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Transcript of EXTENDED ABSTRACTS BOOK - GBVEXTENDED ABSTRACTS BOOK EAGE 64«t Conferench e and Exhibition,...


«thEAGE 64 Conference and Exhibition,

Florence, Italy

27 - 30 May 2002

Oral Presentations

EAGE Business OfficeStanderdmolen 10PO Box 593990 DB HoutenThe Netherlands

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+ 31 30 6354066+ 31 30 6343534

© 2002 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers

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: Denote speaker

Monday 27 MayBest of AAPG

12.05 1001Mid-Shelf Lowstand and TransgressiveSystems Tract Deposits of Southeast Asia -Examples from Offshore Java and MalaysiaH.W. Posamentier*

12.30 1002Deltaic Sandbody Connectivity - SequenceStratigraphic-based Insights from 3-DReservoir Modeling Studies, Sunrise-Troubadour Fields, AustraliaR.B Ainsworth*

12.55 1003Paleocene Deep-Water DepositionalSystems along the Eastern Margin of theFrontier M0re and Voring Basins, Mid-NorwayO.J. Martinsen* and J. Gjelberg

13.20 1004Frontier Exploration on the Abyssal Plain ofthe Deepwater Gulf of Mexico - Syn-Riftthrough Passive Stage Mesozoic ObjectivesIdentifiedM.J. Roberts and S.G. Reilly

13.45 1005An Experimental Study of the Effect ofSubsidence and Water Supply on FluvialArchitectureN. Strong, B.A. Sheets, T.A. Hickson and C. Paola

14.10 100650 Years Hence - Evolving Technologiesand Opportunities in Carbonate SystemsC. Kerans*

14.35 1007The Distinction between Ancient Fluvial andValley-Fill Sandstone Reservoirs:Semantics or EconomicsM.H. Gardner'

15.00 1008A Strategy for Automatically ModellingExtensional Sedimentary BasinsN.J. White, D. Hanne and P. Bellingham

15.25 1009Seismic Geomorphology and DepositionalSystems of Deep Water Environments;Observations from Offshore Nigeria, Gulf ofMexico, and IndonesiaH.W. Posamentier*


08.30 A001Improved Seismic Resolution through FineSpatial Sampling - a 2D Example, OnshoreAbu DhabiJ. Quigley*, I. Haggag, A.B. Al Jeelani and E. Kleiss

08.55 A002Surface Marine All Azimuth RecordingTechniqueJ. Paffenholz*, J. Keliher, R. Ergas and B. McLain

09.20 A003Six-Fold Simultaneous Vibratory RecordingExperimentT. Bianchi*, L. Cherel, B. Pagliccia and J. Meunier

09.45A Universal Simultaneous ShootingTechniqueR.J. de Kok'and D. Gillespie


10.20Low Frequency Sub-Basalt ImagingA.M. Ziolkowski", P. Hanssen, R.W. Gatliff, X.-Y. Li, H.Jakubowicz and H. Hampson

10.45 A006A Novel Compensation Method for theSource Directivity of an Air-Gun ArrayJ. Douma* and E.C. Mobley

11.10 A007Sea Surface Shape Derivation above theSeismic StreamerE. Kragh*, R. Laws and L Combee

11.35 A008PZ Calibration Using Critically RefractedWavesA. Strommen Melbo*, J.O.A. Robertsson and D.-J. VanManen

Best ofSEG

13.45 A009Imaging through Gas Clouds - a CaseHistory from the Gulf of MexicoS. Knapp*, N. Payne and T. Johns

14.10 A010MEMS for GeophysicistsJ. Tessman*, B. Reichert, J. Marsh, J. Gannon and H.Goldberg

14.35 A011Can Joint PP and PS Velocity AnalysisManage to Corner d, the AnisotropicDepthing Parameter?F.S. Audebert*, P.Y. Granger, C. Gerea and A.Herrenschmidt

15.00 A013An Inverse-Scattering Sub-Series forPredicting the Spatial Location of Reflectorswithout the Precise Reference Medium andWave VelocityA.B. Weglein, D.J. Foster, K.H. Matson, S.A. Shaw*,P.M. Carvalho and D. Corrigan


15.35 A014Three-Dimensional Prestack Inversion,Lobo Trend, South TexasP. Anno*, M. Wuenscher, R. Corbin, J. Hooper and F.Chlumsky

16.00 A015Seismic Repeatability, Normalised RMS andPredictabilityE. Kragh* and P. Christie


08.30 B001Removing Distortions Caused by WaterVelocity Variations - Method for DynamicCorrectionS. MacKay* and J. Fried

08.55 B002P-Wave and C-Wave Velocity Analysis forDeep Water OBC DataW. Wang* and LD. Pham

09.20 B003Stacking Velocity Analysis with CRS StackAttributesS. Bergler*, P. Chira, J. Mann, K. Vieth and P. Hubral

09.45 B004Calibration of Depth Imaged Seismic DataUsing an Interval Velocity Scaling MethodA.A. Curtis*, D.D. Stoughton, D.R. Hill, J.F. Ratcliffeand T. Hartnett


10.20 B005Pre Conditioning of the Densely SampledStacking Velocity FieldD. Le Meur* and P. Herrmann

10.45 B006The Key Practical Aspects of 3DTomography - Data Picking and ModelRepresentationF.J. Billette*, J.T. Etgen and WE. Rietveld

11.10 B007Model-Driven Data Interpolation vs. VelocityKnowledge UncertaintiesP. Mazzucchelli*, N. Bienati and U. Spagnolini

11.35 B0083D Stereotomographic Inversion on RealData SetE. Chalard*, P. Podvin, S. Le Begat, P. Berthet and B.David

Prestack Time Imaging

13.45 B009Amplitude-Preserving Monte Carlo 3DPrestack MigrationM.T. Arienti, E. Bonomi, G. Cardone andL Cazzola*

14.10 B010Pre-Stack Time Migration for Rough andRugged Mountain AreasJ. Li and D. Pham*

14.35 B011Amplitude Preserving v(z) Pre-stackKirchhoff Migration, Demigration andModelingY. Zhang, M. Karazincir, C. Notfors*, J. Sun and B.Hung

15.00 B012Wavefront Construction Kirchhoff Migrationwith Ray-Amplitude CorrectionsM.C. Fehler*, S.T. Hildebrand, L.J. Huang andD.X.Aide


15.35 B013Construction of Single-Valued Ray FieldMaps in the Position/Angle Domain for Ray-Based Imaging with Multiple ArrivalsD.A. Kraaijpoel*, R.K. SniederandK. Roy-Chowdhury

16.00 B014Offset Plane Wave MigrationD.J. Foster*, C.C. Mosher and S. Jin

16.25 B0153D Zero Offset-Common Reflection SurfaceStack for Land Data - Real Data ExampleA. Cristini, G. Cardone and P. Marchetti*

16.50 B016Improved Resolution in Time and DepthProcessing by Macro-Model IndependentCRS StackingH. Trappe, G. Gierse* and J. Pruessmann

' Denote speaker

Tuesday 28 MayNoise Attenuation and General SeismicProcessing13.45 C009Attenuation of Acquisition Footprint for Non-Orthogonal 3D GeometriesR. Soubaras*

14.10 COWEfficient Coherent Noise Filtering - anApplication of Shift-Invariant WaveletDenoisingL.C. Duval*andP.-Y. Galibert

14.35 C011An Alias Protection Scheme for RadonTransformM. Denisov* and D. Finikov

15.00 C012Physical Wavelet Frame Denoising ofSeismic DataR. Zhang and T.J. Ulrych*

15.35 C013Zero-Phasing Seismic Data without Wells -RevisitedM. Safarand N.M.L van de Coevering*

16.00 C014Correcting for Phase Errors in DeconvolvedSeismic Data with Model-Based WaveletProcessingD.I. Hart*, B.W. Hootman andA.R. Jackson

