FA I R H OPE ELEMENTARY THE PIRATETHE PIRATE November News, 2016 Julie Pierce, Principal Wanda...

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THE PIRATE November News, 2016

Julie Pierce, Principal Wanda Logan, Assistant Principal Averette Hale, Itinerant Assistant Principal


November 1 - December 2 - Toys for TotsNovember 2 - Blood Drive - FES Gym 7:00-3:30 p.m.November 3 - Blood Drive - FES Gym 7:00-3:30 p.m.November 3 - PTC Room Parents Provide Lunch for FES Staff, see articleNovember 4 - American Red Cross Contributions Day, see articleNovember 7-18 - Canned Food Drive, see articleNovember 7 - Prepay Santa Pictures, Out of Uniform Only for Those Being PhotographedNovember 10 - Veterans’ Day Program 12:00 p.m., Everyone InvitedNovember 11 - Rotolo’s Pirate Dash Spirit Night 4:30-7:00 p.m.November 12 - Pirate Dash 9:00 November 16 - Flu Clinic 8-9:15, see article November 17 - Fruzer Day $1.00November 18 - Skate Day, $5.00 1st-3rd Grades, No Chaperones Needed November 21-25 - Thanksgiving Holidays

Important Dates

It's Time To Get Your Dash On!!! REGISTER NOW!!!!

The Fairhope K-6 PTC presents the 3rd Annual Pirate Dash on Saturday, November 12th, 2016 @ Henry George Park.

YES!! This year it's in NOVEMBER!! The start time for the 5k is 8am & the 1-mile Fun Run at 9am.

Mark your calendars and make sure to join us for a day of fitness, food & FUN!

Online Registration link is https://www.eventbrite.com/e/piratedash-5k-and-1-mile-fun-run-registration-26808122817

Paper Registration forms can be found in FES & FIS front offices

*Plan to join us for a Pirate Dash spirit night on November 11, 2016 from 4:30pm-7pm sponsored by Rotolo's of Fairhope*

2016 VETERANS’ DAY When: Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016 12:00 P.M.

Where: FES Gymnasium

WHO: Second graders

Who is invited: parents and veterans!

Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Dog lover and 2nd grade teacher at Fairhope Elementary School. That’s me! I’m passionate about children and love watching their love and excitement for learning! Everyday is an adventure!My educational background includes a BS in Early Childhood from Virginia Tech, Go Hokies! I’ve taught in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Mississippi and Alabama. I’m proud to be a part of the Fairhope Community and the excellent schools we have here!What an honor to be chosen as teacher of the year for Fairhope Elementary! Thank you to all of my colleagues for such an incredible honor.

Jenny Douglass-Teacher of the Year

Auburn vs. Alabama Canned Food Drive

Joseph Bankester - Buildings and Grounds Manager

Kim Frego - Assistant Cafeteria ManagerWELCOME!!

Blood Drive Nov. 2-3

Meet the New Staff

The Baldwin County Board of Education, in cooperation with HNH Immunizations Inc., will offer the influenza (FLU) vaccines at FES on November 16, 2016. The vaccination will be made available to all students, with the exception of students who are dependents of parents insured by the Public Education Employee Health Insurance Program (PEEHIP). Employees' children are given the opportunity to participate in the Alabama Department of Public Health Wellness school clinics and are not eligible for this program. Based on recommendations from Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Advisory Committee on Immunizations Practices (ACIP), we will only offer the injectable vaccines, the flu mist will not be an option this year. On June 2016, CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted that live attenuated influenza vaccine(LAIV), also known as the “nasal spray”, should not be used during the 2016-2017 flu season.” Consent forms were sent to all parents directly from the schools. The consent form must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian. Please return the form to your child’s school nurse. Students will not receive the vaccine without a properly signed consent form.

FES Kids Help Red Cross on Nov. 4th

Makayla and Gabby heard that families in Louisiana and North Carolina are suffering from flood waters. They asked the principal for permission to collect money donations on November 4 to send to the Red Cross to help. So, on November 4, families are invited to give to the Red Cross. These students at FES are great examples of what the Boosterthon character theme was about this year-kids making a difference! They even used the steps they learned during Boosterthon:• Found a need-watched the news and heard their parents• Made a plan-set up appointments with their teacher,

counselor and principal• Rallied a team-found each other and some adults to help• Launched it now - advertised in The Pirate • Gritted it out-used patience in waiting on the principal to

schedule a meeting

On November 2-3, the community is invited to share the gift of life at the annual blood drive. The gym will be open from 7:00-3:30 each day. The goal is 300 units of blood. The coaches want to join in the fun and “Kiss the Pig” on November 4th if we meet the goal of 300 units of blood. The homeroom with the highest participation will receive a pizza party.

Thank you to everyone who helped make the first Boosterthon Fairhope Fun Run a success! Our “pledged profit” is$40,030 far surpassing our goal of $25,000. The donations will go toward making our PE field and playground the best it can be by resurfacing the basketball court, updating the PreK playground with a wheel chair accessible base, and planting shade trees for the playground. The deadline for sending in pledges is November 15th. Let’s have 100% of pledges collected! Thank you for your support!

First Ever Boosterthon - Huge Success!

PTC Provides Lunch

PTC is providing a Mexican lunch for the FES staff on November 3rd. The following homeroom parents are providing the food: Crocker, A. Turner, O’Connor, Wren, C. Norris, A. Smith, Madson, Warner, Mitchell, Miller,

Robertson, McDuff, H. Norris, Street, Rolle, Boyett, Segars, S. Turner, Vincent, Gregg, Downing, C. Smith, Stoddard, Cork, Roberts, Sawyer, Orfanello,

Workman.Thank you for treating the staff to a special lunch. Teachers love having special meals! Thank you!

Fairhope Elementary is sponsoring a canned food drive for local food banks. Between November 7 and November 18, students are encouraged to bring canned food to help provide meals for those less fortunate during this upcoming holiday season. Students will get to place their food item in the Auburn or Alabama pile for a fun competition and bragging rights! Roll Tide and War Eagle!

“Teach the Flu A Lesson” Flu Clinic

More Thank You’s

• Thank you to Greg McNally for building 25 new tables for the Pelican’s Nest and to FEEF for providing funds for the materials!

• FEEF for providing funds to help start a 3rd grade Chess Club sponsored by Mr. McDuff and Mrs. McKinney!

• Fairhope Water for donating books for children who don’t have books at home. They donate $.05 for every bottle purchased to schools for books!

• J.B. Hunt donated to Mrs. Workman’s class different types of alternative seating for her students along with a dash robot and iPod to use in programming the robot. Kaitlyn Ludwig’s grandfather works for J.B. Hunt and submitted FES in the competition!