Extracting limits on Dark Matter annihilation from dwarf ...

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Extracting limits on Dark Matter annihilation from dwarf Spheroidal galaxies

Work done with Paolo Salucci, PRD 86, 023528 (arXiv:1203:2954)

Ilias Cholis (SISSA)

Identification of Dark Matter 2012, 26th July

Friday, July 27, 2012

• Motivate for search of signals by DM annihilation from dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs)

• Background gamma-rays for dSphs


• Dark Matter distribution in dwarf spheroidal galaxies

• Extracting Residual gamma-ray Spectra and Limits on DM annihilation

• Best constraints from Dwarf Spheroidal galaxies

• Conclusions

Friday, July 27, 2012

Significance of dwarf spheroidal galaxiesfor Dark Matter annihilation signals

Sculptordwarf Spheroidal galaxies are low luminosity galaxies (spheroidal in shape) containing ~10-100 million stars with the observed ones being companions to our Galaxy or to Andromeda. Their typical mass is ~ 100 times smaller than our galaxy. Why we care:among the most dark matter-dominated galaxies with very low baryonic gas densities, and suppressed star formation rates -> flux of gamma-rays from individual sources and CRs interacting with local medium is low (small backgrounds in gammas),thus a “good” target to look for a DM signal in gamma-rays, especially for detectors as theFermi-LAT, Air-Cherenkov telescopes (Evans,Ferrer&Sarkar 04, Colafrancesco,Profumo,Ullio 07, Strigari, Koushiappas, Bullok, Koplinghat 07, ...)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Gamma-ray Backgrounds

Fermi SKY

Known sources for the observed gamma-rays are:i)Galactic Diffuse: decay of pi0s (and other mesons) from pp (NN) collisions (CR nuclei inelastic collisions with ISM gas), bremsstrahlung radiation off CR e, Inverse Compton scattering (ICS): up-scattering of CMB and IR, optical photons from CR eii)from point sources (galactic or extra galactic) (1873 detected in the first 2 years)iii)Exragalactic Isotropic iv)”extended sources”iv)misidentified CRs (isotropic dew to diffusion of CRs in the Galaxy)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Caveats in dSph analysis

• assumed DM distribution profile? cuspy vs cored.

• Signal for DM annihilation is very small compared to background, and can be easily hidden from it

• One needs to model the background for each dSph in a method that does not allow for many degrees of freedom that could result in hiding a small excess(“over-fit”)

• Dependence of the method on whether other undetected point sources exist in the region of analysis (Region Of Interest) as has been the case with galaxy clusters

• Avoid low energy gamma-rays (with much higher statistics) dominate the results

• The Fermi LAT instrument has a Point Spread Function that depends strongly on energy (especially at low E)

• CR contamination

Friday, July 27, 2012

J-factor, gives part in the annihilation rate due the DM distribution

Ursa Min.







100 200150








d !kpc"

J!Α c"!GeV

2 cm#5 "

Fermi Coll.Charbonnier et al. MNRAS 418, 1526(2011)

Salucci et al. MNRAS 2012 (arXiv:1111.1165)

J-factors in dSphsdΦγ





ρ2DM (l,Ω)


dldΩWe observe:

J =

ρ2DM (l,Ω)dldΩ

hope to


Parameter Einasto NFW Burkert

Mvir [1012 M!] 1.3 1.5 1.3

cvir 18.0 20.0 18.5

αE 0.22 - -

ρχ(R!) [ GeV cm−3] 0.4 0.4 0.4

ah [ kpc ] 15.7 14.8 10.0

TABLE I: Parameters defining the dark matter halo profiles implemented for this analysis. The value of the local halo densityρχ(R!) and the halo scale factor ah are given here for reference, being a derived quantity if we adopt as mass scale parameterthe virial mass Mvir and length scale the concentration parameter cvir.

FIG. 1: DM density profiles versus the radial coordinate (Left panel: z = 0) and vertical coordinate (Right panel: R equal tothe local Galactocentric distance R!) in a cylindrical frame. Both the spherical profiles (Einasto - red; NFW - blue; Burkert -green) and the two dark disc profiles (Eq. 13 - orange; Eq. 14 - gray) are normalized to 1 at our position in the Galaxy.

three models (it is convenient to compare different profiles using the same local normalization, and, in any case, suchvalue of the local halo density is close to the best fit value for each of the three profiles). The conventions we usedto define virial mass and concentration parameters are: Mvir ≡ 4π/3∆virρ0 R3

vir , with ∆vir the virial overdensity ascomputed in Ref. [69], ρ0 the mean background density and Rvir the virial radius; and cvir ≡ Rvir/r−2, with r−2

the radius at which the effective logarithmic slope of the profile is −2. Note finally that the value of concentrationparameters in the Table refer to a fit of the profile to the Galaxy and not to the dark matter density before the baryoninfall; hence a direct comparison with values found with numerical simulations for the dark matter component only(which, in general, are lower for Milky Way size halos) is not straightforward. The shape of the three spherical halomodels is shown in Fig. 1; with our choice of parameters, the Einasto and the NFW profile trace each other down tofairly small radii, while the cored Burkert profiles shows a more evident departure from the others.Recently, cosmological simulations including baryons [70–72] have suggested the existence of a dark disk substructure

within CDM halos, with a characteristic scale height of the order of 1 kpc. Would a dark disc be present in the MilkyWay, it would have an impact on the WIMP antiproton source function; we will discuss this effect using two alternativeparameterizations for the dark disk (DD) profile, differing only in vertical shape, namely [71]:

ρχ,DD(R, z) = ρ0,DD e(1.68(R!−R)/RH)e(−0.693z/zH) (13)

and [71]:

ρχ,DD(R, z) = ρ0,DD e(1.68(R!−R)/RH)e(−(0.477z/zH)2) , (14)




Friday, July 27, 2012

Background model assumptions: Point Sources+galactic diffuse gamma-rays+isotropic diffuse gammas, with free normalizations...

Calculating Residual Spectra (with templates)

Draco Sculptor

Friday, July 27, 2012

Changing the exact assumptions on the energy range and the size of the “Region of Interest” (window of the sky) that we use to perform the fit, we get sensitively different results for the residual spectra and for parameters describing the background flux.

5 degrees 10 degrees

Different residual spectra result also in different limits on DM annihilation.