16.25 C015The Effectiveness of Stable Inverse QFiltering to Land SeismicY.H. Wang*

16.50 C0163D Seismic Trace Interpolation Using All-Azimuth Spatial PredictionY.H. Wang*

Non Seismic Methods for Mineral andPetroleum Exploration08.30 D001News of the SAMPO Wide-Band EMSystemA.E.V. Hattula*

08.55 D002Modelling of EM Dipole-Dipole Drill-HoleData with Loki Edge Finite-ElementProgramH.T. Soininen*, F. Sugeng and A. Raiche

09.20 D003The Fixed Point Inversion Method AppliedTo Gravity DataG.R.J. Cooper*

09.45 D004Three-Dimensional Inversion of GravityData on the Inhomogeneous-RuggedTerrainG.-S. Park, B.D. Kwon, H. Lee*, H.J. Chung and S.H.Chung


10.20 D005Interpretation of Formation Dip fromModelling TMI DataC.A. Foss*

10.45 D006Utilising FTG Data to Resolve SaltDevelopment in the Nordkapp BasinOffshore NorwayC.A. Murphy*, G.R. Mumaw, B. Fotland and K. Sollid

11.10 D007Comparison of a New Marine MagnetometerSystem to High-Resolution AeromagneticData - a Case Study from Offshore OmanB.S. Anderson* and M.B. Longacre

11.35 D008Remote Detection of Hydrocarbon FilledLayers Using Marine Controlled SourceElectromagnetic SoundingT. Eidesmo, S. Ellingsrud, L.M. MacGregor*, S.Constable, M.C. Sinha, S. Johansen, H. Westerdahland F.-N. Kong

Non Seismic Methods: Gravity and EM

13.45 D009A New Method for the Semi-AutomaticInterpretation of Geophysical DataG.R.J. Cooper*

14.10 D010Structural Gravity Inversion on a Gridded2D ModelA.T. van Zon*, P. Ditmar, K. Roy Chowdhury and J.C.Mondt

14.35 D011The Application of Geophysical Methods toDetecting Sub-Surface Cavities underRoadsA. Kepic and D. Howman*

15.00 D012Using Seismic Exploration to Reduce theRisk of Developing Geothermal ResourcesW. Honjas*, S. Pullammanappallil, J. Unruh and F.Monastero


15.35 D0133D Quasi-Analytical Inversion of MT DataMS. Zhdanov* and G. Hursan

16.00 D014Electromagnetic Energy Velocity in Non-Homogeneous MediaJ. Miecznik*, A. Gajewski and T. Czerwinski

16.25 D015TDEM Prospection in the Terme di TraianoGeothermal Field, Civitavecchia, Rome,ItalyA. Menghini*, G. Pagano and S. Floris

16.50 D016Advanced 3D Interpretation TechnologiesApplied to the MT Data in theMinamikayabe Thermal Area - Hokkaido,JapanV.V. Spichak*

Interactive session: Vector Fidelity for 3CReceiver08.30 E001Geophone Coupling and QC of VectorFidelityJ.P. Fjellanger*, O. Aanensen and BO. Ruud

08.55 E002Vector Fidelity Characterization of OceanBottom Seismic DataF.A. Maao*, H. Dong, S. Mjaaland and K. Hokstad

09.20 E003Vector Fidelity Analyses of Seabed SeismicDataG. Woje*, E. Berg, J.I. Rykkelid, O. Svendsen and O.Aanensen


10.20 E005Three-Dimensional Vector InfidelityCorrection by General Linear TransformJ.A. Dellinger*, R.A. Clarke and P. R. Gutowski

10.45 E006Calibration of Horizontal Sensors in thePresence of Azimuthal AnisotropyS. Gratacos*, J.H. Kommedal and P.Y. Granger

11.10 E007Vertical Component Coupling of OBC DataJ.E. Gaiser*, F. Ban and J. Paffenholz


Interactive session: Recent Advances inSesimic Modeling (Physics and Algorithms)13.45 E009The Next Generation of Shared SeismicModels for R&DK.J. Marfun", R.W. Wiley, G. Martin, L House and S.Larsen

14.10 E010Scattering by Small-Scale Inclusions andCracksG.C. Herman* and W.A. Mulder

14.35 E011Rock Rheology and Wave SimulationJ.M. Carcione*


15.35 E013Optimally Accurate Finite DifferenceOperators and Their Application to Forwardand Inverse Seismic ModelingR.J. Geller*, H. Mizutani, N. Takeuchi and N.Hirabayashi

16.00 E0143D Elastic Modeling with Mass-LumpedMixed Finite ElementsG. Cohen* and S. Fauqueux

16.25 E015Time-Versus Frequency-Domain Modellingof Seismic Wave PropagationW.A. Mulder' and R.-E. Plessix

16.50 E016Multishooting Method for SimulatingSeismic Surveys - Applications to Finite-Difference ModelingL.T. Ikelle'andW. Lu

Carbonate Reservoirs

08.30 F001Integration and Seismic Reservoir Modelingof Carbonate Reservoirs in Abqaiq Field,Saudi ArabiaM.A. Al-Jadani*, R.R. Sung and A.E. Gregory

08.55 F002The Chalk Geonome - How and Why is itDifferent from other Geonomes?P. Frykman*

09.20 F003Building Geological Models of a CompactingReservoirC.K. Clausen*, P.R. Gauer, J.E. Sylte and L. Boisse

09.45 F004Data Integration for Flow Unit Correlation inthe Ekofisk Chalk ReservoirT. Strand*, H. Rasmussen, L. Boisse and C.K. Clausen


10.20 F005Interpretation Tools and Methods for ChalkReservoir CharacterizationJ. Guilbot*, B. Smith and F. Pirera

10.45 F006Armatella Field - an Example of a Multi-Disciplinary Integrated Approach to aReservoir StudyL. Ruvo*, A. Aldegheri, R. Galimberti, E. Nembrini, L.Rossi and R. Ruspi

11.10 F007A Very Unusual Platform-Edge CarbonateMound Reservoir- Irminio Oil Field, SESicilyD.D. Lindsay*, JR. KirkpatrickandP.W. Choquette

11.35 F008Use of Field Analogues to BetterUnderstand Subsurface Reservoir FaciesDistribution - the Upper CretaceousLimestone of the Apulian Platform, Murge,Southern ItalyR. Di Cuia, M. Sarti* and M. Claps

Uncertainty assesment in E&P

13.45 F009History Matching and Forecasting withUncertainty Quantification - a ReservoirStudyP.J.P. Egberts*, G.K. Brouwer and C.F.M. Bos

14.10 F010Classification of the Petroleum Resourcesat the Norwegian Continental Shelf - a Basisfor Decision MakingP. Blystad, E. Sondena and K. Veggeland*

14.35 F011An Integrated Approach to RiskManagement - Learning from OtherIndustriesA.K. Mitchell*

15.00 F012Risk Analysis in Reservoir ManagementC. Bruni, A. Godi* and G. Bellentani


15.35 F013Phenomenological Models in UncertaintyFramework - a Way to Assess LocalRecovery Factor Ranges of Large ScaleFieldsP. Biver*, P. Henriquel, G. Vincent, J. Seguin, F.Umbhauer and J. Pion

16.00 F014Risk Reduction by Integration of ResourceGeology and Economics in a European GasModelD.L. Gautier*

16.25 F015Depth Conversion and Uncertainty of DepthMigrated Seismic from the Southern NorthSeaS.D. Elam*, J. Beall and C. Wood

16.50 F016Structural Uncertainties and Their Impact ona Gulf of Guinea Field and SatelliteProspectsJ.M. Guemene*, P. Thore and R. Meesemaecker

