Post on 19-Aug-2015

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please stop! and stay with me till the end because there are…

many secrets that have been explored in this slideshow, you’ll see!

the entire presentation contains total wisdom, fantastic images and…

videos/website links in order to provide solid evidences of the truth but

please pledge that you’ll download & see this entire slideshow at your

leisure time because this is the absolute journey of all religions!


Atheism Islam Hinduism

Christianity Buddhism

truth is ultimate goal of this slideshow & logic is the way to find truth!

Purify your religion

so all emotional people who can’t use their brain are advised to…

think from the heart or else immediately quit this slideshow unless…

they have patience to hurt their wrong belief for learning the truth

so lets start finding out why you need to follow a particular religion?

while many people may agree here that religion discovers the...

purpose of life other than mere survival & procreation but all…

atheists looking at this slideshow won’t agree with this statement!

so, firstly we have to provide evidence for the purpose of life and

Why are we born?

this can only be known if we are able to prove the existence of God!

so come and explore with me the secret truth behind different

religious believes in order to know God with 100% guarantee!

have you ever thought why there are different believes on God? and...

why do we all are not able to follow the same one belief on God?

of course it’s your ego that drives your belief on God which says…

don’t ever listen to anyone else because your belief on God is...

true while all other people are following wrong belief on God!

but can you provide solid guarantee that you follow true belief?

don't you have doubt sometimes in your life about your God? oh yes

of course many of you are doubtful about the truth behind your…


religious belief on God because you’ve never ever tried to analyze…

the logic behind your religious belief on God whether it’s correct?

are you just blindly following the religion of your fore-fathers?

the religion that your parents have selected for you and imposed…

their decision on your life’s most important subject matter? oh yes

however, if you stay till the end of this superb slideshow then

you’ll surely know the purpose of your life for which you’re born

and most importantly you’ll be able to make the decision yourself…

about what religion you should choose to believe in and follow?

the purpose of this slideshow is not to impose my beliefs but

to furnish truth with mere facts behind many religious beliefs on god

all you have to do is, to stay with me till the end of this slideshow...

regardless of whatever religion you follow and believe in or not, there

is indeed the source of wisdom deep inside of you it’s just going to…

take some time for you to think deeply! and if you really spend some

time on the process of thinking then surely you’ll be able to know

the truth behind many religious beliefs on god and you’ll certainly…

be able to discover the wisdom by means of evidences for deciding

the true and righteous religious beliefs that you should follow!

really you’ll know God without even a minor doubt in your mind!

so, lets start our trip at high speed, jumping distances by factor 10 to first prove God’s existance.

Distance to a bunch of leaves, in the garden


1 meter

Start our trip upwards.... We could see the foliage.

101 10 meters

At this distance we can see the limits of the forest and the edifications


100 meters

We will pass from meters to kilometers...

Now it is possible to jump with a parachute...


1 km

The city could be observed but we really can not see the houses


10 km

At this height, the state of Florida - USA, can be seen..


100 km

Typical sight from a satellite


1,000 km

The north hemisphere of Earth, and part of South America


10,000 km

The Earth starts looking small...


100,000 km

The Earth and the Moon’s orbit in white....


1 millon km

Part of the Earth’s Orbit in blue


10 millon km


100 millon kmÓrbits of: Venus and


Orbits of Venus and Earth.

Orbits of: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Jupiter.


1 billon km

At this height of our trip, we could observe the Solar System and the orbits of the planets


10 billon km


100 Billon km

The Solar System starts looking small...

The Sun now is a small star in the middle of thousands of stars...


1 trillon km

At one light-year the little Sun star is very small


1 light-year

Here we will see nothing in the infinity....


10 light-year

“Nothing” Only stars and Nebulae...


100 light-years


1,000 light-years

At this distance we started travelling the Via-Lactea (Milky Way), our galaxy.

We continued our travel inside the Via-Lactea.


10,000 light-years

We started reaching the periphery of the Via-Lactea


100,000 light-years

At this tremendous distance we could see all the Via-Lactea & other galaxies too...


1 million light-years

From this distance, all the galaxies look small with immense empty spaces in between.

We could continue traveling upwards but with our imagination.

now we will return home quickly


10 million light-years



















Questions that come to our minds ...

Who are we? Where are we going? From where did we come from?


Or... What do we represent in the Universe?


In this trip “upwards” we went to the power of 23 of 10


Now we are going to dig inside of the matter in an inverse trip...


We arrived at our starting point. We could reach it with our arms...


Getting closer at 10 cm...We can delineate the leaves.


10 centimeters

At this distance it is possible to observe the structure of the leaf.


1 centimeter

The cellular structures start showing...


1 millimeter

The cells can be defined.

You could see the union between them.


100 microns

Start our trip inside the cell...


10 microns

The nucleus of the cell is visible.


1 micron

Again we changed the measuring unit to adapt to the minuscule size. You could see the chromosomes.


1,000 Angstroms

In this micro universe the DNA chain is visible.


100 Angstroms

...the chromosomes blocks can be studied.


10 Angstroms

It appears like clouds of electrons... These are carbon atoms that formed our world.

You could notice the resemblance of the microcosmos with the macrocosmos...


1 Angstrom

In this miniature world we could observe the electrons orbiting the atoms.


10 picometers

An immense empty space between the nucleous and the electron orbits...


1 Picometer

At this incredible and minuscule size we could observe the nuceous of the atom.


100 Fentometers

Now we could observe the nucleous of the carbon atom


10 Fentometers

Here we are in the field of the scientific imagination, face to face with a proton.


1 Fentometer

Examine the ‘quark’ partícules

There is nowhere more to go...

This is the current limit of matter...


