Exporting Payments from AccessMyGov AMG for … Payments from AccessMyGov AMG for Import into Your...

Post on 14-May-2018

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Transcript of Exporting Payments from AccessMyGov AMG for … Payments from AccessMyGov AMG for Import into Your...

Exporting Payments from AccessMyGov (AMG) for Import into Your BS&A Database:

Cash Receipting*; Utility Billing; Property Tax; County Delinquent Tax; Delinquent Personal Property; Special Assessment; Miscellaneous Receivables; Building Department**

Questions? Call us at (855) 272-7638 and ask for the I.T. Department, or email tech@bsasoftware.com.

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*You may import into Cash Receipting, OR into the individual applications listed. Do not import into Cash

Receipting, then into (for example) Utility Billing, as this will result in duplicate payments!

**Building Department users must import into Cash Receipting.

Successful online payments can be exported from AMG using a free application available to municipalities with an Administrative

Account on AMG.

Download the App

1. First, and this only needs to be done once, download the AMG Admin Application by logging into the AMG website

(http://www.accessmygov.com) with your Administrative Account credentials.

2. Hover over your username in the top-right of the screen and click Site Administration:

3. On the right side of the page, click the Download the AccessMyGov Administration Application link and save the file to

your desktop.

4. Export instructions follow on the next page.

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Export Payments

You may create an export file for import into Cash Receipting .NET (said file gathers all payments – Tax, Utility, MR, Building, etc.)

or create an export file for import into a specific program (except for Building, which requires the import be done in CR), which

contains just that program’s receipts. These instructions use Cash Receipting .NET.

1. Login with your AMG Administrative Account credentials.

2. On the left-hand menu, click Online Payments, located under the Municipal Administration heading.

3. Select All Applications in the Application dropdown and fill in your Payment and other filters. Choose the Export Type

(for example, “Cash Receipting Export”). Click the Apply Filters button.

4. If the results you see are correct, click the Export Successful Payments button.

5. A window pops up confirming the export being created.

6. Click Yes to continue.

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7. Browse to the location in which to save the file. This should be a location easily accessed again.

8. Once the export is complete, you should see this screen; click Ok.

9. The file is now ready for import into Cash Receipting .NET (or whichever application you created the file for). Following

are screen shots of where the import is found in the relevant BS&A application. Instructions are provided in the


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Cash Receipting

File>Import>Import IS Batch Credit Card Payment File

Utility Billing

Tasks>Payment Tasks>Import Payments from File… select BS&A Internet Services as the Import Type

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Property Tax

File>Import>Payment Imports from Non-BSA Sources>Internet Services On-Line Credit Card Payment Import

County Delinquent Tax

File>Import>Import BSA Internet Services Payments

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Delinquent Personal Property

File>Import>Import Payments from Internet Services

Special Assessment

File>Import>Internet Services On-Line Credit Card Payment

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Miscellaneous Receivables

File>Import>Payment Imports>Internet Services On-Line Credit Card Payment Import