Petroleum Systems

08.30 G0011991-2001 Ten Years Basin ModellingActivity at Eni-Agip - Exploration ResultSummaryD. Grigo*, C. Cavecchi and P. Bozzoni

08.55 G002Exploration Risk in Fine-Grained Reservoirsfrom Oil-Prone Source Rocks FormationN.V. Lopatin, T.P. Emets and E.A. Romanov

09.20 G003Clay Diagenesis, Shale, Permeability, andImplications for Petroleum Systems AnalysisP.H. Nadeau, O. Walderhaug, P.A. Bjorkum and S. Hay

09.45 G0043D Probabilistic Petroleum SystemEvaluation in a Deep Water BasinA. Corradi*, A. Barberis, C. Daturi and D. Grigo


10.20 G005Origin of the Abiod Reservoir Oils by Co-Sourcing from Bahloul and Fahdene SourceRocks-Northern Kairouan Area-TunisiaM. Sa/d/* R. Ghenima and G. Ben Jemia

10.45 G006Insights on the Geotectonic Evolution of theCentral Southern Alps, Dolomites along theTransalp-Traverse, Derived from ThermalMaturity Data and Basin ModellingR. Tscherny*, C. Bueker, S. Noeth and R. Littke

11.10 G007Big Fish Discovery in Banggai Basin,Sulawesi, Indonesia - a Success StoryUsing PSDM TechniqueA. Luthfi*, E. Purnomo and S. Riadhy

11.35 G008Structural Framework and PotentialHydrocarbon Plays in Offshore Sierra Leoneand LiberiaK.C. Bennett*, D.C. Rusk and K.W. Mohn

AVO and Inversion

13.45 G009Model-Based Attribute Analysis for AVOand Prestack Depth MigrationT.T. Chang*, C.-W. Kue, L. Canales and C.-C. Shih

14.10 G010AVO Friendly Processing before MigrationX-P. Li*, J. Brittan and T. Allen

14.35 G011Factors Affecting AVO Analysis of PrestackMigrated GathersY. Zheng*, S. Gray, S. Cheadle and P. Anderson

15.00 G012Some Processing Constraints and anInterpretative Calibration of Seismic Pre-Stack Amplitudes to Make AVO AnalysisMore ReliableM. Cardamone* and B. Ciurlo


15.35 G013Coherence Methods in AVO Detection andQuality ControlR.E. White* and A.-S. Barnola

16.00 G014Case Study of Long Offset Acquisition,Processing and Interpretation over theHarding Field, North SeaG. Roberts*, D. Went, K. Hawkins, R.G. Williams, N.Kabir, T. Nash and DM. Whitcombe

16.25 G015Long Offset AVO and Anisotropy CalibrationDeep Offshore NigeriaW.S. Leaney*, R.R. Hope, S. TchkerashnevandM.T.Wheeler

16.50 G016Prestack Waveform Inversion and NeuralNetwork Interpolation - a Two-StepApproach to Log PredictionA. Lau, A. Gonzalez-Serrano*, S. Mallick and D.Gillespie

Reservoir Monitoring & Management

08.30 H0014D-Seismic All the Way - ImplementingTime Lapse Reservoir Monitoring GloballyJ.A. de Waal*andR.W. Calvert

08.55 H002Analysis of Seismic Recordings duringInjection Using In-Well Permanent SensorsO.I. Barkved*, E. Gaucher, B. Hornby, T. Kristiansenand C. Maisons

09.20 H003Electrokinetic and VSP Monitoring of FluidFlow in Petroleum ReservoirsM.H. Worthington*, J. Saunders, C.C. Pain and M.Jackson

09.45 H004Coupling Electrical, Seismic and PressureSensor Arrays for Effective ReservoirMonitoringJ.P. Delhomme*, M. Charara, Y. Manin, E. Tartarasand N. Eberele


10.20 H005MultiC Seismology for Time-Lapse AnalysisL. Duranti* and T.L. Davis

10.45 H006On the Use of Surface Electric PotentialMeasurements for Reservoir MonitoringG. Marquis*, M. Darnet and P. Sailhac

11.10 H007Time Lapse Gravity Gradiometry forReservoir MonitoringD. DiFrancesco* and M. Talwani

11.35 H008Subsurface Monitoring with ContinuousWave Acoustic SoundingB.M. Hartley and DM. Leslie*

C02 Sequenstration & Gas Storage

73.45 H009Regional Baseline Hydrogeology Prior toCO2 Sequestration at the Weyburn Oilfield,CanadaY.M. LeNindre*, S. Bachu and T. Heck

14.10 H010North Sea Shallow Gas as a NaturalAnalogue in Feasibility Studies on CO2SequestrationB.M. Schroot*

14.35 H011Some Preliminary FE Results of CO2Sequestration in a Sedimentary BasinA. Comerlati, M. Ferronato, G. Gambolati*, M. Putti andP. Teatini

15.00 H012Optimising Withdrawal and InjectionPerformance for Gas Storage ReservoirsM. Piantanida*, L. Sturniolo, S. Bosch/, C. Bottani, F.Invernizzi, D. Marzorati and S. Campobasso


15.35 H013Development of a High Resolution 3DReservoir Flow Model of the Bierwang GasStorage FieldJ. Hoelworth, J. Haberland, S. van Delden, F. Kloas, R.Peveraro, R. Larijani*, Y. Charreyron, A. Sementsovand P. Tijink

16.00 H014Time Lapse Seismic for the Development ofan Underground Gas StorageA. Schuck*. F. Rost, P. Czolbe and M. Klafki

16.25 H015Influence of Fracture Geometry and FluidProperties on Gas Bubble Formation inFracturesK. Kostakis*

16.50 H016Estimation of the Mass of Injected CO2 atSleipner Using Time-Lapse Seismic DataR. Arts, O. Eiken, A. Chadwick, G. Kirby, S. Ostmo, B.Zinszner, R. Elsayed and L. van der Meer

New Technologies for Time Lapse Seismic

08.30 A0174D Acquisition Geometry Requirements andQAR.W. Calvert*, P. Hatchell and C. Jones

08.55 A018Time-Lapse Filtering and ImprovedRepeatability with Automatic Factorial Co-Kriging, AFACKT. Coleou*

09.20 A019Quantitative Time-Lapse AVO - InitialApplication to the Oseberg FieldG.J. Hicks* and P. Williamson

09.45 A020The Impact of New 4D Seismic Technologyon the Magnus FieldB.D. Ritchie*, A.G. MacGregor, A. Strudley and R. Goto


10.20 A021Application of the Automatic Factorial Co-Kriging Method (AFACK) to Optimize the 4DSeismic SignatureD. Lecerf* and T. Coleou

10.45 A022Joint Geostatistical Inversion of Time-LapseDataL.M. Barens*, P. Williamson, P. Rowbotham and P.Swaby

11.10 A023Virtual Reality Quality Control in 4DProcessingJ. Brittan*, M. Widmaier and J. Lima

11.35 A024Comparing Time-Lapse Seismic andReservoir Model Predictions in ProducingOil and Gas FieldsP.J. Hatchell*, S. Kelly, M. Muerz, T.C. Jones, P.Engbers, J. van der Veeken and R. Staples

Quantitative Time Lapse Sesimic

13.45 A0254D Monitoring of Schiehallion Field, UKCSC.P. Slater*, J. Fletcher, D. Walder, J.M. Marsh and J.MacGregor

14.10 A0264D-Driven Asset OptimisationJ.G.F. Stammeijer*, G. Cooke and H.J. Kloosterman

14.35 A027The GLISP 4D Monitoring Project - ALesson in How to Avoid Successful FailureK. Hirsche, N. Pullin and L. Matthews