100 Atometers

and now, are you the center of the universe? are you the special...

creation of the entire universe? who are you? why do you exist?

where you came from? who made you? who is actually your creator?

have you ever thought who is the creator of this universe & yours?

nay you never ever thought about this but now existence of that...

mighty power has been proved which is controling our world!

but the only problem is that you’re unable to recognize that almighty

because of your limited knowledge but for sure who so ever is that…

Almighty, He must be the First One to tell us that how this universe

was created & how the human beings were created. so, does this…

makes sense to you? absolutely! this makes total logic that only the

Creator should be the First One to tell all this information from..

his absolute knowledge and that Almighty can actually be named God

so what are the secrets behind all this & your limited knowledge?

note that going “down wards” we could only go to the power of...

minus 16 of 10 and reached the (known) limits of matter and...

upwards we went to the power of 23 of 10 and stopped! really we

are unable to continue our trip because of our many limitations! so...

ironically, often we do not see all these limitations and ask…

why God can not be seen with naked eye? what is God made of?

it is actually very disrespectful to ask such a questions…

because you are trying to imagine God in a wrong way! in fact…

you are trying to imagine God with a narrow perception? no

vision can grasp God but His grasp is over all visions, God is above

all the comprehensions yet acquainted with all the things! but then…

how can you acquire wisdom to know God with 100% solid proof?

what is the right way to acquire true sense of knowing God?

you cannot rely on your receptors since your receptors failed!

so what is the solution to know God without a minor doubt in mind?

please stay till the last slide of this exclusive presentation! you’ll…

certainly know God without having single doubt in your mind!

really you will know God with proofs that no one can challenge!

okay viewers first of all please ask yourself honestly this question?

what do you believe in? are you actually believing on God? or

is it your conjecture?

really think about it!

think deeply!

so, do every person’s brain rely on 4 basic information elements?

definitely yes!

what are those 4 basic elements for acquiring any sort of information

the 1st is direct source

2nd is indirect source

so where does the information change & contradiction occurs?

is it the direct source?

is it indirect source?

is it the medium? or

is it your receptors?

2. Any object indirect source

1. Sun Direct Source

4. Eye your receptors

which 1 of 4 element is physically available in our era on that we can

3. R




t med


3. Sun light medium

rely on without having a single doubt in our mind to know God?

let’s analyze each element’s authenticity in order to know God!

1st we’ll analyze your receptors i.e. eyes, ears, nose, skin, tongue

2nd we’ll look at direct source that is God Himself!

3rd we’ll look at in- direct source i.e. God’s messengers (prophets)

messengers are God’s chosen people who have predicted future.

they had miracles & they proclaimed the Will of God and these

prophets came at various times & places and revealed Word of

God ‘the guiding light’ that warns us about traps of this mortal…

life while providing the good news about immortal life hereafter

will this analysis bring the true information about God?

if no then please use the most important part of your body that

is your brain when you look at this slideshow presentation

okay so let’s begin to test your receptors first that is your…

can a blind person ever grasp true God’s information? if yes…

then it seems that seeing is not the only mode of believing!

if no then science says

human eye is unable to detect offside position in a football match? Proof : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/12/041219161332.htm

if you even cannot see an offside position in a football match then…

can your these limited sight ever see the God with naked eyes?

how can human eye having a very limited form of light sense in

range 400 to 700 nm will ever see God with a narrow spectrum?

how can you hear from God while your hearing capability is…

also limited to sounds in the frequency range of 20 to 20,000 hertz?

how you comprehend God when you hardly know your antarctica?

how you comprehend God when you don‘t even know your death?

all you know, anything you experienced after what you remember…

being your death may be hallucination you are in coma or else you

never ever really know anything about your death! you even don’t

know when you’ll die & what happens to your soul when you die

even you go trillion years far away with light speed & observe..

so, now what? is your sight have failed again?

how can you even think that your very narrow sight and…

sound perceptions will ever comprehend the vision of God?

how can you even think of touching God while you are limited

to feel within the range of -100 to +100 degree celsius?

how can you be that much foolish to think of tasting God…

in fact your taste buds are also limited within range of 3 to 13 pH?

how can you be that much stupid to think of smelling God, in…

fact you’re unable to smell anything without the presence of air? so,

it’s proved that you cant comprehend God via your any receptor?

instead what you need is the eye of absolute wisdom to know God!

if you apply parental control to manage how your child use the PC...

then will he ever be able to access restricted program without your

permission? absolutely he cant access without your authorization!

so now if God has put limitations on your every receptor then…

how can you ever imagine God without God’s authorization!

so do you still persist to comprehend God via your 5 receptors?

if still yes then…

please do stay till the last slide, you’ll surely change your mind!

okay, lets verify other 3 options left to know God that are…

1 direct source!

indirect sources!

since direct source is God, so we’re bound to rely on 2 choices left

that is asking indirect sources about God or solid proof of medium?

so, are you all relying on genuine indirect sources and medium?

what is the proof that your indirect source & medium are authentic?

are you 100% sure about your indirect sources and medium?

absolutely not! so have you ever tried to find out the authenticity…

of your indirect sources and medium in your whole life?

if no then here is the chance to verify the authenticity yourself!

uncover the hidden truth with solid proofs to know your God! so,

now, we have to start exploring the beliefs of 2 major religions, the

religions that comprise almost 60% of world population in 2009!

examine resemblance of beliefs between the christians & mozlems!

do you know that both the christians and mozlems…

adam and eve, the first man and woman created by God!

Reference: from the religious books : the Torah, the Bible and the Qur'an

how prophet abraham tried to sacrifice his son ishmael for God!

believes on prophet moses!  

believes on the moses’ ten commandments!

believes on parting of the red sea!

believes on other prophets i.e. solomon, david, john the baptist!

both christians and mozlems even believes on prophet jesus!

believes that jesus was the true messenger of God?

jesus healed those born blind with God’s permission!

References: Quran 3: 49. John 11:43-45

the miracle birth of jesus without any human intervention!

Quran 3:45. Matthew 1:18

both christians and mozlems believes on original bible as well! http://summoningspirit.homestead.com/SacredBooks.html

both believes that jesus is the christ or messiah of the God!

believe that jesus is now with God?

jesus will come back in last days to lead belie-vers against antichrist!

