Explorer: Unit 1 No Dogs on Mars Present Simple Tense.

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Transcript of Explorer: Unit 1 No Dogs on Mars Present Simple Tense.

Explorer: Unit 1

No Dogs on MarsPresent Simple Tense


Present Past FutureSimple

Make a chart

Present Simple

Past Simple Future Simple


will go

will have

are going to send

Unusual Explorers Unit 1

No Dogs on Mars

May 5, 2070

Dear Diary,

A week ago we got a big yellow letter from the Colony Company. They are going to send my father to work on Mars next month. We will have to go too. Ugh! I don't want to go. I don't want to leave my school, my friends and especially Spot. Mom says that dogs are not allowed on Mars. Spot is not just my pet – he's my best friend. What will I do without him?

Unusual Explorers Unit 1

No Dogs on Mars

Right now we're packing. That's what dad calls it – I call it saying goodbye to the things we love. My father isn't sympathetic at all. I can't take my bike or any of my books. I can't even take chocolate Yummy Bars – what will I eat? My friend told me that Mars is strange – there aren't any lakes or forests. No one wants to go, but we have no choice. My father's company is going to move to Mars and there won't be any work for him here. He says the company will give him a good pension in a few years. How long does it take to get to Mars? I'm so angry. I want to run away. It's just not fair!


Look at your list of present simple verbs.When do you need to add an ‘s?’

I, you, we, they + verb

Example: (to) love

• I love Tel Aviv•We _________ Haifa. • They ________ Mars.

Present Simple

Bonus: Do you love the Negev?Answer :

Look at your list of present simple verbs.When do you need to add an ‘s?’

He, She, It + verb+ s, es, ies


•He holds the dog.•She washes the dog.•The dog tries to escape.

Bonus: Can he hold the dog?Answer: Yes / No, he……………………………….

Let’s build sentences. Write 3

Person or Thing

verb / verb +s,

es, ies

the rest of the sentence.

+ +




Let’s build 3 negative sentences

Person or Thing

verb the rest of the sentence.

+ +




don’t /doesn’t or can’t

Arrange the words into sentences

1. don’t / want / I / to say goodbye.

5. We/ our dog Spot / take / can’t / to Mars

3. always/ My mother/ likes/ to pack our stuff.

2. like / She / doesn’t / to sit in the back.

4. doesn’t / My family / have to go to Mars / next month

Arrange the words into sentences in your notebooks.

1. strange / are / people

5. can’t / Tommy / take / his Chocolate Yummy bars / to Mars

3. your / name / remembers / no one

2. come / faces / out of the rain

4. give / I / don’t / you / any problems.

Bonus: Question Tommy / take / his Chocolate Yummy bars /can / to Mars ?

Homework for Monday. Bring your computers.

Food and Me

Answer these questions in sentences:

1. What do you like to eat? I like to eat…..

2. When do you like to eat it? 3. What don’t you like to eat? I don’t

like ….4. What do you think about food. I

think food is…..5. Can you cook…………?