Express pr 2014

Post on 05-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Express pr 2014

2014 2014 2014 2014 Express the Music Express the Music Express the Music Express the Music FinalistsFinalistsFinalistsFinalists The following MS Orchestra students were selected as finalists for the annual

Express the Music contest presented by the St. Louis Symphony Volunteer

Associa�on and sponsored by the Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis. Marina Schmitt, Truman MS Gr8 Lelah Schneider, Sperreng MS Gr8

Hope Henningsen, Sperreng MS Gr7 Trisha Nguyen, Sperreng MS Gr6

Hope Henningsen was awarded 3rd place for her

2014 Essay! Please visit the St. Louis Symphony Volunteer Association website to view Hope’s winning essay!

The Express the Music contest gives students the experience

of wri�ng a crea�ve essay, short story or poem in response

to listening to Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra: Movement

IV “Intermezzo Interro�o”. This year, over 1,850 students

par�cipated in Express the Music 2014. 451 of the essays

were submi0ed from the St. Louis area into the compe��on.

Preliminary judging by members of the Symphony Volunteer

Associa�on and the community iden�fied 42 finalists from

both the Junior Division (Grades 6-8) and Senior Division

(Grades 9-12). Four final judges selected three finalists and

two honorable men�ons per each Division. Four MS stu-

dents from Lindbergh Schools were honored as finalists, one

of which placed 3rd in the Junior division.

Hope Henningsen, 3rd Place Winner

Sperreng MS– Gr7 Violinist


Express the MusicExpress the MusicExpress the MusicExpress the Music