References: Quran 19:33 Matthew 25:31-32

if so many resemblance between christians and mozlems then…

what exactly is parting the ways of christians and mozlems when…

both loves and respect jesus! well the only problem is that…

christians can only rely on jesus as the indirect source, while

mozlems rely on muhammad as the last source to know God, so

why don’t we ask jesus & muhammad directly

about who is true God?

oops here we’ve got trouble with indirect sources of information

today both the indirect sources not physically present with us?

so, logically we can’t prove God’s existence via indirect sources!

therefore we are now left with only 1 choice to know God!

which one is that?

we are bound to rely absolutely on medium!

what’s the guarantee that your medium is flawless Word of God?

if you are an honest truth seeker then…

don’t involve yourself into your opinions or strange analogies…

furnish yourself truth with a solid proof to support your answer!

here you will find 100% clear evidence with mere facts that...

which 1 medium of information is truly 100% Word of God?

you can later verify the authenticity by reading that medium yourself!

the truth which is proved 100% without any doubt!

is bible truly 100% flawless Word of God?

christian fellows ask yourself honestly?

do you really believe that God is love?

do you really believe that jesus is God?

do you really believe in the trinity?

do you really believe on the bible?

do you believe that angels don’t die as mentioned in the bible?

do you believe on bible’s commandment ‘thou shall not kill’?

do you believe that God can do whatso- ever He wills to do…

both in and outside of the universe?

do you believe God is fair and He is even fair with the satan?

do you believe that God can’t perform any kind of ungodly acts?

does the attributes of the God preclude any kind of evil?

so before moving any further let’s remind you again that my…

love and respect for jesus is far more than anyone so, christian…

fellows you’re advised to think deeply and ask yourself honestly…

the questions probablynobody from christian scholars likes to touch!

these are very serious doubts about bible that needs to be answered?

why God takes life of his own son and commit murder?

how could angels do not die and God die?

how could angels have better attribute than God?



does this makes any sense?

don’t involve yourself into your opinions or strange analogy?

do you have any rock solid proof of it?

how God became limited?

is God your conjecture

why this word trinity not mentioned in the whole bible?


do you have any solid proof?

where was this so called trinity when moses met God?

did moses met father, son and holy ghost or One God?

how could One be figured out to become Three?

do you know any country having more than One president?

certainly not! so if a country can not have more than 1 president

then, how can you even think that the universe have more than 1 God?

is God your conjecture, let suppose there is a trinity of god at some

point definitely dispute will occur, each god try to fulfill his will against

the will of the other gods, one god wishes sun to rise from east,

another god wants sun to rise from west yet another wants sun

to rise from north, so if a god is defeated or unable to defeat others

can he be entitled as true God? does this indicate that 1 god is

incompetent of certain acts while he is also ignorant of the other

gods’ powers, duties & responsibilities? there cannot be an ignorant

and incapable God. if there were more than one God, don’t you…

think, it would surely lead to confusion, chaos, disorder, and…

destruction in the universe? but universe is in complete harmony

can anyone think of worshiping ignorant and incapable God?

even if yes then…

how can you believe that God can do what- soever He wills to do…

both in and outside of the universe?

why God came down on earth as human just to forgive people’s sins?

was god unable to forgive sins from wherever He might be at that time?

if God did came here as human on earth to take our sins because...

He said if adam ate he shall die! then…

does that make God fair with satan? that he takes the sins!

you may argue that God does not became human being but only

takes a human form, if God only takes human form but does not…

become a human being then don’t you think that…

God should not possess any human qualities?

why all the God-men, have human qualities and failings?

why does the bible say God loves a good barbecue? (genesis 8:20-21)

why does bible say God steals wheels from egyptian cars?(ex 14:24-25)

sounds crazy?

why does the bible say

God admits lying? (ezek 14:9. 2 chr 18:22)

why God-men have all human needs such as need to eat, sleep etc.?

is God that stupid? no! no! but man is! the self deluded, who can

believe man to be their God. the man who was born like human being

did bible mentioned anything about God's physical appearance?

where in the bible this sentence is mentioned "God the son"?

where in the bible jesus himself says, "i am God"?

where in the bible jesus says "worship me"?

do you have a single solid proof?

how can jesus be God when he escaped to egypt from king herod?

why priest not able to provide any proof that God came down as man

in fact bible says jesus is not God! see the below links for proof..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqPdNsjQxGQ&feature=relatedProof video: http://thedeenshow.com/show.php?action=detail&id=950

so did jesus really forgive sins? or is this another trinity lie?


this is total logical fallacy to worship God in human form?

it is even inhumane, this story as allegory is terrible sin against God

even if jesus was God & was responsible for bible, as all-knowing...

being, he should have had made no mistakes concerning nature and

science, yet bible is full of outrageous & child-like statements about

earth, man & heavens!there are over 25000 errors in english king

james bible that have been listed by several clear thinkers.

is there any scripture left in bible which describes God's…

essence of nature exactly that no one can challenge!

how can you prove that this is the original bible and the origin of

bible isn’t clouded with centuries of copying, translating & passing

down information that are now long lost with only copies of some…

manuscripts remaining to remind us of what once the bible was?

why there is not single scholar able to defend many errors in bible on

teachings of theology, morals, beliefs, geology, geography, history etc.?

instead science is sin as said by most christian doctrines, books, claims!

the honest truth seeker asks this important question? how can…

anyone separate real science from religion's concept of sin?

it is bad morals and bad ethics to take a virtue like knowledge

and say that knowledge and the pursuit of it is evil? To

say ignorance is better than knowledge is sin in its worst form! here

is a shortlist of errors found by just simplest of observation!

at your leisure, you can look up as many errors as you wish!

bible says that the earth is flat and can never move?

bible says that the earth has 4 ends and 4 corners?

(isaiah 11:12, jeremiah 16:19, daniel 4:11, job 38:13, mathew 4:8)

nobody is that stupid to say a ball to have corners and ends!

bible says that the earth has pillars?

(from the NIV bible, Job 9:6, 38:4)  

bible says that moon has its own light.

(isaiah 30:26, 13:10, ezek 32:7, mathew 24:29, mark 13: 24).

bible says that the sun is stand still?