ROI Emin (MeV) # of P.S. NGDM FGDM (×10−4) Niso Fiso (×10−4) NJ1725 αJ1725

5 200 1 p.s. 1.458 ± 0.041 4.160 ± 0.118 0.830 ± 0.032 0.697 ± 0.028 - -5 200 4 p.s. 1.403 ± 0.042 4.001 ± 0.121 0.803 ± 0.036 0.674 ± 0.030 4.00 ± 0.58 -2.526 ± 0.1410 200 1 p.s. 1.574 ± 0.021 4.489 ± 0.060 0.795 ± 0.016 0.669 ± 0.014 - -10 200 10 p.s. 1.426 ± 0.021 4.068 ± 0.060 0.781 ± 0.017 0.655 ± 0.014 4.12 ± 0.59 -2.31 ± 0.1410 200 15 p.s. 1.406 ± 0.007 4.012 ± 0.020 0.775 ± 0.005 0.650 ± 0.005 4.00 ± 0.43 -2.25 ± 0.1010 100 1 p.s. 1.582 ± 0.017 7.617 ± 0.084 0.903 ± 0.011 1.871 ± 0.022 - -10 100 10 p.s. 1.462 ± 0.018 7.058 ± 0.086 0.871 ± 0.012 1.804 ± 0.024 3.49 ± 0.53 -2.40 ± 0.1610 100 15 p.s. 1.474 ± 0.018 7.120 ± 0.087 0.842 ± 0.014 1.744 ± 0.029 3.29 ± 0.58 -2.19 ± 0.175 200 4 p.s. 1.192 ± 0.018 3.401 ± 0.052 1.000 ± 0.000 0.839 ± 0.000 3.69 ± 0.58 -2.12 ± 0.1310 200 15 p.s. 1.157 ± 0.003 3.301 ± 0.008 1.000 ± 0.000 0.839 ± 0.000 3.70 ± 0.21 -2.10 ± 0.0410 100 15 p.s. 1.274 ± 0.009 6.150 ± 0.043 1.000 ± 0.000 2.071 ± 0.000 3.03 ± 0.57 -2.02 ± 0.14

TABLE II: Galactic Diffuse Model (GDM):”gal 2yearp7v6 v0”, Isotropic Model (iso):”iso p7v6source”, J1725 refers to thespecific point source (see text). FGDM and Fiso are in units of ph/cm2s−1, from the specific region of interest. NGDM , Niso

and NJ1725 are normalizations for the equivalent spectral components.

to 100-105 MeV within the 10 radius case; in order to check the sensitivity of the results on varying the relevantassumptions. Finally we have fixed the normalization of the isotropic component to 1 and for different choices ofROI and energy range redone the fit. For every case we give in Table II the normalizations of the isotropic diffuse,the galactic diffuse and the normalization and index for the closest to Draco detected point source J1725.2+5853(“J1725”)[157] that come from the fit, using the ScienceTools. As can be seen the normalization of the galactic diffuseand the isotropic diffuse can have a change between fits of O(0.1), which is far more than the residual signal. Thuswe conclude that the method for analyzing the residual spectra from dSphs as is done by the Fermi Collaborationmakes assumptions that are not generically valid, and there is a need for alternative methods.The target of our analysis is to use an alternative method to study the possible DM signal from dSph galaxies

addressing the following issues:

• Model the background for each dSph in a method that does not allow for many degrees of freedom that couldresult as stated above in hiding any small excess.

• Minimize the dependence on the possibility of other undetected point sources existing in the ROI (unless theyhappen to overlap with the dSph location).

• Avoid having low energy γ-rays dominate our results.

• Include the fact that the Fermi LAT instrument has a PSF that depends on energy.

• Minimize the significance of CR contamination, which at high latitudes and energies can be important.

• Avoid having too low statistics.

In our method for every dSph galaxy and energy bin we choose 2 regions of interest. One contains the dSph centeredat it’s location which for simplicity we will refer to as ”signal ROI(s)”. The other in that energy bin does not containthe dSph but is used to measure the γ-ray background of the dSph referred to as ”background ROI(s)”. The signalROIs include the region of the sky defined by a radius of angle α1. The background ROIs are defined in the mostgeneral case by two radii, α2 and α3 and include the region of the sky defined as α2 < α < α3 from the center of eachdSph. As we will describe later, we will test various combinations of α1, α2, α3 in order to ensure that our criteriaset above are met. We have tested cases where α1 ≤ α2 as shown in Fig.4. For all dSphs and at each energy bin wesubtract from the averaged γ-ray flux of the signal ROI the averaged γ-ray flux of the equivalent background ROI.We stress that the background γ-ray flux to each dSph at a given energy bin is the γ-ray flux at that energy bin

between α2 < α < α3, and is kept fixed thus no additional d.o.f. for the background model are allowed. Similarmethods are common in gamma-ray astronomy [105–107] and in general[108–111]. Furthermore the isotropic fluxcontribution which is the dominant component in most cases, and includes the EGBR and the CR contamination isin our method subtracted[158] (without adding a freedom in it’s normalization). Also, since our choices for the sizesof the ROIs are similar to that of [50, 51] any contribution from undetected point sources is taken into account. Another characteristic of our analysis is that regarding claims of positive (excess) or negative residual γ-ray fluxes, eachenergy bin is independent from the others. This does not let the lower energy bins with the higher statistics influencethe search for a possible residual γ-ray flux at higher energies.We clarify that for background ROIs extending too far away from the dSphs one includes into the background flux

the contribution of sources (e.g. point sources or emission from ISM gas) that are irrelevant to the actual background

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!4."10!8






Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 "

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!4."10!8






Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 "

Friday, July 27, 2012

Limits from Dwarf Spheroidal galaxies


considered in our analysis becomes

L(D|pW,pi) =


LLATi (D|pW,pi)

× 1

ln(10) Ji√2πσi


i ,


where LLATi denotes the binned Poisson likelihood that is

commonly used in a standard single ROI analysis of the

LAT data and takes full account of the point-spread func-

tion, including its energy dependence; i indexes the ROIs;

D represents the binned gamma-ray data; pW represents

the set of ROI-independent DM parameters (σannv andmW ); and pi are the ROI-dependent model parame-

ters. In this analysis, pi includes the normalizations

of the nearby point and diffuse sources and the J factor,

Ji. log10(Ji) and σi are the mean and standard devia-

tions of the distribution of log10 (Ji), approximated to be

Gaussian, and their values are given in Columns 5 and

6, respectively, of Table I.

The fit proceeds as follows. For given fixed values of

mW and bf , we optimize − lnL, with L given in Eq. 1.

Confidence intervals or upper limits, taking into account

uncertainties in the nuisance parameters, are then com-

puted using the “profile likelihood”technique, which is

a standard method for treating nuisance parameters in

likelihood analyses (see, e.g., [32]), and consists of calcu-

lating the profile likelihood − lnLp(σannv) for several

fixed masses mW , where, for each σannv, − lnL is min-

imized with respect to all other parameters. The inter-

vals are then obtained by requiring 2∆ ln(Lp) = 2.71 for

a one-sided 95% confidence level. The MINUIT subrou-

tine MINOS [33] is used as the implementation of this

technique. Note that uncertainties in the background fit

(diffuse and nearby sources) are also treated in this way.

To summarize, the free parameters of the fit are σannv,the J factors, and the Galactic diffuse and isotropic back-

ground normalizations as well as the normalizations of

near-by point sources. The coverage of this profile joint

likelihood method for calculating confidence intervals has

been verified using toy Monte Carlo calculations for a

Poisson process with known background and Fermi-LATsimulations of Galactic and isotropic diffuse gamma-ray

emission. The parameter range for σannv is restricted

to have a lower bound of zero, to facilitate convergence of

the MINOS fit, resulting in slight overcoverage for small

signals, i.e., conservative limits.


As no significant signal is found, we report upper lim-

its. Individual and combined upper limits on the anni-

hilation cross section for the bb final state are shown in

Fig. 1; see also [34]. Including the J-factor uncertainties

FIG. 1. Derived 95% C.L. upper limits on a WIMP anni-hilation cross section for all selected dSphs and for the jointlikelihood analysis for annihilation into the bb final state. Themost generic cross section (∼ 3 · 10−26 cm3s−1 for a purely s-wave cross section) is plotted as a reference. Uncertainties inthe J factor are included.