15.00 A028From Qualitative to Quantitative 4D SeismicAnalysis of the Gullfaks FieldT. Alsos*. A.L. Eide, B.K. Hegstad, N.F. Najjar, D.Astratti, P. Doyen and D. Psaila


15.35 A029Seismic Modelling of Eclipse Simulationsand Comparsion with Real 4D Data at theNome FieldB. Osdal* and T. Alsos

16.00 A030Integrating Time-Lapse Data in the HistoryMatch of a Gas-Condensate ReservoirA. Cominelli*, R. Seymour, A. Stradiotti and J.Waggoner

16.25 A031Time-Lapse Elastic Inversion at theOseberg FieldH. Rutledal*, R. Elde, A.-J. van Wijngaarden, J.Helgesen, H. Buran and T. Weisser

16.50 A032Application of Geostatistical Simulationsand Statistical Analysis for SeismicMonitoringS. Vidal*, C. Joseph, F. Gilbert and F. Huguet

Depth Imaging and Velocity Model Update

08.30 B017Local Imaging Approach and Applications/. Lecomte*, L.-J. Gelius and S.-E. Hamran

08.55 B018Constrained Least-Squares Wave-EquationMigration for AVP InversionH. Kuehl* and M.D. Sacchi

09.20 B019SIGSBEE_2A Synthetic Subsalt Dataset -Image Quality as Function of MigrationAlgorithm and Velocity Model ErrorJ. Paffenholz*, J. Stefani, B. McLain and K. Bishop

09.45 B020Imaging the UnimaginableA. Deighan*, H. Crook and R. Blow


10.20 B021Pre-Stack Depth Migration Netherlands anIntegrated Methodology - Processing,Interpretation, Algorithm DevelopmentG. Desrousseaux* L. Lemaistre, P. Sexton and P.Williamson

10.45 B022Angle TomographyS. Brandsberg-Dahl*, B. Ursin and M. V. de Hoop

11.10 B023A Comparison of Ray-Based and WaveformTomography - Implications for MigrationR.G. Pratt*, F. Gao, C. Zelt and A. Levander

11.35 B024Toward Accurate Velocity Models by 3DTomographic Velocity AnalysisJ. Guo*, H. Zhou, J. Young and S. Gray

VSP Acquisition Processing and Application

13.45 B025Defining Lateral Velocity Variations toImprove Reservoir Mapping with NewSeismic Measurements while Drilling,Leadon Field, UKP.T. King, G, Templeton, M.L Reeder and S.J. Bevali*

14.10 B026Comparison of Full Waveform SeismicMWDand Conventional VSP Data from the SouthCaspianJ.B.U. Haldorsen*, M. Krasovec, S. Raikes, T. Harrold,D.N. Day and J.D. Clippard

14.35 B027A Migration Method for Limited SeismicArray Geometries - Application to ReverseVSPM.L Krasovec*, W. Rodi, R. Turpening, R.T. Coatesand M.N. Toksb'z

15.00 B028Planning, Acquiring and Processing aWalkaround VSP for Fracture InducedAnisotropyS.A. Home*, C. Thompson, R. Moran, J. Walsh, J.Hyde and E. Lui


15.35 B029How to Calculate and to InterpretUncertainties on Walkaway ImagingJ. Blanco* and J.-C. Boisseau

16.00 B030Monte Carlo Bayesian Look-AheadInversion of Walkaway Vertical SeismicProfilesA. Malinverno* and W.S. Leaney

16.25 B031Seismic Anisotropy from VSP - Pre-SDM inPierce Field, Central North SeaT.L. Armstrong*, S. Merlin and K. Hawkins

16.50 B032Derivation of Anisotropic Parameters forPrestack Depth Migration Using aWalkaway VSPP.J. Whitfield*, R.I. BloorandC. Lange

Ray Tracing

08.30 conTraveltime Interpolation and GeometricalSpreading in 3D Anisotropic MediaC. Vanelle* and D. Gajewski

08.55 C018Principles of Signal Based Ray Tracing for2D and 3D Complex TectonicsP. Cristini* and E. de Bazelaire

09.20 C019Wavetracing - Computation of BandlimitedSeismic Arrival Times and PropagationPathsJ.K Washbourne* and K.P. Bube

09.45 C020Wavefront-Oriented Ray Tracing withOptimal Ray DensityR. Coman* and D. Gajewski


10.20 C021The Isochron Ray - a New Concept inSeismic Modelling and Imaging£. Iversen*

10.45 C022High-Resolution Velocity Model EstimationUsing Low-Frequency BroadbandWaveform DataJ. Spetzler*

11.10 C023Smoothing 2D Model Pluto 1.5 for RayTracing Using Sobolev Scalar ProductsP. Bulant*

11.35 C024AVO Incidence Angles in Steep DipsJ.P. Neep*

Modelling Absorption and Scattering

13.45 C025Viscoelastic Finite-Difference ModelingUsing the Rotated Staggered GridE.H. Saenger* and T. Bohlen

14.10 C026Second-Order Approximations of theTransmission and Reflection Matrices at anInterface between Two Visco-Elastic TIVMediaA. Stovas* and B. Ursin

14.35 C0273D Frequency Domain Visco-AcousticModeling Using Rotated Finite DifferenceOperators/. Stekl* and C. Pain

15.00 C028Frequency and Travel-DistanceCharacteristics of Scattering AttenuationObserved from Seismic PrimariesT.M. Mueller*, CM.A. Sick and S.A. Shapiro


15.35 C029Unknowns in Multiple ScatteringK. van Wijk* and J.A. Scales

16.00 C030Codas in Reflection and TransmissionResponses and Their Mutual RelationsC.P.A. Wapenaar*, D. Draganov and J.T. Fokkema

16.25 C031Amplitude Spectrum Variations due toVelocity GradientJ.C. Obilo*, E. de Bazelaire, D. Rousset, H. Perroudand D. Rappin

16.50 C032Estimating the Covariance of a VelocityField Accounting for a Linear VerticalGradientD. Geraets*, A. Galli and P. Ruffo

Mining and Best of SAGA

08.30 D017The Geophysical Signature of SedimentaryCopper Deposits at Kapunda, SouthAustraliaR.A.C. Stuart*andM.C. Dentith

08.55 D018Dynamics of Felsic Intrusions Outlined byGeophysicsL Ameglio*

09.20 D019How 3D Seismic Can Help Enhance Mining?

M. Larroque, J.J. Poster, M. Slabbert and W. Duweke

09.45 D020Three-Dimensional Reflection Seismics as aTool to Optimise Mine Design, Planning andDevelopment in the Bushveld IgneousComplexW. Duweke*, J.C. Trickett, K. Tootal and M. Slabbert


10.20 D021Integrated Rock Engineering HazardAssessment - Current and FutureD. Amidzic*

10.45 D0223D Seismic Imaging and NumericalModelling of Subsidence in Solution Miningof RocksaltR. Nicolich*, A. Primiero, F. Zgur and N. Di Marzo

11.10 D023Evaluation of Interference Effects in a Coal3D Seismic SurveyM. Gibson*

11.35 D024Understanding Environmental GeophysicalAnomalies - an Interdisciplinary case Studyfrom the West RandH. Coetzee*, P. Wade and F. Winde

Near Surface Seismic and GPR

13.45 D025Inversion of Refracted Travel-Times forNear-Surface InvestigationT. Ormos*

14.10 D026Delineation of Soils by High-FrequencyRayleigh Waves and Spatial PredictionJ. Badal', F. Seron, F. Gomez, U. Dutta and N. Biswas

14.35 D027Improved Estimation of the Friction Angle ofSandy Soils by a Combined Use of S-WaveSeismic and CPTR. Ghose* and G. Dhjkoningen

