Exploring wealth

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Exploring wealth

What is wealth?

Ther are lots of definitions of wealth: „a large amount of money and possessions„;

„abundance of valuable material possessions or resources“; „the value of all the property,

possessions, and money that someone or something has“; „an abundance or profusion of

anything; plentiful amount: a wealth of imagery“; „all things that have a monetary or

exchange value“; „the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence: persons of wealth and


The Origin of word „wealth“ comes from mid 13 century: Middle English wele and its

original meaning is: "happiness," "prosperity in abundance of possessions or riches," "well-

being" on analogy1 of health. (Dictionary, 2012).

The word „wellbeing“ means „the condition of being contented, healthy, or successful;

welfare” (dictionary, 2014). If we break the word „wellbeing“ into two parts we can get a

phrase: being well2 that could mean being a source.

During the time other nouns were added to its original meaning: money, material,

resources, monetary, exchange, amount, value. To address the issues around the wealth and

provide solutions for return to its root meaning „analogy of health“, and/or being a source, it

will be put into context and observed from the unity point of view.

Problem analysis – issues around wealth

To address issues around wealth it is necessary to have an insight about the world we

are currently living in. We live in the physical world where the law of polarity applies to

everything, from atoms, molecules, planets, plants, animals, humans and psychology. Polarity

is reflected through two basic principles that form all of creation: masculine and feminine. At

the atomic level of creation we have electrons and protons. Electron is magnetically charged

(and is the 'feminine' principle of creation — it has attractive power) and proton is electrically

charged ion which is the 'outward' force or masculine principle of creation. Further on, we

have numbers: odd numbers (1,3,5,7...) are masculine, even hold feminine characteristic. In

music we have major (M) and minor (F), rythm (M) and melody (F), in mathematic we have

lines (M) and curves (F); stick and hole and so on.

1 a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification.2 A deep hole or shaft sunk into the earth to obtain water, oil, gas, or brine; a place where water issues from the earth; a spring or fountain

Problems on the planet are due to imbalance of two poles. Currently, the majority of

population operates from ego consciousness that can take only polarity point of view, (first

tier according to Integral theory) that is based on fear and all of its expressions (hate, shame,

guilt, judgements, stress, sacrifice, anxiety, winning mentality and the mentality of victims,

scarcity, there is not enough for everybody...). Fear leads to separation which leads to war.

Fear is anti – life, low vibrational enrgy that is disconected, separated from the source. It is

reflected in extreme wealth of money, goods and access at one end of the spectrum and

extreme poverty at the other end of the spectrum. Why is that so?

Nature tends to be in balance. Balance of nature proposes that ecological systems are

usually in a stable equilibrium (homeostasis) state. That means that a small change in some

particular parameter will be corrected by some negative feedback that will bring the parameter

back to its original "point of balance" with the rest of the system (Wikipedia, 2016). Our

world is out of balance and consciousness (2nd Tier) is taking steps to get the system back

into balance.

If we put natural equilibrium concept into context of first tier consciousness, we will

get the explanation why initiatives for reducing the stress and poverty, stopping the war, etc.

produce only limiting results. From polarity point of view, more white require more black and

vice versa3. So, waves of second tier consciousness are bringing the solution based on natural

principles, pro – life energies (love and all of its expressions) unifying all that exists.

What is opposite from fear? What is opposite from polarity? What brain is the polarity

vehicle? What brain is unity vehicle? How to balance polarity? Why is it that every solution

that the Western world has tried to come up with to help poverty has not worked? What is the

current situation regarding wealth in our world? What can be done to create more wealth, well

being for those people on the planet who live in scarcity?

Love is opposite from fear. Unity is opposite from polarity. Brain in the head is

polarity vehicle (has two poles, left and right) and brain in the heart is unity vehicle (has no

poles). The only way to balance polarity is to operate from unity. There are two reasons why

every solution that the Western world has tried to come up with to help poverty has not

worked. First is because they only treat the symptoms, not the cause and secondly the law of

polarity is playing out.

3 Of, course, the law of polarity makes it possible for the manifestation to materialize in what we call creation, causing movement, dynamism and universal evolution.

The current situation regarding wealth in our world is as follows: 90% of the world's

wealth is in the hands of 1% of the population4. The majority of those population still

represent embodyment of anti – life energies5. The other 99% of people on the planet are left

with 10% of the world's wealth to share between themselves. This disproportionate

distribution of material wealth is what creates the „equal and opposite“ effect of extreme

poverty. At one end of the scale there are people with overconsumption and accumulation of

wealth and at the opposite pole we have people with no food, water or shelter who are under-

consuming. You cannot have extreme wealth on this planet without creating and equal and

opposite pole of extreme poverty.

Is the accumulation of wealth in the form of money and assets a bad thing to do?

Does it mean that we are contributing to global poverty by accumulating wealth in the form of

money and assets?

It depends on how that wealth is created. For example, if creation of wealth led to

much devastation and destruction (people being killed in the Congo over coltan; destruction

of Amazon forest.....) and/or is produced by slave labour, child labour (Nestle6...) folowed by

the fact that resources are being taken out of the ground and the wealth is not being distributed

in balance to the people of the country from which the material is taken, then it is contributing

to global poverty. Inequality in wealth and imbalance is created because there is a control of

resources by a few individuals and companies at the top whilst the rest of the people in the

supply chain receive nothing. This is true for manufacturing of many products throughout the


Does it mean that Jack Ma, who has accumulated a fortune by creating the leading

platform for global wholesale contributing to mass poverty? No. Because there has been a

balance in energy exchange where people (buyers and suppliers) pay for services that Alibaba

provides to them There is an agreed exchange of energy. So Jack Ma's wealth is not

contributing to world poverty because he is not exploiting or controlling resources in the

process of creating his wealth.