FIG. 2. Derived 95% C.L. upper limits on a WIMP annihila-tion cross section for the bb channel, the τ+τ− channel, theµ+µ− channel, and the W+W− channel. The most genericcross section (∼ 3 ·10−26 cm3s−1 for a purely s-wave cross sec-tion) is plotted as a reference. Uncertainties in the J factorare included.

in the fit results in increased upper limits compared to

using the nominal J factors. Averaged over the WIMP

masses, the upper limits increase by a factor up to 12

for Segue 1, and down to 1.2 for Draco. Combining the

dSphs yields a much milder overall increase of the upper

limit compared to using nominal J factors, a factor of


The combined upper limit curve shown in Fig. 1 in-

cludes Segue 1 and Ursa Major II, two ultrafaint satel-

lites with small kinematic data sets and relatively large

Fermi Collaboration:Phys.Rev. Lett.107,241302 (arXiv:1108.3546): For specific choice of spectrum of data, and ROI but for free normalizations on templates


considered in our analysis becomes

L(D|pW,pi) =


LLATi (D|pW,pi)

× 1

ln(10) Ji√2πσi


i ,


where LLATi denotes the binned Poisson likelihood that is

commonly used in a standard single ROI analysis of the

LAT data and takes full account of the point-spread func-

tion, including its energy dependence; i indexes the ROIs;

D represents the binned gamma-ray data; pW represents

the set of ROI-independent DM parameters (σannv andmW ); and pi are the ROI-dependent model parame-

ters. In this analysis, pi includes the normalizations

of the nearby point and diffuse sources and the J factor,

Ji. log10(Ji) and σi are the mean and standard devia-

tions of the distribution of log10 (Ji), approximated to be

Gaussian, and their values are given in Columns 5 and

6, respectively, of Table I.

The fit proceeds as follows. For given fixed values of

mW and bf , we optimize − lnL, with L given in Eq. 1.

Confidence intervals or upper limits, taking into account

uncertainties in the nuisance parameters, are then com-

puted using the “profile likelihood”technique, which is

a standard method for treating nuisance parameters in

likelihood analyses (see, e.g., [32]), and consists of calcu-

lating the profile likelihood − lnLp(σannv) for several

fixed masses mW , where, for each σannv, − lnL is min-

imized with respect to all other parameters. The inter-

vals are then obtained by requiring 2∆ ln(Lp) = 2.71 for

a one-sided 95% confidence level. The MINUIT subrou-

tine MINOS [33] is used as the implementation of this

technique. Note that uncertainties in the background fit

(diffuse and nearby sources) are also treated in this way.

To summarize, the free parameters of the fit are σannv,the J factors, and the Galactic diffuse and isotropic back-

ground normalizations as well as the normalizations of

near-by point sources. The coverage of this profile joint

likelihood method for calculating confidence intervals has

been verified using toy Monte Carlo calculations for a

Poisson process with known background and Fermi-LATsimulations of Galactic and isotropic diffuse gamma-ray

emission. The parameter range for σannv is restricted

to have a lower bound of zero, to facilitate convergence of

the MINOS fit, resulting in slight overcoverage for small

signals, i.e., conservative limits.


As no significant signal is found, we report upper lim-

its. Individual and combined upper limits on the anni-

hilation cross section for the bb final state are shown in

Fig. 1; see also [34]. Including the J-factor uncertainties

FIG. 1. Derived 95% C.L. upper limits on a WIMP anni-hilation cross section for all selected dSphs and for the jointlikelihood analysis for annihilation into the bb final state. Themost generic cross section (∼ 3 · 10−26 cm3s−1 for a purely s-wave cross section) is plotted as a reference. Uncertainties inthe J factor are included.

FIG. 2. Derived 95% C.L. upper limits on a WIMP annihila-tion cross section for the bb channel, the τ+τ− channel, theµ+µ− channel, and the W+W− channel. The most genericcross section (∼ 3 ·10−26 cm3s−1 for a purely s-wave cross sec-tion) is plotted as a reference. Uncertainties in the J factorare included.

in the fit results in increased upper limits compared to

using the nominal J factors. Averaged over the WIMP

masses, the upper limits increase by a factor up to 12

for Segue 1, and down to 1.2 for Draco. Combining the

dSphs yields a much milder overall increase of the upper

limit compared to using nominal J factors, a factor of


The combined upper limit curve shown in Fig. 1 in-

cludes Segue 1 and Ursa Major II, two ultrafaint satel-

lites with small kinematic data sets and relatively large

Using known dSphs calculated strong limits on DM annihilation, from various targets and for various annihilation channels

Friday, July 27, 2012

20 Charbonnier, Combet, Daniel et al.

[TeV]!m-210 -110 1 10

]-1 s3













-2010 UMi (median, 95% CLs) Leo II (median)

Fermi - 5 years

FCA - 100 hours

Figure 17. Sensitivity reach in the mχ − 〈σv〉 plan for FCA (100 hr) and Fermi (5 yr), for our best candidates UMi (median value and 95% CIs) and Leo II(median only). Black asterisks represent points from MSSM models that fall within 3 standard deviations of the relic density measured in the 3 year WMAPdata set (taken from Acciari et al. 2010).

of ACTs (Acciari et al. 2010; Abramowski et al. 2011a) it can beseen that our limits are not dissimilar from those that have alreadybeen published. For Fermi this is not surprising, since the sourceis unresolved and any difference should relate only to the assumedincrease in exposure from 1 to 5 years, resulting in a factor of afew at best. The similarity in sensitivity between current and futureACTs is perhaps more surprising, but this as stated earlier relatesto the naıve assumptions made on the form for the J-factor and thesolid angle integrated over; in order to reach the currently claimedlimits requires a deep exposure with an instrument as sensitive asCTA.

One last thing to note is that a common way to synthesise adeeper exposure is to stack observations of different sources to-gether to provide an effective long exposure of a generic source.For a common universal halo profile this may be fine, however anyanalysis will have to take into account the different integration an-gles for each individual source correctly. If all dSphs do not sharea common halo profile and hence have different γ values, we haveto rely on the varying-γ analysis presented in the previous sectionand the relative ranking of potential targets would then be different.


We have revisited the expected DM annihilation signal from dSphgalaxies for current (Fermi-LAT) and future (e.g. CTA) γ-ray ob-servatories. The main innovative features of our analysis are that:(i) We have considered the effect of the angular size of the dSphsfor the first time. This is important since, while nearby dSphs havehigher γ ray flux, their larger angular extent can make them sub-prime targets if the sensitivity is limited by cosmic ray and γ-raybackgrounds. (ii) We determined the astrophysical J-factor for theclassical dSphs directly from photometric and kinematic data. Weassumed very little about their underlying DM distribution, mod-elling the dSph DM profile as a smooth split-power law, both with

and without DM sub-clumps. (iii) We used a MCMC technique tomarginalise over unknown parameters and determine the sensitiv-ity of our derived J-factors to both model and measurement un-certainties. (iv) We used simulated DM profiles to demonstrate thatour J-factor determinations recover the correct solution within ourquoted uncertainties.