15.00 D028Limits of Radar Tomography forCharacterisation of Foundations in aHistorical ChurchC. Gregoire*, Y Vanhellemont, K. Van Balen and L.Halleux


15.35 D029Single and Multi-Fold Georadar Data forGeotechnical ProblemsL Orlando* and M. Bernabini

16.00 D030Train Induced Ground Vibrations -Comparison of Experimental Data andTheoretical ResultsA. Ditzel*, G.C. Herman and G.G. Drijkoningen

16.25 D031On the Utilisation of Seismic TomographicImaging in Permafrost MonitoringR. Sule*, C.W. HauckandM. Jaya

16.50 D032Feasibility of Detection of Shallow-WaterFlow Layers from Prestack WaveformInversionS. Mallick*

Interactive session: Velocity IndependentImaging and Processing08.30 E017Rapid Image-Ray Inverse Data Mappingwithout Using an Interval Velocity ModelA.B. Druzhinin*

08.55 E0183D Focussing Operator Estimation fromSparse 3D DataA. Gisolf* and D.J. Verschuur

09.20 E019Imaging beyond Seismic Wavelength UsingHigher-Order StatisticsW. LuandL.T. Ikelle*


10.20 E021Revisiting NMO Again?D.J. Gajewski* and C. Vanelle

10.45 E022Multifocusing - Imaging without the VelocityModelE. Landa* and S. Keydar

11.10 E023Generalizations of the Common-Reflection-Surface StackJ. Mann*, S. Bergler, Y. Zhang, P. Chira and P. Hubral


Interactive session: Wave Equation versusRay Tracing Imaging13.45 IntroIntroduction

f3.55 £025Is Wave Equation Migration Ready toReplace Kirchhoff MigrationJ.T.Etgen*

14.20 E026Kirchhoff vs. Wave Equation Pre StackDepth MigrationD. Kosloff, Z. Koren, A. Litiv, E. Ragoza and A. Zuev

14.45 E0273D Prestack Wave-Equation Imaging - aRapidly Evolving TechnologyB.L. Biondi*, R.G. Clapp, M. Prucha and P. Sava


15.35 E0293D Multi-Pathing and True AmplitudeKirchhoff Prestack Depth MigrationS. Jin*, P. Zhang, P. Harris and A. Pica

15.55 E030True Amplitude Migration Using Common-Shot One-Way Wavefield ExtrapolationY. Zhang*, J. Sun, S.H. Gray, C. Notfors, N. Bleisteinand G. Zhang

16.15 E031Comparison between Angle and OffsetGathers from Wave Equation Migration andKirchhoff MigrationC. Stork*, P. Kitchenside, D. Yingst, U. Albertin, C.Kostov, B. Wilson, D. Watts, J. Kapoor and G. Brown

16.35 E032An Adaptive Phase Shift and SSFPI Methodfor Prestack Depth MigrationN. Dai*, C.N. Willacy and Y. Sun


Multi Component Seismic for ReservoirCharacterisation08.30 F017Multicomponent Seismic Challenges on aMud Volcano - Imaging the Azeri FieldT. Probert*, R. Bryan, D. Underwood, M. Mueller, T.Lyon and C. Rowson

08.55 F018Sensitivity of Anisotropic ParameterEstimation from 4C Data - Modelling andCase Studies6. Traub* andX.-Y. Li

09.20 F019Imaging and Characterization with PP andPS - a Feasibility Study from the North SeaE. Fromyr*, S. Randazzo, K. Duffaut, J.R. Granli and LAmundsen

09.45 F020A 3D Test of Ocean Bottom 4C RecordingO.E. Naess* and J.O. Henden


10.20 F021VSP-Derived Vp/Vs Ratios for PressurePrediction ahead of the BitD.A. Ebrom*, M.C. Mueller, P.D. Heppard, H.M. Shahand L.A. Thomsen

10.45 F022Continuous Progress in ProcessingMulticomponent Data - a Case StudyB. Olofsson*, J.H. Kommedal, O.I. Barkved, R.Alexandre, J. Brunelliere and E. Muyzert

11.10 F0233D/4C Emilio: Azimuth Processing forAnisotropy Analysis£ Loinger*, J.E. Gaiser, A. Lucini, M. Preston and R.Walters

11.35 F024PS-Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy - SeismicProperties for Fractured-ReservoirManagementJ.E. Gaiser* and R. van Dok

Multi Component Processing and Imaging

13.45 F025Acquisition Geometry Versus 4C ImageQuality - a Study of Statfjord and GullfaksSorM. Thompson*, L Amundsen and K. Duffaut

14.10 F026Multidimensional Betti DeconvolutionE. Holvik and L Amundsen*

14.35 F027About Compressional, Converted Mode andShear StaticsR.J. Garotta*, P.-Y. Granger and G. Barbe

15.00 F028Near-Surface S-Velocities, Statics, andAnisotropy Estimated from Scholte WavesE. Muyzert; J.H. Kommedal, K. Iranpour and B.Olofsson


15.35 F029Joint Velocity Inversion for P-P and P-SPrestack Depth ImagingY. Zhang*, D. Pham, M. Lou and S. Lee

16.00 F030Extension of Stereotomography to 2D-Converted Waves - PS-StereotomographyM. Alerini; S. Le Begat and G. Lambare

16.25 F031Converted-Shear and CompressionalImages Using Projection ImagingJ.B.U. Haldorsen*

16.50 F032Estimation of P-Wave and S-WaveFocusing Operators Using the CFPTechnologyD.J. Verschuur*, P.L.A- Winthaegen andA.J. Berkhout

AVO for Reservoir Characterisation

08.30 G017Reducing Ambiguity and AssessingUncertainty in Seismic LithologyDiscrimination and Rock Property Predictionthrough Three Parameter AVO -Petrophysics and Geostatistical MethodsT. Schulte*

08.55 G018Including Parameter Uncertainty in AVAPredictionK.J. Davies*

09.20 G019AVO Depth Trends for Lithology and PoreFluid ClassificationP.A. Avseth*, A.-J. van Wijngaarden, H. Flesche and E.Vagnes

09.45 G020Reservoir Characterization by PrestackInversion and Neural Net CalibrationJ.A. Durrani* and R. T. Baumel


10.20 G021Reservoir Property Solutions Using Porosityand Poisson Cube Prediction from 3DSeismic and Well Log Data - Case Studiesfrom Russia, Western SiberiaS.E. Chalov, V.J. Matusevich, S.N. Ptetsov*. T.N.Maliarova and A.I. Kerusov

10.45 G022Mapping of Upper Jurassic Sandstone in theBorg North Area Using Elastic InversionJ. Helgesen*, A. Karisen, O. Runde and J. Steindl

11.10 G023Integration of Uncertainties Due to Pre-Stack Impedance Inversion in a ReservoirCharacterization ProcessY. El Ouair* and F. Pivot

11.35 G024Examples of the Determination of FractureParameters from P-Wave Seismic DataF.D. Gray*, K.J. Head, M. Lahr and G. Roberts

Turbidite Reservoirs

13.45 G025Building the Depositional Model - a CaseStudy from the Cretaceous of theNorwegian SeaE.M.G. Fugelli*, R. Cortield, S.T. Wigger, K. Nybergand T. Groette

14.10 G026A Multidisciplinary Case Study of ReducingExploration Risk in Turbidites OffshoreNorwayT. Grotte*, S. Wigger, L. Kvamme, E. Fugelli and R.Corfield

14.35 G0273D-Seismic Characterization of Thin andHeterogeneous Deep-Water Turbidite -Target-Oriented Multi-attribute AnalysisR. de Araujo Santos* and C.A. Guedes Cora

15.00 G028Estimating Net Pay for Deep WaterTurbidite Channels Offshore AngolaP. Connolly*, G. Schurter, M. Davenport and S. Smith