4 Study of the distribution of wealth in society analyzed data from the 1996 Forbes 400 list of the richest people in the US. Results confirmed that wealth is distributed according to a power law. (Levy & Solomon, 1997). 5 extremely disconected from source; the only way they can live is through TAKING energy from others (human as a battery source); energies that they need to take is low vibrational; have to ensure that energy that human produce is low vibrational; want humans to sacrifice themselves in a job that’s killing their souls; support war, global fear, terrorism, competition, addiction, struggling, slavery, child labour... example: embodiment of anti – life energies : Monsanto...6 http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2015/sep/02/child-labour-on-nestle-farms-chocolate-giants-problems-continue

Money is energy. Every good or service has an agreed value. When a good or service

is provided and there is an imbalance of energy exchange it creates an overabundance of

wealth to one party, and an underabundance of wealth to the other party. An example of this

would be the fair and equitable exchange for hired labour. Lets say we pay our housekeeper in

Zagreb 20kn per hour. She agrees to this rate of pay because it is the going rate of pay. If we

put a value on the help that she provides to us so that we can do other things in our life —

what value do we then place on that? Is it worth 50kn per hour to us in having that time to do

something for ourselves? What value do we place on our time? What would we pay ourselves

per hour? The actual value to us for having her clean the house for 4 hours is more than 20kn

per hour. So, we are getting more personal value from her work than she is receiving in

payment and there is an imbalance created in perceived value.

How we value ourselves is crutial in how much money we will generate. Western

society places great value on education and those with skills. A person who is uneducated

with little or no professional skills will be left with very few choices to generate an income

unless they become entrepreneurial and this is not possible for many people7. Society has

placed a value on our labour. This value is based on supply and demand and society's view of

how much they are prepared to pay a person to do this job.

From a different perspective, unity point of view, uneducated person (housekeeper,

cleaner, field worker...) is also a human being. He/She needs to support herself and children

(if she/he has them) with a shelter, food, transport. In order for him/her to have some human

dignity he/she needs a certain amount of money to survive in this world. And in order for

him/her to meet his/her basic needs he/she needs to trade his/her labour over xy hours per

week. As a human being is he/she worth only 20kn8 per hour?

Society has placed inequitable values on human beings based on thier education

level9, expertise and the country of their origin10. Because of his/her identity as a worker (in an

economic system) his/her value has been set. His/her value has also been set based on her own

beliefs and her own upbringing.

7 The aim of SiT Libenter Network project is to empower individual and small businesses to tap into their own potential and to trade their own unique gifts with society. It will be accomplished by providing them with tested leading edge knowledge, services and consciousness techniques and technologies:step by step process from idea to realization. 8 In Croatia, 1L milk costs 6kn,1 bread 7kn, butter 15kn...9 The finding of enhanced wealth polarization between the college educated and less educated groups is consistent with numerous studies of the labor market which have found a rising return to a college education over the period in question (see, for example, Levy and Murnane, 1992).10 Work force from Western countries are significally more paid then the one from Eastern countries

So, if a company uses slave labour or cheap labour of $2-4 per hour to manufacture

goods and their profit margins are 100 times the cost of the labour then there is no balance.

There is a accumulating of wealth at one end and a deprivation of wealth at the other. That

contributes to the overall imbalance on a world scale. Wealth and poverty are characteristics

of the world of duality.

There are lots of research on wealth polarization. Some researches showed that

polarization between homeowners and tenants increased continuously over the period from

1983 to 1998. (D’Ambrosio & Wol, 2001). The increasing wealth polarization between

homeowners and renters also appears to be consistent with previous studies which have

emphasized the importance of home ownership as a vehicle for wealth accumulation in

general (D’Ambrosio & Wol, 2001, str. 16).

Problem solution – T4S evolutionary purpose

Simply said evolutionary purpose is making the world a better place to live.

Crucial thing is that T4S genuinely help its customers to improve their lives.

T4S do well by helping startups, that share T4S values and evolutionary purpose, to do well:

„Today and into the future, the greatest success is achieved by people and businesses that

make the world a better place to live. That means if you truly want to succeed, you take

responsibility for everything your business does. You hold yourself accountable, and you

strive to do the right thing for everyone. You help more than you hinder. You give more value

than you take.When this is your natural, default mode of operation - when it's the *only* way

you work and you can't imagine anything else - you'll thrive no matter what. Governments

could topple, economies could crash, and you'd still have loyal customers who appreciate you

and want to buy from you.“ Danny Iny, Founder/CEO at Mirasee

That's the power of a truly sustainable approach to business.

How to tap into your unique potential at the speed of racing car?

1. Clear your own individual belief system (by helping yourself you're helping the world). Release all expresions of fear (anti – life), low vibrational energies (shame, guilt, fear, victimhood, anxiety...)

2. Rise your personal frequency – be in now moment, in peace, calm, joy, ease...

3. Ask questions: what is good about that? (when something „bad“ happens), how can it be better than this? What else is possible? (questions open energy flow, definitions closes) by Access Consciousness

4. Educate yourself (free highly energetic clearings brought by Awakening Heart Network, From Heartache to Joy Network...Heart Based Businesses...)