Our key findings are as follows:

(i) Sub-clumps in the dSphs do not usefully boost the signal.For all configurations where the sub-clump distribution follows theunderlying smooth DM halo, the boost factor is at most ∼ 2 − 3.Moreover, to obtain even this mild boost, one has to integrate thesignal over the whole angular extent of the dSph. This is unlikelyto be an effective strategy as the diffuse Galactic DM signal willdominate for integration angles αint ! 1.

(ii) Point-like emission from a dSph is a very poor approxi-mation for high angular resolution instruments, such as the next-generation CTA. For a nearby dSph, using the point-like approxi-mation can lead to an order of magnitude overestimate of the de-tection sensitivity. In the case of a nearby cored profile consistingof very high mass DM particles, a point source approximation canbe unsatisfactory even for the modest angular resolution of Fermi-LAT.

(iii) With the Jeans’ analysis, no DM profile can be ruled out bycurrent data. The use of the MCMC technique on artificial data alsoshows that such an analysis is unable to provide reliable values forJ if the profiles are cuspy (γ = 1.5). However, using a prior on theinner DM cusp slope 0 " γprior " 1 provides J-factor estimatesaccurate to a factor of a few.

(iv) The best dSph targets are not simply those closest to us, asmight naıvely be expected. A good candidate has to combine highmass, close proximity, small angular size (# 1; i.e. not too close);and a well-constrained DM profile. With these criteria in mind, wefind three categories: well-constrained and promising (Ursa Minor,Sculptor and Draco), well-constrained but less promising (Carina,

illustrate the range of uncertainties on the 〈σv〉 ULs from the dark matter particle physics

model. Concerning the lepton channels e+e− and µ+µ−, the limits are at the level of

10−23 cm3 s−1 at 1 TeV. The current ULs on 〈σv〉 are two orders of magnitude above the

predictions for thermally produced WIMP dark matter.

[GeV]!m310 410














b b# !!-W+ W# !!

-$+$ # !!

[GeV]!m310 410












-2010 -e+ e# !!-µ+µ # !!

FIG. 3. 95% CL ULs from the VERITAS observations of Segue 1 on the WIMP velocity-weighted

annihilation cross-section 〈σv〉 as a function of the WIMP mass, considering different final state

particles. The grey band area represents a range of generic values for the annihilation cross-section

in the case of thermally produced dark matter. Left: hadronic channels W+W−, bb and τ+τ−.

Right: leptonic channels e+e− and µ+µ−.

C. Lower limits on the decay lifetime

If we assume that dark matter is a decaying particle, LLs on the lifetime of dark matter

can be derived. In decaying dark matter scenarios, the dark matter particle can either

be bosonic or fermionic. The LLs are computed using eq. 7 and making the appropriate

substitutions to eq. 3, as explained in section IVA. For bosonic dark matter particles, the

same channels as in the annihilating dark matter case are considered: W+W−, bb, τ+τ−,

e+e− and µ+µ−. The decay spectra are the same as those used for the annihilating dark

matter bounds (see right panel of Figure 2, and eq. 8), making the substitution for the

scaled variable x → 2x, or equivalently mχ → mχ/2. The left panel of Figure 4 shows the

95% LLs on the decay lifetime τ for the five channels mentioned above. The limits peak at

the level of τ ∼ 1024 − 1025 s, depending on the dark matter particle mass.


VERITAS, PhysRevD 85 06001 (2012)

Charbonnier et al. MNRAS 418, 1526(2011)Friday, July 27, 2012

Alternative Methods, to calculate the residual spectra

Signal ROIs

Fermi LAT PSF strong dependence on energy(especially at lower E):

We need to take the PSF(E) into account.

Need to avoid too many dof for the background.

Avoid low Energies (where background gamma-ray sources dominate) to affect too much our results on DM.

Isotropic gammas (+CR cont.) are dominant at high latitudes where many dSphs lay

Background ROIs

Friday, July 27, 2012


dSph D (kpc) δD (kpc) l b J × 1017 (GeV 2cm−5) δJhigh × 1017 (GeV 2cm−5) δJlow × 1017 (GeV 2cm−5) αc

Carina 103 4 260.1 -22.2 2.69 0.47 0.54 0.27

Draco 84 8 86.4 34.7 29.2 7.52 5.84 0.27

Fornax 138 9 237.1 -65.7 5.66 1.38 1.51 0.56

LeoI 247 19 226.0 49.1 3.07 1.00 1.51 0.11

LeoII 216 9 220.2 67.2 3.98 8.11 3.52 0.08

Sculptor 87 5 287.5 -83.2 18.3 4.08 3.85 0.42

Sextans 88 4 243.5 42.3 23.6 58.3 17.2 0.89

Ursa Minor 74 12 105.0 44.8 25.0 18.9 17.7 0.49

TABLE I: Dwarf Spheroidal galaxies used in this analysis. For the J-factors we give the mean value from the fit of [89] J andthe upper and lower 1 σ uncertainties δJhigh, δJlow, all evaluated within an angle of αc.

evaluation of the J-factors for the targets calculated at αc (given in table I) and defined as:

αc =2rhalfD

, (9)

with rhalf being the half light radius of the stellar population in the dwarf and D it’s distance to us. The induceduncertainty in the J-factor from uncertainty of the distance D from us is subdominant by comparison.We refer to the original paper of [89] for details but it is worth to discuss explicitly the role played by velocity

anisotropy in the derived modeling. Under the assumption of Burkert haloes for dSphs the inclusion of velocityanisotropy as a free parameter improves the quality of the dispersion profile fits relative to those obtained for isotropicmodels. However, [89] we also find that the scatter in the ρ0-r0 relation is smaller for anisotropic models, thus thebetter we reproduce the observed dispersion profiles using Burkert haloes, the tighter is the correlation between thehalo parameters.In Fig. 1 (upper plot) we give the results on the J-factors from [89] versus the best fit value for the central density.

There is a clear correlation between the uncertainty on the value of the J-factor and the best fit value for ρ0, wherelarger values for ρ0, are related to larger uncertainty on the evaluated J(αc). We note that both the uncertainties andthe ρ0 value, come from the MCMC fit to the data, i.e. the velocity dispersion profiles for the eight dwarf spheroidalgalaxies. Yet, such a correlation is not a complete coincidence. Given that all dSphs lay at ρ0r0 ≈ const. (our eq. 8),larger ρ0 result in lower values of r0 and rhalf . Thus smaller in size DM halos. For the larger DM halos the starsdistributed in the inner part and generally within the inner kpc (see [89]) [151], probe better the inner part of theactual DM halo profile, which results in smaller uncertainties for the J-factors.In Fig. 1 (bottom) we also compare the results of [89] which are our reference results for the J-factors, to those of

[51] and [93]. As is clear, [51] has a tendency in assuming smaller uncertainties in the J-factors than [89] and [93] do.Such an assumption can influence the strength of the limits on DM annihilation rates, on top of the fact that in [51]a cuspy NFW profile has been used.Finally, we want to emphasize that the results of [89], do not require the presence of cored haloes in dSphs, nor do

they constrain the density and scale lengths of their haloes in a model-independent way. On the other hand, the factthat the dSph kinematics can be reproduced using Burkert DM halo profiles whose structural parameters lie on thesame scaling relations as those of spirals, provides support for the assumption that the mass distributions in dSphgalaxies has the same framework of those of spirals. This can replace the idea that the dSph follow the profiles arisingfrom N-Body simulations in LCDM scenario. [152]Let us stress that in previous works, faint objects like Segue I have been used to constrain WIMP masses and cross

sections. However, for these objects, presently, we do not have a dispersion velocity profile of their stellar component,but only a measure of an “average” dispersion, that, in addition cannot even be attributed to a particular radius.Therefore, for them, an analysis of investigating different mass profiles has no meaning. A single measurement at anunspecified radius does not allow us to build a reliable mass model, even by taking a number of assumptions. Sincewe have no way of estimating the total dark mass, let alone the DM distributions, of Segue I, Ursa Major II andComa Berenices, we leave them for future work.


