Facebook for libraries

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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Facebook is still a key social media and tool to reach our users. During this two-part class, we will help your library create and implement a Facebook page as well as create a successful media plan to utilize the social network. Additionally, we will explore Facebook Insights, Google Analytics and other tools you can utilize to ensure your Facebook page is a success. Between classes, attendees will be given an assignment to use what was presented in class on their Facebook page. This class is a must for those considering a Facebook page or those struggling to make their Facebook page an effective marketing tool.

Transcript of Facebook for libraries

Presenters: Diana Silveira & Rachel Eichen

Novare Library Services

All About Facebook for Libraries

Quick Poll


Facebook Stats Creating a Facebook Page Posting/Events Getting Fans

Basic Facebook Stats

Most Popular Social Media Popular with all demographics Open to everyone

Facebook Pages (not People) Public and generally available Anyone can “like” it (no friend requests) Track activity Multiple people can control

Creating a page


Only people that “like” me see posts

Want Fans? Promote!!

Advertise your Facebook page Invite your friends to “like” it


Want fans? Consider contests!

Photo Contest Follow to Win Trivia Check-in Contests Finish this sentence…


Like our page (URL will be e-mailed) Let us know and we will make you

admin Then… Post a status, picture, AND event Like and comment on other’s posts

Any questions?

Contact Us



Diana Silveiradiana@novarelibrary.com

Rachel Eichen
