Extracurriculat Powerpoint 2003 Ver

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Extracurriculat Powerpoint 2003 Ver

By Rona Berger and Danielle Berger

Mean: 2.74 extracurriculars involved in Median: 3 Mode:4 Standard Deviation: 1.138

Mean: 3.558 Hours spent on Extracurriculars

Median:3 Mode:3 Standard Deviation: 1.139

Reasons: To pursue interests:77.14% To relieve stress: 20% To get in to college:34.85% “My parents made me” :14.85% Don’t do any :2.28% *goes over 100% because participants

were asked to mark all the apply on this question.

Effects on Schoolwork:Small positive: 13.14%

Small negative:43.42% No effect:24% Large positive:9.71% Large Negative:9.71%