In [50, 51, 93, 94], it has been suggested that no clear excess of γ-rays between 200 MeV and 100 GeV (above theexpected background) has been measured towards known dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Thus strong constraints on theDM annihilation can be placed. Yet, since the expected DM signal is smaller than the modeled background, the exactassumptions made to calculate the background γ-rays can be crucial in finding or hiding a DM signal.


dSph D (kpc) δD (kpc) l b J × 1017 (GeV 2cm−5) δJhigh × 1017 (GeV 2cm−5) δJlow × 1017 (GeV 2cm−5) αc

Carina 103 4 260.1 -22.2 2.69 0.47 0.54 0.27

Draco 84 8 86.4 34.7 29.2 7.52 5.84 0.27

Fornax 138 9 237.1 -65.7 5.66 1.38 1.51 0.56

LeoI 247 19 226.0 49.1 3.07 1.00 1.51 0.11

LeoII 216 9 220.2 67.2 3.98 8.11 3.52 0.08

Sculptor 87 5 287.5 -83.2 18.3 4.08 3.85 0.42

Sextans 88 4 243.5 42.3 23.6 58.3 17.2 0.89

Ursa Minor 74 12 105.0 44.8 25.0 18.9 17.7 0.49

TABLE I: Dwarf Spheroidal galaxies used in this analysis. For the J-factors we give the mean value from the fit of [89] J andthe upper and lower 1 σ uncertainties δJhigh, δJlow, all evaluated within an angle of αc.

evaluation of the J-factors for the targets calculated at αc (given in table I) and defined as:

αc =2rhalfD

, (9)

with rhalf being the half light radius of the stellar population in the dwarf and D it’s distance to us. The induceduncertainty in the J-factor from uncertainty of the distance D from us is subdominant by comparison.We refer to the original paper of [89] for details but it is worth to discuss explicitly the role played by velocity

anisotropy in the derived modeling. Under the assumption of Burkert haloes for dSphs the inclusion of velocityanisotropy as a free parameter improves the quality of the dispersion profile fits relative to those obtained for isotropicmodels. However, [89] we also find that the scatter in the ρ0-r0 relation is smaller for anisotropic models, thus thebetter we reproduce the observed dispersion profiles using Burkert haloes, the tighter is the correlation between thehalo parameters.In Fig. 1 (upper plot) we give the results on the J-factors from [89] versus the best fit value for the central density.

There is a clear correlation between the uncertainty on the value of the J-factor and the best fit value for ρ0, wherelarger values for ρ0, are related to larger uncertainty on the evaluated J(αc). We note that both the uncertainties andthe ρ0 value, come from the MCMC fit to the data, i.e. the velocity dispersion profiles for the eight dwarf spheroidalgalaxies. Yet, such a correlation is not a complete coincidence. Given that all dSphs lay at ρ0r0 ≈ const. (our eq. 8),larger ρ0 result in lower values of r0 and rhalf . Thus smaller in size DM halos. For the larger DM halos the starsdistributed in the inner part and generally within the inner kpc (see [89]) [151], probe better the inner part of theactual DM halo profile, which results in smaller uncertainties for the J-factors.In Fig. 1 (bottom) we also compare the results of [89] which are our reference results for the J-factors, to those of

[51] and [93]. As is clear, [51] has a tendency in assuming smaller uncertainties in the J-factors than [89] and [93] do.Such an assumption can influence the strength of the limits on DM annihilation rates, on top of the fact that in [51]a cuspy NFW profile has been used.Finally, we want to emphasize that the results of [89], do not require the presence of cored haloes in dSphs, nor do

they constrain the density and scale lengths of their haloes in a model-independent way. On the other hand, the factthat the dSph kinematics can be reproduced using Burkert DM halo profiles whose structural parameters lie on thesame scaling relations as those of spirals, provides support for the assumption that the mass distributions in dSphgalaxies has the same framework of those of spirals. This can replace the idea that the dSph follow the profiles arisingfrom N-Body simulations in LCDM scenario. [152]Let us stress that in previous works, faint objects like Segue I have been used to constrain WIMP masses and cross

sections. However, for these objects, presently, we do not have a dispersion velocity profile of their stellar component,but only a measure of an “average” dispersion, that, in addition cannot even be attributed to a particular radius.Therefore, for them, an analysis of investigating different mass profiles has no meaning. A single measurement at anunspecified radius does not allow us to build a reliable mass model, even by taking a number of assumptions. Sincewe have no way of estimating the total dark mass, let alone the DM distributions, of Segue I, Ursa Major II andComa Berenices, we leave them for future work.


In [50, 51, 93, 94], it has been suggested that no clear excess of γ-rays between 200 MeV and 100 GeV (above theexpected background) has been measured towards known dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Thus strong constraints on theDM annihilation can be placed. Yet, since the expected DM signal is smaller than the modeled background, the exactassumptions made to calculate the background γ-rays can be crucial in finding or hiding a DM signal.

Size criteria for Regions of Interest

18 Charbonnier, Combet, Daniel et al.

r [kpc]-210 -110 1



/ M















Median + 95% CLs



-fixed analysis)"Draco (


[deg]int#-210 -110 1









Median +95% CLs=1.5prior"




-fixed analysis)"Draco (


Figure 14.Median values (solid lines, filled symbols) and 95% CLs (dashedlines, empty symbols) from the fixed γprior MCMC analysis on Draco.Top: density profiles (the gray arrow indicates the value of rhalf ). Bottom:J-factor (the gray arrow indicates αc ≈ 2rhalf/d).

The bottom panel of Fig. 15 shows the J value for an ‘opti-mal’ integration angle αc that is twice the half-light radius dividedby the dSph distance14 (this corresponds to the integration anglethat minimises the CLs on J ; see Walker et al. 2011). The yellowbroken solid lines show the expected signal from the diffuse Galac-tic DM annihilation background, including a contribution fromclumpy sub-structures (the extragalactic background, which alsoscales as α2

int, has not been included). The total background maybe uncertain by a factor of a few (depending on the exact Galactic(smooth) profile and local DM density). Its exact level—which de-pends on the chosen integration angle—determines the conditionfor the loss of contrast of the dSph signal, i.e. the condition forwhich looking at the DM halo (rather than at dSphs) becomes abetter strategy.

5.2.4 Conclusion for the fixed γprior analysis

The analysis of simulated data shows that the analysis for γprior =1.5 is biased by a factor of O(10) and that the CLs obtained on thereal data are likely to be severely under-estimated in that case. Butsuch steeply cusped profiles are neither supported by observationsnor motivated by current cosmological simulations. For values of

14 CLs for J(αint) are provided along with the paper for readers interestedin applying our analysis to existing and future observatories.