15.35 G029Merging High-Resolution, Modern Deep-Water Data Sets with West AfricaSubsurface Data to Validate Sand BodyGeometry and Reservoir Facies DistributionB.T. Cronin*. G. Spadini, P. Rocchini and A. Hurst

16.00 G030Controls on Late Jurassic MagnusSandstone Member Deposition, NorthernNorth Sea - Evidence for a Radical New Re-Interpretation as an Axially-Derived DeepWater Clastic SystemN.S. Al-Abry*, J.R. Underhill, S.J. Davies and B. Glover

16.25 G031Seismic Interpretation of an UltraDeepwater Field - a Case Study fromRoncador, BrazilC. Rodriguez Suarez*

16.50 G032Sand Injectites - Reserve Potential, TheirGenesis and Reservoir CharacterA. Hurst*, J. Cartwn'ght, D. Duranti, M. Huuse and B.Cronin

Sand Injections

08.30 H017Leadon Field - Description of FriggReservoir Sand Injection StructuresG. Templeton*, P.T. King and M.L. Reeder

08.55 H018Sand Injections at Jotun Field, North Sea -Their Possible Impact on RecoverableReservesC.G. Guargena*, G.B. Smith, J. Wardeli, T.H. Nilsenand T.M. Hegre

09.20 H019Detection, Origin and Significance of Large-Scale Injected Sand Bodies in the NorthSea CenozoicM. Huuse*, D. Duranti, P. Prat, K. Holm, N. Steinsland,C. Guargena, J. Cartwright, A. Hurst and B. Cronin

09.45 H020Tornado Faults - The Seismic Expression ofthe Early Tertiary on PS-data, ChestnutField, UK North SeaR. Gras* and J.A. Cartwright


10.20 H021Modelling Sand Injection Structures forPermeability UpscalingJ. Ma*, J.D. Clark, G.E. Pickup and L Chen

10.45 H022The Value of Pre-Stack Depth Migration inEvaluating Apparent Injection FeaturesJ.A. Luchford*

11.10 H023Fluid Flow through Sand Injectites Intrudedin Low Permeability Host RocksR. Jonk*, A. Hurst and J. Parnell

11.35 H024Sand Diapiric Structures and Poly-PhaseSand Remobilisation in the Santa CruzArea, Central Coastal CaliforniaD. Duranti*, A. Hurst, M. Huuse and J.A. Cartwright

Geodynamics of Mediteranian Basins E&P

13.45 H025Northern Adriatic Foreland - a PromisingSetting for the Southalpine MidtriassicPetroleum SystemR. Franciosi* and A. Vignolo

14.10 H026Seismic Analysis of the North TyrrhenianSea - Italian, -CROP- and Frensh -LISA-LinesV. Pascucci*, S. Merlin! and A. Mauffret

14.35 H027Po Valley Oil Play - from the Villafortuna-Trecate Field to South-Alpine and NorthernApennine ExplorationR. Fantoni*, M. Bello, P. Ronchi and P. Scotti

15.00 H028Crustal Structure of the Maghrebides alonga Central Algerian TransectD. Frizon de Lamotte*, R. Bracene, N. Benaouali andF. Roure


f5.35 H029The Subduction of the Ionian Crust and theOuter Calabrian Accretionary WedgeR. Catalano*, C. Doglioni, S. Merlini and A. Sulli

16.00 H030Contribution of 3D Seismic Data to theDevelopment Plan of a Carbonate FracturedReservoir - Al Manzah Case HistoryN. Gharieni* and M.H. Acheche

16.25 H031Present Day Temperature Analysis in ItalianPlio-Pleistocene Foredeep BasinsA. Pica* and S. Morandi

16.50 H032High Resolution Kinematics of GrowthFaults from the Eastern MediterraneanBasinJ.A. Cartwright* and B. Hall

Prestack Depth Imaging

08.30 A033Common Reflection Angle MigrationZ. Koren*, S. Xu and D. Kosloff

08.55 A034Fresnel-Aperture PSDMH. Tabti* and L.-J. Gelius

09.20 A035Computing Kirchhoff Depth MigrationTraveltime from a Monofrequency WavefieldJ.W. Wiggins*

09.45 A036Ray-Based Anti-Aliasing for Depth MigrationS. Nguyen*, R. Baina, M. Noble and P. Thierry


10.20 A037Aliasing in Wavefield Extrapolation PrestackMigrationY. Zhang, J.C. Sun* and S.H. Gray

10.45 A038How to Choose a Subset of Frequencies forFrequency-Domain Finite-DifferenceMigrationR-E. Plessix* and W.A. Mulder

11.10 A0393D Prestack GSP Migration with Applicationto a Carbonate DataS. Jin* and J. Pajchel

Wave Equation versus Kirchhoff II

13.45 A041Improving Near-Salt-Flank Imaging withShot-Profile Wavefield-ExtrapolationMigration in the Gulf of MexicoU.K. Albertin*, D. Watts, W. Chang, S.J. Kapoor, C.Stork, P. Kitchenside and D. Yingst

14.10 A0423D Multi-Arrival Kirchhoff vs. WaveEquation Migration - SEG/EAGE SaltModel Case StudyG. Lambare, B. Duquet* and S. Xu

14.35 A043Comparison of Kirchhoff and Wave-Equation Pre-Stack Migration on OBC DataR. Soubaras*

15.00 A044Imaging under Complex Salt Bodies with 3DPrestack Finite Difference Depth MigrationZ. Zhou*, M. Guo and J.A. Stein

15.25 A045Prestack Phase-Shift Migration of SeparateOffsets in Laterally Inhomogeneous MediaT. Alkhalifah*

Rock Physics I

08.30 B033Anisotropic Inversion of Seismic Data forStressed Media - Theory and a Physical-Modeling Study on Berea SandstoneD. Sarkar*, A. Bakulin and R. Kranz

08.55 B034Predicting Velocities under Stress inAnisotropic Formations - Model andExperimental ValidationR. Prioul*andA. Bakulin

09.20 B035Stress Dependences of Seismic Velocitiesin Porous and Fractured RocksS.A. Shapiro* and V.N. Troyan

09.45 B036Stress Effects of Core Samples - Do TheyAid in Time-Lapse Seismic?A.-K. Furre*


10.20 B037Application of Anisotropy in Pore PressurePredictionN.C. Banik; A. Banik, G. Wool, G. Schultz, N.C. Dutta,R. Marple, T. Casper and N. Repar

10.45 B038Poisson's Ratio and Pore PressureEstimationJ. Dvorkin* and J.D. Walls

11.10 B039Compliance-Based Laws for the Dry-FramePressure Sensitivity of SandstonesC. MacBeth*

11.35 B040Gassmann's Equation and FrequencyDependent Elastic Response - anExperimental StudyR. Hofmann*, M. Batzle and D. Han

Rock Physics II

13.45 B041Rock Physics Diagnostic in Sand/ShaleSequenceJ. Dvorkin*, M.B. Carrand T. Berge

14.10 B042Shear Velocity Prediction in the NorwegianSeaM.B. Carr, L.B. Hubert* and J. Dvorkin

14.35 B043Stable Extraction of Fundamental RockProperties from Seismic DataF.D. Gray*

15.00 B044Impact of Linking Petrophysical Parametersin Monte Carlo Simulation of Oil-ln-PlaceB. Harrison*

15.25 B045Fluid Saturation from Well Logs UsingModular Neural NetworksH.B. Helle*, A. Bhatt and B. Ursin

15.50 B046Velocity and Attenuation in PartiallySaturated Rocks - Numerical ExperimentsN.H. Pham, H.B. Helle* and J.M. Cardone

Special Session: Geophysical Technologiesfor Renewable Geothermal Resources

08.30 C033New Geophysical and Geological Data ofthe Intramontane Trofaiach Pull - ApartBasin - AustriaW. Gruber* and R.F'. Sachsenhofer