(JOS 10:12-13)

bible is scientifically wrong as usual!

bible say all doctors to be unemployed?

(JMS 5:13-15)

bible says that all universities to close?

(JMS 1:5-6)

bible says that the snake loses legs.

(genesis 3:14)

bible says super aliens fight war in space?

(REV 12:7-9)

bible says woman turns in to sodium chloride in seconds.

(genesis 19:26)

sounds crazy?

does the original bible that is the ‘ingeel’ corrupted by men?

obviously yes

how can you rely on something which carry misinformation?

quote from NIV&KJV bible theologian admit that bible is corrupt!

did the prophet of God truly write the current bible? ironically bible  

talks about moses death’s detail & burial in moses’ 5 books! 

did moses write about his own death &burial while he was dead? 

worse examples about bible corruption exists in new testament from

gospel of mark, oldest & supposedly most original gospel in new testament..

serious doubts exists as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark.  They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark.  His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost.(From the NIV Bible Foot Notes, page 1528)

why the word ‘bible’ not mentioned in the whole bible?


may be you’ll have another version in the future that include the

word bible! but today out of 66 books of protestants and 73 of

catholics is there any 1 book which carries the name ‘bible’ in it?

why there are so many contradicted versions of bible?

why do you find many contradictions within same version of bible?

does original version of bible still exists? how can anyone rely on

bible for answers, if it's loose translation of ancient myths? if bible

is truly Word of God then it should contain at least 1 future news?

did jesus or his apostles follow a religion called christianity?

who were the first ‘christians’? do you know anyone’s name?

who founded the christianity?

do the teachings of christianity conform to the teachings of jesus?

did jesus told his followers that your religion is known as…

“christianity”? does God says in the bible to be christians?

where does jesus himself said in the bible to be christian?

did jesus ever commended cross for worshiping?

why christians you are telling lies in the name of jesus the great?

how can anyone know that bible is true God’s word & not just book?

what’s unique that sets bible apart from other religious books?

if the bible is truly God’s word, then you should cherish it,…

study it, obey it, and ultimately trust it! but this isn’t the case cause

present bible is word of men only conclusion any thinking person…

can make is that the bible is not true 100% word of God!

do you still believe that bible is 100% faultless truly Word of God?

if yes please stay till the end, you’ll surely change your mind!

unlock the power of your mind and change your life!

the question you need to address now is that what is the solution?

why not we examine other religions?

why not we check authenticity of other religious scriptures?

the first 5 books of moses are included in old testament of bible

that has already been proved corrupted by men, so with simplest

of observation we can prove that torah is not 100% Word of God!

the reason is simple that God sent prophet jesus after moses for…

the guidance of a nation who have long lost teachings of moses

but children of israel refused to accept jesus as messenger of God…

the jews called him an impostor & accused his mother of immorality...

the jews followed their own desires that superseded the God’s

commands and they made innovations to the teachings of moses

the worst example of jews forgery in torah is the fabrication…

of moses death, the details of his burial and many other things

did moses write about his own death & burial while he was dead? 

the only conclusion a clear thinker can make is that torah is…

corrupted by men and it is not truly flawless 100% Word of God!

so, up till now we’ve examined 2 religious scriptures that were…

corrupted by men so we have to verify other religious scriptures!

is hindu’s or buddha's religious scriptures truly Word of God?

absolutely not! since these religious people worship their own hand

made objects therefore its totally illogical to believe that these idols

or as they say god may have ever written any religious scripture! lets

assume their gods have written any religious scripture then it should

not contain thousands of childish errors! just how can these statues

can create you or this universe? its totally illogical to worship any

thing that have been created by your own hand? so, its clear that

any idolatry worshiper like hindus or buddhist have false believes on

God as they worship their own handmade statues. the origin and

cause of this idolatry worshiping is proved in later slides. so lets

scrutinize what other religious scriptures are left for logical analysis

is qur'an truly 100% flawless Word of God?

what does the holy qur'an teach?

does qur'an talk about muhammad’s life?

why it’s not?

why is ‘human’ the topic of the qur'an?

why does it provide instruction manual that

we need in order to regulate our individual and collective lives?

was it decreed by a religious council after many years?

why it’s not?

why the holy qur'an is preserved in both its words and meaning?

what is the proof that qur'an is exactly same as it was originally…

revealed in arabic to prophet muhammad , way back 1400 years?

what is the proof that God is the author of the holy qur'an?

what is the proof that muhammad is not the author of qur'an?

what is the proof that muhammad is the last messenger of God?

is qur’an a revelation from the God of jacob abraham, isaac, moses?

is mohammad God’s messenger of the ingeel original gospel?

did islam elevated women’s status from curse to blessing?

Proof detail: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?xfile=data/opinion/2007/April/opinion_April21.xml&section=opinion&col=

do you know anything?

no! you don’t know anything?

we’ll get to the answers with 100% solid proof to each question?

challenge! not even a minor doubt will remain in your mind!

lets first & foremost begin to findout who is the author of qur'an!

is God the author of the holy qur'an or muhammad ?

Detail proof: http://www.jannah.org/articles/quranwrote.html

who is muhammad ?

was muhammad an illiterate man?

unquestionably yes as he never went to any school or university etc

how can educated people scientist, engineer, doctors follow an illiterate man?

will anyone ever choose illiterate man to be your leader?

never! never! never!

why one & half billion people are following muhammad ?

is there a miracle with muhammad ?

miracle of miracles

is qur'an that miracle?

Proof Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EemeURCeQk

if your reply is no then

why bible mention that prophet muhammad . will come into mecca?

From the NIV Bible, Numbers 13:3) (12:16) (10:12) Genesis (21:17-21) Psalms (84:5-6) Proof Detail : http://answering-christianity.com/paran.htm http://www.55a.net/firas/english/?page=show_det&id=95

‘If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.’ John (14-15)

why torah mention that prophet muhammad . will come to mecca?