γprior ! 1, this bias is a factor of a few only, so that it shows thatthe results from a fixed γprior analysis of the 8 classical dSphs arerobusts. However, this analysis shows that unless very small inte-gration angles αint " 0.01 are chosen (or if γtrue # 1), knowingthe exact value of γ does not help in improving the determinationof J . Indeed, even using Draco, the stellar population of which isone of the most studied, the CLs of the three reconstructed fluxes(γprior = 0 in black full circles, γprior = 0.5 in red triangles, andγprior = 1.0 in blue stars) in Fig. 14 (bottom), overlap. Reversingthe argument, if we do not know the inner slope, and if a γ-ray sig-nal is detected from just one dSph in future, there will be little hopeof recovering the slope of the DM halo from that measurement only.

This means that the best way to improve the prediction of theJ-factor in the future relies on obtaining more data and a morerefined MCMC analysis; an improved prior on the DM distributionmakes little difference.

5.3 Sensitivity of γ-ray observatories to DM annihilation inthe dSphs

The potential for using the classical dSph to place constraints onthe DM annihilation cross-section, given the uncertainties in theastrophysical J-factor, can be seen in Fig. 16. Previous analyseshave adopted the solid angle for calculation of the J-factor to bethe angular resolution of the telescope for a point-like source, typi-cally assuming a NFW-like profile (Acciari et al. 2010; Abdo et al.2010; Abramowski et al. 2011a). By contrast our sensitivity plotstake into account finite size effects: i) the J values are based on theMCMC analysis with the prior 0 ! γprior ! 1, where the corre-sponding J are shown in Fig. 12; ii) the energy dependent angularresolution has also been taken into account assuming a standard γ-ray annihilation spectrum (see Section 2.1.1). Moreover for Fermi-LAT the background level assumed has been increased (resultingin a 25% worsening of the sensitivity above 100 MeV) to reflectthe average situation in the directions of the classical dSph (thevariation between the individual dSph is only 7% rms). A likeli-hood based analysis is used for both FCA and Fermi and a nominalobservation zenith angle of 20 assumed for the FCA15 (see Sec-tion 3.2).

The panels from top to bottom correspond to increasing DM(neutralino) masses. At low values, Fermi has a better sensitivitythan FCA; at a mass of about 1 TeV the two are comparable, andfor higher masses the FCA becomes the more sensitive instrumentdue to the vastly greater effective area at the photon energies atwhich the annihilation spectrum is expected to peak. Note that theprecise value of 〈σv〉 where the relative sensitivities of the two in-struments cross depends on the form of the DM annihilation spec-trum. Since we are examining the uncertainties in the astrophysicalJ-factor to the detectability of dSphs, we have used a conservativespectrum averaged over a number of possible annihilation channels(see Fig. 1) which results in the majority of produced γ-ray pho-tons having energies #10% of the DM particle mass. If we wereto move from a relatively soft spectrum, such as bb to a harderone, such as τ+τ−, this would benefit both instruments in differ-ent ways. For Fermi-LAT a harder spectrum makes the signal eas-ier to distinguish above the diffuse γ-ray background; indeed the

15 The energy threshold for a ground based instrument is dependent on thezenith angle of observation. This means that the actual energy threshold fora given object will depend on the object’s declination and the latitude of the,yet to be determined FCA site.

Use for the Signal ROI (inner disk) either “optimal integration angle” or the PSF angle depending on which one is larger.

See consistency of results for variations of signal/background ROI sizes.

Charbonnier et al. MNRAS 418, 1526(2011)

Friday, July 27, 2012


J × 1017 (GeV 2cm−5) δJupp × 1017 (GeV 2cm−5) δJlow × 1017 (GeV 2cm−5) α

74.4 45.8 33.8 2.50

72.7 39.6 32.3 1.50

69.0 29.5 29.3 1.00

65.3 22.3 26.3 0.80

51.7 9.70 16.4 0.48

29.2 7.52 5.84 0.27

TABLE IV: The J-factor for Draco dSph with its upper and lower uncertainties for different containment angles α. The firstfour rows are relevant for versions 1, 3, 4 and 5 (see Table III). The fifth row is relevant for version 2, and the last row refersto the J-factor calculated at αc (see Table I).

For a reference model of DM annihilation channel relevant for dNγ

dE DMin eq. 12 (dNγ

dE DM: the differential γ-ray

spectrum per annihilation event) consider the case of χχ −→ W+W−, where we take into account only the ”promptγ-rays” i.e. those that come from final state radiation and the hadronization processes after the decay of Ws. Weused PYTHIA 6.4 [111] event generator to derive those γ-ray spectra. Ws can also decay into leptons by BranchingRatios of 0.1075 ± 0.0013 to e+e−, 0.1057± 0.0015 to µ+µ−, 0.1025± 0.0020 to τ+τ− [112]. Some γ-rays will alsobe produced from inverse Compton scattering (ICS) and bremsstrahlung off the highly energetic e±, that are amongthe stable final products. Yet these e± propagate from their original production point. Thus the relevant γ-raycomponents are more diffused, not directly related to the J-factors, and less straightforward to calculate, since oneneeds to add the information on the radiation field and baryonic mass distribution, in the form of gas and dust at theactual location of the dSphs. Since we know that dSphs have in mass a suppressed baryonic component, we expectthe gas and dust number densities, and the energy density of the radiation field at infrared and optical wavelengths,to be suppressed compared to that in our Galaxy. Yet unless one carries a detailed analysis, for each dwarf spheroidal,one can not be confident that the hadronic channel giving prompt γ-rays is always the dominant part; especially formasses significantly larger (>∼ 20 times) than the energy range of the γ-ray data used [160]. Thus the reader shouldconsider those limits as conservative ones. We also clarify that in our PYTHIA simulation we did not consider thedecays of τs into π0 and K0s, which happens about ≈ 50% of the time [112]. That last component is also a sourceof prompt γ-rays, which can change our results by no more than ≈ 10% though. For the case of the χχ −→ W+W−

channel that we use here as reference, EW corrections [113] do not change our results (see also discussion in section V).Yet for more model dependent cases [114, 115], additional corrections are necessary.In Fig. 8, we show the 95% and 99% CL limits on annihilation rate BF from Draco and Sculptor residual spectra

