications that impede NrF2 expression

Critical role of essential nutrients

• Medical misunderstanding

• Role of iron deficiency anemia in cardiovascular disease

• Nutrients important for bones

• Levels of Vitamin D3 required for immune health

• Vitamin K2’s role in bone health

• trace minerals for bone repair • Boron• Silica

• Flavinoids found in red, blue, purple berries, red and purple grapes and Red wine.

• Flavanols found in teas (green, black and oolong white), chocolate (choose dark chocolate for lower sugar content and higher catechin content!), grapes, berries and apples.

• Proanthocyanidins found in chocolate, apples, berries, red grapes and red wine.

• Flavanones found in Citrus.• Flavonols found in yellow onions, scallions, kale, broccoli, apples,

berries and teas.• Flavonesfound in parsley, thyme, celery, and hot peppers.• Isoflavones found in Soybeans Legumes.• Non-flavonoid Polyphenols found in Tumeric.• Resveratrol found in Grapes.

• Phenolic acids or Phenolic diterpenes found in Rosemary.• Organosulfur compounds found in Cruciferous or Brassica vegetables -

Sprouts of Broccoli & Cauliflower (highest content), kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, collards, Chinese broccoli and Broccoli rabe, kohl rabi, mustard, turnip, radish, arugula and watercress.• Thiosulfonate found in Garlic - Aged garlic is fermented garlic that

converts allicin to S-allylcysteine & S- allylmercaptocysteine, which are more bioavailable, water soluble and stable.• Cinnaminic aldehyde found in Cinnamon.

Nutrigenomics and Healing Deficit

Critical role of non-essential nutrients• The cell and organ systems have a natural ability to detoxify, self-destruct and

regenerate• innate healing functions – epigenetic and nutrigenomic • The body has a natural direction of cure• Can we, through nutrition (nutrigenomics), not only homeopathy, we can

change the vital force and follow Herring’s Law.

• • Questions/Answers: • What are the three common Drug-Nutrient Interactions in which nutrient priority could preempt death?

• Diuretics (Loop and Thiazide) and Magnesium/Potassium • Acetaminophen and Glutathione/NAC• Coumadin and Vitamin K

• Identify 3 mechanisms by which pharmaceutical prescriptions create healing deficit?• Deplete essential nutrients• change normal standards to favor pharmaceutical prescription• obstruct balanced intake• impede healthy gene expression leading to toxicity• mass medical misunderstanding of nutritional implications

• What medications downregulate NrF2 expression?• It’s a cellular chemoprotective pathway that controls programmed cell death, methylation and cell detox. Expression

of NrF2 is turned on by certain nutrients that increase cells production of inborn antioxidant systems such as melatonin, glutathione, catalase and superoxide dismutase.