08.55 C034The Combination of 2D and 1D Inversion for2.5D Interpretation of MagnetotelluricGeothermal SitesM.K. Hafizi*, M. Aiobi and A. Rahimi

09.20 C035Definition of the Brittle-Plastic Transition inthe Coso Geothermal Field, East-CentralCalifornia, USAF.C. Monastero* and J.R. Unruh

09.45 C036Using Nonlinear Velocity OptimizationTechniques for 2D and 3D Imaging ofGeothermal FieldsS. PullammanappallH* and W. Honjas


10.20 C037Seismic Characterisation of GeothermalReservoirs - a Case Study in WesternTuscany, ItalyA. Mazzotti, E. Zamboni*, E. Stucchi and S. Ciuffi

10.45 C038Advanced Well-Log Analysis in GeothermalWells for Fracture IdentificationR. Berto, F. Brambilla, M. Casini and A. Fiordelisi*

11.10 C039Permeability Reduction Induced by PorePressure Decrease in Clay-RichSandstonesU. Trautwein* and E. Huenges

11.35 C040Integrated Microseismic and HydraulicMonitoring of HDR Reservoir Stimulation,Soultz 2000R. Weidler, S. Oates*, B. Dyer, J. Baumgartner and A.Gerard

Modelling Case Studies

13.45 C041Comparative Sub-Salt Illumination AnalysisS.B. Campbell*, W. Pramikand W. Cafarelli

14.10 C042Numerical Modelling for Sub-Basalt ImagingF. Martini*, R. Hobbs and C. Bean

14.35 C043Fracture Detection from Conventional 3DMarine Seismic - the SDFM MethodM. Luo* and B.J. Evans

15.00 C044Physical Modelling and Subsalt IlluminationG. Blacquiere*and A.W.F. Volker

15.25 C0453D Parallel Elastic Wave Modeling -Scalability Analysis for Beowulf ClustersG. Toxopeus*, J.T. Fokkema, J. Groenenboom andH.X. Lin

15.50 C046Optimization and Demonstration of 3DFinite Difference Tools for Modeling SeismicAcquisitionL. Engell-Soerensen* and J. Koster

Airbone Geophysics

08.30 D033Interpolation of Magnetic Data EnhancingLinear FeaturesM. Bastani*, L.B. Pedersen and L. Kero

08.55 D034Consideration of the Earth Surface Reliefand the Aircraft Flight Path in DevelopingAlgorithms of Program Procedures forComputing the Magnetic Field Transformsand Solving the Inverse Problem of theMagnetic PotentialY.P. Goryachev*

09.20 D035Wavelet Based Processing of AirborneRadar Data from East AntarcticaM. Pipan*, M. de Vecchi, E. Forte and I. Tabacco

09.45 D036Airborne EM Detection of Targets BeneathComplex CoverA.P. Raiche*, D.W. Annetts andF. Sugeng


10.20 D037Examples of Nickel Sulphide Detection withAirborne EMP.A. Wolfgram* and H.C. Golden

10.45 D038Test of Airborne Geophysics for Mapping OilShale Mining Area in Kohtla-Jarve, NEEstoniaH. Vanhala*, T. All, T. Huotari, V. Kattai and P. Lintinen

11.10 D039Airborne Gravity and MagneticsInterpretation of the Putumayo and UpperMagdalena Valley, ColumbiaJ. Ceron and J.E. Bain*

11.35 D040Unconventional Prospecting Methods -Hyperspectrometry Applications in theCircum-Mediterranean RegionA. Mosconi*, S. Mertini and C. Magistroni

Near Surface Geophysics for Archeology

13.45 D041A Complex Resistivity Model of a RomanColonnaded AvenueA. Kampke*

14.10 D042Fully 3D Electrical Resistivity Methods toMonitor Restoration of Historical StructuresG. Santarato*, N. Abu Zeid, A. Morelli and G. Morelli

14.35 D043An Illustrative Approach to Estimating theNear-Surface TEM System PotentialitiesNO. Kozhevnikov*andS.P. Nikiforov

15.00 D044Geophysical Multi-Parametric Survey inSainte Salsa Archaeological Site, Tipasa,AlgeriaH. Bouabdallah*, A. Bouchedda, S. Aissani and R.Bensalem

15.25 D045Integrated Magnetic and GPR Study of theMedinet Madi Archaeological Site, EgyptM. Pipan*, E. Forte, E. Fortin and I. Finetti

15.50 D046Large Scale Integrated ArchaeologicalProspection - Verifying Magnetics,Resistivity and GPRS. Seren*, A. Eder-Hinterleitner, W. Neubauer and P.Melichar

Special session: Geophysical Prospectingand Structural Interpretation in Thrust BeltAreas I08.30Introduction

08.35 E033"Thrust Belts" Exploration - Limits of theConventional Approach and Recent InnovationEfforts. The ESIT Project: Aims and ResultsM. Buia*, F. Baldino and S. Morandi08.55 E034ESIT - Additional Values in ComplexStructures Exploration Using AlternativeGeophysicsA. Zerilli* and P. Dell'Aversan09.15 E035Time-Depth Processing of Global Offset Data -a New Perspective for Seismic Imaging inThrust BeltP. Dell'Aversana*, S. Morandi, D. Colombo and M. Buia09.35 E036ESIT Project - Analysis of ConventionalOffsets Seismic Data - How to EvaluateAcquisition Parameters and Optimize SeismicData ImagingE. M. Ceragioli*, S. Morandi, M. Buia and G. Mezzadra09.55Discussion

10.30 E037Velocity Imaging through Complex Near-Surface Structures by TomographyX. Zhu*

10.50 E038Seismic Imaging of a Thrust Belt by Traveltimeand Frequency-Domain Waveform InversionsC. Ravaut; S. Operto, L Improta, A. Herrero, J. Virieuxand P. Dell'Aversana

11.10 E039Integration and Correlation of GeophysicalData in NW GreeceE. Karageorgi*, D. Watts and A. Sawaidis

11.30 E040Deep Electrical Resistivity Tomographies toInvestigate the Pre-Quaternary Bedrock in theAgri High Valley, Southern ItalyE. Rizzo, S. Piscitelli, A. Colella and V. Lapenna*11.50Discussion

Special session: Geophysical Prospectingand Structural Interpretation in Thrust BeltAreas II

13.45 E041Magnetotellurics Applied to Sub-ThrustPetroleum Exploration in Northern GreeceM.D. Watts*, A. Savvaidis, E. Karageorgi and R.Mackie14.05 E042Seismic and Airborne Gravity in UpperMagdalena Basin-Foothills Onshore ColombiaB.C. Mouly, P. Ravaut*and J.F. Salel

14.25 E043Full Tensor Gravity Gradient Analysis fromTraditional Gravity Data in Chain Area, Vald'Agri, Southern ItalyM. Fedi*, G. Florio, I. Giori and I. Loretti14.55 E044Turner Valley, Canada - a Case History inContemporary Airborne GravityJ.W. Peirce*, S. Sander, R.A. Charters and V. Lavoie


75.30 Poster £045The Structure of the Donbas Foldbelt, Ukraine,from DOBREflection-2000A.P. Tolkunov, S.M. Stovba*, R.A. Stephenson, Y.P.Maysrenko, U. Bayer and Group DOBREflection15.30 Poster E046Geological Structure and Petroleum Prospectsof the Southern Seas of Russia - Problems ofStudiesV.I. Savtchenko*15.30 Poster E047Structure and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity ofthe Apennine Foothills in the Marche Basin,Central ItalyJ.W. Granath*, F. Krecow, L. Albanesi and J. Aldrich

