Explorer Review!

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Welcome to. Explorer Review!. Welcome, I am your host Miss Parkhill. Answer each of the questions. When you have them answered, hit the enter key to watch the answer appear! If you make a mistake, hit the BACK button! Good Luck . A true statement about longitude lines is that they - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Explorer Review!

Welcome, I am your host Miss Parkhill.

Answer each of the questions. When you have them answered, hit the enter key to watch the answer appear! If you make a mistake, hit the BACK button!

Good Luck

A true statement about longitude lines is that they

A. Are always parallel to each other

B. Show the borders of nations

C. Divide the world in half at the equator

D. Meet at the North and South pole

Answer D

Columbus’s 3 ships were

A. The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria

B. The Mayflower, Pinta, and The Niner

C. The Nina, Pinta, and The Miner

D. The Santa Maria, Niner, and the Santa Claus

Answer A

What were 3 reasons why people began to explore the


A. Gold, Games, and God

B. Fun, Games, and Crackers

C. God, Glory, and Gold

D. Spread diseases, Get diseases, and Become civilized

Answer C

What was the Columbian exchange?

A. A global exchange of goods and ideas from North

America, Europe, and Africa

B. The exchange of slaves from Africa and the New World

C. The exportation of tobacco to South America

D. The import of illegal drugs to Europe, Africa, and North


Answer A

Which of the following European countries was NOT involved in the colonization of North America?

A. Spain

B. India

C. France

D. England

Answer B

Before 1492, contact between Native Americans and

Europeans was

A. A must

B. Useless

C. Limited

D. Great

Answer C

What valuable commodity lord traders to French settlements in Canada and the Great Lakes region?

A. Furs

B. Spices

C. Silver

D. Diseases

Answer A

What does “Coureurs de bois” mean

A. I am the king

B. Carry your furs

C. Runner of the woods

D. Spanish conqueror

Answer C

Which development lead to the other 3?

A. Columbus landing in Hispaniola

B. Europeans importing slaves from Africa

C. Thousands of Native Americans dying from new


D. England sent explorers to search for new land

Answer A

The astrolabe, magnetic compass, and the caravel ship were

A. Tools associated with the slave trade in the Caribbean and Africa

B. Objects desired by the Native Americans in the early dealings with


C. Symbols of Royalty in Spain, England, and other European counties

D. Instruments that enabled (Helped) the exploration of the Western


Answer A

Europeans look for new sea routes to Asia in order to

A. Increased their profits from trade

B. Find more slaves

C. Reach the Americas faster

D. Spread the teachings of the Renaissance

Answer A

During most of the colonial period, which European nation controlled Mexico, Central America, and may islands in the West Indies?

A. France

B. Portugal

C. Spain

D. The Netherlands

Answer C

Which is a primary source for evidence that Columbus sailed to find a new route to the Indies in 1942?

A. A painting showing Columbus landing in the New World

B. A letter from the current ambassador from Spain describing the


C. A television show about the explorations of Columbus

D. A diary entry written by a crew member aboard Columbus’ ship

Answer D

In the 1400’s, Europeans were able to begin exploring for new trade routes to Asia because

A. advances in navigation and shipbuilding

B. The unification of Europe into one country

C. Increase in religious toleration in Europe

D. A decline in the power of kings

Answer A

In which way were the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas similar?

A. The had no central government

B. They spoke the same language

C. They practiced the same religion

D. They created well-organized societies

Answer D

Question?Which of the following is NOT and economic motivation to explore the world?

A. To find new trade routes

B. For spices and silks

C. To convert natives to be Catholic

D. All of the above

Answer C

Which of the following civilizations developed a system of writing?

A. The Great Plains people

B. The Anasazai

C. The Mayans

D. The Incas

Answer C

Before 1492, contact between Native Americans and Europeans was

A. useful

B. extensive

C. important

D. limited

Answer D

After 1492, trade between North America and Europe

A. increased

B. decreased

C. Never started

D. Stayed the same

Answer A

Which explorer circumnavigates the globe in the 1519 while sailing under the spanish flag?

A. Magellan

B. Columbus

C. Vespucci

D. Cortes

Answer A

The Dutch bought which of the following islands from the Native Americans?

A. Greenland

B. Bahamas

C. Cuba

D. Manhattan

Answer D

Where did the Mayans live?

A. Peru

B. Andes Mountain range

C. New Mexico

D. Yucatan Peninsula

Answer D

Where did the French settle?

A. In Canada and along the Mississippi river

B. In Florida

C. Mexico and Central America

D. Yucatan Peninsula

Answer A