Fabulares mission

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Fabulares mission

A Round Robin




Welcome back to my final chapter of Fabulares Animalia. This has taken

a lot longer to finish than I thought. Thanks everyone for their patience

and understanding. After I post this chapter I’ll be posting up the heir

poll on Boolprop.net

Last chapter Castoria scrambled to pay off the loan, her older kids all got

their first kisses. And the two younger girls ignored each other.

I was finally starting to show my age. My youngest

was still a toddler, time passes so fast. I would have

to passed on my mission to my children and soon. I

looked at my youngest. After her birthday so she

would understand.

Thunder’s birthday was that night.

Thunder definitely looked like her father. She loved

the pink pajamas we got here. Hard to imagine her all

grown up and off on her own mission.

My beloved and I redid the playroom so we could fit

beds for both girls. There wasn’t a lot of extra room

for their toys. We did manage to squeeze in the toy


“Andrew do you think they’re ready?” I asked him as we settled for bed.

“Were you ready?” He asked, “When your parents told you.”

“I guess so, I was young and my mom, she was so dedicated to the mission.” I

said, remembering my mother, “Her passion became mine, at least until I met

you. Then our family here, it means everything to me. I’m not ready for them to

be on their own.”

“I’m not ready for them to leave either Cas, but we have to let them grow up, even


Thunder was the only child with homework the next of

course it was only her first day of school.

I had everyone wait in the living room after they got

home from work. Tonight was the night.

I just hoped I was ready.

Andrew came home just in time. He gave me a

reassuring smile.

“My dears, I have something to explain to all of you.

There’s a task my family as been assigned. My

mother passed the task on to me and now I pass it on

to you.” I took a deep breath, “Our family’s quest is to

find mythical creatures. One day each of you will

leave Riverblossom Hills and search out these

creatures for yourselves.”

I looked at all my children’s faces, excitement in all of

them. Although Wind looked a little confused. And

Rookin was impassive.

“We could go anywhere!” Coyote said the excitement

bubbling over into his twin

“I wonder if Garrett would go with me.” Lechuza


“I called dibs on Strangetown.” Chupacabra shouted.

“You can’t call dibs.” Rookin protested.

I couldn’t help feels crushed, my children were so

eager to leave me. It was all too soon.

“It’ll be okay, Cas.” Andrew pulled me close. “They’ll

all excited, but none of them are leaving tonight.”

“Thank you.” I whispered. “I needed that.”

Jacob remained silent, but his eyes were thoughtful.

Somehow I knew he was thinking about a future

journey of his own.

The next I received a promotion from work. With the

resulting bonus. I was finally able to pay off the last

of the loan. We were debt free at last.

I realized when Coyote sought me out after school, that

I should enjoy every second with my children. They

were going to move on one day, but they loved me and I


Wind and Andrew both had birthdays that night.

Wind grew into a beautiful young lady with desires for

a large family.

My beloved became a little greyer, but still very much

the man I married.

“Mom, it’s time for Lechuza

and I to go.” Chucacabra said

after the party.

“So soon?” I gasped.

“Yeah, it’s find new worlds or

go to college. We’re ready to

start our mission. We’ll make

you proud Mom.”

“Oh Chupi I already am.” I

hugged him tight.

“Take care of your brother,

Lechuza.” I said, my eldest

daughter so grown up.

“I will, for as long as we’re


“Momma, thanks for building a snowman with me.”

Thunder patted the snow into place.

“My pleasure, but did you have to start it in front of the



When Thunder wasn’t begging for me to help with

snowmen she was joining her father for a game of

chess. He even let her win some of the time.

Rookin gave us a big scare. He tried to repair the

upstairs TV and got a nasty shock.

Saturday seemed to be play in hallway day. Everyone

except Jacob gathered to play with each other.

Though Rookin seemed to have something on his


“Mom, Dad, I’m ready.”

“Good luck son.” My

beloved told our son.

I couldn’t say anything, I

just hugged him tight.

“I’m going too, it won’t be

any without Rookin.”

“I love you, Coyote.”

“I know.”

I found Wind actually spending some time with Thunder.

“You know you’re actually kinda fun for a kid sister.”

Wind said.

“Yeah you’re not bad for an old lady.” Thunder teased.

“You’re leaving me, like the others aren’t you.”

“Yeah, Thunder. I don’t want to wait to start on my


“Goodbye, Momma. I’ll find a

mythical creature. Then I’ll

have a big family like you.”

“Oh, Wind, you be careful out


“Bye squirt.” Wind waved

goodbye to Thunder.

“Good luck!” Thunder grinned.

“What’s a matter Thunder? You’ve been up here all

day by yourself.”

“Are you going to leave me too Jacob?” Thunder

sniffed, “I’ll be the only one left. I’m not ready to go

off by myself.”

“Put your controller away and left’s have a talk.”


“Scoot over closer, I have something to tell you.”

“Yes, I’m leaving too, Thunder, after your birthday. I need to make sure Castoria and Dad are

okay after you leave.”

“Where will you go?”

“There’s a place called Arbor Watch. It’s a great place for people wanting to start out fresh.”

“Can’t I go with you, there has to be mythical creatures there!”

“You know what, come with me, will go after your birthday how about that.”

“Oh I can.”

“Yes, we’ll come on a adventure together.”

Monday was Thunder’s birthday. The snow was deep

enough that the school declared it to be a snow day. I

got to spend all day with my little girl.

All too soon it was time. I know her and Jacob had

plans to leave right after her birthday. I can’t believe

this day had come.

Thunder grew beautiful. I guess that all her siblings

leaving left a mark on her. She wanted to make as

many friends as possible. A good trait for moving to a

new neighborhood..

Thunder and Jacob said their goodbyes.

And like that my children were gone. Off to

continue the mission set to us by my mother. I

hope they find what I failed to. Mythical Creatures

of all shapes and sizes.

The big house seemed empty without the children.

My beloved and I moved back to our first house.

Where my family began. This time we had money to

finish the house. Andrew and I will live out the rest of

our lives here. In peace and quiet. I will think of my

children everyday.

That’s it for my turn

with the round robin.

I’ll be posting in the

heir poll right after

this so check it out on