Proof Detail : http://answering-christianity.com/paran.htm http://www.55a.net/firas/english/?page=show_det&id=95

why hindus’ vedas cite that muhammad .

will come to mecca?Proof video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJHbEWs-m_s&feature=related www.irf.net/islam_hinduism.doc

why holy book of sikh ‘granth saheb’ quotes qur'an repeatedly?

if you were writing a book you’ll certainly include name of…

at least someone you love! true or false? absolutely true!

qur'an says in chapter 3, verse 42

"behold! the angels said: o mary! God has chosen you and purified you - chosen you above the women of all nations.” [qur'an 3:42]

chosen you above the women of all nations!

such an honour to mary, mother of jesus!

this kind of prestige is not to be found even in christian’s bible, out of

66 protestants books & 73 roman catholics is there any one book

that you know which is named after mary or her son jesus? you’ll…

find book named after matthew, mark, luke, john, peter, paul & two

more obscure names but not a one named after jesus or mary, if

muhammad was the author of the qur'an, then why there is a…

whole chapter mary in quran named in honor of jesus mother?[qur'an ch:19]

why muhammad . failed to include in qur'an just once…

the name of his own mother - amina…

his dear wife-khadija…

his beloved daughter name - fatima?

why mary? the mother of jesus!

but no! no! this can never be.

the qur'an is not prophet muhammad’s handiwork!

let suppose that muhammad was the author of qur'an then

why did he fail to mention repeatedly his own name?

muhammad’s name appears just 4 times in the qur'an!

why qur'an mentioned other prophets’ names so many times?

why qur'an mostly discussed the name of prophet moses? 


why qur'an mentioned 25 times the name of prophet jesus?

no one glorified jesus as much as prophet muhammad did.

the Jews called jesus an impostor and a wizard just like today

‘What! is it a wonder for mankind that We have revealed to a man from (among) them, (saying): "Warn mankind (of the coming torment in Hell), and give good news to those who believe (in the Oneness of God and in His Prophet Muhammad) that they shall have with their Lord the rewards of their good deeds?" (But) the disbelievers say: Lo! This is a mere wizard.’ Qur’an 10:2

christians think that muhammad was a magician, although…

qur’an says clearly in chapter 61:verse 6

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMTmiFWPSVk&feature=related

‘He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them (from the filth of disbelief and polytheism), and teaching them the Book (Quran) and the Wisdom. Though they were earlier indeed in manifest error.’ Qur’an 62:2

and (remember) when jesus, son of mary,said

o children of israel!

i’m God’s messenger unto you confirming torah that came before

me, and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me whose

name shall be ahmed. but when he (ahmed i.e. mohammad) came

to them with clear proofs, they said: this is plain magic?’qur’an 61:6

now should those who reject mohammad’s . prophethood fear Hell?

is it enough for you to believe that quran isn't muhammad’shandiwork

do you still need proof that qur'an is the word of God and...

it is exactly the same as it was revealed way back 14 centuries ago!

‘this is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who ward off (evil). Who believe in the unseen, and establish worship, and spend of that We have bestowed upon them; And who believe in that (quran) which is revealed to you (Muhammad) and that which was revealed before(torah, ingeel etc.) you, and are certain of the Hereafter.’ Qur’an 2:2-4

certainly yes! you need more and more 100% solid proofs!

before furnishing solid proofs just answer two questions!

why bible mentioned that God is One? Proof detail: http://www.irf.net/irf/comparativereligion/middle/christianity/conceptofgod.htm

why bible, torah, vedas, qur'an all mentioned this name Allah for God? Proof detail:http://discovering-islam.blogspot.com/2007/12/is-allah-mentioned-in-other-scriptures.html

why bible and bishop says call the God “Allah”?

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2wtJU4M8-o&feature=related

Gospel of Mark (15:34)

is Allah the only word appropriate for God?

proof detail: http://www.islam101.com/tauheed/conceptofGod.htm http://www.islamtomorrow.com/allah/moon_god.asp

http://www.answering-christianity.com/allah.htm http://www.islamcan.com/miracles/index.shtml

is there 100% solid proof which no one can challenge!

yes there are many 100% solid proofs!

qur'an says in chapter 41 verse 53

‘Soon We will show them Our Signs in the furthest Horizons, and in their own selves, until it becomes clear to them that this (the Quran) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is Witness over all things?’ Qur'an 41:53

Proof video: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=qIDCLTjKYqw

this indicate that Allah will show His existence with solid evidences…

within ourselves, land, sea, sky & whatever we are acquaintance with!

just remember! this is how Allah’s name is written in arabic script

proof by apollo camera when second part of Apollo 11 released…

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BOFs41BUCw&feature=related

Allah’s name formed immediately in arabic script on the ocean!

Proof video: http://www.islamcan.com/miracles/apollo.shtml

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

Allah's name visible over africa picture from NASA website! http://www.nasa.gov/

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

browse the Google earth or click on this website for verificationwww.worldcountries.info/Africa.htm

here above Allah’s

name appears

Allah's name visible over planet mars, Nasa makes video of the earth, mars

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHftCJuUaRY

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

and now sun, one time it can be coincidence but all the nasa images just...

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJvgRQFHx4U&eurl=http://video.aol.com/video-detail/miracle-name-of-allah-on-the-sun/1603654887

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

like this one shows that the creator is witness over all things!

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUOAGQU4q-0

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

watch the video of Allah's name formed on sky by the clouds!

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2duNJzJeI30&feature=related

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

ice forms name of Allah in arabic on mountain!

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaHJQ40aggU

Allah’s name appears on beautiful flower yet another proof!

Video proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eII2h7IFCSc&feature=related

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

Allah’s name in arabic script written by bees! Now is it a coincidence?

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

‘and on earth are signs for those who have faith with certainty’ qur’an 51:20 

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

ants colony made name of ‘Allah' on the ground!

proof: http://miracles-of-allah.blogspot.com/2006/12/ants-colony-made-allah-name-on-ground.html

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

meat testifies truth see Allah’s name in arabic script!

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uzJjOWsGaw

Allah’s name in an aubergine!

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

‘and on earth are signs for those who have faith with certainty’ qur’an 5 1:20 

Allah's name appears in arabic script on a cow that moves on land!