(using the Fermi Tools only for the residual spectra) as shown in Fig. 2 and 3. To have a more direct comparison forthe impact that our methods for the calculation of the residual spectra have on the DM BF limits, we used only theresidual spectra between 1 and 100 GeV in 15 energy bins given also in Fig. 3. We calculate limits from both thecases where the data within 5 (Fig. 3 and 8 (left)) and 10 (Fig. 3 and 8 (right)) from each dSph are used. For thelimits of Fig. 8 since the ROI did not vary with Eγ we used the mean values and uncertainties from the case whereα = 2.5.As one can see, the effect of different assumptions for the calculation of the residual flux can vary between targets,

but tends to be stronger than our models of version 4 and in some cases version 5 shown in Fig. 9. Also for the caseof 10, a DM signal for the models used is excluded at 95% CL.In Fig. 9, we show the limits on DM annihilation rate, for our versions 4 and 5. We use as reference DM annihilating

into W+W− as in Fig. 8. We show 68%, 99% and 99.9% CL limits from all eight dSphs at study. When lines aremissing, that indicates that a DM annihilation signal for the given assumptions (DM mass, annihilation channel, andtarget assumptions) is excluded at the relevant CL. BF of less than 1 can be originating from an overestimation of themean value of the J-factor, or an underestimation of the relevant error in calculating the J-factors (see discussion insection II). It can also be the case that DM annihilations to the relevant channel with a BR < 1, with the remainingchannels not giving a significant γ-ray signal at those energies.In all cases the limits from the Draco dSph are the most stringent, with limits from Ursa Minor, Sextans, Sculptor

and Fornax being the next most constraining set. Leo I, Leo II and Carina are systematically less stringent. Thatrelevant power of dSph in setting limits on DM annihilation, is also validated when using versions 1 to 3 (not shownhere); and is also in rough agreement with results of other groups [92, 102, 103, 116]. Yet the exact sequence ofrelative significance between dSphs, changes between versions; see for instance in Fig. 9 the relative change betweenFornax and Sextans, and between Leo I and Carina.We will consider that for our further discussion, it is enough to study the limits from four of those dSphs, namely

Draco, Ursa Minor, Sextans and Sculptor, for which the residual spectra from our various versions have also been givenin Figs. 5-7. That choice is based both on the fact that these targets are more important in setting DM constraints,

Since the ROIs depend on energy so should theJ-factors, be varying with the observing ENERGY








J i


J i =

dldΩiρ2DM (l,Ω)

Draco case:

The difference in the J-factors mean values is of the order of 50% between different energy bins

Friday, July 27, 2012

Evaluate Residual Spectra from various methods (different choices for ROI(E))

Check among different event classes of Fermi data

For Some dSphs there is simply too much scatter of the residual spectra (e.g. Draco), while for other dSphs (e.g. Sextans Ursa Minor) there is better agreement between the various methods

Draco dSph

Fermi CLEAN data

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!8."10!8







Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 " Sculptor dSph

Fermi CLEAN data

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!6."10!8







Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 "

Ursa Minor dSph

Fermi CLEAN data

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!4."10!8





Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 "

Sextans dSph

Fermi CLEAN data

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!4."10!8








Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"E Γ

2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 "

Ursa Minor dSph


3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!4."10!8





Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 "

Friday, July 27, 2012

Further alternative methods:

Based on arguments of proximity of background ROI to the signal ROIs, avoiding too low statistics, having too many point sources in the ROIs (that dominate at low E), we choose preferable ROIs versions (i.e. residual spectra)

Draco dSph

Fermi CLEAN data

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!8."10!8







Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 " Sculptor dSph

Fermi CLEAN data

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!6."10!8







Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 "

UrsaMinor dSph

Fermi CLEAN data

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!4."10!8





Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 " Sextans dSph

Fermi CLEAN data

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0!4."10!8








Log10!EΓ" !EΓ:MeV"

E Γ2 dNΓ#dE!M

eVcm!2 s!1 "

Friday, July 27, 2012

BF =σ | v |fit

3× 10−26cm3s−1

DM annihilation limits from different dSphs

Friday, July 27, 2012

Consistency/Robustness of limitsNot all targets can give equally robust limits.How well do we understand the background?

Some point source(s)and/or some gas structure in the galactic diffuse component that is inside the window of observation can have strong influence on the residual spectra calculation -> DM limits.

Ursa Minor is the best case to set robust and tight limits on DM annihilation.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Friday, July 27, 2012

Our Limits

Our limits for Ursa Minor are tighter than Fermi Coll. by a factor of 2-4 (which is though within our uncertainty in setting these limits), but about the same to a factor of 4 less strong than the combined analysis limits (which considers all dSphs and their backgrounds equally well understood/modeled).

Friday, July 27, 2012

Conclusions• There is a garden variety of possible signals from DM

annihilation or decay even just in the gamma-rays(not including other indirect detection probes or direct or colliders)

• Dwarf Spheroidal galaxies have been suggested to give the strongest constraints among the gamma-ray search regions(GC, GR, high latitudes, intermediate latitudes, dSphs, clusters)

• For dSph galaxies Caveats originating either from background assumptions or form the assumptions on the DM distribution (main halo profiles) or the DM model(s) considered (DM mass/ annihilation channel, annihilation cross-section)

• Need to study dSphs case by case. Few dSphs are indeed “clean” to get robust limits (Ursa Minor)

• Expect more results from including more dSphs into the analysis (Ursa Major I, Segue I). Also as data accumulate form the Fermi LAT instrument and also Air Cherenkov Telescope Arrays (HESS, VERITAS, MAGIC)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Thank you

Friday, July 27, 2012

Additional slides

Friday, July 27, 2012

Different residual spectra result also in different limits onDM annihilation:

5 degrees 10 degrees

BF =σ | v |fit

3× 10−26cm3s−1

Friday, July 27, 2012

Adding/Ignoring EW corrections for the generic channels


Z p









Figure 1: DM annihilation/decay initially produces a hard positron-electron pair. The spectrum

of the hard objects is altered by electroweak virtual corrections (green photon line) and real Z

emission. The Z decays hadronically through a qq pair and produces a great number of much

softer objects, among which an antiproton and two pions; the latter cascade decay to softer γs

and leptons.

are not present in QED and QCD and this effect has been baptized “Bloch-Nordsieck Theorem

Violation” [14]. We refer the reader to the relevant literature [14, 15, 16] for details. In the case

at hand, since the initial DM particles are nonrelativistic, radiation related to the initial legs

does not produce log-enhanced terms. Therefore, we only need to examine soft EW radiation

related to the final state particles.

The hard scale in the case we examine here is provided by the DM massM >∼ 1 TeV while the

soft scale is the typical energy where the spectra of the final products of DM decay/annihilation

are measured, E <∼ 100 GeV. Even bearing in mind that weak interactions are not so weak

at the TeV scale, one might wonder whether such “strong” electroweak effects are relevant

for measurements with uncertainties very far from the precision reachable by ground-based

experiments at colliders. In this context, and in view of our ignorance about the physics

responsible for DM cross sections, it might seem that even a O(30)% relative effect should

have a minor impact. This is by no means the case: including electroweak corrections has a

huge impact on the measured energy spectra from DM decay/annihilation. There are two basic

reasons for this rather surprising result.

• In the first place, since energy is conserved, but the total number of particles is not,

because of electroweak radiation a small number of highly energetic particles is converted

into a great number of low energy particles, thus enhancing the low energy (<∼ 100 GeV)

part of the spectrum, which is the one of relevance from the experimental point of view.


Friday, July 27, 2012

101 1 10 102 103102





E in GeV


WT at M 3000 GeV

101 1 10 102 103102





E in GeV


WL at M 3000 GeV

101 1 10 102 103103





E in GeV


eL at M 3000 GeV

101 1 10 102 103103





E in GeV


ΜL at M 3000 GeV

101 1 10 102 103103





E in GeV


Νe at M 3000 GeV

101 1 10 102 103103





E in GeV


Γ at M 3000 GeV

Figure 3: Comparison between spectra with (continuous lines) and without EW corrections

(dashed). We show the following final states: e+ (green), p (blue), γ (red), ν = (νe+νµ+ντ )/3



Friday, July 27, 2012

4 P. Salucci et al.

Figure 1. Velocity dispersion profiles for the Milky Way’s eight “classical” dSph satellites. Over-plotted are the best-fitting profiles obtained under theassumptions of Burkert dark matter haloes, Plummer light profiles and radially constant velocity anisotropy. The parameters of each fit, together with associatedconfidence limits, are listed in Table 1.