15.30 Poster E048Characterisation of Seismogenic Faults byMeans of Reflection Seismic Surveys - a CaseStudy in the Colfiorito Area -1997 Umbria-Marche EarthquakesE. Stucchi*, F. Mirabella, M. Barchi, S. Merlini, L. Zanziand A. Mazzotti15.30 Poster E049A Detailed Magnetotelluric Survey for DeepGas Structure Frasin, RomaniaC. David*, G. loan, L. lonescu and B. Lacatusu

15.30 Poster E050The Structural Setting of the Zagros in theMurin Area, Iran, from Seismic and SatelliteImages DataR. Buonaguro, R.A. Calabro*, R. Carpi, C.R. Perottiand F. Zucca


08.30 F033High-Resolution Transforms and AmplitudePreservationM.A. Schonewille* and P.M. Zwartjes

08.55 F034Stable, Efficient, High-resolution RadonTransforms/. Moore* and C. Kostov

09.20 F035A Comparison of Radon Transforms Appliedto Long-Offset DataS.K. Oppert* and R.J. Brown

09.45 F036Suppressing Peg-Leg Multiples withParabolic Radon DemultipleB.J. VerWest*


10.20 F037Multiple Suppression and Datuming with anAntialiased Radon Transform for Marine 4CDataD. Lokshtanov*, M. Denisov and D. Finikov

10.45 F038Multiple Prediction without Prestack Data -an Efficient Tool for Interpretive ProcessingM. Reshef, S. KeydarandE. Landa*

11.10 F039Attenuation of Multiple Diffractions by Multi-Azimuth Streamer AcquisitionJ. Keggin*, M. Widmaier, S. Hegna and E. Kjos

11.35 F040Fast-Track, Data-Driven Interbed MultipleRemoval - a North Sea Data ExampleR.G. van Borselen*.


13.45 F041Tau-P Domain VTI Parameter InversionsUsing Limited-Offset DataJ.M. Wookey*, M. van der Baan, D. Smit and J.-M.Kendall

14.10 F042A Strategy for Anisotropic P-Wave PrestackImagingR.D. Martinez* and S. Lee

14.35 F0433D Kirchhoff Prestack Time Migration forV(z) and VTI MediaC. Sun* and R.D. Martinez

15.00 F044Vertical Velocity Analysis for a TransverselyIsotropic Medium - a Practical ApproachS. Yang*, C.C. Shih, N. Dutta, J. Chen, G. Schultz andA. Banik

15.25 F045Fast Traveltime Reconstruction for theVelocity Scan in 3D-PreSDM Model Buildingfor Isotropic and Anisotropic MediaA.L. Pica*

15.50 F046Emilio Field - Anisotropy Analysis from PPand PS DataL.M. Vetri; E. Angerer, J.E. Gaiser, A. Grandi and H.Lynn

Structural Modelling

08.30 G033The Corrib Field - Changes in StructuralInterpretation through 2D, 3D and PreSDMSeismic DataP.N. Dancer*

08.55 G034From Discrete Fracture Models to DualMedia Simulators - an Optimised WorkflowL. Tealdi*, L. Ruvo, B. Volpi and F. Masserano

09.20 G035A New Model for the Growth of FaultsJ.J. Walsh*, A. NicolandC. Childs

09.45 G036Building a 3D Geomechanical Model of aGas Field for Geohazard PredictionB. Orlic*, R. Van Eijs, W. Zijl and J.D. van Wees


10.20 G037Automatic 3D Fault Interpretation byArtificial AntsS.I. Pedersen*, T. Randen, L Sonneland and O. Steen

10.45 G038Improving the Efficiency of SeismicExploration by Applying 3D Mapping ofOpen Fracturing by the SVSL MethodO.L. Kouznetsov*, LA. Chirkin, I.S. Faizulline, B.Y.Meltchouk, I.S. Dzhafarov, Y.A. Kuryanov and V.N.Nesterov

11.10 G039Seismically Derived Reservoir StressDistribution - Defining Optimal Zones forHydrocarbon AccumulationV.B. Pisetskiand T. Guidish*

11.35 G040The Application and Benefits of StructuralRestoration from Exploration to ProductionC.S. Bland, M. Bonaro*, D.A. Gibbs and S. Price

Interpretation & Visualisation

13.45 G041Seismic Stratigraphic Mapping of CarbonateMounds Using 3D Texture AttributesA. Carrillat*, T. Randen, L. Sonneland and G. Elvebakk

14.10 G042Seismic Volume Processing - anInvestigation of Its Use for GeologicInterpretationJ.D. Kerr*, B. Shea and J. Henderson

14.35 G043Reducing Exploration and Production Riskby Visualisation and Seismic Classification -Case study from the North SeaJ.A. Luchford*, R. Gras* and D. Fakorede

15.00 G044Recent Experiences with Statoil's Multi-Attribute Seismic Object DetectionTechnologyP.F.M. de Groot*, H. Ligtenberg, P. Meldahl and K.Tingdahl

15.25 G045Content Addressable Memories for SeismicAttribute Pattern RecognitionR.E. Banchs* and J.R. Jimenez

15.50 G046Frequency Spectral DecompositionBreathes New Life into SeismicInterpretation WorkflowsJ.D. Kerr* and B. Howard

Clastic Reservoir Characterization

08.30 H033An Innovative Methodology for AnaloguesIdentification in Reservoir ModellingM. Piantanida*, B. Volpi, D. Bernorio, S. Nardon andM.G. D'Andrea

08.55 H034Integrated 3D Modelling of the Tidal DeltaLajas Outcrop, ArgentinaD. Mcllroy, I.B. Brandseter*, O. Lia and P.S. Ringrose

09.20 H035The Abu Madi FM - in the Baltim Fields - anIntegrated Approach to the ReservoirCharacterisationM. Arduini, P. Castellano, A. Ortenzi, M. Pontiggia, M.Pontiggia and G. Serafini*

09.45 H036Seismic Visualization and SequenceStratigraphy - an Approach to RevealReservoir Properties and Optimize WellPlanning Strategies in the NovogodneyeField - RussiaS.-A. Kristoffersen*, L Kollbotn, D. Iskander,Krasnevski and Ryjov


10.20 H037High-Resolution 3D Impedance Data forReservoir ModelingR.K. Shrestha* and M. Boeckmann

10.45 H038Seismic Reservoir Characterisation of aFlux Reservoir, Nakhla Oil Field, Libya,OnshoreL de Vincenzi* and S. Klarner

11.10 H039Seismic Facies Classification of DeepRotliegend Sandstones by Neural NetworkTechniquesH. Trappe*, J. Schubart-Engelschall and E. Laggiard

11.35 H040Integration of Inverted Seismic Volumes intoStochastic Reservoir ModelsJ.-P. Diet*, A. Soares, O. Colnard, C. Renaldo and J.Santos


13.45 H041Microseismic Study of Temporal Variationsin Anisotropy at the Valhall FieldN.A. Teanby* and J.-M. Kendall

14.10 H042Microseismic Modeling and Inversion forHydraulic Properties of ReservoirsE. Rothert* and S.A. Shapiro

14.35 H043Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic FractureComplexity in a Naturally FracturedReservoirT.I. Urbancic*, S.C. Maxwell, N. Steinsberger and R.Zinno

15.00 H044Nonlinear Dynamics Methods in PassiveSeismic Data InterpretationS.B. Turuntaev*

15.25 H045Engineering Impact from Passive SeismicImaging of Hydraulic FracturesS.C. Maxwell*, T.I. Urbancic and R. Zinno

15.50 H046Spectroscopic Identification of TremorPhenomena over Hydrocarbon ReservoirsJ.M. Singer*, O. Barzandji, W. Leu, E.D. Rode, K.Akrawi, S. Linthorst and S. Dangel