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAhO1JISIpY&feature=related

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

this picture shows where Allah’s name


Allah's name appears in arabic script on a bird that flies in sky!

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piQ72lPiizY&feature=related

fish in water testifies the truth as Allah’s name appears on it!Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVriMzxi1hQ&feature=related

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

Allah's name appears in arabic script on a plant!

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

tree forms Allah’s name in arabic script!

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

Allah's name appears in a tomato!

Allah's name in arabic script appears in watermelon!

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

Allah's name appears in arabic script on another egyptian fruit (TanTa)!

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyrD1nWfPu8

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

Allah’s name in arabic script appears on bean!

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

your index finger testifies existence of Allah!

this picture shows where Allah’s name appears

think and think again! have you ever seen any name at so many places

‘This (Qur’an) is a communication to be transmitted to mankind so that they can be warned by it and so that they will know that He is One God and so that people of intelligence will pay heed.’ Quran 14:52

still you don’t believe on any miracle then accept this challenge!

qur'an describe God's essence exactly that no one can challenge!

qur'an says in chapter 112 verse 1-4

"Say: He is Allah,The One and Only.

Allah, the Eternal, the Absolute.He begets not, nor is He begotten.

And there is none comparable unto Him.” [qur'an 112:1-4]

you may think why does Quran use ‘WE’ & ‘HE’ when referring to Allah? Please visit link for the detailed answer: http://www.godallah.com/we_and_he.php http://www.islamtomorrow.com/allah.asp

so can anybody’s false god meet these four criterias of God?

absolutely not & challenge! no one can qualify this criteria but Allah!


so, did Allah revealed qur'an via angel gabriel to last prophet muhammad

is there 100% solid proof that qur'an is Word of Allah!

for no man can write such perfect guidance on so many subjects?

see the hidden message, consistency throughout whole qur'an where…

qur'an says one thing is like another, it’s not just correct in the…

grammatical sense but true mathematical, the qur'an mentioned that

man is equal to woman although this do makes grammatical sense but

astonishing fact is that no. of times word man appears in arabic…

script qur'an is 23 and number of times word woman is also 23, not

woman 23 man 23

only this phrase is correct in grammatical sense but also true…

mathematical 23 = 23. although there’re many fascinating examples of

this qur’anic aspect, some no. of repetitions of certain words are…

Watch video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_UlFhVQQ9U

Aakhirat (Life after this world) 115Benefit (Profit) 50

Deeds 108Eblees (King of devils) 11

Gold 8Hardship 114Humanity 65

Life 145Love 83

Magic 60Malaika (Angels) 88

Man 23Mind 49

Muhammad 4Museebah (Calamity) 75

Muslimeen 41People 50

People who are mislead 17Speaking publicly 18

Spending (Sadaqah) 73Tongue 25

Tree 26Winter 5

Zakat (Taxes Mozlems pay to the poor) 32 

 Dunia (one name for life) 115Corrupt (Loss) 50Reward 108Seek refuge from Eblees 11Easy life 8Patience 114Stages of Human Birth 65Death 145Faithfulness 83Fitnah (Dissuasion, Misleading) 60Shayateen (Satan)  88 Woman 23Noor (Light) 49Sharee'ah (Muhammad's teachings) 4Thanks 75Jihad 41Messengers 50 Dead people 17Publicizing 18Satisfaction 73 Sermon 25Plant 26Summer 5Barakah (Increasing of wealth) 32 

http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/mathematical_01.html http://www.quran.org/code/allmmlh.htm

find out yourself is it a hidden message or coincidence?

Proof detail: http://www.harunyahya.com/miracles_of_the_quran_p4_01.php#1 http://www.themodernreligion.com/basic/quran/quran_scatter.htm

and amazingly enough have a look how many times the following…

words appear in arabic script qur'an? salawat (daily prayer) 5month 12 day (singular) 365 day (plural) 30 sky 7

now observe this how many times the words sea and land appears

sea 32, land 13 sea + land = 32+13= 45

sea = 32/45*100 = 71.11111111% land = 13/45*100 = 28.88888889%

sea + land =100.00%

Percentage of earth’s surface covered by water

LAND 29%


modern science have recently proved that water covers 71.1% of


earth’s surface while quran mentioned this fact 14 centuries ago

qur'an says in chapter 4 verse 82

‘do they not then consider the qur’an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many inconsistencies in it’

qur'an explored world of scientific facts on subjects including…


botany, zoology, physics, astronomy, mathematics, genetics including earth

‘And you shall certainly know the truth of it (all) after a while.’ Qur'an, 38:88

& universe under light of the divine facts, scientific miracles in…

qur'an could not have been understood at that time, yet today…

we take for granted many things included in revelation of qur'an

these scientific facts, which are 1400 years ahead of their time!

Proof detail: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/actionnetwork/A6865743

its not in contradiction to science.

quran while revealed 14 centuries ago contains scientific facts which…

are only now being discovered in 20th and 21st century.

Proof detail: http://www.harunyahya.com/miracles_of_the_quran_01.phphttp://www.scienceislam.com/

another miraculous aspect of qur'an is that it tells us beforehand

number of important events that occurred & will occur in the future

it is impossible for this information to have been known to anyone

with the level of knowledge & technology of that 6th century!

qur'an revealed 14 centuries ago scientific facts about…

the birth of a human being which has only now been discovered!

qur’an (22:5) (23:12-14) (39:6) (76:2) (77:20-23) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic-7wJnXOu8&feature=related


‘What is the matter with you, that you are not conscious of Allah's Majesty. Seeing that it is He who has created you in diverse stages?’ Qur'an 71:13-14

quran mention embryo formation in womb of mother 1400 years ago!