7×10−24g cm−3 to 3×10−22g cm−3 and core radii ranging from 0.05kpc to 0.65 kpc. The data in the table also exhibit the well-knownmass-anisotropy degeneracy: because the dispersion profiles of thedSphs are essentially flat to large radii and have a relatively smallrange of amplitudes, larger values of ρ0r30 are required for galax-ies with more radially biased velocity distributions. Our analysis isparticularly susceptible to this degeneracy due to our restriction ofthe modelling to Burkert halo profiles.

We have repeated our analysis with the additional assumptionof velocity isotropy (i.e. β = 0). With the exception of Sextans,the halo parameters obtained for our sample are consistent withthose in Table 1 within the quoted uncertainties. When we restrictourselves to isotropic models, the best-fit r0 for Sextans falls to thesignificantly smaller value of 47pc. This is consistent with the factthat Sextans is unique in requiring tangential anisotropy to obtain agood fit to the dispersion profile - the best-fit isotropic model doesnot match the profile of Sextans interior to 200pc.

2.2 Spiral Galaxies

As discussed above, Burkert halo models provide excellent fitsto individual spiral galaxy rotation curves as well as to sam-ples of co-added rotation curves. Moreover, when the mass mod-elling is performed using Burkert haloes, a tight relation betweenρ0 and r0 (and also between other parameters like the disk andvirial masses) emerges (PSS; Donato, Gentile & Salucci 2004;Salucci et al. 2007). As can be seen in Figure 2, we find similarρ0 vs r0 relationships independently of whether the mass profilesare obtained from rotation curves or from gravitational lensing dataand irrespective of whether the analysis is performed on individualor co-added rotation curves.

To emphasise the very different ranges of baryonic mass andextent probed by the dSphs and the spiral galaxies in our sample,in Figure 3, we compare the relationship between the characteristicbaryonic length scale (RD; see above for definitions) and the stellarmass of dSphs (estimated from the V band luminosity, assuming astellar mass-to-light ratio of unity [in solar units]), and of spirals.

4 P. Salucci et al.

Figure 1. Velocity dispersion profiles for the Milky Way’s eight “classical” dSph satellites. Over-plotted are the best-fitting profiles obtained under theassumptions of Burkert dark matter haloes, Plummer light profiles and radially constant velocity anisotropy. The parameters of each fit, together with associatedconfidence limits, are listed in Table 1.

7×10−24g cm−3 to 3×10−22g cm−3 and core radii ranging from 0.05kpc to 0.65 kpc. The data in the table also exhibit the well-knownmass-anisotropy degeneracy: because the dispersion profiles of thedSphs are essentially flat to large radii and have a relatively smallrange of amplitudes, larger values of ρ0r30 are required for galax-ies with more radially biased velocity distributions. Our analysis isparticularly susceptible to this degeneracy due to our restriction ofthe modelling to Burkert halo profiles.

We have repeated our analysis with the additional assumptionof velocity isotropy (i.e. β = 0). With the exception of Sextans,the halo parameters obtained for our sample are consistent withthose in Table 1 within the quoted uncertainties. When we restrictourselves to isotropic models, the best-fit r0 for Sextans falls to thesignificantly smaller value of 47pc. This is consistent with the factthat Sextans is unique in requiring tangential anisotropy to obtain agood fit to the dispersion profile - the best-fit isotropic model doesnot match the profile of Sextans interior to 200pc.

2.2 Spiral Galaxies

As discussed above, Burkert halo models provide excellent fitsto individual spiral galaxy rotation curves as well as to sam-ples of co-added rotation curves. Moreover, when the mass mod-elling is performed using Burkert haloes, a tight relation betweenρ0 and r0 (and also between other parameters like the disk andvirial masses) emerges (PSS; Donato, Gentile & Salucci 2004;Salucci et al. 2007). As can be seen in Figure 2, we find similarρ0 vs r0 relationships independently of whether the mass profilesare obtained from rotation curves or from gravitational lensing dataand irrespective of whether the analysis is performed on individualor co-added rotation curves.

To emphasise the very different ranges of baryonic mass andextent probed by the dSphs and the spiral galaxies in our sample,in Figure 3, we compare the relationship between the characteristicbaryonic length scale (RD; see above for definitions) and the stellarmass of dSphs (estimated from the V band luminosity, assuming astellar mass-to-light ratio of unity [in solar units]), and of spirals.

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Figure 1. Velocity dispersion profiles for the Milky Way’s eight “classical” dSph satellites. Over-plotted are the best-fitting profiles obtained under theassumptions of Burkert dark matter haloes, Plummer light profiles and radially constant velocity anisotropy. The parameters of each fit, together with associatedconfidence limits, are listed in Table 1.

7×10−24g cm−3 to 3×10−22g cm−3 and core radii ranging from 0.05kpc to 0.65 kpc. The data in the table also exhibit the well-knownmass-anisotropy degeneracy: because the dispersion profiles of thedSphs are essentially flat to large radii and have a relatively smallrange of amplitudes, larger values of ρ0r30 are required for galax-ies with more radially biased velocity distributions. Our analysis isparticularly susceptible to this degeneracy due to our restriction ofthe modelling to Burkert halo profiles.

We have repeated our analysis with the additional assumptionof velocity isotropy (i.e. β = 0). With the exception of Sextans,the halo parameters obtained for our sample are consistent withthose in Table 1 within the quoted uncertainties. When we restrictourselves to isotropic models, the best-fit r0 for Sextans falls to thesignificantly smaller value of 47pc. This is consistent with the factthat Sextans is unique in requiring tangential anisotropy to obtain agood fit to the dispersion profile - the best-fit isotropic model doesnot match the profile of Sextans interior to 200pc.

2.2 Spiral Galaxies

As discussed above, Burkert halo models provide excellent fitsto individual spiral galaxy rotation curves as well as to sam-ples of co-added rotation curves. Moreover, when the mass mod-elling is performed using Burkert haloes, a tight relation betweenρ0 and r0 (and also between other parameters like the disk andvirial masses) emerges (PSS; Donato, Gentile & Salucci 2004;Salucci et al. 2007). As can be seen in Figure 2, we find similarρ0 vs r0 relationships independently of whether the mass profilesare obtained from rotation curves or from gravitational lensing dataand irrespective of whether the analysis is performed on individualor co-added rotation curves.

To emphasise the very different ranges of baryonic mass andextent probed by the dSphs and the spiral galaxies in our sample,in Figure 3, we compare the relationship between the characteristicbaryonic length scale (RD; see above for definitions) and the stellarmass of dSphs (estimated from the V band luminosity, assuming astellar mass-to-light ratio of unity [in solar units]), and of spirals.

Salucci et al. MNRAS 2012:

Ursa Min.

DracoSculptor Sextans



5 10 50 100








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J!Α c"!GeV

2 cm#5 "

Friday, July 27, 2012