‘Then We showed him this verse: He creates you in the wombs of your mother, in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness.’ Qur'an 39:6

‘He creates you stage by stage in your mother’s womb in a threefold darkness. This is Allah, your lord. sovereignty is His. There is no God but Him. so what have made you turned away!’ (Quran 39:6)

qur'an says in chapter 23 verse 12-14

Watch proof detail: http://www.thekeytoislam.com/en/scientific-explanations/human-embryonic-phases.shtml http://www.islam-guide.com/frm-ch1-1-a.htm

And indeed We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay (water and earth).   Then We made him as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge) (and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman), then We made the Nutfah into an Alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance) then We made out of that lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators. After that, surely, you will die. Then [again], surely, you will be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection. (Quran, 23:12-16)









in the holy qur’an, Allah further speaks about stages of man’s

embryonic development stages of man’s embryo wasn’t proposed until

the 1940’s and stages used nowadays weren’t adopted world wide…

until few years ago. the sum of number of references to the stages

of man's creation in the holy qur'an is amazingly same!

human being 65 soil (turab) 17

drop of sperm (nutfah) 12

embryo (alaqah) 6

a half formed lump of flesh (mudghah) 3

bone ('idham) 15

flesh (lahm) 12

total 65






prominent scientists testify to this scientific facts in the qur'an!

professor keith moore chairman of anatomy department university

of toronto whose books on embryology and anatomy are used

as standard instruction books at many medical schools including…

yale medical school mentions this about qur’an in his book…

"It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the qur'an about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God or Allah because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of God or Allah.” (prof. keith moore )

proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baOT0iMP3v0&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhJYxI2dlGQ

after all who will be the first person able to tell the mechanism of

any unknown object? of course ‘the creator’ so, who else will be the

1st to tell mechanism of the creation of human beings 1400 years ago

other than Almighty Allah! just how could muhammad have…

known all these facts 14 centuries ago when scientists have only…

recently discovered this using advanced equipment & powerful

microscopes which did not exist at that time 14 centuries ago?

is it enough for you to believe that quran is Word of Allah? qur'an

is the only book which tells us clearly about universe creation…

amazingly accurate when no satellite imagephotos were available!

reality of beginning & end of world are only now being discovered?

qur'an revealed 1400 years ahead of its time scientific fact about…

expansion of universe without a single contradiction to science

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSPcNSXV7mA

‘and it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it’ Quran 51:47

how could 1430 years ago muhammad know universe is expanding?

qur'an revealed 1400 years ahead of its time scientific fact about…

the big bang separation of heavens and the earth!

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SfuZw2DaGk

‘Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?’ Quran 21:30

how could 1430 years ago muhammad know about big bang?

qur'an mentions orbits of planets and stars and moons in 6th century…proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDQlY7c31jE&NR=1

‘and He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They flow, each in an orbit’ Quran 21:33

which were only now being discovered in our 20th century.

‘by the heavens full of paths’ Quran 51:7

how could 1430 years ago muhammad know that sun moves when it

‘and the sun moves on to its fixed course for a term (appointed). That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise’ Quran 36:38


was assumed stationary while Nasa scientist just recently proved it moves


‘and the sun moves on to its fixed course for a term (appointed). That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise’ Quran 36:38

moon follow specific trajectories! these facts set out in the qur’an…


And for the moon, We have decreed set phases, until it becomes again like an old dried curved date stalk. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon nor for the night to outstrip the day; each one is floating in an orbit. (Qur'an, 36:39-40)

were only discovered by astronomical advances in our own time.

‘and He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They flow, each in an orbit’ Quran 21:33

‘when the sky disintegrates & turns rose colored like paint. Which of your Lord’s marvels can you deny’ Quran 55:37-38

nasa scientists just recently testified yet another quranic verse

Proof: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=106753693

picture from nasa website, look at the truth yourself

proof: http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sect20/A3.html

just think of it! how could anyone know this fact 1430 years ago?

qur'an revealed more than 1350 years ahead of its time…

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtqjIAb1n60

‘Then He turned to heaven when it was smokes…’ Quran 41:11

the seven spheres of sky which were discovered in 20th century.

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beORfa3AeeI

‘In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate...’ Quran 41:12

how could 1430 years ago muhammad know about seven spheres?

‘It is He Who created everything in the earth altogether for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things.’ Quran 2:29

qur'an revealed more than 1400 years ahead of its time…

‘Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds’ Quran 26:192

layers of the earth, which were discovered in 20th century. proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhNSxQL_XUg&feature=related

‘It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of the earth the same number, the command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge.’ Qur’an 65:12

qur'an revealed more than 1400 years ago scientific facts about…

‘… A day with your Lord is equivalent to a thousand years in the way you count.’ (Qur'an, 22:47)

The Speed of LightCalculated in Qur’an = 299792.49 km/sec.US national bureau of standards = 299792.9574 km/sec + 0.0011The British national physical laboratory = 299792.4590 km/sec + .0008

the speed of light amazingly accurate i.e. 299,792,490 m/s.

Watch proof video: http://www.speed-light.info/

Speed = Distance / TimeTime = a Day = 86164.0906 sec.Distance = a thousand years of what you count Distance = 1000 years x the route length of the moon’s trip in one monthDistance = 12000 months x L Distance = 12000 months x {(Ve x Cos ᾳ) x T}Distance = 12000 months x {(3682.07 km/hr x 0.89157) x 655.71986 hrs} Distance = 25831348035.086kmSpeed = 25831348035.086km / 86164.0906 sec = 299792.49 km/ sec

‘He regulates the affair from heaven to the earth; then shall it ascend to Him in a day the measure of which is a thousand years of what you count.’ (Qur'an, 32:5)

just think of it! how could anyone know this fact 1430 years ago?

qur'an revealed in 6th century scientific facts about the roundness &Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koN-DFamYUk&feature=related

Proof video: http://video.yahoo.com/watch/1654886/5585738

‘He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He rolls the night over the daytime, and He rolls the daytime over the night. And He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, The Superb Forgiver.’ Quran 39:5

‘and you see the mountains and think them to be solid; but they shall pass away as the passing away of the clouds - the handiwork of Allah Who perfected all things, verily! He is Well-Acquainted with what you do. Quran 27:88

direction of rotation of earth which discovered in 20th century.

qur'an revealed 1300 years ahead of its time scientific fact…

‘…and He revealed iron, wherein is mighty power and (many) uses for mankind…’ Quran 57:25

about the secret in iron with amazingly same atomic number.

proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0-cq9Vj9Uo

qur'an revealed 1430 years ago scientific facts about function of

mountains, formation of earth's mountains deep underground!

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4cY3GCUYsg&feature=related

‘and you see the mountains and think them to be solid; but they shall pass away as the passing away of the clouds - the handiwork of Allah Who perfected all things, verily! He is Well-Acquainted with what you do. Quran 27:88

qur'an revealed 1430 years ago scientific facts about…

the fecundating winds which are only now being discovered.

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7VyOv6uQtY

‘and We send the fecundating winds (to fill heavily the clouds with water), then caused the water (rain) to descend from the sky, and We gave it to you to drink, and it is not you who store it up.’ Quran 15:22

qur'an revealed 1430 years ago scientific facts about clouds and

proof detail: http://www.islam-guide.com/frm-ch1-1-a.htm

‘have you not seen how Allah makes the clouds move gently. Then joins them together, then make them into a stack and then you see the rain come out of it…’ Quran 24:43

how they make rain and how lightning is caused by ice crystals.

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unD_t8CP7dM

‘And thunder glorifies and praises Him, and so do the angels because of His Awe, He sends the thunderbolts, and therewith He strikes whom He wills, yet they (disbelievers) dispute about Allah, though He is Mighty in strength and Severe in punishment.’ Quran 13:13

qur'an revealed 1430 years ago scientific facts about the seas…

‘He has let loose the two seas, converging together, with a barrier between them they do not break through.’ Quran 55:19-20

not mingling with one another; the deep seas partitions; waters that

do not mix were later discovered by scientist after 1370 years!

Proof detail: http://www.islam-guide.com/frm-ch1-1-a.htm

qur'an revealed 1430 years ago scientific facts about darkness…

proof detail: http://www.55a.net/firas/english/?page=show_det&id=129

‘Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with a great wave topped by a great wave, topped by dark clouds, darkness, one above another, if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.’ Quran 24:40

in the seas & internal waves which are only now being discovered.

Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn5rzzUsQy8

‘I do swear by the Day of Resurrection. I do swear by the reproachful soul. Does man think that We shall not assemble his bones? Yes indeed, We are Able to shape again in perfect order the tips of his fingers.’ Qur'an: 75: 1-4

qur'an mentions finger prints which are only now being considered

as distinctive feature of evidence today for each person! just think

how can muhammad . know these facts way back 14 centuries ago?

qur'an revealed 14 centuries ago scientific fact about the pairs…

in creation! just think how can muhammad . know that plants are

“Glory be to Him Who created all the sexual pairs, of that which the earth grow, and of themselves, and of that which they know not!” Qur'an: 36: 36

in pairs! is this not amazingly that not just this phrase correct…

scientifically but also truly paired that is chapter 36 & verse 36!

qur'an even talk about ‘space travel’ more than 1430 years ago.

Proof detail: http://www.mostmerciful.com/night-journey-of-prophet-muhammad.htm

‘Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred place of worship (Masjid al-Haram) to the Farthest Distant Place (Outer Space) of worship, whose precincts We did bless, in order that We might show him some of Our Signs, Verily, He is the One All-Hearer, the All-Seer.’ Qur’an 17:1

can anyone imagine space travel way back in 6th century?

qur'an mentioned a lot of details about many natural phenomenas…

which were later discovered by scientist after 1400 years?

its not in contradiction to science. so is it not

enough for you to believe that qur’an is Word of Allah?

just think! how could anyone know all these facts 1430 years ago?

‘ Say, (O Muhammad), It (Qur’an) has been revealed by (Allah) Who knows (every) secret within the heavens and the earth.  Indeed, He is Ever -Forgiving and Most Merciful.’ Quran 25:6

qur'an revealed future events which occurred later after centuries!

qur'an revealed future event, the victory of byzantium beforehand

Proof detail: http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/predictions_01.html

it is impossible for this information to have been known to any one

with that 6th century’s level of knowledge and technology of that day

qur'an revealed the conquest of mecca in advance that seemed

‘Allah has confirmed His Messenger’s vision with truth: You will enter the Masjid al-Haram (Sacred Mosque) in safety,….He knew what you did not know and ordained, in place of this, an imminent victory.’Quran: 48:27

impossible victory with few believers against huge unbeliever forces

proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eb-r9U3AI10

‘Verily, We have granted you a clear victory, so that Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future, and complete His Favor on you, and guide you on the Straight Path; . And so that Allah may help you with a mighty help.’ Quran: 48:1-3

Qur’an also predicted when the man will Land on moon that is 1969

Must watch Proof video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm6qr6b4pXc&feature=related

‘the hour has come closer, and the moon has split’ Quran: 51:1

and not just this, the qur'an revealed in 6th century about an…

incident that occurred in our era 21st century when no on-ground…

intelligence personnel were available! yes 9/11 when, where, why and

who is responsible? all mentioned in qur'an but before letting you

know this! see the twist of 9/11 the unvarnished truth that speaks itself

proof : http://911research.com/resources/videos/index.html

its bitter shocking but actual truth with mere facts, the facts that…Proof:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiaGlizZU3k&feature=PlayList&p=091B92BC2E2A3185&index=4&playnext=2&playnext_from=PL

clearly identified the terrorists behind 9/11 attacks! yes bush and

is it jet fuel? oh but that’s a good one!

his administration was behind 911 attacks that will be proved here…

after all truth always prevails and falsehood is bound to perish. the

Proof : www.septembereleventh.org

appalling truth is 100% proved with interesting unfolding drama…

proof: www.AE911truth.org

just remember adage ‘follow the money’ and in this case, money…

is the oil, connect the energy dots and it will reveal fantastic…

‘WOT a Great Game’War On Terrorism, the emotional, nationalistic

rhetoric shrouding the avaricious desires of ‘Want Oilfields Totally’

Slideshow Continues - Please Download Eye Of Absolute Wisdom Part 2